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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import pathlib
import sys
import unittest
import tempfile
from pxr import Usd
from pxr import UsdShade
from pxr import UsdGeom
from pxr import Sdf
import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Quaternion, Euler
args = None
2022-04-19 07:25:55 +02:00
class AbstractUSDTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.testdir = args.testdir
cls._tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
cls.tempdir = pathlib.Path(
def setUp(self):
'Test dir {0} should exist'.format(self.testdir))
# Make sure we always start with a known-empty file.
bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=str(self.testdir / "empty.blend"))
def tearDown(self):
2022-04-19 07:25:55 +02:00
class USDImportTest(AbstractUSDTest):
def test_import_operator(self):
"""Test running the import operator on valid and invalid files."""
infile = str(self.testdir / "usd_mesh_polygon_types.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to import USD file {infile}")
infile = str(self.testdir / "this_file_doesn't_exist.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'CANCELLED'}, res, "Was somehow able to import a non-existent USD file!")
def test_import_prim_hierarchy(self):
"""Test importing a simple object hierarchy from a USDA file."""
infile = str(self.testdir / "prim-hierarchy.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to import USD file {infile}")
objects = bpy.context.scene.collection.objects
self.assertEqual(5, len(objects), f"Test scene {infile} should have five objects; found {len(objects)}")
# Test the hierarchy.
self.assertIsNone(objects['World'].parent, "/World should not be parented.")
self.assertEqual(objects['World'], objects['Plane'].parent, "Plane should be child of /World")
self.assertEqual(objects['World'], objects['Plane_001'].parent, "Plane_001 should be a child of /World")
self.assertEqual(objects['World'], objects['Empty'].parent, "Empty should be a child of /World")
self.assertEqual(objects['Empty'], objects['Plane_002'].parent, "Plane_002 should be a child of /World")
def test_import_mesh_topology(self):
"""Test importing meshes with different polygon types."""
infile = str(self.testdir / "usd_mesh_polygon_types.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to import USD file {infile}")
objects = bpy.context.scene.collection.objects
self.assertEqual(5, len(objects), f"Test scene {infile} should have five objects; found {len(objects)}")
# Test topology counts.
self.assertIn("m_degenerate", objects, "Scene does not contain object m_degenerate")
mesh = objects["m_degenerate"].data
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.edges), 7)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.vertices), 6)
self.assertIn("m_triangles", objects, "Scene does not contain object m_triangles")
mesh = objects["m_triangles"].data
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.edges), 5)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.vertices), 4)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons[0].vertices), 3)
self.assertIn("m_quad", objects, "Scene does not contain object m_quad")
mesh = objects["m_quad"].data
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.edges), 4)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.vertices), 4)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons[0].vertices), 4)
self.assertIn("m_ngon_concave", objects, "Scene does not contain object m_ngon_concave")
mesh = objects["m_ngon_concave"].data
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.edges), 5)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.vertices), 5)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons[0].vertices), 5)
self.assertIn("m_ngon_convex", objects, "Scene does not contain object m_ngon_convex")
mesh = objects["m_ngon_convex"].data
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.edges), 5)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.vertices), 5)
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.polygons[0].vertices), 5)
def test_import_mesh_uv_maps(self):
"""Test importing meshes with udim UVs and multiple UV sets."""
infile = str(self.testdir / "usd_mesh_udim.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to import USD file {infile}")
objects = bpy.context.scene.collection.objects
if "preview" in["preview"])
self.assertEqual(1, len(objects), f"File {infile} should contain one object, found {len(objects)}")
mesh =["uvmap_plane"].data
self.assertEqual(len(mesh.uv_layers), 2,
f"Object uvmap_plane should have two uv layers, found {len(mesh.uv_layers)}")
expected_layer_names = {"udim_map", "uvmap"}
imported_layer_names = set(mesh.uv_layers.keys())
f"Expected layer names ({expected_layer_names}) not found on uvmap_plane.")
def get_coords(data):
coords = [x.uv for x in uvmap]
return coords
def uv_min_max(data):
coords = get_coords(data)
uv_min_x = min([uv[0] for uv in coords])
uv_max_x = max([uv[0] for uv in coords])
uv_min_y = min([uv[1] for uv in coords])
uv_max_y = max([uv[1] for uv in coords])
return uv_min_x, uv_max_x, uv_min_y, uv_max_y
# Quick tests for point range.
uvmap = mesh.uv_layers["uvmap"].data
self.assertEqual(len(uvmap), 128)
min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = uv_min_max(uvmap)
self.assertGreaterEqual(min_x, 0.0)
self.assertGreaterEqual(min_y, 0.0)
self.assertLessEqual(max_x, 1.0)
self.assertLessEqual(max_y, 1.0)
uvmap = mesh.uv_layers["udim_map"].data
self.assertEqual(len(uvmap), 128)
min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = uv_min_max(uvmap)
self.assertGreaterEqual(min_x, 0.0)
self.assertGreaterEqual(min_y, 0.0)
self.assertLessEqual(max_x, 2.0)
self.assertLessEqual(max_y, 1.0)
# Make sure at least some points are in a udim tile.
coords = get_coords(uvmap)
coords = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] > 1.0, coords))
self.assertGreater(len(coords), 16)
2022-04-19 07:25:55 +02:00
def test_import_camera_properties(self):
"""Test importing camera to ensure properties set correctly."""
# This file has metersPerUnit = 1
infile = str(self.testdir / "usd_camera_test_1.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res)
camera_object =["Test_Camera"]
test_cam =
self.assertAlmostEqual(43.12, test_cam.lens, 2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(24.89, test_cam.sensor_width, 2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(14.00, test_cam.sensor_height, 2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(12.34, test_cam.shift_x, 2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(56.78, test_cam.shift_y, 2)
# This file has metersPerUnit = 0.1
infile = str(self.testdir / "usd_camera_test_2.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res)
camera_object =["Test_Camera"]
test_cam =
self.assertAlmostEqual(4.312, test_cam.lens, 3)
self.assertAlmostEqual(2.489, test_cam.sensor_width, 3)
self.assertAlmostEqual(1.400, test_cam.sensor_height, 3)
self.assertAlmostEqual(1.234, test_cam.shift_x, 3)
self.assertAlmostEqual(5.678, test_cam.shift_y, 3)
def test_import_shader_varname_with_connection(self):
"""Test importing USD shader where uv primvar is a connection"""
varname = "testmap"
texfile = str(self.testdir / "textures/test_grid_1001.png")
# Create the test USD file.
temp_usd_file = str(self.tempdir / "usd_varname_test.usda")
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateNew(temp_usd_file)
mesh1 = stage.DefinePrim("/mesh1", "Mesh")
mesh2 = stage.DefinePrim("/mesh2", "Mesh")
# Create two USD preview surface shaders in two materials.
m1 = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, "/mat1")
s1 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat1/previewshader")
m1.CreateSurfaceOutput().ConnectToSource(s1.ConnectableAPI(), "surface")
t1 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat1/diffuseTexture")
t1.CreateInput('file', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Asset).Set(texfile)
t1.CreateOutput("rgb", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3)
s1.CreateInput("diffuseColor", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).ConnectToSource(t1.ConnectableAPI(), "rgb")
t2 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat1/roughnessTexture")
t2.CreateInput('file', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Asset).Set(texfile)
t2.CreateOutput("rgb", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3)
s1.CreateInput("roughness", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).ConnectToSource(t2.ConnectableAPI(), "rgb")
m2 = UsdShade.Material.Define(stage, "/mat2")
s2 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat2/previewshader")
m2.CreateSurfaceOutput().ConnectToSource(s2.ConnectableAPI(), "surface")
t3 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat2/diffuseTexture")
t3.CreateInput('file', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Asset).Set(texfile)
t3.CreateOutput("rgb", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3)
s2.CreateInput("diffuseColor", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).ConnectToSource(t3.ConnectableAPI(), "rgb")
t4 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat2/roughnessTexture")
t4.CreateInput('file', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Asset).Set(texfile)
t4.CreateOutput("rgb", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3)
s2.CreateInput("roughness", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Color3f).ConnectToSource(t4.ConnectableAPI(), "rgb")
# Bind mat1 to mesh1, mat2 to mesh2.
bindingAPI = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI.Apply(mesh1)
bindingAPI = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI.Apply(mesh2)
# Create varname defined as a token.
s3 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat1/primvar_reader1")
s3input = s3.CreateInput("varname", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Token)
t1.CreateInput("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2f).ConnectToSource(s3.ConnectableAPI(), "result")
# Create varname defined as a connection to a token.
varname1 = m1.CreateInput("varname", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Token)
s4 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat1/primvar_reader2")
s4input = s4.CreateInput("varname", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Token)
UsdShade.ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(s4input, varname1)
t2.CreateInput("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2f).ConnectToSource(s4.ConnectableAPI(), "result")
# Create varname defined as a string.
s5 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat2/primvar_reader1")
s5input = s5.CreateInput("varname", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.String)
t3.CreateInput("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2f).ConnectToSource(s5.ConnectableAPI(), "result")
# Create varname defined as a connection to a string.
varname2 = m2.CreateInput("varname", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.String)
s6 = UsdShade.Shader.Define(stage, "/mat2/primvar_reader2")
s6input = s6.CreateInput("varname", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.String)
UsdShade.ConnectableAPI.ConnectToSource(s6input, varname2)
t4.CreateInput("st", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.TexCoord2f).ConnectToSource(s6.ConnectableAPI(), "result")
# Now import the USD file.
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=temp_usd_file, import_all_materials=True)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res)
# Ensure that we find the correct varname for all four primvar readers.
num_uvmaps_found = 0
mats_to_test = []
for mat in mats_to_test:
self.assertIsNotNone(mat.node_tree, "Material node tree is empty")
for node in mat.node_tree.nodes:
if node.type == "UVMAP":
self.assertEqual(varname, node.uv_map, "Unexpected value for varname")
num_uvmaps_found += 1
self.assertEqual(4, num_uvmaps_found, "One or more test materials failed to import")
def test_import_usd_blend_shapes(self):
"""Test importing USD blend shapes with animated weights."""
infile = str(self.testdir / "usd_blend_shape_test.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res)
obj =["Plane"]
obj.active_shape_key_index = 1
key = obj.active_shape_key
self.assertEqual(, "Key_1", "Unexpected shape key name")
# Verify the number of shape key points.
self.assertEqual(len(, 4, "Unexpected number of shape key point")
# Verify shape key point coordinates
# Reference point values.
refs = ((-2.51, -1.92, 0.20), (0.86, -1.46, -0.1),
(-1.33, 1.29, .84), (1.32, 2.20, -0.42))
for i in range(4):
co =[i].co
ref = refs[i]
# Compare coordinates.
for j in range(3):
self.assertAlmostEqual(co[j], ref[j], 2)
# Verify the shape key values.
self.assertAlmostEqual(key.value, .002, 1)
self.assertAlmostEqual(key.value, .900, 3)
self.assertAlmostEqual(key.value, .100, 3)
def test_import_usd_skel_joints(self):
"""Test importing USD animated skeleton joints."""
infile = str(self.testdir / "arm.usda")
res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_import(filepath=infile)
self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res)
# Verify armature was imported.
arm_obj =["Skel"]
self.assertEqual(arm_obj.type, "ARMATURE", "'Skel' object is not an armature")
arm =
bones = arm.bones
# Verify bone parenting.
self.assertIsNone(bones['Shoulder'].parent, "Shoulder bone should not be parented")
self.assertEqual(bones['Shoulder'], bones['Elbow'].parent, "Elbow bone should be child of Shoulder bone")
self.assertEqual(bones['Elbow'], bones['Hand'].parent, "Hand bone should be child of Elbow bone")
# Verify armature modifier was created on the mesh.
mesh_obj =['Arm']
# Get all the armature modifiers on the mesh.
arm_mods = [m for m in mesh_obj.modifiers if m.type == "ARMATURE"]
self.assertEqual(len(arm_mods), 1, "Didn't get expected armatrue modifier")
self.assertEqual(arm_mods[0].object, arm_obj, "Armature modifier does not reference the imported armature")
# Verify expected deform groups.
# There are 4 points in each group.
for i in range(4):
self.assertAlmostEqual(mesh_obj.vertex_groups['Hand'].weight(i), 1.0, 2, "Unexpected weight for Hand deform vert")
self.assertAlmostEqual(mesh_obj.vertex_groups['Shoulder'].weight(4 + i), 1.0, 2, "Unexpected weight for Shoulder deform vert")
self.assertAlmostEqual(mesh_obj.vertex_groups['Elbow'].weight(8 + i), 1.0, 2, "Unexpected weight for Elbow deform vert")
action =['SkelAction']
# Verify the Elbow joint rotation animation.
curve_path = 'pose.bones["Elbow"].rotation_quaternion'
# Quat W
f = action.fcurves.find(curve_path, index=0)
self.assertIsNotNone(f, "Couldn't find Elbow rotation quaternion W curve")
self.assertAlmostEqual(f.evaluate(0), 1.0, 2, "Unexpected value for rotation quaternion W curve at frame 0")
self.assertAlmostEqual(f.evaluate(10), 0.707, 2, "Unexpected value for rotation quaternion W curve at frame 10")
# Quat X
f = action.fcurves.find(curve_path, index=1)
self.assertIsNotNone(f, "Couldn't find Elbow rotation quaternion X curve")
self.assertAlmostEqual(f.evaluate(0), 0.0, 2, "Unexpected value for rotation quaternion X curve at frame 0")
self.assertAlmostEqual(f.evaluate(10), 0.707, 2, "Unexpected value for rotation quaternion X curve at frame 10")
# Quat Y
f = action.fcurves.find(curve_path, index=2)
self.assertIsNotNone(f, "Couldn't find Elbow rotation quaternion Y curve")
self.assertAlmostEqual(f.evaluate(0), 0.0, 2, "Unexpected value for rotation quaternion Y curve at frame 0")
self.assertAlmostEqual(f.evaluate(10), 0.0, 2, "Unexpected value for rotation quaternion Y curve at frame 10")
# Quat Z
f = action.fcurves.find(curve_path, index=3)
self.assertIsNotNone(f, "Couldn't find Elbow rotation quaternion Z curve")
self.assertAlmostEqual(f.evaluate(0), 0.0, 2, "Unexpected value for rotation quaternion Z curve at frame 0")
self.assertAlmostEqual(f.evaluate(10), 0.0, 2, "Unexpected value for rotation quaternion Z curve at frame 10")
2023-02-02 13:12:45 +01:00
def main():
global args
import argparse
if '--' in sys.argv:
argv = [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--') + 1:]
argv = sys.argv
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--testdir', required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
args, remaining = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
if __name__ == "__main__":