
2527 lines
68 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
2010-02-12 14:34:04 +01:00
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation, 2002-2008 full recode
2011-02-27 21:29:51 +01:00
/** \file blender/editors/object/object_add.c
* \ingroup edobj
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_anim_types.h"
#include "DNA_camera_types.h"
#include "DNA_curve_types.h"
#include "DNA_group_types.h"
#include "DNA_lamp_types.h"
#include "DNA_key_types.h"
#include "DNA_material_types.h"
#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
#include "DNA_meta_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_fluidsim.h"
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
#include "DNA_object_force.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
#include "DNA_vfont_types.h"
#include "DNA_actuator_types.h"
#include "DNA_gpencil_types.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_ghash.h"
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLT_translation.h"
#include "BKE_action.h"
#include "BKE_anim.h"
#include "BKE_animsys.h"
#include "BKE_armature.h"
#include "BKE_camera.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_constraint.h"
#include "BKE_curve.h"
#include "BKE_depsgraph.h"
#include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h"
#include "BKE_displist.h"
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
#include "BKE_effect.h"
#include "BKE_font.h"
#include "BKE_group.h"
#include "BKE_lamp.h"
#include "BKE_lattice.h"
#include "BKE_library.h"
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
#include "BKE_library_query.h"
#include "BKE_library_remap.h"
#include "BKE_key.h"
#include "BKE_main.h"
#include "BKE_material.h"
#include "BKE_mball.h"
#include "BKE_mesh.h"
#include "BKE_nla.h"
#include "BKE_object.h"
#include "BKE_particle.h"
#include "BKE_report.h"
#include "BKE_sca.h"
#include "BKE_scene.h"
#include "BKE_screen.h"
#include "BKE_speaker.h"
#include "BKE_texture.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "RNA_define.h"
#include "RNA_enum_types.h"
#include "WM_api.h"
#include "WM_types.h"
#include "ED_armature.h"
#include "ED_curve.h"
#include "ED_mball.h"
#include "ED_mesh.h"
#include "ED_node.h"
#include "ED_object.h"
#include "ED_physics.h"
#include "ED_render.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "ED_transform.h"
#include "ED_view3d.h"
#include "UI_resources.h"
#include "GPU_material.h"
#include "object_intern.h"
/* this is an exact copy of the define in rna_lamp.c
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
* kept here because of linking order.
* Icons are only defined here */
EnumPropertyItem rna_enum_lamp_type_items[] = {
{LA_LOCAL, "POINT", ICON_LAMP_POINT, "Point", "Omnidirectional point light source"},
{LA_SUN, "SUN", ICON_LAMP_SUN, "Sun", "Constant direction parallel ray light source"},
{LA_SPOT, "SPOT", ICON_LAMP_SPOT, "Spot", "Directional cone light source"},
{LA_HEMI, "HEMI", ICON_LAMP_HEMI, "Hemi", "180 degree constant light source"},
{LA_AREA, "AREA", ICON_LAMP_AREA, "Area", "Directional area light source"},
{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* copy from rna_object_force.c */
static EnumPropertyItem field_type_items[] = {
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}
/************************** Exported *****************************/
void ED_object_location_from_view(bContext *C, float loc[3])
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
const float *cursor;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
cursor = ED_view3d_cursor3d_get(scene, v3d);
copy_v3_v3(loc, cursor);
void ED_object_rotation_from_view(bContext *C, float rot[3], const char align_axis)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
RegionView3D *rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);
BLI_assert(align_axis >= 'X' && align_axis <= 'Z');
if (rv3d) {
float quat[4];
switch (align_axis) {
case 'X':
float quat_y[4];
2015-01-31 07:23:30 +01:00
axis_angle_to_quat(quat_y, rv3d->viewinv[1], -M_PI_2);
mul_qt_qtqt(quat, rv3d->viewquat, quat_y);
quat[0] = -quat[0];
quat_to_eul(rot, quat);
case 'Y':
copy_qt_qt(quat, rv3d->viewquat);
quat[0] = -quat[0];
quat_to_eul(rot, quat);
2015-01-31 07:23:30 +01:00
rot[0] -= (float)M_PI_2;
case 'Z':
copy_qt_qt(quat, rv3d->viewquat);
quat[0] = -quat[0];
quat_to_eul(rot, quat);
else {
void ED_object_base_init_transform(bContext *C, Base *base, const float loc[3], const float rot[3])
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob = base->object;
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (!scene) return;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (loc)
copy_v3_v3(ob->loc, loc);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (rot)
copy_v3_v3(ob->rot, rot);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
BKE_object_where_is_calc(scene, ob);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* Uses context to figure out transform for primitive.
* Returns standard diameter. */
float ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(
bContext *C, Object *obedit,
const float loc[3], const float rot[3], float primmat[4][4])
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
float mat[3][3], rmat[3][3], cmat[3][3], imat[3][3];
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
eul_to_mat3(rmat, rot);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* inverse transform for initial rotation and object */
copy_m3_m4(mat, obedit->obmat);
mul_m3_m3m3(cmat, rmat, mat);
invert_m3_m3(imat, cmat);
copy_m4_m3(primmat, imat);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* center */
copy_v3_v3(primmat[3], loc);
sub_v3_v3v3(primmat[3], primmat[3], obedit->obmat[3]);
invert_m3_m3(imat, mat);
mul_m3_v3(imat, primmat[3]);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
const float dia = v3d ? ED_view3d_grid_scale(scene, v3d, NULL) : ED_scene_grid_scale(scene, NULL);
return dia;
// return 1.0f;
/********************* Add Object Operator ********************/
static void view_align_update(struct Main *UNUSED(main), struct Scene *UNUSED(scene), struct PointerRNA *ptr)
RNA_struct_idprops_unset(ptr, "rotation");
void ED_object_add_unit_props(wmOperatorType *ot)
RNA_def_float_distance(ot->srna, "radius", 1.0f, 0.0, OBJECT_ADD_SIZE_MAXF, "Radius", "", 0.001, 100.00);
void ED_object_add_generic_props(wmOperatorType *ot, bool do_editmode)
PropertyRNA *prop;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* note: this property gets hidden for add-camera operator */
prop = RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "view_align", 0, "Align to View", "Align the new object to the view");
RNA_def_property_update_runtime(prop, view_align_update);
if (do_editmode) {
prop = RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "enter_editmode", 0, "Enter Editmode",
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
"Enter editmode when adding this object");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
prop = RNA_def_float_vector_xyz(ot->srna, "location", 3, NULL, -OBJECT_ADD_SIZE_MAXF, OBJECT_ADD_SIZE_MAXF,
"Location", "Location for the newly added object", -1000.0f, 1000.0f);
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
prop = RNA_def_float_rotation(ot->srna, "rotation", 3, NULL, -OBJECT_ADD_SIZE_MAXF, OBJECT_ADD_SIZE_MAXF,
"Rotation", "Rotation for the newly added object",
DEG2RADF(-360.0f), DEG2RADF(360.0f));
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2010-08-18 09:45:32 +02:00
prop = RNA_def_boolean_layer_member(ot->srna, "layers", 20, NULL, "Layer", "");
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
void ED_object_add_mesh_props(wmOperatorType *ot)
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "calc_uvs", false, "Generate UVs", "Generate a default UV map");
bool ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const char view_align_axis,
float loc[3], float rot[3],
bool *enter_editmode, unsigned int *layer, bool *is_view_aligned)
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
unsigned int _layer;
2015-02-17 03:09:21 +01:00
PropertyRNA *prop;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2015-02-17 03:09:21 +01:00
/* Switch to Edit mode? optional prop */
if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "enter_editmode"))) {
bool _enter_editmode;
if (!enter_editmode)
enter_editmode = &_enter_editmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2015-02-17 03:09:21 +01:00
if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop) && enter_editmode)
*enter_editmode = RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop);
else {
*enter_editmode = (U.flag & USER_ADD_EDITMODE) != 0;
2015-02-17 03:09:21 +01:00
RNA_property_boolean_set(op->ptr, prop, *enter_editmode);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* Get layers! */
int a, layer_values[20];
if (!layer)
layer = &_layer;
2015-02-17 03:09:21 +01:00
prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "layers");
if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop)) {
RNA_property_boolean_get_array(op->ptr, prop, layer_values);
*layer = 0;
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++) {
if (layer_values[a])
*layer |= (1 << a);
else {
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
*layer = BKE_screen_view3d_layer_active_ex(v3d, scene, false);
for (a = 0; a < 20; a++) {
layer_values[a] = (*layer & (1 << a)) != 0;
2015-02-17 03:09:21 +01:00
RNA_property_boolean_set_array(op->ptr, prop, layer_values);
/* in local view we additionally add local view layers,
* not part of operator properties */
if (v3d && v3d->localvd)
*layer |= v3d->lay;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* Location! */
float _loc[3];
if (!loc)
loc = _loc;
if (RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "location")) {
RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "location", loc);
else {
ED_object_location_from_view(C, loc);
RNA_float_set_array(op->ptr, "location", loc);
/* Rotation! */
bool _is_view_aligned;
float _rot[3];
if (!is_view_aligned)
is_view_aligned = &_is_view_aligned;
if (!rot)
rot = _rot;
if (RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "rotation"))
*is_view_aligned = false;
else if (RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "view_align"))
*is_view_aligned = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "view_align");
else {
*is_view_aligned = (U.flag & USER_ADD_VIEWALIGNED) != 0;
RNA_boolean_set(op->ptr, "view_align", *is_view_aligned);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (*is_view_aligned) {
ED_object_rotation_from_view(C, rot, view_align_axis);
RNA_float_set_array(op->ptr, "rotation", rot);
RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "rotation", rot);
if (layer && *layer == 0) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Property 'layer' has no values set");
return false;
return true;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* For object add primitive operators.
* Do not call undo push in this function (users of this function have to). */
Object *ED_object_add_type(
bContext *C,
int type, const char *name,
const float loc[3], const float rot[3],
bool enter_editmode, unsigned int layer)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Object *ob;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* for as long scene has editmode... */
if (CTX_data_edit_object(C))
ED_object_editmode_exit(C, EM_FREEDATA | EM_FREEUNDO | EM_WAITCURSOR | EM_DO_UNDO); /* freedata, and undo */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* deselects all, sets scene->basact */
ob = BKE_object_add(bmain, scene, type, name);
BASACT->lay = ob->lay = layer;
/* editor level activate, notifiers */
ED_base_object_activate(C, BASACT);
/* more editor stuff */
ED_object_base_init_transform(C, BASACT, loc, rot);
/* Ignore collisions by default for non-mesh objects */
if (type != OB_MESH) {
ob->body_type = OB_BODY_TYPE_NO_COLLISION;
ob->gameflag &= ~(OB_SENSOR | OB_RIGID_BODY | OB_SOFT_BODY | OB_COLLISION | OB_CHARACTER | OB_OCCLUDER | OB_DYNAMIC | OB_NAVMESH); /* copied from rna_object.c */
DAG_id_type_tag(bmain, ID_OB);
2011-11-29 02:05:26 +01:00
if (ob->data) {
ED_render_id_flush_update(bmain, ob->data);
if (enter_editmode)
ED_object_editmode_enter(C, EM_IGNORE_LAYER);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_LAYER_CONTENT, scene);
2010-09-07 07:47:34 +02:00
return ob;
/* for object add operator */
static int object_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Object *ob;
bool enter_editmode;
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3], radius;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, &enter_editmode, &layer, NULL))
radius = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"), NULL, loc, rot, enter_editmode, layer);
if (ob->type == OB_LATTICE) {
/* lattice is a special case!
* we never want to scale the obdata since that is the rest-state */
copy_v3_fl(ob->size, radius);
else {
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(ob, radius);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Object";
ot->description = "Add an object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* properties */
RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_object_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
/********************* Add Effector Operator ********************/
/* for object add operator */
static int effector_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
Object *ob;
int type;
bool enter_editmode;
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3];
float mat[4][4];
float dia;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, &enter_editmode, &layer, NULL))
type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
dia = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (type == PFIELD_GUIDE) {
Curve *cu;
const char *name = CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT, "CurveGuide");
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_CURVE, name, loc, rot, false, layer);
cu = ob->data;
cu->flag |= CU_PATH | CU_3D;
ED_object_editmode_enter(C, 0);
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, ob, loc, rot, mat);
BLI_addtail(&cu->editnurb->nurbs, ED_curve_add_nurbs_primitive(C, ob, mat, CU_NURBS | CU_PRIM_PATH, dia));
if (!enter_editmode)
ED_object_editmode_exit(C, EM_FREEDATA);
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
else {
const char *name = CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT, "Field");
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_EMPTY, name, loc, rot, false, layer);
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(ob, dia);
ob->empty_drawtype = OB_SINGLE_ARROW;
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob->pd = object_add_collision_fields(type);
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_effector_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Effector";
ot->description = "Add an empty object with a physics effector to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_effector_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = effector_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", field_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/********************* Add Camera Operator ********************/
static int object_camera_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Object *ob;
Camera *cam;
bool enter_editmode;
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3];
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* force view align for cameras */
RNA_boolean_set(op->ptr, "view_align", true);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, &enter_editmode, &layer, NULL))
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_CAMERA, NULL, loc, rot, false, layer);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (v3d) {
if (v3d->camera == NULL)
v3d->camera = ob;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (v3d->scenelock && scene->camera == NULL) {
scene->camera = ob;
cam = ob->data;
cam->drawsize = v3d ? ED_view3d_grid_scale(scene, v3d, NULL) : ED_scene_grid_scale(scene, NULL);
void OBJECT_OT_camera_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Camera";
ot->description = "Add a camera object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_camera_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_camera_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* hide this for cameras, default */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
prop = RNA_struct_type_find_property(ot->srna, "view_align");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/********************* Add Metaball Operator ********************/
static int object_metaball_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
bool newob = false;
bool enter_editmode;
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3];
float mat[4][4];
float dia;
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, &enter_editmode, &layer, NULL))
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (obedit == NULL || obedit->type != OB_MBALL) {
obedit = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_MBALL, NULL, loc, rot, true, layer);
newob = true;
else {
DAG_id_tag_update(&obedit->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, obedit, loc, rot, mat);
dia = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ED_mball_add_primitive(C, obedit, mat, dia, RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"));
/* userdef */
if (newob && !enter_editmode) {
ED_object_editmode_exit(C, EM_FREEDATA);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, obedit);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_metaball_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Metaball";
ot->description = "Add an metaball object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_metaball_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = object_metaball_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_scene_editable;
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_metaelem_type_items, 0, "Primitive", "");
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/********************* Add Text Operator ********************/
static int object_add_text_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
bool enter_editmode;
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3];
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, &enter_editmode, &layer, NULL))
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (obedit && obedit->type == OB_FONT)
obedit = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_FONT, NULL, loc, rot, enter_editmode, layer);
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(obedit, RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius"));
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, obedit);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_text_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Text";
ot->description = "Add a text object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_text_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_add_text_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/* properties */
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/********************* Add Armature Operator ********************/
static int object_armature_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
RegionView3D *rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);
bool newob = false;
bool enter_editmode;
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3], dia;
bool view_aligned = rv3d && (U.flag & USER_ADD_VIEWALIGNED);
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, &enter_editmode, &layer, NULL))
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if ((obedit == NULL) || (obedit->type != OB_ARMATURE)) {
obedit = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_ARMATURE, NULL, loc, rot, true, layer);
ED_object_editmode_enter(C, 0);
newob = true;
else {
DAG_id_tag_update(&obedit->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (obedit == NULL) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot create editmode armature");
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
dia = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
ED_armature_edit_bone_add_primitive(obedit, dia, view_aligned);
/* userdef */
if (newob && !enter_editmode)
ED_object_editmode_exit(C, EM_FREEDATA);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, obedit);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_armature_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Armature";
ot->description = "Add an armature object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_armature_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_armature_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/* properties */
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
/********************* Add Empty Operator ********************/
static int object_empty_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Object *ob;
int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3];
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, NULL, &layer, NULL))
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_EMPTY, NULL, loc, rot, false, layer);
BKE_object_empty_draw_type_set(ob, type);
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(ob, RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius"));
void OBJECT_OT_empty_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Empty";
ot->description = "Add an empty object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_empty_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = object_empty_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_object_empty_drawtype_items, 0, "Type", "");
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
static int empty_drop_named_image_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event)
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Base *base = NULL;
Image *ima = NULL;
Object *ob = NULL;
ima = (Image *)WM_operator_drop_load_path(C, op, ID_IM);
if (!ima) {
/* handled below */
id_us_min((ID *)ima);
base = ED_view3d_give_base_under_cursor(C, event->mval);
/* if empty under cursor, then set object */
if (base && base->object->type == OB_EMPTY) {
ob = base->object;
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_ACTIVE, scene);
else {
/* add new empty */
unsigned int layer;
float rot[3];
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', NULL, rot, NULL, &layer, NULL))
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_EMPTY, NULL, NULL, rot, false, layer);
/* add under the mouse */
ED_object_location_from_view(C, ob->loc);
ED_view3d_cursor3d_position(C, ob->loc, event->mval);
BKE_object_empty_draw_type_set(ob, OB_EMPTY_IMAGE);
ob->data = ima;
void OBJECT_OT_drop_named_image(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Empty Image/Drop Image To Empty";
ot->description = "Add an empty image type to scene with data";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_drop_named_image";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = empty_drop_named_image_invoke;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
prop = RNA_def_string(ot->srna, "filepath", NULL, FILE_MAX, "Filepath", "Path to image file");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "relative_path", true, "Relative Path", "Select the file relative to the blend file");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
prop = RNA_def_string(ot->srna, "name", NULL, MAX_ID_NAME - 2, "Name", "Image name to assign");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/********************* Add Lamp Operator ********************/
static const char *get_lamp_defname(int type)
switch (type) {
case LA_LOCAL: return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_LAMP, "Point");
case LA_SUN: return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_LAMP, "Sun");
case LA_SPOT: return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_LAMP, "Spot");
case LA_HEMI: return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_LAMP, "Hemi");
case LA_AREA: return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_LAMP, "Area");
static int object_lamp_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Object *ob;
Lamp *la;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3];
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, NULL, &layer, NULL))
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_LAMP, get_lamp_defname(type), loc, rot, false, layer);
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(ob, RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius"));
la = (Lamp *)ob->data;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
la->type = type;
if (BKE_scene_use_new_shading_nodes(scene)) {
Merge of the PyNodes branch (aka "custom nodes") into trunk. PyNodes opens up the node system in Blender to scripters and adds a number of UI-level improvements. === Dynamic node type registration === Node types can now be added at runtime, using the RNA registration mechanism from python. This enables addons such as render engines to create a complete user interface with nodes. Examples of how such nodes can be defined can be found in my personal wiki docs atm [1] and as a script template in release/scripts/templates_py/ [2]. === Node group improvements === Each node editor now has a tree history of edited node groups, which allows opening and editing nested node groups. The node editor also supports pinning now, so that different spaces can be used to edit different node groups simultaneously. For more ramblings and rationale see (really old) blog post on [3]. The interface of node groups has been overhauled. Sockets of a node group are no longer displayed in columns on either side, but instead special input/output nodes are used to mirror group sockets inside a node tree. This solves the problem of long node lines in groups and allows more adaptable node layout. Internal sockets can be exposed from a group by either connecting to the extension sockets in input/output nodes (shown as empty circle) or by adding sockets from the node property bar in the "Interface" panel. Further details such as the socket name can also be changed there. [1] [2] [3]
2013-03-18 17:34:57 +01:00
ED_node_shader_default(C, &la->id);
la->use_nodes = true;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_lamp_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
2012-05-26 02:06:30 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Lamp";
ot->description = "Add a lamp object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_lamp_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = object_lamp_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_lamp_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
RNA_def_property_translation_context(ot->prop, BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_LAMP);
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/********************* Add Group Instance Operator ********************/
static int group_instance_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Group *group;
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3];
if (RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "name")) {
char name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "name", name);
group = (Group *)BKE_libblock_find_name(ID_GR, name);
if (0 == RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "location")) {
2017-10-14 08:29:54 +02:00
const wmEvent *event = CTX_wm_window(C)->eventstate;
ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
const int mval[2] = {event->x - ar->winrct.xmin,
event->y - ar->winrct.ymin};
ED_object_location_from_view(C, loc);
ED_view3d_cursor3d_position(C, loc, mval);
RNA_float_set_array(op->ptr, "location", loc);
group = BLI_findlink(&CTX_data_main(C)->group, RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "group"));
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, NULL, &layer, NULL))
if (group) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Object *ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_EMPTY, group-> + 2, loc, rot, false, layer);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob->dup_group = group;
ob->transflag |= OB_DUPLIGROUP;
/* works without this except if you try render right after, see: 22027 */
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_ACTIVE, scene);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* only used as menu */
void OBJECT_OT_group_instance_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Group Instance";
ot->description = "Add a dupligroup instance";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_group_instance_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_enum_search_invoke;
ot->exec = group_instance_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
RNA_def_string(ot->srna, "name", "Group", MAX_ID_NAME - 2, "Name", "Group name to add");
prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "group", DummyRNA_NULL_items, 0, "Group", "");
RNA_def_enum_funcs(prop, RNA_group_itemf);
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_ENUM_NO_TRANSLATE);
ot->prop = prop;
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/********************* Add Speaker Operator ********************/
static int object_speaker_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Object *ob;
unsigned int layer;
float loc[3], rot[3];
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, NULL, &layer, NULL))
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_SPEAKER, NULL, loc, rot, false, layer);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* to make it easier to start using this immediately in NLA, a default sound clip is created
* ready to be moved around to retime the sound and/or make new sound clips
/* create new data for NLA hierarchy */
2015-04-04 06:13:56 +02:00
AnimData *adt = BKE_animdata_add_id(&ob->id);
NlaTrack *nlt = add_nlatrack(adt, NULL);
NlaStrip *strip = add_nla_soundstrip(scene, ob->data);
strip->start = CFRA;
strip->end += strip->start;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* hook them up */
BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(nlt, strip);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* auto-name the strip, and give the track an interesting name */
BLI_strncpy(nlt->name, DATA_("SoundTrack"), sizeof(nlt->name));
BKE_nlastrip_validate_name(adt, strip);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION | ND_NLA | NA_EDITED, NULL);
void OBJECT_OT_speaker_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Speaker";
ot->description = "Add a speaker object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_speaker_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_speaker_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
/**************************** Delete Object *************************/
static void object_delete_check_glsl_update(Object *ob)
/* some objects could affect on GLSL shading, make sure GLSL settings
* are being tagged to be updated when object is removing from scene
if (ob->type == OB_LAMP) {
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (ob->gpulamp.first)
/* remove base from a specific scene */
/* note: now unlinks constraints as well */
void ED_base_object_free_and_unlink(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Base *base)
if (BKE_library_ID_is_indirectly_used(bmain, base->object) &&
ID_REAL_USERS(base->object) <= 1 && ID_EXTRA_USERS(base->object) == 0)
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
/* We cannot delete indirectly used object... */
printf("WARNING, undeletable object '%s', should have been catched before reaching this function!",
base->object-> + 2);
BKE_scene_base_unlink(scene, base);
BKE_libblock_free_us(bmain, base->object);
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
DAG_id_type_tag(bmain, ID_OB);
static int object_delete_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
wmWindowManager *wm = CTX_wm_manager(C);
wmWindow *win;
const bool use_global = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_global");
bool changed = false;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (CTX_data_edit_object(C))
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Base *, base, selected_bases)
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
const bool is_indirectly_used = BKE_library_ID_is_indirectly_used(bmain, base->object);
if (base->object->id.tag & LIB_TAG_INDIRECT) {
/* Can this case ever happen? */
BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Cannot delete indirectly linked object '%s'", base->object-> + 2);
else if (is_indirectly_used && ID_REAL_USERS(base->object) <= 1 && ID_EXTRA_USERS(base->object) == 0) {
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_WARNING,
"Cannot delete object '%s' from scene '%s', indirectly used objects need at least one user",
base->object-> + 2, scene-> + 2);
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
/* This is sort of a quick hack to address T51243 - Proper thing to do here would be to nuke most of all this
* custom scene/object/base handling, and use generic lib remap/query for that.
* But this is for later (aka 2.8, once layers & co are settled and working).
if (use_global && base->object->id.lib == NULL) {
/* We want to nuke the object, let's nuke it the easy way (not for linked data though)... */
BKE_libblock_delete(bmain, &base->object->id);
changed = true;
/* remove from Grease Pencil parent */
/* XXX This is likely not correct? Will also remove parent from grease pencil from other scenes,
* even when use_global is false... */
for (bGPdata *gpd = bmain->gpencil.first; gpd; gpd = gpd-> {
for (bGPDlayer *gpl = gpd->layers.first; gpl; gpl = gpl->next) {
if (gpl->parent != NULL) {
Object *ob = gpl->parent;
Object *curob = base->object;
if (ob == curob) {
gpl->parent = NULL;
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
/* deselect object -- it could be used in other scenes */
base->object->flag &= ~SELECT;
/* remove from current scene only */
ED_base_object_free_and_unlink(bmain, scene, base);
changed = true;
if (use_global) {
Scene *scene_iter;
Base *base_other;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
for (scene_iter = bmain->scene.first; scene_iter; scene_iter = scene_iter-> {
if (scene_iter != scene && !ID_IS_LINKED_DATABLOCK(scene_iter)) {
base_other = BKE_scene_base_find(scene_iter, base->object);
if (base_other) {
if (is_indirectly_used && ID_REAL_USERS(base->object) <= 1 && ID_EXTRA_USERS(base->object) == 0) {
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_WARNING,
"Cannot delete object '%s' from scene '%s', indirectly used objects need at least one user",
base->object-> + 2, scene_iter-> + 2);
ED_base_object_free_and_unlink(bmain, scene_iter, base_other);
/* end global */
if (!changed)
/* delete has to handle all open scenes */
BKE_main_id_tag_listbase(&bmain->scene, LIB_TAG_DOIT, true);
for (win = wm->windows.first; win; win = win->next) {
scene = win->screen->scene;
if (scene->id.tag & LIB_TAG_DOIT) {
scene->id.tag &= ~LIB_TAG_DOIT;
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_ACTIVE, scene);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_LAYER_CONTENT, scene);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_delete(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Delete";
ot->description = "Delete selected objects";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_delete";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_operator_confirm;
ot->exec = object_delete_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "use_global", 0, "Delete Globally", "Remove object from all scenes");
/**************************** Copy Utilities ******************************/
/* after copying objects, copied data should get new pointers */
static void copy_object_set_idnew(bContext *C)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_editable_objects)
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/********************* Make Duplicates Real ************************/
* \note regarding hashing dupli-objects when using OB_DUPLIGROUP, skip the first member of #DupliObject.persistent_id
* since its a unique index and we only want to know if the group objects are from the same dupli-group instance.
static unsigned int dupliobject_group_hash(const void *ptr)
const DupliObject *dob = ptr;
unsigned int hash = BLI_ghashutil_ptrhash(dob->ob);
unsigned int i;
for (i = 1; (i < MAX_DUPLI_RECUR) && dob->persistent_id[i] != INT_MAX; i++) {
hash ^= (dob->persistent_id[i] ^ i);
return hash;
* \note regarding hashing dupli-objects when NOT using OB_DUPLIGROUP, include the first member of #DupliObject.persistent_id
* since its the index of the vertex/face the object is instantiated on and we want to identify objects on the same vertex/face.
static unsigned int dupliobject_hash(const void *ptr)
const DupliObject *dob = ptr;
unsigned int hash = BLI_ghashutil_ptrhash(dob->ob);
hash ^= (dob->persistent_id[0] ^ 0);
return hash;
/* Compare function that matches dupliobject_group_hash */
static bool dupliobject_group_cmp(const void *a_, const void *b_)
const DupliObject *a = a_;
const DupliObject *b = b_;
unsigned int i;
if (a->ob != b->ob) {
return true;
for (i = 1; (i < MAX_DUPLI_RECUR); i++) {
if (a->persistent_id[i] != b->persistent_id[i]) {
return true;
else if (a->persistent_id[i] == INT_MAX) {
/* matching */
return false;
/* Compare function that matches dupliobject_hash */
static bool dupliobject_cmp(const void *a_, const void *b_)
const DupliObject *a = a_;
const DupliObject *b = b_;
if (a->ob != b->ob) {
return true;
if (a->persistent_id[0] != b->persistent_id[0]) {
return true;
/* matching */
return false;
static void make_object_duplilist_real(bContext *C, Scene *scene, Base *base,
2014-04-11 03:25:41 +02:00
const bool use_base_parent,
const bool use_hierarchy)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
ListBase *lb_duplis;
DupliObject *dob;
GHash *dupli_gh, *parent_gh = NULL;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (!(base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLI)) {
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
lb_duplis = object_duplilist(bmain->eval_ctx, scene, base->object);
dupli_gh = BLI_ghash_ptr_new(__func__);
if (use_hierarchy) {
if (base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLIGROUP) {
parent_gh = BLI_ghash_new(dupliobject_group_hash, dupliobject_group_cmp, __func__);
else {
parent_gh = BLI_ghash_new(dupliobject_hash, dupliobject_cmp, __func__);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
for (dob = lb_duplis->first; dob; dob = dob->next) {
Object *ob_src = dob->ob;
Object *ob_dst = ID_NEW_SET(dob->ob, BKE_object_copy(bmain, ob_src));
Base *base_dst;
/* font duplis can have a totcol without material, we get them from parent
* should be implemented better...
if (ob_dst->mat == NULL) {
ob_dst->totcol = 0;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
base_dst = MEM_dupallocN(base);
base_dst->flag &= ~(OB_FROMDUPLI | OB_FROMGROUP);
ob_dst->flag = base_dst->flag;
base_dst->lay = base->lay;
BLI_addhead(&scene->base, base_dst); /* addhead: othwise eternal loop */
base_dst->object = ob_dst;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* make sure apply works */
BKE_animdata_free(&ob_dst->id, true);
ob_dst->adt = NULL;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* Proxies are not to be copied. */
ob_dst->proxy_from = NULL;
ob_dst->proxy_group = NULL;
ob_dst->proxy = NULL;
ob_dst->parent = NULL;
ob_dst->curve_cache = NULL;
ob_dst->transflag &= ~OB_DUPLI;
ob_dst->lay = base->lay;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
copy_m4_m4(ob_dst->obmat, dob->mat);
BKE_object_apply_mat4(ob_dst, ob_dst->obmat, false, false);
BLI_ghash_insert(dupli_gh, dob, ob_dst);
if (parent_gh) {
void **val;
/* Due to nature of hash/comparison of this ghash, a lot of duplis may be considered as 'the same',
* this avoids trying to insert same key several time and raise asserts in debug builds... */
if (!BLI_ghash_ensure_p(parent_gh, dob, &val)) {
*val = ob_dst;
for (dob = lb_duplis->first; dob; dob = dob->next) {
Object *ob_src = dob->ob;
Object *ob_dst = BLI_ghash_lookup(dupli_gh, dob);
/* Remap new object to itself, and clear again newid pointer of orig object. */
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob_dst->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (use_hierarchy) {
/* original parents */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob_src_par = ob_src->parent;
Object *ob_dst_par = NULL;
/* find parent that was also made real */
if (ob_src_par) {
/* OK to keep most of the members uninitialized,
* they won't be read, this is simply for a hash lookup. */
DupliObject dob_key;
dob_key.ob = ob_src_par;
if (base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLIGROUP) {
sizeof(dob->persistent_id[1]) * (MAX_DUPLI_RECUR - 1));
else {
dob_key.persistent_id[0] = dob->persistent_id[0];
ob_dst_par = BLI_ghash_lookup(parent_gh, &dob_key);
if (ob_dst_par) {
/* allow for all possible parent types */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->partype = ob_src->partype;
BLI_strncpy(ob_dst->parsubstr, ob_src->parsubstr, sizeof(ob_dst->parsubstr));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->par1 = ob_src->par1;
ob_dst->par2 = ob_src->par2;
ob_dst->par3 = ob_src->par3;
copy_m4_m4(ob_dst->parentinv, ob_src->parentinv);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->parent = ob_dst_par;
else if (use_base_parent) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->parent = base->object;
ob_dst->partype = PAROBJECT;
else if (use_base_parent) {
/* since we are ignoring the internal hierarchy - parent all to the
* base object */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->parent = base->object;
ob_dst->partype = PAROBJECT;
if (ob_dst->parent) {
/* note, this may be the parent of other objects, but it should
* still work out ok */
BKE_object_apply_mat4(ob_dst, dob->mat, false, true);
/* to set ob_dst->orig and in case theres any other discrepicies */
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob_dst->id, OB_RECALC_OB);
if (base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLIGROUP && base->object->dup_group) {
for (Object *ob = bmain->object.first; ob; ob = ob-> {
if (ob->proxy_group == base->object) {
ob->proxy = NULL;
ob->proxy_from = NULL;
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB);
BLI_ghash_free(dupli_gh, NULL, NULL);
if (parent_gh) {
BLI_ghash_free(parent_gh, NULL, NULL);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
base->object->transflag &= ~OB_DUPLI;
static int object_duplicates_make_real_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
2014-04-11 03:25:41 +02:00
const bool use_base_parent = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_base_parent");
const bool use_hierarchy = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_hierarchy");
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Base *, base, selected_editable_bases)
make_object_duplilist_real(C, scene, base, use_base_parent, use_hierarchy);
/* dependencies were changed */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_PARENT, base->object);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE, scene);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_main_add_notifier(NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, NULL);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_duplicates_make_real(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Make Duplicates Real";
ot->description = "Make dupli objects attached to this object real";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_duplicates_make_real";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_duplicates_make_real_exec;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "use_base_parent", 0, "Parent", "Parent newly created objects to the original duplicator");
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "use_hierarchy", 0, "Keep Hierarchy", "Maintain parent child relationships");
/**************************** Convert **************************/
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
static EnumPropertyItem convert_target_items[] = {
{OB_CURVE, "CURVE", ICON_OUTLINER_OB_CURVE, "Curve from Mesh/Text", ""},
2010-06-04 18:21:04 +02:00
{OB_MESH, "MESH", ICON_OUTLINER_OB_MESH, "Mesh from Curve/Meta/Surf/Text", ""},
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}
static void convert_ensure_curve_cache(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Object *ob)
if (ob->curve_cache == NULL) {
/* Force creation. This is normally not needed but on operator
* redo we might end up with an object which isn't evaluated yet.
if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_SURF, OB_CURVE, OB_FONT)) {
BKE_displist_make_curveTypes(scene, ob, false);
else if (ob->type == OB_MBALL) {
BKE_displist_make_mball(bmain->eval_ctx, scene, ob);
static void curvetomesh(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Object *ob)
convert_ensure_curve_cache(bmain, scene, ob);
2012-05-05 23:28:12 +02:00
BKE_mesh_from_nurbs(ob); /* also does users */
if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
/* Game engine defaults for mesh objects */
ob->body_type = OB_BODY_TYPE_STATIC;
ob->gameflag = OB_PROP | OB_COLLISION;
static int convert_poll(bContext *C)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *obact = CTX_data_active_object(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
return (!ID_IS_LINKED_DATABLOCK(scene) && obact && scene->obedit != obact &&
(obact->flag & SELECT) && !ID_IS_LINKED_DATABLOCK(obact));
/* Helper for convert_exec */
static Base *duplibase_for_convert(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Base *base, Object *ob)
Object *obn;
Base *basen;
if (ob == NULL) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob = base->object;
obn = BKE_object_copy(bmain, ob);
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA | OB_RECALC_TIME);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basen = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(Base), "duplibase");
*basen = *base;
BLI_addhead(&scene->base, basen); /* addhead: otherwise eternal loop */
basen->object = obn;
basen->flag |= SELECT;
obn->flag |= SELECT;
base->flag &= ~SELECT;
ob->flag &= ~SELECT;
return basen;
static int convert_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Base *basen = NULL, *basact = NULL;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob, *ob1, *newob, *obact = CTX_data_active_object(C);
DerivedMesh *dm;
Curve *cu;
Nurb *nu;
MetaBall *mb;
Mesh *me;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
const short target = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "target");
bool keep_original = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "keep_original");
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
int a, mballConverted = 0;
/* don't forget multiple users! */
Base *base;
for (base = scene->base.first; base; base = base->next) {
ob = base->object;
ob->flag &= ~OB_DONE;
/* flag data thats not been edited (only needed for !keep_original) */
if (ob->data) {
((ID *)ob->data)->tag |= LIB_TAG_DOIT;
/* possible metaball basis is not in this scene */
if (ob->type == OB_MBALL && target == OB_MESH) {
if (BKE_mball_is_basis(ob) == false) {
Object *ob_basis;
ob_basis = BKE_mball_basis_find(scene, ob);
if (ob_basis) {
ob_basis->flag &= ~OB_DONE;
ListBase selected_editable_bases = CTX_data_collection_get(C, "selected_editable_bases");
/* Ensure we get all meshes calculated with a sufficient data-mask,
* needed since re-evaluating single modifiers causes bugs if they depend
* on other objects data masks too, see: T50950. */
for (CollectionPointerLink *link = selected_editable_bases.first; link; link = link->next) {
Base *base = link->;
ob = base->object;
/* The way object type conversion works currently (enforcing conversion of *all* objetcs using converted
* obdata, even some un-selected/hidden/inother scene ones, sounds totally bad to me.
* However, changing this is more design than bugfix, not to mention convoluted code below,
* so that will be for later.
* But at the very least, do not do that with linked IDs! */
if ((ID_IS_LINKED_DATABLOCK(ob) || (ob->data && ID_IS_LINKED_DATABLOCK(ob->data))) && !keep_original) {
keep_original = true;
BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_INFO,
"Converting some linked object/object data, enforcing 'Keep Original' option to True");
DAG_id_tag_update(&base->object->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);
uint64_t customdata_mask_prev = scene->customdata_mask;
scene->customdata_mask |= CD_MASK_MESH;
BKE_scene_update_tagged(bmain->eval_ctx, bmain, scene);
scene->customdata_mask = customdata_mask_prev;
for (CollectionPointerLink *link = selected_editable_bases.first; link; link = link->next) {
Base *base = link->;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob = base->object;
if (ob->flag & OB_DONE || !IS_TAGGED(ob->data)) {
if (ob->type != target) {
base->flag &= ~SELECT;
ob->flag &= ~SELECT;
/* obdata already modified */
if (!IS_TAGGED(ob->data)) {
/* When 2 objects with linked data are selected, converting both
* would keep modifiers on all but the converted object [#26003] */
if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
BKE_object_free_modifiers(ob); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
else if (ob->type == OB_MESH && target == OB_CURVE) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, scene, base, NULL);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
/* decrement original mesh's usage count */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
me = newob->data;
/* make a new copy of the mesh */
newob->data = BKE_mesh_copy(bmain, me);
else {
newob = ob;
BKE_mesh_to_curve(scene, newob);
if (newob->type == OB_CURVE) {
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
ED_rigidbody_object_remove(bmain, scene, newob);
else if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, scene, base, NULL);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
/* decrement original mesh's usage count */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
me = newob->data;
/* make a new copy of the mesh */
newob->data = BKE_mesh_copy(bmain, me);
else {
newob = ob;
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA | OB_RECALC_TIME);
/* make new mesh data from the original copy */
/* note: get the mesh from the original, not from the copy in some
* cases this doesnt give correct results (when MDEF is used for eg)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
dm = mesh_get_derived_final(scene, newob, CD_MASK_MESH);
DM_to_mesh(dm, newob->data, newob, CD_MASK_MESH, true);
/* re-tessellation is called by DM_to_mesh */
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
else if (ob->type == OB_FONT) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, scene, base, NULL);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
/* decrement original curve's usage count */
id_us_min(&((Curve *)newob->data)->id);
/* make a new copy of the curve */
newob->data = BKE_curve_copy(bmain, ob->data);
else {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = ob;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
cu = newob->data;
/* TODO(sergey): Ideally DAG will create nurbs list for a curve data
* datablock, but for until we've got granular update
* lets take care by selves.
BKE_vfont_to_curve(bmain, newob, FO_EDIT);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob->type = OB_CURVE;
cu->type = OB_CURVE;
if (cu->vfont) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
cu->vfont = NULL;
if (cu->vfontb) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
cu->vfontb = NULL;
if (cu->vfonti) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
cu->vfonti = NULL;
if (cu->vfontbi) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
cu->vfontbi = NULL;
if (!keep_original) {
/* other users */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (cu-> > 1) {
for (ob1 = bmain->object.first; ob1; ob1 = ob1-> {
if (ob1->data == ob->data) {
ob1->type = OB_CURVE;
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob1->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA | OB_RECALC_TIME);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
for (nu = cu->nurb.first; nu; nu = nu->next)
nu->charidx = 0;
cu->flag &= ~CU_3D;
if (target == OB_MESH) {
curvetomesh(bmain, scene, newob);
/* meshes doesn't use displist */
else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF)) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (target == OB_MESH) {
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, scene, base, NULL);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
/* decrement original curve's usage count */
id_us_min(&((Curve *)newob->data)->id);
/* make a new copy of the curve */
newob->data = BKE_curve_copy(bmain, ob->data);
else {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = ob;
curvetomesh(bmain, scene, newob);
/* meshes doesn't use displist */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
else if (ob->type == OB_MBALL && target == OB_MESH) {
Object *baseob;
base->flag &= ~SELECT;
ob->flag &= ~SELECT;
baseob = BKE_mball_basis_find(scene, ob);
if (ob != baseob) {
/* if motherball is converting it would be marked as done later */
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (!(baseob->flag & OB_DONE)) {
baseob->flag |= OB_DONE;
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, scene, base, baseob);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
mb = newob->data;
newob->data = BKE_mesh_add(bmain, "Mesh");
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob->type = OB_MESH;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
me = newob->data;
me->totcol = mb->totcol;
if (newob->totcol) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
me->mat = MEM_dupallocN(mb->mat);
for (a = 0; a < newob->totcol; a++) id_us_plus((ID *)me->mat[a]);
convert_ensure_curve_cache(bmain, scene, baseob);
BKE_mesh_from_metaball(&baseob->curve_cache->disp, newob->data);
if (obact->type == OB_MBALL) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basact = basen;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
mballConverted = 1;
else {
/* tag obdata if it was been changed */
/* If the original object is active then make this object active */
if (basen) {
if (ob == obact) {
/* store new active base to update BASACT */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basact = basen;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basen = NULL;
if (!keep_original && (ob->flag & OB_DONE)) {
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);
((ID *)ob->data)->tag &= ~LIB_TAG_DOIT; /* flag not to convert this datablock again */
if (!keep_original) {
if (mballConverted) {
Base *base, *base_next;
for (base = scene->base.first; base; base = base_next) {
base_next = base->next;
ob = base->object;
if (ob->type == OB_MBALL) {
if (ob->flag & OB_DONE) {
Object *ob_basis = NULL;
if (BKE_mball_is_basis(ob) ||
((ob_basis = BKE_mball_basis_find(scene, ob)) && (ob_basis->flag & OB_DONE)))
ED_base_object_free_and_unlink(bmain, scene, base);
/* delete object should renew depsgraph */
// XXX ED_object_editmode_enter(C, 0);
// XXX exit_editmode(C, EM_FREEDATA|EM_WAITCURSOR); /* freedata, but no undo */
if (basact) {
/* active base was changed */
ED_base_object_activate(C, basact);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
BASACT = basact;
else if (BASACT->object->flag & OB_DONE) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_MODIFIER, BASACT->object);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DATA, BASACT->object);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, scene);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_SELECT, scene);
void OBJECT_OT_convert(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Convert to";
ot->description = "Convert selected objects to another type";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_convert";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = convert_exec;
ot->poll = convert_poll;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "target", convert_target_items, OB_MESH, "Target", "Type of object to convert to");
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "keep_original", 0, "Keep Original", "Keep original objects instead of replacing them");
/**************************** Duplicate ************************/
* dupflag: a flag made from constants declared in DNA_userdef_types.h
2013-06-26 00:58:23 +02:00
* The flag tells adduplicate() whether to copy data linked to the object, or to reference the existing data.
* U.dupflag for default operations or you can construct a flag as python does
* if the dupflag is 0 then no data will be copied (linked duplicate) */
/* used below, assumes is correct */
/* leaves selection of base/object unaltered */
/* Does set ID->newid pointers. */
static Base *object_add_duplicate_internal(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Base *base, int dupflag)
#define ID_NEW_REMAP_US(a) if ( (a)->id.newid) { (a) = (void *)(a)->id.newid; (a)->; }
#define ID_NEW_REMAP_US2(a) if (((ID *)a)->newid) { (a) = ((ID *)a)->newid; ((ID *)a)->us++; }
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Base *basen = NULL;
Material ***matarar;
Object *ob, *obn;
ID *id;
int a, didit;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob = base->object;
if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_POSE) {
; /* nothing? */
else {
obn = ID_NEW_SET(ob, BKE_object_copy(bmain, ob));
DAG_id_tag_update(&obn->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA | OB_RECALC_TIME);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basen = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(Base), "duplibase");
*basen = *base;
BLI_addhead(&scene->base, basen); /* addhead: prevent eternal loop */
basen->object = obn;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* 1) duplis should end up in same group as the original
* 2) Rigid Body sim participants MUST always be part of a group...
// XXX: is 2) really a good measure here?
if ((basen->flag & OB_FROMGROUP) || ob->rigidbody_object || ob->rigidbody_constraint) {
Group *group;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
for (group = bmain->group.first; group; group = group-> {
if (BKE_group_object_exists(group, ob))
BKE_group_object_add(group, obn, scene, basen);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* duplicates using userflags */
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_ACT) {
BKE_animdata_copy_id_action(&obn->id, true);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_MAT) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
for (a = 0; a < obn->totcol; a++) {
id = (ID *)obn->mat[a];
if (id) {
else {
obn->mat[a] = ID_NEW_SET(obn->mat[a], BKE_material_copy(bmain, obn->mat[a]));
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_ACT) {
BKE_animdata_copy_id_action(&obn->mat[a]->id, true);
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_PSYS) {
ParticleSystem *psys;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
for (psys = obn->particlesystem.first; psys; psys = psys->next) {
id = (ID *) psys->part;
if (id) {
else {
psys->part = ID_NEW_SET(psys->part, BKE_particlesettings_copy(bmain, psys->part));
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_ACT) {
BKE_animdata_copy_id_action(&psys->part->id, true);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
id = obn->data;
didit = 0;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
switch (obn->type) {
case OB_MESH:
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_MESH) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_mesh_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
case OB_CURVE:
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_CURVE) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_curve_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
case OB_SURF:
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_SURF) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_curve_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
case OB_FONT:
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_FONT) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_curve_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
case OB_MBALL:
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_MBALL) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_mball_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
case OB_LAMP:
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_LAMP) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_lamp_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
DAG_id_tag_update(&obn->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (obn->pose)
BKE_pose_tag_recalc(bmain, obn->pose);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_ARM) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_armature_copy(bmain, obn->data));
BKE_pose_rebuild(obn, obn->data);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (dupflag != 0) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_lattice_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (dupflag != 0) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_camera_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (dupflag != 0) {
else {
obn->data = ID_NEW_SET(obn->data, BKE_speaker_copy(bmain, obn->data));
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
didit = 1;
/* check if obdata is copied */
if (didit) {
Key *key = BKE_key_from_object(obn);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Key *oldkey = BKE_key_from_object(ob);
if (oldkey != NULL) {
ID_NEW_SET(oldkey, key);
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_ACT) {
bActuator *act;
BKE_animdata_copy_id_action((ID *)obn->data, true);
if (key) {
BKE_animdata_copy_id_action((ID *)key, true);
/* Update the duplicated action in the action actuators */
/* XXX TODO this code is all wrong! actact->act is user-refcounted (see readfile.c),
* and what about other ID pointers of other BGE logic bricks,
* and since this is object-level, why is it only ran if obdata was duplicated??? -mont29 */
for (act = obn->actuators.first; act; act = act->next) {
if (act->type == ACT_ACTION) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
bActionActuator *actact = (bActionActuator *) act->data;
if (ob->adt && actact->act == ob->adt->action) {
actact->act = obn->adt->action;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (dupflag & USER_DUP_MAT) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
matarar = give_matarar(obn);
if (matarar) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
for (a = 0; a < obn->totcol; a++) {
id = (ID *)(*matarar)[a];
if (id) {
else {
(*matarar)[a] = ID_NEW_SET((*matarar)[a], BKE_material_copy(bmain, (*matarar)[a]));
return basen;
/* single object duplicate, if dupflag==0, fully linked, else it uses the flags given */
/* leaves selection of base/object unaltered.
* note: don't call this within a loop since clear_* funcs loop over the entire database.
* note: caller must do DAG_relations_tag_update(bmain);
* this is not done automatic since we may duplicate many objects in a batch */
Base *ED_object_add_duplicate(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Base *base, int dupflag)
Base *basen;
Object *ob;
clear_sca_new_poins(); /* BGE logic */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basen = object_add_duplicate_internal(bmain, scene, base, dupflag);
if (basen == NULL) {
return NULL;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob = basen->object;
/* link own references to the newly duplicated data [#26816] */
/* DAG_relations_tag_update(bmain); */ /* caller must do */
2011-11-29 02:05:26 +01:00
if (ob->data) {
ED_render_id_flush_update(bmain, ob->data);
return basen;
/* contextual operator dupli */
static int duplicate_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
2014-02-03 08:55:59 +01:00
const bool linked = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "linked");
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
int dupflag = (linked) ? 0 : U.dupflag;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
clear_sca_new_poins(); /* BGE logic */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Base *, base, selected_bases)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Base *basen = object_add_duplicate_internal(bmain, scene, base, dupflag);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* note that this is safe to do with this context iterator,
* the list is made in advance */
ED_base_object_select(base, BA_DESELECT);
if (basen == NULL) {
/* new object becomes active */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (BASACT == base)
ED_base_object_activate(C, basen);
if (basen->object->data) {
DAG_id_tag_update(basen->object->data, 0);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_SELECT, scene);
void OBJECT_OT_duplicate(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Duplicate Objects";
ot->description = "Duplicate selected objects";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_duplicate";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = duplicate_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* to give to transform */
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "linked", 0, "Linked", "Duplicate object but not object data, linking to the original data");
prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "mode", rna_enum_transform_mode_types, TFM_TRANSLATION, "Mode", "");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/* **************** add named object, for dragdrop ************* */
static int add_named_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
const wmEvent *event = win ? win->eventstate : NULL;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C); /* may be NULL */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
Base *basen, *base;
Object *ob;
2014-02-03 08:55:59 +01:00
const bool linked = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "linked");
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
int dupflag = (linked) ? 0 : U.dupflag;
char name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/* find object, create fake base */
RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "name", name);
ob = (Object *)BKE_libblock_find_name(ID_OB, name);
if (ob == NULL) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Object not found");
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
base = MEM_callocN(sizeof(Base), "duplibase");
base->object = ob;
base->flag = ob->flag;
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/* prepare dupli */
clear_sca_new_poins(); /* BGE logic */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basen = object_add_duplicate_internal(bmain, scene, base, dupflag);
if (basen == NULL) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Object could not be duplicated");
basen->lay = basen->object->lay = BKE_screen_view3d_layer_active(v3d, scene);
basen->object->restrictflag &= ~OB_RESTRICT_VIEW;
if (event) {
ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
const int mval[2] = {event->x - ar->winrct.xmin,
event->y - ar->winrct.ymin};
ED_object_location_from_view(C, basen->object->loc);
ED_view3d_cursor3d_position(C, basen->object->loc, mval);
ED_base_object_select(basen, BA_SELECT);
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
ED_base_object_activate(C, basen);
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_SELECT | ND_OB_ACTIVE, scene);
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
void OBJECT_OT_add_named(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Named Object";
ot->description = "Add named object";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_add_named";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = add_named_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "linked", 0, "Linked", "Duplicate object but not object data, linking to the original data");
RNA_def_string(ot->srna, "name", NULL, MAX_ID_NAME - 2, "Name", "Object name to add");
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/**************************** Join *************************/
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static int join_poll(bContext *C)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (!ob || ID_IS_LINKED_DATABLOCK(ob)) return 0;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
return ED_operator_screenactive(C);
return 0;
static int join_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
if (scene->obedit) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "This data does not support joining in edit mode");
else if (BKE_object_obdata_is_libdata(ob)) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot edit external libdata");
if (ob->type == OB_MESH)
return join_mesh_exec(C, op);
else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF))
return join_curve_exec(C, op);
else if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE)
return join_armature_exec(C, op);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_join(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Join";
ot->description = "Join selected objects into active object";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_join";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = join_exec;
ot->poll = join_poll;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/**************************** Join as Shape Key*************************/
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static int join_shapes_poll(bContext *C)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (!ob || ID_IS_LINKED_DATABLOCK(ob)) return 0;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* only meshes supported at the moment */
if (ob->type == OB_MESH)
return ED_operator_screenactive(C);
return 0;
static int join_shapes_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (scene->obedit) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "This data does not support joining in edit mode");
else if (BKE_object_obdata_is_libdata(ob)) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot edit external libdata");
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (ob->type == OB_MESH)
return join_mesh_shapes_exec(C, op);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_join_shapes(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Join as Shapes";
ot->description = "Merge selected objects to shapes of active object";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_join_shapes";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = join_shapes_exec;
ot->poll = join_shapes_poll;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00