Geometry: speedup reverse UV sampler

This implements a new internal data structure for reverse uv sampling.
Being better than the previous one was not particularly hard, because it
was never really optimized and used a very simple approach. I found the
new implementation to be about 10-20x faster in my tests. Simon was
able to reproduce an comparable speedups in production files.

The speed-up is mainly achieved by a better memory layout and better
multi-threading during construction. The lookup performance is mostly the
same as before.

Like the old data structure, the new one also splits the uv space into
uniformly sized cells.  The size of the cells is based on the number of
triangles. Then it sorts all triangles into the rows that they touch. Finally,
it creates a flat array for each row that contains the triangle indices
contained in each cell.

There are still ways to optimize this further, but for now this is a good
improvement already.

Pull Request:
This commit is contained in:
Jacques Lucke 2024-02-29 16:42:36 +01:00
parent 3a4220001b
commit 0a430fb8cb
2 changed files with 208 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -18,14 +18,18 @@ namespace blender::geometry {
* \note this uses a trivial implementation currently that has to be replaced.
class ReverseUVSampler {
struct LookupGrid;
Span<float2> uv_map_;
Span<int3> corner_tris_;
int resolution_;
MultiValueMap<int2, int> corner_tris_by_cell_;
std::unique_ptr<LookupGrid> lookup_grid_;
ReverseUVSampler(Span<float2> uv_map, Span<int3> corner_tris);
enum class ResultType {

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@ -3,51 +3,232 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#include <algorithm>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "GEO_reverse_uv_sampler.hh"
#include "BLI_bounds.hh"
#include "BLI_enumerable_thread_specific.hh"
#include "BLI_index_mask.hh"
#include "BLI_linear_allocator_chunked_list.hh"
#include "BLI_math_geom.h"
#include "BLI_math_vector.hh"
#include "BLI_offset_indices.hh"
#include "BLI_task.hh"
#include "BLI_timeit.hh"
namespace blender::geometry {
static int2 uv_to_cell_key(const float2 &uv, const int resolution)
struct Row {
/** The min and max horizontal cell index that is used in this row. */
int x_min = 0;
int x_max = 0;
/** Offsets into the array of indices below. Also see #OffsetIndices. */
Array<int> offsets;
/** A flat array containing the triangle indices contained in each cell. */
Array<int> tri_indices;
struct ReverseUVSampler::LookupGrid {
/** Minimum vertical cell index that contains triangles. */
int y_min = 0;
/** Information about all rows starting at `y_min`. */
Array<Row> rows;
struct TriWithRange {
int tri_index;
int x_min;
int x_max;
struct LocalRowData {
linear_allocator::ChunkedList<TriWithRange, 8> tris;
int x_min = INT32_MAX;
int x_max = INT32_MIN;
struct LocalData {
LinearAllocator<> allocator;
Map<int, destruct_ptr<LocalRowData>> rows;
static int2 uv_to_cell(const float2 &uv, const int resolution)
return int2{uv * resolution};
ReverseUVSampler::ReverseUVSampler(const Span<float2> uv_map, const Span<int3> corner_tris)
: uv_map_(uv_map), corner_tris_(corner_tris)
static Bounds<int2> tri_to_cell_bounds(const int3 &tri,
const int resolution,
const Span<float2> uv_map)
resolution_ = std::max<int>(3, std::sqrt(corner_tris.size()) * 2);
const float2 &uv_0 = uv_map[tri[0]];
const float2 &uv_1 = uv_map[tri[1]];
const float2 &uv_2 = uv_map[tri[2]];
for (const int tri_i : corner_tris.index_range()) {
const int3 &tri = corner_tris[tri_i];
const float2 &uv_0 = uv_map_[tri[0]];
const float2 &uv_1 = uv_map_[tri[1]];
const float2 &uv_2 = uv_map_[tri[2]];
const int2 cell_0 = uv_to_cell(uv_0, resolution);
const int2 cell_1 = uv_to_cell(uv_1, resolution);
const int2 cell_2 = uv_to_cell(uv_2, resolution);
const int2 key_0 = uv_to_cell_key(uv_0, resolution_);
const int2 key_1 = uv_to_cell_key(uv_1, resolution_);
const int2 key_2 = uv_to_cell_key(uv_2, resolution_);
const int2 min_cell = math::min(math::min(cell_0, cell_1), cell_2);
const int2 max_cell = math::max(math::max(cell_0, cell_1), cell_2);
const int2 min_key = math::min(math::min(key_0, key_1), key_2);
const int2 max_key = math::max(math::max(key_0, key_1), key_2);
return {min_cell, max_cell};
for (int key_x = min_key.x; key_x <= max_key.x; key_x++) {
for (int key_y = min_key.y; key_y <= max_key.y; key_y++) {
const int2 key{key_x, key_y};
corner_tris_by_cell_.add(key, tri_i);
* Add each triangle to the rows that it is in. After this, the information about each row is still
* scattered across multiple thread-specific lists. Those separate lists are then joined in a
* separate step.
static void sort_tris_into_rows(const Span<float2> uv_map,
const Span<int3> corner_tris,
const int resolution,
threading::EnumerableThreadSpecific<LocalData> &data_per_thread)
threading::parallel_for(corner_tris.index_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange tris_range) {
LocalData &local_data = data_per_thread.local();
for (const int tri_i : tris_range) {
const int3 &tri = corner_tris[tri_i];
/* Compute the cells that the triangle touches approximately. */
const Bounds<int2> cell_bounds = tri_to_cell_bounds(tri, resolution, uv_map);
const TriWithRange tri_with_range{tri_i, cell_bounds.min.x, cell_bounds.max.x};
/* Go over each row that the triangle is in. */
for (int cell_y = cell_bounds.min.y; cell_y <= cell_bounds.max.y; cell_y++) {
LocalRowData &row = *local_data.rows.lookup_or_add_cb(
cell_y, [&]() { return local_data.allocator.construct<LocalRowData>(); });
row.tris.append(local_data.allocator, tri_with_range);
row.x_min = std::min<int>(row.x_min, cell_bounds.min.x);
row.x_max = std::max<int>(row.x_max, cell_bounds.max.x);
* Consolidates the data that has been gather for each row so that it is each to look up which
* triangles are in each cell.
static void finish_rows(const Span<int> all_ys,
const Span<const LocalData *> local_data_vec,
const Bounds<int> y_bounds,
ReverseUVSampler::LookupGrid &lookup_grid)
threading::parallel_for(all_ys.index_range(), 8, [&](const IndexRange all_ys_range) {
Vector<const LocalRowData *, 32> local_rows;
for (const int y : all_ys.slice(all_ys_range)) {
Row &row = lookup_grid.rows[y - y_bounds.min];
for (const LocalData *local_data : local_data_vec) {
if (const destruct_ptr<LocalRowData> *local_row = local_data->rows.lookup_ptr(y)) {
int x_min = INT32_MAX;
int x_max = INT32_MIN;
for (const LocalRowData *local_row : local_rows) {
x_min = std::min(x_min, local_row->x_min);
x_max = std::max(x_max, local_row->x_max);
const int x_num = x_max - x_min + 1;
row.offsets.reinitialize(x_num + 1);
/* Count how many triangles are in each cell in the current row. */
MutableSpan<int> counts = row.offsets;
for (const LocalRowData *local_row : local_rows) {
for (const TriWithRange &tri_with_range : local_row->tris) {
for (int x = tri_with_range.x_min; x <= tri_with_range.x_max; x++) {
counts[x - x_min]++;
const int tri_indices_num = row.offsets.last();
/* Populate the array containing all triangle indices in all cells in this row. */
Array<int, 1000> current_offsets(x_num, 0);
for (const LocalRowData *local_row : local_rows) {
for (const TriWithRange &tri_with_range : local_row->tris) {
for (int x = tri_with_range.x_min; x <= tri_with_range.x_max; x++) {
const int offset_x = x - x_min;
row.tri_indices[row.offsets[offset_x] + current_offsets[offset_x]] =
row.x_min = x_min;
row.x_max = x_max;
ReverseUVSampler::ReverseUVSampler(const Span<float2> uv_map, const Span<int3> corner_tris)
: uv_map_(uv_map), corner_tris_(corner_tris), lookup_grid_(std::make_unique<LookupGrid>())
/* A lower resolution means that there will be fewer cells and more triangles in each cell. Fewer
* cells make construction faster, but more triangles per cell make lookup slower. This value
* needs to be determined experimentally. */
resolution_ = std::max<int>(3, std::sqrt(corner_tris.size()) * 3);
if (corner_tris.is_empty()) {
threading::EnumerableThreadSpecific<LocalData> data_per_thread;
sort_tris_into_rows(uv_map_, corner_tris_, resolution_, data_per_thread);
VectorSet<int> all_ys;
Vector<const LocalData *> local_data_vec;
for (const LocalData &local_data : data_per_thread) {
for (const int y : local_data.rows.keys()) {
const Bounds<int> y_bounds = *bounds::min_max(all_ys.as_span());
lookup_grid_->y_min = y_bounds.min;
const int rows_num = y_bounds.max - y_bounds.min + 1;
finish_rows(all_ys, local_data_vec, y_bounds, *lookup_grid_);
static Span<int> lookup_tris_in_cell(const int2 cell,
const ReverseUVSampler::LookupGrid &lookup_grid)
if (cell.y < lookup_grid.y_min) {
return {};
if (cell.y >= lookup_grid.y_min + lookup_grid.rows.size()) {
return {};
const Row &row = lookup_grid.rows[cell.y - lookup_grid.y_min];
if (cell.x < row.x_min) {
return {};
if (cell.x > row.x_max) {
return {};
const int offset = row.offsets[cell.x - row.x_min];
const int tris_num = row.offsets[cell.x - row.x_min + 1] - offset;
return row.tri_indices.as_span().slice(offset, tris_num);
ReverseUVSampler::Result ReverseUVSampler::sample(const float2 &query_uv) const
const int2 cell_key = uv_to_cell_key(query_uv, resolution_);
const Span<int> tri_indices = corner_tris_by_cell_.lookup(cell_key);
const int2 cell = uv_to_cell(query_uv, resolution_);
const Span<int> tri_indices = lookup_tris_in_cell(cell, *lookup_grid_);
float best_dist = FLT_MAX;
float3 best_bary_weights;
@ -100,6 +281,8 @@ ReverseUVSampler::Result ReverseUVSampler::sample(const float2 &query_uv) const
return Result{};
ReverseUVSampler::~ReverseUVSampler() = default;
void ReverseUVSampler::sample_many(const Span<float2> query_uvs,
MutableSpan<Result> r_results) const