GPv3: Fix floating-point error in the hard eraser tool.

The hard eraser tool was not working properly when trying to erase closely to existing points, leading either to the insertion of various close points in the stroke, or to deleting a whole stroke segment.

This was due to the differenciation between the computation of the intersections between the eraser and the stroke, and the computation of whether a point lie inside the eraser, which lead to inconsistencies in the interpretation of the result.

This patch solves this issue by  :
 * computing if the point is inside the eraser based on the result of the intersection, to avoid unconsistencies,
 * computing with integers and not float (we are in screen space anyways),
 * adding the ability for source points to be cuts, and not only the inner intersections.

Pull Request:
This commit is contained in:
Amelie Fondevilla 2023-08-07 15:11:34 +02:00 committed by Amélie Fondevilla
parent 3549e1fd40
commit 242e94acec
1 changed files with 288 additions and 157 deletions

View File

@ -56,162 +56,272 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
float2 mouse_position{};
float eraser_radius{};
int2 mouse_position_pixels{};
int64_t eraser_squared_radius_pixels{};
EraseOperationExecutor(const bContext & /*C*/) {}
* Computes the intersection between the eraser tool and a 2D segment.
* Computes the intersections between a 2D line segment and a circle with integer values.
* \param point: coordinates of the first point in the segment.
* \param point_after: coordinates of the second point in the segment.
* \param s0, s1 : endpoints of the segment.
* \param center : center of the circle,
* \param radius_2: squared radius of the circle.
* \param r_mu0: output factor of the first intersection if it exists, otherwise (-1).
* \param r_mu1: output factor of the second intersection if it exists, otherwise (-1).
* \param r_mu0 : (output) signed distance from \a s0 to the first intersection, if it exists.
* \param r_mu1 : (output) signed distance from \a s0 to the second intersection, if it exists.
* \returns total number of intersections lying inside the segment (ie whose factor is in [0,1]).
* All intersections with the infinite line of the segment are considered.
* \returns the number of intersection found.
static int8_t intersections_segment_circle_integers(const int2 &s0,
const int2 &s1,
const int2 &center,
const int64_t radius_2,
int64_t &r_mu0,
int64_t &r_mu1)
const int64_t d_s0_center = math::distance_squared(s0, center);
const int64_t a = math::distance_squared(s0, s1);
const int64_t b = 2 * math::dot(s0 - center, s1 - s0);
const int64_t c = d_s0_center - radius_2;
const int64_t i = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (i < 0) {
/* No intersections. */
return 0;
const int64_t segment_length = math::distance(s0, s1);
if (i == 0) {
/* One intersection. */
const float mu0_f = -b / (2.0f * a);
r_mu0 = round_fl_to_int(mu0_f * segment_length);
return 1;
/* Two intersections. */
const float i_sqrt = sqrtf(float(i));
const float mu0_f = (-b + i_sqrt) / (2.0f * a);
const float mu1_f = (-b - i_sqrt) / (2.0f * a);
r_mu0 = round_fl_to_int(mu0_f * segment_length);
r_mu1 = round_fl_to_int(mu1_f * segment_length);
return 2;
* Computes the intersection between the eraser tool and a 2D segment, using integer values.
* Also computes if the endpoints of the segment lie inside/outside, or in the boundary of the
* eraser.
* \param point, point_after: coordinates of the first (resp. second) endpoint in the segment.
* \param r_mu0, r_mu0: output factor of the two intersections if they exists, otherwise (-1).
* \param point_inside, point_after_inside: output boolean true if the first (resp. second)
* endpoint lies inside the eraser, false if it lies outside or at the boundary of the eraser.
* \param point_cut, point_after_cut: output boolean true if the first (resp. second) endpoint
* lies at the boundary of the eraser.
* \returns total number of intersections lying inside the segment (ie whose factor is in ]0,1[).
* Note that the eraser is represented as a circle, and thus there can be only 0, 1 or 2
* intersections with a segment.
int intersections_with_segment(const float2 &point,
const float2 &point_after,
float &r_mu0,
float &r_mu1) const
int8_t intersections_with_segment(const int2 &point,
const int2 &point_after,
float &r_mu0,
float &r_mu1,
bool &point_inside,
bool &point_after_inside,
bool &point_cut,
bool &point_after_cut) const
/* Compute the intersection points. */
float2 inter0{};
float2 inter1{};
const int nb_inter = isect_line_sphere_v2(
point, point_after, this->mouse_position, this->eraser_radius, inter0, inter1);
/* Retrieve the line factor from the coordinates of the intersection points. */
const auto compute_intersection_parameter =
[](const float2 p0, const float2 p1, const float2 inter) {
const float mu = (math::length(inter - p0) / math::length(p1 - p0));
const float sign_mu = (math::dot(inter - p0, p1 - p0) < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
return sign_mu * mu;
r_mu0 = (nb_inter > 0) ? compute_intersection_parameter(point, point_after, inter0) : -1.0;
r_mu1 = (nb_inter > 1) ? compute_intersection_parameter(point, point_after, inter1) : -1.0;
/* Compute the integer values of the intersection. */
const int64_t segment_length = math::distance(point, point_after);
int64_t mu0 = -1;
int64_t mu1 = -1;
const int8_t nb_intersections = intersections_segment_circle_integers(
/* Sort intersections by line factor. */
if ((nb_inter > 1) && (r_mu0 > r_mu1)) {
std::swap(r_mu0, r_mu1);
if (nb_intersections != 2) {
/* No intersection with the infinite line : nothing to erase.
* Also don't erase anything if only one intersection was found, meaning the edge-case where
* the eraser is tangential to the line.
r_mu0 = r_mu1 = -1.0f;
point_inside = false;
point_after_inside = false;
return 0;
/* Return the number of intersections that actually lies within the segment. */
return int(IN_RANGE(r_mu0, 0, 1)) + int(IN_RANGE(r_mu1, 0, 1));
/* Compute on which side of the segment each intersection lies.
* -1 : before the first endpoint,
* 0 : in-between the endpoints,
* 1 : after the last endpoint.
const int8_t side_mu0 = (mu0 <= 0) ? (-1) : ((mu0 >= segment_length) ? 1 : 0);
const int8_t side_mu1 = (mu1 <= 0) ? (-1) : ((mu1 >= segment_length) ? 1 : 0);
/* The endpoints are considered cuts if one of the intersection falls exactly on them. */
point_cut = (mu0 == 0) || (mu1 == 0);
point_after_cut = (mu0 == segment_length) || (mu1 == segment_length);
/* Compute the normalized position of the intersection in the curve. */
r_mu0 = mu0 / float(segment_length);
r_mu1 = mu1 / float(segment_length);
const bool is_mu0_inside = (side_mu0 == 0);
const bool is_mu1_inside = (side_mu1 == 0);
if (!is_mu0_inside && !is_mu1_inside) {
/* None of the intersection lie within the segment the infinite line. */
if (side_mu0 == side_mu1) {
/* If they are on the same side of the line, then nothing should be erased. */
point_inside = false;
point_after_inside = false;
return 0;
/* If they are on different sides of the line, then both points should be erased. */
point_inside = !point_cut;
point_after_inside = !point_after_cut;
return 0;
if (is_mu0_inside && is_mu1_inside) {
/* Both intersections lie within the segment, none of the points should be erased. */
point_inside = false;
point_after_inside = false;
if (r_mu0 > r_mu1) {
std::swap(r_mu0, r_mu1);
return 2;
/* Only one intersection lies within the segment. Only one point should be erased, depending on
* the side of the other intersection. */
const int8_t side_outside_intersection = is_mu0_inside ? side_mu1 : side_mu0;
/* If the other intersection lies before the first endpoint, the first endpoint should be
* removed. */
point_inside = (side_outside_intersection == -1) && !point_cut;
point_after_inside = !point_inside && !point_after_cut;
if (is_mu1_inside) {
std::swap(r_mu0, r_mu1);
return 1;
* Compute intersections between the eraser and the input Curves Geometry.
* Also computes if the points of the geometry lie inside/outside, or in the boundary of the
* eraser.
* \param screen_space_positions: input parameter containing the 2D positions of the geometry in
* screen space.
* \param screen_space_positions: 2D positions of the geometry in screen space.
* \param r_nb_intersections: (output) number of intersections per-segment. Note that this number
* does not account for curves points that fall exactly at the eraser boundary.
* Should be the size of the source point range (cyclic curves get an extra segment).
* \param r_intersections_factors: (output) factors of the potential intersections with each
* segment. Should be the size of the source point range (cyclic curves get an extra segment).
* \param r_is_point_inside : (output) true if the point lies inside the eraser, and thus should
* be removed. Note that if the point lies exactly on the boundary of the eraser, it will not be
* marked as inside. Should be the size of the source point range.
* \param r_is_point_cut : (output) true if the point falls exactly on the boundary of th
* eraser. Should be the size of the source point range.
* \param r_nb_intersections: output parameter filled with the number of intersections
* per-segment. Should be the size of the source point range.
* \param r_intersections_factors: output parameter filled with the factors of the potential
* intersections with each segment. Should be the size of the source point range.
* \returns total number of intersections found.
* Note that for the two output arrays the last element may contain intersections if the
* corresponding curve is cyclic.
int intersections_with_curves(const bke::CurvesGeometry &src,
const Span<float2> screen_space_positions,
MutableSpan<int> r_nb_intersections,
MutableSpan<float2> r_intersections_factors) const
int64_t intersections_with_curves(const bke::CurvesGeometry &src,
const Span<float2> screen_space_positions,
MutableSpan<int64_t> r_nb_intersections,
MutableSpan<float2> r_intersections_factors,
MutableSpan<bool> r_is_point_inside,
MutableSpan<bool> r_is_point_cut) const
const OffsetIndices<int> src_points_by_curve = src.points_by_curve();
const VArray<bool> src_cyclic = src.cyclic();
threading::parallel_for(src.curves_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange src_curves) {
for (const int src_curve : src_curves) {
Array<int2> screen_space_positions_pixel(src.points_num());
threading::parallel_for(src.points_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange src_points) {
for (const int64_t src_point : src_points) {
const float2 pos = screen_space_positions[src_point];
screen_space_positions_pixel[src_point] = int2(round_fl_to_int(pos[0]),
threading::parallel_for(src.curves_range(), 512, [&](const IndexRange src_curves) {
for (const int64_t src_curve : src_curves) {
const IndexRange src_curve_points = src_points_by_curve[src_curve];
src_curve_points.drop_back(1), 512, [&](const IndexRange src_points) {
for (int src_point : src_points) {
if (src_curve_points.size() == 1) {
/* One-point stroke : just check if the point is inside the eraser. */
const int64_t src_point = src_curve_points.first();
const int64_t squared_distance = math::distance_squared(
this->mouse_position_pixels, screen_space_positions_pixel[src_point]);
r_is_point_inside[src_point] = (squared_distance < this->eraser_squared_radius_pixels);
float mu0;
float mu1;
r_nb_intersections[src_point] = intersections_with_segment(
screen_space_positions[src_point + 1],
r_intersections_factors[src_point] = float2(mu0, mu1);
for (const int64_t src_point : src_curve_points.drop_back(1)) {
r_nb_intersections[src_point] = intersections_with_segment(
screen_space_positions_pixel[src_point + 1],
r_is_point_inside[src_point + 1],
r_is_point_cut[src_point + 1]);
if (src_cyclic[src_curve]) {
/* If the curve is cyclic, we need to check for the closing segment. */
const int src_last_point = src_curve_points.last();
const int64_t src_last_point = src_curve_points.last();
const int64_t src_first_point = src_curve_points.first();
int2 intersection{-1, -1};
float mu0;
float mu1;
r_nb_intersections[src_last_point] = intersections_with_segment(
r_intersections_factors[src_last_point] = float2(mu0, mu1);
/* Compute total number of intersections. */
int total_intersections = 0;
for (const int src_point : src.points_range()) {
int64_t total_intersections = 0;
for (const int64_t src_point : src.points_range()) {
total_intersections += r_nb_intersections[src_point];
return total_intersections;
* Checks if a point is inside the eraser or not.
inline bool contains_point(const float2 &point) const
return (math::distance_squared(point, this->mouse_position) <=
this->eraser_radius * this->eraser_radius);
* Checks if each point is inside the eraser or not.
* \param screen_space_positions: input parameter containing the 2D positions of the geometry in
* screen space.
* \param points_range: ranges of points to check.
* \param r_point_inside: output parameter filled with booleans : true if the point is inside the
* eraser, false otherwise.
* \returns total number of inside points.
* Note that for the two output arrays the last element may contain intersections if the
* corresponding curve is cyclic.
int compute_points_inside(const Span<float2> screen_space_positions,
const IndexRange points_range,
MutableSpan<bool> r_point_inside) const
/* Check if points are inside the eraser. */
threading::parallel_for(points_range, 1024, [&](const IndexRange src_points) {
for (const int src_point : src_points) {
const float2 pos_view = screen_space_positions[src_point];
r_point_inside[src_point] = contains_point(pos_view);
/* Compute total number of points inside the eraser. */
int total_points_inside = 0;
for (const int src_point : points_range) {
total_points_inside += r_point_inside[src_point] ? 1 : 0;
return total_points_inside;
/* The hard eraser cuts out the curves at their intersection with the eraser, and removes
* everything that lies in-between two consecutives intersections. Note that intersections are
* computed using integers (pixel-space) to avoid floating-point approximation errors. */
bool hard_eraser(const bke::CurvesGeometry &src,
const Span<float2> screen_space_positions,
@ -219,29 +329,44 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
const bool keep_caps) const
const VArray<bool> src_cyclic = src.cyclic();
const int src_points_num = src.points_num();
const int src_curves_num = src.curves_num();
const int64_t src_points_num = src.points_num();
const int64_t src_curves_num = src.curves_num();
const OffsetIndices<int> src_points_by_curve = src.points_by_curve();
/* Compute intersections between the eraser and the curves in the source domain. */
Array<int> nb_intersections(src_points_num, 0);
Array<float2> src_intersections_parameters(src_points_num);
const int total_intersections = intersections_with_curves(
src, screen_space_positions, nb_intersections, src_intersections_parameters);
/* Check if points are inside the eraser. */
Array<bool> is_point_inside(src_points_num, false);
const int total_points_inside = compute_points_inside(
screen_space_positions, src.points_range(), is_point_inside);
Array<bool> is_point_cut(src_points_num, false);
Array<int64_t> nb_intersections(src_points_num, 0);
Array<float2> src_intersections_parameters(src_points_num);
const int64_t total_intersections = intersections_with_curves(src,
/* Compute total points inside. */
int64_t total_points_inside = 0;
for (const int64_t src_point : src.points_range()) {
total_points_inside += is_point_inside[src_point] ? 1 : 0;
/* Compute total points that are cuts, meaning points that lie in the boundary of the eraser.
* These points will be kept in the destination geometry, but change the topology of the curve.
int64_t total_points_cut = 0;
for (const int64_t src_point : src.points_range()) {
total_points_cut += is_point_cut[src_point] ? 1 : 0;
/* Total number of points in the destination :
* - intersections with the eraser are added,
* - points that are inside the erase are removed.
const int dst_points_num = src_points_num + total_intersections - total_points_inside;
const int64_t dst_points_num = src.points_num() + total_intersections - total_points_inside;
if ((total_intersections == 0) && (total_points_inside == 0)) {
/* Return early if nothing to change. */
/* Return early if nothing to change. */
if ((total_intersections == 0) && (total_points_inside == 0) && (total_points_cut == 0)) {
return false;
@ -251,33 +376,34 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
return true;
/* Set the intersection parameters in the destination domain : a pair of int and float numbers
* for which the integer is the index of the corresponding segment in the source curves, and
* the float part is the (0,1) factor representing its position in the segment.
/* Set the intersection parameters in the destination domain : a pair of int and float
* numbers for which the integer is the index of the corresponding segment in the source
* curves, and the float part is the (0,1) factor representing its position in the segment.
Array<std::pair<int, float>> dst_points_parameters(dst_points_num);
Array<std::pair<int64_t, float>> dst_points_parameters(dst_points_num);
Array<bool> is_cut(dst_points_num, false);
Array<int> src_pivot_point(src_curves_num, -1);
Array<int> dst_interm_curves_offsets(src_curves_num + 1, 0);
int dst_point = -1;
for (const int src_curve : src.curves_range()) {
Array<int64_t> src_pivot_point(src_curves_num, -1);
Array<int64_t> dst_interm_curves_offsets(src_curves_num + 1, 0);
int64_t dst_point = -1;
for (const int64_t src_curve : src.curves_range()) {
const IndexRange src_points = src_points_by_curve[src_curve];
for (const int src_point : src_points) {
for (const int64_t src_point : src_points) {
if (!is_point_inside[src_point]) {
/* Add a point from the source : the factor is only the index in the source. */
dst_points_parameters[++dst_point] = {src_point, 0.0};
is_cut[dst_point] = is_point_cut[src_point];
if (nb_intersections[src_point] > 0) {
float mu0 = src_intersections_parameters[src_point].x;
float mu1 = src_intersections_parameters[src_point].y;
if (IN_RANGE(mu0, 0, 1)) {
/* Add an intersection with the eraser and mark it as a cut. */
dst_points_parameters[++dst_point] = {src_point, mu0};
is_cut[dst_point] = true;
if (IN_RANGE(mu1, 0, 1)) {
/* Add an intersection with the eraser and mark it as a cut. */
dst_points_parameters[++dst_point] = {src_point, mu0};
is_cut[dst_point] = true;
if (nb_intersections[src_point] > 1) {
/* Add an intersection with the eraser and mark it as a cut. */
dst_points_parameters[++dst_point] = {src_point, mu1};
is_cut[dst_point] = true;
@ -302,8 +428,8 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
/* Cyclic curves. */
Array<bool> src_now_cyclic(src_curves_num);
threading::parallel_for(src.curves_range(), 4096, [&](const IndexRange src_curves) {
for (const int src_curve : src_curves) {
const int pivot_point = src_pivot_point[src_curve];
for (const int64_t src_curve : src_curves) {
const int64_t pivot_point = src_pivot_point[src_curve];
if (pivot_point == -1) {
/* Either the curve was not cyclic or it wasn't cut : no need to change it. */
@ -317,8 +443,8 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
src_now_cyclic[src_curve] = false;
const int dst_interm_first = dst_interm_curves_offsets[src_curve];
const int dst_interm_last = dst_interm_curves_offsets[src_curve + 1];
const int64_t dst_interm_first = dst_interm_curves_offsets[src_curve];
const int64_t dst_interm_last = dst_interm_curves_offsets[src_curve + 1];
std::rotate(dst_points_parameters.begin() + dst_interm_first,
dst_points_parameters.begin() + pivot_point,
dst_points_parameters.begin() + dst_interm_last);
@ -336,10 +462,10 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
const IndexRange dst_points(dst_interm_curves_offsets[src_curve],
dst_interm_curves_offsets[src_curve + 1] -
int length_of_current = 0;
int64_t length_of_current = 0;
for (int dst_point : dst_points) {
const int src_point = dst_points_parameters[dst_point].first;
const int64_t src_point = dst_points_parameters[dst_point].first;
if ((length_of_current > 0) && is_cut[dst_point] && is_point_inside[src_point]) {
/* This is the new first point of a curve. */
@ -355,7 +481,7 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
const int dst_curves_num = dst_curves_offset.size() - 1;
const int64_t dst_curves_num = dst_curves_offset.size() - 1;
/* Create the new curves geometry. */
dst.resize(dst_points_num, dst_curves_num);
@ -385,7 +511,7 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
dst_attributes.lookup_or_add_for_write_span<int8_t>("end_cap", ATTR_DOMAIN_CURVE);
threading::parallel_for(dst.curves_range(), 4096, [&](const IndexRange dst_curves) {
for (const int dst_curve : dst_curves) {
for (const int64_t dst_curve : dst_curves) {
const IndexRange dst_curve_points = dst_points_by_curve[dst_curve];
if (is_cut[dst_curve_points.first()]) {
dst_start_caps.span[dst_curve] = GP_STROKE_CAP_TYPE_FLAT;
@ -410,15 +536,15 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
auto dst_attr = attribute.dst.span.typed<T>();
threading::parallel_for(dst.curves_range(), 512, [&](const IndexRange dst_curves) {
for (const int dst_curve : dst_curves) {
for (const int64_t dst_curve : dst_curves) {
const IndexRange dst_curve_points = dst_points_by_curve[dst_curve];
const int src_curve = dst_to_src_curve[dst_curve];
const int64_t src_curve = dst_to_src_curve[dst_curve];
const IndexRange src_curve_points = src_points_by_curve[src_curve];
threading::parallel_for(dst_curve_points, 4096, [&](const IndexRange dst_points) {
for (const int dst_point : dst_points) {
const int src_point = dst_points_parameters[dst_point].first;
for (const int64_t dst_point : dst_points) {
const int64_t src_point = dst_points_parameters[dst_point].first;
if (!is_cut[dst_point]) {
dst_attr[dst_point] = src_attr[src_point];
@ -430,9 +556,9 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
/* Compute the endpoint of the segment in the source domain.
* Note that if this is the closing segment of a cyclic curve, then the
* endpoint of the segment in the first point of the curve. */
const int src_next_point = (src_point == src_curve_points.last()) ?
src_curve_points.first() :
(src_point + 1);
const int64_t src_next_point = (src_point == src_curve_points.last()) ?
src_curve_points.first() :
(src_point + 1);
dst_attr[dst_point] = bke::attribute_math::mix2<T>(
src_pt_factor, src_attr[src_point], src_attr[src_next_point]);
@ -460,9 +586,9 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
src.curves_range(), GrainSize(256), memory, [&](const int64_t src_curve) {
const IndexRange src_curve_points = src_points_by_curve[src_curve];
/* If any segment of the stroke is closer to the eraser than its radius, then remove the
* stroke. */
for (const int src_point : src_curve_points.drop_back(1)) {
/* If any segment of the stroke is closer to the eraser than its radius, then remove
* the stroke. */
for (const int64_t src_point : src_curve_points.drop_back(1)) {
const float dist_to_eraser = dist_to_line_segment_v2(
@ -513,6 +639,11 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
brush->gpencil_settings->curve_strength, 0, extension_sample.pressure);
this->mouse_position_pixels = int2(round_fl_to_int(mouse_position[0]),
const int64_t eraser_radius_pixels = round_fl_to_int(eraser_radius);
this->eraser_squared_radius_pixels = eraser_radius_pixels * eraser_radius_pixels;
/* Get the grease pencil drawing. */
GreasePencil &grease_pencil = *static_cast<GreasePencil *>(obact->data);
@ -528,7 +659,7 @@ struct EraseOperationExecutor {
/* Compute screen space positions. */
Array<float2> screen_space_positions(src.points_num());
threading::parallel_for(src.points_range(), 4096, [&](const IndexRange src_points) {
for (const int src_point : src_points) {
for (const int64_t src_point : src_points) {