Cycles: Workaround for MetalRT crash when building pipelines

Workaround for a crash when `addComputePipelineFunctionsWithDescriptor` is called *after* `newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor` with linked functions (i.e. with MetalRT enabled). Ideally we would like to call `newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor` (async) first so we can bail out if needed, but we can stop the crash by flipping the order when there are linked functions. However when addComputePipelineFunctionsWithDescriptor is called first it will block while it builds the pipeline, offering no way of bailing out.

Note that this only has an impact when the "MetalRT (Experimental)" option is checked.

Pull Request:
This commit is contained in:
Michael Jones 2023-03-10 12:36:58 +01:00 committed by Michael Jones (Apple)
parent a6b8bdaa45
commit a60626ab0b
1 changed files with 48 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -621,6 +621,8 @@ void MetalKernelPipeline::compile()
MTLPipelineOption pipelineOptions = MTLPipelineOptionNone;
bool use_binary_archive = should_use_binary_archive();
bool loading_existing_archive = false;
bool creating_new_archive = false;
id<MTLBinaryArchive> archive = nil;
string metalbin_path;
@ -650,42 +652,39 @@ void MetalKernelPipeline::compile()
metalbin_path = path_cache_get(path_join("kernels", metalbin_name));
/* Retrieve shader binary from disk, and update the file timestamp for LRU purging to work as
* intended. */
if (use_binary_archive && path_cache_kernel_exists_and_mark_used(metalbin_path)) {
if (@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor *archiveDesc = [[MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor alloc] init];
/* Check if shader binary exists on disk, and if so, update the file timestamp for LRU purging
* to work as intended. */
loading_existing_archive = path_cache_kernel_exists_and_mark_used(metalbin_path);
creating_new_archive = !loading_existing_archive;
if (@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor *archiveDesc = [[MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor alloc] init];
if (loading_existing_archive) {
archiveDesc.url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@(metalbin_path.c_str())];
archive = [mtlDevice newBinaryArchiveWithDescriptor:archiveDesc error:nil];
[archiveDesc release];
bool creating_new_archive = false;
bool recreate_archive = false;
if (@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
if (use_binary_archive) {
NSError *error = nil;
archive = [mtlDevice newBinaryArchiveWithDescriptor:archiveDesc error:&error];
if (!archive) {
MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor *archiveDesc = [[MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor alloc] init];
archiveDesc.url = nil;
archive = [mtlDevice newBinaryArchiveWithDescriptor:archiveDesc error:nil];
creating_new_archive = true;
const char *err = error ? [[error localizedDescription] UTF8String] : nullptr;
metal_printf("newBinaryArchiveWithDescriptor failed: %s\n", err ? err : "nil");
else {
[archiveDesc release];
if (loading_existing_archive) {
pipelineOptions = MTLPipelineOptionFailOnBinaryArchiveMiss;
computePipelineStateDescriptor.binaryArchives = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:archive, nil];
bool recreate_archive = false;
/* Lambda to do the actual pipeline compilation. */
auto do_compilation = [&]() {
__block bool compilation_finished = false;
__block string error_str;
if (archive && path_exists(metalbin_path)) {
if (loading_existing_archive) {
/* Use the blocking variant of newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor if an archive exists on
* disk. It should load almost instantaneously, and will fail gracefully when loading a
* corrupt archive (unlike the async variant). */
@ -698,8 +697,30 @@ void MetalKernelPipeline::compile()
error_str = err ? err : "nil";
else {
/* TODO / MetalRT workaround:
* Workaround for a crash when addComputePipelineFunctionsWithDescriptor is called *after*
* newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor with linked functions (i.e. with MetalRT enabled).
* Ideally we would like to call newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor (async) first so we
* can bail out if needed, but we can stop the crash by flipping the order when there are
* linked functions. However when addComputePipelineFunctionsWithDescriptor is called first
* it will block while it builds the pipeline, offering no way of bailing out. */
auto addComputePipelineFunctionsWithDescriptor = [&]() {
if (creating_new_archive && ShaderCache::running) {
NSError *error;
if (![archive addComputePipelineFunctionsWithDescriptor:computePipelineStateDescriptor
error:&error]) {
NSString *errStr = [error localizedDescription];
metal_printf("Failed to add PSO to archive:\n%s\n",
errStr ? [errStr UTF8String] : "nil");
if (computePipelineStateDescriptor.linkedFunctions) {
/* Use the async variant of newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor if no archive exists on
* disk. This allows us responds to app shutdown. */
* disk. This allows us to respond to app shutdown. */
@ -725,21 +746,14 @@ void MetalKernelPipeline::compile()
while (ShaderCache::running && !compilation_finished) {
if (creating_new_archive && pipeline && ShaderCache::running) {
/* Add pipeline into the new archive. It should be instantaneous following
* newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor. */
NSError *error;
computePipelineStateDescriptor.binaryArchives = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:archive, nil];
if (![archive addComputePipelineFunctionsWithDescriptor:computePipelineStateDescriptor
error:&error]) {
NSString *errStr = [error localizedDescription];
metal_printf("Failed to add PSO to archive:\n%s\n", errStr ? [errStr UTF8String] : "nil");
/* Add pipeline into the new archive (unless we did it earlier). */
if (pipeline && !computePipelineStateDescriptor.linkedFunctions) {
else if (!pipeline) {
if (!pipeline) {
"newComputePipelineStateWithDescriptor failed for \"%s\"%s. "