Commit Graph

8898 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ton Roosendaal 58a0811ad9 - fixed bug in windows with extreme small height... it didnt accept
- was needed for usage of this windowtype (headerless) as 'timeline'
  dragger, which was supposed to be...
- as extra I fixed 'home', it sets start/end frame for sound window
- at mouselocation the current frame or time is printed
- rightmouse menu switches seconds/frames (should be in header as option...)
- displaybutton 'frs/sec/' updates soundwindow too

So, its not perfect... but try opening a tiny high headerless audio
window on top of buttonswin or somewhere full width. not bad...
2003-10-17 19:03:53 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 0321602b65 - The basic layer for Themes in place!
- currently only implemented for 3d window
- create as many themes you like, and name them
- default theme is not editable, and always will be defined at startup
- saves in .B.blend
- themes for spaces can become local too, so you can set individual
  3d windows at theme 'Maya' or so. (to be implemented)
- it uses alpha as well...!

This doesnt use the old method with BFCOLORID blahblah. The API is copied
from OpenGL conventions (naming) as much as possible:

- void BIF_ThemeColor(ScrArea *sa, int colorid)
  sets a color... id's are in BIF_resources.h (TH_GRID, TH_WIRE, etc)

- void BIF_ThemeColorShade(ScrArea *sa, int colorid, int offset)
  sets a color with offset, no more weird COLORSHADE_LGREY stuff

- void BIF_GetThemeColor3fv(ScrArea *sa, int colorid, float *col)
  like opengl, this gives you in *col the three rgb values

- void BIF_GetThemeColor4ubv(ScrArea *sa, int colorid, char *col)
  or the one to get 4 bytes

ThemeColor calls for globals (UI etc) can also call NULL for *sa... this
is to be implemented still.

Next step: cleaning up interface.c for all weird colorcalls.
2003-10-17 14:02:08 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 5d1438ad96 - fixed editing vertices again!
I had to clean up very old calls to switch matrices for 3d windows.
To make it more clear, I've introduced defines for the infamous persp()

persp(PERSP_WIN);  sets matrices at pixel level window
persp(PERSP_VIEW); restores matrices back to 3d drawing
persp(PERSP_STORE); only called once, to store correct matrices

I will now check on frontbuffer drawing of vertices... it's very doubtful
if it's used still correctly, was only meant for visual speed in the
early nineties you know. :)
2003-10-16 09:39:19 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal c7618783fb - further work on view3d panels:
- you can close them (x icon) or press ESC
- option to open panel at mouse location (try Nkey)
- using 'collapse' (triangle icon) stows header in bottom
- opening again restores at old location
- dragging panels or zooming clips nicely with window

evaluate: an 'auto close' when mouse goes outside panel

Warning: vertex selecting still broken! :) It's 2 am now, bedtime...
2003-10-16 00:17:24 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 6480956c58 - expanded internal windowmanager that it allows button panels in any
window (type)
- each SpaceData struct (not the window!) can get 'block handlers'
  assigned, basically event codes that invoke drawing button panels.
- this is saved in files, and Panels behave in any window like it does now
  in buttonswindow
- it also means that a 'space window' should leave with a matrix set for
  buttons level
- try it in view3d header menu, 'view'->'backdrop'. this opens the old
- it all works non blocking! instant updates of viewbuttons visible in
  3d window now.

Not done yet:
- checking and fixing frontbuffer drawing (select a wireframe draws over)
- temporally vertices cannot be selected, is my next project
- closing or hiding Panels...
- styling stuff... i committed for others to review as well.

Have fun. this is certainly a huge improvement over the old viewbuttons!
2003-10-15 12:26:26 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 4629da0ffa - fixed threshold for merging closed Panels (was not sufficient narrow)
- in 'Horizontal Align' mode, Panels now close as a vertical bar
- switching align modes, also switches how closed Panels are drawn
- opengl nor ftgl support vertical string drawing... so for now it only
  draws the capitals of the Panel title in a horizontal collapsed header
2003-10-14 10:45:35 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 44b32134ae - converted constraint buttons, they're a Panel in Object main menu
- converted sound buttons, part of Scene
- special request Matt: headers of windows 2 pixels higher! (test)
- special request Stefano: icons instead of menu for buttons-header
- 'data browse' buttons now almost all in buttonswindow.
- almost all buttons have been panelized now.

next stage: cleaning up usage of color in Blender, to allow presests!
2003-10-13 23:46:08 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 5f6d8e59c4 - Converted lamp buttons and world buttons, they're pretty!
- menu auto open now is user preset, including 2 thresholds you can set
- hilites of pulldown menus were not cleared, fixed
- changed F4 key to logic. F5 will show lamp buttons, when lamp active
- in 'shader context' buttons, clicking camera will show world
- Converted lamp buttons and world buttons, they're pretty!
- menu auto open now is user preset, including 2 thresholds you can set
- hilites of pulldown menus were not cleared, fixed
- changed F4 key to logic. F5 will show lamp buttons, when lamp active
- in 'shader context' buttons, clicking camera will show world
2003-10-12 13:58:56 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 0d03929b9b Another huge commit!!!
First, check on the new files, which are listed below.
The new butspace.h is a local include, only to be used for the buttons
drawn in the buttonswindow.

- editbuts, animbuts, gamebuts, displaybuts, paintbuts,  work now
- i quite completely reorganized it, it's now nicely telling you what
  context it is in
- sorting error in panel align fixed (tabs were flipping)
- align works correctly automatic when you click around in Blender
- editsca.c renamed to buttons_logic.h
- button names are truncated from the right for allmost all buttons
  (except text buttons and number buttons)
- while dragging panels, you cannot move them outside window anymore

And of course fixed loads of little bugs I encountered while testing
it all. This is a version I really need good test & feedback for.

Next step: restoring material/lamp/texture/world
2003-10-10 17:29:01 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 416b110f90 - brought back hilites in buttons when mouse-over
- automatic pulldown opening can now be controlled ( user setting?)
  it has two thresholds:
  - when no menu was opened before, it waits A milliseconds
  - when (in the same block a menu was opened, it waits B millisec.
  Currently A= 0.4 sec, B= 0.1 (or so)
- 3d window header; brought back old drawtype menu (test, compare!)
- another test: the old menubutton doesnt work anymore with hold-mouse
  only, you can also use it as the other popups (old method still works)
- proposal; all buttons that pop up a block, get special drawtype (arrows)
2003-10-07 22:55:16 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 336afad8d6 - added little original feature to panels: TABS! :)
while dragging you can merge panels, or while dragging on a tab you
  can unmerge them.
2003-10-05 13:19:08 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 842bb449c5 huge commit, sorry!
this is part 1 of the UI makeover. It has:
- menu system from Matt integrated
- buttons drawing from Matt
- generic button panel system implemented
- converted displaybuttons (not the rest yet)
- cleaned up a lot in drawing spaces itself, to make it aligned and pixel exact.
- cleaned loads of little compiler warnings, protos...

still a lot of work needed, will all be in next week i hope!

(warn: 2 new c files! butspace.c and buttons_scene.c)
2003-10-04 20:35:50 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal d8955d1b33 - Recursive environment map render
Multiple environments now can be rendered in one pass. Previously the other objects with environment maps didn't show up in a reflection. Like this:

By default, Blender renders now this result:

For a further 'recursive ray-tracing effect' you can give each EnvMap texture a higher "Depth" value. Here is a result with depth set at '2':

Related new options:
- in (F10) DisplayButtons, environment map rendering can be turned on and off.
- in EnvMap texture buttons you can free all environment maps
- Environment map sizes are also reduced with the (F10) 'percentage' option.

Tech note: with this commit the VlakRen struct has on *ob pointer!
2003-09-23 21:05:51 +00:00
Jiri Hnidek 5d2f98f440 - improved polygonization (linear interpolation) of Implicit Surfaces (Meta)
- added new MetaElem types (plane, elipsoid and cube) old TubeX, TubeY and TubeZ will not be supported
- new buttons in Edit button window (dx, dy, dz)
- added new items into the headers menu and toolbox menu

more details at:
2003-09-05 13:54:22 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 470b5c0366 So, for the platform managers to check:
- the link order for Blender has changed, the libradiosity.a has to be moved after the librender.a (obviously for a new dependency!). Check blender/source/Makefile
- there's a new file: blender/source/radiosity/intern/source/radrender.c

Here's what the new code does:

Using the core routines of the Radiosity tool, each renderface with 'emit material' and each renderface with 'radio material flag' set will be used to itterate to a global illumination solution. Per face with high energy (emit) little images are rendered (hemicubes) which makes up lookup tables to 'shoot' its energy to other faces.
In the end this energy - color - then is directly added to the pixel colors while rendering, Gouraud shaded.
Since it's done with renderfaces, it works for all primitives in Blender.

What is doesn't do yet:
- take into account textured color of faces. Currently it uses the material RGB color for filtering distributed energy.
- do some smart pre-subdividing. I don't know yet if this is useful... Right now it means that you'll have to balance the models yourself, to deliver small faces where you want a high accuracy for shadowing.
- unified render (is at my todo list)

User notes:
- per Material you want to have included in radiosity render: set the 'radio' flag. For newly added Materials it is ON by default now.
- the Ambient slider in Material controls the amount of radiosity color.
- for enabling radiosity rendering, set the F10 "Radio" button.
- the Radiosity buttons now only show the relevant radiosity rendering options. Pressing "collect meshes" will show all buttons again.
- for meshes, the faces who use Radio material always call the 'autosmooth' routine, this to make sure sharp angles (like corners in a room) do not have shared vertices. For some smooth models (like the raptor example) you might increase the standard smoothing angle from 30 to 45 degree.

Technical notes:
- I had to expand the renderface and rendervertices for it... shame on me! Faces have one pointer extra, render vertices four floats...
- The size of the hemicubes is now based at the boundbox of the entire scene (0.002 of it). This should be more reliable... to be done
- I fixed a bug in radiosity render, where sometimes backfaces where lit

In general:
I'd like everyone to play a bit with this system. It's not easy to get good results with it. A simple "hit and go" isn't there... maybe some good suggestions?
2003-08-31 20:33:46 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal aa9f2a5733 - saves the 'draw faces' flag in a file, in fact the entire G.f flag.
WARN: this recompiles other stuff too, outside of the loader. be sure
  to 'make' in source/blender/ or a higher dir.
2003-07-21 19:41:07 +00:00
Chris Want cf495e6655 Support for using the action window as a tool for modifying
(mesh or lattice) RVK IpoCurves: support currently includes:

	- RVK sliders. Pressing the little triangle next to
	  the word 'sliders' in the channel names opens them up.
	- NKEY in the area where the key block names are allows the
	  user to change the name of the keyblock, and the max and min
	  values of the RVK sliders.
	- ability to visualize the keyframes for the IpoCurves when
	  the object is selected.
	- right mouse can be used to select the keys
	- border select in the main area can be used to border
	  select keys.
	- AKEY selects/deselects all of the keys
	- GKEY and SKEY can be used to grab or scale the key
	- XKEY deletes the selected keys.
	- DKEY duplicated the selected keys.
	- VKEY, HKEY and shift-HKEY change the bezier handles for
	  the selected keys.

Please, please, please test!
2003-07-20 23:04:09 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal d5c829e413 - added the 'no diffuse' and 'no specularity' options for Lamps, as were
in Tuhopuu
- added the Tuhopuu feature which displays material-buttons and lamp-
  buttons integrated. saves button presses that way!
2003-07-20 15:55:02 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 9bf630a1f3 WARNING: with makefiles I could not get a stable blender compiled.
do a make clean in source/blender/ to be sure!

- Included the new shaders from Cessen... well, only the shader calls
  themselves. To make sure the shaders work I nicely integrated it

- MaterialButtons: layout changed a bit, but still resembles the old
  layout. The 'shader' options now are located together.

- Shaders are separated in 'diffuse' and 'specular'. You can combine them

- diffuse Lambert: old shader
  diffuse Oren Nayar: new shader, gives sandy/silky/skinny material well
  diffuse Toon: for cartoon render

- specular Phong: new spec, traditional 70ies spec
  specular CookTorr: a reduced version of cook torrance shading, does
                     off specular peak well
  specular Blinn: new spec, same features as CookTorr, but with extra
                  'refraction' setting
  specular Toon: new spec for cartoon render

- default blender starts with settings that render compatible!

- works in shaded view and preview-render

- works in unified render

Further little changes:

- removed paranoia compile warnings from render/loader/blenlib

- and the warnings at files I worked at were removed.
2003-07-19 20:31:29 +00:00
Wouter van Heyst 4f27386740 Commit message and the brunt of the code courtesy of intrr, apologies for the
size of this;

Finally, the Sequencer audio support and global audio/animation sync stuff!

Stuff that has been done:


Added code to make it handle sounds used by audio strips, and to convert
Scene data from older (<2.28) versions to init Scene global audio settings
(Scene->audio) to defaults.


The main audio routines that start/stop/scrub the audio stream at
a certain frame position, provide the frame reference for the current
stream position, mix the audio, convert the audio, mixdown the audio
into a file.


Introduced new variables in the bSound struct to accomodate the sample
data after converted to the scene's global mixing format (stream, streamlen).
Also added a new flag SOUND_FLAGS_SEQUENCE that gets set if the Sound
belongs to a sequence strip.


Added AudioData struct, which holds scene-global audio settings.


Added support for audio strips. Some variables to hold Panning/Attenuation
information, position information, reference to the sample, and some flags.


Added a "Mixing buffer size" userpref. Made the versions stuff initialize
it to a default for versions <2.28.


Added a Cyan dot to .WAV files. Any other suggestions on a better color? :)


Changes (fixes) to the WAV file loader, re-enabled some gameengine code that
is needed for dealing with bSounds and bSamples.


 - Created two different wrappers for update_for_newframe(), one which scrubs
   the audio, one which doesn't.
 - Replaced some of the occurences of update_for_newframe() with
   update_for_newframe_muted(), which doesn't scrub the audio.
 - In drawview.c: Changed the synchronization scheme to get the current audio
   position from the audio engine, and use that as a reference for setting
   CFRA. Implements a/v sync and framedrop.
 - In editipo.c: Changed handling of Fac IPOs to be usable for audio strips as
   volume envelopes.
 - In space.c: Added the mixing buffer size Userpref, enabled audio scrubbing
   (update_for_newframe()) for moving the sequence editor framebar.


Added support for audio strips and a default directory for WAV files which
gets saved from the last Shift-A operation.


Added Scene-global audio sequencer settings in Sound buttons.


Various stuff that deals with handling audio strips differently than
usual strips.
2003-07-13 20:16:56 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 1323315937 - associated .h file change for previous commit (bug #152).
plus added a warning in screen_types.h. Some wierd person
  thinks ENUM is nice? It's dangerous! ;-)
2003-06-27 15:29:36 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal a0ea4df1ba - added reference to genfile.c instructions 2003-06-23 12:28:20 +00:00
Chris Want 924a849755 Support for building bf-blender under windows with gcc (huge thanks to
Florian Eggenburger).

Full instructions are in doc/

Main differences from Florian's patch:

- the 'lib' dir should now be the same level as the 'blender' dir (rather
than being a subdir of 'blender'). This is consistent with the other
platforms that bf-blender supports (tuhopuu will also adopt this convention
hopefully soon).

- the script '' is no longer needed ... see the
docs about how this is overcome (again, tuhopuu will hopefully
also follow this route soon).

- the dlltool dir has it's own Makefile that builds all of the
needed stub libraries from the dll's in cvs.
2003-05-24 20:04:37 +00:00
Rob Haarsma 9662763ee0 Updated Quicktime code so settings can be stored in the blendfile.
This enables Blender to;
- have scenes with different codec settings. (same as avicodec)
- render directly without dialog.
- batch/background render to Quicktime movies.

Only tested on windows. ;)
2003-05-21 01:21:07 +00:00
Kent Mein 6f19051502 Slightly Modified version of Kester Maddock's Lamps patch to up the
max from 256 to 32766.

I removed the duplicate define and updated the files that needed it.

2003-05-20 17:09:55 +00:00
Rob Haarsma 331eb81e09 modified so .Blanguages and .bfont get loaded from .blender dir.
the path to the selected ui font gets stored in the U.fontdir userprefs.
fixed a fullscreen thingie for windows.
2003-05-12 14:23:03 +00:00
Rob Haarsma 5756d0e1bd modified userprefs layout.
modified linenumber display.

for Win32:
added display of framenumber in titlebar of animwindow.
added userpref that enables all codecs for rendering.
2003-05-11 23:28:32 +00:00
Rob Haarsma fe05ca64f2 fixed a (wn32 avi) codec issue when adding an Empty scene.
added ttc and otc to the list of font extensions.
2003-05-11 15:44:23 +00:00
Rob Haarsma ad0bf55843 added a fullscreen button in the top header (windows only)
written by Florian Eggenberger.
2003-05-08 16:24:58 +00:00
Rob Haarsma b43473e425 Multilingual interface support added.
All modifications are behind compileflag INTERNATIONAL,
and affect these two directories; source/blender/src and

Thanks to philipp, a new utf8towchar() function is added
to Shizu's work, which fixes the international support for
OSX. It also makes the iconv library obsolete. This means
all translation files ( need to be 'recoded' to
UTF-8, and language support in the fileselect window and
the text editor is not possible. Iconv might be added in
the future to enable these features.
2003-05-03 12:17:11 +00:00
Rob Haarsma 52f6a630ce Added rename/delete popups to the file and imageselect windows.
Redesigned the userpreference window layout. (not finished yet)

Enhanced the texteditor with; a rightmousemenu, clipboard text
support (for windows !) and the alt-m keystroke generates a 3d
text object. (up to 1000 characters)

(1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 from
2003-04-28 11:17:21 +00:00
Rob Haarsma 706ccc0401 Added Quicktime support for OSX and Windows.
This code allows you to load Quicktime images and movies as textures
and render animations to Quicktime movies.
Note that the selected output codec is *not* saved in the blendfile.

To enable Quicktime functionality you need the SDK from Apple:
Add the \QTDevWin\CIncludes and \QTDevWin\Libraries directories
from this SDK to your build environment.

Enable the WITH_QUICKTIME compile flag in the following directories:
2003-04-28 02:15:46 +00:00
Ton Roosendaal 0b2b5dbfb9 More translations of c comments, now also include files! 2003-04-27 11:55:33 +00:00
Chris Want c95692df7c Support for auto-skinning when parenting a mesh to an armature.
Applies to bones that do not have a boneclass of unskinnable
(set per bone in editmode in the button window).
2003-04-24 00:48:43 +00:00
Wouter van Heyst a6a50cc27f Left over generated cruft, time to go 2003-03-24 00:15:20 +00:00
Rob Haarsma d8a909905b added filetype for python (.py) scripts 2003-02-06 14:03:51 +00:00
Stefan Gartner 4709eced07 added simple shaded+wire and solid+wire drawmodes. It basically draws
the wireframe after drawing the model in solid/shaded/textured mode.
The user can set this per object using the "Wire" button in the
edit buttons window.
2003-02-01 08:25:09 +00:00
Rob Haarsma e785342319 added mousewheel support part 2 2003-01-28 11:14:38 +00:00
Chris Want 9ca562765b Added x-ray bones support (sgefant ended up
doing the bulk of the work when he added the button).
The new x-ray button is added in the edit buttons when
the armature is selected. (suggested by ztonzy)
2003-01-28 05:16:41 +00:00
Rob Haarsma 5d93519fbc added showlinenrs variable to spacetext 2003-01-23 16:39:17 +00:00
Stefan Gartner 707dfe1c38 added two accidentally deleted #'s (without them makesdna wouldn't work

2002-12-27 21:14:32 +00:00
Kent Mein f1c4f705a1 Removed the config.h thing from the .h's in the source dir.
So we should be all set now :)

2002-12-27 13:11:01 +00:00
Stefan Gartner 87e588d4c9 compile and run source/blender/makesdna/intern/makesdna to (re)create

This should fix the segfault at startup for non-x86 systems (tested on
linux/ppc and linux/x86). I would be glad if someone could check
if it works on other systems as well.

2002-12-10 23:55:59 +00:00
Kent Mein d0e346d544 updated .c files to include:
#include <config.h>

Just need to finish cpp files now :)

2002-11-25 12:02:15 +00:00
Kent Mein b9a19f1ea7 Did all of the .h's in source
#include <config.h>

also the's were from previous patch adding
the system depend stuff to

2002-11-25 11:16:17 +00:00
Kent Mein 01bff70383 fixed spacing in the headers to get rid of some warnings and some other
little minor spacing issues.
2002-10-30 02:07:20 +00:00
Kent Mein d063311b08 Fixed defined __sparc to also check for __sparc__ (thanks to Ferris) 2002-10-29 21:55:52 +00:00
Hans Lambermont 12315f4d0e Initial revision 2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00