# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012-2023 Blender Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Use for validating our manual interlinking. # ./blender.bin --background -noaudio --python tests/python/bl_rna_manual_reference.py # # 1) test_data() -- ensure the data we have is correct format # 2) test_lookup_coverage() -- ensure that we have lookups for _every_ RNA path and all patterns are used. # 3) test_urls() -- ensure all the URL's are correct # 4) test_language_coverage() -- ensure language lookup table is complete # import bpy VERBOSE = False def test_data(): import rna_manual_reference assert isinstance(rna_manual_reference.url_manual_mapping, tuple) for i, value in enumerate(rna_manual_reference.url_manual_mapping): try: assert len(value) == 2 assert isinstance(value[0], str) assert isinstance(value[1], str) except: print("Expected a tuple of 2 strings, instead item %d is a %s: %r" % (i, type(value), value)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise def lookup_rna_url(rna_id, visit_indices): """ A local version of ``WM_OT_doc_view_manual._lookup_rna_url`` that tracks which matches are found. """ import rna_manual_reference from fnmatch import fnmatchcase rna_id = rna_id.lower() for i, (pattern, url_suffix) in enumerate(rna_manual_reference.url_manual_mapping): if fnmatchcase(rna_id, pattern): visit_indices.add(i) return rna_manual_reference.url_manual_prefix + url_suffix return None # a stripped down version of api_dump() in rna_info_dump.py def test_lookup_coverage(): def rna_ids(): import rna_info struct = rna_info.BuildRNAInfo()[0] for struct_id, v in sorted(struct.items()): props = [(prop.identifier, prop) for prop in v.properties] struct_path = "bpy.types.%s" % struct_id[1] for prop_id, prop in props: yield (struct_path, "%s.%s" % (struct_path, prop_id)) for submod_id in dir(bpy.ops): op_path = "bpy.ops.%s" % submod_id for op_id in dir(getattr(bpy.ops, submod_id)): yield (op_path, "%s.%s" % (op_path, op_id)) # Check coverage: # from bl_operators import wm set_group_all = set() set_group_doc = set() visit_indices = set() print("") print("----------------------------------") print("RNA Patterns Unknown to the Manual") for rna_group, rna_id in rna_ids(): # Correct but slower & doesn't track usage. # url = wm.WM_OT_doc_view_manual._lookup_rna_url(rna_id, verbose=False) url = lookup_rna_url(rna_id, visit_indices) if VERBOSE: print(rna_id, "->", url) else: print(rna_id) set_group_all.add(rna_group) if url is not None: set_group_doc.add(rna_group) print("") print("---------------------------------------") print("Unused RNA Patterns Known to the Manual") import rna_manual_reference for i, (pattern, url_suffix) in enumerate(rna_manual_reference.url_manual_mapping): if i not in visit_indices: print(pattern, url_suffix) # finally report undocumented groups print("") print("---------------------") print("Undocumented Sections") for rna_group in sorted(set_group_all): if rna_group not in set_group_doc: print("%s.*" % rna_group) def test_language_coverage(): pass # TODO def test_urls(): import os import sys import rna_manual_reference import urllib.error from urllib.request import urlopen # avoid URL lookups if possible LOCAL_PREFIX = os.environ.get("LOCAL_PREFIX") if LOCAL_PREFIX is None: prefix = rna_manual_reference.url_manual_prefix urls = {suffix for (rna_id, suffix) in rna_manual_reference.url_manual_mapping} urls_len = "%d" % len(urls) print("") print("-------------" + "-" * len(urls_len)) print("Testing URLS %s" % urls_len) print("") color_red = '\033[0;31m' color_green = '\033[1;32m' color_normal = '\033[0m' urls_fail = [] if LOCAL_PREFIX: for url in sorted(urls): url_full = os.path.join(LOCAL_PREFIX, url.partition("#")[0]) if os.path.exists(url_full): if VERBOSE: print(" %s ... " % url_full, end="") print(color_green + "OK" + color_normal) else: print(" %s ... " % url_full, end="") print(color_red + "FAIL!" + color_normal) urls_fail.append(url) elif False: # URL lookups are too slow to be practical. for url in sorted(urls): url_full = prefix + url print(" %s ... " % url_full, end="") sys.stdout.flush() try: urlopen(url_full) print(color_green + "OK" + color_normal) except urllib.error.HTTPError: print(color_red + "FAIL!" + color_normal) urls_fail.append(url) else: print("Skipping URL lookups, define LOCAL_PREFIX env variable, and point it to a manual build!") if urls_fail: urls_len = "%d" % len(urls_fail) print("") print("------------" + "-" * len(urls_len)) print("Failed URLS %s" % urls_len) print("") for url in urls_fail: print(" %s%s%s" % (color_red, url, color_normal)) def main(): test_data() test_lookup_coverage() test_language_coverage() test_urls() if __name__ == "__main__": main()