# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import sys import os # may split this out into a new file def replace_bpy_app_version(): """ So MD5's are predictable from output which uses blenders versions. """ import bpy app = bpy.app app_fake = type(bpy)("bpy.app") for attr in dir(app): if not attr.startswith("_"): setattr(app_fake, attr, getattr(app, attr)) app_fake.version = 0, 0, 0 app_fake.version_string = "0.00 (sub 0)" bpy.app = app_fake def clear_startup_blend(): import bpy for col in bpy.data.collections: for obj in col.objects: col.objects.unlink(obj) def blend_to_md5(): import bpy scene = bpy.context.scene ROUND = 4 def matrix2str(matrix): return "".join([str(round(axis, ROUND)) for vector in matrix for axis in vector]).encode('ASCII') def coords2str(seq, attr): return "".join([str(round(axis, ROUND)) for vertex in seq for axis in getattr(vertex, attr)]).encode('ASCII') import hashlib md5 = hashlib.new("md5") md5_update = md5.update for obj in scene.objects: md5_update(matrix2str(obj.matrix_world)) data = obj.data if type(data) == bpy.types.Mesh: md5_update(coords2str(data.vertices, "co")) elif type(data) == bpy.types.Curve: for spline in data.splines: md5_update(coords2str(spline.bezier_points, "co")) md5_update(coords2str(spline.points, "co")) return md5.hexdigest() def main(): argv = sys.argv print(" args:", " ".join(argv)) argv = argv[argv.index("--") + 1:] def arg_extract(arg, optional=True, array=False): arg += "=" if array: value = [] else: value = None i = 0 while i < len(argv): if argv[i].startswith(arg): item = argv[i][len(arg):] del argv[i] i -= 1 if array: value.append(item) else: value = item break i += 1 if (not value) and (not optional): print(" '%s' not set" % arg) sys.exit(1) return value run = arg_extract("--run", optional=False) md5 = arg_extract("--md5", optional=False) md5_method = arg_extract("--md5_method", optional=False) # 'SCENE' / 'FILE' # only when md5_method is 'FILE' md5_source = arg_extract("--md5_source", optional=True, array=True) # save blend file, for testing write_blend = arg_extract("--write-blend", optional=True) # ensure files are written anew for f in md5_source: if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f) import bpy replace_bpy_app_version() if not bpy.data.filepath: clear_startup_blend() print(" Running: '%s'" % run) print(" MD5: '%s'!" % md5) result = eval(run) if write_blend is not None: print(" Writing Blend: %s" % write_blend) bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile('EXEC_DEFAULT', filepath=write_blend) print(" Result: '%s'" % str(result)) if not result: print(" Running: %s -> False" % run) sys.exit(1) if md5_method == 'SCENE': md5_new = blend_to_md5() elif md5_method == 'FILE': if not md5_source: print(" Missing --md5_source argument") sys.exit(1) for f in md5_source: if not os.path.exists(f): print(" Missing --md5_source=%r argument does not point to a file") sys.exit(1) import hashlib md5_instance = hashlib.new("md5") md5_update = md5_instance.update for f in md5_source: filehandle = open(f, "rb") md5_update(filehandle.read()) filehandle.close() md5_new = md5_instance.hexdigest() else: print(" Invalid --md5_method=%s argument is not a valid source") sys.exit(1) if md5 != md5_new: print(" Running: %s\n MD5 Received: %s\n MD5 Expected: %s" % (run, md5_new, md5)) sys.exit(1) print(" Success: %s" % run) if __name__ == "__main__": main()