# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import pathlib import pprint import sys import tempfile import unittest from pxr import Usd from pxr import UsdUtils from pxr import UsdGeom from pxr import UsdShade from pxr import Gf import bpy args = None class AbstractUSDTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls._tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() cls.testdir = args.testdir cls.tempdir = pathlib.Path(cls._tempdir.name) return cls def setUp(self): self.assertTrue( self.testdir.exists(), "Test dir {0} should exist".format(self.testdir) ) def tearDown(self): self._tempdir.cleanup() class USDExportTest(AbstractUSDTest): def test_export_usdchecker(self): """Test exporting a scene and verifying it passes the usdchecker test suite""" bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile( filepath=str(self.testdir / "usd_materials_export.blend") ) export_path = self.tempdir / "usdchecker.usda" res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_export( filepath=str(export_path), export_materials=True, evaluation_mode="RENDER", ) self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to export to {export_path}") checker = UsdUtils.ComplianceChecker( arkit=False, skipARKitRootLayerCheck=False, rootPackageOnly=False, skipVariants=False, verbose=False, ) checker.CheckCompliance(str(export_path)) failed_checks = {} # The ComplianceChecker does not know how to resolve tags, so # it will flag "textures/test_grid_.png" as a missing reference. # That reference is in fact OK, so we skip the rule for this test. to_skip = ("MissingReferenceChecker",) for rule in checker._rules: name = rule.__class__.__name__ if name in to_skip: continue issues = rule.GetFailedChecks() + rule.GetWarnings() + rule.GetErrors() if not issues: continue failed_checks[name] = issues self.assertFalse(failed_checks, pprint.pformat(failed_checks)) def compareVec3d(self, first, second): places = 5 self.assertAlmostEqual(first[0], second[0], places) self.assertAlmostEqual(first[1], second[1], places) self.assertAlmostEqual(first[2], second[2], places) def test_export_extents(self): """Test that exported scenes contain have a properly authored extent attribute on each boundable prim""" bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=str(self.testdir / "usd_extent_test.blend")) export_path = self.tempdir / "usd_extent_test.usda" res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_export( filepath=str(export_path), export_materials=True, evaluation_mode="RENDER", ) self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to export to {export_path}") # if prims are missing, the exporter must have skipped some objects stats = UsdUtils.ComputeUsdStageStats(str(export_path)) self.assertEqual(stats["totalPrimCount"], 16, "Unexpected number of prims") # validate the overall world bounds of the scene stage = Usd.Stage.Open(str(export_path)) scenePrim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/root/scene") bboxcache = UsdGeom.BBoxCache(Usd.TimeCode.Default(), [UsdGeom.Tokens.default_]) bounds = bboxcache.ComputeWorldBound(scenePrim) bound_min = bounds.GetRange().GetMin() bound_max = bounds.GetRange().GetMax() self.compareVec3d(bound_min, Gf.Vec3d(-5.752975881, -1, -2.798513651)) self.compareVec3d(bound_max, Gf.Vec3d(1, 2.9515805244, 2.7985136508)) # validate the locally authored extents prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/root/scene/BigCube/BigCubeMesh") extent = UsdGeom.Boundable(prim).GetExtentAttr().Get() self.compareVec3d(Gf.Vec3d(extent[0]), Gf.Vec3d(-1, -1, -2.7985137)) self.compareVec3d(Gf.Vec3d(extent[1]), Gf.Vec3d(1, 1, 2.7985137)) prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/root/scene/LittleCube/LittleCubeMesh") extent = UsdGeom.Boundable(prim).GetExtentAttr().Get() self.compareVec3d(Gf.Vec3d(extent[0]), Gf.Vec3d(-1, -1, -1)) self.compareVec3d(Gf.Vec3d(extent[1]), Gf.Vec3d(1, 1, 1)) prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/root/scene/Volume/Volume") extent = UsdGeom.Boundable(prim).GetExtentAttr().Get() self.compareVec3d( Gf.Vec3d(extent[0]), Gf.Vec3d(-0.7313742, -0.68043584, -0.5801515) ) self.compareVec3d( Gf.Vec3d(extent[1]), Gf.Vec3d(0.7515701, 0.5500924, 0.9027928) ) def test_opacity_threshold(self): # Note that the scene file used here is shared with a different test. # Here we assume that it has a Principled BSDF material with # a texture connected to its Base Color input. bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=str(self.testdir / "usd_materials_export.blend")) export_path = self.tempdir / "opaque_material.usda" res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_export( filepath=str(export_path), export_materials=True, evaluation_mode="RENDER", ) self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to export to {export_path}") # Inspect and validate the exported USD for the opaque blend case. stage = Usd.Stage.Open(str(export_path)) shader_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/root/_materials/Material/Principled_BSDF") shader = UsdShade.Shader(shader_prim) opacity_input = shader.GetInput('opacity') self.assertEqual(opacity_input.HasConnectedSource(), False, "Opacity input should not be connected for opaque material") self.assertAlmostEqual(opacity_input.Get(), 1.0, "Opacity input should be set to 1") # The material already has a texture input to the Base Color. # Now also link this texture to the Alpha input. # Set an opacity threshold appropriate for alpha clipping. mat = bpy.data.materials['Material'] bsdf = mat.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF'] tex_output = bsdf.inputs['Base Color'].links[0].from_node.outputs['Color'] alpha_input = bsdf.inputs['Alpha'] mat.node_tree.links.new(tex_output, alpha_input) bpy.data.materials['Material'].blend_method = 'CLIP' bpy.data.materials['Material'].alpha_threshold = 0.01 export_path = self.tempdir / "alphaclip_material.usda" res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_export( filepath=str(export_path), export_materials=True, evaluation_mode="RENDER", ) self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to export to {export_path}") # Inspect and validate the exported USD for the alpha clip case. stage = Usd.Stage.Open(str(export_path)) shader_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/root/_materials/Material/Principled_BSDF") shader = UsdShade.Shader(shader_prim) opacity_input = shader.GetInput('opacity') opacity_thres_input = shader.GetInput('opacityThreshold') self.assertEqual(opacity_input.HasConnectedSource(), True, "Alpha input should be connected") self.assertGreater(opacity_thres_input.Get(), 0.0, "Opacity threshold input should be > 0") # Modify material again, this time with alpha blend. bpy.data.materials['Material'].blend_method = 'BLEND' export_path = self.tempdir / "alphablend_material.usda" res = bpy.ops.wm.usd_export( filepath=str(export_path), export_materials=True, evaluation_mode="RENDER", ) self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, res, f"Unable to export to {export_path}") # Inspect and validate the exported USD for the alpha blend case. stage = Usd.Stage.Open(str(export_path)) shader_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/root/_materials/Material/Principled_BSDF") shader = UsdShade.Shader(shader_prim) opacity_input = shader.GetInput('opacity') opacity_thres_input = shader.GetInput('opacityThreshold') self.assertEqual(opacity_input.HasConnectedSource(), True, "Alpha input should be connected") self.assertEqual(opacity_thres_input.Get(), None, "Opacity threshold should not be specified for alpha blend") def main(): global args import argparse if "--" in sys.argv: argv = [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--") + 1:] else: argv = sys.argv parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--testdir", required=True, type=pathlib.Path) args, remaining = parser.parse_known_args(argv) unittest.main(argv=remaining) if __name__ == "__main__": main()