/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup DNA */ #pragma once #include "DNA_defs.h" /* XXX(@ideasman42): temp feature. */ #define DURIAN_CAMERA_SWITCH /** * Check for cyclic set-scene. * Libraries can cause this case which is normally prevented, see (#42009). */ #define USE_SETSCENE_CHECK #include "DNA_ID.h" #include "DNA_color_types.h" /* color management */ #include "DNA_customdata_types.h" /* Scene's runtime custom-data masks. */ #include "DNA_layer_types.h" #include "DNA_listBase.h" #include "DNA_scene_enums.h" #include "DNA_vec_types.h" #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" struct AnimData; struct Brush; struct Collection; struct ColorSpace; struct CurveMapping; struct CurveProfile; struct CustomData_MeshMasks; struct Editing; struct Image; struct MovieClip; struct Object; struct Scene; struct World; struct bGPdata; struct bNodeTree; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name FFMPEG * \{ */ typedef struct AviCodecData { /** Save format. */ void *lpFormat; /** Compressor options. */ void *lpParms; /** Size of lpFormat buffer. */ unsigned int cbFormat; /** Size of lpParms buffer. */ unsigned int cbParms; /** Stream type, for consistency. */ unsigned int fccType; /** Compressor. */ unsigned int fccHandler; /** Keyframe rate. */ unsigned int dwKeyFrameEvery; /** Compress quality 0-10,000. */ unsigned int dwQuality; /** Bytes per second. */ unsigned int dwBytesPerSecond; /** Flags... see below. */ unsigned int dwFlags; /** For non-video streams only. */ unsigned int dwInterleaveEvery; char _pad[4]; char avicodecname[128]; } AviCodecData; typedef enum eFFMpegPreset { FFM_PRESET_NONE = 0, #ifdef DNA_DEPRECATED_ALLOW /* Previously used by h.264 to control encoding speed vs. file size. */ FFM_PRESET_ULTRAFAST = 1, /* DEPRECATED */ FFM_PRESET_SUPERFAST = 2, /* DEPRECATED */ FFM_PRESET_VERYFAST = 3, /* DEPRECATED */ FFM_PRESET_FASTER = 4, /* DEPRECATED */ FFM_PRESET_FAST = 5, /* DEPRECATED */ FFM_PRESET_MEDIUM = 6, /* DEPRECATED */ FFM_PRESET_SLOW = 7, /* DEPRECATED */ FFM_PRESET_SLOWER = 8, /* DEPRECATED */ FFM_PRESET_VERYSLOW = 9, /* DEPRECATED */ #endif /* Used by WEBM/VP9 and h.264 to control encoding speed vs. file size. * WEBM/VP9 use these values directly, whereas h.264 map those to * respectively the MEDIUM, SLOWER, and SUPERFAST presets. */ /** The default and recommended for most applications. */ FFM_PRESET_GOOD = 10, /** Recommended if you have lots of time and want the best compression efficiency. */ FFM_PRESET_BEST = 11, /** Recommended for live / fast encoding. */ FFM_PRESET_REALTIME = 12, } eFFMpegPreset; /** * Mapping from easily-understandable descriptions to CRF values. * Assumes we output 8-bit video. Needs to be remapped if 10-bit * is output. * We use a slightly wider than "subjectively sane range" according * to https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264#a1.ChooseaCRFvalue */ typedef enum eFFMpegCrf { FFM_CRF_NONE = -1, FFM_CRF_LOSSLESS = 0, FFM_CRF_PERC_LOSSLESS = 17, FFM_CRF_HIGH = 20, FFM_CRF_MEDIUM = 23, FFM_CRF_LOW = 26, FFM_CRF_VERYLOW = 29, FFM_CRF_LOWEST = 32, } eFFMpegCrf; typedef enum eFFMpegAudioChannels { FFM_CHANNELS_MONO = 1, FFM_CHANNELS_STEREO = 2, FFM_CHANNELS_SURROUND4 = 4, FFM_CHANNELS_SURROUND51 = 6, FFM_CHANNELS_SURROUND71 = 8, } eFFMpegAudioChannels; typedef struct FFMpegCodecData { int type; int codec; int audio_codec; int video_bitrate; int audio_bitrate; int audio_mixrate; int audio_channels; float audio_volume; int gop_size; /** Only used if FFMPEG_USE_MAX_B_FRAMES flag is set. */ int max_b_frames; int flags; int constant_rate_factor; /** See eFFMpegPreset. */ int ffmpeg_preset; int rc_min_rate; int rc_max_rate; int rc_buffer_size; int mux_packet_size; int mux_rate; void *_pad1; } FFMpegCodecData; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Audio * \{ */ typedef struct AudioData { int mixrate; /* 2.5: now in FFMpegCodecData: audio_mixrate. */ float main; /* 2.5: now in FFMpegCodecData: audio_volume. */ float speed_of_sound; float doppler_factor; int distance_model; short flag; char _pad[2]; float volume; char _pad2[4]; } AudioData; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Render Layers * \{ */ /** Render Layer. */ typedef struct SceneRenderLayer { struct SceneRenderLayer *next, *prev; /** MAX_NAME. */ char name[64] DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to ViewLayer setting. */ struct Material *mat_override DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to LayerCollection cycles camera visibility override. */ unsigned int lay DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to LayerCollection cycles holdout override. */ unsigned int lay_zmask DNA_DEPRECATED; unsigned int lay_exclude DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to ViewLayer layflag and flag. */ int layflag DNA_DEPRECATED; /* Pass_xor has to be after passflag. */ /** Pass_xor has to be after passflag. */ int passflag DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to ViewLayer passflag and flag. */ int pass_xor DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to ViewLayer setting. */ int samples DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to ViewLayer pass_alpha_threshold. */ float pass_alpha_threshold DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to ViewLayer id_properties. */ IDProperty *prop DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to ViewLayer freestyleConfig. */ struct FreestyleConfig freestyleConfig DNA_DEPRECATED; } SceneRenderLayer; /** #SceneRenderLayer::layflag */ enum { SCE_LAY_SOLID = 1 << 0, SCE_LAY_UNUSED_1 = 1 << 1, SCE_LAY_UNUSED_2 = 1 << 2, SCE_LAY_UNUSED_3 = 1 << 3, SCE_LAY_SKY = 1 << 4, SCE_LAY_STRAND = 1 << 5, SCE_LAY_FRS = 1 << 6, SCE_LAY_AO = 1 << 7, SCE_LAY_VOLUMES = 1 << 8, SCE_LAY_MOTION_BLUR = 1 << 9, /* Flags between (1 << 9) and (1 << 15) are set to 1 already, for future options. */ SCE_LAY_FLAG_DEFAULT = ((1 << 15) - 1), SCE_LAY_UNUSED_4 = 1 << 15, SCE_LAY_UNUSED_5 = 1 << 16, SCE_LAY_DISABLE = 1 << 17, SCE_LAY_UNUSED_6 = 1 << 18, SCE_LAY_UNUSED_7 = 1 << 19, }; /** #SceneRenderLayer::passflag */ typedef enum eScenePassType { SCE_PASS_COMBINED = (1 << 0), SCE_PASS_Z = (1 << 1), SCE_PASS_UNUSED_1 = (1 << 2), /* RGBA */ SCE_PASS_UNUSED_2 = (1 << 3), /* DIFFUSE */ SCE_PASS_UNUSED_3 = (1 << 4), /* SPEC */ SCE_PASS_SHADOW = (1 << 5), SCE_PASS_AO = (1 << 6), SCE_PASS_POSITION = (1 << 7), SCE_PASS_NORMAL = (1 << 8), SCE_PASS_VECTOR = (1 << 9), SCE_PASS_UNUSED_5 = (1 << 10), /* REFRACT */ SCE_PASS_INDEXOB = (1 << 11), SCE_PASS_UV = (1 << 12), SCE_PASS_UNUSED_6 = (1 << 13), /* INDIRECT */ SCE_PASS_MIST = (1 << 14), SCE_PASS_UNUSED_7 = (1 << 15), /* RAYHITS */ SCE_PASS_EMIT = (1 << 16), SCE_PASS_ENVIRONMENT = (1 << 17), SCE_PASS_INDEXMA = (1 << 18), SCE_PASS_DIFFUSE_DIRECT = (1 << 19), SCE_PASS_DIFFUSE_INDIRECT = (1 << 20), SCE_PASS_DIFFUSE_COLOR = (1 << 21), SCE_PASS_GLOSSY_DIRECT = (1 << 22), SCE_PASS_GLOSSY_INDIRECT = (1 << 23), SCE_PASS_GLOSSY_COLOR = (1 << 24), SCE_PASS_TRANSM_DIRECT = (1 << 25), SCE_PASS_TRANSM_INDIRECT = (1 << 26), SCE_PASS_TRANSM_COLOR = (1 << 27), SCE_PASS_SUBSURFACE_DIRECT = (1 << 28), SCE_PASS_SUBSURFACE_INDIRECT = (1 << 29), SCE_PASS_SUBSURFACE_COLOR = (1 << 30), SCE_PASS_ROUGHNESS = (1u << 31u), } eScenePassType; #define RE_PASSNAME_DEPRECATED "Deprecated" #define RE_PASSNAME_COMBINED "Combined" #define RE_PASSNAME_Z "Depth" #define RE_PASSNAME_VECTOR "Vector" #define RE_PASSNAME_POSITION "Position" #define RE_PASSNAME_NORMAL "Normal" #define RE_PASSNAME_UV "UV" #define RE_PASSNAME_EMIT "Emit" #define RE_PASSNAME_SHADOW "Shadow" #define RE_PASSNAME_AO "AO" #define RE_PASSNAME_ENVIRONMENT "Env" #define RE_PASSNAME_INDEXOB "IndexOB" #define RE_PASSNAME_INDEXMA "IndexMA" #define RE_PASSNAME_MIST "Mist" #define RE_PASSNAME_DIFFUSE_DIRECT "DiffDir" #define RE_PASSNAME_DIFFUSE_INDIRECT "DiffInd" #define RE_PASSNAME_DIFFUSE_COLOR "DiffCol" #define RE_PASSNAME_GLOSSY_DIRECT "GlossDir" #define RE_PASSNAME_GLOSSY_INDIRECT "GlossInd" #define RE_PASSNAME_GLOSSY_COLOR "GlossCol" #define RE_PASSNAME_TRANSM_DIRECT "TransDir" #define RE_PASSNAME_TRANSM_INDIRECT "TransInd" #define RE_PASSNAME_TRANSM_COLOR "TransCol" #define RE_PASSNAME_SUBSURFACE_DIRECT "SubsurfaceDir" #define RE_PASSNAME_SUBSURFACE_INDIRECT "SubsurfaceInd" #define RE_PASSNAME_SUBSURFACE_COLOR "SubsurfaceCol" #define RE_PASSNAME_FREESTYLE "Freestyle" #define RE_PASSNAME_BLOOM "BloomCol" #define RE_PASSNAME_VOLUME_LIGHT "VolumeDir" #define RE_PASSNAME_TRANSPARENT "Transp" #define RE_PASSNAME_CRYPTOMATTE_OBJECT "CryptoObject" #define RE_PASSNAME_CRYPTOMATTE_ASSET "CryptoAsset" #define RE_PASSNAME_CRYPTOMATTE_MATERIAL "CryptoMaterial" /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Multi-View * \{ */ /** View (Multi-view). */ typedef struct SceneRenderView { struct SceneRenderView *next, *prev; /** MAX_NAME. */ char name[64]; /** MAX_NAME. */ char suffix[64]; int viewflag; char _pad2[4]; } SceneRenderView; /** #SceneRenderView::viewflag */ enum { SCE_VIEW_DISABLE = 1 << 0, }; /** #RenderData::views_format */ enum { SCE_VIEWS_FORMAT_STEREO_3D = 0, SCE_VIEWS_FORMAT_MULTIVIEW = 1, }; /** #ImageFormatData::views_format (also used for #Sequence::views_format). */ enum { R_IMF_VIEWS_INDIVIDUAL = 0, R_IMF_VIEWS_STEREO_3D = 1, R_IMF_VIEWS_MULTIVIEW = 2, }; typedef struct Stereo3dFormat { short flag; /** Encoding mode. */ char display_mode; /** Anaglyph scheme for the user display. */ char anaglyph_type; /** Interlace type for the user display. */ char interlace_type; char _pad[3]; } Stereo3dFormat; /** #Stereo3dFormat::display_mode */ typedef enum eStereoDisplayMode { S3D_DISPLAY_ANAGLYPH = 0, S3D_DISPLAY_INTERLACE = 1, S3D_DISPLAY_PAGEFLIP = 2, S3D_DISPLAY_SIDEBYSIDE = 3, S3D_DISPLAY_TOPBOTTOM = 4, } eStereoDisplayMode; /** #Stereo3dFormat::flag */ typedef enum eStereo3dFlag { S3D_INTERLACE_SWAP = (1 << 0), S3D_SIDEBYSIDE_CROSSEYED = (1 << 1), S3D_SQUEEZED_FRAME = (1 << 2), } eStereo3dFlag; /** #Stereo3dFormat::anaglyph_type */ typedef enum eStereo3dAnaglyphType { S3D_ANAGLYPH_REDCYAN = 0, S3D_ANAGLYPH_GREENMAGENTA = 1, S3D_ANAGLYPH_YELLOWBLUE = 2, } eStereo3dAnaglyphType; /** #Stereo3dFormat::interlace_type */ typedef enum eStereo3dInterlaceType { S3D_INTERLACE_ROW = 0, S3D_INTERLACE_COLUMN = 1, S3D_INTERLACE_CHECKERBOARD = 2, } eStereo3dInterlaceType; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Image Format Data * \{ */ /** * Generic image format settings, * this is used for #NodeImageFile and IMAGE_OT_save_as operator too. * * NOTE: its a bit strange that even though this is an image format struct * the imtype can still be used to select video formats. * RNA ensures these enum's are only selectable for render output. */ typedef struct ImageFormatData { /** * R_IMF_IMTYPE_PNG, R_... * \note Video types should only ever be set from this structure when used from #RenderData. */ char imtype; /** * bits per channel, R_IMF_CHAN_DEPTH_8 -> 32, * not a flag, only set 1 at a time. */ char depth; /** R_IMF_PLANES_BW, R_IMF_PLANES_RGB, R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA. */ char planes; /** Generic options for all image types, alpha Z-buffer. */ char flag; /** (0 - 100), eg: JPEG quality. */ char quality; /** (0 - 100), eg: PNG compression. */ char compress; /* --- format specific --- */ /** OpenEXR. */ char exr_codec; /** CINEON. */ char cineon_flag; short cineon_white, cineon_black; float cineon_gamma; /** Jpeg2000. */ char jp2_flag; char jp2_codec; /** TIFF. */ char tiff_codec; char _pad[4]; /** Multi-view. */ char views_format; Stereo3dFormat stereo3d_format; /* Color management members. */ char color_management; char _pad1[7]; ColorManagedViewSettings view_settings; ColorManagedDisplaySettings display_settings; ColorManagedColorspaceSettings linear_colorspace_settings; } ImageFormatData; /** #ImageFormatData::imtype */ enum { R_IMF_IMTYPE_TARGA = 0, R_IMF_IMTYPE_IRIS = 1, // R_HAMX = 2, /* DEPRECATED */ // R_FTYPE = 3, /* DEPRECATED */ R_IMF_IMTYPE_JPEG90 = 4, // R_MOVIE = 5, /* DEPRECATED */ R_IMF_IMTYPE_IRIZ = 7, R_IMF_IMTYPE_RAWTGA = 14, R_IMF_IMTYPE_AVIRAW = 15, R_IMF_IMTYPE_AVIJPEG = 16, R_IMF_IMTYPE_PNG = 17, // R_IMF_IMTYPE_AVICODEC = 18, /* DEPRECATED */ // R_IMF_IMTYPE_QUICKTIME = 19, /* DEPRECATED */ R_IMF_IMTYPE_BMP = 20, R_IMF_IMTYPE_RADHDR = 21, R_IMF_IMTYPE_TIFF = 22, R_IMF_IMTYPE_OPENEXR = 23, R_IMF_IMTYPE_FFMPEG = 24, // R_IMF_IMTYPE_FRAMESERVER = 25, /* DEPRECATED */ R_IMF_IMTYPE_CINEON = 26, R_IMF_IMTYPE_DPX = 27, R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER = 28, R_IMF_IMTYPE_DDS = 29, R_IMF_IMTYPE_JP2 = 30, R_IMF_IMTYPE_H264 = 31, R_IMF_IMTYPE_XVID = 32, R_IMF_IMTYPE_THEORA = 33, R_IMF_IMTYPE_PSD = 34, R_IMF_IMTYPE_WEBP = 35, R_IMF_IMTYPE_AV1 = 36, R_IMF_IMTYPE_INVALID = 255, }; /** #ImageFormatData::flag */ enum { // R_IMF_FLAG_ZBUF = 1 << 0, /* DEPRECATED, and cleared. */ R_IMF_FLAG_PREVIEW_JPG = 1 << 1, }; /* */ /** * #ImageFormatData::depth * * Return values from #BKE_imtype_valid_depths, note this is depths per channel. */ typedef enum eImageFormatDepth { /** 1bits (unused). */ R_IMF_CHAN_DEPTH_1 = (1 << 0), /** 8bits (default). */ R_IMF_CHAN_DEPTH_8 = (1 << 1), /** 10bits (uncommon, Cineon/DPX support). */ R_IMF_CHAN_DEPTH_10 = (1 << 2), /** 12bits (uncommon, jp2/DPX support). */ R_IMF_CHAN_DEPTH_12 = (1 << 3), /** 16bits (TIFF, half float EXR). */ R_IMF_CHAN_DEPTH_16 = (1 << 4), /** 24bits (unused). */ R_IMF_CHAN_DEPTH_24 = (1 << 5), /** 32bits (full float EXR). */ R_IMF_CHAN_DEPTH_32 = (1 << 6), } eImageFormatDepth; /** #ImageFormatData::planes */ enum { R_IMF_PLANES_RGB = 24, R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA = 32, R_IMF_PLANES_BW = 8, }; /** #ImageFormatData::exr_codec */ enum { R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_NONE = 0, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_PXR24 = 1, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_ZIP = 2, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_PIZ = 3, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_RLE = 4, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_ZIPS = 5, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_B44 = 6, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_B44A = 7, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_DWAA = 8, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_DWAB = 9, R_IMF_EXR_CODEC_MAX = 10, }; /** #ImageFormatData::jp2_flag */ enum { /** When disabled use RGB. */ R_IMF_JP2_FLAG_YCC = 1 << 0, /* Was `R_JPEG2K_YCC`. */ R_IMF_JP2_FLAG_CINE_PRESET = 1 << 1, /* Was `R_JPEG2K_CINE_PRESET`. */ R_IMF_JP2_FLAG_CINE_48 = 1 << 2, /* Was `R_JPEG2K_CINE_48FPS`. */ }; /** #ImageFormatData::jp2_codec */ enum { R_IMF_JP2_CODEC_JP2 = 0, R_IMF_JP2_CODEC_J2K = 1, }; /** #ImageFormatData::cineon_flag */ enum { R_IMF_CINEON_FLAG_LOG = 1 << 0, /* Was `R_CINEON_LOG`. */ }; /** #ImageFormatData::tiff_codec */ enum { R_IMF_TIFF_CODEC_DEFLATE = 0, R_IMF_TIFF_CODEC_LZW = 1, R_IMF_TIFF_CODEC_PACKBITS = 2, R_IMF_TIFF_CODEC_NONE = 3, }; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Render Bake * \{ */ /** #ImageFormatData::color_management */ enum { R_IMF_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_FOLLOW_SCENE = 0, R_IMF_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_OVERRIDE = 1, }; typedef struct BakeData { struct ImageFormatData im_format; /** FILE_MAX. */ char filepath[1024]; short width, height; short margin, flag; float cage_extrusion; float max_ray_distance; int pass_filter; char normal_swizzle[3]; char normal_space; char target; char save_mode; char margin_type; char view_from; char _pad[4]; struct Object *cage_object; } BakeData; /** #BakeData::margin_type (char). */ typedef enum eBakeMarginType { R_BAKE_ADJACENT_FACES = 0, R_BAKE_EXTEND = 1, } eBakeMarginType; /** #BakeData::normal_swizzle (char). */ typedef enum eBakeNormalSwizzle { R_BAKE_POSX = 0, R_BAKE_POSY = 1, R_BAKE_POSZ = 2, R_BAKE_NEGX = 3, R_BAKE_NEGY = 4, R_BAKE_NEGZ = 5, } eBakeNormalSwizzle; /** #BakeData::target (char). */ typedef enum eBakeTarget { R_BAKE_TARGET_IMAGE_TEXTURES = 0, R_BAKE_TARGET_VERTEX_COLORS = 1, } eBakeTarget; /** #BakeData::save_mode (char). */ typedef enum eBakeSaveMode { R_BAKE_SAVE_INTERNAL = 0, R_BAKE_SAVE_EXTERNAL = 1, } eBakeSaveMode; /** #BakeData::view_from (char). */ typedef enum eBakeViewFrom { R_BAKE_VIEW_FROM_ABOVE_SURFACE = 0, R_BAKE_VIEW_FROM_ACTIVE_CAMERA = 1, } eBakeViewFrom; /** #BakeData::pass_filter */ typedef enum eBakePassFilter { R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_NONE = 0, R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_UNUSED = (1 << 0), R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_EMIT = (1 << 1), R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_DIFFUSE = (1 << 2), R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_GLOSSY = (1 << 3), R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_TRANSM = (1 << 4), R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_SUBSURFACE = (1 << 5), R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_DIRECT = (1 << 6), R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_INDIRECT = (1 << 7), R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_COLOR = (1 << 8), } eBakePassFilter; #define R_BAKE_PASS_FILTER_ALL (~0) /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Render Data * \{ */ typedef struct RenderData { struct ImageFormatData im_format; struct AviCodecData *avicodecdata; struct FFMpegCodecData ffcodecdata; /** Frames as in 'images'. */ int cfra, sfra, efra; /** Sub-frame offset from `cfra`, in 0.0-1.0. */ float subframe; /** Start+end frames of preview range. */ int psfra, pefra; int images, framapto; short flag, threads; float framelen, blurfac; /** Frames to jump during render/playback. */ int frame_step; char _pad10[2]; /** For the dimensions presets menu. */ short dimensionspreset; /** Size in %. */ short size; char _pad6[2]; /* From buttons: */ /** * The desired number of pixels in the x direction */ int xsch; /** * The desired number of pixels in the y direction */ int ysch; /** * render tile dimensions */ int tilex DNA_DEPRECATED; int tiley DNA_DEPRECATED; short planes DNA_DEPRECATED; short imtype DNA_DEPRECATED; short subimtype DNA_DEPRECATED; short quality DNA_DEPRECATED; char use_lock_interface; char _pad7[3]; /** * Flags for render settings. Use bit-masking to access the settings. */ int scemode; /** * Flags for render settings. Use bit-masking to access the settings. */ int mode; short frs_sec; /** * What to do with the sky/background. * Picks sky/pre-multiply blending for the background. */ char alphamode; char _pad0[1]; /** Render border to render sub-regions. */ rctf border; /* Information on different layers to be rendered. */ /** Converted to Scene->view_layers. */ ListBase layers DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Converted to Scene->active_layer. */ short actlay DNA_DEPRECATED; char _pad1[2]; /** * Adjustment factors for the aspect ratio in the x direction, was a short in 2.45 */ float xasp, yasp; float frs_sec_base; /** * Value used to define filter size for all filter options. */ float gauss; /** Color management settings - color profiles, gamma correction, etc. */ int color_mgt_flag; /** Dither noise intensity. */ float dither_intensity; /* Bake Render options. */ short bake_mode, bake_flag; short bake_margin, bake_samples; short bake_margin_type; char _pad9[6]; float bake_biasdist, bake_user_scale; /* Path to render output. */ /** 1024 = FILE_MAX. */ /* NOTE: Excluded from `BKE_bpath_foreach_path_` / `scene_foreach_path` code. */ char pic[1024]; /** Stamps flags. */ int stamp; /** Select one of blenders bitmap fonts. */ short stamp_font_id; char _pad3[2]; /** Stamp info user data. */ char stamp_udata[768]; /* Foreground/background color. */ float fg_stamp[4]; float bg_stamp[4]; /** Sequencer options. */ char seq_prev_type; /** UNUSED. */ char seq_rend_type; /** Flag use for sequence render/draw. */ char seq_flag; char _pad5[3]; /* Render simplify. */ short simplify_subsurf; short simplify_subsurf_render; short simplify_gpencil; float simplify_particles; float simplify_particles_render; float simplify_volumes; float simplify_shadows; float simplify_shadows_render; /** Freestyle line thickness options. */ int line_thickness_mode; /** In pixels. */ float unit_line_thickness; /** Render engine. */ char engine[32]; char _pad2[2]; /** Performance Options. */ short perf_flag; /** Cycles baking. */ struct BakeData bake; int _pad8; short preview_pixel_size; short _pad4; /* MultiView. */ /** SceneRenderView. */ ListBase views; short actview; short views_format; /* Hair Display. */ short hair_type, hair_subdiv; /** Motion blur shutter. */ struct CurveMapping mblur_shutter_curve; } RenderData; /** #RenderData::quality_flag */ typedef enum eQualityOption { SCE_PERF_HQ_NORMALS = (1 << 0), } eQualityOption; /** #RenderData::hair_type */ typedef enum eHairType { SCE_HAIR_SHAPE_STRAND = 0, SCE_HAIR_SHAPE_STRIP = 1, } eHairType; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Render Conversion/Simplification Settings * \{ */ /** Control render convert and shading engine. */ typedef struct RenderProfile { struct RenderProfile *next, *prev; char name[32]; short particle_perc; short subsurf_max; short shadbufsample_max; char _pad1[2]; float ao_error; char _pad2[4]; } RenderProfile; /* UV Paint. */ /** #ToolSettings::uv_sculpt_settings */ enum { UV_SCULPT_LOCK_BORDERS = 1, UV_SCULPT_ALL_ISLANDS = 2, }; /** #ToolSettings::uv_relax_method */ enum { UV_SCULPT_TOOL_RELAX_LAPLACIAN = 1, UV_SCULPT_TOOL_RELAX_HC = 2, UV_SCULPT_TOOL_RELAX_COTAN = 3, }; /* Stereo Flags. */ #define STEREO_RIGHT_NAME "right" #define STEREO_LEFT_NAME "left" #define STEREO_RIGHT_SUFFIX "_R" #define STEREO_LEFT_SUFFIX "_L" /** #View3D::stereo3d_camera / #View3D::multiview_eye / #ImageUser::multiview_eye */ typedef enum eStereoViews { STEREO_LEFT_ID = 0, STEREO_RIGHT_ID = 1, STEREO_3D_ID = 2, STEREO_MONO_ID = 3, } eStereoViews; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Time Line Markers * \{ */ typedef struct TimeMarker { struct TimeMarker *next, *prev; int frame; char name[64]; unsigned int flag; struct Object *camera; struct IDProperty *prop; } TimeMarker; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Paint Mode/Tool Data * \{ */ #define PAINT_MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES 64 typedef struct Paint_Runtime { /** Avoid having to compare with scene pointer everywhere. */ unsigned int tool_offset; unsigned short ob_mode; char _pad[2]; } Paint_Runtime; /** We might want to store other things here. */ typedef struct PaintToolSlot { struct Brush *brush; } PaintToolSlot; /** Paint Tool Base. */ typedef struct Paint { struct Brush *brush; /** * Each tool has its own active brush, * The currently active tool is defined by the current 'brush'. */ struct PaintToolSlot *tool_slots; int tool_slots_len; char _pad1[4]; struct Palette *palette; /** Cavity curve. */ struct CurveMapping *cavity_curve; /** WM Paint cursor. */ void *paint_cursor; unsigned char paint_cursor_col[4]; /** Enum #ePaintFlags. */ int flags; /** Paint stroke can use up to PAINT_MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES inputs to smooth the stroke. */ int num_input_samples; /** Flags used for symmetry. */ int symmetry_flags; float tile_offset[3]; char _pad2[4]; struct Paint_Runtime runtime; } Paint; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Image Paint * \{ */ /** Texture/Image Editor. */ typedef struct ImagePaintSettings { Paint paint; short flag, missing_data; /** For projection painting only. */ short seam_bleed, normal_angle; /** Capture size for re-projection. */ short screen_grab_size[2]; /** Mode used for texture painting. */ int mode; /** Workaround until we support true layer masks. */ struct Image *stencil; /** Clone layer for image mode for projective texture painting. */ struct Image *clone; /** Canvas when the explicit system is used for painting. */ struct Image *canvas; float stencil_col[3]; /** Dither amount used when painting on byte images. */ float dither; /** Display texture interpolation method. */ int interp; char _pad[4]; } ImagePaintSettings; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Paint Mode Settings * \{ */ typedef struct PaintModeSettings { /** Source to select canvas from to paint on (#ePaintCanvasSource). */ char canvas_source; char _pad[7]; /** Selected image when canvas_source=PAINT_CANVAS_SOURCE_IMAGE. */ Image *canvas_image; ImageUser image_user; } PaintModeSettings; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Particle Edit * \{ */ /** Settings for a Particle Editing Brush. */ typedef struct ParticleBrushData { /** Common setting. */ short size; /** For specific brushes only. */ short step, invert, count; int flag; float strength; } ParticleBrushData; /** Particle Edit Mode Settings. */ typedef struct ParticleEditSettings { short flag; short totrekey; short totaddkey; short brushtype; ParticleBrushData brush[7]; /** Runtime. */ void *paintcursor; float emitterdist; char _pad0[4]; int selectmode; int edittype; int draw_step, fade_frames; struct Scene *scene; struct Object *object; struct Object *shape_object; } ParticleEditSettings; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Sculpt * \{ */ /** Sculpt. */ typedef struct Sculpt { Paint paint; /** For rotating around a pivot point. */ // float pivot[3]; XXX not used? int flags; /** Transform tool. */ int transform_mode; int automasking_flags; // /* Control tablet input. */ // char tablet_size, tablet_strength; XXX not used? int radial_symm[3]; /** Maximum edge length for dynamic topology sculpting (in pixels). */ float detail_size; /** Direction used for `SCULPT_OT_symmetrize` operator. */ int symmetrize_direction; /** Gravity factor for sculpting. */ float gravity_factor; /* Scale for constant detail size. */ /** Constant detail resolution (Blender unit / constant_detail). */ float constant_detail; float detail_percent; int automasking_cavity_blur_steps; float automasking_cavity_factor; char _pad[4]; float automasking_start_normal_limit, automasking_start_normal_falloff; float automasking_view_normal_limit, automasking_view_normal_falloff; struct CurveMapping *automasking_cavity_curve; /** For use by operators. */ struct CurveMapping *automasking_cavity_curve_op; struct Object *gravity_object; } Sculpt; typedef struct CurvesSculpt { Paint paint; } CurvesSculpt; typedef struct UvSculpt { Paint paint; } UvSculpt; /** Grease pencil drawing brushes. */ typedef struct GpPaint { Paint paint; int flag; /** Mode of paint (Materials or Vertex Color). */ int mode; } GpPaint; /** #GpPaint::flag */ enum { GPPAINT_FLAG_USE_MATERIAL = 0, GPPAINT_FLAG_USE_VERTEXCOLOR = 1, }; /** Grease pencil vertex paint. */ typedef struct GpVertexPaint { Paint paint; int flag; char _pad[4]; } GpVertexPaint; /** Grease pencil sculpt paint. */ typedef struct GpSculptPaint { Paint paint; int flag; char _pad[4]; } GpSculptPaint; /** Grease pencil weight paint. */ typedef struct GpWeightPaint { Paint paint; int flag; char _pad[4]; } GpWeightPaint; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Vertex Paint * \{ */ /** Vertex Paint. */ typedef struct VPaint { Paint paint; char flag; char _pad[3]; /** For mirrored painting. */ int radial_symm[3]; } VPaint; /** #VPaint::flag */ enum { /** Weight paint only. */ VP_FLAG_VGROUP_RESTRICT = (1 << 7), }; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Grease-Pencil Stroke Sculpting * \{ */ /** #GP_Sculpt_Settings::lock_axis */ typedef enum eGP_Lockaxis_Types { GP_LOCKAXIS_VIEW = 0, GP_LOCKAXIS_X = 1, GP_LOCKAXIS_Y = 2, GP_LOCKAXIS_Z = 3, GP_LOCKAXIS_CURSOR = 4, } eGP_Lockaxis_Types; /** Settings for a GPencil Speed Guide. */ typedef struct GP_Sculpt_Guide { char use_guide; char use_snapping; char reference_point; char type; char _pad2[4]; float angle; float angle_snap; float spacing; float location[3]; struct Object *reference_object; } GP_Sculpt_Guide; /** GPencil Stroke Sculpting Settings. */ typedef struct GP_Sculpt_Settings { /** Runtime. */ void *paintcursor; /** #eGP_Sculpt_SettingsFlag. */ int flag; /** #eGP_Lockaxis_Types lock drawing to one axis. */ int lock_axis; /** Threshold for intersections. */ float isect_threshold; char _pad[4]; /** Multi-frame edit falloff effect by frame. */ struct CurveMapping *cur_falloff; /** Curve used for primitive tools. */ struct CurveMapping *cur_primitive; /** Guides used for paint tools. */ struct GP_Sculpt_Guide guide; } GP_Sculpt_Settings; /** #GP_Sculpt_Settings::flag */ typedef enum eGP_Sculpt_SettingsFlag { /** Enable falloff for multi-frame editing. */ GP_SCULPT_SETT_FLAG_FRAME_FALLOFF = (1 << 0), /** Apply primitive curve. */ GP_SCULPT_SETT_FLAG_PRIMITIVE_CURVE = (1 << 1), /** Scale thickness. */ GP_SCULPT_SETT_FLAG_SCALE_THICKNESS = (1 << 3), /** Stroke Auto-Masking for sculpt. */ GP_SCULPT_SETT_FLAG_AUTOMASK_STROKE = (1 << 4), /** Stroke Layer Auto-Masking for sculpt. */ GP_SCULPT_SETT_FLAG_AUTOMASK_LAYER_STROKE = (1 << 5), /** Stroke Material Auto-Masking for sculpt. */ GP_SCULPT_SETT_FLAG_AUTOMASK_MATERIAL_STROKE = (1 << 6), /** Active Layer Auto-Masking for sculpt. */ GP_SCULPT_SETT_FLAG_AUTOMASK_LAYER_ACTIVE = (1 << 7), /** Active Material Auto-Masking for sculpt. */ GP_SCULPT_SETT_FLAG_AUTOMASK_MATERIAL_ACTIVE = (1 << 8), } eGP_Sculpt_SettingsFlag; /** #GP_Sculpt_Settings::gpencil_selectmode_sculpt */ typedef enum eGP_Sculpt_SelectMaskFlag { /** Only affect selected points. */ GP_SCULPT_MASK_SELECTMODE_POINT = (1 << 0), /** Only affect selected strokes. */ GP_SCULPT_MASK_SELECTMODE_STROKE = (1 << 1), /** Only affect selected segments. */ GP_SCULPT_MASK_SELECTMODE_SEGMENT = (1 << 2), } eGP_Sculpt_SelectMaskFlag; /** #GP_Sculpt_Settings::gpencil_selectmode_vertex */ typedef enum eGP_vertex_SelectMaskFlag { /** Only affect selected points. */ GP_VERTEX_MASK_SELECTMODE_POINT = (1 << 0), /** Only affect selected strokes. */ GP_VERTEX_MASK_SELECTMODE_STROKE = (1 << 1), /** Only affect selected segments. */ GP_VERTEX_MASK_SELECTMODE_SEGMENT = (1 << 2), } eGP_Vertex_SelectMaskFlag; /** Settings for GP Interpolation Operators. */ typedef struct GP_Interpolate_Settings { /** Custom interpolation curve (for use with GP_IPO_CURVEMAP). */ struct CurveMapping *custom_ipo; } GP_Interpolate_Settings; /** #GP_Interpolate_Settings::flag */ typedef enum eGP_Interpolate_SettingsFlag { /** Apply interpolation to all layers. */ GP_TOOLFLAG_INTERPOLATE_ALL_LAYERS = (1 << 0), /** Apply interpolation to only selected. */ GP_TOOLFLAG_INTERPOLATE_ONLY_SELECTED = (1 << 1), /** Exclude breakdown keyframe type as extreme. */ GP_TOOLFLAG_INTERPOLATE_EXCLUDE_BREAKDOWNS = (1 << 2), } eGP_Interpolate_SettingsFlag; /** #GP_Interpolate_Settings::type */ typedef enum eGP_Interpolate_Type { /** Traditional Linear Interpolation. */ GP_IPO_LINEAR = 0, /** CurveMap Defined Interpolation. */ GP_IPO_CURVEMAP = 1, /* Easing Equations. */ GP_IPO_BACK = 3, GP_IPO_BOUNCE = 4, GP_IPO_CIRC = 5, GP_IPO_CUBIC = 6, GP_IPO_ELASTIC = 7, GP_IPO_EXPO = 8, GP_IPO_QUAD = 9, GP_IPO_QUART = 10, GP_IPO_QUINT = 11, GP_IPO_SINE = 12, } eGP_Interpolate_Type; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Unified Paint Settings * \{ */ /** * These settings can override the equivalent fields in the active * Brush for any paint mode; the flag field controls whether these * values are used */ typedef struct UnifiedPaintSettings { /** Unified radius of brush in pixels. */ int size; /** Unified radius of brush in Blender units. */ float unprojected_radius; /** Unified strength of brush. */ float alpha; /** Unified brush weight, [0, 1]. */ float weight; /** Unified brush color. */ float rgb[3]; /** Unified brush secondary color. */ float secondary_rgb[3]; /** User preferences for sculpt and paint. */ int flag; /* Rake rotation. */ /** Record movement of mouse so that rake can start at an intuitive angle. */ float last_rake[2]; float last_rake_angle; int last_stroke_valid; float average_stroke_accum[3]; int average_stroke_counter; float brush_rotation; float brush_rotation_sec; /******************************************************************************* * all data below are used to communicate with cursor drawing and tex sampling * *******************************************************************************/ int anchored_size; /** * Normalization factor due to accumulated value of curve along spacing. * Calculated when brush spacing changes to dampen strength of stroke * if space attenuation is used. */ float overlap_factor; char draw_inverted; /** Check is there an ongoing stroke right now. */ char stroke_active; char draw_anchored; char do_linear_conversion; /** * Store last location of stroke or whether the mesh was hit. * Valid only while stroke is active. */ float last_location[3]; int last_hit; float anchored_initial_mouse[2]; /** * Radius of brush, pre-multiplied with pressure. * In case of anchored brushes contains the anchored radius. */ float pixel_radius; float initial_pixel_radius; float start_pixel_radius; /** Drawing pressure. */ float size_pressure_value; /** Position of mouse, used to sample the texture. */ float tex_mouse[2]; /** Position of mouse, used to sample the mask texture. */ float mask_tex_mouse[2]; /** ColorSpace cache to avoid locking up during sampling. */ struct ColorSpace *colorspace; } UnifiedPaintSettings; /** #UnifiedPaintSettings::flag */ typedef enum { UNIFIED_PAINT_SIZE = (1 << 0), UNIFIED_PAINT_ALPHA = (1 << 1), UNIFIED_PAINT_WEIGHT = (1 << 5), UNIFIED_PAINT_COLOR = (1 << 6), /** Only used if unified size is enabled, mirrors the brush flag #BRUSH_LOCK_SIZE. */ UNIFIED_PAINT_BRUSH_LOCK_SIZE = (1 << 2), UNIFIED_PAINT_FLAG_UNUSED_0 = (1 << 3), UNIFIED_PAINT_FLAG_UNUSED_1 = (1 << 4), } eUnifiedPaintSettingsFlags; typedef struct CurvePaintSettings { char curve_type; char flag; char depth_mode; char surface_plane; char fit_method; char _pad; short error_threshold; float radius_min, radius_max; float radius_taper_start, radius_taper_end; float surface_offset; float corner_angle; } CurvePaintSettings; /** #CurvePaintSettings::flag */ enum { CURVE_PAINT_FLAG_CORNERS_DETECT = (1 << 0), CURVE_PAINT_FLAG_PRESSURE_RADIUS = (1 << 1), CURVE_PAINT_FLAG_DEPTH_STROKE_ENDPOINTS = (1 << 2), CURVE_PAINT_FLAG_DEPTH_STROKE_OFFSET_ABS = (1 << 3), }; /** #CurvePaintSettings::fit_method */ enum { CURVE_PAINT_FIT_METHOD_REFIT = 0, CURVE_PAINT_FIT_METHOD_SPLIT = 1, }; /** #CurvePaintSettings::depth_mode */ enum { CURVE_PAINT_PROJECT_CURSOR = 0, CURVE_PAINT_PROJECT_SURFACE = 1, }; /** #CurvePaintSettings::surface_plane */ enum { CURVE_PAINT_SURFACE_PLANE_NORMAL_VIEW = 0, CURVE_PAINT_SURFACE_PLANE_NORMAL_SURFACE = 1, CURVE_PAINT_SURFACE_PLANE_VIEW = 2, }; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Mesh Visualization * \{ */ /** Stats for Meshes. */ typedef struct MeshStatVis { char type; char _pad1[2]; /* Overhang. */ char overhang_axis; float overhang_min, overhang_max; /* Thickness. */ float thickness_min, thickness_max; char thickness_samples; char _pad2[3]; /* Distort. */ float distort_min, distort_max; /* Sharp. */ float sharp_min, sharp_max; } MeshStatVis; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Sequencer Tool Settings * \{ */ typedef struct SequencerToolSettings { /** #eSeqImageFitMethod. */ int fit_method; short snap_mode; short snap_flag; /** #eSeqOverlapMode. */ int overlap_mode; /** * When there are many snap points, * 0-1 range corresponds to resolution from bound-box to all possible snap points. */ int snap_distance; int pivot_point; } SequencerToolSettings; typedef enum eSeqOverlapMode { SEQ_OVERLAP_EXPAND, SEQ_OVERLAP_OVERWRITE, SEQ_OVERLAP_SHUFFLE, } eSeqOverlapMode; typedef enum eSeqImageFitMethod { SEQ_SCALE_TO_FIT, SEQ_SCALE_TO_FILL, SEQ_STRETCH_TO_FILL, SEQ_USE_ORIGINAL_SIZE, } eSeqImageFitMethod; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Tool Settings * \{ */ /** #CurvePaintSettings::surface_plane */ enum { AUTO_MERGE = 1 << 0, AUTO_MERGE_AND_SPLIT = 1 << 1, }; typedef struct ToolSettings { /** Vertex paint. */ VPaint *vpaint; /** Weight paint. */ VPaint *wpaint; Sculpt *sculpt; /** Uv smooth. */ UvSculpt *uvsculpt; /** Gpencil paint. */ GpPaint *gp_paint; /** Gpencil vertex paint. */ GpVertexPaint *gp_vertexpaint; /** Gpencil sculpt paint. */ GpSculptPaint *gp_sculptpaint; /** Gpencil weight paint. */ GpWeightPaint *gp_weightpaint; /** Curves sculpt. */ CurvesSculpt *curves_sculpt; /** Vertex group weight - used only for editmode, not weight paint. */ float vgroup_weight; /** Remove doubles limit. */ float doublimit; char automerge; char object_flag; /** Selection Mode for Mesh. */ char selectmode; /* UV Calculation. */ char unwrapper; char uvcalc_flag; char uv_flag; char uv_selectmode; char uv_sticky; float uvcalc_margin; /* Auto-IK. */ /** Runtime only. */ short autoik_chainlen; /* Grease Pencil. */ /** Flags/options for how the tool works. */ char gpencil_flags; /** Stroke placement settings: 3D View. */ char gpencil_v3d_align; /** General 2D Editor. */ char gpencil_v2d_align; char _pad0[2]; /* Annotations. */ /** Stroke placement settings - 3D View. */ char annotate_v3d_align; /** Default stroke thickness for annotation strokes. */ short annotate_thickness; /** Stroke selection mode for Edit. */ char gpencil_selectmode_edit; /** Stroke selection mode for Sculpt. */ char gpencil_selectmode_sculpt; /** Grease Pencil Sculpt. */ struct GP_Sculpt_Settings gp_sculpt; /** Grease Pencil Interpolation Tool(s). */ struct GP_Interpolate_Settings gp_interpolate; /** Image Paint (8 bytes aligned please!). */ struct ImagePaintSettings imapaint; /** Settings for paint mode. */ struct PaintModeSettings paint_mode; /** Particle Editing. */ struct ParticleEditSettings particle; /** Transform Proportional Area of Effect. */ float proportional_size; /** Select Group Threshold. */ float select_thresh; /* Auto-Keying Mode. */ /** Defines in DNA_userdef_types.h. */ short autokey_flag; char autokey_mode; /** Keyframe type (see DNA_curve_types.h). */ char keyframe_type; /** Multi-resolution meshes. */ char multires_subdiv_type; /** Edge tagging, store operator settings (no UI access). */ char edge_mode; char edge_mode_live_unwrap; /* Transform. */ char transform_pivot_point; char transform_flag; /** Snap elements (per space-type), #eSnapMode. */ char _pad1[1]; short snap_mode; char snap_node_mode; char snap_uv_mode; short snap_anim_mode; /** Generic flags (per space-type), #eSnapFlag. */ short snap_flag; short snap_flag_node; short snap_flag_seq; short snap_flag_anim; short snap_uv_flag; char _pad[4]; /** Default snap source, #eSnapSourceOP. */ /** * TODO(@gfxcoder): Rename `snap_target` to `snap_source` to avoid previous ambiguity of * "target" (now, "source" is geometry to be moved and "target" is geometry to which moved * geometry is snapped). */ char snap_target; /** Snap mask for transform modes, #eSnapTransformMode. */ char snap_transform_mode_flag; /** Steps to break transformation into with face nearest snapping. */ short snap_face_nearest_steps; char proportional_edit, prop_mode; /** Proportional edit, object mode. */ char proportional_objects; /** Proportional edit, mask editing. */ char proportional_mask; /** Proportional edit, action editor. */ char proportional_action; /** Proportional edit, graph editor. */ char proportional_fcurve; /** Lock marker editing. */ char lock_markers; /** Auto normalizing mode in wpaint. */ char auto_normalize; /** Present weights as if all locked vertex groups were * deleted, and the remaining deform groups normalized. */ char wpaint_lock_relative; /** Paint multiple bones in wpaint. */ char multipaint; char weightuser; /** Subset selection filter in wpaint. */ char vgroupsubset; /** Stroke selection mode for Vertex Paint. */ char gpencil_selectmode_vertex; /* UV painting. */ char uv_sculpt_settings; char uv_relax_method; char workspace_tool_type; /** * XXX: these `sculpt_paint_*` fields are deprecated, use the * unified_paint_settings field instead! */ short sculpt_paint_settings DNA_DEPRECATED; int sculpt_paint_unified_size DNA_DEPRECATED; float sculpt_paint_unified_unprojected_radius DNA_DEPRECATED; float sculpt_paint_unified_alpha DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Unified Paint Settings. */ struct UnifiedPaintSettings unified_paint_settings; struct CurvePaintSettings curve_paint_settings; struct MeshStatVis statvis; /** Normal Editing. */ float normal_vector[3]; char _pad6[4]; /** * Custom Curve Profile for bevel tool: * Temporary until there is a proper preset system that stores the profiles or maybe stores * entire bevel configurations. */ struct CurveProfile *custom_bevel_profile_preset; struct SequencerToolSettings *sequencer_tool_settings; short snap_mode_tools; /* If SCE_SNAP_TO_NONE, use #ToolSettings::snap_mode. #eSnapMode. */ char plane_axis; /* X, Y or Z. */ char plane_depth; /* #eV3DPlaceDepth. */ char plane_orient; /* #eV3DPlaceOrient. */ char use_plane_axis_auto; char _pad7[2]; } ToolSettings; /** \} */ /* Assorted Scene Data. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Unit Settings * \{ */ /** Display/Editing unit options for each scene. */ typedef struct UnitSettings { /** Maybe have other unit conversions? */ float scale_length; /** Imperial, metric etc. */ char system; /** Not implemented as a proper unit system yet. */ char system_rotation; short flag; char length_unit; char mass_unit; char time_unit; char temperature_unit; char _pad[4]; } UnitSettings; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Global/Common Physics Settings * \{ */ typedef struct PhysicsSettings { float gravity[3]; int flag, quick_cache_step; char _pad0[4]; } PhysicsSettings; /** * Safe Area options used in Camera View & Sequencer. */ typedef struct DisplaySafeAreas { /* Each value represents the (x,y) margins as a multiplier. * 'center' in this context is just the name for a different kind of safe-area. */ /** Title Safe. */ float title[2]; /** Image/Graphics Safe. */ float action[2]; /* Use for alternate aspect ratio. */ float title_center[2]; float action_center[2]; } DisplaySafeAreas; /** * Scene Display - used for store scene specific display settings for the 3d view. */ typedef struct SceneDisplay { /** Light direction for shadows/highlight. */ float light_direction[3]; float shadow_shift, shadow_focus; /** Settings for Cavity Shader. */ float matcap_ssao_distance; float matcap_ssao_attenuation; int matcap_ssao_samples; /** Method of AA for viewport rendering and image rendering. */ char viewport_aa; char render_aa; char _pad[6]; /** OpenGL render engine settings. */ View3DShading shading; } SceneDisplay; /** * Ray-tracing parameters. */ typedef struct RaytraceEEVEE { /** Higher values will take lower strides and have less blurry intersections. */ float screen_trace_quality; /** Thickness in world space each surface will have during screen space tracing. */ float screen_trace_thickness; /** Resolution downscale factor. */ int resolution_scale; /** Maximum intensity a ray can have. */ float sample_clamp; /** #RaytraceEEVEE_Flag. */ int flag; /** #RaytraceEEVEE_DenoiseStages. */ int denoise_stages; } RaytraceEEVEE; typedef struct SceneEEVEE { int flag; int gi_diffuse_bounces; int gi_cubemap_resolution; int gi_visibility_resolution; float gi_irradiance_smoothing; float gi_glossy_clamp; float gi_filter_quality; int gi_irradiance_pool_size; float gi_cubemap_draw_size; float gi_irradiance_draw_size; int taa_samples; int taa_render_samples; int sss_samples; float sss_jitter_threshold; float ssr_quality; float ssr_max_roughness; float ssr_thickness; float ssr_border_fade; float ssr_firefly_fac; float volumetric_start; float volumetric_end; int volumetric_tile_size; int volumetric_samples; float volumetric_sample_distribution; float volumetric_light_clamp; int volumetric_shadow_samples; float gtao_distance; float gtao_factor; float gtao_quality; float bokeh_overblur; float bokeh_max_size; float bokeh_threshold; float bokeh_neighbor_max; float bokeh_denoise_fac; float bloom_color[3]; float bloom_threshold; float bloom_knee; float bloom_intensity; float bloom_radius; float bloom_clamp; int motion_blur_samples DNA_DEPRECATED; int motion_blur_max; int motion_blur_steps; int motion_blur_position; float motion_blur_shutter; float motion_blur_depth_scale; int shadow_method DNA_DEPRECATED; int shadow_cube_size; int shadow_cascade_size; int shadow_pool_size; int ray_split_settings; int ray_tracing_method; struct RaytraceEEVEE reflection_options; struct RaytraceEEVEE refraction_options; struct LightCache *light_cache DNA_DEPRECATED; struct LightCache *light_cache_data; /* Need a 128 byte string for some translations of some messages. */ char light_cache_info[128]; float overscan; float light_threshold; } SceneEEVEE; typedef struct SceneGpencil { float smaa_threshold; char _pad[4]; } SceneGpencil; typedef struct SceneHydra { int export_method; int _pad0; } SceneHydra; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Transform Orientation * \{ */ typedef struct TransformOrientationSlot { int type; int index_custom; char flag; char _pad0[7]; } TransformOrientationSlot; /** Indices when used in #Scene::orientation_slots. */ enum { SCE_ORIENT_DEFAULT = 0, SCE_ORIENT_TRANSLATE = 1, SCE_ORIENT_ROTATE = 2, SCE_ORIENT_SCALE = 3, }; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Scene ID-Block * \{ */ typedef struct Scene { ID id; /** Animation data (must be immediately after id for utilities to use it). */ struct AnimData *adt; /** Runtime (must be immediately after id for utilities to use it). */ DrawDataList drawdata; struct Object *camera; struct World *world; struct Scene *set; ListBase base DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Active base. */ struct Base *basact DNA_DEPRECATED; void *_pad1; /** 3d cursor location. */ View3DCursor cursor; /** Bit-flags for layer visibility (deprecated). */ unsigned int lay DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Active layer (deprecated). */ int layact DNA_DEPRECATED; char _pad2[4]; /** Various settings. */ short flag; char use_nodes; char _pad3[1]; struct bNodeTree *nodetree; /** Sequence editor data is allocated here. */ struct Editing *ed; /** Default allocated now. */ struct ToolSettings *toolsettings; void *_pad4; struct DisplaySafeAreas safe_areas; /* Migrate or replace? depends on some internal things... */ /* No, is on the right place (ton). */ struct RenderData r; struct AudioData audio; ListBase markers; ListBase transform_spaces; /** First is the [scene, translate, rotate, scale]. */ TransformOrientationSlot orientation_slots[4]; void *sound_scene; void *playback_handle; void *sound_scrub_handle; void *speaker_handles; /** (runtime) info/cache used for presenting playback frame-rate info to the user. */ void *fps_info; /** None of the dependency graph vars is mean to be saved. */ struct GHash *depsgraph_hash; char _pad7[4]; /* User-Defined KeyingSets. */ /** * Index of the active KeyingSet. * first KeyingSet has index 1, 'none' active is 0, 'add new' is -1 */ int active_keyingset; /** KeyingSets for this scene. */ ListBase keyingsets; /* Units. */ struct UnitSettings unit; /** Grease Pencil - Annotations. */ struct bGPdata *gpd; /* Movie Tracking. */ /** Active movie clip. */ struct MovieClip *clip; /** Physics simulation settings. */ struct PhysicsSettings physics_settings; void *_pad8; /** * XXX: runtime flag for drawing, actually belongs in the window, * only used by #BKE_object_handle_update() */ struct CustomData_MeshMasks customdata_mask; /** XXX: same as above but for temp operator use (viewport renders). */ struct CustomData_MeshMasks customdata_mask_modal; /* Color Management. */ ColorManagedViewSettings view_settings; ColorManagedDisplaySettings display_settings; ColorManagedColorspaceSettings sequencer_colorspace_settings; /** RigidBody simulation world+settings. */ struct RigidBodyWorld *rigidbody_world; struct PreviewImage *preview; /** ViewLayer, defined in DNA_layer_types.h */ ListBase view_layers; /** Not an actual data-block, but memory owned by scene. */ struct Collection *master_collection; /** Settings to be override by work-spaces. */ IDProperty *layer_properties; /** * Frame range used for simulations in geometry nodes by default, if SCE_CUSTOM_SIMULATION_RANGE * is set. Individual simulations can overwrite this though. */ int simulation_frame_start; int simulation_frame_end; struct SceneDisplay display; struct SceneEEVEE eevee; struct SceneGpencil grease_pencil_settings; struct SceneHydra hydra; } Scene; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Render Data Enum/Flags * \{ */ /** #RenderData::flag. */ enum { /** Use preview range. */ SCER_PRV_RANGE = 1 << 0, SCER_LOCK_FRAME_SELECTION = 1 << 1, /** Show/use sub-frames (for checking motion blur). */ SCER_SHOW_SUBFRAME = 1 << 3, }; /** #RenderData::mode. */ enum { R_MODE_UNUSED_0 = 1 << 0, /* dirty */ R_MODE_UNUSED_1 = 1 << 1, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_2 = 1 << 2, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_3 = 1 << 3, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_4 = 1 << 4, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_5 = 1 << 5, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_6 = 1 << 6, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_7 = 1 << 7, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_8 = 1 << 8, /* cleared */ R_BORDER = 1 << 9, R_MODE_UNUSED_10 = 1 << 10, /* cleared */ R_CROP = 1 << 11, /** Disable camera switching: runtime (DURIAN_CAMERA_SWITCH) */ R_NO_CAMERA_SWITCH = 1 << 12, R_MODE_UNUSED_13 = 1 << 13, /* cleared */ R_MBLUR = 1 << 14, /* unified was here */ R_MODE_UNUSED_16 = 1 << 16, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_17 = 1 << 17, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_18 = 1 << 18, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_19 = 1 << 19, /* cleared */ R_FIXED_THREADS = 1 << 19, R_MODE_UNUSED_20 = 1 << 20, /* cleared */ R_MODE_UNUSED_21 = 1 << 21, /* cleared */ R_NO_OVERWRITE = 1 << 22, /* Skip existing files. */ R_TOUCH = 1 << 23, /* Touch files before rendering. */ R_SIMPLIFY = 1 << 24, R_EDGE_FRS = 1 << 25, /* R_EDGE reserved for Freestyle */ R_PERSISTENT_DATA = 1 << 26, /* Keep data around for re-render. */ R_MODE_UNUSED_27 = 1 << 27, /* cleared */ }; /** #RenderData::seq_flag */ enum { R_SEQ_UNUSED_0 = (1 << 0), /* cleared */ R_SEQ_UNUSED_1 = (1 << 1), /* cleared */ R_SEQ_UNUSED_2 = (1 << 2), /* cleared */ R_SEQ_UNUSED_3 = (1 << 3), /* cleared */ R_SEQ_UNUSED_4 = (1 << 4), /* cleared */ R_SEQ_OVERRIDE_SCENE_SETTINGS = (1 << 5), }; /** #RenderData::filtertype (used for nodes) */ enum { R_FILTER_BOX = 0, R_FILTER_TENT = 1, R_FILTER_QUAD = 2, R_FILTER_CUBIC = 3, R_FILTER_CATROM = 4, R_FILTER_GAUSS = 5, R_FILTER_MITCH = 6, R_FILTER_FAST_GAUSS = 7, }; /** #RenderData::scemode */ enum { R_DOSEQ = 1 << 0, R_BG_RENDER = 1 << 1, /* Passepartout is camera option now, keep this for backward compatibility. */ R_PASSEPARTOUT = 1 << 2, R_BUTS_PREVIEW = 1 << 3, R_EXTENSION = 1 << 4, R_MATNODE_PREVIEW = 1 << 5, R_DOCOMP = 1 << 6, R_COMP_CROP = 1 << 7, R_SCEMODE_UNUSED_8 = 1 << 8, /* cleared */ R_SINGLE_LAYER = 1 << 9, R_SCEMODE_UNUSED_10 = 1 << 10, /* cleared */ R_SCEMODE_UNUSED_11 = 1 << 11, /* cleared */ R_NO_IMAGE_LOAD = 1 << 12, R_SCEMODE_UNUSED_13 = 1 << 13, /* cleared */ R_NO_FRAME_UPDATE = 1 << 14, R_SCEMODE_UNUSED_15 = 1 << 15, /* cleared */ R_SCEMODE_UNUSED_16 = 1 << 16, /* cleared */ R_SCEMODE_UNUSED_17 = 1 << 17, /* cleared */ R_TEXNODE_PREVIEW = 1 << 18, R_SCEMODE_UNUSED_19 = 1 << 19, /* cleared */ R_EXR_CACHE_FILE = 1 << 20, R_MULTIVIEW = 1 << 21, }; /** #RenderData::stamp */ enum { R_STAMP_TIME = 1 << 0, R_STAMP_FRAME = 1 << 1, R_STAMP_DATE = 1 << 2, R_STAMP_CAMERA = 1 << 3, R_STAMP_SCENE = 1 << 4, R_STAMP_NOTE = 1 << 5, /** Draw in the image space. */ R_STAMP_DRAW = 1 << 6, R_STAMP_MARKER = 1 << 7, R_STAMP_FILENAME = 1 << 8, R_STAMP_SEQSTRIP = 1 << 9, R_STAMP_RENDERTIME = 1 << 10, R_STAMP_CAMERALENS = 1 << 11, R_STAMP_STRIPMETA = 1 << 12, R_STAMP_MEMORY = 1 << 13, R_STAMP_HIDE_LABELS = 1 << 14, R_STAMP_FRAME_RANGE = 1 << 15, R_STAMP_HOSTNAME = 1 << 16, }; #define R_STAMP_ALL \ (R_STAMP_TIME | R_STAMP_FRAME | R_STAMP_DATE | R_STAMP_CAMERA | R_STAMP_SCENE | R_STAMP_NOTE | \ R_STAMP_MARKER | R_STAMP_FILENAME | R_STAMP_SEQSTRIP | R_STAMP_RENDERTIME | \ R_STAMP_CAMERALENS | R_STAMP_MEMORY | R_STAMP_HIDE_LABELS | R_STAMP_FRAME_RANGE | \ R_STAMP_HOSTNAME) /** #RenderData::alphamode */ enum { R_ADDSKY = 0, R_ALPHAPREMUL = 1, }; /** #RenderData::color_mgt_flag */ enum { /** Deprecated, should only be used in versioning code only. */ R_COLOR_MANAGEMENT = (1 << 0), R_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_UNUSED_1 = (1 << 1), }; /* bake_mode: same as RE_BAKE_xxx defines. */ /** #RenderData::bake_flag */ enum { R_BAKE_CLEAR = 1 << 0, // R_BAKE_OSA = 1 << 1, /* Deprecated. */ R_BAKE_TO_ACTIVE = 1 << 2, // R_BAKE_NORMALIZE = 1 << 3, /* Deprecated. */ R_BAKE_MULTIRES = 1 << 4, R_BAKE_LORES_MESH = 1 << 5, // R_BAKE_VCOL = 1 << 6, /* Deprecated. */ R_BAKE_USERSCALE = 1 << 7, R_BAKE_CAGE = 1 << 8, R_BAKE_SPLIT_MAT = 1 << 9, R_BAKE_AUTO_NAME = 1 << 10, }; /** #RenderData::bake_normal_space */ enum { R_BAKE_SPACE_CAMERA = 0, R_BAKE_SPACE_WORLD = 1, R_BAKE_SPACE_OBJECT = 2, R_BAKE_SPACE_TANGENT = 3, }; /** #RenderData::line_thickness_mode */ enum { R_LINE_THICKNESS_ABSOLUTE = 1, R_LINE_THICKNESS_RELATIVE = 2, }; /* Sequencer seq_prev_type seq_rend_type. */ /** #RenderData::engine (scene.cc) */ extern const char *RE_engine_id_BLENDER_EEVEE; extern const char *RE_engine_id_BLENDER_WORKBENCH; extern const char *RE_engine_id_CYCLES; /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Scene Defines * \{ */ /* Note that much higher max-frames give imprecise sub-frames, see: #46859. */ /* Current precision is 16 for the sub-frames closer to MAXFRAME. */ /* For general use. */ #define MAXFRAME 1048574 #define MAXFRAMEF 1048574.0f #define MINFRAME 0 #define MINFRAMEF 0.0f /** (Minimum frame number for current-frame). */ #define MINAFRAME -1048574 #define MINAFRAMEF -1048574.0f /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Scene Related Macros * \{ */ #define BASE_VISIBLE(v3d, base) BKE_base_is_visible(v3d, base) #define BASE_SELECTABLE(v3d, base) \ (BASE_VISIBLE(v3d, base) && \ ((v3d == NULL) || (((1 << (base)->object->type) & (v3d)->object_type_exclude_select) == 0)) && \ (((base)->flag & BASE_SELECTABLE) != 0)) #define BASE_SELECTED(v3d, base) (BASE_VISIBLE(v3d, base) && (((base)->flag & BASE_SELECTED) != 0)) #define BASE_EDITABLE(v3d, base) \ (BASE_VISIBLE(v3d, base) && !ID_IS_LINKED((base)->object) && \ (!ID_IS_OVERRIDE_LIBRARY_REAL((base)->object) || \ ((base)->object->id.override_library->flag & LIBOVERRIDE_FLAG_SYSTEM_DEFINED) == 0)) #define BASE_SELECTED_EDITABLE(v3d, base) \ (BASE_EDITABLE(v3d, base) && (((base)->flag & BASE_SELECTED) != 0)) /* deprecate this! */ #define OBEDIT_FROM_OBACT(ob) ((ob) ? (((ob)->mode & OB_MODE_EDIT) ? ob : NULL) : NULL) #define OBPOSE_FROM_OBACT(ob) ((ob) ? (((ob)->mode & OB_MODE_POSE) ? ob : NULL) : NULL) #define OBWEIGHTPAINT_FROM_OBACT(ob) \ ((ob) ? (((ob)->mode & OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT) ? ob : NULL) : NULL) #define V3D_CAMERA_LOCAL(v3d) ((!(v3d)->scenelock && (v3d)->camera) ? (v3d)->camera : NULL) #define V3D_CAMERA_SCENE(scene, v3d) \ ((!(v3d)->scenelock && (v3d)->camera) ? (v3d)->camera : (scene)->camera) #define PRVRANGEON (scene->r.flag & SCER_PRV_RANGE) #define PSFRA ((PRVRANGEON) ? (scene->r.psfra) : (scene->r.sfra)) #define PEFRA ((PRVRANGEON) ? (scene->r.pefra) : (scene->r.efra)) #define FRA2TIME(a) ((((double)scene->r.frs_sec_base) * (double)(a)) / (double)scene->r.frs_sec) #define TIME2FRA(a) ((((double)scene->r.frs_sec) * (double)(a)) / (double)scene->r.frs_sec_base) #define FPS (((double)scene->r.frs_sec) / (double)scene->r.frs_sec_base) /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Scene Enum/Flags * \{ */ /* Base.flag is in `DNA_object_types.h`. */ /** #ToolSettings::transform_flag */ enum { SCE_XFORM_AXIS_ALIGN = (1 << 0), SCE_XFORM_DATA_ORIGIN = (1 << 1), SCE_XFORM_SKIP_CHILDREN = (1 << 2), }; /** #ToolSettings::object_flag */ enum { SCE_OBJECT_MODE_LOCK = (1 << 0), }; /** #ToolSettings::workspace_tool_flag */ enum { SCE_WORKSPACE_TOOL_FALLBACK = 0, SCE_WORKSPACE_TOOL_DEFAULT = 1, }; /** #ToolSettings::snap_flag */ typedef enum eSnapFlag { SCE_SNAP = (1 << 0), SCE_SNAP_ROTATE = (1 << 1), SCE_SNAP_PEEL_OBJECT = (1 << 2), // SCE_SNAP_PROJECT = (1 << 3), /* DEPRECATED, see #SCE_SNAP_INDIVIDUAL_PROJECT. */ /** Was `SCE_SNAP_NO_SELF`, but self should be active. */ SCE_SNAP_NOT_TO_ACTIVE = (1 << 4), SCE_SNAP_ABS_GRID = (1 << 5), /* Same value with different name to make it easier to understand in time based code. */ SCE_SNAP_ABS_TIME_STEP = (1 << 5), SCE_SNAP_BACKFACE_CULLING = (1 << 6), SCE_SNAP_KEEP_ON_SAME_OBJECT = (1 << 7), /** see #eSnapTargetOP */ SCE_SNAP_TO_INCLUDE_EDITED = (1 << 8), SCE_SNAP_TO_INCLUDE_NONEDITED = (1 << 9), SCE_SNAP_TO_ONLY_SELECTABLE = (1 << 10), } eSnapFlag; ENUM_OPERATORS(eSnapFlag, SCE_SNAP_TO_ONLY_SELECTABLE) /** See #ToolSettings::snap_target (to be renamed `snap_source`) and #TransSnap.source_operation */ typedef enum eSnapSourceOP { SCE_SNAP_SOURCE_CLOSEST = 0, SCE_SNAP_SOURCE_CENTER = 1, SCE_SNAP_SOURCE_MEDIAN = 2, SCE_SNAP_SOURCE_ACTIVE = 3, } eSnapSourceOP; ENUM_OPERATORS(eSnapSourceOP, SCE_SNAP_SOURCE_ACTIVE) /** * #TransSnap::target_operation and #ToolSettings::snap_flag * (#SCE_SNAP_NOT_TO_ACTIVE, #SCE_SNAP_TO_INCLUDE_EDITED, #SCE_SNAP_TO_INCLUDE_NONEDITED, * #SCE_SNAP_TO_ONLY_SELECTABLE). */ typedef enum eSnapTargetOP { SCE_SNAP_TARGET_ALL = 0, SCE_SNAP_TARGET_NOT_SELECTED = (1 << 0), SCE_SNAP_TARGET_NOT_ACTIVE = (1 << 1), SCE_SNAP_TARGET_NOT_EDITED = (1 << 2), SCE_SNAP_TARGET_ONLY_SELECTABLE = (1 << 3), SCE_SNAP_TARGET_NOT_NONEDITED = (1 << 4), } eSnapTargetOP; ENUM_OPERATORS(eSnapTargetOP, SCE_SNAP_TARGET_NOT_NONEDITED) /** #ToolSettings::snap_mode */ typedef enum eSnapMode { SCE_SNAP_TO_NONE = 0, /** #ToolSettings::snap_node_mode */ SCE_SNAP_TO_NODE_X = (1 << 0), SCE_SNAP_TO_NODE_Y = (1 << 1), /** #ToolSettings::snap_mode and #ToolSettings::snap_node_mode and #ToolSettings.snap_uv_mode */ SCE_SNAP_TO_POINT = (1 << 0), /* Even with the same value, there is a distinction between point and endpoint in the snap code. * Therefore, use different enums for better code readability. */ SCE_SNAP_TO_EDGE_ENDPOINT = (1 << 0), SCE_SNAP_TO_EDGE = (1 << 1), SCE_SNAP_TO_FACE = (1 << 2), SCE_SNAP_TO_VOLUME = (1 << 3), SCE_SNAP_TO_EDGE_MIDPOINT = (1 << 4), SCE_SNAP_TO_EDGE_PERPENDICULAR = (1 << 5), SCE_SNAP_TO_INCREMENT = (1 << 6), SCE_SNAP_TO_GRID = (1 << 7), /** For snap individual elements. */ SCE_SNAP_INDIVIDUAL_NEAREST = (1 << 8), SCE_SNAP_INDIVIDUAL_PROJECT = (1 << 9), /** #ToolSettings::snap_anim_mode */ SCE_SNAP_TO_FRAME = (1 << 10), SCE_SNAP_TO_SECOND = (1 << 11), SCE_SNAP_TO_MARKERS = (1 << 12), } eSnapMode; /* Due to dependency conflicts with Cycles, header cannot directly include `BLI_utildefines.h`. */ /* TODO: move this macro to a more general place. */ #ifdef ENUM_OPERATORS ENUM_OPERATORS(eSnapMode, SCE_SNAP_TO_MARKERS) #endif #define SCE_SNAP_TO_VERTEX (SCE_SNAP_TO_POINT | SCE_SNAP_TO_EDGE_ENDPOINT) #define SCE_SNAP_TO_GEOM \ (SCE_SNAP_TO_VERTEX | SCE_SNAP_TO_EDGE | SCE_SNAP_TO_FACE | SCE_SNAP_TO_EDGE_PERPENDICULAR | \ SCE_SNAP_TO_EDGE_MIDPOINT) /** #SequencerToolSettings::snap_mode */ enum { SEQ_SNAP_TO_STRIPS = 1 << 0, SEQ_SNAP_TO_CURRENT_FRAME = 1 << 1, SEQ_SNAP_TO_STRIP_HOLD = 1 << 2, }; /** #SequencerToolSettings::snap_flag */ enum { SEQ_SNAP_IGNORE_MUTED = 1 << 0, SEQ_SNAP_IGNORE_SOUND = 1 << 1, SEQ_SNAP_CURRENT_FRAME_TO_STRIPS = 1 << 2, }; /** #ToolSettings::snap_transform_mode_flag */ typedef enum eSnapTransformMode { SCE_SNAP_TRANSFORM_MODE_TRANSLATE = (1 << 0), SCE_SNAP_TRANSFORM_MODE_ROTATE = (1 << 1), SCE_SNAP_TRANSFORM_MODE_SCALE = (1 << 2), } eSnapTransformMode; /** #ToolSettings::selectmode */ enum { SCE_SELECT_VERTEX = 1 << 0, /* for mesh */ SCE_SELECT_EDGE = 1 << 1, SCE_SELECT_FACE = 1 << 2, }; /** #MeshStatVis::type */ enum { SCE_STATVIS_OVERHANG = 0, SCE_STATVIS_THICKNESS = 1, SCE_STATVIS_INTERSECT = 2, SCE_STATVIS_DISTORT = 3, SCE_STATVIS_SHARP = 4, }; /** #ParticleEditSettings::selectmode for particles */ enum { SCE_SELECT_PATH = 1 << 0, SCE_SELECT_POINT = 1 << 1, SCE_SELECT_END = 1 << 2, }; /** #ToolSettings::prop_mode (proportional falloff) */ enum { PROP_SMOOTH = 0, PROP_SPHERE = 1, PROP_ROOT = 2, PROP_SHARP = 3, PROP_LIN = 4, PROP_CONST = 5, PROP_RANDOM = 6, PROP_INVSQUARE = 7, PROP_MODE_MAX = 8, }; /** #ToolSettings::proportional_edit & similarly named members. */ enum { PROP_EDIT_USE = (1 << 0), PROP_EDIT_CONNECTED = (1 << 1), PROP_EDIT_PROJECTED = (1 << 2), }; /** #ToolSettings::weightuser */ enum { OB_DRAW_GROUPUSER_NONE = 0, OB_DRAW_GROUPUSER_ACTIVE = 1, OB_DRAW_GROUPUSER_ALL = 2, }; /* object_vgroup.cc */ #define WT_VGROUP_MASK_ALL \ ((1 << WT_VGROUP_ACTIVE) | (1 << WT_VGROUP_BONE_SELECT) | (1 << WT_VGROUP_BONE_DEFORM) | \ (1 << WT_VGROUP_BONE_DEFORM_OFF) | (1 << WT_VGROUP_ALL)) /** #Scene::flag */ enum { SCE_DS_SELECTED = 1 << 0, SCE_DS_COLLAPSED = 1 << 1, SCE_NLA_EDIT_ON = 1 << 2, SCE_FRAME_DROP = 1 << 3, SCE_KEYS_NO_SELONLY = 1 << 4, SCE_READFILE_LIBLINK_NEED_SETSCENE_CHECK = 1 << 5, SCE_CUSTOM_SIMULATION_RANGE = 1 << 6, }; /* Return flag BKE_scene_base_iter_next functions. */ enum { // F_ERROR = -1, /* UNUSED. */ F_START = 0, F_SCENE = 1, F_DUPLI = 3, }; /** #AudioData::flag */ enum { AUDIO_MUTE = 1 << 0, AUDIO_SYNC = 1 << 1, AUDIO_SCRUB = 1 << 2, AUDIO_VOLUME_ANIMATED = 1 << 3, }; /** #FFMpegCodecData::flags */ enum { #ifdef DNA_DEPRECATED_ALLOW /* DEPRECATED: you can choose none as audio-codec now. */ FFMPEG_MULTIPLEX_AUDIO = (1 << 0), #endif FFMPEG_AUTOSPLIT_OUTPUT = (1 << 1), FFMPEG_LOSSLESS_OUTPUT = (1 << 2), FFMPEG_USE_MAX_B_FRAMES = (1 << 3), }; /** #Paint::flags */ typedef enum ePaintFlags { PAINT_SHOW_BRUSH = (1 << 0), PAINT_FAST_NAVIGATE = (1 << 1), PAINT_SHOW_BRUSH_ON_SURFACE = (1 << 2), PAINT_USE_CAVITY_MASK = (1 << 3), PAINT_SCULPT_DELAY_UPDATES = (1 << 4), } ePaintFlags; /** * #Paint::symmetry_flags * (for now just a duplicate of sculpt symmetry flags). */ typedef enum ePaintSymmetryFlags { PAINT_SYMM_NONE = 0, PAINT_SYMM_X = (1 << 0), PAINT_SYMM_Y = (1 << 1), PAINT_SYMM_Z = (1 << 2), PAINT_SYMMETRY_FEATHER = (1 << 3), PAINT_TILE_X = (1 << 4), PAINT_TILE_Y = (1 << 5), PAINT_TILE_Z = (1 << 6), } ePaintSymmetryFlags; ENUM_OPERATORS(ePaintSymmetryFlags, PAINT_TILE_Z); #define PAINT_SYMM_AXIS_ALL (PAINT_SYMM_X | PAINT_SYMM_Y | PAINT_SYMM_Z) #ifdef __cplusplus inline ePaintSymmetryFlags operator++(ePaintSymmetryFlags &flags, int) { flags = ePaintSymmetryFlags(char(flags) + 1); return flags; } #endif /** * #Sculpt::flags * These can eventually be moved to paint flags? */ typedef enum eSculptFlags { SCULPT_FLAG_UNUSED_0 = (1 << 0), /* cleared */ SCULPT_FLAG_UNUSED_1 = (1 << 1), /* cleared */ SCULPT_FLAG_UNUSED_2 = (1 << 2), /* cleared */ SCULPT_LOCK_X = (1 << 3), SCULPT_LOCK_Y = (1 << 4), SCULPT_LOCK_Z = (1 << 5), SCULPT_FLAG_UNUSED_6 = (1 << 6), /* cleared */ SCULPT_FLAG_UNUSED_7 = (1 << 7), /* cleared */ SCULPT_ONLY_DEFORM = (1 << 8), // SCULPT_SHOW_DIFFUSE = (1 << 9), /* deprecated */ /** If set, the mesh will be drawn with smooth-shading in dynamic-topology mode. */ SCULPT_FLAG_UNUSED_8 = (1 << 10), /* deprecated */ /** If set, dynamic-topology brushes will subdivide short edges. */ SCULPT_DYNTOPO_SUBDIVIDE = (1 << 12), /** If set, dynamic-topology brushes will collapse short edges. */ SCULPT_DYNTOPO_COLLAPSE = (1 << 11), /** If set, dynamic-topology detail size will be constant in object space. */ SCULPT_DYNTOPO_DETAIL_CONSTANT = (1 << 13), SCULPT_DYNTOPO_DETAIL_BRUSH = (1 << 14), /* unused = (1 << 15), */ SCULPT_DYNTOPO_DETAIL_MANUAL = (1 << 16), } eSculptFlags; /** #Sculpt::transform_mode */ typedef enum eSculptTransformMode { SCULPT_TRANSFORM_MODE_ALL_VERTICES = 0, SCULPT_TRANSFORM_MODE_RADIUS_ELASTIC = 1, } eSculptTrasnformMode; /** #PaintModeSettings::mode */ typedef enum ePaintCanvasSource { /** Paint on the active node of the active material slot. */ PAINT_CANVAS_SOURCE_MATERIAL = 0, /** Paint on a selected image. */ PAINT_CANVAS_SOURCE_IMAGE = 1, /** Paint on the active color attribute (vertex color) layer. */ PAINT_CANVAS_SOURCE_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE = 2, } ePaintCanvasSource; /** #ImagePaintSettings::mode */ /* Defines to let old texture painting use the new enum. */ /* TODO(jbakker): rename usages. */ #define IMAGEPAINT_MODE_MATERIAL PAINT_CANVAS_SOURCE_MATERIAL #define IMAGEPAINT_MODE_IMAGE PAINT_CANVAS_SOURCE_IMAGE /** #ImagePaintSettings::interp */ enum { IMAGEPAINT_INTERP_LINEAR = 0, IMAGEPAINT_INTERP_CLOSEST = 1, }; /** #ImagePaintSettings::flag */ enum { IMAGEPAINT_DRAWING = 1 << 0, // IMAGEPAINT_DRAW_TOOL = 1 << 1, /* Deprecated. */ // IMAGEPAINT_DRAW_TOOL_DRAWING = 1 << 2, /* Deprecated. */ }; /* Projection painting only. */ /** #ImagePaintSettings::flag */ enum { IMAGEPAINT_PROJECT_XRAY = 1 << 4, IMAGEPAINT_PROJECT_BACKFACE = 1 << 5, IMAGEPAINT_PROJECT_FLAT = 1 << 6, IMAGEPAINT_PROJECT_LAYER_CLONE = 1 << 7, IMAGEPAINT_PROJECT_LAYER_STENCIL = 1 << 8, IMAGEPAINT_PROJECT_LAYER_STENCIL_INV = 1 << 9, }; /** #ImagePaintSettings::missing_data */ enum { IMAGEPAINT_MISSING_UVS = 1 << 0, IMAGEPAINT_MISSING_MATERIAL = 1 << 1, IMAGEPAINT_MISSING_TEX = 1 << 2, IMAGEPAINT_MISSING_STENCIL = 1 << 3, }; /** #ToolSettings::uvcalc_flag */ enum { UVCALC_FILLHOLES = 1 << 0, /** Would call this UVCALC_ASPECT_CORRECT, except it should be default with old file. */ UVCALC_NO_ASPECT_CORRECT = 1 << 1, /** Adjust UVs while transforming with Vert or Edge Slide. */ UVCALC_TRANSFORM_CORRECT_SLIDE = 1 << 2, /** Use mesh data after subsurf to compute UVs. */ UVCALC_USESUBSURF = 1 << 3, /** Adjust UVs while transforming to avoid distortion */ UVCALC_TRANSFORM_CORRECT = 1 << 4, /** Keep equal values merged while correcting custom-data. */ UVCALC_TRANSFORM_CORRECT_KEEP_CONNECTED = 1 << 5, }; /** #ToolSettings::uv_flag */ enum { UV_SYNC_SELECTION = 1, UV_SHOW_SAME_IMAGE = 2, }; /** #ToolSettings::uv_selectmode */ enum { UV_SELECT_VERTEX = 1 << 0, UV_SELECT_EDGE = 1 << 1, UV_SELECT_FACE = 1 << 2, UV_SELECT_ISLAND = 1 << 3, }; /** #ToolSettings::uv_sticky */ enum { SI_STICKY_LOC = 0, SI_STICKY_DISABLE = 1, SI_STICKY_VERTEX = 2, }; /** #ToolSettings::gpencil_flags */ typedef enum eGPencil_Flags { /** When creating new frames, the last frame gets used as the basis for the new one. */ GP_TOOL_FLAG_RETAIN_LAST = (1 << 1), /** Add the strokes below all strokes in the layer. */ GP_TOOL_FLAG_PAINT_ONBACK = (1 << 2), /** Show compact list of colors. */ GP_TOOL_FLAG_THUMBNAIL_LIST = (1 << 3), /** Generate weight data for new strokes. */ GP_TOOL_FLAG_CREATE_WEIGHTS = (1 << 4), /** Auto-merge with last stroke. */ GP_TOOL_FLAG_AUTOMERGE_STROKE = (1 << 5), } eGPencil_Flags; /** #Scene::r.simplify_gpencil */ typedef enum eGPencil_SimplifyFlags { /** Simplify. */ SIMPLIFY_GPENCIL_ENABLE = (1 << 0), /** Simplify on play. */ SIMPLIFY_GPENCIL_ON_PLAY = (1 << 1), /** Simplify fill on viewport. */ SIMPLIFY_GPENCIL_FILL = (1 << 2), /** Simplify modifier on viewport. */ SIMPLIFY_GPENCIL_MODIFIER = (1 << 3), /** Simplify Shader FX. */ SIMPLIFY_GPENCIL_FX = (1 << 5), /** Simplify layer tint. */ SIMPLIFY_GPENCIL_TINT = (1 << 7), /** Simplify Anti-aliasing. */ SIMPLIFY_GPENCIL_AA = (1 << 8), } eGPencil_SimplifyFlags; /** `ToolSettings.gpencil_*_align` - Stroke Placement mode flags. */ typedef enum eGPencil_Placement_Flags { /** New strokes are added in viewport/data space (i.e. not screen space). */ GP_PROJECT_VIEWSPACE = (1 << 0), // /** Viewport space, but relative to render canvas (Sequencer Preview Only) */ // GP_PROJECT_CANVAS = (1 << 1), /* UNUSED */ /** Project into the screen's Z values. */ GP_PROJECT_DEPTH_VIEW = (1 << 2), GP_PROJECT_DEPTH_STROKE = (1 << 3), /** "Use Endpoints". */ GP_PROJECT_DEPTH_STROKE_ENDPOINTS = (1 << 4), GP_PROJECT_CURSOR = (1 << 5), GP_PROJECT_DEPTH_STROKE_FIRST = (1 << 6), } eGPencil_Placement_Flags; /** #ToolSettings::gpencil_selectmode */ typedef enum eGPencil_Selectmode_types { GP_SELECTMODE_POINT = 0, GP_SELECTMODE_STROKE = 1, GP_SELECTMODE_SEGMENT = 2, } eGPencil_Selectmode_types; /** #ToolSettings::gpencil_guide_types */ typedef enum eGPencil_GuideTypes { GP_GUIDE_CIRCULAR = 0, GP_GUIDE_RADIAL = 1, GP_GUIDE_PARALLEL = 2, GP_GUIDE_GRID = 3, GP_GUIDE_ISO = 4, } eGPencil_GuideTypes; /** #ToolSettings::gpencil_guide_references */ typedef enum eGPencil_Guide_Reference { GP_GUIDE_REF_CURSOR = 0, GP_GUIDE_REF_CUSTOM = 1, GP_GUIDE_REF_OBJECT = 2, } eGPencil_Guide_Reference; /** #ToolSettings::particle flag */ enum { PE_KEEP_LENGTHS = 1 << 0, PE_LOCK_FIRST = 1 << 1, PE_DEFLECT_EMITTER = 1 << 2, PE_INTERPOLATE_ADDED = 1 << 3, PE_DRAW_PART = 1 << 4, PE_UNUSED_6 = 1 << 6, /* cleared */ PE_FADE_TIME = 1 << 7, PE_AUTO_VELOCITY = 1 << 8, }; /** #ParticleEditSettings::brushtype */ enum { PE_BRUSH_NONE = -1, PE_BRUSH_COMB = 0, PE_BRUSH_CUT = 1, PE_BRUSH_LENGTH = 2, PE_BRUSH_PUFF = 3, PE_BRUSH_ADD = 4, PE_BRUSH_SMOOTH = 5, PE_BRUSH_WEIGHT = 6, }; /** #ParticleBrushData::flag */ enum { PE_BRUSH_DATA_PUFF_VOLUME = 1 << 0, }; /** #ParticleBrushData::edittype */ enum { PE_TYPE_PARTICLES = 0, PE_TYPE_SOFTBODY = 1, PE_TYPE_CLOTH = 2, }; /** #PhysicsSettings::flag */ enum { PHYS_GLOBAL_GRAVITY = 1, }; /* UnitSettings */ #define USER_UNIT_ADAPTIVE 0xFF /** #UnitSettings::system */ enum { USER_UNIT_NONE = 0, USER_UNIT_METRIC = 1, USER_UNIT_IMPERIAL = 2, }; /** #UnitSettings::flag */ enum { USER_UNIT_OPT_SPLIT = 1, USER_UNIT_ROT_RADIANS = 2, }; /** #SceneEEVEE::flag */ enum { // SCE_EEVEE_VOLUMETRIC_ENABLED = (1 << 0), /* Unused */ SCE_EEVEE_VOLUMETRIC_LIGHTS = (1 << 1), SCE_EEVEE_VOLUMETRIC_SHADOWS = (1 << 2), // SCE_EEVEE_VOLUMETRIC_COLORED = (1 << 3), /* Unused */ SCE_EEVEE_GTAO_ENABLED = (1 << 4), SCE_EEVEE_GTAO_BENT_NORMALS = (1 << 5), SCE_EEVEE_GTAO_BOUNCE = (1 << 6), // SCE_EEVEE_DOF_ENABLED = (1 << 7), /* Moved to camera->dof.flag */ SCE_EEVEE_BLOOM_ENABLED = (1 << 8), SCE_EEVEE_MOTION_BLUR_ENABLED = (1 << 9), SCE_EEVEE_SHADOW_HIGH_BITDEPTH = (1 << 10), SCE_EEVEE_TAA_REPROJECTION = (1 << 11), // SCE_EEVEE_SSS_ENABLED = (1 << 12), /* Unused */ // SCE_EEVEE_SSS_SEPARATE_ALBEDO = (1 << 13), /* Unused */ SCE_EEVEE_SSR_ENABLED = (1 << 14), SCE_EEVEE_SSR_REFRACTION = (1 << 15), SCE_EEVEE_SSR_HALF_RESOLUTION = (1 << 16), SCE_EEVEE_SHOW_IRRADIANCE = (1 << 17), SCE_EEVEE_SHOW_CUBEMAPS = (1 << 18), SCE_EEVEE_GI_AUTOBAKE = (1 << 19), SCE_EEVEE_SHADOW_SOFT = (1 << 20), SCE_EEVEE_OVERSCAN = (1 << 21), SCE_EEVEE_DOF_HQ_SLIGHT_FOCUS = (1 << 22), SCE_EEVEE_DOF_JITTER = (1 << 23), SCE_EEVEE_SHADOW_ENABLED = (1 << 24), SCE_EEVEE_RAYTRACE_OPTIONS_SPLIT = (1 << 25), }; typedef enum RaytraceEEVEE_Flag { RAYTRACE_EEVEE_USE_DENOISE = (1 << 0), } RaytraceEEVEE_Flag; typedef enum RaytraceEEVEE_DenoiseStages { RAYTRACE_EEVEE_DENOISE_SPATIAL = (1 << 0), RAYTRACE_EEVEE_DENOISE_TEMPORAL = (1 << 1), RAYTRACE_EEVEE_DENOISE_BILATERAL = (1 << 2), } RaytraceEEVEE_DenoiseStages; typedef enum RaytraceEEVEE_Method { RAYTRACE_EEVEE_METHOD_NONE = 0, RAYTRACE_EEVEE_METHOD_SCREEN = 1, /* TODO(fclem): Hardware ray-tracing. */ // RAYTRACE_EEVEE_METHOD_HARDWARE = 2, } RaytraceEEVEE_Method; /** #SceneEEVEE::shadow_method */ enum { SHADOW_ESM = 1, /* SHADOW_VSM = 2, */ /* UNUSED */ /* SHADOW_METHOD_MAX = 3, */ /* UNUSED */ }; /** #SceneEEVEE::motion_blur_position */ enum { SCE_EEVEE_MB_CENTER = 0, SCE_EEVEE_MB_START = 1, SCE_EEVEE_MB_END = 2, }; /** #SceneDisplay->render_aa and #SceneDisplay->viewport_aa */ enum { SCE_DISPLAY_AA_OFF = 0, SCE_DISPLAY_AA_FXAA = 1, SCE_DISPLAY_AA_SAMPLES_5 = 5, SCE_DISPLAY_AA_SAMPLES_8 = 8, SCE_DISPLAY_AA_SAMPLES_11 = 11, SCE_DISPLAY_AA_SAMPLES_16 = 16, SCE_DISPLAY_AA_SAMPLES_32 = 32, }; /** #SceneHydra->export_method */ enum { SCE_HYDRA_EXPORT_HYDRA = 0, SCE_HYDRA_EXPORT_USD = 1, }; /** \} */