#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Blender Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import argparse import make_utils import os import re import subprocess from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterable, TextIO, Optional, Any, Union # This script can run from any location, # output is created in the $CWD # # NOTE: while the Python part of this script is portable, # it relies on external commands typically found on GNU/Linux. # Support for other platforms could be added by moving GNU `tar` & `md5sum` use to Python. SKIP_NAMES = { ".gitignore", ".gitmodules", ".gitattributes", ".git-blame-ignore-revs", ".arcconfig", ".svn", } def main() -> None: blender_srcdir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.parent cli_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=f"Create a tarball of the Blender sources, optionally including sources of dependencies.", epilog="This script is intended to be run by `make source_archive_complete`.", ) cli_parser.add_argument( "-p", "--include-packages", type=Path, default=None, metavar="PACKAGE_PATH", help="Include all source files from the given package directory as well.", ) cli_args = cli_parser.parse_args() print(f"Source dir: {blender_srcdir}") curdir = blender_srcdir.parent os.chdir(curdir) blender_srcdir = blender_srcdir.relative_to(curdir) print(f"Output dir: {curdir}") version = make_utils.parse_blender_version() tarball = tarball_path(curdir, version, cli_args) manifest = manifest_path(tarball) packages_dir = packages_path(curdir, cli_args) create_manifest(version, manifest, blender_srcdir, packages_dir) create_tarball(version, tarball, manifest, blender_srcdir, packages_dir) create_checksum_file(tarball) cleanup(manifest) print("Done!") def tarball_path(output_dir: Path, version: make_utils.BlenderVersion, cli_args: Any) -> Path: extra = "" if cli_args.include_packages: extra = "-with-libraries" return output_dir / f"blender{extra}-{version}.tar.xz" def manifest_path(tarball: Path) -> Path: """Return the manifest path for the given tarball path. >>> from pathlib import Path >>> tarball = Path("/home/sybren/workspace/blender-git/blender-test.tar.gz") >>> manifest_path(tarball).as_posix() '/home/sybren/workspace/blender-git/blender-test-manifest.txt' """ # ".tar.gz" is seen as two suffixes. without_suffix = tarball.with_suffix("").with_suffix("") name = without_suffix.name return without_suffix.with_name(f"{name}-manifest.txt") def packages_path(current_directory: Path, cli_args: Any) -> Optional[Path]: if not cli_args.include_packages: return None abspath = cli_args.include_packages.absolute() # os.path.relpath() can return paths like "../../packages", where # Path.relative_to() will not go up directories (so its return value never # has "../" in there). relpath = os.path.relpath(abspath, current_directory) return Path(relpath) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Manifest creation def create_manifest( version: make_utils.BlenderVersion, outpath: Path, blender_srcdir: Path, packages_dir: Optional[Path], ) -> None: print(f'Building manifest of files: "{outpath}"...', end="", flush=True) with outpath.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: main_files_to_manifest(blender_srcdir, outfile) assets_to_manifest(blender_srcdir, outfile) submodules_to_manifest(blender_srcdir, version, outfile) if packages_dir: packages_to_manifest(outfile, packages_dir) print("OK") def main_files_to_manifest(blender_srcdir: Path, outfile: TextIO) -> None: assert not blender_srcdir.is_absolute() for path in git_ls_files(blender_srcdir): print(path, file=outfile) def submodules_to_manifest( blender_srcdir: Path, version: make_utils.BlenderVersion, outfile: TextIO ) -> None: skip_addon_contrib = version.is_release() assert not blender_srcdir.is_absolute() for submodule in ("scripts/addons", "scripts/addons_contrib"): # Don't use native slashes as GIT for MS-Windows outputs forward slashes. if skip_addon_contrib and submodule == "scripts/addons_contrib": continue for path in git_ls_files(blender_srcdir / submodule): print(path, file=outfile) def assets_to_manifest(blender_srcdir: Path, outfile: TextIO) -> None: assert not blender_srcdir.is_absolute() assets_dir = blender_srcdir.parent / "lib" / "assets" for path in assets_dir.glob("*"): if path.name == "working": continue if path.name in SKIP_NAMES: continue print(path, file=outfile) def packages_to_manifest(outfile: TextIO, packages_dir: Path) -> None: for path in packages_dir.glob("*"): if not path.is_file(): continue if path.name in SKIP_NAMES: continue print(path, file=outfile) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Higher-level functions def create_tarball( version: make_utils.BlenderVersion, tarball: Path, manifest: Path, blender_srcdir: Path, packages_dir: Optional[Path], ) -> None: print(f'Creating archive: "{tarball}" ...', end="", flush=True) command = ["tar"] # Requires GNU `tar`, since `--transform` is used. if packages_dir: command += ["--transform", f"s,{packages_dir}/,packages/,g"] command += [ "--transform", f"s,^{blender_srcdir.name}/,blender-{version}/,g", "--transform", f"s,^lib/assets/,blender-{version}/release/datafiles/assets/,g", "--use-compress-program=xz -1", "--create", f"--file={tarball}", f"--files-from={manifest}", # Without owner/group args, extracting the files as root will # use ownership from the tar archive: "--owner=0", "--group=0", ] subprocess.run(command, check=True, timeout=3600) print("OK") def create_checksum_file(tarball: Path) -> None: md5_path = tarball.with_name(tarball.name + ".md5sum") print(f'Creating checksum: "{md5_path}" ...', end="", flush=True) command = [ "md5sum", # The name is enough, as the tarball resides in the same dir as the MD5 # file, and that's the current working directory. tarball.name, ] md5_cmd = subprocess.run( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, text=True, timeout=300 ) with md5_path.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: outfile.write(md5_cmd.stdout) print("OK") def cleanup(manifest: Path) -> None: print("Cleaning up ...", end="", flush=True) if manifest.exists(): manifest.unlink() print("OK") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Low-level commands def git_ls_files(directory: Path = Path(".")) -> Iterable[Path]: """Generator, yields lines of output from 'git ls-files'. Only lines that are actually files (so no directories, sockets, etc.) are returned, and never one from SKIP_NAMES. """ for line in git_command("-C", str(directory), "ls-files"): path = directory / line if not path.is_file() or path.name in SKIP_NAMES: continue yield path def git_command(*cli_args: Union[bytes, str, Path]) -> Iterable[str]: """Generator, yields lines of output from a Git command.""" command = ("git", *cli_args) # import shlex # print(">", " ".join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in command)) git = subprocess.run( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, text=True, timeout=30 ) for line in git.stdout.split("\n"): if line: yield line if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest if doctest.testmod().failed: raise SystemExit("ERROR: Self-test failed, refusing to run") main()