
450 lines
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup nodes
* DerivedNodeTree makes working with (nested) node groups more convenient and safe. It does so by
* pairing nodes and sockets with a context. The context contains information about the current
* "instance" of the node or socket. A node might be "instanced" multiple times when it is in a
* node group that is used multiple times.
#include "BLI_function_ref.hh"
#include "BLI_linear_allocator.hh"
#include "BLI_vector_set.hh"
#include "BKE_node_runtime.hh"
namespace blender::nodes {
class DTreeContext;
class DerivedNodeTree;
class DNode;
class DSocket;
class DInputSocket;
class DOutputSocket;
* The context attached to every node or socket in a derived node tree. It can be used to determine
* the place of a node in a hierarchy of node groups.
* Contexts are organized in a tree data structure to avoid having to store the entire path to the
* root node group for every node/socket.
class DTreeContext {
/* Null when this context is for the root node group. Otherwise it points to the context one
* level up. */
DTreeContext *parent_context_;
/* Null when this context is for the root node group. Otherwise it points to the group node in
* the parent node group that contains this context. */
const bNode *parent_node_;
/* The current node tree. */
const bNodeTree *btree_;
/* All the children contexts of this context. */
Map<const bNode *, DTreeContext *> children_;
DerivedNodeTree *derived_tree_;
friend DerivedNodeTree;
const bNodeTree &btree() const;
const DTreeContext *parent_context() const;
const bNode *parent_node() const;
const DTreeContext *child_context(const bNode &node) const;
const DerivedNodeTree &derived_tree() const;
bool is_root() const;
* A (nullable) reference to a node and the context it is in. It is unique within an entire nested
* node group hierarchy. This type is small and can be passed around by value.
class DNode {
const DTreeContext *context_ = nullptr;
const bNode *bnode_ = nullptr;
DNode() = default;
DNode(const DTreeContext *context, const bNode *node);
const DTreeContext *context() const;
const bNode *bnode() const;
const bNode *operator->() const;
const bNode &operator*() const;
friend bool operator==(const DNode &a, const DNode &b);
friend bool operator!=(const DNode &a, const DNode &b);
operator bool() const;
uint64_t hash() const;
DInputSocket input(int index) const;
DOutputSocket output(int index) const;
DInputSocket input_by_identifier(StringRef identifier) const;
DOutputSocket output_by_identifier(StringRef identifier) const;
* A (nullable) reference to a socket and the context it is in. It is unique within an entire
* nested node group hierarchy. This type is small and can be passed around by value.
* A #DSocket can represent an input or an output socket. If the type of a socket is known at
* compile time is preferable to use #DInputSocket or #DOutputSocket instead.
class DSocket {
const DTreeContext *context_ = nullptr;
const bNodeSocket *bsocket_ = nullptr;
DSocket() = default;
DSocket(const DTreeContext *context, const bNodeSocket *socket);
DSocket(const DInputSocket &input_socket);
DSocket(const DOutputSocket &output_socket);
const DTreeContext *context() const;
const bNodeSocket *bsocket() const;
const bNodeSocket *operator->() const;
const bNodeSocket &operator*() const;
friend bool operator==(const DSocket &a, const DSocket &b);
friend bool operator!=(const DSocket &a, const DSocket &b);
operator bool() const;
uint64_t hash() const;
DNode node() const;
/** A (nullable) reference to an input socket and the context it is in. */
class DInputSocket : public DSocket {
DInputSocket() = default;
DInputSocket(const DTreeContext *context, const bNodeSocket *socket);
explicit DInputSocket(const DSocket &base_socket);
DOutputSocket get_corresponding_group_node_output() const;
Vector<DOutputSocket, 4> get_corresponding_group_input_sockets() const;
* Call `origin_fn` for every "real" origin socket. "Real" means that reroutes, muted nodes
* and node groups are handled by this function. Origin sockets are ones where a node gets its
* inputs from.
void foreach_origin_socket(FunctionRef<void(DSocket)> origin_fn) const;
/** A (nullable) reference to an output socket and the context it is in. */
class DOutputSocket : public DSocket {
DOutputSocket() = default;
DOutputSocket(const DTreeContext *context, const bNodeSocket *socket);
explicit DOutputSocket(const DSocket &base_socket);
DInputSocket get_corresponding_group_node_input() const;
DInputSocket get_active_corresponding_group_output_socket() const;
struct TargetSocketPathInfo {
/** All sockets on the path from the current to the final target sockets, excluding `this`. */
Vector<DSocket, 16> sockets;
using ForeachTargetSocketFn =
FunctionRef<void(DInputSocket, const TargetSocketPathInfo &path_info)>;
* Calls `target_fn` for every "real" target socket. "Real" means that reroutes, muted nodes
* and node groups are handled by this function. Target sockets are on the nodes that use the
* value from this socket.
void foreach_target_socket(ForeachTargetSocketFn target_fn) const;
void foreach_target_socket(ForeachTargetSocketFn target_fn,
TargetSocketPathInfo &path_info) const;
class DerivedNodeTree {
LinearAllocator<> allocator_;
DTreeContext *root_context_;
VectorSet<const bNodeTree *> used_btrees_;
* Construct a new derived node tree for a given root node tree. The generated derived node tree
* does not own the used node tree refs (so that those can be used by others as well). The caller
* has to make sure that the node tree refs added to #node_tree_refs live at least as long as the
* derived node tree.
DerivedNodeTree(const bNodeTree &btree);
const DTreeContext &root_context() const;
Span<const bNodeTree *> used_btrees() const;
* \return True when there is a link cycle. Unavailable sockets are ignored.
bool has_link_cycles() const;
bool has_undefined_nodes_or_sockets() const;
/** Calls the given callback on all nodes in the (possibly nested) derived node tree. */
void foreach_node(FunctionRef<void(DNode)> callback) const;
/** Generates a graph in dot format. The generated graph has all node groups inlined. */
std::string to_dot() const;
DTreeContext &construct_context_recursively(DTreeContext *parent_context,
const bNode *parent_node,
const bNodeTree &btree);
void destruct_context_recursively(DTreeContext *context);
void foreach_node_in_context_recursive(const DTreeContext &context,
FunctionRef<void(DNode)> callback) const;
namespace derived_node_tree_types {
using nodes::DerivedNodeTree;
using nodes::DInputSocket;
using nodes::DNode;
using nodes::DOutputSocket;
using nodes::DSocket;
using nodes::DTreeContext;
} // namespace derived_node_tree_types
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #DTreeContext Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline const bNodeTree &DTreeContext::btree() const
return *btree_;
inline const DTreeContext *DTreeContext::parent_context() const
return parent_context_;
inline const bNode *DTreeContext::parent_node() const
return parent_node_;
inline const DTreeContext *DTreeContext::child_context(const bNode &node) const
return children_.lookup_default(&node, nullptr);
inline const DerivedNodeTree &DTreeContext::derived_tree() const
return *derived_tree_;
inline bool DTreeContext::is_root() const
return parent_context_ == nullptr;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #DNode Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline DNode::DNode(const DTreeContext *context, const bNode *bnode)
: context_(context), bnode_(bnode)
BLI_assert(bnode == nullptr || bnode->runtime->owner_tree == &context->btree());
inline const DTreeContext *DNode::context() const
return context_;
inline const bNode *DNode::bnode() const
return bnode_;
inline bool operator==(const DNode &a, const DNode &b)
return a.context_ == b.context_ && a.bnode_ == b.bnode_;
inline bool operator!=(const DNode &a, const DNode &b)
return !(a == b);
inline DNode::operator bool() const
return bnode_ != nullptr;
inline const bNode *DNode::operator->() const
return bnode_;
inline const bNode &DNode::operator*() const
BLI_assert(bnode_ != nullptr);
return *bnode_;
inline uint64_t DNode::hash() const
return get_default_hash_2(context_, bnode_);
inline DInputSocket DNode::input(int index) const
return {context_, &bnode_->input_socket(index)};
inline DOutputSocket DNode::output(int index) const
return {context_, &bnode_->output_socket(index)};
inline DInputSocket DNode::input_by_identifier(StringRef identifier) const
return {context_, &bnode_->input_by_identifier(identifier)};
inline DOutputSocket DNode::output_by_identifier(StringRef identifier) const
return {context_, &bnode_->output_by_identifier(identifier)};
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #DSocket Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline DSocket::DSocket(const DTreeContext *context, const bNodeSocket *bsocket)
: context_(context), bsocket_(bsocket)
BLI_assert(bsocket == nullptr ||
bsocket->runtime->owner_node->runtime->owner_tree == &context->btree());
inline DSocket::DSocket(const DInputSocket &input_socket)
: DSocket(input_socket.context_, input_socket.bsocket_)
inline DSocket::DSocket(const DOutputSocket &output_socket)
: DSocket(output_socket.context_, output_socket.bsocket_)
inline const DTreeContext *DSocket::context() const
return context_;
inline const bNodeSocket *DSocket::bsocket() const
return bsocket_;
inline bool operator==(const DSocket &a, const DSocket &b)
return a.context_ == b.context_ && a.bsocket_ == b.bsocket_;
inline bool operator!=(const DSocket &a, const DSocket &b)
return !(a == b);
inline DSocket::operator bool() const
return bsocket_ != nullptr;
inline const bNodeSocket *DSocket::operator->() const
return bsocket_;
inline const bNodeSocket &DSocket::operator*() const
BLI_assert(bsocket_ != nullptr);
return *bsocket_;
inline uint64_t DSocket::hash() const
return get_default_hash_2(context_, bsocket_);
inline DNode DSocket::node() const
BLI_assert(bsocket_ != nullptr);
return {context_, bsocket_->runtime->owner_node};
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #DInputSocket Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline DInputSocket::DInputSocket(const DTreeContext *context, const bNodeSocket *bsocket)
: DSocket(context, bsocket)
inline DInputSocket::DInputSocket(const DSocket &base_socket) : DSocket(base_socket)
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #DOutputSocket Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline DOutputSocket::DOutputSocket(const DTreeContext *context, const bNodeSocket *bsocket)
: DSocket(context, bsocket)
inline DOutputSocket::DOutputSocket(const DSocket &base_socket) : DSocket(base_socket)
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #DerivedNodeTree Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline const DTreeContext &DerivedNodeTree::root_context() const
return *root_context_;
inline Span<const bNodeTree *> DerivedNodeTree::used_btrees() const
return used_btrees_;
/** \} */
} // namespace blender::nodes