
358 lines
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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* This file contains code that can be shared between different hash table implementations.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "BLI_allocator.hh"
#include "BLI_array.hh"
#include "BLI_math_base.h"
#include "BLI_memory_utils.hh"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_string_ref.hh"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_vector.hh"
namespace blender {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Constexpr Utility Functions
* Those should eventually be de-duplicated with functions in BLI_math_base.h.
* \{ */
inline constexpr int64_t is_power_of_2_constexpr(const int64_t x)
BLI_assert(x >= 0);
return (x & (x - 1)) == 0;
inline constexpr int64_t log2_floor_constexpr(const int64_t x)
BLI_assert(x >= 0);
return x <= 1 ? 0 : 1 + log2_floor_constexpr(x >> 1);
inline constexpr int64_t log2_ceil_constexpr(const int64_t x)
BLI_assert(x >= 0);
return (is_power_of_2_constexpr(int(x))) ? log2_floor_constexpr(x) : log2_floor_constexpr(x) + 1;
inline constexpr int64_t power_of_2_max_constexpr(const int64_t x)
BLI_assert(x >= 0);
return 1ll << log2_ceil_constexpr(x);
template<typename IntT> inline constexpr IntT ceil_division(const IntT x, const IntT y)
BLI_assert(x >= 0);
BLI_assert(y >= 0);
return x / y + ((x % y) != 0);
template<typename IntT> inline constexpr IntT floor_division(const IntT x, const IntT y)
BLI_assert(x >= 0);
BLI_assert(y >= 0);
return x / y;
inline constexpr int64_t ceil_division_by_fraction(const int64_t x,
const int64_t numerator,
const int64_t denominator)
return int64_t(ceil_division(uint64_t(x) * uint64_t(denominator), uint64_t(numerator)));
inline constexpr int64_t floor_multiplication_with_fraction(const int64_t x,
const int64_t numerator,
const int64_t denominator)
return int64_t((uint64_t(x) * uint64_t(numerator) / uint64_t(denominator)));
inline constexpr int64_t total_slot_amount_for_usable_slots(
const int64_t min_usable_slots,
const int64_t max_load_factor_numerator,
const int64_t max_load_factor_denominator)
return power_of_2_max_constexpr(ceil_division_by_fraction(
min_usable_slots, max_load_factor_numerator, max_load_factor_denominator));
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Load Factor
* This is an abstraction for a fractional load factor. The hash table using this class is assumed
* to use arrays with a size that is a power of two.
* \{ */
class LoadFactor {
uint8_t numerator_;
uint8_t denominator_;
LoadFactor(uint8_t numerator, uint8_t denominator)
: numerator_(numerator), denominator_(denominator)
BLI_assert(numerator > 0);
BLI_assert(numerator < denominator);
void compute_total_and_usable_slots(int64_t min_total_slots,
int64_t min_usable_slots,
int64_t *r_total_slots,
int64_t *r_usable_slots) const
int64_t total_slots = this->compute_total_slots(min_usable_slots, numerator_, denominator_);
total_slots = std::max(total_slots, min_total_slots);
const int64_t usable_slots = floor_multiplication_with_fraction(
total_slots, numerator_, denominator_);
BLI_assert(min_usable_slots <= usable_slots);
*r_total_slots = total_slots;
*r_usable_slots = usable_slots;
static constexpr int64_t compute_total_slots(int64_t min_usable_slots,
uint8_t numerator,
uint8_t denominator)
return total_slot_amount_for_usable_slots(min_usable_slots, numerator, denominator);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Intrusive Key Info
* A hash table slot has to maintain state about whether the slot is empty, occupied or removed.
* Usually, this state information is stored in its own variable. While it only needs two bits in
* theory, in practice often 4 or 8 bytes are used, due to alignment requirements.
* One solution to deal with this problem is to embed the state information in the key. That means,
* two values of the key type are selected to indicate whether the slot is empty or removed.
* The classes below tell a slot implementation which special key values it can use. They can be
* used as #KeyInfo in slot types like #IntrusiveSetSlot and #IntrusiveMapSlot.
* A #KeyInfo type has to implement a couple of static methods that are descried in
* #TemplatedKeyInfo.
* \{ */
* The template arguments EmptyValue and RemovedValue define which special are used. This can be
* used when a hash table has integer keys and there are two specific integers that will never be
* used as keys.
template<typename Key, Key EmptyValue, Key RemovedValue> struct TemplatedKeyInfo {
* Get the value that indicates that the slot is empty. This is used to indicate new slots.
static Key get_empty()
return EmptyValue;
* Modify the given key so that it represents a removed slot.
static void remove(Key &key)
key = RemovedValue;
* Return true, when the given key indicates that the slot is empty.
static bool is_empty(const Key &key)
return key == EmptyValue;
* Return true, when the given key indicates that the slot is removed.
static bool is_removed(const Key &key)
return key == RemovedValue;
* Return true, when the key is valid, i.e. it can be contained in an occupied slot.
static bool is_not_empty_or_removed(const Key &key)
return key != EmptyValue && key != RemovedValue;
* `0xffff...ffff` indicates an empty slot.
* `0xffff...fffe` indicates a removed slot.
* Those specific values are used, because with them a single comparison is enough to check whether
* a slot is occupied. The keys `0x0000...0000` and `0x0000...0001` also satisfy this constraint.
* However, nullptr is much more likely to be used as valid key.
template<typename Pointer> struct PointerKeyInfo {
static Pointer get_empty()
return (Pointer)UINTPTR_MAX;
static void remove(Pointer &pointer)
pointer = (Pointer)(UINTPTR_MAX - 1);
static bool is_empty(Pointer pointer)
return uintptr_t(pointer) == UINTPTR_MAX;
static bool is_removed(Pointer pointer)
return uintptr_t(pointer) == UINTPTR_MAX - 1;
static bool is_not_empty_or_removed(Pointer pointer)
return uintptr_t(pointer) < UINTPTR_MAX - 1;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Hash Table Stats
* A utility class that makes it easier for hash table implementations to provide statistics to the
* developer. These statistics can be helpful when trying to figure out why a hash table is slow.
* To use this utility, a hash table has to implement various methods, that are mentioned below.
* \{ */
class HashTableStats {
Vector<int64_t> keys_by_collision_count_;
int64_t total_collisions_;
float average_collisions_;
int64_t size_;
int64_t capacity_;
int64_t removed_amount_;
float load_factor_;
float removed_load_factor_;
int64_t size_per_element_;
int64_t size_in_bytes_;
const void *address_;
* Requires that the hash table has the following methods:
* - count_collisions(key) -> int64_t
* - size() -> int64_t
* - capacity() -> int64_t
* - removed_amount() -> int64_t
* - size_per_element() -> int64_t
* - size_in_bytes() -> int64_t
template<typename HashTable, typename Keys>
HashTableStats(const HashTable &hash_table, const Keys &keys)
total_collisions_ = 0;
size_ = hash_table.size();
capacity_ = hash_table.capacity();
removed_amount_ = hash_table.removed_amount();
size_per_element_ = hash_table.size_per_element();
size_in_bytes_ = hash_table.size_in_bytes();
address_ = static_cast<const void *>(&hash_table);
for (const auto &key : keys) {
int64_t collisions = hash_table.count_collisions(key);
if (keys_by_collision_count_.size() <= collisions) {
collisions - keys_by_collision_count_.size() + 1);
total_collisions_ += collisions;
average_collisions_ = (size_ == 0) ? 0 : (float)total_collisions_ / (float)size_;
load_factor_ = (float)size_ / (float)capacity_;
removed_load_factor_ = (float)removed_amount_ / (float)capacity_;
void print(StringRef name = "") const;
/** \} */
* This struct provides an equality operator that returns true for all objects that compare equal
* when one would use the `==` operator. This is different from std::equal_to<T>, because that
* requires the parameters to be of type T. Our hash tables support lookups using other types
* without conversion, therefore DefaultEquality needs to be more generic.
template<typename T> struct DefaultEquality {
template<typename T1, typename T2> bool operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
return a == b;
* Support comparing different kinds of raw and smart pointers.
struct PointerComparison {
template<typename T1, typename T2> bool operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
return &*a == &*b;
template<typename T> struct DefaultEquality<std::unique_ptr<T>> : public PointerComparison {
template<typename T> struct DefaultEquality<std::shared_ptr<T>> : public PointerComparison {
struct SequenceComparison {
template<typename T1, typename T2> bool operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
const auto a_begin = a.begin();
const auto a_end = a.end();
const auto b_begin = b.begin();
const auto b_end = b.end();
if (a_end - a_begin != b_end - b_begin) {
return false;
return std::equal(a_begin, a_end, b_begin);
template<typename T, int64_t InlineBufferCapacity, typename Allocator>
struct DefaultEquality<Vector<T, InlineBufferCapacity, Allocator>> : public SequenceComparison {
} // namespace blender