
452 lines
14 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* \section mathabbrev Abbreviations
* - `fl` = `float`.
* - `db` = `double`.
* - `v2` = `vec2` = vector 2.
* - `v3` = `vec3` = vector 3.
* - `v4` = `vec4` = vector 4.
* - `vn` = `vec4q = vector N dimensions, *passed as an arg, after the vector*..
* - `qt` = `quat` = quaternion.
* - `dq` = `dquat` = dual quaternion.
* - `m2` = `mat2` = matrix 2x2.
* - `m3` = `mat3` = matrix 3x3.
* - `m4` = `mat4` = matrix 4x4.
* - `eul` = `euler` rotation.
* - `eulO` = `euler` with order.
* - `plane` = `plane 4`, (vec3, distance).
* - `plane3` = `plane 3`, (same as a `plane` with a zero 4th component).
* \subsection mathabbrev_all Function Type Abbreviations
* For non float versions of functions (which typically operate on floats),
* use single suffix abbreviations.
* - `_d` = double
* - `_i` = int
* - `_u` = unsigned int
* - `_char` = char
* - `_uchar` = unsigned char
* \section mathvarnames Variable Names
* - f = single value
* - a, b, c = vectors
* - r = result vector
* - A, B, C = matrices
* - R = result matrix
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_USE_MATH_DEFINES)
#include "BLI_assert.h"
#include "BLI_math_inline.h"
#include "BLI_sys_types.h"
#include <math.h>
#ifndef M_PI
# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
#ifndef M_PI_2
# define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 /* pi/2 */
#ifndef M_PI_4
# define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 /* pi/4 */
#ifndef M_SQRT2
# define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 /* sqrt(2) */
#ifndef M_SQRT1_2
# define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 /* 1/sqrt(2) */
#ifndef M_SQRT3
# define M_SQRT3 1.73205080756887729352 /* sqrt(3) */
#ifndef M_SQRT1_3
# define M_SQRT1_3 0.57735026918962576450 /* 1/sqrt(3) */
#ifndef M_1_PI
# define M_1_PI 0.318309886183790671538 /* 1/pi */
#ifndef M_E
# define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 /* e */
#ifndef M_LOG2E
# define M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074 /* log_2 e */
#ifndef M_LOG10E
# define M_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765 /* log_10 e */
#ifndef M_LN2
# define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 /* log_e 2 */
#ifndef M_LN10
# define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 /* log_e 10 */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# define NAN_FLT __builtin_nanf("")
#else /* evil quiet NaN definition */
static const int NAN_INT = 0x7FC00000;
# define NAN_FLT (*((float *)(&NAN_INT)))
# include "intern/math_base_inline.c"
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-decls"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/******************************* Float ******************************/
/* `powf` is really slow for raising to integer powers. */
MINLINE float pow2f(float x);
MINLINE float pow3f(float x);
MINLINE float pow4f(float x);
MINLINE float pow7f(float x);
MINLINE float sqrt3f(float f);
MINLINE double sqrt3d(double d);
MINLINE float sqrtf_signed(float f);
MINLINE float saacosf(float f);
MINLINE float saasinf(float f);
MINLINE float sasqrtf(float f);
MINLINE float saacos(float fac);
MINLINE float saasin(float fac);
MINLINE float sasqrt(float fac);
/* Compute linear interpolation (lerp) between origin and target. */
MINLINE float interpf(float target, float origin, float t);
MINLINE double interpd(double target, double origin, double t);
MINLINE float ratiof(float min, float max, float pos);
MINLINE double ratiod(double min, double max, double pos);
* Map a normalized value, i.e. from interval [0, 1] to interval [a, b].
MINLINE float scalenorm(float a, float b, float x);
* Map a normalized value, i.e. from interval [0, 1] to interval [a, b].
MINLINE double scalenormd(double a, double b, double x);
/* NOTE: Compilers will up-cast all types smaller than int to int when performing arithmetic
* operation. */
MINLINE int square_s(short a);
MINLINE int square_uchar(unsigned char a);
MINLINE int cube_s(short a);
MINLINE int cube_uchar(unsigned char a);
MINLINE int square_i(int a);
MINLINE unsigned int square_uint(unsigned int a);
MINLINE float square_f(float a);
MINLINE double square_d(double a);
MINLINE int cube_i(int a);
MINLINE unsigned int cube_uint(unsigned int a);
MINLINE float cube_f(float a);
MINLINE double cube_d(double a);
MINLINE float min_ff(float a, float b);
MINLINE float max_ff(float a, float b);
MINLINE float min_fff(float a, float b, float c);
MINLINE float max_fff(float a, float b, float c);
MINLINE float min_ffff(float a, float b, float c, float d);
MINLINE float max_ffff(float a, float b, float c, float d);
MINLINE double min_dd(double a, double b);
MINLINE double max_dd(double a, double b);
MINLINE double min_ddd(double a, double b, double c);
MINLINE double max_ddd(double a, double b, double c);
MINLINE int min_ii(int a, int b);
MINLINE int max_ii(int a, int b);
MINLINE int min_iii(int a, int b, int c);
MINLINE int max_iii(int a, int b, int c);
MINLINE int min_iiii(int a, int b, int c, int d);
MINLINE int max_iiii(int a, int b, int c, int d);
MINLINE uint min_uu(uint a, uint b);
MINLINE uint max_uu(uint a, uint b);
MINLINE size_t min_zz(size_t a, size_t b);
MINLINE size_t max_zz(size_t a, size_t b);
MINLINE char min_cc(char a, char b);
MINLINE char max_cc(char a, char b);
MINLINE int clamp_i(int value, int min, int max);
MINLINE float clamp_f(float value, float min, float max);
MINLINE size_t clamp_z(size_t value, size_t min, size_t max);
* Almost-equal for IEEE floats, using absolute difference method.
* \param max_diff: the maximum absolute difference.
MINLINE int compare_ff(float a, float b, float max_diff);
* Computes the distance between two floats in ulps.
* In other words, returns zero if the floats are exactly equal, and
* otherwise returns 1 plus the number of (unique) representable floats
* between `a` and `b` on the number line.
* Notes:
* - The order of `a` and `b` doesn't matter. The returned value is the
* absolute difference.
* - Unlike many ulp difference functions, this function handles the
* difference between positive and negative floats in a meaningful way.
* It returns the number (plus 1) of representable floats between those
* two values as they would be arranged on a number line.
* - Zero and negative zero are *not* considered unique from each other.
* They are counted together as a single float in the difference.
* - NaNs are not handled meaningfully. If either number is NaN, this
* function returns uint max (0xffffffff).
MINLINE uint ulp_diff_ff(float a, float b);
* Almost-equal for IEEE floats, using their integer representation
* (mixing ULP and absolute difference methods).
* \param max_diff: is the maximum absolute difference (allows to take care of the near-zero area,
* where relative difference methods cannot really work).
* \param max_ulps: is the 'maximum number of floats + 1'
* allowed between \a a and \a b to consider them equal.
* \see
MINLINE int compare_ff_relative(float a, float b, float max_diff, int max_ulps);
MINLINE bool compare_threshold_relative(float value1, float value2, float thresh);
MINLINE float signf(float f);
MINLINE int signum_i_ex(float a, float eps);
MINLINE int signum_i(float a);
* Used for zoom values.
MINLINE float power_of_2(float f);
* Returns number of (base ten) *significant* digits of integer part of given float
* (negative in case of decimal-only floats, 0.01 returns -1 e.g.).
MINLINE int integer_digits_f(float f);
* Returns number of (base ten) *significant* digits of integer part of given double
* (negative in case of decimal-only floats, 0.01 returns -1 e.g.).
MINLINE int integer_digits_d(double d);
MINLINE int integer_digits_i(int i);
/* These don't really fit anywhere but were being copied about a lot. */
MINLINE int is_power_of_2_i(int n);
MINLINE unsigned int log2_floor_u(unsigned int x);
MINLINE unsigned int log2_ceil_u(unsigned int x);
* Returns next (or previous) power of 2 or the input number if it is already a power of 2.
MINLINE int power_of_2_max_i(int n);
MINLINE int power_of_2_min_i(int n);
MINLINE unsigned int power_of_2_max_u(unsigned int x);
MINLINE unsigned int power_of_2_min_u(unsigned int x);
* Integer division that rounds 0.5 up, particularly useful for color blending
* with integers, to avoid gradual darkening when rounding down.
MINLINE int divide_round_i(int a, int b);
* Integer division that returns the ceiling, instead of flooring like normal C division.
MINLINE uint divide_ceil_u(uint a, uint b);
MINLINE uint64_t divide_ceil_ul(uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
* Returns \a a if it is a multiple of \a b or the next multiple or \a b after \b a .
MINLINE uint ceil_to_multiple_u(uint a, uint b);
MINLINE uint64_t ceil_to_multiple_ul(uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
* modulo that handles negative numbers, works the same as Python's.
MINLINE int mod_i(int i, int n);
* Modulo that returns a positive result, regardless of the sign of \a f.
* For example, mod_f_positive(-0.1, 1.0) => 0.9.
* \returns a float in the interval [0, n).
MINLINE float mod_f_positive(float f, float n);
* Round to closest even number, halfway cases are rounded away from zero.
MINLINE float round_to_even(float f);
MINLINE signed char round_fl_to_char(float a);
MINLINE unsigned char round_fl_to_uchar(float a);
MINLINE short round_fl_to_short(float a);
MINLINE unsigned short round_fl_to_ushort(float a);
MINLINE int round_fl_to_int(float a);
MINLINE unsigned int round_fl_to_uint(float a);
MINLINE signed char round_db_to_char(double a);
MINLINE unsigned char round_db_to_uchar(double a);
MINLINE short round_db_to_short(double a);
MINLINE unsigned short round_db_to_ushort(double a);
MINLINE int round_db_to_int(double a);
MINLINE unsigned int round_db_to_uint(double a);
MINLINE signed char round_fl_to_char_clamp(float a);
MINLINE unsigned char round_fl_to_uchar_clamp(float a);
MINLINE short round_fl_to_short_clamp(float a);
MINLINE unsigned short round_fl_to_ushort_clamp(float a);
MINLINE int round_fl_to_int_clamp(float a);
MINLINE unsigned int round_fl_to_uint_clamp(float a);
MINLINE signed char round_db_to_char_clamp(double a);
MINLINE unsigned char round_db_to_uchar_clamp(double a);
MINLINE short round_db_to_short_clamp(double a);
MINLINE unsigned short round_db_to_ushort_clamp(double a);
MINLINE int round_db_to_int_clamp(double a);
MINLINE unsigned int round_db_to_uint_clamp(double a);
int pow_i(int base, int exp);
* \param ndigits: must be between 0 and 21.
double double_round(double x, int ndigits);
* Floor to the nearest power of 10, e.g.:
* - 15.0 -> 10.0
* - 0.015 -> 0.01
* - 1.0 -> 1.0
* \param f: Value to floor, must be over 0.0.
* \note If we wanted to support signed values we could if this becomes necessary.
float floor_power_of_10(float f);
* Ceiling to the nearest power of 10, e.g.:
* - 15.0 -> 100.0
* - 0.015 -> 0.1
* - 1.0 -> 1.0
* \param f: Value to ceiling, must be over 0.0.
* \note If we wanted to support signed values we could if this becomes necessary.
float ceil_power_of_10(float f);
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
/* Asserts, some math functions expect normalized inputs
* check the vector is unit length, or zero length (which can't be helped in some cases). */
#ifndef NDEBUG
/** \note 0.0001 is too small because normals may be converted from short's: see #34322. */
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON 0.0002f
* \note Checks are flipped so NAN doesn't assert.
* This is done because we're making sure the value was normalized and in the case we
* don't want NAN to be raising asserts since there is nothing to be done in that case.
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V3(v) \
{ \
const float _test_unit = len_squared_v3(v); \
BLI_assert(!(fabsf(_test_unit - 1.0f) >= BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON) || \
!(fabsf(_test_unit) >= BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON)); \
} \
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V3_DB(v) \
{ \
const double _test_unit = len_squared_v3_db(v); \
BLI_assert(!(fabs(_test_unit - 1.0) >= BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON_DB) || \
!(fabs(_test_unit) >= BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON_DB)); \
} \
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V2(v) \
{ \
const float _test_unit = len_squared_v2(v); \
BLI_assert(!(fabsf(_test_unit - 1.0f) >= BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON) || \
!(fabsf(_test_unit) >= BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON)); \
} \
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_QUAT(q) \
{ \
const float _test_unit = dot_qtqt(q, q); \
BLI_assert(!(fabsf(_test_unit - 1.0f) >= BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON * 10) || \
!(fabsf(_test_unit) >= BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_EPSILON * 10)); \
} \
# define BLI_ASSERT_ZERO_M3(m) \
{ \
BLI_assert(dot_vn_vn((const float *)m, (const float *)m, 9) != 0.0); \
} \
# define BLI_ASSERT_ZERO_M4(m) \
{ \
BLI_assert(dot_vn_vn((const float *)m, (const float *)m, 16) != 0.0); \
} \
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_M3(m) \
{ \
BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V3((m)[0]); \
BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V3((m)[1]); \
BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V3((m)[2]); \
} \
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V2(v) (void)(v)
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V3(v) (void)(v)
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_V3_DB(v) (void)(v)
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_QUAT(v) (void)(v)
# define BLI_ASSERT_ZERO_M3(m) (void)(m)
# define BLI_ASSERT_ZERO_M4(m) (void)(m)
# define BLI_ASSERT_UNIT_M3(m) (void)(m)
#ifdef __cplusplus