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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup fn
#include "FN_multi_function.hh"
namespace blender::fn::multi_function {
class Variable;
class Instruction;
class CallInstruction;
class BranchInstruction;
class DestructInstruction;
class DummyInstruction;
class ReturnInstruction;
class Procedure;
/** Every instruction has exactly one of these types. */
enum class InstructionType {
* An #InstructionCursor points to a position in a multi-function procedure, where an instruction
* can be inserted.
class InstructionCursor {
enum Type {
Type type_ = None;
Instruction *instruction_ = nullptr;
/* Only used when it is a branch instruction. */
bool branch_output_ = false;
InstructionCursor() = default;
InstructionCursor(CallInstruction &instruction);
InstructionCursor(DestructInstruction &instruction);
InstructionCursor(BranchInstruction &instruction, bool branch_output);
InstructionCursor(DummyInstruction &instruction);
static InstructionCursor ForEntry();
Instruction *next(Procedure &procedure) const;
void set_next(Procedure &procedure, Instruction *new_instruction) const;
Instruction *instruction() const;
Type type() const;
friend bool operator==(const InstructionCursor &a, const InstructionCursor &b)
return a.type_ == b.type_ && a.instruction_ == b.instruction_ &&
a.branch_output_ == b.branch_output_;
friend bool operator!=(const InstructionCursor &a, const InstructionCursor &b)
return !(a == b);
* A variable is similar to a virtual register in other libraries. During evaluation, every is
* either uninitialized or contains a value for every index (remember, a multi-function procedure
* is always evaluated for many indices at the same time).
class Variable : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
DataType data_type_;
Vector<Instruction *> users_;
std::string name_;
int index_in_graph_;
friend Procedure;
friend CallInstruction;
friend BranchInstruction;
friend DestructInstruction;
DataType data_type() const;
Span<Instruction *> users();
StringRefNull name() const;
void set_name(std::string name);
int index_in_procedure() const;
/** Base class for all instruction types. */
class Instruction : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
InstructionType type_;
Vector<InstructionCursor> prev_;
friend Procedure;
friend CallInstruction;
friend BranchInstruction;
friend DestructInstruction;
friend DummyInstruction;
friend ReturnInstruction;
InstructionType type() const;
* Other instructions that come before this instruction. There can be multiple previous
* instructions when branching is used in the procedure.
Span<InstructionCursor> prev() const;
* References a multi-function that is evaluated when the instruction is executed. It also
* references the variables whose data will be passed into the multi-function.
class CallInstruction : public Instruction {
const MultiFunction *fn_ = nullptr;
Instruction *next_ = nullptr;
MutableSpan<Variable *> params_;
friend Procedure;
const MultiFunction &fn() const;
Instruction *next();
const Instruction *next() const;
void set_next(Instruction *instruction);
void set_param_variable(int param_index, Variable *variable);
void set_params(Span<Variable *> variables);
Span<Variable *> params();
Span<const Variable *> params() const;
* What makes a branch instruction special is that it has two successor instructions. One that will
* be used when a condition variable was true, and one otherwise.
class BranchInstruction : public Instruction {
Variable *condition_ = nullptr;
Instruction *branch_true_ = nullptr;
Instruction *branch_false_ = nullptr;
friend Procedure;
Variable *condition();
const Variable *condition() const;
void set_condition(Variable *variable);
Instruction *branch_true();
const Instruction *branch_true() const;
void set_branch_true(Instruction *instruction);
Instruction *branch_false();
const Instruction *branch_false() const;
void set_branch_false(Instruction *instruction);
* A destruct instruction destructs a single variable. So the variable value will be uninitialized
* after this instruction. All variables that are not output variables of the procedure, have to be
* destructed before the procedure ends. Destructing early is generally a good thing, because it
* might help with memory buffer reuse, which decreases memory-usage and increases performance.
class DestructInstruction : public Instruction {
Variable *variable_ = nullptr;
Instruction *next_ = nullptr;
friend Procedure;
Variable *variable();
const Variable *variable() const;
void set_variable(Variable *variable);
Instruction *next();
const Instruction *next() const;
void set_next(Instruction *instruction);
* This instruction does nothing, it just exists to building a procedure simpler in some cases.
class DummyInstruction : public Instruction {
Instruction *next_ = nullptr;
friend Procedure;
Instruction *next();
const Instruction *next() const;
void set_next(Instruction *instruction);
* This instruction ends the procedure.
class ReturnInstruction : public Instruction {
* Inputs and outputs of the entire procedure network.
struct Parameter {
ParamType::InterfaceType type;
Variable *variable;
struct ConstParameter {
ParamType::InterfaceType type;
const Variable *variable;
* A multi-function procedure allows composing multi-functions in arbitrary ways. It consists of
* variables and instructions that operate on those variables. Branching and looping within the
* procedure is supported as well.
* Typically, a #Procedure should be constructed using a #ProcedureBuilder, which has many more
* utility methods for common use cases.
class Procedure : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
LinearAllocator<> allocator_;
Vector<CallInstruction *> call_instructions_;
Vector<BranchInstruction *> branch_instructions_;
Vector<DestructInstruction *> destruct_instructions_;
Vector<DummyInstruction *> dummy_instructions_;
Vector<ReturnInstruction *> return_instructions_;
Vector<Variable *> variables_;
Vector<Parameter> params_;
Vector<destruct_ptr<MultiFunction>> owned_functions_;
Instruction *entry_ = nullptr;
friend class ProcedureDotExport;
Procedure() = default;
Variable &new_variable(DataType data_type, std::string name = "");
CallInstruction &new_call_instruction(const MultiFunction &fn);
BranchInstruction &new_branch_instruction();
DestructInstruction &new_destruct_instruction();
DummyInstruction &new_dummy_instruction();
ReturnInstruction &new_return_instruction();
void add_parameter(ParamType::InterfaceType interface_type, Variable &variable);
Span<ConstParameter> params() const;
template<typename T, typename... Args> const MultiFunction &construct_function(Args &&...args);
Instruction *entry();
const Instruction *entry() const;
void set_entry(Instruction &entry);
Span<Variable *> variables();
Span<const Variable *> variables() const;
std::string to_dot() const;
bool validate() const;
bool validate_all_instruction_pointers_set() const;
bool validate_all_params_provided() const;
bool validate_same_variables_in_one_call() const;
bool validate_parameters() const;
bool validate_initialization() const;
struct InitState {
bool can_be_initialized = false;
bool can_be_uninitialized = false;
InitState find_initialization_state_before_instruction(const Instruction &target_instruction,
const Variable &variable) const;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #InstructionCursor Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline InstructionCursor::InstructionCursor(CallInstruction &instruction)
: type_(Call), instruction_(&instruction)
inline InstructionCursor::InstructionCursor(DestructInstruction &instruction)
: type_(Destruct), instruction_(&instruction)
inline InstructionCursor::InstructionCursor(BranchInstruction &instruction, bool branch_output)
: type_(Branch), instruction_(&instruction), branch_output_(branch_output)
inline InstructionCursor::InstructionCursor(DummyInstruction &instruction)
: type_(Dummy), instruction_(&instruction)
inline InstructionCursor InstructionCursor::ForEntry()
InstructionCursor cursor;
cursor.type_ = Type::Entry;
return cursor;
inline Instruction *InstructionCursor::instruction() const
/* This isn't really const correct unfortunately, because to make it correct we'll need a const
* version of #InstructionCursor. */
return instruction_;
inline InstructionCursor::Type InstructionCursor::type() const
return type_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #Variable Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline DataType Variable::data_type() const
return data_type_;
inline Span<Instruction *> Variable::users()
return users_;
inline StringRefNull Variable::name() const
return name_;
inline int Variable::index_in_procedure() const
return index_in_graph_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #Instruction Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline InstructionType Instruction::type() const
return type_;
inline Span<InstructionCursor> Instruction::prev() const
return prev_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #CallInstruction Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline const MultiFunction &CallInstruction::fn() const
return *fn_;
inline Instruction *CallInstruction::next()
return next_;
inline const Instruction *CallInstruction::next() const
return next_;
inline Span<Variable *> CallInstruction::params()
return params_;
inline Span<const Variable *> CallInstruction::params() const
return params_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #BranchInstruction Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Variable *BranchInstruction::condition()
return condition_;
inline const Variable *BranchInstruction::condition() const
return condition_;
inline Instruction *BranchInstruction::branch_true()
return branch_true_;
inline const Instruction *BranchInstruction::branch_true() const
return branch_true_;
inline Instruction *BranchInstruction::branch_false()
return branch_false_;
inline const Instruction *BranchInstruction::branch_false() const
return branch_false_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #DestructInstruction Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Variable *DestructInstruction::variable()
return variable_;
inline const Variable *DestructInstruction::variable() const
return variable_;
inline Instruction *DestructInstruction::next()
return next_;
inline const Instruction *DestructInstruction::next() const
return next_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #DummyInstruction Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Instruction *DummyInstruction::next()
return next_;
inline const Instruction *DummyInstruction::next() const
return next_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #Procedure Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Span<ConstParameter> Procedure::params() const
static_assert(sizeof(Parameter) == sizeof(ConstParameter));
return params_.as_span().cast<ConstParameter>();
inline Instruction *Procedure::entry()
return entry_;
inline const Instruction *Procedure::entry() const
return entry_;
inline Span<Variable *> Procedure::variables()
return variables_;
inline Span<const Variable *> Procedure::variables() const
return variables_;
template<typename T, typename... Args>
inline const MultiFunction &Procedure::construct_function(Args &&...args)
destruct_ptr<T> fn = allocator_.construct<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
const MultiFunction &fn_ref = *fn;
return fn_ref;
/** \} */
} // namespace blender::fn::multi_function