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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
* For evaluation, geometry node groups are converted to a lazy-function graph. The generated graph
* is cached per node group, so it only has to be generated once after a change.
* Node groups are *not* inlined into the lazy-function graph. This could be added in the future as
* it might improve performance in some cases, but generally does not seem necessary. Inlining node
* groups also has disadvantages like making per-node-group caches less useful, resulting in more
* overhead.
* Instead, group nodes are just like all other nodes in the lazy-function graph. What makes them
* special is that they reference the lazy-function graph of the group they reference.
* During lazy-function graph generation, a mapping between the #bNodeTree and
* #lazy_function::Graph is build that can be used when evaluating the graph (e.g. for logging).
#include <variant>
#include "FN_lazy_function_graph.hh"
#include "FN_lazy_function_graph_executor.hh"
#include "NOD_geometry_nodes_log.hh"
#include "NOD_multi_function.hh"
#include "BLI_compute_context.hh"
#include "BKE_bake_items.hh"
#include "BKE_node_tree_zones.hh"
struct Object;
struct Depsgraph;
struct Scene;
namespace blender::nodes {
using lf::LazyFunction;
using mf::MultiFunction;
/** The structs in here describe the different possible behaviors of a simulation input node. */
namespace sim_input {
* The data is just passed through the node. Data that is incompatible with simulations (like
* anonymous attributes), is removed though.
struct PassThrough {
* The input is not evaluated, instead the values provided here are output by the node.
struct OutputCopy {
float delta_time;
bke::bake::BakeStateRef state;
* Same as above, but the values can be output by move, instead of copy. This can reduce the amount
* of unnecessary copies, when the old simulation state is not needed anymore.
struct OutputMove {
float delta_time;
bke::bake::BakeState state;
using Behavior = std::variant<PassThrough, OutputCopy, OutputMove>;
} // namespace sim_input
/** The structs in here describe the different possible behaviors of a simulation output node. */
namespace sim_output {
* Output the data that comes from the corresponding simulation input node, ignoring the nodes in
* the zone.
struct PassThrough {
* Computes the simulation step and calls the given function to cache the new simulation state.
* The new simulation state is the output of the node.
struct StoreNewState {
std::function<void(bke::bake::BakeState state)> store_fn;
* The inputs are not evaluated, instead the given cached items are output directly.
struct ReadSingle {
bke::bake::BakeStateRef state;
* The inputs are not evaluated, instead of a mix of the two given states is output.
struct ReadInterpolated {
/** Factor between 0 and 1 that determines the influence of the two simulation states. */
float mix_factor;
bke::bake::BakeStateRef prev_state;
bke::bake::BakeStateRef next_state;
using Behavior = std::variant<PassThrough, StoreNewState, ReadSingle, ReadInterpolated>;
} // namespace sim_output
/** Controls the behavior of one simulation zone. */
struct SimulationZoneBehavior {
sim_input::Behavior input;
sim_output::Behavior output;
class GeoNodesSimulationParams {
* Get the expected behavior for the simulation zone with the given id (see #bNestedNodeRef).
* It's possible that this method called multiple times for the same id. In this case, the same
* pointer should be returned in each call.
virtual SimulationZoneBehavior *get(const int zone_id) const = 0;
struct GeoNodesSideEffectNodes {
MultiValueMap<ComputeContextHash, const lf::FunctionNode *> nodes_by_context;
* The repeat zone is identified by the compute context of the parent and the identifier of the
* repeat output node.
MultiValueMap<std::pair<ComputeContextHash, int32_t>, int> iterations_by_repeat_zone;
* Data that is passed into geometry nodes evaluation from the modifier.
struct GeoNodesModifierData {
/** Object that is currently evaluated. */
const Object *self_object = nullptr;
/** Depsgraph that is evaluating the modifier. */
Depsgraph *depsgraph = nullptr;
/** Optional logger. */
geo_eval_log::GeoModifierLog *eval_log = nullptr;
GeoNodesSimulationParams *simulation_params = nullptr;
* Some nodes should be executed even when their output is not used (e.g. active viewer nodes and
* the node groups they are contained in).
const GeoNodesSideEffectNodes *side_effect_nodes = nullptr;
* Controls in which compute contexts we want to log socket values. Logging them in all contexts
* can result in slowdowns. In the majority of cases, the logged socket values are freed without
* being looked at anyway.
* If this is null, all socket values will be logged.
const Set<ComputeContextHash> *socket_log_contexts = nullptr;
struct GeoNodesOperatorData {
/** The object currently effected by the operator. */
const Object *self_object = nullptr;
/** Current evaluated depsgraph. */
Depsgraph *depsgraph = nullptr;
Scene *scene = nullptr;
* Custom user data that is passed to every geometry nodes related lazy-function evaluation.
struct GeoNodesLFUserData : public lf::UserData {
* Data from the modifier that is being evaluated.
GeoNodesModifierData *modifier_data = nullptr;
* Data from execution as operator in 3D viewport.
GeoNodesOperatorData *operator_data = nullptr;
* Current compute context. This is different depending in the (nested) node group that is being
* evaluated.
const ComputeContext *compute_context = nullptr;
* Log socket values in the current compute context. Child contexts might use logging again.
bool log_socket_values = true;
* Top-level node tree of the current evaluation.
const bNodeTree *root_ntree = nullptr;
destruct_ptr<lf::LocalUserData> get_local(LinearAllocator<> &allocator) override;
struct GeoNodesLFLocalUserData : public lf::LocalUserData {
* Thread-local logger for the current node tree in the current compute context. It is only
* instantiated when it is actually used and then cached for the current thread.
mutable std::optional<geo_eval_log::GeoTreeLogger *> tree_logger_;
GeoNodesLFLocalUserData(GeoNodesLFUserData & /*user_data*/) {}
* Get the current tree logger. This method is not thread-safe, each thread is supposed to have
* a separate logger.
geo_eval_log::GeoTreeLogger *try_get_tree_logger(const GeoNodesLFUserData &user_data) const
if (!tree_logger_.has_value()) {
return *tree_logger_;
void ensure_tree_logger(const GeoNodesLFUserData &user_data) const;
* In the general case, this is #DynamicSocket. That means that to determine if a node group will
* use a particular input, it has to be partially executed.
* In other cases, it's not necessary to look into the node group to determine if an input is
* necessary.
enum class InputUsageHintType {
/** The input socket is never used. */
/** The input socket is used when a subset of the outputs is used. */
/** Can't determine statically if the input is used, check the corresponding output socket. */
struct InputUsageHint {
InputUsageHintType type = InputUsageHintType::DependsOnOutput;
/** Used in depends-on-output mode. */
Vector<int> output_dependencies;
* Contains the mapping between the #bNodeTree and the corresponding lazy-function graph.
* This is *not* a one-to-one mapping.
struct GeometryNodeLazyFunctionGraphMapping {
* This is an optimization to avoid partially evaluating a node group just to figure out which
* inputs are needed.
Vector<InputUsageHint> group_input_usage_hints;
* A mapping used for logging intermediate values.
MultiValueMap<const lf::Socket *, const bNodeSocket *> bsockets_by_lf_socket_map;
* Mappings for some special node types. Generally, this mapping does not exist for all node
* types, so better have more specialized mappings for now.
Map<const bNode *, const lf::FunctionNode *> group_node_map;
Map<const bNode *, const lf::FunctionNode *> possible_side_effect_node_map;
Map<const bke::bNodeTreeZone *, const lf::FunctionNode *> zone_node_map;
/* Indexed by #bNodeSocket::index_in_all_outputs. */
Array<int> lf_input_index_for_output_bsocket_usage;
/* Indexed by #bNodeSocket::index_in_all_outputs. */
Array<int> lf_input_index_for_attribute_propagation_to_output;
/* Indexed by #bNodeSocket::index_in_tree. */
Array<int> lf_index_by_bsocket;
* Contains the information that is necessary to execute a geometry node tree.
struct GeometryNodesGroupFunction {
* The lazy-function that does what the node group does. Its inputs and outputs are described
* below.
const LazyFunction *function = nullptr;
struct {
* Main input values that come out of the Group Input node.
IndexRange main;
* A boolean for every group output that indicates whether that output is needed. It's ok if
* those are set to true even when an output is not used, but the other way around will lead to
* bugs. The node group uses those values to compute the lifetimes of anonymous attributes.
IndexRange output_usages;
* Some node groups can propagate attributes from a geometry input to a geometry output. In
* those cases, the caller of the node group has to decide which anonymous attributes have to
* be kept alive on the geometry because the caller requires them.
struct {
IndexRange range;
Vector<int> geometry_outputs;
} attributes_to_propagate;
} inputs;
struct {
* Main output values that are passed into the Group Output node.
IndexRange main;
* A boolean for every group input that indicates whether this input will be used. Oftentimes
* this can be determined without actually computing much. This is used to compute anonymous
* attribute lifetimes.
IndexRange input_usages;
} outputs;
* Data that is cached for every #bNodeTree.
struct GeometryNodesLazyFunctionGraphInfo {
* Contains resources that need to be freed when the graph is not needed anymore.
ResourceScope scope;
GeometryNodesGroupFunction function;
* The actual lazy-function graph.
lf::Graph graph;
* Mappings between the lazy-function graph and the #bNodeTree.
GeometryNodeLazyFunctionGraphMapping mapping;
* Approximate number of nodes in the graph if all sub-graphs were inlined.
* This can be used as a simple heuristic for the complexity of the node group.
int num_inline_nodes_approximate = 0;
std::unique_ptr<LazyFunction> get_simulation_output_lazy_function(
const bNode &node, GeometryNodesLazyFunctionGraphInfo &own_lf_graph_info);
std::unique_ptr<LazyFunction> get_simulation_input_lazy_function(
const bNodeTree &node_tree,
const bNode &node,
GeometryNodesLazyFunctionGraphInfo &own_lf_graph_info);
std::unique_ptr<LazyFunction> get_switch_node_lazy_function(const bNode &node);
struct FoundNestedNodeID {
int id;
bool is_in_simulation = false;
bool is_in_loop = false;
std::optional<FoundNestedNodeID> find_nested_node_id(const GeoNodesLFUserData &user_data,
const int node_id);
* An anonymous attribute created by a node.
class NodeAnonymousAttributeID : public bke::AnonymousAttributeID {
std::string long_name_;
std::string socket_name_;
NodeAnonymousAttributeID(const Object &object,
const ComputeContext &compute_context,
const bNode &bnode,
const StringRef identifier,
const StringRef name);
std::string user_name() const override;
* Main function that converts a #bNodeTree into a lazy-function graph. If the graph has been
* generated already, nothing is done. Under some circumstances a valid graph cannot be created. In
* those cases null is returned.
const GeometryNodesLazyFunctionGraphInfo *ensure_geometry_nodes_lazy_function_graph(
const bNodeTree &btree);
} // namespace blender::nodes