
1559 lines
44 KiB

// This file is generated using the MantaFlow preprocessor (prep generate).
* MantaFlow fluid solver framework
* Copyright 2011 Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey
* This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the
* Apache License, Version 2.0
* Grid representation
#ifndef _GRID4D_H
#define _GRID4D_H
#include "manta.h"
#include "vectorbase.h"
#include "vector4d.h"
#include "kernel.h"
namespace Manta {
//! Base class for all grids
class Grid4dBase : public PbClass {
enum Grid4dType { TypeNone = 0, TypeReal = 1, TypeInt = 2, TypeVec3 = 4, TypeVec4 = 8 };
Grid4dBase(FluidSolver *parent);
static int _W_0(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
PbClass *obj = Pb::objFromPy(_self);
if (obj)
delete obj;
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(0, "Grid4dBase::Grid4dBase", !noTiming);
ArgLocker _lock;
FluidSolver *parent = _args.getPtr<FluidSolver>("parent", 0, &_lock);
obj = new Grid4dBase(parent);
obj->registerObject(_self, &_args);
pbFinalizePlugin(obj->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::Grid4dBase", !noTiming);
return 0;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4dBase::Grid4dBase", e.what());
return -1;
//! Get the grids X dimension
inline int getSizeX() const
return mSize.x;
static PyObject *_W_1(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4dBase *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4dBase *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSizeX", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->getSizeX());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSizeX", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4dBase::getSizeX", e.what());
return 0;
//! Get the grids Y dimension
inline int getSizeY() const
return mSize.y;
static PyObject *_W_2(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4dBase *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4dBase *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSizeY", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->getSizeY());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSizeY", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4dBase::getSizeY", e.what());
return 0;
//! Get the grids Z dimension
inline int getSizeZ() const
return mSize.z;
static PyObject *_W_3(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4dBase *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4dBase *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSizeZ", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->getSizeZ());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSizeZ", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4dBase::getSizeZ", e.what());
return 0;
//! Get the grids T dimension
inline int getSizeT() const
return mSize.t;
static PyObject *_W_4(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4dBase *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4dBase *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSizeT", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->getSizeT());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSizeT", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4dBase::getSizeT", e.what());
return 0;
//! Get the grids dimensions
inline Vec4i getSize() const
return mSize;
static PyObject *_W_5(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4dBase *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4dBase *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSize", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->getSize());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::getSize", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4dBase::getSize", e.what());
return 0;
//! Get Stride in X dimension
inline IndexInt getStrideX() const
return 1;
//! Get Stride in Y dimension
inline IndexInt getStrideY() const
return mSize.x;
//! Get Stride in Z dimension
inline IndexInt getStrideZ() const
return mStrideZ;
//! Get Stride in T dimension
inline IndexInt getStrideT() const
return mStrideT;
inline Real getDx()
return mDx;
//! Check if indices are within bounds, otherwise error (should only be called when debugging)
inline void checkIndex(int i, int j, int k, int t) const;
//! Check if indices are within bounds, otherwise error (should only be called when debugging)
inline void checkIndex(IndexInt idx) const;
//! Check if index is within given boundaries
inline bool isInBounds(const Vec4i &p, int bnd) const;
//! Check if index is within given boundaries
inline bool isInBounds(const Vec4i &p) const;
//! Check if index is within given boundaries
inline bool isInBounds(const Vec4 &p, int bnd = 0) const
return isInBounds(toVec4i(p), bnd);
//! Check if linear index is in the range of the array
inline bool isInBounds(IndexInt idx) const;
//! Get the type of grid
inline Grid4dType getType() const
return mType;
//! Check dimensionality
inline bool is3D() const
return true;
static PyObject *_W_6(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4dBase *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4dBase *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::is3D", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->is3D());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::is3D", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4dBase::is3D", e.what());
return 0;
inline bool is4D() const
return true;
static PyObject *_W_7(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4dBase *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4dBase *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::is4D", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->is4D());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4dBase::is4D", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4dBase::is4D", e.what());
return 0;
//! 3d compatibility
inline bool isInBounds(int i, int j, int k, int t, int bnd) const
return isInBounds(Vec4i(i, j, k, t), bnd);
//! Get index into the data
inline IndexInt index(int i, int j, int k, int t) const
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndex(i, j, k, t));
return (IndexInt)i + (IndexInt)mSize.x * j + (IndexInt)mStrideZ * k + (IndexInt)mStrideT * t;
//! Get index into the data
inline IndexInt index(const Vec4i &pos) const
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndex(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.t));
return (IndexInt)pos.x + (IndexInt)mSize.x * pos.y + (IndexInt)mStrideZ * pos.z +
(IndexInt)mStrideT * pos.t;
Grid4dType mType;
Vec4i mSize;
Real mDx;
// precomputed Z,T shift: to ensure 2D compatibility, always use this instead of sx*sy !
IndexInt mStrideZ;
IndexInt mStrideT;
PbArgs _args;
#define _C_Grid4dBase
//! Grid class
template<class T> class Grid4d : public Grid4dBase {
//! init new grid, values are set to zero
Grid4d(FluidSolver *parent, bool show = true);
static int _W_8(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
PbClass *obj = Pb::objFromPy(_self);
if (obj)
delete obj;
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(0, "Grid4d::Grid4d", !noTiming);
ArgLocker _lock;
FluidSolver *parent = _args.getPtr<FluidSolver>("parent", 0, &_lock);
bool show = _args.getOpt<bool>("show", 1, true, &_lock);
obj = new Grid4d(parent, show);
obj->registerObject(_self, &_args);
pbFinalizePlugin(obj->getParent(), "Grid4d::Grid4d", !noTiming);
return 0;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::Grid4d", e.what());
return -1;
//! create new & copy content from another grid
Grid4d(const Grid4d<T> &a);
//! return memory to solver
virtual ~Grid4d();
typedef T BASETYPE;
typedef Grid4dBase BASETYPE_GRID;
int save(std::string name);
static PyObject *_W_9(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::save", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
std::string name = _args.get<std::string>("name", 0, &_lock);
_retval = toPy(pbo->save(name));
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::save", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::save", e.what());
return 0;
int load(std::string name);
static PyObject *_W_10(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::load", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
std::string name = _args.get<std::string>("name", 0, &_lock);
_retval = toPy(pbo->load(name));
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::load", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::load", e.what());
return 0;
//! set all cells to zero
void clear();
static PyObject *_W_11(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::clear", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = getPyNone();
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::clear", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::clear", e.what());
return 0;
//! all kinds of access functions, use grid(), grid[] or grid.get()
//! access data
inline T get(int i, int j, int k, int t) const
return mData[index(i, j, k, t)];
//! access data
inline T &get(int i, int j, int k, int t)
return mData[index(i, j, k, t)];
//! access data
inline T get(IndexInt idx) const
return mData[idx];
//! access data
inline T get(const Vec4i &pos) const
return mData[index(pos)];
//! access data
inline T &operator()(int i, int j, int k, int t)
return mData[index(i, j, k, t)];
//! access data
inline T operator()(int i, int j, int k, int t) const
return mData[index(i, j, k, t)];
//! access data
inline T &operator()(IndexInt idx)
return mData[idx];
//! access data
inline T operator()(IndexInt idx) const
return mData[idx];
//! access data
inline T &operator()(const Vec4i &pos)
return mData[index(pos)];
//! access data
inline T operator()(const Vec4i &pos) const
return mData[index(pos)];
//! access data
inline T &operator[](IndexInt idx)
return mData[idx];
//! access data
inline const T operator[](IndexInt idx) const
return mData[idx];
// interpolated access
inline T getInterpolated(const Vec4 &pos) const
return interpol4d<T>(mData, mSize, mStrideZ, mStrideT, pos);
// assignment / copy
//! warning - do not use "=" for grids in python, this copies the reference! not the grid
//! content...
// Grid4d<T>& operator=(const Grid4d<T>& a);
//! copy content from other grid (use this one instead of operator= !)
Grid4d<T> &copyFrom(const Grid4d<T> &a, bool copyType = true);
static PyObject *_W_12(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::copyFrom", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
const Grid4d<T> &a = *_args.getPtr<Grid4d<T>>("a", 0, &_lock);
bool copyType = _args.getOpt<bool>("copyType", 1, true, &_lock);
_retval = toPy(pbo->copyFrom(a, copyType));
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::copyFrom", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::copyFrom", e.what());
return 0;
// old: { *this = a; }
// helper functions to work with grids in scene files
//! add/subtract other grid
void add(const Grid4d<T> &a);
static PyObject *_W_13(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::add", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
const Grid4d<T> &a = *_args.getPtr<Grid4d<T>>("a", 0, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::add", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::add", e.what());
return 0;
void sub(const Grid4d<T> &a);
static PyObject *_W_14(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::sub", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
const Grid4d<T> &a = *_args.getPtr<Grid4d<T>>("a", 0, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::sub", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::sub", e.what());
return 0;
//! set all cells to constant value
void setConst(T s);
static PyObject *_W_15(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::setConst", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
T s = _args.get<T>("s", 0, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::setConst", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::setConst", e.what());
return 0;
//! add constant to all grid cells
void addConst(T s);
static PyObject *_W_16(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::addConst", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
T s = _args.get<T>("s", 0, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::addConst", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::addConst", e.what());
return 0;
//! add scaled other grid to current one (note, only "Real" factor, "T" type not supported here!)
void addScaled(const Grid4d<T> &a, const T &factor);
static PyObject *_W_17(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::addScaled", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
const Grid4d<T> &a = *_args.getPtr<Grid4d<T>>("a", 0, &_lock);
const T &factor = *_args.getPtr<T>("factor", 1, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbo->addScaled(a, factor);
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::addScaled", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::addScaled", e.what());
return 0;
//! multiply contents of grid
void mult(const Grid4d<T> &a);
static PyObject *_W_18(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::mult", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
const Grid4d<T> &a = *_args.getPtr<Grid4d<T>>("a", 0, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::mult", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::mult", e.what());
return 0;
//! multiply each cell by a constant scalar value
void multConst(T s);
static PyObject *_W_19(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::multConst", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
T s = _args.get<T>("s", 0, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::multConst", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::multConst", e.what());
return 0;
//! clamp content to range (for vec3, clamps each component separately)
void clamp(Real min, Real max);
static PyObject *_W_20(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::clamp", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
Real min = _args.get<Real>("min", 0, &_lock);
Real max = _args.get<Real>("max", 1, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbo->clamp(min, max);
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::clamp", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::clamp", e.what());
return 0;
// common compound operators
//! get absolute max value in grid
Real getMaxAbs();
static PyObject *_W_21(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::getMaxAbs", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->getMaxAbs());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::getMaxAbs", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::getMaxAbs", e.what());
return 0;
//! get max value in grid
Real getMax();
static PyObject *_W_22(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::getMax", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->getMax());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::getMax", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::getMax", e.what());
return 0;
//! get min value in grid
Real getMin();
static PyObject *_W_23(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::getMin", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
_retval = toPy(pbo->getMin());
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::getMin", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::getMin", e.what());
return 0;
//! set all boundary cells to constant value (Dirichlet)
void setBound(T value, int boundaryWidth = 1);
static PyObject *_W_24(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::setBound", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
T value = _args.get<T>("value", 0, &_lock);
int boundaryWidth = _args.getOpt<int>("boundaryWidth", 1, 1, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbo->setBound(value, boundaryWidth);
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::setBound", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::setBound", e.what());
return 0;
//! set all boundary cells to last inner value (Neumann)
void setBoundNeumann(int boundaryWidth = 1);
static PyObject *_W_25(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::setBoundNeumann", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
int boundaryWidth = _args.getOpt<int>("boundaryWidth", 0, 1, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::setBoundNeumann", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::setBoundNeumann", e.what());
return 0;
//! debugging helper, print grid from Python
void printGrid(int zSlice = -1, int tSlice = -1, bool printIndex = false, int bnd = 0);
static PyObject *_W_26(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
Grid4d *pbo = dynamic_cast<Grid4d *>(Pb::objFromPy(_self));
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::printGrid", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = nullptr;
ArgLocker _lock;
int zSlice = _args.getOpt<int>("zSlice", 0, -1, &_lock);
int tSlice = _args.getOpt<int>("tSlice", 1, -1, &_lock);
bool printIndex = _args.getOpt<bool>("printIndex", 2, false, &_lock);
int bnd = _args.getOpt<int>("bnd", 3, 0, &_lock);
_retval = getPyNone();
pbo->printGrid(zSlice, tSlice, printIndex, bnd);
pbFinalizePlugin(pbo->getParent(), "Grid4d::printGrid", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("Grid4d::printGrid", e.what());
return 0;
// c++ only operators
template<class S> Grid4d<T> &operator+=(const Grid4d<S> &a);
template<class S> Grid4d<T> &operator+=(const S &a);
template<class S> Grid4d<T> &operator-=(const Grid4d<S> &a);
template<class S> Grid4d<T> &operator-=(const S &a);
template<class S> Grid4d<T> &operator*=(const Grid4d<S> &a);
template<class S> Grid4d<T> &operator*=(const S &a);
template<class S> Grid4d<T> &operator/=(const Grid4d<S> &a);
template<class S> Grid4d<T> &operator/=(const S &a);
Grid4d<T> &safeDivide(const Grid4d<T> &a);
//! Swap data with another grid (no actual data is moved)
void swap(Grid4d<T> &other);
T *mData;
PbArgs _args;
#define _C_Grid4d
// Python doesn't know about templates: explicit aliases needed
//! helper to compute grid conversion factor between local coordinates of two grids
inline Vec4 calcGridSizeFactor4d(Vec4i s1, Vec4i s2)
return Vec4(Real(s1[0]) / s2[0], Real(s1[1]) / s2[1], Real(s1[2]) / s2[2], Real(s1[3]) / s2[3]);
inline Vec4 calcGridSizeFactor4d(Vec4 s1, Vec4 s2)
return Vec4(s1[0] / s2[0], s1[1] / s2[1], s1[2] / s2[2], s1[3] / s2[3]);
// prototypes for grid plugins
void getComponent4d(const Grid4d<Vec4> &src, Grid4d<Real> &dst, int c);
void setComponent4d(const Grid4d<Real> &src, Grid4d<Vec4> &dst, int c);
// Implementation of inline functions
inline void Grid4dBase::checkIndex(int i, int j, int k, int t) const
if (i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= mSize.x || j >= mSize.y || k < 0 || k >= mSize.z || t < 0 ||
t >= mSize.t) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "Grid4d " << mName << " dim " << mSize << " : index " << i << "," << j << "," << k << ","
<< t << " out of bound ";
inline void Grid4dBase::checkIndex(IndexInt idx) const
if (idx < 0 || idx >= mSize.x * mSize.y * mSize.z * mSize.t) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "Grid4d " << mName << " dim " << mSize << " : index " << idx << " out of bound ";
bool Grid4dBase::isInBounds(const Vec4i &p) const
return (p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0 && p.z >= 0 && p.t >= 0 && p.x < mSize.x && p.y < mSize.y &&
p.z < mSize.z && p.t < mSize.t);
bool Grid4dBase::isInBounds(const Vec4i &p, int bnd) const
bool ret = (p.x >= bnd && p.y >= bnd && p.x < mSize.x - bnd && p.y < mSize.y - bnd);
ret &= (p.z >= bnd && p.z < mSize.z - bnd);
ret &= (p.t >= bnd && p.t < mSize.t - bnd);
return ret;
//! Check if linear index is in the range of the array
bool Grid4dBase::isInBounds(IndexInt idx) const
if (idx < 0 || idx >= mSize.x * mSize.y * mSize.z * mSize.t) {
return false;
return true;
// note - ugly, mostly copied from normal GRID!
template<class T, class S> struct Grid4dAdd : public KernelBase {
Grid4dAdd(Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<S> &other) : KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), other(other)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<S> &other) const
me[idx] += other[idx];
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline const Grid4d<S> &getArg1()
return other;
typedef Grid4d<S> type1;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dAdd ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, other);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
const Grid4d<S> &other;
template<class T, class S> struct Grid4dSub : public KernelBase {
Grid4dSub(Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<S> &other) : KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), other(other)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<S> &other) const
me[idx] -= other[idx];
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline const Grid4d<S> &getArg1()
return other;
typedef Grid4d<S> type1;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dSub ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, other);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
const Grid4d<S> &other;
template<class T, class S> struct Grid4dMult : public KernelBase {
Grid4dMult(Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<S> &other) : KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), other(other)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<S> &other) const
me[idx] *= other[idx];
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline const Grid4d<S> &getArg1()
return other;
typedef Grid4d<S> type1;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dMult ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, other);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
const Grid4d<S> &other;
template<class T, class S> struct Grid4dDiv : public KernelBase {
Grid4dDiv(Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<S> &other) : KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), other(other)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<S> &other) const
me[idx] /= other[idx];
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline const Grid4d<S> &getArg1()
return other;
typedef Grid4d<S> type1;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dDiv ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, other);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
const Grid4d<S> &other;
template<class T, class S> struct Grid4dAddScalar : public KernelBase {
Grid4dAddScalar(Grid4d<T> &me, const S &other) : KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), other(other)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, const S &other) const
me[idx] += other;
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline const S &getArg1()
return other;
typedef S type1;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dAddScalar ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, other);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
const S &other;
template<class T, class S> struct Grid4dMultScalar : public KernelBase {
Grid4dMultScalar(Grid4d<T> &me, const S &other) : KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), other(other)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, const S &other) const
me[idx] *= other;
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline const S &getArg1()
return other;
typedef S type1;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dMultScalar ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, other);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
const S &other;
template<class T, class S> struct Grid4dScaledAdd : public KernelBase {
Grid4dScaledAdd(Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<T> &other, const S &factor)
: KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), other(other), factor(factor)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<T> &other, const S &factor) const
me[idx] += factor * other[idx];
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline const Grid4d<T> &getArg1()
return other;
typedef Grid4d<T> type1;
inline const S &getArg2()
return factor;
typedef S type2;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dScaledAdd ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, other, factor);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
const Grid4d<T> &other;
const S &factor;
template<class T> struct Grid4dSafeDiv : public KernelBase {
Grid4dSafeDiv(Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<T> &other) : KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), other(other)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, const Grid4d<T> &other) const
me[idx] = safeDivide(me[idx], other[idx]);
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline const Grid4d<T> &getArg1()
return other;
typedef Grid4d<T> type1;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dSafeDiv ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, other);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
const Grid4d<T> &other;
template<class T> struct Grid4dSetConst : public KernelBase {
Grid4dSetConst(Grid4d<T> &me, T value) : KernelBase(&me, 0), me(me), value(value)
inline void op(IndexInt idx, Grid4d<T> &me, T value) const
me[idx] = value;
inline Grid4d<T> &getArg0()
return me;
typedef Grid4d<T> type0;
inline T &getArg1()
return value;
typedef T type1;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel Grid4dSetConst ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ << " ",
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
for (IndexInt idx = __r.begin(); idx != (IndexInt)__r.end(); idx++)
op(idx, me, value);
void run()
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, size), *this);
Grid4d<T> &me;
T value;
template<class T> template<class S> Grid4d<T> &Grid4d<T>::operator+=(const Grid4d<S> &a)
Grid4dAdd<T, S>(*this, a);
return *this;
template<class T> template<class S> Grid4d<T> &Grid4d<T>::operator+=(const S &a)
Grid4dAddScalar<T, S>(*this, a);
return *this;
template<class T> template<class S> Grid4d<T> &Grid4d<T>::operator-=(const Grid4d<S> &a)
Grid4dSub<T, S>(*this, a);
return *this;
template<class T> template<class S> Grid4d<T> &Grid4d<T>::operator-=(const S &a)
Grid4dAddScalar<T, S>(*this, -a);
return *this;
template<class T> template<class S> Grid4d<T> &Grid4d<T>::operator*=(const Grid4d<S> &a)
Grid4dMult<T, S>(*this, a);
return *this;
template<class T> template<class S> Grid4d<T> &Grid4d<T>::operator*=(const S &a)
Grid4dMultScalar<T, S>(*this, a);
return *this;
template<class T> template<class S> Grid4d<T> &Grid4d<T>::operator/=(const Grid4d<S> &a)
Grid4dDiv<T, S>(*this, a);
return *this;
template<class T> template<class S> Grid4d<T> &Grid4d<T>::operator/=(const S &a)
S rez((S)1.0 / a);
Grid4dMultScalar<T, S>(*this, rez);
return *this;
// Other helper functions
inline Vec4 getGradient4d(const Grid4d<Real> &data, int i, int j, int k, int t)
Vec4 v;
if (i > data.getSizeX() - 2)
i = data.getSizeX() - 2;
if (j > data.getSizeY() - 2)
j = data.getSizeY() - 2;
if (k > data.getSizeZ() - 2)
k = data.getSizeZ() - 2;
if (t > data.getSizeT() - 2)
t = data.getSizeT() - 2;
if (i < 1)
i = 1;
if (j < 1)
j = 1;
if (k < 1)
k = 1;
if (t < 1)
t = 1;
v = Vec4(data(i + 1, j, k, t) - data(i - 1, j, k, t),
data(i, j + 1, k, t) - data(i, j - 1, k, t),
data(i, j, k + 1, t) - data(i, j, k - 1, t),
data(i, j, k, t + 1) - data(i, j, k, t - 1));
return v;
template<class S> struct KnInterpolateGrid4dTempl : public KernelBase {
KnInterpolateGrid4dTempl(Grid4d<S> &target,
Grid4d<S> &source,
const Vec4 &sourceFactor,
Vec4 offset)
: KernelBase(&target, 0),
inline void op(int i,
int j,
int k,
int t,
Grid4d<S> &target,
Grid4d<S> &source,
const Vec4 &sourceFactor,
Vec4 offset) const
Vec4 pos = Vec4(i, j, k, t) * sourceFactor + offset;
if (!source.is3D())
pos[2] = 0.; // allow 2d -> 3d
if (!source.is4D())
pos[3] = 0.; // allow 3d -> 4d
target(i, j, k, t) = source.getInterpolated(pos);
inline Grid4d<S> &getArg0()
return target;
typedef Grid4d<S> type0;
inline Grid4d<S> &getArg1()
return source;
typedef Grid4d<S> type1;
inline const Vec4 &getArg2()
return sourceFactor;
typedef Vec4 type2;
inline Vec4 &getArg3()
return offset;
typedef Vec4 type3;
void runMessage()
debMsg("Executing kernel KnInterpolateGrid4dTempl ", 3);
debMsg("Kernel range"
<< " x " << maxX << " y " << maxY << " z " << minZ << " - " << maxZ
<< " "
" t "
<< minT << " - " << maxT,
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt> &__r) const
if (maxT > 1) {
for (int t = __r.begin(); t != (int)__r.end(); t++)
for (int k = 0; k < maxZ; k++)
for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
op(i, j, k, t, target, source, sourceFactor, offset);
else if (maxZ > 1) {
const int t = 0;
for (int k = __r.begin(); k != (int)__r.end(); k++)
for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
op(i, j, k, t, target, source, sourceFactor, offset);
else {
const int t = 0;
const int k = 0;
for (int j = __r.begin(); j != (int)__r.end(); j++)
for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
op(i, j, k, t, target, source, sourceFactor, offset);
void run()
if (maxT > 1) {
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(minT, maxT), *this);
else if (maxZ > 1) {
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(minZ, maxZ), *this);
else {
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<IndexInt>(0, maxY), *this);
Grid4d<S> &target;
Grid4d<S> &source;
const Vec4 &sourceFactor;
Vec4 offset;
} // namespace Manta