
326 lines
9.4 KiB

// This file is generated using the MantaFlow preprocessor (prep generate).
* MantaFlow fluid solver framework
* Copyright 2011 Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey
* This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the
* Apache License, Version 2.0
* Noise field
#include "noisefield.h"
#include "randomstream.h"
#include "grid.h"
using namespace std;
// Wavelet noise
# define TILENAME "waveletNoiseTile.bin"
# define TILENAME "waveletNoiseTileD.bin"
namespace Manta {
int WaveletNoiseField::randomSeed = 13322223;
Real *WaveletNoiseField::mNoiseTile = nullptr;
std::atomic<int> WaveletNoiseField::mNoiseReferenceCount(0);
static Real _aCoeffs[32] = {
0.000334, -0.001528, 0.000410, 0.003545, -0.000938, -0.008233, 0.002172, 0.019120,
-0.005040, -0.044412, 0.011655, 0.103311, -0.025936, -0.243780, 0.033979, 0.655340,
0.655340, 0.033979, -0.243780, -0.025936, 0.103311, 0.011655, -0.044412, -0.005040,
0.019120, 0.002172, -0.008233, -0.000938, 0.003546, 0.000410, -0.001528, 0.000334};
void WaveletNoiseField::downsample(Real *from, Real *to, int n, int stride)
const Real *a = &_aCoeffs[16];
for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
to[i * stride] = 0;
for (int k = 2 * i - 16; k < 2 * i + 16; k++) {
to[i * stride] += a[k - 2 * i] * from[modFast128(k) * stride];
static Real _pCoeffs[4] = {0.25, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25};
void WaveletNoiseField::upsample(Real *from, Real *to, int n, int stride)
const Real *pp = &_pCoeffs[1];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
to[i * stride] = 0;
for (int k = i / 2 - 1; k < i / 2 + 3; k++) {
to[i * stride] += 0.5 * pp[k - i / 2] * from[modSlow(k, n / 2) * stride];
} // new */
WaveletNoiseField::WaveletNoiseField(FluidSolver *parent, int fixedSeed, int loadFromFile)
: PbClass(parent),
Real scale = 1.0 / parent->getGridSize().max();
mGsInvX = scale;
mGsInvY = scale;
mGsInvZ = parent->is3D() ? scale : 1;
// use global random seed with offset if none is given
if (fixedSeed == -1) {
fixedSeed = randomSeed + 123;
RandomStream randStreamPos(fixedSeed);
mSeedOffset = Vec3(randStreamPos.getVec3Norm());
string WaveletNoiseField::toString()
std::ostringstream out;
out << "NoiseField: name '" << mName << "' "
<< " pos off=" << mPosOffset << " scale=" << mPosScale << " val off=" << mValOffset
<< " scale=" << mValScale << " clamp =" << mClamp << " val=" << mClampNeg << " to "
<< mClampPos << " timeAni =" << mTimeAnim
<< " gridInv =" << Vec3(mGsInvX, mGsInvY, mGsInvZ);
return out.str();
void WaveletNoiseField::generateTile(int loadFromFile)
// generate tile
const int n = NOISE_TILE_SIZE;
const int n3 = n * n * n, n3d = n3 * 3;
if (mNoiseTile) {
Real *noise3 = new Real[n3d];
if (loadFromFile) {
FILE *fp = fopen(TILENAME, "rb");
if (fp) {
assertMsg(fread(noise3, sizeof(Real), n3d, fp) == n3d,
"Failed to read wavelet noise tile, file invalid/corrupt? (" << TILENAME << ") ");
debMsg("Noise tile loaded from file " TILENAME, 1);
mNoiseTile = noise3;
debMsg("Generating 3x " << n << "^3 noise tile ", 1);
Real *temp13 = new Real[n3d];
Real *temp23 = new Real[n3d];
// initialize
for (int i = 0; i < n3d; i++) {
temp13[i] = temp23[i] = noise3[i] = 0.;
// Step 1. Fill the tile with random numbers in the range -1 to 1.
RandomStream randStreamTile(randomSeed);
for (int i = 0; i < n3d; i++) {
// noise3[i] = (randStream.getReal() + randStream2.getReal()) -1.; // produces repeated
// values??
noise3[i] = randStreamTile.getRandNorm(0, 1);
// Steps 2 and 3. Downsample and upsample the tile
for (int tile = 0; tile < 3; tile++) {
for (int iy = 0; iy < n; iy++)
for (int iz = 0; iz < n; iz++) {
const int i = iy * n + iz * n * n + tile * n3;
downsample(&noise3[i], &temp13[i], n, 1);
upsample(&temp13[i], &temp23[i], n, 1);
for (int ix = 0; ix < n; ix++)
for (int iz = 0; iz < n; iz++) {
const int i = ix + iz * n * n + tile * n3;
downsample(&temp23[i], &temp13[i], n, n);
upsample(&temp13[i], &temp23[i], n, n);
for (int ix = 0; ix < n; ix++)
for (int iy = 0; iy < n; iy++) {
const int i = ix + iy * n + tile * n3;
downsample(&temp23[i], &temp13[i], n, n * n);
upsample(&temp13[i], &temp23[i], n, n * n);
// Step 4. Subtract out the coarse-scale contribution
for (int i = 0; i < n3d; i++) {
noise3[i] -= temp23[i];
// Avoid even/odd variance difference by adding odd-offset version of noise to itself.
int offset = n / 2;
if (offset % 2 == 0)
if (n != 128)
errMsg("WaveletNoise::Fast 128 mod used, change for non-128 resolution");
int icnt = 0;
for (int tile = 0; tile < 3; tile++)
for (int ix = 0; ix < n; ix++)
for (int iy = 0; iy < n; iy++)
for (int iz = 0; iz < n; iz++) {
temp13[icnt] = noise3[modFast128(ix + offset) + modFast128(iy + offset) * n +
modFast128(iz + offset) * n * n + tile * n3];
for (int i = 0; i < n3d; i++) {
noise3[i] += temp13[i];
mNoiseTile = noise3;
delete[] temp13;
delete[] temp23;
if (loadFromFile) {
FILE *fp = fopen(TILENAME, "wb");
if (fp) {
fwrite(noise3, sizeof(Real), n3d, fp);
debMsg("Noise field saved to file ", 1);
void WaveletNoiseField::downsampleNeumann(const Real *from, Real *to, int n, int stride)
// if these values are not local incorrect results are generated
static const Real *const aCoCenter = &_aCoeffs[16];
for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
to[i * stride] = 0;
for (int k = 2 * i - 16; k < 2 * i + 16; k++) {
// handle boundary
Real fromval;
if (k < 0) {
fromval = from[0];
else if (k > n - 1) {
fromval = from[(n - 1) * stride];
else {
fromval = from[k * stride];
to[i * stride] += aCoCenter[k - 2 * i] * fromval;
void WaveletNoiseField::upsampleNeumann(const Real *from, Real *to, int n, int stride)
static const Real *const pp = &_pCoeffs[1];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
to[i * stride] = 0;
for (int k = i / 2 - 1; k < i / 2 + 3; k++) {
Real fromval;
if (k > n / 2 - 1) {
fromval = from[(n / 2 - 1) * stride];
else if (k < 0) {
fromval = from[0];
else {
fromval = from[k * stride];
to[i * stride] += 0.5 * pp[k - i / 2] * fromval;
void WaveletNoiseField::computeCoefficients(Grid<Real> &input,
Grid<Real> &tempIn1,
Grid<Real> &tempIn2)
// generate tile
const int sx = input.getSizeX();
const int sy = input.getSizeY();
const int sz = input.getSizeZ();
const int n3 = sx * sy * sz;
// just for compatibility with wavelet turb code
Real *temp13 = &tempIn1(0, 0, 0);
Real *temp23 = &tempIn2(0, 0, 0);
Real *noise3 = &input(0, 0, 0);
// clear grids
for (int i = 0; i < n3; i++) {
temp13[i] = temp23[i] = 0.f;
// Steps 2 and 3. Downsample and upsample the tile
for (int iz = 0; iz < sz; iz++)
for (int iy = 0; iy < sy; iy++) {
const int i = iz * sx * sy + iy * sx;
downsampleNeumann(&noise3[i], &temp13[i], sx, 1);
upsampleNeumann(&temp13[i], &temp23[i], sx, 1);
for (int iz = 0; iz < sz; iz++)
for (int ix = 0; ix < sx; ix++) {
const int i = iz * sx * sy + ix;
downsampleNeumann(&temp23[i], &temp13[i], sy, sx);
upsampleNeumann(&temp13[i], &temp23[i], sy, sx);
if (input.is3D()) {
for (int iy = 0; iy < sy; iy++)
for (int ix = 0; ix < sx; ix++) {
const int i = iy * sx + ix;
downsampleNeumann(&temp23[i], &temp13[i], sz, sy * sx);
upsampleNeumann(&temp13[i], &temp23[i], sz, sy * sx);
// Step 4. Subtract out the coarse-scale contribution
for (int i = 0; i < n3; i++) {
Real residual = noise3[i] - temp23[i];
temp13[i] = sqrtf(fabs(residual));
// copy back, and compute actual weight for wavelet turbulence...
Real smoothingFactor = 1. / 6.;
if (!input.is3D())
smoothingFactor = 1. / 4.;
FOR_IJK_BND(input, 1)
// apply some brute force smoothing
Real res = temp13[k * sx * sy + j * sx + i - 1] + temp13[k * sx * sy + j * sx + i + 1];
res += temp13[k * sx * sy + j * sx + i - sx] + temp13[k * sx * sy + j * sx + i + sx];
if (input.is3D())
res += temp13[k * sx * sy + j * sx + i - sx * sy] +
temp13[k * sx * sy + j * sx + i + sx * sy];
input(i, j, k) = res * smoothingFactor;
} // namespace Manta