
374 lines
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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bke
#include "BLI_compiler_compat.h"
#include "BLI_ghash.h"
#include "BLI_math_vector_types.hh"
#include "BLI_span.hh"
#include "DNA_listBase.h"
#include "BKE_node.h"
#include "DNA_node_types.h"
#include "RNA_types.hh"
#include "BLI_map.hh"
#include "BLI_string_ref.hh"
namespace blender::bke {
bNodeTree *ntreeAddTreeEmbedded(Main *bmain, ID *owner_id, const char *name, const char *idname);
/* Copy/free functions, need to manage ID users. */
* Free (or release) any data used by this node-tree.
* Does not free the node-tree itself and does no ID user counting.
void ntreeFreeTree(bNodeTree *ntree);
bNodeTree *ntreeCopyTree_ex(const bNodeTree *ntree, Main *bmain, bool do_id_user);
bNodeTree *ntreeCopyTree(Main *bmain, const bNodeTree *ntree);
void ntreeFreeLocalNode(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node);
void ntreeUpdateAllNew(Main *main);
/** Update asset meta-data cache of data-block properties. */
void node_update_asset_metadata(bNodeTree &node_tree);
void ntreeNodeFlagSet(const bNodeTree *ntree, int flag, bool enable);
* Merge local tree results back, and free local tree.
* We have to assume the editor already changed completely.
void ntreeLocalMerge(Main *bmain, bNodeTree *localtree, bNodeTree *ntree);
* \note `ntree` itself has been read!
void ntreeBlendReadData(BlendDataReader *reader, ID *owner_id, bNodeTree *ntree);
bool node_type_is_undefined(const bNode *node);
bool nodeIsStaticSocketType(const bNodeSocketType *stype);
const char *nodeSocketSubTypeLabel(int subtype);
void nodeRemoveSocketEx(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node, bNodeSocket *sock, bool do_id_user);
void nodeModifySocketType(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node, bNodeSocket *sock, const char *idname);
* \note Goes over entire tree.
void nodeUnlinkNode(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node);
* Rebuild the `node_by_id` runtime vector set. Call after removing a node if not handled
* separately. This is important instead of just using `nodes_by_id.remove()` since it maintains
* the node order.
void nodeRebuildIDVector(bNodeTree *node_tree);
* \note keeps socket list order identical, for copying links.
* \param use_unique: If true, make sure the node's identifier and name are unique in the new
* tree. Must be *true* if the \a dst_tree had nodes that weren't in the source node's tree.
* Must be *false* when simply copying a node tree, so that identifiers don't change.
bNode *node_copy_with_mapping(bNodeTree *dst_tree,
const bNode &node_src,
int flag,
bool use_unique,
Map<const bNodeSocket *, bNodeSocket *> &new_socket_map);
bNode *node_copy(bNodeTree *dst_tree, const bNode &src_node, int flag, bool use_unique);
* Move socket default from \a src (input socket) to locations specified by \a dst (output socket).
* Result value moved in specific location. (potentially multiple group nodes socket values, if \a
* dst is a group input node).
* \note Conceptually, the effect should be such that the evaluation of
* this graph again returns the value in src.
void node_socket_move_default_value(Main &bmain,
bNodeTree &tree,
bNodeSocket &src,
bNodeSocket &dst);
* Free the node itself.
* \note ID user reference-counting and changing the `nodes_by_id` vector are up to the caller.
void node_free_node(bNodeTree *tree, bNode *node);
* Set the mute status of a single link.
void nodeLinkSetMute(bNodeTree *ntree, bNodeLink *link, const bool muted);
bool nodeLinkIsSelected(const bNodeLink *link);
void nodeInternalRelink(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node);
float2 nodeToView(const bNode *node, float2 loc);
float2 nodeFromView(const bNode *node, float2 view_loc);
void nodePositionRelative(bNode *from_node,
const bNode *to_node,
const bNodeSocket *from_sock,
const bNodeSocket *to_sock);
void nodePositionPropagate(bNode *node);
* \note Recursive.
bNode *nodeFindRootParent(bNode *node);
* Iterate over a chain of nodes, starting with \a node_start, executing
* \a callback for each node (which can return false to end iterator).
* \param reversed: for backwards iteration
* \note Recursive
void nodeChainIter(const bNodeTree *ntree,
const bNode *node_start,
bool (*callback)(bNode *, bNode *, void *, const bool),
void *userdata,
bool reversed);
* Iterate over a chain of nodes, starting with \a node_start, executing
* \a callback for each node (which can return false to end iterator).
* Faster than nodeChainIter. Iter only once per node.
* Can be called recursively (using another nodeChainIterBackwards) by
* setting the recursion_lvl accordingly.
* \note Needs updated socket links (ntreeUpdateTree).
* \note Recursive
void nodeChainIterBackwards(const bNodeTree *ntree,
const bNode *node_start,
bool (*callback)(bNode *, bNode *, void *),
void *userdata,
int recursion_lvl);
* Iterate over all parents of \a node, executing \a callback for each parent
* (which can return false to end iterator)
* \note Recursive
void nodeParentsIter(bNode *node, bool (*callback)(bNode *, void *), void *userdata);
* A dangling reroute node is a reroute node that does *not* have a "data source", i.e. no
* non-reroute node is connected to its input.
bool nodeIsDanglingReroute(const bNodeTree *ntree, const bNode *node);
bNode *nodeGetActivePaintCanvas(bNodeTree *ntree);
* \brief Does the given node supports the sub active flag.
* \param sub_active: The active flag to check. #NODE_ACTIVE_TEXTURE / #NODE_ACTIVE_PAINT_CANVAS.
bool nodeSupportsActiveFlag(const bNode *node, int sub_active);
void nodeSetSocketAvailability(bNodeTree *ntree, bNodeSocket *sock, bool is_available);
* If the node implements a `declare` function, this function makes sure that `node->declaration`
* is up to date. It is expected that the sockets of the node are up to date already.
bool nodeDeclarationEnsure(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node);
* Just update `node->declaration` if necessary. This can also be called on nodes that may not be
* up to date (e.g. because the need versioning or are dynamic).
bool nodeDeclarationEnsureOnOutdatedNode(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node);
* Update `socket->declaration` for all sockets in the node. This assumes that the node declaration
* and sockets are up to date already.
void nodeSocketDeclarationsUpdate(bNode *node);
using bNodeInstanceHashIterator = GHashIterator;
BLI_INLINE bNodeInstanceHashIterator *node_instance_hash_iterator_new(bNodeInstanceHash *hash)
return BLI_ghashIterator_new(hash->ghash);
BLI_INLINE void node_instance_hash_iterator_init(bNodeInstanceHashIterator *iter,
bNodeInstanceHash *hash)
BLI_ghashIterator_init(iter, hash->ghash);
BLI_INLINE void node_instance_hash_iterator_free(bNodeInstanceHashIterator *iter)
BLI_INLINE bNodeInstanceKey node_instance_hash_iterator_get_key(bNodeInstanceHashIterator *iter)
return *(bNodeInstanceKey *)BLI_ghashIterator_getKey(iter);
BLI_INLINE void *node_instance_hash_iterator_get_value(bNodeInstanceHashIterator *iter)
return BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(iter);
BLI_INLINE void node_instance_hash_iterator_step(bNodeInstanceHashIterator *iter)
BLI_INLINE bool node_instance_hash_iterator_done(bNodeInstanceHashIterator *iter)
return BLI_ghashIterator_done(iter);
#define NODE_INSTANCE_HASH_ITER(iter_, hash_) \
for (blender::bke::node_instance_hash_iterator_init(&iter_, hash_); \
blender::bke::node_instance_hash_iterator_done(&iter_) == false; \
/* Node Previews */
bool node_preview_used(const bNode *node);
bNodePreview *node_preview_verify(
bNodeInstanceHash *previews, bNodeInstanceKey key, int xsize, int ysize, bool create);
bNodePreview *node_preview_copy(bNodePreview *preview);
void node_preview_free(bNodePreview *preview);
void node_preview_init_tree(bNodeTree *ntree, int xsize, int ysize);
void node_preview_remove_unused(bNodeTree *ntree);
void node_preview_clear(bNodePreview *preview);
void node_preview_merge_tree(bNodeTree *to_ntree, bNodeTree *from_ntree, bool remove_old);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Node Type Access
* \{ */
void nodeLabel(const bNodeTree *ntree, const bNode *node, char *label, int maxlen);
* Get node socket label if it is set.
const char *nodeSocketLabel(const bNodeSocket *sock);
* Initialize a new node type struct with default values and callbacks.
void node_type_base(bNodeType *ntype, int type, const char *name, short nclass);
void node_type_socket_templates(bNodeType *ntype,
bNodeSocketTemplate *inputs,
bNodeSocketTemplate *outputs);
void node_type_size(bNodeType *ntype, int width, int minwidth, int maxwidth);
enum class eNodeSizePreset : int8_t {
void node_type_size_preset(bNodeType *ntype, eNodeSizePreset size);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Node Generic Functions
* \{ */
bool node_is_connected_to_output(const bNodeTree *ntree, const bNode *node);
bNodeSocket *node_find_enabled_socket(bNode &node, eNodeSocketInOut in_out, StringRef name);
bNodeSocket *node_find_enabled_input_socket(bNode &node, StringRef name);
bNodeSocket *node_find_enabled_output_socket(bNode &node, StringRef name);
extern bNodeTreeType NodeTreeTypeUndefined;
extern bNodeType NodeTypeUndefined;
extern bNodeSocketType NodeSocketTypeUndefined;
* Contains information about a specific kind of zone (e.g. simulation or repeat zone in geometry
* nodes). This allows writing code that works for all kinds of zones automatically, reducing
* redundancy and the amount of boilerplate needed when adding a new zone type.
class bNodeZoneType {
std::string input_idname;
std::string output_idname;
int input_type;
int output_type;
int theme_id;
virtual ~bNodeZoneType() = default;
virtual const int &get_corresponding_output_id(const bNode &input_bnode) const = 0;
int &get_corresponding_output_id(bNode &input_bnode) const
return const_cast<int &>(
this->get_corresponding_output_id(const_cast<const bNode &>(input_bnode)));
const bNode *get_corresponding_input(const bNodeTree &tree, const bNode &output_bnode) const;
bNode *get_corresponding_input(bNodeTree &tree, const bNode &output_bnode) const;
const bNode *get_corresponding_output(const bNodeTree &tree, const bNode &input_bnode) const;
bNode *get_corresponding_output(bNodeTree &tree, const bNode &input_bnode) const;
void register_node_zone_type(const bNodeZoneType &zone_type);
Span<const bNodeZoneType *> all_zone_types();
Span<int> all_zone_node_types();
Span<int> all_zone_input_node_types();
Span<int> all_zone_output_node_types();
const bNodeZoneType *zone_type_by_node_type(const int node_type);
} // namespace blender::bke
#define NODE_STORAGE_FUNCS(StorageT) \
[[maybe_unused]] static StorageT &node_storage(bNode &node) \
{ \
return *static_cast<StorageT *>(; \
} \
[[maybe_unused]] static const StorageT &node_storage(const bNode &node) \
{ \
return *static_cast<const StorageT *>(; \