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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
#ifndef __BKE_MODIFIER_H__
#define __BKE_MODIFIER_H__
/** \file BKE_modifier.h
* \ingroup bke
#include "DNA_modifier_types.h" /* needed for all enum typdefs */
#include "BLI_compiler_attrs.h"
#include "BKE_customdata.h"
struct ID;
struct DerivedMesh;
struct DagForest;
struct DagNode;
struct Object;
struct Scene;
struct ListBase;
struct bArmature;
struct Main;
struct ModifierData;
struct BMEditMesh;
struct DepsNodeHandle;
typedef enum {
/* Should not be used, only for None modifier type */
/* Modifier only does deformation, implies that modifier
* type should have a valid deformVerts function. OnlyDeform
* style modifiers implicitly accept either mesh or CV
* input but should still declare flags appropriately.
/* both deformVerts & applyModifier are valid calls
* used for particles modifier that doesn't actually modify the object
* unless it's a mesh and can be exploded -> curve can also emit particles
/* Like eModifierTypeType_Nonconstructive, but does not affect the geometry
* of the object, rather some of its CustomData layers.
* E.g. UVProject and WeightVG modifiers. */
} ModifierTypeType;
typedef enum {
eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsMesh = (1 << 0),
eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsCVs = (1 << 1),
eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsMapping = (1 << 2),
eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsEditmode = (1 << 3),
/* For modifiers that support editmode this determines if the
* modifier should be enabled by default in editmode. This should
* only be used by modifiers that are relatively speedy and
* also generally used in editmode, otherwise let the user enable
* it by hand.
eModifierTypeFlag_EnableInEditmode = (1 << 4),
/* For modifiers that require original data and so cannot
* be placed after any non-deformative modifier.
eModifierTypeFlag_RequiresOriginalData = (1 << 5),
/* For modifiers that support pointcache, so we can check to see if it has files we need to deal with
eModifierTypeFlag_UsesPointCache = (1 << 6),
/* For physics modifiers, max one per type */
eModifierTypeFlag_Single = (1 << 7),
/* Some modifier can't be added manually by user */
eModifierTypeFlag_NoUserAdd = (1 << 8),
/* For modifiers that use CD_PREVIEW_MCOL for preview. */
eModifierTypeFlag_UsesPreview = (1 << 9),
eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsLattice = (1 << 10),
} ModifierTypeFlag;
/* IMPORTANT! Keep ObjectWalkFunc and IDWalkFunc signatures compatible. */
typedef void (*ObjectWalkFunc)(void *userData, struct Object *ob, struct Object **obpoin, int cb_flag);
typedef void (*IDWalkFunc)(void *userData, struct Object *ob, struct ID **idpoin, int cb_flag);
typedef void (*TexWalkFunc)(void *userData, struct Object *ob, struct ModifierData *md, const char *propname);
typedef enum ModifierApplyFlag {
MOD_APPLY_RENDER = 1 << 0, /* Render time. */
MOD_APPLY_USECACHE = 1 << 1, /* Result of evaluation will be cached, so modifier might
* want to cache data for quick updates (used by subsurf) */
MOD_APPLY_ORCO = 1 << 2, /* Modifier evaluated for undeformed texture coordinates */
MOD_APPLY_IGNORE_SIMPLIFY = 1 << 3, /* Ignore scene simplification flag and use subdivisions
* level set in multires modifier.
MOD_APPLY_ALLOW_GPU = 1 << 4, /* Allow modifier to be applied and stored in the GPU.
* Used by the viewport in order to be able to have SS
* happening on GPU.
* Render pipeline (including viewport render) should
* have DM on the CPU.
} ModifierApplyFlag;
typedef struct ModifierUpdateDepsgraphContext {
struct Scene *scene;
struct Object *object;
/* Old depsgraph node handle. */
struct DagForest *forest;
struct DagNode *obNode;
/* new depsgraph node handle. */
struct DepsNodeHandle *node;
} ModifierUpdateDepsgraphContext;
typedef struct ModifierTypeInfo {
/* The user visible name for this modifier */
char name[32];
/* The DNA struct name for the modifier data type, used to
* write the DNA data out.
char structName[32];
/* The size of the modifier data type, used by allocation. */
int structSize;
ModifierTypeType type;
ModifierTypeFlag flags;
/********************* Non-optional functions *********************/
/* Copy instance data for this modifier type. Should copy all user
* level settings to the target modifier.
void (*copyData)(const struct ModifierData *md, struct ModifierData *target);
/********************* Deform modifier functions *********************/
/* Only for deform types, should apply the deformation
* to the given vertex array. If the deformer requires information from
* the object it can obtain it from the derivedData argument if non-NULL,
* and otherwise the ob argument.
void (*deformVerts)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct DerivedMesh *derivedData,
float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts,
ModifierApplyFlag flag);
/* Like deformMatricesEM but called from object mode (for supporting modifiers in sculpt mode) */
void (*deformMatrices)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct DerivedMesh *derivedData,
float (*vertexCos)[3], float (*defMats)[3][3], int numVerts);
/* Like deformVerts but called during editmode (for supporting modifiers)
void (*deformVertsEM)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct BMEditMesh *editData, struct DerivedMesh *derivedData,
float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts);
/* Set deform matrix per vertex for crazyspace correction */
void (*deformMatricesEM)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct BMEditMesh *editData, struct DerivedMesh *derivedData,
float (*vertexCos)[3], float (*defMats)[3][3], int numVerts);
/********************* Non-deform modifier functions *********************/
/* For non-deform types: apply the modifier and return a derived
* data object (type is dependent on object type).
* The derivedData argument should always be non-NULL; the modifier
* should read the object data from the derived object instead of the
* actual object data.
* The useRenderParams argument indicates if the modifier is being
* applied in the service of the renderer which may alter quality
* settings.
* The isFinalCalc parameter indicates if the modifier is being
* calculated for a final result or for something temporary
* (like orcos). This is a hack at the moment, it is meant so subsurf
* can know if it is safe to reuse its internal cache.
* The modifier may reuse the derivedData argument (i.e. return it in
* modified form), but must not release it.
struct DerivedMesh *(*applyModifier)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct DerivedMesh *derivedData,
ModifierApplyFlag flag);
/* Like applyModifier but called during editmode (for supporting
* modifiers).
* The derived object that is returned must support the operations that
* are expected from editmode objects. The same qualifications regarding
* derivedData apply as for applyModifier.
struct DerivedMesh *(*applyModifierEM)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct BMEditMesh *editData,
struct DerivedMesh *derivedData,
ModifierApplyFlag flag);
/********************* Optional functions *********************/
/* Initialize new instance data for this modifier type, this function
* should set modifier variables to their default values.
* This function is optional.
void (*initData)(struct ModifierData *md);
/* Should return a CustomDataMask indicating what data this
* modifier needs. If (mask & (1 << (layer type))) != 0, this modifier
* needs that custom data layer. This function's return value can change
* depending on the modifier's settings.
* Note that this means extra data (e.g. vertex groups) - it is assumed
* that all modifiers need mesh data and deform modifiers need vertex
* coordinates.
* Note that this limits the number of custom data layer types to 32.
* If this function is not present or it returns 0, it is assumed that
* no extra data is needed.
* This function is optional.
CustomDataMask (*requiredDataMask)(struct Object *ob, struct ModifierData *md);
/* Free internal modifier data variables, this function should
* not free the md variable itself.
* This function is optional.
void (*freeData)(struct ModifierData *md);
/* Return a boolean value indicating if this modifier is able to be
* calculated based on the modifier data. This is *not* regarding the
* md->flag, that is tested by the system, this is just if the data
* validates (for example, a lattice will return false if the lattice
* object is not defined).
* This function is optional (assumes never disabled if not present).
bool (*isDisabled)(struct ModifierData *md, int userRenderParams);
/* Add the appropriate relations to the DEP graph depending on the
* modifier data.
* This function is optional.
void (*updateDepgraph)(struct ModifierData *md,
const ModifierUpdateDepsgraphContext *ctx);
/* Add the appropriate relations to the dependency graph.
* This function is optional.
/* TODO(sergey): Remove once we finally switched to the new depsgraph. */
void (*updateDepsgraph)(struct ModifierData *md,
const ModifierUpdateDepsgraphContext *ctx);
/* Should return true if the modifier needs to be recalculated on time
* changes.
* This function is optional (assumes false if not present).
bool (*dependsOnTime)(struct ModifierData *md);
/* True when a deform modifier uses normals, the requiredDataMask
* cant be used here because that refers to a normal layer where as
* in this case we need to know if the deform modifier uses normals.
* this is needed because applying 2 deform modifiers will give the
* second modifier bogus normals.
* */
bool (*dependsOnNormals)(struct ModifierData *md);
/* Should call the given walk function on with a pointer to each Object
* pointer that the modifier data stores. This is used for linking on file
* load and for unlinking objects or forwarding object references.
* This function is optional.
void (*foreachObjectLink)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
ObjectWalkFunc walk, void *userData);
/* Should call the given walk function with a pointer to each ID
* pointer (i.e. each datablock pointer) that the modifier data
* stores. This is used for linking on file load and for
* unlinking datablocks or forwarding datablock references.
* This function is optional. If it is not present, foreachObjectLink
* will be used.
void (*foreachIDLink)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
IDWalkFunc walk, void *userData);
/* Should call the given walk function for each texture that the
* modifier data stores. This is used for finding all textures in
* the context for the UI.
* This function is optional. If it is not present, it will be
* assumed the modifier has no textures.
void (*foreachTexLink)(struct ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
TexWalkFunc walk, void *userData);
} ModifierTypeInfo;
/* Initialize modifier's global data (type info and some common global storages). */
void BKE_modifier_init(void);
const ModifierTypeInfo *modifierType_getInfo(ModifierType type);
/* Modifier utility calls, do call through type pointer and return
* default values if pointer is optional.
struct ModifierData *modifier_new(int type);
void modifier_free_ex(struct ModifierData *md, const int flag);
void modifier_free(struct ModifierData *md);
bool modifier_unique_name(struct ListBase *modifiers, struct ModifierData *md);
void modifier_copyData_generic(const struct ModifierData *md, struct ModifierData *target);
void modifier_copyData(struct ModifierData *md, struct ModifierData *target);
void modifier_copyData_ex(struct ModifierData *md, struct ModifierData *target, const int flag);
bool modifier_dependsOnTime(struct ModifierData *md);
bool modifier_supportsMapping(struct ModifierData *md);
bool modifier_supportsCage(struct Scene *scene, struct ModifierData *md);
bool modifier_couldBeCage(struct Scene *scene, struct ModifierData *md);
bool modifier_isCorrectableDeformed(struct ModifierData *md);
bool modifier_isSameTopology(ModifierData *md);
bool modifier_isNonGeometrical(ModifierData *md);
bool modifier_isEnabled(struct Scene *scene, struct ModifierData *md, int required_mode);
void modifier_setError(struct ModifierData *md, const char *format, ...) ATTR_PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3);
bool modifier_isPreview(struct ModifierData *md);
void modifiers_foreachObjectLink(struct Object *ob,
ObjectWalkFunc walk,
void *userData);
void modifiers_foreachIDLink(struct Object *ob,
IDWalkFunc walk,
void *userData);
void modifiers_foreachTexLink(struct Object *ob,
TexWalkFunc walk,
void *userData);
struct ModifierData *modifiers_findByType(struct Object *ob, ModifierType type);
struct ModifierData *modifiers_findByName(struct Object *ob, const char *name);
void modifiers_clearErrors(struct Object *ob);
int modifiers_getCageIndex(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob,
int *r_lastPossibleCageIndex, bool is_virtual);
bool modifiers_isModifierEnabled(struct Object *ob, int modifierType);
bool modifiers_isSoftbodyEnabled(struct Object *ob);
bool modifiers_isClothEnabled(struct Object *ob);
bool modifiers_isParticleEnabled(struct Object *ob);
struct Object *modifiers_isDeformedByArmature(struct Object *ob);
struct Object *modifiers_isDeformedByLattice(struct Object *ob);
struct Object *modifiers_isDeformedByCurve(struct Object *ob);
bool modifiers_usesArmature(struct Object *ob, struct bArmature *arm);
bool modifiers_isCorrectableDeformed(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob);
void modifier_freeTemporaryData(struct ModifierData *md);
bool modifiers_isPreview(struct Object *ob);
typedef struct CDMaskLink {
struct CDMaskLink *next;
CustomDataMask mask;
} CDMaskLink;
/* Calculates and returns a linked list of CustomDataMasks indicating the
* data required by each modifier in the stack pointed to by md for correct
* evaluation, assuming the data indicated by dataMask is required at the
* end of the stack.
struct CDMaskLink *modifiers_calcDataMasks(struct Scene *scene,
struct Object *ob,
struct ModifierData *md,
CustomDataMask dataMask,
int required_mode,
ModifierData *previewmd, CustomDataMask previewmask);
struct ModifierData *modifiers_getLastPreview(struct Scene *scene,
struct ModifierData *md,
int required_mode);
typedef struct VirtualModifierData {
ArmatureModifierData amd;
CurveModifierData cmd;
LatticeModifierData lmd;
ShapeKeyModifierData smd;
} VirtualModifierData;
struct ModifierData *modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(struct Object *ob, struct VirtualModifierData *data);
/* ensure modifier correctness when changing ob->data */
void test_object_modifiers(struct Object *ob);
/* here for do_versions */
void modifier_mdef_compact_influences(struct ModifierData *md);
void modifier_path_init(char *path, int path_maxlen, const char *name);
const char *modifier_path_relbase(struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob);
const char *modifier_path_relbase_from_global(struct Object *ob);
/* wrappers for modifier callbacks */
struct DerivedMesh *modwrap_applyModifier(
ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct DerivedMesh *dm,
ModifierApplyFlag flag);
struct DerivedMesh *modwrap_applyModifierEM(
ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct BMEditMesh *em,
struct DerivedMesh *dm,
ModifierApplyFlag flag);
void modwrap_deformVerts(
ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct DerivedMesh *dm,
float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts,
ModifierApplyFlag flag);
void modwrap_deformVertsEM(
ModifierData *md, struct Object *ob,
struct BMEditMesh *em, struct DerivedMesh *dm,
float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts);