
872 lines
34 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
/** \file
* \ingroup bke
#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
#include "DNA_meshdata_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "BKE_customdata.h"
#include "BKE_material.h"
#include "BKE_mesh.h"
#include "BKE_mesh_boolean_convert.hh"
#include "BLI_alloca.h"
#include "BLI_array.hh"
#include "BLI_float2.hh"
#include "BLI_float4x4.hh"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_mesh_boolean.hh"
#include "BLI_mesh_intersect.hh"
#include "BLI_span.hh"
#include "BLI_task.hh"
namespace blender::meshintersect {
#ifdef WITH_GMP
constexpr int estimated_max_facelen = 100; /* Used for initial size of some Vectors. */
/* Snap entries that are near 0 or 1 or -1 to those values.
* Sometimes Blender's rotation matrices for multiples of 90 degrees have
* tiny numbers where there should be zeros. That messes makes some things
* every so slightly non-coplanar when users expect coplanarity,
* so this is a hack to clean up such matrices.
* Would be better to change the transformation code itself.
static float4x4 clean_obmat(const float4x4 &mat)
float4x4 cleaned;
const float fuzz = 1e-6f;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
float f = mat.values[i][j];
if (fabsf(f) <= fuzz) {
f = 0.0f;
else if (fabsf(f - 1.0f) <= fuzz) {
f = 1.0f;
else if (fabsf(f + 1.0f) <= fuzz) {
f = -1.0f;
cleaned.values[i][j] = f;
return cleaned;
/* `MeshesToIMeshInfo` keeps track of information used when combining a number
* of `Mesh`es into a single `IMesh` for doing boolean on.
* Mostly this means keeping track of the index offsets for various mesh elements. */
class MeshesToIMeshInfo {
/* The input meshes, */
Span<const Mesh *> meshes;
/* Numbering the vertices of the meshes in order of meshes,
* at what offset does the vertex range for mesh[i] start? */
Array<int> mesh_vert_offset;
/* Similarly for edges of meshes. */
Array<int> mesh_edge_offset;
/* Similarly for polys of meshes. */
Array<int> mesh_poly_offset;
/* For each Mesh vertex in all the meshes (with concatenated indexing),
* what is the IMesh Vert* allocated for it in the input IMesh? */
Array<const Vert *> mesh_to_imesh_vert;
/* Similarly for each Mesh poly. */
Array<Face *> mesh_to_imesh_face;
/* Transformation matrix to transform a coordinate in the corresponding
* Mesh to the local space of the first Mesh. */
Array<float4x4> to_target_transform;
/* For each input mesh, whether or not their transform is negative. */
Array<bool> has_negative_transform;
/* For each input mesh, how to remap the material slot numbers to
* the material slots in the first mesh. */
Span<Array<short>> material_remaps;
/* Total number of input mesh vertices. */
int tot_meshes_verts;
/* Total number of input mesh edges. */
int tot_meshes_edges;
/* Total number of input mesh polys. */
int tot_meshes_polys;
int input_mesh_for_imesh_vert(int imesh_v) const;
int input_mesh_for_imesh_edge(int imesh_e) const;
int input_mesh_for_imesh_face(int imesh_f) const;
const MPoly *input_mpoly_for_orig_index(int orig_index,
const Mesh **r_orig_mesh,
int *r_orig_mesh_index,
int *r_index_in_orig_mesh) const;
const MVert *input_mvert_for_orig_index(int orig_index,
const Mesh **r_orig_mesh,
int *r_index_in_orig_mesh) const;
const MEdge *input_medge_for_orig_index(int orig_index,
const Mesh **r_orig_mesh,
int *r_index_in_orig_mesh) const;
/* Given an index `imesh_v` in the `IMesh`, return the index of the
* input `Mesh` that contained the `MVert` that it came from. */
int MeshesToIMeshInfo::input_mesh_for_imesh_vert(int imesh_v) const
int n = static_cast<int>(mesh_vert_offset.size());
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
if (imesh_v < mesh_vert_offset[i + 1]) {
return i;
return n - 1;
/* Given an index `imesh_e` used as an original index in the `IMesh`,
* return the index of the input `Mesh` that contained the `MVert` that it came from. */
int MeshesToIMeshInfo::input_mesh_for_imesh_edge(int imesh_e) const
int n = static_cast<int>(mesh_edge_offset.size());
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
if (imesh_e < mesh_edge_offset[i + 1]) {
return i;
return n - 1;
/* Given an index `imesh_f` in the `IMesh`, return the index of the
* input `Mesh` that contained the `MPoly` that it came from. */
int MeshesToIMeshInfo::input_mesh_for_imesh_face(int imesh_f) const
int n = static_cast<int>(mesh_poly_offset.size());
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
if (imesh_f < mesh_poly_offset[i + 1]) {
return i;
return n - 1;
/* Given an index of an original face in the `IMesh`, find out the input
* `Mesh` that it came from and return it in `*r_orig_mesh`,
* and also return the index of that `Mesh` in `*r_orig_mesh_index`.
* Finally, return the index of the corresponding `MPoly` in that `Mesh`
* in `*r_index_in_orig_mesh`. */
const MPoly *MeshesToIMeshInfo::input_mpoly_for_orig_index(int orig_index,
const Mesh **r_orig_mesh,
int *r_orig_mesh_index,
int *r_index_in_orig_mesh) const
int orig_mesh_index = input_mesh_for_imesh_face(orig_index);
BLI_assert(0 <= orig_mesh_index && orig_mesh_index < meshes.size());
const Mesh *me = meshes[orig_mesh_index];
int index_in_mesh = orig_index - mesh_poly_offset[orig_mesh_index];
BLI_assert(0 <= index_in_mesh && index_in_mesh < me->totpoly);
const MPoly *mp = &me->mpoly[index_in_mesh];
if (r_orig_mesh) {
*r_orig_mesh = me;
if (r_orig_mesh_index) {
*r_orig_mesh_index = orig_mesh_index;
if (r_index_in_orig_mesh) {
*r_index_in_orig_mesh = index_in_mesh;
return mp;
/* Given an index of an original vertex in the `IMesh`, find out the input
* `Mesh` that it came from and return it in `*r_orig_mesh`.
* Also find the index of the `MVert` in that `Mesh` and return it in
* `*r_index_in_orig_mesh`. */
const MVert *MeshesToIMeshInfo::input_mvert_for_orig_index(int orig_index,
const Mesh **r_orig_mesh,
int *r_index_in_orig_mesh) const
int orig_mesh_index = input_mesh_for_imesh_vert(orig_index);
BLI_assert(0 <= orig_mesh_index && orig_mesh_index < meshes.size());
const Mesh *me = meshes[orig_mesh_index];
int index_in_mesh = orig_index - mesh_vert_offset[orig_mesh_index];
BLI_assert(0 <= index_in_mesh && index_in_mesh < me->totvert);
const MVert *mv = &me->mvert[index_in_mesh];
if (r_orig_mesh) {
*r_orig_mesh = me;
if (r_index_in_orig_mesh) {
*r_index_in_orig_mesh = index_in_mesh;
return mv;
/* Similarly for edges. */
const MEdge *MeshesToIMeshInfo::input_medge_for_orig_index(int orig_index,
const Mesh **r_orig_mesh,
int *r_index_in_orig_mesh) const
int orig_mesh_index = input_mesh_for_imesh_edge(orig_index);
BLI_assert(0 <= orig_mesh_index && orig_mesh_index < meshes.size());
const Mesh *me = meshes[orig_mesh_index];
int index_in_mesh = orig_index - mesh_edge_offset[orig_mesh_index];
BLI_assert(0 <= index_in_mesh && index_in_mesh < me->totedge);
const MEdge *medge = &me->medge[index_in_mesh];
if (r_orig_mesh) {
*r_orig_mesh = me;
if (r_index_in_orig_mesh) {
*r_index_in_orig_mesh = index_in_mesh;
return medge;
* Convert all of the meshes in `meshes` to an `IMesh` and return that.
* All of the coordinates are transformed into the local space of the
* first Mesh. To do this transformation, we also need the transformation
* obmats corresponding to the Meshes, so they are in the `obmats` argument.
* The 'original' indexes in the IMesh are the indexes you get by
* a scheme that offsets each MVert, MEdge, and MPoly index by the sum of the
* vertices, edges, and polys in the preceding Meshes in the mesh span.
* The `*r_info class` is filled in with information needed to make the
* correspondence between the Mesh MVerts/MPolys and the IMesh Verts/Faces.
* All allocation of memory for the IMesh comes from `arena`.
static IMesh meshes_to_imesh(Span<const Mesh *> meshes,
Span<const float4x4 *> obmats,
Span<Array<short>> material_remaps,
const float4x4 &target_transform,
IMeshArena &arena,
MeshesToIMeshInfo *r_info)
int nmeshes = meshes.size();
BLI_assert(nmeshes > 0);
r_info->meshes = meshes;
r_info->tot_meshes_verts = 0;
r_info->tot_meshes_polys = 0;
int &totvert = r_info->tot_meshes_verts;
int &totedge = r_info->tot_meshes_edges;
int &totpoly = r_info->tot_meshes_polys;
for (const Mesh *me : meshes) {
totvert += me->totvert;
totedge += me->totedge;
totpoly += me->totpoly;
/* Estimate the number of vertices and faces in the boolean output,
* so that the memory arena can reserve some space. It is OK if these
* estimates are wrong. */
const int estimate_num_outv = 3 * totvert;
const int estimate_num_outf = 4 * totpoly;
arena.reserve(estimate_num_outv, estimate_num_outf);
r_info->mesh_to_imesh_vert = Array<const Vert *>(totvert);
r_info->mesh_to_imesh_face = Array<Face *>(totpoly);
r_info->mesh_vert_offset = Array<int>(nmeshes);
r_info->mesh_edge_offset = Array<int>(nmeshes);
r_info->mesh_poly_offset = Array<int>(nmeshes);
r_info->to_target_transform = Array<float4x4>(nmeshes);
r_info->has_negative_transform = Array<bool>(nmeshes);
r_info->material_remaps = material_remaps;
int v = 0;
int e = 0;
int f = 0;
/* Put these Vectors here, with a size unlikely to need resizing,
* so that the loop to make new Faces will likely not need to allocate
* over and over. */
Vector<const Vert *, estimated_max_facelen> face_vert;
Vector<int, estimated_max_facelen> face_edge_orig;
/* To convert the coordinates of objects 1, 2, etc. into the local space
* of the target. We multiply each object's `obmat` by the inverse of the
* target matrix. Exact Boolean works better if these matrices are 'cleaned'
* -- see the comment for the `clean_obmat` function, above. */
const float4x4 inv_target_mat = clean_obmat(target_transform).inverted();
/* For each input `Mesh`, make `Vert`s and `Face`s for the corresponding
* `MVert`s and `MPoly`s, and keep track of the original indices (using the
* concatenating offset scheme) inside the `Vert`s and `Face`s.
* When making `Face`s, we also put in the original indices for `MEdge`s that
* make up the `MPoly`s using the same scheme. */
for (int mi : meshes.index_range()) {
const Mesh *me = meshes[mi];
r_info->mesh_vert_offset[mi] = v;
r_info->mesh_edge_offset[mi] = e;
r_info->mesh_poly_offset[mi] = f;
/* Get matrix that transforms a coordinate in objects[mi]'s local space
* to the target space space. */
const float4x4 objn_mat = (obmats[mi] == nullptr) ? float4x4::identity() :
r_info->to_target_transform[mi] = inv_target_mat * objn_mat;
r_info->has_negative_transform[mi] = objn_mat.is_negative();
/* All meshes 1 and up will be transformed into the local space of operand 0.
* Historical behavior of the modifier has been to flip the faces of any meshes
* that would have a negative transform if you do that. */
bool need_face_flip = r_info->has_negative_transform[mi] != r_info->has_negative_transform[0];
Vector<Vert *> verts(me->totvert);
Span<MVert> mverts = Span(me->mvert, me->totvert);
/* Allocate verts
* Skip the matrix multiplication for each point when there is no transform for a mesh,
* for example when the first mesh is already in the target space. (Note the logic
* directly above, which uses an identity matrix with a null input transform). */
if (obmats[mi] == nullptr) {
threading::parallel_for(mverts.index_range(), 2048, [&](IndexRange range) {
float3 co;
for (int i : range) {
co = float3(mverts[i].co);
mpq3 mco = mpq3(co.x, co.y, co.z);
double3 dco(mco[0].get_d(), mco[1].get_d(), mco[2].get_d());
verts[i] = new Vert(mco, dco, NO_INDEX, i);
else {
threading::parallel_for(mverts.index_range(), 2048, [&](IndexRange range) {
float3 co;
for (int i : range) {
co = r_info->to_target_transform[mi] * float3(mverts[i].co);
mpq3 mco = mpq3(co.x, co.y, co.z);
double3 dco(mco[0].get_d(), mco[1].get_d(), mco[2].get_d());
verts[i] = new Vert(mco, dco, NO_INDEX, i);
for (int i : mverts.index_range()) {
r_info->mesh_to_imesh_vert[v] = arena.add_or_find_vert(verts[i]);
for (const MPoly &poly : Span(me->mpoly, me->totpoly)) {
int flen = poly.totloop;
const MLoop *l = &me->mloop[poly.loopstart];
for (int i = 0; i < flen; ++i) {
int mverti = r_info->mesh_vert_offset[mi] + l->v;
const Vert *fv = r_info->mesh_to_imesh_vert[mverti];
if (need_face_flip) {
face_vert[flen - i - 1] = fv;
int iedge = i < flen - 1 ? flen - i - 2 : flen - 1;
face_edge_orig[iedge] = e + l->e;
else {
face_vert[i] = fv;
face_edge_orig[i] = e + l->e;
r_info->mesh_to_imesh_face[f] = arena.add_face(face_vert, f, face_edge_orig);
e += me->totedge;
return IMesh(r_info->mesh_to_imesh_face);
/* Copy vertex attributes, including customdata, from `orig_mv` to `mv`.
* `mv` is in `dest_mesh` with index `mv_index`.
* The `orig_mv` vertex came from Mesh `orig_me` and had index `index_in_orig_me` there. */
static void copy_vert_attributes(Mesh *dest_mesh,
MVert *mv,
const MVert *orig_mv,
const Mesh *orig_me,
int mv_index,
int index_in_orig_me)
mv->bweight = orig_mv->bweight;
mv->flag = orig_mv->flag;
/* For all layers in the orig mesh, copy the layer information. */
CustomData *target_cd = &dest_mesh->vdata;
const CustomData *source_cd = &orig_me->vdata;
for (int source_layer_i = 0; source_layer_i < source_cd->totlayer; ++source_layer_i) {
int ty = source_cd->layers[source_layer_i].type;
/* The (first) CD_MVERT layer is the same as dest_mesh->vdata, so we've
* already set the coordinate to the right value. */
if (ty == CD_MVERT) {
const char *name = source_cd->layers[source_layer_i].name;
int target_layer_i = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(target_cd, ty, name);
/* Not all layers were merged in target: some are marked CD_FLAG_NOCOPY
* and some are not in the CD_MASK_MESH.vdata. */
if (target_layer_i != -1) {
source_cd, target_cd, source_layer_i, target_layer_i, index_in_orig_me, mv_index, 1);
/* Similar to copy_vert_attributes but for poly attributes. */
static void copy_poly_attributes(Mesh *dest_mesh,
MPoly *mp,
const MPoly *orig_mp,
const Mesh *orig_me,
int mp_index,
int index_in_orig_me,
Span<short> material_remap)
mp->mat_nr = orig_mp->mat_nr;
if (mp->mat_nr >= dest_mesh->totcol) {
mp->mat_nr = 0;
else {
if (material_remap.size() > 0) {
short mat_nr = material_remap[orig_mp->mat_nr];
if (mat_nr >= 0 && mat_nr < dest_mesh->totcol) {
mp->mat_nr = mat_nr;
mp->flag = orig_mp->flag;
CustomData *target_cd = &dest_mesh->pdata;
const CustomData *source_cd = &orig_me->pdata;
for (int source_layer_i = 0; source_layer_i < source_cd->totlayer; ++source_layer_i) {
int ty = source_cd->layers[source_layer_i].type;
if (ty == CD_MPOLY) {
const char *name = source_cd->layers[source_layer_i].name;
int target_layer_i = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(target_cd, ty, name);
if (target_layer_i != -1) {
source_cd, target_cd, source_layer_i, target_layer_i, index_in_orig_me, mp_index, 1);
/* Similar to copy_vert_attributes but for edge attributes. */
static void copy_edge_attributes(Mesh *dest_mesh,
MEdge *medge,
const MEdge *orig_medge,
const Mesh *orig_me,
int medge_index,
int index_in_orig_me)
medge->bweight = orig_medge->bweight;
medge->crease = orig_medge->crease;
medge->flag = orig_medge->flag;
CustomData *target_cd = &dest_mesh->edata;
const CustomData *source_cd = &orig_me->edata;
for (int source_layer_i = 0; source_layer_i < source_cd->totlayer; ++source_layer_i) {
int ty = source_cd->layers[source_layer_i].type;
if (ty == CD_MEDGE) {
const char *name = source_cd->layers[source_layer_i].name;
int target_layer_i = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(target_cd, ty, name);
if (target_layer_i != -1) {
source_cd, target_cd, source_layer_i, target_layer_i, index_in_orig_me, medge_index, 1);
* For #IMesh face `f`, with corresponding output Mesh poly `mp`,
* where the original Mesh poly is `orig_mp`, coming from the Mesh
* `orig_me`, which has index `orig_me_index` in `mim`:
* fill in the `orig_loops` Array with corresponding indices of MLoops from `orig_me`
* where they have the same start and end vertices; for cases where that is
* not true, put -1 in the `orig_loops` slot.
* For now, we only try to do this if `mp` and `orig_mp` have the same size.
* Return the number of non-null MLoops filled in.
static int fill_orig_loops(const Face *f,
const MPoly *orig_mp,
const Mesh *orig_me,
int orig_me_index,
MeshesToIMeshInfo &mim,
Array<int> &orig_loops)
int orig_mplen = orig_mp->totloop;
if (f->size() != orig_mplen) {
return 0;
BLI_assert(orig_loops.size() == orig_mplen);
/* We'll look for the case where the first vertex in f has an original vertex
* that is the same as one in orig_me (after correcting for offset in mim meshes).
* Then see that loop and any subsequent ones have the same start and end vertex.
* This may miss some cases of partial alignment, but that's OK since discovering
* aligned loops is only an optimization to avoid some re-interpolation.
int first_orig_v = f->vert[0]->orig;
if (first_orig_v == NO_INDEX) {
return 0;
/* It is possible that the original vert was merged with another in another mesh. */
if (orig_me_index != mim.input_mesh_for_imesh_vert(first_orig_v)) {
return 0;
int orig_me_vert_offset = mim.mesh_vert_offset[orig_me_index];
int first_orig_v_in_orig_me = first_orig_v - orig_me_vert_offset;
BLI_assert(0 <= first_orig_v_in_orig_me && first_orig_v_in_orig_me < orig_me->totvert);
/* Assume all vertices in an mpoly are unique. */
int offset = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < orig_mplen; ++i) {
int loop_i = i + orig_mp->loopstart;
if (orig_me->mloop[loop_i].v == first_orig_v_in_orig_me) {
offset = i;
if (offset == -1) {
return 0;
int num_orig_loops_found = 0;
for (int mp_loop_index = 0; mp_loop_index < orig_mplen; ++mp_loop_index) {
int orig_mp_loop_index = (mp_loop_index + offset) % orig_mplen;
MLoop *l = &orig_me->mloop[orig_mp->loopstart + orig_mp_loop_index];
int fv_orig = f->vert[mp_loop_index]->orig;
if (fv_orig != NO_INDEX) {
fv_orig -= orig_me_vert_offset;
if (fv_orig < 0 || fv_orig >= orig_me->totvert) {
fv_orig = NO_INDEX;
if (l->v == fv_orig) {
MLoop *lnext = &orig_me->mloop[orig_mp->loopstart + ((orig_mp_loop_index + 1) % orig_mplen)];
int fvnext_orig = f->vert[(mp_loop_index + 1) % orig_mplen]->orig;
if (fvnext_orig != NO_INDEX) {
fvnext_orig -= orig_me_vert_offset;
if (fvnext_orig < 0 || fvnext_orig >= orig_me->totvert) {
fvnext_orig = NO_INDEX;
if (lnext->v == fvnext_orig) {
orig_loops[mp_loop_index] = orig_mp->loopstart + orig_mp_loop_index;
return num_orig_loops_found;
/* Fill `cos_2d` with the 2d coordinates found by projection MPoly `mp` along
* its normal. Also fill in r_axis_mat with the matrix that does that projection.
* But before projecting, also transform the 3d coordinate by multiplying by trans_mat.
* `cos_2d` should have room for `mp->totloop` entries. */
static void get_poly2d_cos(const Mesh *me,
const MPoly *mp,
float (*cos_2d)[2],
const float4x4 &trans_mat,
float r_axis_mat[3][3])
int n = mp->totloop;
/* Project coordinates to 2d in cos_2d, using normal as projection axis. */
float axis_dominant[3];
BKE_mesh_calc_poly_normal(mp, &me->mloop[mp->loopstart], me->mvert, axis_dominant);
axis_dominant_v3_to_m3(r_axis_mat, axis_dominant);
MLoop *ml = &me->mloop[mp->loopstart];
const MVert *mverts = me->mvert;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float3 co = mverts[ml->v].co;
co = trans_mat * co;
mul_v2_m3v3(cos_2d[i], r_axis_mat, co);
/* For the loops of `mp`, see if the face is unchanged from `orig_mp`, and if so,
* copy the Loop attributes from corresponding loops to corresponding loops.
* Otherwise, interpolate the Loop attributes in the face `orig_mp`. */
static void copy_or_interp_loop_attributes(Mesh *dest_mesh,
const Face *f,
MPoly *mp,
const MPoly *orig_mp,
const Mesh *orig_me,
int orig_me_index,
MeshesToIMeshInfo &mim)
Array<int> orig_loops(mp->totloop);
int norig = fill_orig_loops(f, orig_mp, orig_me, orig_me_index, mim, orig_loops);
/* We may need these arrays if we have to interpolate Loop attributes rather than just copy.
* Right now, trying Array<float[2]> complains, so declare cos_2d a different way. */
Array<float> weights;
Array<const void *> src_blocks_ofs;
float axis_mat[3][3];
if (norig != mp->totloop) {
/* We will need to interpolate. Make `cos_2d` hold 2d-projected coordinates of `orig_mp`,
* which are transformed into object 0's local space before projecting.
* At this point we cannot yet calculate the interpolation weights, as they depend on
* the coordinate where interpolation is to happen, but we can allocate the needed arrays,
* so they don't have to be allocated per-layer. */
cos_2d = (float(*)[2])BLI_array_alloca(cos_2d, orig_mp->totloop);
weights = Array<float>(orig_mp->totloop);
src_blocks_ofs = Array<const void *>(orig_mp->totloop);
get_poly2d_cos(orig_me, orig_mp, cos_2d, mim.to_target_transform[orig_me_index], axis_mat);
CustomData *target_cd = &dest_mesh->ldata;
for (int i = 0; i < mp->totloop; ++i) {
int loop_index = mp->loopstart + i;
int orig_loop_index = norig > 0 ? orig_loops[i] : -1;
const CustomData *source_cd = &orig_me->ldata;
if (orig_loop_index == -1) {
/* Will need interpolation weights for this loop's vertex's coordinates.
* The coordinate needs to be projected into 2d, just like the interpolating polygon's
* coordinates were. The `dest_mesh` coordinates are already in object 0 local space. */
float co[2];
mul_v2_m3v3(co, axis_mat, dest_mesh->mvert[dest_mesh->mloop[loop_index].v].co);
interp_weights_poly_v2(, cos_2d, orig_mp->totloop, co);
for (int source_layer_i = 0; source_layer_i < source_cd->totlayer; ++source_layer_i) {
int ty = source_cd->layers[source_layer_i].type;
if (ty == CD_MLOOP) {
const char *name = source_cd->layers[source_layer_i].name;
int target_layer_i = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(target_cd, ty, name);
if (target_layer_i == -1) {
if (orig_loop_index != -1) {
source_cd, target_cd, source_layer_i, target_layer_i, orig_loop_index, loop_index, 1);
else {
/* NOTE: although CustomData_bmesh_interp_n function has bmesh in its name, nothing about
* it is BMesh-specific. We can't use CustomData_interp because it assumes that
* all source layers exist in the dest.
* A non bmesh version could have the benefit of not copying data into src_blocks_ofs -
* using the contiguous data instead. TODO: add to the custom data API. */
int target_layer_type_index = CustomData_get_named_layer(target_cd, ty, name);
if (!CustomData_layer_has_interp(source_cd, source_layer_i)) {
int source_layer_type_index = source_layer_i - source_cd->typemap[ty];
BLI_assert(target_layer_type_index != -1 && source_layer_type_index >= 0);
for (int j = 0; j < orig_mp->totloop; ++j) {
src_blocks_ofs[j] = CustomData_get_n(
source_cd, ty, orig_mp->loopstart + j, source_layer_type_index);
void *dst_block_ofs = CustomData_get_n(target_cd, ty, loop_index, target_layer_type_index);
* Make sure that there are custom data layers in the target mesh
* corresponding to all target layers in all of the operands after the first.
* (The target should already have layers for those in the first operand mesh).
* Edges done separately -- will have to be done later, after edges are made.
static void merge_vertex_loop_poly_customdata_layers(Mesh *target, MeshesToIMeshInfo &mim)
for (int mesh_index = 1; mesh_index < mim.meshes.size(); ++mesh_index) {
const Mesh *me = mim.meshes[mesh_index];
if (me->totvert) {
&me->vdata, &target->vdata, CD_MASK_MESH.vmask, CD_DEFAULT, target->totvert);
if (me->totloop) {
&me->ldata, &target->ldata, CD_MASK_MESH.lmask, CD_DEFAULT, target->totloop);
if (me->totpoly) {
&me->pdata, &target->pdata, CD_MASK_MESH.pmask, CD_DEFAULT, target->totpoly);
static void merge_edge_customdata_layers(Mesh *target, MeshesToIMeshInfo &mim)
for (int mesh_index = 1; mesh_index < mim.meshes.size(); ++mesh_index) {
const Mesh *me = mim.meshes[mesh_index];
if (me->totedge) {
&me->edata, &target->edata, CD_MASK_MESH.emask, CD_DEFAULT, target->totedge);
* Convert the output IMesh im to a Blender Mesh,
* using the information in mim to get all the attributes right.
static Mesh *imesh_to_mesh(IMesh *im, MeshesToIMeshInfo &mim)
constexpr int dbg_level = 0;
int out_totvert = im->vert_size();
int out_totpoly = im->face_size();
int out_totloop = 0;
for (const Face *f : im->faces()) {
out_totloop += f->size();
/* Will calculate edges later. */
Mesh *result = BKE_mesh_new_nomain_from_template(
mim.meshes[0], out_totvert, 0, 0, out_totloop, out_totpoly);
merge_vertex_loop_poly_customdata_layers(result, mim);
/* Set the vertex coordinate values and other data. */
for (int vi : im->vert_index_range()) {
const Vert *v = im->vert(vi);
MVert *mv = &result->mvert[vi];
copy_v3fl_v3db(mv->co, v->co);
if (v->orig != NO_INDEX) {
const Mesh *orig_me;
int index_in_orig_me;
const MVert *orig_mv = mim.input_mvert_for_orig_index(v->orig, &orig_me, &index_in_orig_me);
copy_vert_attributes(result, mv, orig_mv, orig_me, vi, index_in_orig_me);
/* Set the loopstart and totloop for each output poly,
* and set the vertices in the appropriate loops. */
int cur_loop_index = 0;
MLoop *l = result->mloop;
for (int fi : im->face_index_range()) {
const Face *f = im->face(fi);
const Mesh *orig_me;
int index_in_orig_me;
int orig_me_index;
const MPoly *orig_mp = mim.input_mpoly_for_orig_index(
f->orig, &orig_me, &orig_me_index, &index_in_orig_me);
MPoly *mp = &result->mpoly[fi];
mp->totloop = f->size();
mp->loopstart = cur_loop_index;
for (int j : f->index_range()) {
const Vert *vf = f->vert[j];
const int vfi = im->lookup_vert(vf);
l->v = vfi;
(mim.material_remaps.size() > 0) ?
mim.material_remaps[orig_me_index].as_span() :
copy_or_interp_loop_attributes(result, f, mp, orig_mp, orig_me, orig_me_index, mim);
/* BKE_mesh_calc_edges will calculate and populate all the
* MEdges from the MPolys. */
BKE_mesh_calc_edges(result, false, false);
merge_edge_customdata_layers(result, mim);
/* Now that the MEdges are populated, we can copy over the required attributes and custom layers.
for (int fi : im->face_index_range()) {
const Face *f = im->face(fi);
MPoly *mp = &result->mpoly[fi];
for (int j : f->index_range()) {
if (f->edge_orig[j] != NO_INDEX) {
const Mesh *orig_me;
int index_in_orig_me;
const MEdge *orig_medge = mim.input_medge_for_orig_index(
f->edge_orig[j], &orig_me, &index_in_orig_me);
int e_index = result->mloop[mp->loopstart + j].e;
MEdge *medge = &result->medge[e_index];
copy_edge_attributes(result, medge, orig_medge, orig_me, e_index, index_in_orig_me);
if (dbg_level > 0) {
BKE_mesh_validate(result, true, true);
return result;
#endif // WITH_GMP
* Do a mesh boolean operation directly on meshes (without going back and forth to BMesh).
* \param meshes: An array of Mesh pointers.
* \param obmats: An array of pointers to the obmat matrices that transform local
* coordinates to global ones. It is allowed for the pointers to be null, meaning the
* transformation is the identity.
* \param material_remaps: An array of pointers to arrays of maps from material slot numbers in the
* corresponding mesh to the material slot in the first mesh. It is OK for material_remaps or any
* of its constituent arrays to be empty.
Mesh *direct_mesh_boolean(Span<const Mesh *> meshes,
Span<const float4x4 *> obmats,
const float4x4 &target_transform,
Span<Array<short>> material_remaps,
const bool use_self,
const bool hole_tolerant,
const int boolean_mode)
#ifdef WITH_GMP
BLI_assert(meshes.size() == obmats.size());
BLI_assert(material_remaps.size() == 0 || material_remaps.size() == meshes.size());
if (meshes.size() <= 0) {
return nullptr;
const int dbg_level = 0;
if (dbg_level > 0) {
std::cout << "\nDIRECT_MESH_INTERSECT, nmeshes = " << meshes.size() << "\n";
MeshesToIMeshInfo mim;
IMeshArena arena;
IMesh m_in = meshes_to_imesh(meshes, obmats, material_remaps, target_transform, arena, &mim);
std::function<int(int)> shape_fn = [&mim](int f) {
for (int mi = 0; mi < mim.mesh_poly_offset.size() - 1; ++mi) {
if (f < mim.mesh_poly_offset[mi + 1]) {
return mi;
return static_cast<int>(mim.mesh_poly_offset.size()) - 1;
IMesh m_out = boolean_mesh(m_in,
if (dbg_level > 0) {
std::cout << m_out;
write_obj_mesh(m_out, "m_out");
return imesh_to_mesh(&m_out, mim);
#else // WITH_GMP
meshes, obmats, material_remaps, target_transform, use_self, hole_tolerant, boolean_mode);
return nullptr;
#endif // WITH_GMP
} // namespace blender::meshintersect