
670 lines
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup fn
* A #Field represents a function that outputs a value based on an arbitrary number of inputs. The
* inputs for a specific field evaluation are provided by a #FieldContext.
* A typical example is a field that computes a displacement vector for every vertex on a mesh
* based on its position.
* Fields can be build, composed and evaluated at run-time. They are stored in a directed tree
* graph data structure, whereby each node is a #FieldNode and edges are dependencies. A #FieldNode
* has an arbitrary number of inputs and at least one output and a #Field references a specific
* output of a #FieldNode. The inputs of a #FieldNode are other fields.
* There are two different types of field nodes:
* - #FieldInput: Has no input and exactly one output. It represents an input to the entire field
* when it is evaluated. During evaluation, the value of this input is based on a #FieldContext.
* - #FieldOperation: Has an arbitrary number of field inputs and at least one output. Its main
* use is to compose multiple existing fields into new fields.
* When fields are evaluated, they are converted into a multi-function procedure which allows
* efficient computation. In the future, we might support different field evaluation mechanisms for
* e.g. the following scenarios:
* - Latency of a single evaluation is more important than throughput.
* - Evaluation should happen on other hardware like GPUs.
* Whenever possible, multiple fields should be evaluated together to avoid duplicate work when
* they share common sub-fields and a common context.
#include "BLI_function_ref.hh"
#include "BLI_string_ref.hh"
#include "BLI_vector.hh"
#include "BLI_vector_set.hh"
#include "FN_generic_virtual_array.hh"
#include "FN_multi_function_builder.hh"
namespace blender::fn {
class FieldInput;
struct FieldInputs;
* Have a fixed set of base node types, because all code that works with field nodes has to
* understand those.
enum class FieldNodeType {
* A node in a field-tree. It has at least one output that can be referenced by fields.
class FieldNode {
FieldNodeType node_type_;
* Keeps track of the inputs that this node depends on. This avoids recomputing it every time the
* data is required. It is a shared pointer, because very often multiple nodes depend on the same
* inputs.
* Might contain null.
std::shared_ptr<const FieldInputs> field_inputs_;
FieldNode(FieldNodeType node_type);
virtual ~FieldNode();
virtual const CPPType &output_cpp_type(int output_index) const = 0;
FieldNodeType node_type() const;
bool depends_on_input() const;
const std::shared_ptr<const FieldInputs> &field_inputs() const;
virtual uint64_t hash() const;
virtual bool is_equal_to(const FieldNode &other) const;
* Common base class for fields to avoid declaring the same methods for #GField and #GFieldRef.
template<typename NodePtr> class GFieldBase {
NodePtr node_ = nullptr;
int node_output_index_ = 0;
GFieldBase(NodePtr node, const int node_output_index)
: node_(std::move(node)), node_output_index_(node_output_index)
GFieldBase() = default;
operator bool() const
return node_ != nullptr;
friend bool operator==(const GFieldBase &a, const GFieldBase &b)
/* Two nodes can compare equal even when their pointer is not the same. For example, two
* "Position" nodes are the same. */
return *a.node_ == *b.node_ && a.node_output_index_ == b.node_output_index_;
uint64_t hash() const
return get_default_hash_2(*node_, node_output_index_);
const fn::CPPType &cpp_type() const
return node_->output_cpp_type(node_output_index_);
const FieldNode &node() const
return *node_;
int node_output_index() const
return node_output_index_;
* A field whose output type is only known at run-time.
class GField : public GFieldBase<std::shared_ptr<FieldNode>> {
GField() = default;
GField(std::shared_ptr<FieldNode> node, const int node_output_index = 0)
: GFieldBase<std::shared_ptr<FieldNode>>(std::move(node), node_output_index)
* Same as #GField but is cheaper to copy/move around, because it does not contain a
* #std::shared_ptr.
class GFieldRef : public GFieldBase<const FieldNode *> {
GFieldRef() = default;
GFieldRef(const GField &field)
: GFieldBase<const FieldNode *>(&field.node(), field.node_output_index())
GFieldRef(const FieldNode &node, const int node_output_index = 0)
: GFieldBase<const FieldNode *>(&node, node_output_index)
namespace detail {
/* Utility class to make #is_field_v work. */
struct TypedFieldBase {
} // namespace detail
* A typed version of #GField. It has the same memory layout as #GField.
template<typename T> class Field : public GField, detail::TypedFieldBase {
using base_type = T;
Field() = default;
Field(GField field) : GField(std::move(field))
BLI_assert(this->cpp_type().template is<T>());
Field(std::shared_ptr<FieldNode> node, const int node_output_index = 0)
: Field(GField(std::move(node), node_output_index))
/** True when T is any Field<...> type. */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool is_field_v = std::is_base_of_v<detail::TypedFieldBase, T> &&
!std::is_same_v<detail::TypedFieldBase, T>;
* A #FieldNode that allows composing existing fields into new fields.
class FieldOperation : public FieldNode {
* The multi-function used by this node. It is optionally owned.
* Multi-functions with mutable or vector parameters are not supported currently.
std::shared_ptr<const MultiFunction> owned_function_;
const MultiFunction *function_;
/** Inputs to the operation. */
blender::Vector<GField> inputs_;
FieldOperation(std::shared_ptr<const MultiFunction> function, Vector<GField> inputs = {});
FieldOperation(const MultiFunction &function, Vector<GField> inputs = {});
Span<GField> inputs() const;
const MultiFunction &multi_function() const;
const CPPType &output_cpp_type(int output_index) const override;
class FieldContext;
* A #FieldNode that represents an input to the entire field-tree.
class FieldInput : public FieldNode {
/* The order is also used for sorting in socket inspection. */
enum class Category {
NamedAttribute = 0,
Generated = 1,
AnonymousAttribute = 2,
const CPPType *type_;
std::string debug_name_;
Category category_ = Category::Unknown;
FieldInput(const CPPType &type, std::string debug_name = "");
* Get the value of this specific input based on the given context. The returned virtual array,
* should live at least as long as the passed in #scope. May return null.
virtual GVArray get_varray_for_context(const FieldContext &context,
IndexMask mask,
ResourceScope &scope) const = 0;
virtual std::string socket_inspection_name() const;
blender::StringRef debug_name() const;
const CPPType &cpp_type() const;
Category category() const;
const CPPType &output_cpp_type(int output_index) const override;
class FieldConstant : public FieldNode {
const CPPType &type_;
void *value_;
FieldConstant(const CPPType &type, const void *value);
const CPPType &output_cpp_type(int output_index) const override;
const CPPType &type() const;
GPointer value() const;
* Keeps track of the inputs of a field.
struct FieldInputs {
/** All #FieldInput nodes that a field (possibly indirectly) depends on. */
VectorSet<const FieldInput *> nodes;
* Same as above but the inputs are deduplicated. For example, when there are two separate index
* input nodes, only one will show up in this list.
VectorSet<std::reference_wrapper<const FieldInput>> deduplicated_nodes;
* Provides inputs for a specific field evaluation.
class FieldContext {
virtual ~FieldContext() = default;
virtual GVArray get_varray_for_input(const FieldInput &field_input,
IndexMask mask,
ResourceScope &scope) const;
* Utility class that makes it easier to evaluate fields.
class FieldEvaluator : NonMovable, NonCopyable {
struct OutputPointerInfo {
void *dst = nullptr;
/* When a destination virtual array is provided for an input, this is
* unnecessary, otherwise this is used to construct the required virtual array. */
void (*set)(void *dst, const GVArray &varray, ResourceScope &scope) = nullptr;
ResourceScope scope_;
const FieldContext &context_;
const IndexMask mask_;
Vector<GField> fields_to_evaluate_;
Vector<GVMutableArray> dst_varrays_;
Vector<GVArray> evaluated_varrays_;
Vector<OutputPointerInfo> output_pointer_infos_;
bool is_evaluated_ = false;
Field<bool> selection_field_;
IndexMask selection_mask_;
/** Takes #mask by pointer because the mask has to live longer than the evaluator. */
FieldEvaluator(const FieldContext &context, const IndexMask *mask)
: context_(context), mask_(*mask)
/** Construct a field evaluator for all indices less than #size. */
FieldEvaluator(const FieldContext &context, const int64_t size) : context_(context), mask_(size)
/* While this assert isn't strictly necessary, and could be replaced with a warning,
* it will catch cases where someone forgets to call #evaluate(). */
* The selection field is evaluated first to determine which indices of the other fields should
* be evaluated. Calling this method multiple times will just replace the previously set
* selection field. Only the elements selected by both this selection and the selection provided
* in the constructor are calculated. If no selection field is set, it is assumed that all
* indices passed to the constructor are selected.
void set_selection(Field<bool> selection)
selection_field_ = std::move(selection);
* \param field: Field to add to the evaluator.
* \param dst: Mutable virtual array that the evaluated result for this field is be written into.
int add_with_destination(GField field, GVMutableArray dst);
/** Same as #add_with_destination but typed. */
template<typename T> int add_with_destination(Field<T> field, VMutableArray<T> dst)
return this->add_with_destination(GField(std::move(field)), GVMutableArray(std::move(dst)));
* \param field: Field to add to the evaluator.
* \param dst: Mutable span that the evaluated result for this field is be written into.
* \note: When the output may only be used as a single value, the version of this function with
* a virtual array result array should be used.
int add_with_destination(GField field, GMutableSpan dst);
* \param field: Field to add to the evaluator.
* \param dst: Mutable span that the evaluated result for this field is be written into.
* \note: When the output may only be used as a single value, the version of this function with
* a virtual array result array should be used.
template<typename T> int add_with_destination(Field<T> field, MutableSpan<T> dst)
return this->add_with_destination(std::move(field), VMutableArray<T>::ForSpan(dst));
int add(GField field, GVArray *varray_ptr);
* \param field: Field to add to the evaluator.
* \param varray_ptr: Once #evaluate is called, the resulting virtual array will be will be
* assigned to the given position.
* \return Index of the field in the evaluator which can be used in the #get_evaluated methods.
template<typename T> int add(Field<T> field, VArray<T> *varray_ptr)
const int field_index = fields_to_evaluate_.append_and_get_index(std::move(field));
varray_ptr, [](void *dst, const GVArray &varray, ResourceScope &UNUSED(scope)) {
*(VArray<T> *)dst = varray.typed<T>();
return field_index;
* \return Index of the field in the evaluator which can be used in the #get_evaluated methods.
int add(GField field);
* Evaluate all fields on the evaluator. This can only be called once.
void evaluate();
const GVArray &get_evaluated(const int field_index) const
return evaluated_varrays_[field_index];
template<typename T> VArray<T> get_evaluated(const int field_index)
return this->get_evaluated(field_index).typed<T>();
IndexMask get_evaluated_selection_as_mask();
* Retrieve the output of an evaluated boolean field and convert it to a mask, which can be used
* to avoid calculations for unnecessary elements later on. The evaluator will own the indices in
* some cases, so it must live at least as long as the returned mask.
IndexMask get_evaluated_as_mask(int field_index);
* Evaluate fields in the given context. If possible, multiple fields should be evaluated together,
* because that can be more efficient when they share common sub-fields.
* \param scope: The resource scope that owns data that makes up the output virtual arrays. Make
* sure the scope is not destructed when the output virtual arrays are still used.
* \param fields_to_evaluate: The fields that should be evaluated together.
* \param mask: Determines which indices are computed. The mask may be referenced by the returned
* virtual arrays. So the underlying indices (if applicable) should live longer then #scope.
* \param context: The context that the field is evaluated in. Used to retrieve data from each
* #FieldInput in the field network.
* \param dst_varrays: If provided, the computed data will be written into those virtual arrays
* instead of into newly created ones. That allows making the computed data live longer than
* #scope and is more efficient when the data will be written into those virtual arrays
* later anyway.
* \return The computed virtual arrays for each provided field. If #dst_varrays is passed, the
* provided virtual arrays are returned.
Vector<GVArray> evaluate_fields(ResourceScope &scope,
Span<GFieldRef> fields_to_evaluate,
IndexMask mask,
const FieldContext &context,
Span<GVMutableArray> dst_varrays = {});
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Utility functions for simple field creation and evaluation
* \{ */
void evaluate_constant_field(const GField &field, void *r_value);
template<typename T> T evaluate_constant_field(const Field<T> &field)
T value;
evaluate_constant_field(field, &value);
return value;
template<typename T> Field<T> make_constant_field(T value)
return make_constant_field(CPPType::get<T>(), &value);
GField make_constant_field(const CPPType &type, const void *value);
* If the field depends on some input, the same field is returned.
* Otherwise the field is evaluated and a new field is created that just computes this constant.
* Making the field constant has two benefits:
* - The field-tree becomes a single node, which is more efficient when the field is evaluated many
* times.
* - Memory of the input fields may be freed.
GField make_field_constant_if_possible(GField field);
class IndexFieldInput final : public FieldInput {
static GVArray get_index_varray(IndexMask mask);
GVArray get_varray_for_context(const FieldContext &context,
IndexMask mask,
ResourceScope &scope) const final;
uint64_t hash() const override;
bool is_equal_to(const fn::FieldNode &other) const override;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Value or Field Class
* Utility class that wraps a single value and a field, to simplify accessing both of the types.
* \{ */
template<typename T> struct ValueOrField {
/** Value that is used when the field is empty. */
T value{};
Field<T> field;
ValueOrField() = default;
ValueOrField(T value) : value(std::move(value))
ValueOrField(Field<T> field) : field(std::move(field))
bool is_field() const
return (bool)this->field;
Field<T> as_field() const
if (this->field) {
return this->field;
return make_constant_field(this->value);
T as_value() const
if (this->field) {
/* This returns a default value when the field is not constant. */
return evaluate_constant_field(this->field);
return this->value;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #FieldNode Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline FieldNode::FieldNode(const FieldNodeType node_type) : node_type_(node_type)
inline FieldNodeType FieldNode::node_type() const
return node_type_;
inline bool FieldNode::depends_on_input() const
return field_inputs_ && !field_inputs_->nodes.is_empty();
inline const std::shared_ptr<const FieldInputs> &FieldNode::field_inputs() const
return field_inputs_;
inline uint64_t FieldNode::hash() const
return get_default_hash(this);
inline bool FieldNode::is_equal_to(const FieldNode &other) const
return this == &other;
inline bool operator==(const FieldNode &a, const FieldNode &b)
return a.is_equal_to(b);
inline bool operator!=(const FieldNode &a, const FieldNode &b)
return !(a == b);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #FieldOperation Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Span<GField> FieldOperation::inputs() const
return inputs_;
inline const MultiFunction &FieldOperation::multi_function() const
return *function_;
inline const CPPType &FieldOperation::output_cpp_type(int output_index) const
int output_counter = 0;
for (const int param_index : function_->param_indices()) {
MFParamType param_type = function_->param_type(param_index);
if (param_type.is_output()) {
if (output_counter == output_index) {
return param_type.data_type().single_type();
return CPPType::get<float>();
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #FieldInput Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline std::string FieldInput::socket_inspection_name() const
return debug_name_;
inline StringRef FieldInput::debug_name() const
return debug_name_;
inline const CPPType &FieldInput::cpp_type() const
return *type_;
inline FieldInput::Category FieldInput::category() const
return category_;
inline const CPPType &FieldInput::output_cpp_type(int output_index) const
BLI_assert(output_index == 0);
return *type_;
/** \} */
} // namespace blender::fn