
372 lines
13 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
#ifndef __OSL_SERVICES_H__
#define __OSL_SERVICES_H__
/* OSL Render Services
* Implementation of OSL render services, to retriever matrices, attributes,
* textures and point clouds. In principle this should only be accessing
* kernel data, but currently we also reach back into the Scene to retrieve
* attributes.
#include <OSL/oslclosure.h>
#include <OSL/oslexec.h>
#include <OSL/rendererservices.h>
#include "scene/image.h"
#include "kernel/osl/compat.h"
#ifdef WITH_PTEX
class PtexCache;
class Scene;
struct ShaderData;
struct KernelGlobalsCPU;
/* OSL Texture Handle
* OSL texture lookups are string based. If those strings are known at compile
* time, the OSL compiler can cache a texture handle to use instead of a string.
* By default it uses TextureSystem::TextureHandle. But since we want to support
* different kinds of textures and color space conversions, this is our own handle
* with additional data.
* These are stored in a concurrent hash map, because OSL can compile multiple
* shaders in parallel.
* NOTE: The svm_slots array contains a compressed mapping of tile to svm_slot pairs
* stored as follows: x:tile_a, y:svm_slot_a, z:tile_b, w:svm_slot_b etc. */
struct OSLTextureHandle : public OIIO::RefCnt {
enum Type { OIIO, SVM, IES, BEVEL, AO };
OSLTextureHandle(Type type, const vector<int4> &svm_slots)
: type(type), svm_slots(svm_slots), oiio_handle(NULL), processor(NULL)
OSLTextureHandle(Type type = OIIO, int svm_slot = -1)
: OSLTextureHandle(type, {make_int4(0, svm_slot, -1, -1)})
OSLTextureHandle(const ImageHandle &handle)
: type(SVM),
Type type;
vector<int4> svm_slots;
OSL::TextureSystem::TextureHandle *oiio_handle;
ColorSpaceProcessor *processor;
ImageHandle handle;
typedef OIIO::intrusive_ptr<OSLTextureHandle> OSLTextureHandleRef;
typedef OIIO::unordered_map_concurrent<OSLUStringHash, OSLTextureHandleRef> OSLTextureHandleMap;
/* OSL Render Services
* Interface for OSL to access attributes, textures and other scene data. */
class OSLRenderServices : public OSL::RendererServices {
OSLRenderServices(OSL::TextureSystem *texture_system, int device_type);
static void register_closures(OSL::ShadingSystem *ss);
int supports(string_view feature) const override;
bool get_matrix(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSL::Matrix44 &result,
OSL::TransformationPtr xform,
float time) override;
bool get_inverse_matrix(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSL::Matrix44 &result,
OSL::TransformationPtr xform,
float time) override;
bool get_matrix(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSL::Matrix44 &result,
OSLUStringHash from,
float time) override;
bool get_inverse_matrix(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSL::Matrix44 &result,
OSLUStringHash to,
float time) override;
bool get_matrix(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSL::Matrix44 &result,
OSL::TransformationPtr xform) override;
bool get_inverse_matrix(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSL::Matrix44 &result,
OSL::TransformationPtr xform) override;
bool get_matrix(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg, OSL::Matrix44 &result, OSLUStringHash from) override;
bool get_inverse_matrix(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSL::Matrix44 &result,
OSLUStringHash from) override;
bool get_array_attribute(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
bool derivatives,
OSLUStringHash object,
TypeDesc type,
OSLUStringHash name,
int index,
void *val) override;
bool get_attribute(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
bool derivatives,
OSLUStringHash object,
TypeDesc type,
OSLUStringHash name,
void *val) override;
bool get_attribute(ShaderData *sd,
bool derivatives,
OSLUStringHash object_name,
TypeDesc type,
OSLUStringHash name,
void *val);
bool get_userdata(bool derivatives,
OSLUStringHash name,
TypeDesc type,
OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
void *val) override;
int pointcloud_search(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSLUStringHash filename,
const OSL::Vec3 &center,
float radius,
int max_points,
bool sort,
size_t *out_indices,
float *out_distances,
int derivs_offset) override;
int pointcloud_get(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSLUStringHash filename,
size_t *indices,
int count,
OSLUStringHash attr_name,
TypeDesc attr_type,
void *out_data) override;
bool pointcloud_write(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSLUStringHash filename,
const OSL::Vec3 &pos,
int nattribs,
const OSLUStringRep *names,
const TypeDesc *types,
const void **data) override;
bool trace(TraceOpt &options,
OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
const OSL::Vec3 &P,
const OSL::Vec3 &dPdx,
const OSL::Vec3 &dPdy,
const OSL::Vec3 &R,
const OSL::Vec3 &dRdx,
const OSL::Vec3 &dRdy) override;
bool getmessage(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSLUStringHash source,
OSLUStringHash name,
TypeDesc type,
void *val,
bool derivatives) override;
TextureSystem::TextureHandle *get_texture_handle(OSL::ustring filename,
OSL::ShadingContext *context,
const TextureOpt *options) override;
TextureSystem::TextureHandle *get_texture_handle(OSLUStringHash filename,
OSL::ShadingContext *context,
const TextureOpt *options) override;
TextureSystem::TextureHandle *get_texture_handle(OSLUStringHash filename,
OSL::ShadingContext *context) override;
TextureSystem::TextureHandle *get_texture_handle(OSLUStringHash filename) override;
bool good(TextureSystem::TextureHandle *texture_handle) override;
bool texture(OSLUStringHash filename,
TextureSystem::TextureHandle *texture_handle,
TexturePerthread *texture_thread_info,
TextureOpt &options,
OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
float s,
float t,
float dsdx,
float dtdx,
float dsdy,
float dtdy,
int nchannels,
float *result,
float *dresultds,
float *dresultdt,
OSLUStringHash *errormessage) override;
bool texture3d(OSLUStringHash filename,
TextureHandle *texture_handle,
TexturePerthread *texture_thread_info,
TextureOpt &options,
OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
const OSL::Vec3 &P,
const OSL::Vec3 &dPdx,
const OSL::Vec3 &dPdy,
const OSL::Vec3 &dPdz,
int nchannels,
float *result,
float *dresultds,
float *dresultdt,
float *dresultdr,
OSLUStringHash *errormessage) override;
bool environment(OSLUStringHash filename,
TextureHandle *texture_handle,
TexturePerthread *texture_thread_info,
TextureOpt &options,
OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
const OSL::Vec3 &R,
const OSL::Vec3 &dRdx,
const OSL::Vec3 &dRdy,
int nchannels,
float *result,
float *dresultds,
float *dresultdt,
OSLUStringHash *errormessage) override;
bool get_texture_info(OSLUStringHash filename,
TextureHandle *texture_handle,
TexturePerthread *texture_thread_info,
OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
int subimage,
OSLUStringHash dataname,
TypeDesc datatype,
void *data,
OSLUStringHash *errormessage) override;
bool get_texture_info(OSLUStringHash filename,
TextureHandle *texture_handle,
TexturePerthread *texture_thread_info,
OSL::ShadingContext *shading_context,
int subimage,
OSLUStringHash dataname,
TypeDesc datatype,
void *data,
OSLUStringHash *errormessage) override;
bool get_texture_info(OSL::ShaderGlobals *sg,
OSLUStringHash filename,
TextureHandle *texture_handle,
int subimage,
OSLUStringHash dataname,
TypeDesc datatype,
void *data) override;
static bool get_background_attribute(const KernelGlobalsCPU *kg,
ShaderData *sd,
OSLUStringHash name,
TypeDesc type,
bool derivatives,
void *val);
static bool get_object_standard_attribute(const KernelGlobalsCPU *kg,
ShaderData *sd,
OSLUStringHash name,
TypeDesc type,
bool derivatives,
void *val);
static ustring u_distance;
static ustring u_index;
static ustring u_world;
static ustring u_camera;
static ustring u_screen;
static ustring u_raster;
static ustring u_ndc;
static ustring u_object_location;
static ustring u_object_color;
static ustring u_object_alpha;
static ustring u_object_index;
static ustring u_geom_dupli_generated;
static ustring u_geom_dupli_uv;
static ustring u_material_index;
static ustring u_object_random;
static ustring u_particle_index;
static ustring u_particle_random;
static ustring u_particle_age;
static ustring u_particle_lifetime;
static ustring u_particle_location;
static ustring u_particle_rotation;
static ustring u_particle_size;
static ustring u_particle_velocity;
static ustring u_particle_angular_velocity;
static ustring u_geom_numpolyvertices;
static ustring u_geom_trianglevertices;
static ustring u_geom_polyvertices;
static ustring u_geom_name;
static ustring u_geom_undisplaced;
static ustring u_is_smooth;
static ustring u_is_curve;
static ustring u_curve_thickness;
static ustring u_curve_length;
static ustring u_curve_tangent_normal;
static ustring u_curve_random;
static ustring u_is_point;
static ustring u_point_position;
static ustring u_point_radius;
static ustring u_point_random;
static ustring u_normal_map_normal;
static ustring u_path_ray_length;
static ustring u_path_ray_depth;
static ustring u_path_diffuse_depth;
static ustring u_path_glossy_depth;
static ustring u_path_transparent_depth;
static ustring u_path_transmission_depth;
static ustring u_trace;
static ustring u_hit;
static ustring u_hitdist;
static ustring u_N;
static ustring u_Ng;
static ustring u_P;
static ustring u_I;
static ustring u_u;
static ustring u_v;
static ustring u_empty;
static ustring u_at_bevel;
static ustring u_at_ao;
/* Texture system and texture handle map are part of the services instead of
* globals to be shared between different render sessions. This saves memory,
* and is required because texture handles are cached as part of the shared
* shading system. */
OSLTextureHandleMap textures;
static ImageManager *image_manager;
int device_type_;
#endif /* __OSL_SERVICES_H__ */