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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* Classes to represent rotation angles. They can be used as 2D rotation or as building blocks for
* other rotation types.
* Each `blender::math::Angle***<T>` implements the same interface and can be swapped easily.
* However, they differ in each operation's efficiency, storage size and the range or group of
* angles that can be stored.
* This design allows some function overloads to be more efficient with certain types.
#include <iostream>
#include "BLI_math_base.hh"
namespace blender::math {
* A `blender::math::AngleRadianBase<T>` is a typical radian angle.
* - Storage : `1 * sizeof(T)`
* - Range : [-inf..inf]
* - Fast : Everything not slow.
* - Slow : `cos()`, `sin()`, `tan()`, `AngleRadian(cos, sin)`
template<typename T> struct AngleRadianBase {
T value_;
AngleRadianBase() = default;
AngleRadianBase(const T &radian) : value_(radian){};
explicit AngleRadianBase(const T &cos, const T &sin) : value_(math::atan2(sin, cos)){};
/** Static functions. */
static AngleRadianBase identity()
return 0;
static AngleRadianBase from_degree(const T &degrees)
return degrees * T(M_PI / 180.0);
/** Conversions. */
/* Return angle value in radian. */
explicit operator T() const
return value_;
/* Return angle value in degree. */
T degree() const
return value_ * T(180.0 / M_PI);
/* Return angle value in radian. */
T radian() const
return value_;
/** Methods. */
/* 'mod_inline(-3, 4)= 1', 'fmod(-3, 4)= -3' */
static float mod_inline(float a, float b)
return a - (b * floorf(a / b));
* Return the angle wrapped inside [-pi..pi] interval. Basically `(angle + pi) % 2pi - pi`.
AngleRadianBase wrapped() const
return math::mod_periodic(value_ + T(M_PI), T(2 * M_PI)) - T(M_PI);
* Return the angle wrapped inside [-pi..pi] interval around a \a reference .
* Basically `(angle - reference + pi) % 2pi - pi + reference` .
* This means the interpolation between the returned value and \a reference will always take the
* shortest path.
AngleRadianBase wrapped_around(const AngleRadianBase &reference) const
return reference + (*this - reference).wrapped();
/** Operators. */
friend AngleRadianBase operator+(const AngleRadianBase &a, const AngleRadianBase &b)
return a.value_ + b.value_;
friend AngleRadianBase operator-(const AngleRadianBase &a, const AngleRadianBase &b)
return a.value_ - b.value_;
friend AngleRadianBase operator*(const AngleRadianBase &a, const AngleRadianBase &b)
return a.value_ * b.value_;
friend AngleRadianBase operator/(const AngleRadianBase &a, const AngleRadianBase &b)
return a.value_ / b.value_;
friend AngleRadianBase operator-(const AngleRadianBase &a)
return -a.value_;
AngleRadianBase &operator+=(const AngleRadianBase &b)
value_ += b.value_;
return *this;
AngleRadianBase &operator-=(const AngleRadianBase &b)
value_ -= b.value_;
return *this;
AngleRadianBase &operator*=(const AngleRadianBase &b)
value_ *= b.value_;
return *this;
AngleRadianBase &operator/=(const AngleRadianBase &b)
value_ /= b.value_;
return *this;
friend bool operator==(const AngleRadianBase &a, const AngleRadianBase &b)
return a.value_ == b.value_;
friend bool operator!=(const AngleRadianBase &a, const AngleRadianBase &b)
return !(a == b);
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const AngleRadianBase &rot)
return stream << "AngleRadian(" << rot.value_ << ")";
* A `blender::math::AngleCartesianBase<T>` stores the angle as cosine + sine tuple.
* - Storage : `2 * sizeof(T)`
* - Range : [-pi..pi]
* - Fast : `cos()`, `sin()`, `tan()`, `AngleCartesian(cos, sin)`
* - Slow : Everything not fast.
* It is only useful for intermediate representation when converting to other rotation types (eg:
* AxisAngle > Quaternion) and for creating rotations from 2D points. In general it offers an
* advantage when trigonometric values of an angle are required but not directly the angle itself.
* It is also a nice shortcut for using the trigonometric identities.
template<typename T> struct AngleCartesianBase {
T cos_;
T sin_;
AngleCartesianBase() = default;
* Create an angle from a (x, y) position on the unit circle.
AngleCartesianBase(const T &x, const T &y) : cos_(x), sin_(y)
BLI_assert(math::abs(x * x + y * y - T(1)) < T(1e-4));
* Create an angle from a radian value.
explicit AngleCartesianBase(const T &radian)
: AngleCartesianBase(math::cos(radian), math::sin(radian)){};
explicit AngleCartesianBase(const AngleRadianBase<T> &angle)
: AngleCartesianBase(math::cos(angle.radian()), math::sin(angle.radian())){};
/** Static functions. */
static AngleCartesianBase identity()
return {1, 0};
static AngleCartesianBase from_degree(const T &degrees)
return AngleCartesianBase(degrees * T(M_PI / 180.0));
* Create an angle from a (x, y) position on the 2D plane.
* Fallback to identity if (x, y) is origin (0, 0).
static AngleCartesianBase from_point(const T &x, const T &y)
T norm = math::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
if (norm == 0) {
return identity();
return AngleCartesianBase(x / norm, y / norm);
/** Conversions. */
/* Return angle value in radian. */
explicit operator T() const
return math::atan2(sin_, cos_);
/* Return angle value in degree. */
T degree() const
return T(*this) * T(180.0 / M_PI);
/* Return angle value in radian. */
T radian() const
return T(*this);
/** Methods. */
T cos() const
return cos_;
T sin() const
return sin_;
T tan() const
return sin_ / cos_;
/** Operators. */
* NOTE: These use the trigonometric identities:
* (see Angle_sum_and_difference_identities, Multiple-angle_formulae and Half-angle_formulae)
* There are no identities for (arbitrary) product or quotient of angles.
* Better leave these unimplemented to avoid accidentally using `atan` everywhere (which is the
* purpose of this class).
friend AngleCartesianBase operator+(const AngleCartesianBase &a, const AngleCartesianBase &b)
return {a.cos_ * b.cos_ - a.sin_ * b.sin_, a.sin_ * b.cos_ + a.cos_ * b.sin_};
friend AngleCartesianBase operator-(const AngleCartesianBase &a, const AngleCartesianBase &b)
return {a.cos_ * b.cos_ + a.sin_ * b.sin_, a.sin_ * b.cos_ - a.cos_ * b.sin_};
friend AngleCartesianBase operator*(const AngleCartesianBase &a, const T &b)
if (b == T(2)) {
return {a.cos_ * a.cos_ - a.sin_ * a.sin_, T(2) * a.sin_ * a.cos_};
if (b == T(3)) {
return {T(4) * (a.cos_ * a.cos_ * a.cos_) - T(3) * a.cos_,
T(3) * a.sin_ - T(4) * (a.sin_ * a.sin_ * a.sin_)};
"Arbitrary angle product isn't supported with AngleCartesianBase<T> for "
"performance reason. Use AngleRadianBase<T> instead.");
return identity();
friend AngleCartesianBase operator*(const T &b, const AngleCartesianBase &a)
return a * b;
friend AngleCartesianBase operator/(const AngleCartesianBase &a, const T &divisor)
if (divisor == T(2)) {
/* Still costly but faster than using `atan()`. */
AngleCartesianBase result = {math::sqrt((T(1) + a.cos_) / T(2)),
math::sqrt((T(1) - a.cos_) / T(2))};
/* Recover sign only for sine. Cosine of half angle is given to be positive or 0 since the
* angle stored in #AngleCartesianBase is in the range [-pi..pi]. */
/* TODO(fclem): Could use `copysign` here. */
if (a.sin_ < T(0)) {
result.sin_ = -result.sin_;
return result;
"Arbitrary angle quotient isn't supported with AngleCartesianBase<T> for "
"performance reason. Use AngleRadianBase<T> instead.");
return identity();
friend AngleCartesianBase operator-(const AngleCartesianBase &a)
return {a.cos_, -a.sin_};
AngleCartesianBase &operator+=(const AngleCartesianBase &b)
*this = *this + b;
return *this;
AngleCartesianBase &operator*=(const T &b)
*this = *this * b;
return *this;
AngleCartesianBase &operator-=(const AngleCartesianBase &b)
*this = *this - b;
return *this;
AngleCartesianBase &operator/=(const T &b)
*this = *this / b;
return *this;
friend bool operator==(const AngleCartesianBase &a, const AngleCartesianBase &b)
return a.cos_ == b.cos_ && a.sin_ == b.sin_;
friend bool operator!=(const AngleCartesianBase &a, const AngleCartesianBase &b)
return !(a == b);
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const AngleCartesianBase &rot)
return stream << "AngleCartesian(x=" << rot.cos_ << ", y=" << rot.sin_ << ")";
* A `blender::math::AngleFraction<T>` stores a radian angle as quotient.
* - Storage : `2 * sizeof(int64_t)`
* - Range : [-INT64_MAX..INT64_MAX] but angle must be expressed as fraction (be in Q subset).
* - Fast : Everything not slow.
* - Slow : `cos()`, `sin()`, `tan()` for angles not optimized.
* It offers the best accuracy for fractions of Pi radian angles. For instance
* `sin(AngleFraction::tau() * n - AngleFraction::pi() / 2)` will exactly return `-1` for any `n`
* within [-INT_MAX..INT_MAX]. This holds true even with very high radian values.
* Arithmetic operators are relatively cheap (4 operations for addition, 2 for multiplication) but
* not as cheap as a `AngleRadian`. Another nice property is that the `cos()` and `sin()` functions
* give symmetric results around the circle.
* NOTE: Prefer converting to `blender::math::AngleCartesianBase<T>` if both `cos()` and `sin()`
* are needed. This will save some computation.
* Any operation becomes undefined if either the numerator or the denominator overflows.
* The `T` template parameter only serves as type for the computed values like `cos()` or
* `radian()`.
template<typename T = float> struct AngleFraction {
* The angle is stored as a fraction of pi.
int64_t numerator_;
int64_t denominator_;
* Constructor is left private as we do not want the user of this class to create invalid
* fractions.
AngleFraction(int64_t numerator, int64_t denominator = 1)
: numerator_(numerator), denominator_(denominator){};
/** Static functions. */
static AngleFraction identity()
return {0};
static AngleFraction pi()
return {1};
static AngleFraction tau()
return {2};
/** Conversions. */
/* Return angle value in degree. */
T degree() const
return T(numerator_ * 180) / T(denominator_);
/* Return angle value in radian. */
T radian() const
/* This can be refined at will. This tries to reduce the float precision error to a minimum. */
const bool is_negative = numerator_ < 0;
/* TODO jump table. */
if (abs(numerator_) == denominator_ * 2) {
return is_negative ? T(-M_PI * 2) : T(M_PI * 2);
if (abs(numerator_) == denominator_) {
return is_negative ? T(-M_PI) : T(M_PI);
if (numerator_ == 0) {
return T(0);
if (abs(numerator_) * 2 == denominator_) {
return is_negative ? T(-M_PI_2) : T(M_PI_2);
if (abs(numerator_) * 4 == denominator_) {
return is_negative ? T(-M_PI_4) : T(M_PI_4);
/* TODO(fclem): No idea if this is precise or not. Just doing something for now. */
const int64_t number_of_pi = numerator_ / denominator_;
const int64_t slice_numerator = numerator_ - number_of_pi * denominator_;
T slice_of_pi;
/* Avoid integer overflow. */
/* TODO(fclem): This is conservative. Could find a better threshold. */
if (slice_numerator > 0xFFFFFFFF || denominator_ > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
/* Certainly loose precision. */
slice_of_pi = T(M_PI) * slice_numerator / T(denominator_);
else {
/* Pi as a fraction can be expressed as 80143857 / 25510582 with 15th digit of precision. */
slice_of_pi = T(slice_numerator * 80143857) / T(denominator_ * 25510582);
/* If angle is inside [-pi..pi] range, `number_of_pi` is 0 and has no effect on precision. */
return slice_of_pi + T(M_PI) * number_of_pi;
/** Methods. */
* Return the angle wrapped inside [-pi..pi] interval. Basically `(angle + pi) % 2pi - pi`.
AngleFraction wrapped() const
if (abs(numerator_) <= denominator_) {
return *this;
return {mod_periodic(numerator_ + denominator_, denominator_ * 2) - denominator_,
* Return the angle wrapped inside [-pi..pi] interval around a \a reference .
* Basically `(angle - reference + pi) % 2pi - pi + reference` .
* This means the interpolation between the returned value and \a reference will always take the
* shortest path.
AngleFraction wrapped_around(const AngleFraction &reference) const
return reference + (*this - reference).wrapped();
/** Operators. */
* We only allow operations on fractions of pi.
* So we cannot implement things like `AngleFraction::pi() + 1` or `AngleFraction::pi() * 0.5`.
friend AngleFraction operator+(const AngleFraction &a, const AngleFraction &b)
if (a.denominator_ == b.denominator_) {
return {a.numerator_ + b.numerator_, a.denominator_};
return {(a.numerator_ * b.denominator_) + (b.numerator_ * a.denominator_),
a.denominator_ * b.denominator_};
friend AngleFraction operator-(const AngleFraction &a, const AngleFraction &b)
return a + (-b);
friend AngleFraction operator*(const AngleFraction &a, const AngleFraction &b)
return {a.numerator_ * b.numerator_, a.denominator_ * b.denominator_};
friend AngleFraction operator/(const AngleFraction &a, const AngleFraction &b)
return a * AngleFraction(b.denominator_, b.numerator_);
friend AngleFraction operator*(const AngleFraction &a, const int64_t &b)
return a * AngleFraction(b);
friend AngleFraction operator/(const AngleFraction &a, const int64_t &b)
return a / AngleFraction(b);
friend AngleFraction operator*(const int64_t &a, const AngleFraction &b)
return AngleFraction(a) * b;
friend AngleFraction operator/(const int64_t &a, const AngleFraction &b)
return AngleFraction(a) / b;
friend AngleFraction operator+(const AngleFraction &a)
return a;
friend AngleFraction operator-(const AngleFraction &a)
return {-a.numerator_, a.denominator_};
AngleFraction &operator+=(const AngleFraction &b)
return *this = *this + b;
AngleFraction &operator-=(const AngleFraction &b)
return *this = *this - b;
AngleFraction &operator*=(const AngleFraction &b)
return *this = *this * b;
AngleFraction &operator/=(const AngleFraction &b)
return *this = *this / b;
AngleFraction &operator*=(const int64_t &b)
return *this = *this * b;
AngleFraction &operator/=(const int64_t &b)
return *this = *this / b;
friend bool operator==(const AngleFraction &a, const AngleFraction &b)
if (a.numerator_ == 0 && b.numerator_ == 0) {
return true;
if (a.denominator_ == b.denominator_) {
return a.numerator_ == b.numerator_;
return a.numerator_ * b.denominator_ == b.numerator_ * a.denominator_;
friend bool operator!=(const AngleFraction &a, const AngleFraction &b)
return !(a == b);
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const AngleFraction &rot)
return stream << "AngleFraction(num=" << rot.numerator_ << ", denom=" << rot.denominator_
<< ")";
operator AngleCartesianBase<T>() const
AngleFraction a = this->wrapped();
BLI_assert(abs(a.numerator_) <= a.denominator_);
BLI_assert(a.denominator_ > 0);
/* By default, creating a circle from an integer: calling #sinf & #cosf on the fraction
* doesn't create symmetrical values (because floats can't represent Pi exactly). Resolve this
* when the rotation is calculated from a fraction by mapping the `numerator` to lower values
* so X/Y values for points around a circle are exactly symmetrical, see #87779.
* Multiply both the `numerator` and `denominator` by 4 to ensure we can divide the circle
* into 8 octants. For each octant, we then use symmetry and negation to bring the `numerator`
* closer to the origin where precision is highest.
/* Save negative sign so we cane assume unsigned angle for the rest of the computation.. */
const bool is_negative = a.numerator_ < 0;
/* Multiply numerator the same as denominator. */
a.numerator_ = abs(a.numerator_) * 4;
/* Determine the octant. */
const int64_t octant = a.numerator_ / a.denominator_;
const int64_t rest = a.numerator_ - octant * a.denominator_;
/* Ensure denominator is a multiple of 4. */
a.denominator_ *= 4;
/* TODO jump table. */
T x, y;
/* If rest is 0, the angle is an angle with precise value. */
if (rest == 0) {
switch (octant) {
case 0:
case 4:
x = T(1);
y = T(0);
case 2:
x = T(0);
y = T(1);
case 1:
case 3:
x = y = T(M_SQRT1_2);
else {
switch (octant) {
case 4:
/* -Pi or Pi case. */
case 0:
/* Primary octant, nothing to do. */
case 1:
/* Pi / 2 - angle. */
a.numerator_ = a.denominator_ / 2 - a.numerator_;
case 2:
/* Angle - Pi / 2. */
a.numerator_ = a.numerator_ - a.denominator_ / 2;
case 3:
/* Pi - angle. */
a.numerator_ = a.denominator_ - a.numerator_;
/* Resulting angle should be oscillating in [0..pi/4] range. */
BLI_assert(a.numerator_ >= 0 && a.numerator_ <= a.denominator_ / 4);
T angle = T(M_PI) * (T(a.numerator_) / T(a.denominator_));
x = math::cos(angle);
y = math::sin(angle);
/* Diagonal symmetry "unfolding". */
if (ELEM(octant, 1, 2)) {
std::swap(x, y);
/* Y axis symmetry. */
if (octant >= 2) {
x = -x;
/* X axis symmetry. */
if (is_negative) {
y = -y;
return AngleCartesianBase<T>(x, y);
template<typename T> T cos(const AngleRadianBase<T> &a)
return cos(a.radian());
template<typename T> T sin(const AngleRadianBase<T> &a)
return sin(a.radian());
template<typename T> T tan(const AngleRadianBase<T> &a)
return tan(a.radian());
template<typename T> T cos(const AngleCartesianBase<T> &a)
return a.cos();
template<typename T> T sin(const AngleCartesianBase<T> &a)
return a.sin();
template<typename T> T tan(const AngleCartesianBase<T> &a)
return a.tan();
template<typename T> T cos(const AngleFraction<T> &a)
return cos(AngleCartesianBase<T>(a));
template<typename T> T sin(const AngleFraction<T> &a)
return sin(AngleCartesianBase<T>(a));
template<typename T> T tan(const AngleFraction<T> &a)
return tan(AngleCartesianBase<T>(a));
using AngleRadian = AngleRadianBase<float>;
using AngleCartesian = AngleCartesianBase<float>;
} // namespace blender::math