
499 lines
15 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup fn
* A `LazyFunction` encapsulates a computation which has inputs, outputs and potentially side
* effects. Most importantly, a `LazyFunction` supports laziness in its inputs and outputs:
* - Only outputs that are actually used have to be computed.
* - Inputs can be requested lazily based on which outputs are used or what side effects the
* function has.
* A lazy-function that uses laziness may be executed more than once. The most common example is
* the geometry nodes switch node. Depending on a condition input, it decides which one of the
* other inputs is actually used. From the perspective of the switch node, its execution works as
* follows:
* 1. The switch node is first executed. It sees that the output is used. Now it requests the
* condition input from the caller and exits.
* 2. Once the caller is able to provide the condition input the switch node is executed again.
* This time it retrieves the condition and requests one of the other inputs. Then the node
* exits again, giving back control to the caller.
* 3. When the caller computed the second requested input the switch node executes a last time.
* This time it retrieves the new input and forwards it to the output.
* In some sense, a lazy-function can be thought of like a state machine. Every time it is
* executed, it advances its state until all required outputs are ready.
* The lazy-function interface is designed to support composition of many such functions into a new
* lazy-functions, all while keeping the laziness working. For example, in geometry nodes a switch
* node in a node group should still be able to decide whether a node in the parent group will be
* executed or not. This is essential to avoid doing unnecessary work.
* The lazy-function system consists of multiple core components:
* - The interface of a lazy-function itself including its calling convention.
* - A graph data structure that allows composing many lazy-functions by connecting their inputs
* and outputs.
* - An executor that allows multi-threaded execution or such a graph.
#include "BLI_cpp_type.hh"
#include "BLI_function_ref.hh"
#include "BLI_generic_pointer.hh"
#include "BLI_linear_allocator.hh"
#include "BLI_vector.hh"
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#ifdef DEBUG
namespace blender::fn::lazy_function {
enum class ValueUsage {
* The value is definitely used and therefore has to be computed.
* It's unknown whether this value will be used or not. Computing it is ok but the result may be
* discarded.
* The value will definitely not be used. It can still be computed but the result will be
* discarded in all cases.
class LazyFunction;
* Extension of #UserData that is thread-local. This avoids accessing e.g.
* `EnumerableThreadSpecific.local()` in every nested lazy-function because the thread local
* data is passed in by the caller.
class LocalUserData {
virtual ~LocalUserData() = default;
* This allows passing arbitrary data into a lazy-function during execution. For that, #UserData
* has to be subclassed. This mainly exists because it's more type safe than passing a `void *`
* with no type information attached.
* Some lazy-functions may expect to find a certain type of user data when executed.
class UserData {
virtual ~UserData() = default;
* Get thread local data for this user-data and the current thread.
virtual destruct_ptr<LocalUserData> get_local(LinearAllocator<> &allocator);
* Passed to the lazy-function when it is executed.
struct Context {
* If the lazy-function has some state (which only makes sense when it is executed more than once
* to finish its job), the state is stored here. This points to memory returned from
* #LazyFunction::init_storage.
void *storage;
* Custom user data that can be used in the function.
UserData *user_data;
* Custom user data that is local to the thread that executes the lazy-function.
LocalUserData *local_user_data;
Context(void *storage, UserData *user_data, LocalUserData *local_user_data)
: storage(storage), user_data(user_data), local_user_data(local_user_data)
* Defines the calling convention for a lazy-function. During execution, a lazy-function retrieves
* its inputs and sets the outputs through #Params.
class Params {
* The lazy-function this #Params has been prepared for.
const LazyFunction &fn_;
std::thread::id main_thread_id_;
std::atomic<bool> allow_multi_threading_;
Params(const LazyFunction &fn, bool allow_multi_threading_initially);
* Get a pointer to an input value if the value is available already. Otherwise null is returned.
* The #LazyFunction must leave returned object in an initialized state, but can move from it.
void *try_get_input_data_ptr(int index) const;
* Same as #try_get_input_data_ptr, but if the data is not yet available, request it. This makes
* sure that the data will be available in a future execution of the #LazyFunction.
void *try_get_input_data_ptr_or_request(int index);
* Get a pointer to where the output value should be stored.
* The value at the pointer is in an uninitialized state at first.
* The #LazyFunction is responsible for initializing the value.
* After the output has been initialized to its final value, #output_set has to be called.
void *get_output_data_ptr(int index);
* Call this after the output value is initialized. After this is called, the value must not be
* touched anymore. It may be moved or destructed immediately.
void output_set(int index);
* Allows the #LazyFunction to check whether an output was computed already without keeping
* track of it itself.
bool output_was_set(int index) const;
* Can be used to detect which outputs have to be computed.
ValueUsage get_output_usage(int index) const;
* Tell the caller of the #LazyFunction that a specific input will definitely not be used.
* Only an input that was not #ValueUsage::Used can become unused.
void set_input_unused(int index);
* Typed utility methods that wrap the methods above.
template<typename T> T extract_input(int index);
template<typename T> T &get_input(int index) const;
template<typename T> T *try_get_input_data_ptr(int index) const;
template<typename T> T *try_get_input_data_ptr_or_request(int index);
template<typename T> void set_output(int index, T &&value);
* Utility to initialize all outputs that haven't been set yet.
void set_default_remaining_outputs();
* Returns true when the lazy-function is now allowed to use multi-threading when interacting
* with this #Params. That means, it is allowed to call non-const methods from different threads.
bool try_enable_multi_threading();
void assert_valid_thread() const;
* Methods that need to be implemented by subclasses. Those are separate from the non-virtual
* methods above to make it easy to insert additional debugging logic on top of the
* implementations.
virtual void *try_get_input_data_ptr_impl(int index) const = 0;
virtual void *try_get_input_data_ptr_or_request_impl(int index) = 0;
virtual void *get_output_data_ptr_impl(int index) = 0;
virtual void output_set_impl(int index) = 0;
virtual bool output_was_set_impl(int index) const = 0;
virtual ValueUsage get_output_usage_impl(int index) const = 0;
virtual void set_input_unused_impl(int index) = 0;
virtual bool try_enable_multi_threading_impl();
* Describes an input of a #LazyFunction.
struct Input {
* Name used for debugging purposes. The string has to be static or has to be owned by something
* else.
const char *debug_name;
* Data type of this input.
const CPPType *type;
* Can be used to indicate a caller or this function if this input is used statically before
* executing it the first time. This is technically not needed but can improve efficiency because
* a round-trip through the `execute` method can be avoided.
* When this is #ValueUsage::Used, the caller has to ensure that the input is definitely
* available when the #execute method is first called. The #execute method does not have to check
* whether the value is actually available.
ValueUsage usage;
Input(const char *debug_name, const CPPType &type, const ValueUsage usage = ValueUsage::Used)
: debug_name(debug_name), type(&type), usage(usage)
struct Output {
* Name used for debugging purposes. The string has to be static or has to be owned by something
* else.
const char *debug_name;
* Data type of this output.
const CPPType *type = nullptr;
Output(const char *debug_name, const CPPType &type) : debug_name(debug_name), type(&type) {}
* A function that can compute outputs and request inputs lazily. For more details see the comment
* at the top of the file.
class LazyFunction {
const char *debug_name_ = "unknown";
Vector<Input> inputs_;
Vector<Output> outputs_;
* Allow executing the function even if previously requested values are not yet available.
bool allow_missing_requested_inputs_ = false;
virtual ~LazyFunction() = default;
* Get a name of the function or an input or output. This is mainly used for debugging.
* These are virtual functions because the names are often not used outside of debugging
* workflows. This way the names are only generated when they are actually needed.
virtual std::string name() const;
virtual std::string input_name(int index) const;
virtual std::string output_name(int index) const;
* Allocates storage for this function. The storage will be passed to every call to #execute.
* If the function does not keep track of any state, this does not have to be implemented.
virtual void *init_storage(LinearAllocator<> &allocator) const;
* Destruct the storage created in #init_storage.
virtual void destruct_storage(void *storage) const;
* Calls `fn` with the input indices that the given `output_index` may depend on. By default
* every output depends on every input.
virtual void possible_output_dependencies(int output_index,
FunctionRef<void(Span<int>)> fn) const;
* Inputs of the function.
Span<Input> inputs() const;
* Outputs of the function.
Span<Output> outputs() const;
* During execution the function retrieves inputs and sets outputs in #params. For some
* functions, this method is called more than once. After execution, the function either has
* computed all required outputs or is waiting for more inputs.
void execute(Params &params, const Context &context) const;
* Utility to check that the guarantee by #Input::usage is followed.
bool always_used_inputs_available(const Params &params) const;
* If true, the function can be executed even when some requested inputs are not available yet.
* This allows the function to make some progress and maybe to compute some outputs that are
* passed into this function again (lazy-function graphs may contain cycles as long as there
* aren't actually data dependencies).
bool allow_missing_requested_inputs() const
return allow_missing_requested_inputs_;
* Needs to be implemented by subclasses. This is separate from #execute so that additional
* debugging logic can be implemented in #execute.
virtual void execute_impl(Params &params, const Context &context) const = 0;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #LazyFunction Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Span<Input> LazyFunction::inputs() const
return inputs_;
inline Span<Output> LazyFunction::outputs() const
return outputs_;
inline void LazyFunction::execute(Params &params, const Context &context) const
this->execute_impl(params, context);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #Params Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Params::Params(const LazyFunction &fn,
[[maybe_unused]] bool allow_multi_threading_initially)
: fn_(fn)
inline void *Params::try_get_input_data_ptr(const int index) const
return this->try_get_input_data_ptr_impl(index);
inline void *Params::try_get_input_data_ptr_or_request(const int index)
return this->try_get_input_data_ptr_or_request_impl(index);
inline void *Params::get_output_data_ptr(const int index)
return this->get_output_data_ptr_impl(index);
inline void Params::output_set(const int index)
inline bool Params::output_was_set(const int index) const
return this->output_was_set_impl(index);
inline ValueUsage Params::get_output_usage(const int index) const
return this->get_output_usage_impl(index);
inline void Params::set_input_unused(const int index)
template<typename T> inline T Params::extract_input(const int index)
void *data = this->try_get_input_data_ptr(index);
BLI_assert(data != nullptr);
T return_value = std::move(*static_cast<T *>(data));
return return_value;
template<typename T> inline T &Params::get_input(const int index) const
void *data = this->try_get_input_data_ptr(index);
BLI_assert(data != nullptr);
return *static_cast<T *>(data);
template<typename T> inline T *Params::try_get_input_data_ptr(const int index) const
return static_cast<T *>(this->try_get_input_data_ptr(index));
template<typename T> inline T *Params::try_get_input_data_ptr_or_request(const int index)
return static_cast<T *>(this->try_get_input_data_ptr_or_request(index));
template<typename T> inline void Params::set_output(const int index, T &&value)
using DecayT = std::decay_t<T>;
void *data = this->get_output_data_ptr(index);
new (data) DecayT(std::forward<T>(value));
inline bool Params::try_enable_multi_threading()
const bool success = this->try_enable_multi_threading_impl();
if (success) {
allow_multi_threading_ = true;
return success;
inline void Params::assert_valid_thread() const
if (allow_multi_threading_) {
if (main_thread_id_ != std::this_thread::get_id()) {
/** \} */
} // namespace blender::fn::lazy_function
namespace blender {
namespace lf = fn::lazy_function;