
272 lines
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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup bke
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Definitions which defines internal behavior of CCGSubSurf.
/* Define this to see dump of the grids after the subsurf applied. */
/* used for normalize_v3 in BLI_math_vector
* float.h's FLT_EPSILON causes trouble with subsurf normals - campbell */
#define EPSILON (1.0e-35f)
/* With this limit a single triangle becomes over 3 million faces */
* Common type definitions.
typedef unsigned char byte;
* Hash implementation.
typedef struct _EHEntry {
struct _EHEntry *next;
void *key;
} EHEntry;
typedef struct _EHash {
EHEntry **buckets;
int numEntries, curSize, curSizeIdx;
CCGAllocatorIFC allocatorIFC;
CCGAllocatorHDL allocator;
} EHash;
typedef void (*EHEntryFreeFP)(EHEntry *, void *);
#define EHASH_alloc(eh, nb) (EHEntry **)((eh)->allocatorIFC.alloc((eh)->allocator, nb))
#define EHASH_free(eh, ptr) ((eh)->>allocator, ptr))
#define EHASH_hash(eh, item) (((uintptr_t)(item)) % ((unsigned int)(eh)->curSize))
/* Generic hash functions. */
EHash *ccg_ehash_new(int estimatedNumEntries,
CCGAllocatorIFC *allocatorIFC,
CCGAllocatorHDL allocator);
void ccg_ehash_free(EHash *eh, EHEntryFreeFP freeEntry, void *user_data);
void ccg_ehash_insert(EHash *eh, EHEntry *entry);
void *ccg_ehash_lookupWithPrev(EHash *eh, void *key, void ***prevp_r);
void *ccg_ehash_lookup(EHash *eh, void *key);
/* Hash elements iteration. */
void ccg_ehashIterator_init(EHash *eh, EHashIterator *ehi);
void *ccg_ehashIterator_getCurrent(EHashIterator *ehi);
void ccg_ehashIterator_next(EHashIterator *ehi);
int ccg_ehashIterator_isStopped(EHashIterator *ehi);
* Standard allocator implementation.
CCGAllocatorIFC *ccg_getStandardAllocatorIFC(void);
* Catmull-Clark Gridding Subdivision Surface.
/* TODO(sergey): Get rid of this, it's more or less a bad level call. */
struct DerivedMesh;
/* ** Data structures, constants. enums ** */
enum {
Vert_eEffected = (1 << 0),
Vert_eChanged = (1 << 1),
Vert_eSeam = (1 << 2),
} /*VertFlags*/;
enum {
Edge_eEffected = (1 << 0),
} /*CCGEdgeFlags*/;
enum {
Face_eEffected = (1 << 0),
} /*FaceFlags*/;
struct CCGVert {
CCGVert *next; /* */
CCGVertHDL vHDL; /* EHData.key */
short numEdges, numFaces, flags;
int osd_index; /* Index of the vertex in the map, used by OSD. */
CCGEdge **edges;
CCGFace **faces;
// byte *levelData;
// byte *user_data;
struct CCGEdge {
CCGEdge *next; /* */
CCGEdgeHDL eHDL; /* EHData.key */
short numFaces, flags;
float crease;
CCGVert *v0, *v1;
CCGFace **faces;
// byte *levelData;
// byte *user_data;
struct CCGFace {
CCGFace *next; /* */
CCGFaceHDL fHDL; /* EHData.key */
short numVerts, flags;
int osd_index;
// CCGVert **verts;
// CCGEdge **edges;
// byte *centerData;
// byte **gridData;
// byte *user_data;
typedef enum {
eSyncState_None = 0,
} SyncState;
struct CCGSubSurf {
EHash *vMap; /* map of CCGVertHDL -> Vert */
EHash *eMap; /* map of CCGEdgeHDL -> Edge */
EHash *fMap; /* map of CCGFaceHDL -> Face */
CCGAllocatorIFC allocatorIFC;
CCGAllocatorHDL allocator;
int subdivLevels;
int numGrids;
int allowEdgeCreation;
float defaultCreaseValue;
void *defaultEdgeUserData;
void *q, *r;
/* Data for calc vert normals. */
int calcVertNormals;
int normalDataOffset;
/* Data for paint masks. */
int allocMask;
int maskDataOffset;
/* Data for age'ing (to debug sync). */
int currentAge;
int useAgeCounts;
int vertUserAgeOffset;
int edgeUserAgeOffset;
int faceUserAgeOffset;
/* Data used during syncing. */
SyncState syncState;
EHash *oldVMap, *oldEMap, *oldFMap;
int lenTempArrays;
CCGVert **tempVerts;
CCGEdge **tempEdges;
/* ** Utility macros ** */
#define CCGSUBSURF_alloc(ss, nb) ((ss)->allocatorIFC.alloc((ss)->allocator, nb))
#define CCGSUBSURF_realloc(ss, ptr, nb, ob) \
((ss)->allocatorIFC.realloc((ss)->allocator, ptr, nb, ob))
#define CCGSUBSURF_free(ss, ptr) ((ss)->>allocator, ptr))
#define VERT_getCo(v, lvl) (float *)ccg_vert_getCo(v, lvl, vertDataSize)
#define VERT_getNo(v, lvl) ccg_vert_getNo(v, lvl, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)
#define EDGE_getCo(e, lvl, x) (float *)ccg_edge_getCo(e, lvl, x, vertDataSize)
#define EDGE_getNo(e, lvl, x) ccg_edge_getNo(e, lvl, x, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)
#define FACE_getIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y) \
ccg_face_getIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y, subdivLevels, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)
#if 0
# define FACE_calcIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y, no) \
_face_calcIFNo(f, lvl, S, x, y, no, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)
#define FACE_getIENo(f, lvl, S, x) \
ccg_face_getIENo(f, lvl, S, x, subdivLevels, vertDataSize, normalDataOffset)
#define FACE_getIECo(f, lvl, S, x) \
(float *)ccg_face_getIECo(f, lvl, S, x, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)
#define FACE_getIFCo(f, lvl, S, x, y) \
(float *)ccg_face_getIFCo(f, lvl, S, x, y, subdivLevels, vertDataSize)
#define NormZero(av) \
{ \
float *_a = (float *)av; \
_a[0] = _a[1] = _a[2] = 0.0f; \
} \
#define NormCopy(av, bv) \
{ \
float *_a = (float *)av, *_b = (float *)bv; \
_a[0] = _b[0]; \
_a[1] = _b[1]; \
_a[2] = _b[2]; \
} \
#define NormAdd(av, bv) \
{ \
float *_a = (float *)av, *_b = (float *)bv; \
_a[0] += _b[0]; \
_a[1] += _b[1]; \
_a[2] += _b[2]; \
} \
/* ** General purpose functions ** */
/* `` */
void ccgSubSurf__allFaces(CCGSubSurf *ss, CCGFace ***faces, int *numFaces, int *freeFaces);
void ccgSubSurf__effectedFaceNeighbors(CCGSubSurf *ss,
CCGFace **faces,
int numFaces,
CCGVert ***verts,
int *numVerts,
CCGEdge ***edges,
int *numEdges);
/* `` */
void ccgSubSurf__sync_legacy(CCGSubSurf *ss);
struct OpenSubdiv_Converter;
/* `` */
void ccgSubSurf__dumpCoords(CCGSubSurf *ss);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "CCGSubSurf_inline.h"