
302 lines
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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
#include "BLI_span.hh"
#include "BLI_sys_types.h"
struct BMesh;
struct GPUIndexBuf;
struct GPUUniformBuf;
struct GPUVertBuf;
struct GPUVertFormat;
struct Mesh;
struct MeshBatchCache;
struct MeshBufferCache;
struct MeshRenderData;
struct Object;
struct Subdiv;
struct ToolSettings;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name DRWPatchMap
* This is a GPU version of the OpenSubDiv PatchMap. The quad tree and the patch handles are copied
* to GPU buffers in order to lookup the right patch for a given set of patch coordinates.
* \{ */
struct DRWPatchMap {
struct GPUVertBuf *patch_map_handles;
struct GPUVertBuf *patch_map_quadtree;
int min_patch_face;
int max_patch_face;
int max_depth;
int patches_are_triangular;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name DRWSubdivLooseEdge
* This stores information about a subdivided loose edge.
* \{ */
struct DRWSubdivLooseEdge {
/* The corresponding coarse edge, this is always valid. */
int coarse_edge_index;
/* Pointers into #DRWSubdivLooseGeom.verts. */
int loose_subdiv_v1_index;
int loose_subdiv_v2_index;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name DRWSubdivLooseVertex
* This stores information about a subdivided loose vertex, that may or may not come from a loose
* edge.
* \{ */
struct DRWSubdivLooseVertex {
/* The corresponding coarse vertex, or -1 if this vertex is the result
* of subdivision. */
unsigned int coarse_vertex_index;
/* Position and normal of the vertex. */
float co[3];
float nor[3];
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name DRWSubdivLooseGeom
* This stores the subdivided vertices and edges of loose geometry from #MeshExtractLooseGeom.
* \{ */
struct DRWSubdivLooseGeom {
DRWSubdivLooseEdge *edges;
DRWSubdivLooseVertex *verts;
int edge_len;
int vert_len;
int loop_len;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name DRWSubdivCache
* This holds the various buffers used to evaluate and render subdivision through OpenGL.
* \{ */
typedef struct DRWSubdivCache {
Mesh *mesh;
BMesh *bm;
Subdiv *subdiv;
bool optimal_display;
bool hide_unmapped_edges;
bool use_custom_loop_normals;
/* Coordinates used to evaluate patches for positions and normals. */
GPUVertBuf *patch_coords;
/* Coordinates used to evaluate patches for attributes. */
GPUVertBuf *corner_patch_coords;
/* Coordinates used to evaluate patches for the face centers (or face dots) in edit-mode. */
GPUVertBuf *fdots_patch_coords;
/* Resolution used to generate the patch coordinates. */
int resolution;
/* Number of subdivided loops, also the number of patch coordinates since we have one coordinate
* but quad corner/vertex. */
uint num_subdiv_loops;
uint num_subdiv_edges;
uint num_subdiv_triangles;
uint num_subdiv_verts;
uint num_subdiv_quads;
/* We only do the subdivision traversal for full faces, however we may have geometries that only
* have loose edges (e.g. a custom bone shape). This flag is used to detect those cases, as the
* counters above will all be set to zero if we do not have subdivision loops. */
bool may_have_loose_geom;
/* Number of faces in the coarse mesh, notably used to compute a coarse face index given a
* subdivision loop index. */
int num_coarse_faces;
/* Maps subdivision loop to subdivided vertex index. */
int *subdiv_loop_subdiv_vert_index;
/* Maps subdivision loop to subdivided edge index. */
int *subdiv_loop_subdiv_edge_index;
/* Maps subdivision loop to original coarse face index. */
int *subdiv_loop_face_index;
/* Indices of faces adjacent to the vertices, ordered by vertex index, with no particular
* winding. */
GPUVertBuf *subdiv_vertex_face_adjacency;
/* The difference between value (i + 1) and (i) gives the number of faces adjacent to vertex (i).
GPUVertBuf *subdiv_vertex_face_adjacency_offsets;
/* Maps subdivision loop to original coarse vertex index, only really useful for edit mode. */
GPUVertBuf *verts_orig_index;
/* Maps subdivision loop to original coarse edge index, only really useful for edit mode. */
GPUVertBuf *edges_orig_index;
/* Indicates if edge should be drawn in optimal display mode. */
GPUVertBuf *edges_draw_flag;
/* Owned by #Subdiv. Indexed by coarse face index, difference between value (i + 1) and (i)
* gives the number of ptex faces for coarse face (i). */
int *face_ptex_offset;
/* Vertex buffer for face_ptex_offset. */
GPUVertBuf *face_ptex_offset_buffer;
int *subdiv_face_offset;
GPUVertBuf *subdiv_face_offset_buffer;
/* Contains the start loop index and the smooth flag for each coarse face. */
GPUVertBuf *extra_coarse_face_data;
/* Computed for `ibo.points`, one value per subdivided vertex,
* mapping coarse vertices -> subdivided loop. */
int *point_indices;
/* Material offsets. */
int *mat_start;
int *mat_end;
GPUVertBuf *face_mat_offset;
DRWPatchMap gpu_patch_map;
DRWSubdivLooseGeom loose_geom;
/* UBO to store settings for the various compute shaders. */
GPUUniformBuf *ubo;
/* Extra flags, passed to the UBO. */
bool is_edit_mode;
bool use_hide;
} DRWSubdivCache;
/* Only frees the data of the cache, caller is responsible to free the cache itself if necessary.
void draw_subdiv_cache_free(DRWSubdivCache &cache);
/** \} */
void DRW_create_subdivision(Object *ob,
Mesh *mesh,
MeshBatchCache &batch_cache,
MeshBufferCache *mbc,
bool is_editmode,
bool is_paint_mode,
bool is_mode_active,
const float obmat[4][4],
bool do_final,
bool do_uvedit,
bool do_cage,
const ToolSettings *ts,
bool use_hide);
void DRW_subdivide_loose_geom(DRWSubdivCache *subdiv_cache, MeshBufferCache *cache);
void DRW_subdiv_cache_free(Subdiv *subdiv);
void draw_subdiv_init_origindex_buffer(GPUVertBuf *buffer,
int32_t *vert_origindex,
uint num_loops,
uint loose_len);
GPUVertBuf *draw_subdiv_build_origindex_buffer(int *vert_origindex, uint num_loops);
/* Compute shader functions. */
void draw_subdiv_build_sculpt_data_buffer(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *mask_vbo,
GPUVertBuf *face_set_vbo,
GPUVertBuf *sculpt_data);
void draw_subdiv_accumulate_normals(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *pos_nor,
GPUVertBuf *face_adjacency_offsets,
GPUVertBuf *face_adjacency_lists,
GPUVertBuf *vertex_loop_map,
GPUVertBuf *vert_normals);
void draw_subdiv_finalize_normals(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *vert_normals,
GPUVertBuf *subdiv_loop_subdiv_vert_index,
GPUVertBuf *pos_nor);
void draw_subdiv_finalize_custom_normals(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *src_custom_normals,
GPUVertBuf *pos_nor);
void draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *flags_buffer,
GPUVertBuf *pos_nor,
GPUVertBuf *orco);
void draw_subdiv_interp_custom_data(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *src_data,
GPUVertBuf *dst_data,
int comp_type, /*GPUVertCompType*/
int dimensions,
int dst_offset);
void draw_subdiv_extract_uvs(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *uvs,
int face_varying_channel,
int dst_offset);
void draw_subdiv_build_edge_fac_buffer(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *pos_nor,
GPUVertBuf *edge_draw_flag,
GPUVertBuf *poly_other_map,
GPUVertBuf *edge_fac);
void draw_subdiv_build_tris_buffer(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUIndexBuf *subdiv_tris,
int material_count);
void draw_subdiv_build_lines_buffer(const DRWSubdivCache &cache, GPUIndexBuf *lines_indices);
void draw_subdiv_build_lines_loose_buffer(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUIndexBuf *lines_indices,
GPUVertBuf *lines_flags,
uint num_loose_edges);
void draw_subdiv_build_fdots_buffers(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *fdots_pos,
GPUVertBuf *fdots_nor,
GPUIndexBuf *fdots_indices);
void draw_subdiv_build_lnor_buffer(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *pos_nor,
GPUVertBuf *lnor);
void draw_subdiv_build_edituv_stretch_area_buffer(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *coarse_data,
GPUVertBuf *subdiv_data);
void draw_subdiv_build_edituv_stretch_angle_buffer(const DRWSubdivCache &cache,
GPUVertBuf *pos_nor,
GPUVertBuf *uvs,
int uvs_offset,
GPUVertBuf *stretch_angles);
/** Return the format used for the positions and normals VBO. */
GPUVertFormat *draw_subdiv_get_pos_nor_format();
/* Helper to access the loose edges. */
blender::Span<DRWSubdivLooseEdge> draw_subdiv_cache_get_loose_edges(const DRWSubdivCache &cache);
/* Helper to access only the loose vertices, i.e. not the ones attached to loose edges. To access
* loose vertices of loose edges #draw_subdiv_cache_get_loose_edges should be used. */
blender::Span<DRWSubdivLooseVertex> draw_subdiv_cache_get_loose_verts(const DRWSubdivCache &cache);