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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* Generic algorithms for finding the largest and smallest elements in a span.
#include <optional>
#include "BLI_bounds_types.hh"
#include "BLI_index_mask.hh"
#include "BLI_math_vector.hh"
#include "BLI_task.hh"
namespace blender {
namespace bounds {
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] inline Bounds<T> merge(const Bounds<T> &a, const Bounds<T> &b)
return {math::min(a.min, b.min), math::max(a.max, b.max)};
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline std::optional<Bounds<T>> merge(const std::optional<Bounds<T>> &a,
const std::optional<Bounds<T>> &b)
if (a.has_value() && b.has_value()) {
return merge(*a, *b);
if (a.has_value()) {
return a;
if (b.has_value()) {
return b;
return std::nullopt;
* Find the smallest and largest values element-wise in the span.
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] inline std::optional<Bounds<T>> min_max(const Span<T> values)
if (values.is_empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
const Bounds<T> init{values.first(), values.first()};
return threading::parallel_reduce(
[&](const IndexRange range, const Bounds<T> &init) {
Bounds<T> result = init;
for (const int i : range) {
math::min_max(values[i], result.min, result.max);
return result;
[](const Bounds<T> &a, const Bounds<T> &b) { return merge(a, b); });
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline std::optional<Bounds<T>> min_max(const IndexMask &mask, const Span<T> values)
if (values.is_empty() || mask.is_empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
if (mask.size() == values.size()) {
/* To avoid mask slice/lookup. */
return min_max(values);
const Bounds<T> init{values.first(), values.first()};
return threading::parallel_reduce(
[&](const IndexRange range, const Bounds<T> &init) {
Bounds<T> result = init;
[&](const int i) { math::min_max(values[i], result.min, result.max); });
return result;
[](const Bounds<T> &a, const Bounds<T> &b) { return merge(a, b); });
* Find the smallest and largest values element-wise in the span, adding the radius to each element
* first. The template type T is expected to have an addition operator implemented with RadiusT.
template<typename T, typename RadiusT>
[[nodiscard]] inline std::optional<Bounds<T>> min_max_with_radii(const Span<T> values,
const Span<RadiusT> radii)
BLI_assert(values.size() == radii.size());
if (values.is_empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
const Bounds<T> init{values.first(), values.first()};
return threading::parallel_reduce(
[&](const IndexRange range, const Bounds<T> &init) {
Bounds<T> result = init;
for (const int i : range) {
result.min = math::min(values[i] - radii[i], result.min);
result.max = math::max(values[i] + radii[i], result.max);
return result;
[](const Bounds<T> &a, const Bounds<T> &b) { return merge(a, b); });
} // namespace bounds
namespace detail {
template<typename T, int Size>
[[nodiscard]] inline bool less_or_equal_than(const VecBase<T, Size> &a, const VecBase<T, Size> &b)
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++) {
if (a[i] <= b[i]) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace detail
template<typename T> inline bool Bounds<T>::is_empty() const
if constexpr (std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_floating_point<T>::value) {
return this->max <= this->min;
else {
return detail::less_or_equal_than(this->max, this->min);
template<typename T> inline T Bounds<T>::center() const
return math::midpoint(this->min, this->max);
template<typename T> inline T Bounds<T>::size() const
return math::abs(max - min);
template<typename T> inline void Bounds<T>::translate(const T &offset)
this->min += offset;
this->max += offset;
template<typename T> inline void Bounds<T>::scale_from_center(const T &scale)
const T center = this->center();
const T new_half_size = this->size() / T(2) * scale;
this->min = center - new_half_size;
this->max = center + new_half_size;
template<typename T> inline void Bounds<T>::resize(const T &new_size)
this->min = this->center() - (new_size / T(2));
this->max = this->min + new_size;
template<typename T> inline void Bounds<T>::recenter(const T &new_center)
const T offset = new_center - this->center();
template<typename T>
template<typename PaddingT>
inline void Bounds<T>::pad(const PaddingT &padding)
this->min = this->min - padding;
this->max = this->max + padding;
} // namespace blender