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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
#include "BLI_math_base.hh"
#include "BLI_math_matrix_types.hh"
#include "BLI_math_rotation_types.hh"
#include "BLI_math_vector.hh"
namespace blender::math {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Matrix Operations
* \{ */
* Returns the inverse of a square matrix or zero matrix on failure.
* \a r_success is optional and set to true if the matrix was inverted successfully.
template<typename T, int Size>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, Size, Size> invert(const MatBase<T, Size, Size> &mat, bool &r_success);
* Flip the matrix across its diagonal. Also flips dimensions for non square matrices.
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> transpose(const MatBase<T, NumRow, NumCol> &mat);
* Normalize each column of the matrix individually.
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> normalize(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &a);
* Normalize each column of the matrix individually.
* Return the length of each column vector.
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> normalize_and_get_size(
const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &a, VectorT &r_size);
* Returns the determinant of the matrix.
* It can be interpreted as the signed volume (or area) of the unit cube after transformation.
template<typename T, int Size> [[nodiscard]] T determinant(const MatBase<T, Size, Size> &mat);
* Returns the adjoint of the matrix (also known as adjugate matrix).
template<typename T, int Size>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, Size, Size> adjoint(const MatBase<T, Size, Size> &mat);
* Equivalent to `mat * from_location(translation)` but with fewer operation.
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> translate(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat,
const VectorT &translation);
* Equivalent to `mat * from_rotation(rotation)` but with fewer operation.
* Optimized for AxisAngle rotation on basis vector (i.e: AxisAngle({1, 0, 0}, 0.2)).
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename RotationT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> rotate(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat,
const RotationT &rotation);
* Equivalent to `mat * from_scale(scale)` but with fewer operation.
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> scale(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat,
const VectorT &scale);
* Interpolate each component linearly.
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> interpolate_linear(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &a,
const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &b,
T t);
* A polar-decomposition-based interpolation between matrix A and matrix B.
* \note This code is about five times slower than the 'naive' interpolation
* (it typically remains below 2 usec on an average i74700,
* while naive implementation remains below 0.4 usec).
* However, it gives expected results even with non-uniformly scaled matrices,
* see #46418 for an example.
* Based on "Matrix Animation and Polar Decomposition", by Ken Shoemake & Tom Duff
* \param A: Input matrix which is totally effective with `t = 0.0`.
* \param B: Input matrix which is totally effective with `t = 1.0`.
* \param t: Interpolation factor.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 3, 3> interpolate(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &a,
const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &b,
T t);
* Complete transform matrix interpolation,
* based on polar-decomposition-based interpolation from #interpolate<T, 3, 3>.
* \param A: Input matrix which is totally effective with `t = 0.0`.
* \param B: Input matrix which is totally effective with `t = 1.0`.
* \param t: Interpolation factor.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 4, 4> interpolate(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &a,
const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &b,
T t);
* Naive interpolation implementation, faster than polar decomposition
* \note This code is about five times faster than the polar decomposition.
* However, it gives un-expected results even with non-uniformly scaled matrices,
* see #46418 for an example.
* \param A: Input matrix which is totally effective with `t = 0.0`.
* \param B: Input matrix which is totally effective with `t = 1.0`.
* \param t: Interpolation factor.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 3, 3> interpolate_fast(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &a,
const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &b,
T t);
* Naive transform matrix interpolation,
* based on naive-decomposition-based interpolation from #interpolate_fast<T, 3, 3>.
* \note This code is about five times faster than the polar decomposition.
* However, it gives un-expected results even with non-uniformly scaled matrices,
* see #46418 for an example.
* \param A: Input matrix which is totally effective with `t = 0.0`.
* \param B: Input matrix which is totally effective with `t = 1.0`.
* \param t: Interpolation factor.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 4, 4> interpolate_fast(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &a,
const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &b,
T t);
* Compute Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse of matrix.
* Singular values below epsilon are ignored for stability (truncated SVD).
* Gives a good enough approximation of the regular inverse matrix if the given matrix is
* non-invertible (ex: degenerate transform).
* The returned pseudo inverse matrix `A+` of input matrix `A`
* will *not* satisfy `A+ * A = Identity`
* but will satisfy `A * A+ * A = A`.
* For more detail, see
template<typename T, int Size>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, Size, Size> pseudo_invert(const MatBase<T, Size, Size> &mat,
T epsilon = 1e-8);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Init helpers.
* \{ */
* Create a translation only matrix. Matrix dimensions should be at least 4 col x 3 row.
template<typename MatT> [[nodiscard]] MatT from_location(const typename MatT::loc_type &location);
* Create a matrix whose diagonal is defined by the given scale vector.
* If vector dimension is lower than matrix diagonal, the missing terms are filled with ones.
template<typename MatT, int ScaleDim>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_scale(const VecBase<typename MatT::base_type, ScaleDim> &scale);
* Create a rotation only matrix.
template<typename MatT, typename RotationT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_rotation(const RotationT &rotation);
* Create a transform matrix with rotation and scale applied in this order.
template<typename MatT, typename RotationT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_rot_scale(const RotationT &rotation, const VectorT &scale);
* Create a transform matrix with translation and rotation applied in this order.
template<typename MatT, typename RotationT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_loc_rot(const typename MatT::loc_type &location,
const RotationT &rotation);
* Create a transform matrix with translation, rotation and scale applied in this order.
template<typename MatT, typename RotationT, int ScaleDim>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_loc_rot_scale(const typename MatT::loc_type &location,
const RotationT &rotation,
const VecBase<typename MatT::base_type, ScaleDim> &scale);
* Create a rotation matrix from 2 basis vectors.
* The matrix determinant is given to be positive and it can be converted to other rotation types.
* \note `forward` and `up` must be normalized.
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_orthonormal_axes(const VectorT forward, const VectorT up);
* Create a transform matrix with translation and rotation from 2 basis vectors and a translation.
* \note `forward` and `up` must be normalized.
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_orthonormal_axes(const VectorT location,
const VectorT forward,
const VectorT up);
* Create a rotation matrix from only one \a up axis.
* The other axes are chosen to always be orthogonal. The resulting matrix is a basis matrix.
* \note `up` must be normalized.
* \note This can be used to create a tangent basis from a normal vector.
* \note The output of this function is not given to be same across blender version. Prefer using
* `from_orthonormal_axes` for more stable output.
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT> [[nodiscard]] MatT from_up_axis(const VectorT up);
* This returns a version of \a mat with orthonormal basis axes.
* This leaves the given \a axis untouched.
* In other words this removes the shear of the matrix. However this doesn't properly account for
* volume preservation, and so, the axes keep their respective length.
* \note Prefer using `from_up_axis` to create a orthogonal basis around a vector.
template<typename MatT> [[nodiscard]] MatT orthogonalize(const MatT &mat, const Axis axis);
* Construct a transformation that is pivoted around the given origin point. So for instance,
* from_origin_transform<MatT>(from_rotation(numbers::pi * 0.5), float2(0.0f, 2.0f))
* will construct a transformation representing a 90 degree rotation around the point (0, 2).
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_origin_transform(const MatT &transform, const VectorT origin);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Conversion function.
* \{ */
* Extract euler rotation from transform matrix.
* \return the rotation with the smallest values from the potential candidates.
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] inline AngleRadianBase<T> to_angle(const MatBase<T, 2, 2> &mat);
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] inline EulerXYZBase<T> to_euler(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat);
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] inline EulerXYZBase<T> to_euler(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline Euler3Base<T> to_euler(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, EulerOrder order);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline Euler3Base<T> to_euler(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat, EulerOrder order);
* Extract euler rotation from transform matrix.
* The returned euler triple is given to be the closest from the \a reference.
* It avoids axis flipping for animated f-curves for eg.
* \return the rotation with the smallest values from the potential candidates.
* \note this correspond to the C API "to_compatible" functions.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline EulerXYZBase<T> to_nearest_euler(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
const EulerXYZBase<T> &reference);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline EulerXYZBase<T> to_nearest_euler(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat,
const EulerXYZBase<T> &reference);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline Euler3Base<T> to_nearest_euler(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
const Euler3Base<T> &reference);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline Euler3Base<T> to_nearest_euler(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat,
const Euler3Base<T> &reference);
* Extract quaternion rotation from transform matrix.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline QuaternionBase<T> to_quaternion(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline QuaternionBase<T> to_quaternion(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat);
* Extract quaternion rotation from transform matrix.
* Legacy version of #to_quaternion which has slightly different behavior.
* Keep for particle-system & boids since replacing this will make subtle changes
* that impact hair in existing files. See: D15772.
[[nodiscard]] Quaternion to_quaternion_legacy(const float3x3 &mat);
* Extract the absolute 3d scale from a transform matrix.
* \tparam AllowNegativeScale: if true, will compute determinant to know if matrix is negative.
* This is a costly operation so it is disabled by default.
template<bool AllowNegativeScale = false, typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] inline VecBase<T, 3> to_scale(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat);
template<bool AllowNegativeScale = false, typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline VecBase<T, 2> to_scale(const MatBase<T, 2, 2> &mat);
* Decompose a matrix into location, rotation, and scale components.
* \tparam AllowNegativeScale: if true, will compute determinant to know if matrix is negative.
* Rotation and scale values will be flipped if it is negative.
* This is a costly operation so it is disabled by default.
template<bool AllowNegativeScale = false, typename T>
inline void to_rot_scale(const MatBase<T, 2, 2> &mat,
AngleRadianBase<T> &r_rotation,
VecBase<T, 2> &r_scale);
template<bool AllowNegativeScale = false, typename T>
inline void to_loc_rot_scale(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
VecBase<T, 2> &r_location,
AngleRadianBase<T> &r_rotation,
VecBase<T, 2> &r_scale);
template<bool AllowNegativeScale = false, typename T, typename RotationT>
inline void to_rot_scale(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
RotationT &r_rotation,
VecBase<T, 3> &r_scale);
template<bool AllowNegativeScale = false, typename T, typename RotationT>
inline void to_loc_rot_scale(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat,
VecBase<T, 3> &r_location,
RotationT &r_rotation,
VecBase<T, 3> &r_scale);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Transform functions.
* \{ */
* Transform a 3d point using a 3x3 matrix (rotation & scale).
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] VecBase<T, 3> transform_point(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
const VecBase<T, 3> &point);
* Transform a 3d point using a 4x4 matrix (location & rotation & scale).
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] VecBase<T, 3> transform_point(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat,
const VecBase<T, 3> &point);
* Transform a 3d direction vector using a 3x3 matrix (rotation & scale).
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] VecBase<T, 3> transform_direction(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
const VecBase<T, 3> &direction);
* Transform a 3d direction vector using a 4x4 matrix (rotation & scale).
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] VecBase<T, 3> transform_direction(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat,
const VecBase<T, 3> &direction);
* Project a point using a matrix (location & rotation & scale & perspective divide).
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] VectorT project_point(const MatT &mat, const VectorT &point);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Projection Matrices.
* \{ */
namespace projection {
* \brief Create an orthographic projection matrix using OpenGL coordinate convention:
* Maps each axis range to [-1..1] range for all axes.
* The resulting matrix can be used with either #project_point or #transform_point.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 4, 4> orthographic(
T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near_clip, T far_clip);
* \brief Create an orthographic projection matrix using OpenGL coordinate convention:
* Maps each axis range to [-1..1] range for all axes except Z.
* The Z axis is collapsed to 0 which eliminates the depth component. So it cannot be used with
* depth testing.
* The resulting matrix can be used with either #project_point or #transform_point.
template<typename T> MatBase<T, 4, 4> orthographic_infinite(T left, T right, T bottom, T top);
* \brief Create a perspective projection matrix using OpenGL coordinate convention:
* Maps each axis range to [-1..1] range for all axes.
* `left`, `right`, `bottom`, `top` are frustum side distances at `z=near_clip`.
* The resulting matrix can be used with #project_point.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 4, 4> perspective(
T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near_clip, T far_clip);
* \brief Create a perspective projection matrix using OpenGL coordinate convention:
* Maps each axis range to [-1..1] range for all axes.
* Uses field of view angles instead of plane distances.
* The resulting matrix can be used with #project_point.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 4, 4> perspective_fov(
T angle_left, T angle_right, T angle_bottom, T angle_top, T near_clip, T far_clip);
* \brief Create a perspective projection matrix using OpenGL coordinate convention:
* Maps each axis range to [-1..1] range for all axes except for the Z where [near_clip..inf] is
* mapped to [-1..1].
* `left`, `right`, `bottom`, `top` are frustum side distances at `z=near_clip`.
* The resulting matrix can be used with #project_point.
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 4, 4> perspective_infinite(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near_clip);
} // namespace projection
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Compare / Test
* \{ */
* Returns true if matrix has inverted handedness.
* \note It doesn't use determinant(mat4x4) as only the 3x3 components are needed
* when the matrix is used as a transformation to represent location/scale/rotation.
template<typename T, int Size> [[nodiscard]] bool is_negative(const MatBase<T, Size, Size> &mat)
return determinant(mat) < T(0);
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] bool is_negative(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat);
* Returns true if matrices are equal within the given epsilon.
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] inline bool is_equal(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &a,
const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &b,
const T epsilon = T(0))
for (int i = 0; i < NumCol; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NumRow; j++) {
if (math::abs(a[i][j] - b[i][j]) > epsilon) {
return false;
return true;
* Test if the X, Y and Z axes are perpendicular with each other.
template<typename MatT> [[nodiscard]] inline bool is_orthogonal(const MatT &mat)
if (math::abs(math::dot(mat.x_axis(), mat.y_axis())) > 1e-5f) {
return false;
if (math::abs(math::dot(mat.y_axis(), mat.z_axis())) > 1e-5f) {
return false;
if (math::abs(math::dot(mat.z_axis(), mat.x_axis())) > 1e-5f) {
return false;
return true;
* Test if the X, Y and Z axes are perpendicular with each other and unit length.
template<typename MatT> [[nodiscard]] inline bool is_orthonormal(const MatT &mat)
if (!is_orthogonal(mat)) {
return false;
if (math::abs(math::length_squared(mat.x_axis()) - 1) > 1e-5f) {
return false;
if (math::abs(math::length_squared(mat.y_axis()) - 1) > 1e-5f) {
return false;
if (math::abs(math::length_squared(mat.z_axis()) - 1) > 1e-5f) {
return false;
return true;
* Test if the X, Y and Z axes are perpendicular with each other and the same length.
template<typename MatT> [[nodiscard]] inline bool is_uniformly_scaled(const MatT &mat)
if (!is_orthogonal(mat)) {
return false;
using T = typename MatT::base_type;
const T eps = 1e-7;
const T x = math::length_squared(mat.x_axis());
const T y = math::length_squared(mat.y_axis());
const T z = math::length_squared(mat.z_axis());
return (math::abs(x - y) < eps) && math::abs(x - z) < eps;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
inline bool is_zero(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat)
for (int i = 0; i < NumCol; i++) {
if (!is_zero(mat[i])) {
return false;
return true;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Implementation.
* \{ */
/* Implementation details. */
namespace detail {
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const AngleRadianBase<T> &rotation);
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const EulerXYZBase<T> &rotation);
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const Euler3Base<T> &rotation);
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const QuaternionBase<T> &rotation);
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const DualQuaternionBase<T> &rotation);
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const CartesianBasis &rotation);
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename AngleT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const AxisAngleBase<T, AngleT> &rotation);
} // namespace detail
/* Returns true if each individual columns are unit scaled. Mainly for assert usage. */
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] inline bool is_unit_scale(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &m)
for (int i = 0; i < NumCol; i++) {
if (!is_unit_scale(m[i])) {
return false;
return true;
template<typename T, int Size>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, Size, Size> invert(const MatBase<T, Size, Size> &mat)
bool success;
/* Explicit template parameter to please MSVC. */
return invert<T, Size>(mat, success);
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> transpose(const MatBase<T, NumRow, NumCol> &mat)
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> result;
unroll<NumCol>([&](auto i) { unroll<NumRow>([&](auto j) { result[i][j] = mat[j][i]; }); });
return result;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> translate(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat,
const VectorT &translation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(VectorT::type_length <= MatT::col_len - 1,
"Translation should be at least 1 column less than the matrix.");
constexpr int location_col = MatT::col_len - 1;
/* Avoid multiplying the last row if it exists.
* Allows using non square matrices like float3x2 and saves computation. */
using IntermediateVecT =
VecBase<typename MatT::base_type,
(MatT::row_len > MatT::col_len - 1) ? (MatT::col_len - 1) : MatT::row_len>;
MatT result = mat;
unroll<VectorT::type_length>([&](auto c) {
*reinterpret_cast<IntermediateVecT *>(
&result[location_col]) += translation[c] *
*reinterpret_cast<const IntermediateVecT *>(&mat[c]);
return result;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename AngleT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> rotate(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat,
const AxisAngleBase<T, AngleT> &rotation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
using Vec3T = typename MatT::vec3_type;
const T angle_sin = sin(rotation.angle());
const T angle_cos = cos(rotation.angle());
const Vec3T &axis_vec = rotation.axis();
MatT result = mat;
/* axis_vec is given to be normalized. */
if (axis_vec.x == T(1)) {
unroll<MatT::row_len>([&](auto c) {
result[2][c] = -angle_sin * mat[1][c] + angle_cos * mat[2][c];
result[1][c] = angle_cos * mat[1][c] + angle_sin * mat[2][c];
else if (axis_vec.y == T(1)) {
unroll<MatT::row_len>([&](auto c) {
result[0][c] = angle_cos * mat[0][c] - angle_sin * mat[2][c];
result[2][c] = angle_sin * mat[0][c] + angle_cos * mat[2][c];
else if (axis_vec.z == T(1)) {
unroll<MatT::row_len>([&](auto c) {
result[0][c] = angle_cos * mat[0][c] + angle_sin * mat[1][c];
result[1][c] = -angle_sin * mat[0][c] + angle_cos * mat[1][c];
else {
/* Un-optimized case. Arbitrary */
result *= from_rotation<MatT>(rotation);
return result;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> scale(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat,
const VectorT &scale)
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(VectorT::type_length <= NumCol,
"Scale should be less or equal to the matrix in column count.");
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> result = mat;
unroll<VectorT::type_length>([&](auto c) { result[c] *= scale[c]; });
return result;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> interpolate_linear(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &a,
const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &b,
T t)
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> result;
unroll<NumCol>([&](auto c) { result[c] = interpolate(a[c], b[c], t); });
return result;
template<typename T,
int NumCol,
int NumRow,
int SrcNumCol,
int SrcNumRow,
int SrcStartCol,
int SrcStartRow,
int SrcAlignment>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> normalize(
const MatView<T, NumCol, NumRow, SrcNumCol, SrcNumRow, SrcStartCol, SrcStartRow, SrcAlignment>
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> result;
unroll<NumCol>([&](auto i) { result[i] = math::normalize(a[i]); });
return result;
template<typename T,
int NumCol,
int NumRow,
int SrcNumCol,
int SrcNumRow,
int SrcStartCol,
int SrcStartRow,
int SrcAlignment,
typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> normalize_and_get_size(
const MatView<T, NumCol, NumRow, SrcNumCol, SrcNumRow, SrcStartCol, SrcStartRow, SrcAlignment>
VectorT &r_size)
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(VectorT::type_length == NumCol,
"r_size dimension should be equal to matrix column count.");
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> result;
unroll<NumCol>([&](auto i) { result[i] = math::normalize_and_get_length(a[i], r_size[i]); });
return result;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> normalize(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &a)
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> result;
unroll<NumCol>([&](auto i) { result[i] = math::normalize(a[i]); });
return result;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> normalize_and_get_size(
const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &a, VectorT &r_size)
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(VectorT::type_length == NumCol,
"r_size dimension should be equal to matrix column count.");
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> result;
unroll<NumCol>([&](auto i) { result[i] = math::normalize_and_get_length(a[i], r_size[i]); });
return result;
namespace detail {
template<typename T> AngleRadianBase<T> normalized_to_angle(const MatBase<T, 2, 2> &mat)
return AngleRadianBase(mat[0][0], mat[0][1]);
template<typename T>
void normalized_to_eul2(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, EulerXYZBase<T> &eul1, EulerXYZBase<T> &eul2)
const T cy = math::hypot(mat[0][0], mat[0][1]);
if (cy > T(16) * std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()) {
eul1.x() = math::atan2(mat[1][2], mat[2][2]);
eul1.y() = math::atan2(-mat[0][2], cy);
eul1.z() = math::atan2(mat[0][1], mat[0][0]);
eul2.x() = math::atan2(-mat[1][2], -mat[2][2]);
eul2.y() = math::atan2(-mat[0][2], -cy);
eul2.z() = math::atan2(-mat[0][1], -mat[0][0]);
else {
eul1.x() = math::atan2(-mat[2][1], mat[1][1]);
eul1.y() = math::atan2(-mat[0][2], cy);
eul1.z() = 0.0f;
eul2 = eul1;
template<typename T>
void normalized_to_eul2(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, Euler3Base<T> &eul1, Euler3Base<T> &eul2)
const int i_index = eul1.i_index();
const int j_index = eul1.j_index();
const int k_index = eul1.k_index();
const T cy = math::hypot(mat[i_index][i_index], mat[i_index][j_index]);
if (cy > T(16) * std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()) {
eul1.i() = math::atan2(mat[j_index][k_index], mat[k_index][k_index]);
eul1.j() = math::atan2(-mat[i_index][k_index], cy);
eul1.k() = math::atan2(mat[i_index][j_index], mat[i_index][i_index]);
eul2.i() = math::atan2(-mat[j_index][k_index], -mat[k_index][k_index]);
eul2.j() = math::atan2(-mat[i_index][k_index], -cy);
eul2.k() = math::atan2(-mat[i_index][j_index], -mat[i_index][i_index]);
else {
eul1.i() = math::atan2(-mat[k_index][j_index], mat[j_index][j_index]);
eul1.j() = math::atan2(-mat[i_index][k_index], cy);
eul1.k() = 0.0f;
eul2 = eul1;
if (eul1.parity()) {
eul1 = -eul1;
eul2 = -eul2;
/* Using explicit template instantiations in order to reduce compilation time. */
extern template void normalized_to_eul2(const float3x3 &mat,
Euler3Base<float> &eul1,
Euler3Base<float> &eul2);
extern template void normalized_to_eul2(const float3x3 &mat,
EulerXYZBase<float> &eul1,
EulerXYZBase<float> &eul2);
extern template void normalized_to_eul2(const double3x3 &mat,
EulerXYZBase<double> &eul1,
EulerXYZBase<double> &eul2);
template<typename T> QuaternionBase<T> normalized_to_quat_fast(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat)
/* Caller must ensure matrices aren't negative for valid results, see: #24291, #94231. */
QuaternionBase<T> q;
/* Method outlined by Mike Day, ref:
* with an additional `sqrtf(..)` for higher precision result.
* Removing the `sqrt` causes tests to fail unless the precision is set to 1e-6 or larger. */
if (mat[2][2] < 0.0f) {
if (mat[0][0] > mat[1][1]) {
const T trace = 1.0f + mat[0][0] - mat[1][1] - mat[2][2];
T s = 2.0f * math::sqrt(trace);
if (mat[1][2] < mat[2][1]) {
/* Ensure W is non-negative for a canonical result. */
s = -s;
q.x = 0.25f * s;
s = 1.0f / s;
q.w = (mat[1][2] - mat[2][1]) * s;
q.y = (mat[0][1] + mat[1][0]) * s;
q.z = (mat[2][0] + mat[0][2]) * s;
if (UNLIKELY((trace == 1.0f) && (q.w == 0.0f && q.y == 0.0f && q.z == 0.0f))) {
/* Avoids the need to normalize the degenerate case. */
q.x = 1.0f;
else {
const T trace = 1.0f - mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] - mat[2][2];
T s = 2.0f * math::sqrt(trace);
if (mat[2][0] < mat[0][2]) {
/* Ensure W is non-negative for a canonical result. */
s = -s;
q.y = 0.25f * s;
s = 1.0f / s;
q.w = (mat[2][0] - mat[0][2]) * s;
q.x = (mat[0][1] + mat[1][0]) * s;
q.z = (mat[1][2] + mat[2][1]) * s;
if (UNLIKELY((trace == 1.0f) && (q.w == 0.0f && q.x == 0.0f && q.z == 0.0f))) {
/* Avoids the need to normalize the degenerate case. */
q.y = 1.0f;
else {
if (mat[0][0] < -mat[1][1]) {
const T trace = 1.0f - mat[0][0] - mat[1][1] + mat[2][2];
T s = 2.0f * math::sqrt(trace);
if (mat[0][1] < mat[1][0]) {
/* Ensure W is non-negative for a canonical result. */
s = -s;
q.z = 0.25f * s;
s = 1.0f / s;
q.w = (mat[0][1] - mat[1][0]) * s;
q.x = (mat[2][0] + mat[0][2]) * s;
q.y = (mat[1][2] + mat[2][1]) * s;
if (UNLIKELY((trace == 1.0f) && (q.w == 0.0f && q.x == 0.0f && q.y == 0.0f))) {
/* Avoids the need to normalize the degenerate case. */
q.z = 1.0f;
else {
/* NOTE(@ideasman42): A zero matrix will fall through to this block,
* needed so a zero scaled matrices to return a quaternion without rotation, see: #101848.
const T trace = 1.0f + mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][2];
T s = 2.0f * math::sqrt(trace);
q.w = 0.25f * s;
s = 1.0f / s;
q.x = (mat[1][2] - mat[2][1]) * s;
q.y = (mat[2][0] - mat[0][2]) * s;
q.z = (mat[0][1] - mat[1][0]) * s;
if (UNLIKELY((trace == 1.0f) && (q.x == 0.0f && q.y == 0.0f && q.z == 0.0f))) {
/* Avoids the need to normalize the degenerate case. */
q.w = 1.0f;
BLI_assert(!(q.w < 0.0f));
BLI_assert(math::is_unit_scale(VecBase<T, 4>(q)));
return q;
template<typename T> QuaternionBase<T> normalized_to_quat_with_checks(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat)
const T det = math::determinant(mat);
if (UNLIKELY(!std::isfinite(det))) {
return QuaternionBase<T>::identity();
else if (UNLIKELY(det < T(0))) {
return normalized_to_quat_fast(-mat);
return normalized_to_quat_fast(mat);
/* Using explicit template instantiations in order to reduce compilation time. */
extern template QuaternionBase<float> normalized_to_quat_with_checks(const float3x3 &mat);
extern template QuaternionBase<double> normalized_to_quat_with_checks(const double3x3 &mat);
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const EulerXYZBase<T> &rotation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
using DoublePrecision = typename TypeTraits<T>::DoublePrecision;
const DoublePrecision cos_i = math::cos(DoublePrecision(rotation.x().radian()));
const DoublePrecision cos_j = math::cos(DoublePrecision(rotation.y().radian()));
const DoublePrecision cos_k = math::cos(DoublePrecision(rotation.z().radian()));
const DoublePrecision sin_i = math::sin(DoublePrecision(rotation.x().radian()));
const DoublePrecision sin_j = math::sin(DoublePrecision(rotation.y().radian()));
const DoublePrecision sin_k = math::sin(DoublePrecision(rotation.z().radian()));
const DoublePrecision cos_i_cos_k = cos_i * cos_k;
const DoublePrecision cos_i_sin_k = cos_i * sin_k;
const DoublePrecision sin_i_cos_k = sin_i * cos_k;
const DoublePrecision sin_i_sin_k = sin_i * sin_k;
MatT mat = MatT::identity();
mat[0][0] = T(cos_j * cos_k);
mat[1][0] = T(sin_j * sin_i_cos_k - cos_i_sin_k);
mat[2][0] = T(sin_j * cos_i_cos_k + sin_i_sin_k);
mat[0][1] = T(cos_j * sin_k);
mat[1][1] = T(sin_j * sin_i_sin_k + cos_i_cos_k);
mat[2][1] = T(sin_j * cos_i_sin_k - sin_i_cos_k);
mat[0][2] = T(-sin_j);
mat[1][2] = T(cos_j * sin_i);
mat[2][2] = T(cos_j * cos_i);
return mat;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const Euler3Base<T> &rotation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
const int i_index = rotation.i_index();
const int j_index = rotation.j_index();
const int k_index = rotation.k_index();
#if 1 /* Reference. */
EulerXYZBase<T> euler_xyz(rotation.ijk());
const MatT mat = from_rotation<T, NumCol, NumRow>(rotation.parity() ? -euler_xyz : euler_xyz);
MatT result = MatT::identity();
result[i_index][i_index] = mat[0][0];
result[j_index][i_index] = mat[1][0];
result[k_index][i_index] = mat[2][0];
result[i_index][j_index] = mat[0][1];
result[j_index][j_index] = mat[1][1];
result[k_index][j_index] = mat[2][1];
result[i_index][k_index] = mat[0][2];
result[j_index][k_index] = mat[1][2];
result[k_index][k_index] = mat[2][2];
/* TODO(fclem): Manually inline and check performance difference. */
return result;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const QuaternionBase<T> &rotation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
using DoublePrecision = typename TypeTraits<T>::DoublePrecision;
const DoublePrecision q0 = numbers::sqrt2 * DoublePrecision(rotation.w);
const DoublePrecision q1 = numbers::sqrt2 * DoublePrecision(rotation.x);
const DoublePrecision q2 = numbers::sqrt2 * DoublePrecision(rotation.y);
const DoublePrecision q3 = numbers::sqrt2 * DoublePrecision(rotation.z);
const DoublePrecision qda = q0 * q1;
const DoublePrecision qdb = q0 * q2;
const DoublePrecision qdc = q0 * q3;
const DoublePrecision qaa = q1 * q1;
const DoublePrecision qab = q1 * q2;
const DoublePrecision qac = q1 * q3;
const DoublePrecision qbb = q2 * q2;
const DoublePrecision qbc = q2 * q3;
const DoublePrecision qcc = q3 * q3;
MatT mat = MatT::identity();
mat[0][0] = T(1.0 - qbb - qcc);
mat[0][1] = T(qdc + qab);
mat[0][2] = T(-qdb + qac);
mat[1][0] = T(-qdc + qab);
mat[1][1] = T(1.0 - qaa - qcc);
mat[1][2] = T(qda + qbc);
mat[2][0] = T(qdb + qac);
mat[2][1] = T(-qda + qbc);
mat[2][2] = T(1.0 - qaa - qbb);
return mat;
/* Not technically speaking a simple rotation, but a whole transform. */
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const DualQuaternionBase<T> &rotation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
* From:
* "Skinning with Dual Quaternions"
* Ladislav Kavan, Steven Collins, Jiri Zara, Carol O'Sullivan
* Trinity College Dublin, Czech Technical University in Prague
/* Follow the paper notation. */
const QuaternionBase<T> &c0 = rotation.quat;
const QuaternionBase<T> &ce = rotation.trans;
const T &w0 = c0.w, &x0 = c0.x, &y0 = c0.y, &z0 = c0.z;
const T &we = ce.w, &xe = ce.x, &ye = ce.y, &ze = ce.z;
/* Rotation. */
MatT mat = from_rotation<T, NumCol, NumRow>(c0);
/* Translation. */
mat[3][0] = T(2) * (-we * x0 + xe * w0 - ye * z0 + ze * y0);
mat[3][1] = T(2) * (-we * y0 + xe * z0 + ye * w0 - ze * x0);
mat[3][2] = T(2) * (-we * z0 - xe * y0 + ye * x0 + ze * w0);
/* Scale. */
if (rotation.scale_weight != T(0)) {
mat.template view<4, 4>() = mat * rotation.scale;
return mat;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const CartesianBasis &rotation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
MatT mat = MatT::identity();
mat.x_axis() = to_vector<VecBase<T, 3>>(rotation.axes.x);
mat.y_axis() = to_vector<VecBase<T, 3>>(rotation.axes.y);
mat.z_axis() = to_vector<VecBase<T, 3>>(rotation.axes.z);
return mat;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow, typename AngleT>
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const AxisAngleBase<T, AngleT> &rotation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
using Vec3T = typename MatT::vec3_type;
const T angle_sin = sin(rotation.angle());
const T angle_cos = cos(rotation.angle());
const Vec3T &axis = rotation.axis();
T ico = (T(1) - angle_cos);
Vec3T nsi = axis * angle_sin;
Vec3T n012 = (axis * axis) * ico;
T n_01 = (axis[0] * axis[1]) * ico;
T n_02 = (axis[0] * axis[2]) * ico;
T n_12 = (axis[1] * axis[2]) * ico;
MatT mat = from_scale<MatT>(n012 + angle_cos);
mat[0][1] = n_01 + nsi[2];
mat[0][2] = n_02 - nsi[1];
mat[1][0] = n_01 - nsi[2];
mat[1][2] = n_12 + nsi[0];
mat[2][0] = n_02 + nsi[1];
mat[2][1] = n_12 - nsi[0];
return mat;
template<typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> from_rotation(const AngleRadianBase<T> &rotation)
using MatT = MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow>;
const T cos_i = cos(rotation);
const T sin_i = sin(rotation);
MatT mat = MatT::identity();
mat[0][0] = cos_i;
mat[1][0] = -sin_i;
mat[0][1] = sin_i;
mat[1][1] = cos_i;
return mat;
/* Using explicit template instantiations in order to reduce compilation time. */
extern template MatBase<float, 2, 2> from_rotation(const AngleRadian &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 3, 3> from_rotation(const AngleRadian &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 3, 3> from_rotation(const EulerXYZ &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 4, 4> from_rotation(const EulerXYZ &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 3, 3> from_rotation(const Euler3 &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 4, 4> from_rotation(const Euler3 &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 3, 3> from_rotation(const Quaternion &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 4, 4> from_rotation(const Quaternion &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 3, 3> from_rotation(const AxisAngle &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 4, 4> from_rotation(const AxisAngle &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 3, 3> from_rotation(const AxisAngleCartesian &rotation);
extern template MatBase<float, 4, 4> from_rotation(const AxisAngleCartesian &rotation);
} // namespace detail
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] inline AngleRadianBase<T> to_angle(const MatBase<T, 2, 2> &mat)
return detail::normalized_to_angle(mat);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline Euler3Base<T> to_euler(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, EulerOrder order)
Euler3Base<T> eul1(order), eul2(order);
detail::normalized_to_eul2(mat, eul1, eul2);
/* Return best, which is just the one with lowest values in it. */
return (length_manhattan(VecBase<T, 3>(eul1)) > length_manhattan(VecBase<T, 3>(eul2))) ? eul2 :
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] inline EulerXYZBase<T> to_euler(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat)
EulerXYZBase<T> eul1, eul2;
detail::normalized_to_eul2(mat, eul1, eul2);
/* Return best, which is just the one with lowest values in it. */
return (length_manhattan(VecBase<T, 3>(eul1)) > length_manhattan(VecBase<T, 3>(eul2))) ? eul2 :
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline Euler3Base<T> to_euler(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat, EulerOrder order)
/* TODO(fclem): Avoid the copy with 3x3 ref. */
return to_euler<T>(MatBase<T, 3, 3>(mat), order);
template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] inline EulerXYZBase<T> to_euler(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat)
/* TODO(fclem): Avoid the copy with 3x3 ref. */
return to_euler<T>(MatBase<T, 3, 3>(mat));
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline Euler3Base<T> to_nearest_euler(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
const Euler3Base<T> &reference)
Euler3Base<T> eul1(reference.order()), eul2(reference.order());
detail::normalized_to_eul2(mat, eul1, eul2);
eul1 = eul1.wrapped_around(reference);
eul2 = eul2.wrapped_around(reference);
/* Return best, which is just the one with lowest values it in. */
return (length_manhattan(VecBase<T, 3>(eul1) - VecBase<T, 3>(reference)) >
length_manhattan(VecBase<T, 3>(eul2) - VecBase<T, 3>(reference))) ?
eul2 :
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline EulerXYZBase<T> to_nearest_euler(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
const EulerXYZBase<T> &reference)
EulerXYZBase<T> eul1, eul2;
detail::normalized_to_eul2(mat, eul1, eul2);
eul1 = eul1.wrapped_around(reference);
eul2 = eul2.wrapped_around(reference);
/* Return best, which is just the one with lowest values it in. */
return (length_manhattan(VecBase<T, 3>(eul1) - VecBase<T, 3>(reference)) >
length_manhattan(VecBase<T, 3>(eul2) - VecBase<T, 3>(reference))) ?
eul2 :
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline Euler3Base<T> to_nearest_euler(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat,
const Euler3Base<T> &reference)
/* TODO(fclem): Avoid the copy with 3x3 ref. */
return to_euler<T>(MatBase<T, 3, 3>(mat), reference);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline EulerXYZBase<T> to_nearest_euler(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat,
const EulerXYZBase<T> &reference)
/* TODO(fclem): Avoid the copy with 3x3 ref. */
return to_euler<T>(MatBase<T, 3, 3>(mat), reference);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline QuaternionBase<T> to_quaternion(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat)
return detail::normalized_to_quat_with_checks(mat);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline QuaternionBase<T> to_quaternion(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat)
/* TODO(fclem): Avoid the copy with 3x3 ref. */
return to_quaternion<T>(MatBase<T, 3, 3>(mat));
template<bool AllowNegativeScale, typename T, int NumCol, int NumRow>
[[nodiscard]] inline VecBase<T, 3> to_scale(const MatBase<T, NumCol, NumRow> &mat)
VecBase<T, 3> result = {length(mat.x_axis()), length(mat.y_axis()), length(mat.z_axis())};
if constexpr (AllowNegativeScale) {
if (UNLIKELY(is_negative(mat))) {
result = -result;
return result;
template<bool AllowNegativeScale, typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline VecBase<T, 2> to_scale(const MatBase<T, 2, 2> &mat)
VecBase<T, 2> result = {length(mat.x), length(mat.y)};
if constexpr (AllowNegativeScale) {
if (UNLIKELY(is_negative(mat))) {
result = -result;
return result;
/* Implementation details. Use `to_euler` and `to_quaternion` instead. */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
inline void to_rotation(const MatBase<T, 2, 2> &mat, AngleRadianBase<T> &r_rotation)
r_rotation = to_angle<T>(mat);
template<typename T>
inline void to_rotation(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, QuaternionBase<T> &r_rotation)
r_rotation = to_quaternion<T>(mat);
template<typename T>
inline void to_rotation(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, EulerXYZBase<T> &r_rotation)
r_rotation = to_euler<T>(mat);
template<typename T>
inline void to_rotation(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, Euler3Base<T> &r_rotation)
r_rotation = to_euler<T>(mat, r_rotation.order());
} // namespace detail
template<bool AllowNegativeScale, typename T>
inline void to_rot_scale(const MatBase<T, 2, 2> &mat,
AngleRadianBase<T> &r_rotation,
VecBase<T, 2> &r_scale)
MatBase<T, 2, 2> normalized_mat = normalize_and_get_size(mat, r_scale);
if constexpr (AllowNegativeScale) {
if (UNLIKELY(is_negative(normalized_mat))) {
normalized_mat = -normalized_mat;
r_scale = -r_scale;
detail::to_rotation<T>(normalized_mat, r_rotation);
template<bool AllowNegativeScale, typename T>
inline void to_loc_rot_scale(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
VecBase<T, 2> &r_location,
AngleRadianBase<T> &r_rotation,
VecBase<T, 2> &r_scale)
r_location = mat.location();
to_rot_scale<AllowNegativeScale>(MatBase<T, 2, 2>(mat), r_rotation, r_scale);
template<bool AllowNegativeScale, typename T, typename RotationT>
inline void to_rot_scale(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat,
RotationT &r_rotation,
VecBase<T, 3> &r_scale)
MatBase<T, 3, 3> normalized_mat = normalize_and_get_size(mat, r_scale);
if constexpr (AllowNegativeScale) {
if (UNLIKELY(is_negative(normalized_mat))) {
normalized_mat = -normalized_mat;
r_scale = -r_scale;
detail::to_rotation<T>(normalized_mat, r_rotation);
template<bool AllowNegativeScale, typename T, typename RotationT>
inline void to_loc_rot_scale(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat,
VecBase<T, 3> &r_location,
RotationT &r_rotation,
VecBase<T, 3> &r_scale)
r_location = mat.location();
to_rot_scale<AllowNegativeScale>(MatBase<T, 3, 3>(mat), r_rotation, r_scale);
template<typename MatT> [[nodiscard]] MatT from_location(const typename MatT::loc_type &location)
MatT mat = MatT::identity();
mat.location() = location;
return mat;
template<typename MatT, int ScaleDim>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_scale(const VecBase<typename MatT::base_type, ScaleDim> &scale)
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(ScaleDim <= MatT::min_dim,
"Scale dimension should fit the matrix diagonal length.");
MatT result{};
[&](auto i) { result[i][i] = (i < ScaleDim) ? scale[i] : typename MatT::base_type(1); });
return result;
template<typename MatT, typename RotationT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_rotation(const RotationT &rotation)
return detail::from_rotation<typename MatT::base_type, MatT::col_len, MatT::row_len>(rotation);
template<typename MatT, typename RotationT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_rot_scale(const RotationT &rotation, const VectorT &scale)
return from_rotation<MatT>(rotation) * from_scale<MatT>(scale);
template<typename MatT, typename RotationT, int ScaleDim>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_loc_rot_scale(const typename MatT::loc_type &location,
const RotationT &rotation,
const VecBase<typename MatT::base_type, ScaleDim> &scale)
using MatRotT =
MatBase<typename MatT::base_type, MatT::loc_type::type_length, MatT::loc_type::type_length>;
MatT mat = MatT(from_rot_scale<MatRotT>(rotation, scale));
mat.location() = location;
return mat;
template<typename MatT, typename RotationT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_loc_rot(const typename MatT::loc_type &location, const RotationT &rotation)
using MatRotT =
MatBase<typename MatT::base_type, MatT::loc_type::type_length, MatT::loc_type::type_length>;
MatT mat = MatT(from_rotation<MatRotT>(rotation));
mat.location() = location;
return mat;
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_orthonormal_axes(const VectorT forward, const VectorT up)
/* TODO(fclem): This is wrong. Forward is Y. */
MatT matrix;
matrix.x_axis() = forward;
/* Beware of handedness! Blender uses right-handedness.
* Resulting matrix should have determinant of 1. */
matrix.y_axis() = math::cross(up, forward);
matrix.z_axis() = up;
return matrix;
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_orthonormal_axes(const VectorT location,
const VectorT forward,
const VectorT up)
using Mat3x3 = MatBase<typename MatT::base_type, 3, 3>;
MatT matrix = MatT(from_orthonormal_axes<Mat3x3>(forward, up));
matrix.location() = location;
return matrix;
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT> [[nodiscard]] MatT from_up_axis(const VectorT up)
using T = typename MatT::base_type;
using Vec3T = VecBase<T, 3>;
/* Duff, Tom, et al. "Building an orthonormal basis, revisited." JCGT 6.1 (2017). */
T sign = up.z >= T(0) ? T(1) : T(-1);
T a = T(-1) / (sign + up.z);
T b = up.x * up.y * a;
MatBase<T, 3, 3> basis;
basis.x_axis() = Vec3T(1.0f + sign * square(up.x) * a, sign * b, -sign * up.x);
basis.y_axis() = Vec3T(b, sign + square(up.y) * a, -up.y);
basis.z_axis() = up;
return MatT(basis);
template<typename MatT> [[nodiscard]] MatT orthogonalize(const MatT &mat, const Axis axis)
using T = typename MatT::base_type;
using Vec3T = VecBase<T, 3>;
Vec3T scale;
MatBase<T, 3, 3> R;
R.x = normalize_and_get_length(mat.x_axis(), scale.x);
R.y = normalize_and_get_length(mat.y_axis(), scale.y);
R.z = normalize_and_get_length(mat.z_axis(), scale.z);
/* NOTE(fclem) This is a direct port from `orthogonalize_m4()`.
* To select the secondary axis, it checks if the candidate axis is not colinear.
* The issue is that the candidate axes are not normalized so this dot product
* check is kind of pointless.
* Because of this, the target axis could still be colinear but pass the check. */
#if 1 /* Reproduce C API behavior. Do not normalize other axes. */
switch (axis) {
case Axis::X:
R.y = mat.y_axis();
R.z = mat.z_axis();
case Axis::Y:
R.x = mat.x_axis();
R.z = mat.z_axis();
case Axis::Z:
R.x = mat.x_axis();
R.y = mat.y_axis();
* The secondary axis is chosen as follow (X->Y, Y->X, Z->X).
* If this axis is co-planar try the third axis.
* If also co-planar, make up an axis by shuffling the primary axis coordinates (XYZ > YZX).
switch (axis) {
case Axis::X:
if (dot(R.x, R.y) < T(1)) {
R.z = normalize(cross(R.x, R.y));
R.y = cross(R.z, R.x);
else if (dot(R.x, R.z) < T(1)) {
R.y = normalize(cross(R.z, R.x));
R.z = cross(R.x, R.y);
else {
R.z = normalize(cross(R.x, Vec3T(R.x.y, R.x.z, R.x.x)));
R.y = cross(R.z, R.x);
case Axis::Y:
if (dot(R.y, R.x) < T(1)) {
R.z = normalize(cross(R.x, R.y));
R.x = cross(R.y, R.z);
/* FIXME(fclem): THIS IS WRONG. Should be dot(R.y, R.z). Following C code for now... */
else if (dot(R.x, R.z) < T(1)) {
R.x = normalize(cross(R.y, R.z));
R.z = cross(R.x, R.y);
else {
R.x = normalize(cross(R.y, Vec3T(R.y.y, R.y.z, R.y.x)));
R.z = cross(R.x, R.y);
case Axis::Z:
if (dot(R.z, R.x) < T(1)) {
R.y = normalize(cross(R.z, R.x));
R.x = cross(R.y, R.z);
else if (dot(R.z, R.y) < T(1)) {
R.x = normalize(cross(R.y, R.z));
R.y = cross(R.z, R.x);
else {
R.x = normalize(cross(Vec3T(R.z.y, R.z.z, R.z.x), R.z));
R.y = cross(R.z, R.x);
/* Reapply the lost scale. */
R.x *= scale.x;
R.y *= scale.y;
R.z *= scale.z;
MatT result(R);
result.location() = mat.location();
return result;
template<typename MatT, typename VectorT>
[[nodiscard]] MatT from_origin_transform(const MatT &transform, const VectorT origin)
return from_location<MatT>(origin) * transform * from_location<MatT>(-origin);
template<typename T>
VecBase<T, 3> transform_point(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, const VecBase<T, 3> &point)
return mat * point;
template<typename T>
VecBase<T, 3> transform_point(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat, const VecBase<T, 3> &point)
return mat.template view<3, 3>() * point + mat.location();
template<typename T>
VecBase<T, 3> transform_direction(const MatBase<T, 3, 3> &mat, const VecBase<T, 3> &direction)
return mat * direction;
template<typename T>
VecBase<T, 3> transform_direction(const MatBase<T, 4, 4> &mat, const VecBase<T, 3> &direction)
return mat.template view<3, 3>() * direction;
template<typename T, int N, int NumRow>
VecBase<T, N> project_point(const MatBase<T, N + 1, NumRow> &mat, const VecBase<T, N> &point)
VecBase<T, N + 1> tmp(point, T(1));
tmp = mat * tmp;
/* Absolute value to not flip the frustum upside down behind the camera. */
return VecBase<T, N>(tmp) / math::abs(tmp[N]);
extern template float3 transform_point(const float3x3 &mat, const float3 &point);
extern template float3 transform_point(const float4x4 &mat, const float3 &point);
extern template float3 transform_direction(const float3x3 &mat, const float3 &direction);
extern template float3 transform_direction(const float4x4 &mat, const float3 &direction);
extern template float3 project_point(const float4x4 &mat, const float3 &point);
extern template float2 project_point(const float3x3 &mat, const float2 &point);
namespace projection {
template<typename T>
MatBase<T, 4, 4> orthographic(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near_clip, T far_clip)
const T x_delta = right - left;
const T y_delta = top - bottom;
const T z_delta = far_clip - near_clip;
MatBase<T, 4, 4> mat = MatBase<T, 4, 4>::identity();
if (x_delta != 0 && y_delta != 0 && z_delta != 0) {
mat[0][0] = T(2.0) / x_delta;
mat[3][0] = -(right + left) / x_delta;
mat[1][1] = T(2.0) / y_delta;
mat[3][1] = -(top + bottom) / y_delta;
mat[2][2] = -T(2.0) / z_delta; /* NOTE: negate Z. */
mat[3][2] = -(far_clip + near_clip) / z_delta;
return mat;
template<typename T> MatBase<T, 4, 4> orthographic_infinite(T left, T right, T bottom, T top)
const T x_delta = right - left;
const T y_delta = top - bottom;
MatBase<T, 4, 4> mat = MatBase<T, 4, 4>::identity();
if (x_delta != 0 && y_delta != 0) {
mat[0][0] = T(2.0) / x_delta;
mat[3][0] = -(right + left) / x_delta;
mat[1][1] = T(2.0) / y_delta;
mat[3][1] = -(top + bottom) / y_delta;
mat[2][2] = 0.0f;
mat[3][2] = 0.0f;
return mat;
template<typename T>
MatBase<T, 4, 4> perspective(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near_clip, T far_clip)
const T x_delta = right - left;
const T y_delta = top - bottom;
const T z_delta = far_clip - near_clip;
MatBase<T, 4, 4> mat = MatBase<T, 4, 4>::identity();
if (x_delta != 0 && y_delta != 0 && z_delta != 0) {
mat[0][0] = near_clip * T(2.0) / x_delta;
mat[1][1] = near_clip * T(2.0) / y_delta;
mat[2][0] = (right + left) / x_delta; /* NOTE: negate Z. */
mat[2][1] = (top + bottom) / y_delta;
mat[2][2] = -(far_clip + near_clip) / z_delta;
mat[2][3] = -1.0f;
mat[3][2] = (-2.0f * near_clip * far_clip) / z_delta;
mat[3][3] = 0.0f;
return mat;
template<typename T>
MatBase<T, 4, 4> perspective_infinite(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near_clip)
const T x_delta = right - left;
const T y_delta = top - bottom;
/* From "Projection Matrix Tricks" by Eric Lengyel GDC 2007. */
MatBase<T, 4, 4> mat = MatBase<T, 4, 4>::identity();
if (x_delta != 0 && y_delta != 0) {
mat[0][0] = near_clip * T(2.0) / x_delta;
mat[1][1] = near_clip * T(2.0) / y_delta;
mat[2][0] = (right + left) / x_delta; /* NOTE: negate Z. */
mat[2][1] = (top + bottom) / y_delta;
/* Page 17. Choosing an epsilon for 32 bit floating-point precision. */
constexpr float eps = 2.4e-7f;
mat[2][2] = -1.0f;
mat[2][3] = (eps - 1.0f);
mat[3][2] = (eps - 2.0f) * near_clip;
mat[3][3] = 0.0f;
return mat;
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] MatBase<T, 4, 4> perspective_fov(
T angle_left, T angle_right, T angle_bottom, T angle_top, T near_clip, T far_clip)
MatBase<T, 4, 4> mat = perspective(math::tan(angle_left),
mat[0][0] /= near_clip;
mat[1][1] /= near_clip;
return mat;
extern template float4x4 orthographic(
float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near_clip, float far_clip);
extern template float4x4 perspective(
float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near_clip, float far_clip);
} // namespace projection
/** \} */
} // namespace blender::math