
281 lines
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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup depsgraph
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "BLI_map.hh"
#include "BKE_light_linking.h" /* LightLinkingType */
#include "DNA_collection_types.h" /* eCollectionLightLinkingState */
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
struct Collection;
struct CollectionLightLinking;
struct Object;
struct Scene;
namespace blender::deg::light_linking {
namespace internal {
/* Set of light as seen from a receiver perspective. */
class LightSet {
/* Maximum possible identifier of a light set. The identifier is 0-based.
* The limitation is imposed by the fact that its identifier is converted to a bitmask. */
static constexpr int MAX_ID = 63;
/* Identifier of a light set which is not explicitly linked to anything. */
static constexpr int DEFAULT_ID = 0;
bool operator==(const LightSet &other) const;
bool operator!=(const LightSet &other) const
return !(*this == other);
uint64_t hash() const;
/* Lights which are explicitly included/excluded into the light set.
* The light is denoted as a bit mask of a light linking collection. This mask is allocated for
* every unique light linking collection on an emitter. */
uint64_t include_collection_mask = 0;
uint64_t exclude_collection_mask = 0;
class EmitterSetMembership {
/* Bitmask which indicates the emitter belongs to all light sets. */
static constexpr uint64_t SET_MEMBERSHIP_ALL = ~uint64_t(0);
/* Get final membership mask in the light sets, considering its inclusion and exclusion. */
uint64_t get_mask() const;
/* Bit masks of the emitter membership in the light sets. */
uint64_t included_sets_mask = 0;
uint64_t excluded_sets_mask = 0;
/* Packed information about emitter.
* Emitter is actually corresponding to a light linking collection on an object. */
class EmitterData {
/* Maximum possible identifier of a light linking collection. The identifier is 0-based.
* The limitation is imposed by the fact that its identifier is converted to a bitmask. */
static constexpr int MAX_COLLECTION_ID = 63;
/* Mask of a light linking collection this emitter uses in its configuration.
* A single bit is set in this bit-field which corresponds to an identifier of a light linking
* collection in the scene. */
uint64_t collection_mask = 0;
/* Membership masks for the light and shadow linking. */
EmitterSetMembership light_membership;
EmitterSetMembership shadow_membership;
/* Helper class which deals with keeping per-emitter data. */
class EmitterDataMap {
using MapType = Map<const Collection *, EmitterData>;
explicit EmitterDataMap(const LightLinkingType link_type) : link_type_(link_type) {}
/* Returns true if there is no information about emitters at all. */
bool is_empty() const
return emitter_data_map_.is_empty();
/* Entirely clear the state, become ready for a new light linking relations build. */
void clear();
/* Ensure that the data exists for the given emitter.
* The emitter must be original and have light linking collection.
* Note that there is limited number of emitters possible within a scene, When this number is
* exceeded an error is printed and a nullptr is returned. */
EmitterData *ensure_data_if_possible(const Scene &scene, const Object &emitter);
/* Get emitter data for the given original or evaluated object.
* If the light linking is not configured for this emitted nullptr is returned. */
const EmitterData *get_data(const Object &emitter) const;
/* Returns true if the underlying data of the light linking emitter has been handled, and there
* is no need to handle the emitter.
* The emitter must be original object. */
bool can_skip_emitter(const Object &emitter) const;
/* Returns an iterator over all emitter data in the map. */
MapType::MutableValueIterator values()
return emitter_data_map_.values();
/* Get linked collection depending on whether this is emitter information for light or shadow
* linking. */
/* TODO(sergey): Check whether template specialization is preferred here. */
inline const Collection *get_collection(const Object &emitter) const
return BKE_light_linking_collection_get(&emitter, link_type_);
LightLinkingType link_type_ = LIGHT_LINKING_RECEIVER;
/* Emitter-centric information: indexed by an original emitter object, contains accumulated
* information about emitter. */
MapType emitter_data_map_;
/* Next unique light linking collection ID. */
uint64_t next_collection_id_ = 0;
/* Common part of receiver (for light linking) and blocker (for shadow lining) data. */
class LinkingData {
explicit LinkingData(const LightLinkingType link_type) : link_type_(link_type) {}
/* Entirely clear the state, become ready for a new light linking relations build. */
void clear();
/* Link the given object with the given light linking state. */
void link_object(const EmitterData &emitter_data,
eCollectionLightLinkingState link_state,
const Object &object);
/* Compute unique sets of emitters used by receivers or blockers.
* This must be called at the end of depsgraph relations build after all emitters have been
* added, and before runtime data can be set as part of evaluation. */
void end_build(const Scene &scene, EmitterDataMap &emitter_data_map);
/* Get an unique index the given object is receiving light or casting shadow from.
* The object can either be original or evaluated.
* If the object is not linked to any emitter LightSet::DEFAULT_ID is returned. */
uint64_t get_light_set_for(const Object &object) const;
/* Ensure that the light set exists for the given receiver/blocker object.
* The object must be original. */
LightSet &ensure_light_set_for(const Object &object);
/* Update the emitter light/shadow set membership after the final unique light set identifier
* is known.
* The light_set_mask consists of a single bit set corresponding to the light set index. */
void update_emitters_membership(EmitterDataMap &emitter_data_map,
const LightSet &light_set,
uint64_t light_set_mask);
/* Clear data which is only needed during the build. */
void clear_after_build();
/* Get light set membership information of the emitter data depending whether this linking
* data is a light or shadow linking. */
/* TODO(sergey): Check whether template specialization is preferred here. */
inline EmitterSetMembership &get_emitter_set_membership(EmitterData &emitter_data) const
if (link_type_ == LIGHT_LINKING_BLOCKER) {
return emitter_data.shadow_membership;
return emitter_data.light_membership;
LightLinkingType link_type_ = LIGHT_LINKING_RECEIVER;
/* Receiver/blocker-centric view of light sets: indexed by an original receiver object, contains
* light set which defines from which emitters it receives light from or casts shadow when is lit
* ny.
* NOTE: Only available during build. */
Map<const Object *, LightSet> light_linked_sets_;
/* Map from an original receiver/blocker object: map to index of light set for this
* receiver/blocker. */
/* TODO(sergey): What is the generic term for receiver and blocker which is less generic than
* object? */
Map<const Object *, uint64_t> object_light_sets_;
} // namespace internal
/* Cached light linking evaluation data.
* This cache is only valid within a specific dependency graph, hence the dependency graph is
* expected to own this cache.
* This cache takes care of making it efficient to lookup emitter masks, emitters which affect
* given receiver and so on. */
class Cache {
using EmitterData = internal::EmitterData;
using EmitterDataMap = internal::EmitterDataMap;
using LinkingData = internal::LinkingData;
/* Entirely clear the cache.
* Should be called whenever the dependency graph is being re-built, in the beginning of the
* build process. */
void clear();
/* Add emitter to the cache.
* This call does nothing if the emitter does not have light configured linking (as in, if it
* has light linking collection set to nullptr).
* The emitter must be original. This is asserted, but in release builds passing evaluated
* object leads to an undefined behavior. */
void add_emitter(const Scene &scene, const Object &emitter);
/* Compute unique sets of emitters used by receivers and blockers.
* This must be called at the end of depsgraph relations build after all emitters have been
* added, and before runtime data can be set as part of evaluation. */
void end_build(const Scene &scene);
/* Set runtime light linking data on evaluated object. */
void eval_runtime_data(Object &object_eval) const;
/* Add emitter information specific for light and shadow linking. */
void add_light_linking_emitter(const Scene &scene, const Object &emitter);
void add_shadow_linking_emitter(const Scene &scene, const Object &emitter);
/* Add receiver or blocker object with the given light linking configuration.
* The term receiver here is meant in a wider meaning of it. For the light linking it is a
* receiver of light, but for the shadow linking is it actually a shadow caster. */
void add_receiver_object(const EmitterData &emitter_data,
const CollectionLightLinking &collection_light_linking,
const Object &receiver);
void add_blocker_object(const EmitterData &emitter_data,
const CollectionLightLinking &collection_light_linking,
const Object &blocker);
/* Returns true if there is light linking configuration in the scene. */
bool has_light_linking() const
return !light_emitter_data_map_.is_empty() || !shadow_emitter_data_map_.is_empty();
/* Per-emitter light and shadow linking information. */
EmitterDataMap light_emitter_data_map_{LIGHT_LINKING_RECEIVER};
EmitterDataMap shadow_emitter_data_map_{LIGHT_LINKING_BLOCKER};
/* Light and shadow linking data. */
LinkingData light_linking_{LIGHT_LINKING_RECEIVER};
LinkingData shadow_linking_{LIGHT_LINKING_BLOCKER};
} // namespace blender::deg::light_linking