
267 lines
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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup editors
#pragma once
#include "DNA_uuid_types.h"
struct ARegion;
struct FileAssetSelectParams;
struct FileDirEntry;
struct FileSelectParams;
struct FSMenu;
struct FSMenuEntry;
struct ID;
struct ScrArea;
struct SpaceFile;
struct bContext;
struct bScreen;
struct uiBlock;
struct wmOperator;
struct wmWindow;
struct wmWindowManager;
struct View2D;
struct rcti;
namespace blender::asset_system {
class AssetLibrary;
enum FileAttributeColumnType {
struct FileAttributeColumn {
/** UI name for this column */
const char *name;
float width;
/** The sort type to use when sorting by this column. */
int sort_type; /* eFileSortType */
/** Alignment of column texts, header text is always left aligned */
int text_align; /* eFontStyle_Align */
struct FileLayout {
/* view settings - XXX: move into its own struct. */
int offset_top;
/** Height of the header for the different FileAttributeColumn's. */
int attribute_column_header_h;
int prv_w;
int prv_h;
int tile_w;
int tile_h;
int tile_border_x;
int tile_border_y;
int prv_border_x;
int prv_border_y;
int rows;
* Those are the major layout columns the files are distributed across,
* not to be confused with `attribute_columns` array below.
int flow_columns;
int width;
int height;
int flag;
int dirty;
int textheight;
* The columns for each item (name, modification date/time, size).
* Not to be confused with the `flow_columns` above.
FileAttributeColumn attribute_columns[ATTRIBUTE_COLUMN_MAX];
/** When we change display size, we may have to update static strings like size of files. */
short curr_size;
struct FileSelection {
int first;
int last;
* If needed, create and return the file select parameters for the active browse mode.
FileSelectParams *ED_fileselect_ensure_active_params(SpaceFile *sfile);
* Get the file select parameters for the active browse mode.
FileSelectParams *ED_fileselect_get_active_params(const SpaceFile *sfile);
FileSelectParams *ED_fileselect_get_file_params(const SpaceFile *sfile);
FileAssetSelectParams *ED_fileselect_get_asset_params(const SpaceFile *sfile);
bool ED_fileselect_is_local_asset_library(const SpaceFile *sfile);
void ED_fileselect_set_params_from_userdef(SpaceFile *sfile);
* Update the user-preference data for the file space. In fact, this also contains some
* non-FileSelectParams data, but we can safely ignore this.
* \param temp_win_size: If the browser was opened in a temporary window,
* pass its size here so we can store that in the preferences. Otherwise NULL.
void ED_fileselect_params_to_userdef(SpaceFile *sfile,
const int temp_win_size[2],
bool is_maximized);
void ED_fileselect_init_layout(SpaceFile *sfile, ARegion *region);
FileLayout *ED_fileselect_get_layout(SpaceFile *sfile, ARegion *region);
int ED_fileselect_layout_numfiles(FileLayout *layout, ARegion *region);
int ED_fileselect_layout_offset(FileLayout *layout, int x, int y);
FileSelection ED_fileselect_layout_offset_rect(FileLayout *layout, const rcti *rect);
* Get the currently visible bounds of the layout in screen space. Matches View2D.mask minus the
* top column-header row.
void ED_fileselect_layout_maskrect(const FileLayout *layout, const View2D *v2d, rcti *r_rect);
bool ED_fileselect_layout_is_inside_pt(const FileLayout *layout, const View2D *v2d, int x, int y);
bool ED_fileselect_layout_isect_rect(const FileLayout *layout,
const View2D *v2d,
const rcti *rect,
rcti *r_dst);
void ED_fileselect_layout_tilepos(const FileLayout *layout, int tile, int *x, int *y);
void ED_operatormacros_file();
void ED_fileselect_clear(wmWindowManager *wm, SpaceFile *sfile);
void ED_fileselect_exit(wmWindowManager *wm, SpaceFile *sfile);
bool ED_fileselect_is_file_browser(const SpaceFile *sfile);
bool ED_fileselect_is_asset_browser(const SpaceFile *sfile);
blender::asset_system::AssetLibrary *ED_fileselect_active_asset_library_get(
const SpaceFile *sfile);
ID *ED_fileselect_active_asset_get(const SpaceFile *sfile);
void ED_fileselect_activate_asset_catalog(const SpaceFile *sfile, bUUID catalog_id);
* Resolve this space's #eFileAssetImportMethod to the #eAssetImportMethod (note the different
* type) to be used for the actual import of a specific asset.
* - If the asset system dictates a certain import method, this will be returned.
* - If the Asset Browser is set to follow the Preferences (#FILE_ASSET_IMPORT_FOLLOW_PREFS), the
* asset system determines the import method (which is the default from the Preferences). -1 is
* returned if the asset system doesn't specify a method (e.g. because the asset library doesn't
* come from the Preferences).
* - Otherwise, the Asset Browser determines (possibly overrides) the import method.
* \return -1 on error, for example when #FILE_ASSET_IMPORT_FOLLOW_PREFS was requested but the
* active asset library reference couldn't be found in the preferences.
int /* #eAssetImportMethod */ ED_fileselect_asset_import_method_get(const SpaceFile *sfile,
const FileDirEntry *file);
* Activate and select the file that corresponds to the given ID.
* Pass deferred=true to wait for the next refresh before activating.
void ED_fileselect_activate_by_id(SpaceFile *sfile, ID *asset_id, bool deferred);
void ED_fileselect_deselect_all(SpaceFile *sfile);
void ED_fileselect_activate_by_relpath(SpaceFile *sfile, const char *relative_path);
void ED_fileselect_window_params_get(const wmWindow *win, int r_win_size[2], bool *r_is_maximized);
* Return the File Browser area in which \a file_operator is active.
ScrArea *ED_fileselect_handler_area_find(const wmWindow *win, const wmOperator *file_operator);
* Check if there is any area in \a win that acts as a modal File Browser (#SpaceFile.op is set)
* and return it.
ScrArea *ED_fileselect_handler_area_find_any_with_op(const wmWindow *win);
* If filepath property is not set on the operator, sets it to
* the blend file path (or untitled if file is not saved yet) with the given extension.
void ED_fileselect_ensure_default_filepath(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const char *extension);
/* TODO: Maybe we should move this to BLI?
* On the other hand, it's using defines from space-file area, so not sure... */
int ED_path_extension_type(const char *path);
int ED_file_extension_icon(const char *path);
int ED_file_icon(const FileDirEntry *file);
void ED_file_read_bookmarks();
* Support updating the directory even when this isn't the active space
* needed so RNA properties update function isn't context sensitive, see #70255.
void ED_file_change_dir_ex(bContext *C, ScrArea *area);
void ED_file_change_dir(bContext *C);
void ED_file_path_button(bScreen *screen,
const SpaceFile *sfile,
FileSelectParams *params,
uiBlock *block);
/* File menu stuff */
/* FSMenuEntry's without paths indicate separators */
struct FSMenuEntry {
FSMenuEntry *next;
char *path;
char name[256]; /* FILE_MAXFILE */
short save;
short valid;
int icon;
enum FSMenuCategory {
/** For internal use, a list of known paths that are used to match paths to icons and names. */
enum FSMenuInsert {
FS_INSERT_SORTED = (1 << 0),
FS_INSERT_SAVE = (1 << 1),
/** moves the item to the front of the list when its not already there */
FS_INSERT_FIRST = (1 << 2),
/** just append to preserve delivered order */
FS_INSERT_LAST = (1 << 3),
/** Do not validate the link when inserted. */
FSMenu *ED_fsmenu_get();
FSMenuEntry *ED_fsmenu_get_category(FSMenu *fsmenu, FSMenuCategory category);
void ED_fsmenu_set_category(FSMenu *fsmenu, FSMenuCategory category, FSMenuEntry *fsm_head);
int ED_fsmenu_get_nentries(FSMenu *fsmenu, FSMenuCategory category);
FSMenuEntry *ED_fsmenu_get_entry(FSMenu *fsmenu, FSMenuCategory category, int idx);
char *ED_fsmenu_entry_get_path(FSMenuEntry *fsentry);
void ED_fsmenu_entry_set_path(FSMenuEntry *fsentry, const char *path);
char *ED_fsmenu_entry_get_name(FSMenuEntry *fsentry);
void ED_fsmenu_entry_set_name(FSMenuEntry *fsentry, const char *name);
int ED_fsmenu_entry_get_icon(FSMenuEntry *fsentry);
void ED_fsmenu_entry_set_icon(FSMenuEntry *fsentry, int icon);