
309 lines
11 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup editors
#pragma once
#include "BKE_customdata.hh"
struct ARegion;
struct ARegionType;
struct BMEditMesh;
struct BMFace;
struct BMLoop;
struct BMesh;
struct Image;
struct ImageUser;
struct Main;
struct Object;
struct Scene;
struct SpaceImage;
struct ToolSettings;
struct View2D;
struct ViewLayer;
struct bContext;
struct bNode;
struct bNodeTree;
struct wmKeyConfig;
/* `` */
void ED_operatortypes_uvedit();
void ED_operatormacros_uvedit();
void ED_keymap_uvedit(wmKeyConfig *keyconf);
* Be careful when using this, it bypasses all synchronization options.
void ED_uvedit_select_all(BMesh *bm);
void ED_uvedit_foreach_uv(const Scene *scene,
BMesh *bm,
const bool skip_invisible,
const bool selected,
blender::FunctionRef<void(float[2])> user_fn);
void ED_uvedit_foreach_uv_multi(const Scene *scene,
blender::Span<Object *> objects_edit,
const bool skip_invisible,
const bool skip_nonselected,
blender::FunctionRef<void(float[2])> user_fn);
bool ED_uvedit_minmax_multi(const Scene *scene,
blender::Span<Object *> objects_edit,
float r_min[2],
float r_max[2]);
bool ED_uvedit_center_multi(const Scene *scene,
blender::Span<Object *> objects_edit,
float r_cent[2],
char mode);
bool ED_uvedit_center_from_pivot_ex(SpaceImage *sima,
Scene *scene,
ViewLayer *view_layer,
float r_center[2],
char mode,
bool *r_has_select);
bool ED_object_get_active_image(Object *ob,
int mat_nr,
Image **r_ima,
ImageUser **r_iuser,
const bNode **r_node,
const bNodeTree **r_ntree);
void ED_object_assign_active_image(Main *bmain, Object *ob, int mat_nr, Image *ima);
bool ED_uvedit_test(Object *obedit);
/* Visibility and selection tests. */
bool uvedit_face_visible_test_ex(const ToolSettings *ts, BMFace *efa);
bool uvedit_face_select_test_ex(const ToolSettings *ts, BMFace *efa, BMUVOffsets offsets);
bool uvedit_edge_select_test_ex(const ToolSettings *ts, BMLoop *l, BMUVOffsets offsets);
bool uvedit_uv_select_test_ex(const ToolSettings *ts, BMLoop *l, BMUVOffsets offsets);
bool uvedit_face_visible_test(const Scene *scene, BMFace *efa);
bool uvedit_face_select_test(const Scene *scene, BMFace *efa, BMUVOffsets offsets);
bool uvedit_edge_select_test(const Scene *scene, BMLoop *l, BMUVOffsets offsets);
bool uvedit_uv_select_test(const Scene *scene, BMLoop *l, BMUVOffsets offsets);
/* Individual UV element selection functions. */
* \brief Select UV Face
* Changes selection state of a single UV Face.
void uvedit_face_select_set(
const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMFace *efa, bool select, bool do_history, BMUVOffsets offsets);
* \brief Select UV Edge
* Changes selection state of a single UV Edge.
void uvedit_edge_select_set(
const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMLoop *l, bool select, bool do_history, BMUVOffsets offsets);
* \brief Select UV Vertex
* Changes selection state of a single UV vertex.
void uvedit_uv_select_set(
const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMLoop *l, bool select, bool do_history, BMUVOffsets offsets);
/* Low level functions for (de)selecting individual UV elements. Ensure UV face visibility before
* use. */
void uvedit_face_select_enable(
const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMFace *efa, bool do_history, BMUVOffsets offsets);
void uvedit_face_select_disable(const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMFace *efa, BMUVOffsets offsets);
void uvedit_edge_select_enable(
const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMLoop *l, bool do_history, BMUVOffsets offsets);
void uvedit_edge_select_disable(const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMLoop *l, BMUVOffsets offsets);
void uvedit_uv_select_enable(
const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMLoop *l, bool do_history, BMUVOffsets offsets);
void uvedit_uv_select_disable(const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, BMLoop *l, BMUVOffsets offsets);
/* Sticky mode UV element selection functions. */
void uvedit_face_select_set_with_sticky(const Scene *scene,
BMEditMesh *em,
BMFace *efa,
bool select,
bool do_history,
BMUVOffsets offsets);
void uvedit_edge_select_set_with_sticky(const Scene *scene,
BMEditMesh *em,
BMLoop *l,
bool select,
bool do_history,
BMUVOffsets offsets);
void uvedit_uv_select_set_with_sticky(const Scene *scene,
BMEditMesh *em,
BMLoop *l,
bool select,
bool do_history,
BMUVOffsets offsets);
/* Low level functions for sticky element selection (sticky mode independent). Type of sticky
* selection is specified explicitly (using sticky_flag, except for face selection). */
void uvedit_face_select_shared_vert(const Scene *scene,
BMEditMesh *em,
BMFace *efa,
const bool select,
const bool do_history,
BMUVOffsets offsets);
* Selects UV edges and shared vertices according to sticky_flag.
* \param sticky_flag:
* - #SI_STICKY_LOC: selects all UV edges that share the same mesh vertices and UV coordinates.
* - #SI_STICKY_VERTEX: selects all UV edges sharing the same mesh vertices.
void uvedit_edge_select_shared_vert(const Scene *scene,
BMEditMesh *em,
BMLoop *l,
const bool select,
const int sticky_flag,
const bool do_history,
BMUVOffsets offsets);
* Selects shared UVs based on #sticky_flag.
* \param sticky_flag: Type of sticky selection:
* - #SI_STICKY_LOC: selects all UVs sharing same mesh vertex and UV coordinates.
* - #SI_STICKY_VERTEX: selects all UVs sharing same mesh vertex.
void uvedit_uv_select_shared_vert(const Scene *scene,
BMEditMesh *em,
BMLoop *l,
const bool select,
const int sticky_flag,
const bool do_history,
BMUVOffsets offsets);
* Sets required UV edge flags as specified by the `sticky_flag`.
void uvedit_edge_select_set_noflush(
const Scene *scene, BMLoop *l, const bool select, const int sticky_flag, BMUVOffsets offsets);
* \brief UV Select Mode set
* Updates selection state for UVs based on the select mode and sticky mode. Similar to
* #EDBM_selectmode_set.
void ED_uvedit_selectmode_clean(const Scene *scene, Object *obedit);
void ED_uvedit_selectmode_clean_multi(bContext *C);
* \brief UV Select Mode Flush
* Flushes selections upwards as dictated by the UV select mode.
void ED_uvedit_selectmode_flush(const Scene *scene, BMEditMesh *em);
* Mode independent UV de-selection flush.
void uvedit_deselect_flush(const Scene *scene, BMEditMesh *em);
* Mode independent UV selection flush.
void uvedit_select_flush(const Scene *scene, BMEditMesh *em);
bool ED_uvedit_nearest_uv_multi(const View2D *v2d,
const Scene *scene,
blender::Span<Object *> objects,
const float mval_fl[2],
const bool ignore_selected,
float *dist_sq,
float r_uv[2]);
BMFace **ED_uvedit_selected_faces(const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, int len_max, int *r_faces_len);
BMLoop **ED_uvedit_selected_edges(const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, int len_max, int *r_edges_len);
BMLoop **ED_uvedit_selected_verts(const Scene *scene, BMesh *bm, int len_max, int *r_verts_len);
void ED_uvedit_get_aspect(Object *obedit, float *r_aspx, float *r_aspy);
* Return the X / Y aspect (wider aspects are over 1, taller are below 1).
* Apply this aspect by multiplying with the Y axis (X aspect is always 1 & unchanged).
float ED_uvedit_get_aspect_y(Object *obedit);
void ED_uvedit_get_aspect_from_material(Object *ob,
const int material_index,
float *r_aspx,
float *r_aspy);
void ED_uvedit_active_vert_loop_set(BMesh *bm, BMLoop *l);
BMLoop *ED_uvedit_active_vert_loop_get(BMesh *bm);
void ED_uvedit_active_edge_loop_set(BMesh *bm, BMLoop *l);
BMLoop *ED_uvedit_active_edge_loop_get(BMesh *bm);
* Intentionally don't return #UV_SELECT_ISLAND as it's not an element type.
* In this case return #UV_SELECT_VERTEX as a fallback.
char ED_uvedit_select_mode_get(const Scene *scene);
void ED_uvedit_select_sync_flush(const ToolSettings *ts, BMEditMesh *em, bool select);
/* `` */
void ED_uvedit_live_unwrap_begin(Scene *scene, Object *obedit);
void ED_uvedit_live_unwrap_re_solve();
void ED_uvedit_live_unwrap_end(short cancel);
void ED_uvedit_live_unwrap(const Scene *scene, blender::Span<Object *> objects);
void ED_uvedit_add_simple_uvs(Main *bmain, const Scene *scene, Object *ob);
/* `` */
void ED_image_draw_cursor(ARegion *region, const float cursor[2]);
/* `` */
void ED_uvedit_buttons_register(ARegionType *art);
/* `` */
struct FaceIsland {
FaceIsland *next;
FaceIsland *prev;
BMFace **faces;
int faces_len;
* \note While this is duplicate information,
* it allows islands from multiple meshes to be stored in the same list.
BMUVOffsets offsets;
float aspect_y;
* Calculate islands and add them to \a island_list returning the number of items added.
int bm_mesh_calc_uv_islands(const Scene *scene,
BMesh *bm,
ListBase *island_list,
const bool only_selected_faces,
const bool only_selected_uvs,
const bool use_seams,
const float aspect_y,
BMUVOffsets offsets);
* Returns true if UV coordinates lie on a valid tile in UDIM grid or tiled image.
bool uv_coords_isect_udim(const Image *image, const int udim_grid[2], const float coords[2]);