
559 lines
18 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup DNA
#pragma once
#include "DNA_ID.h"
#include "DNA_defs.h"
#include "DNA_listBase.h"
#include "DNA_userdef_types.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
# include "BLI_span.hh"
namespace blender::animrig {
class BoneColor;
struct AnimData;
struct BoneCollection;
/* this system works on different transformation space levels;
* 1) Bone Space; with each Bone having its own (0,0,0) origin
* 2) Armature Space; the rest position, in Object space, Bones Spaces are applied hierarchical
* 3) Pose Space; the animation position, in Object space
* 4) World Space; Object matrix applied to Pose or Armature space
typedef struct BoneColor {
* Index of color palette to use when drawing bones.
* 0=default, >0 = predefined in theme, -1=custom color in #custom.
* For the predefined ones, see #rna_enum_color_sets_items in rna_armature.c.
int8_t palette_index;
uint8_t _pad0[7];
ThemeWireColor custom;
#ifdef __cplusplus
blender::animrig::BoneColor &wrap();
const blender::animrig::BoneColor &wrap() const;
} BoneColor;
typedef struct Bone_Runtime {
/* #BoneCollectionReference */
ListBase collections;
} Bone_Runtime;
typedef struct Bone {
/** Next/previous elements within this list. */
struct Bone *next, *prev;
/** User-Defined Properties on this Bone. */
IDProperty *prop;
/** Parent (IK parent if appropriate flag is set). */
struct Bone *parent;
/** Children. */
ListBase childbase;
/** Name of the bone - must be unique within the armature, MAXBONENAME. */
char name[64];
/** Roll is input for edit-mode, length calculated. */
float roll;
float head[3];
/** Head/tail and roll in Bone Space. */
float tail[3];
/** Rotation derived from head/tail/roll. */
float bone_mat[3][3];
int flag;
char _pad1[4];
BoneColor color; /* MUST be named the same as in bPoseChannel and EditBone structs. */
char inherit_scale_mode;
char _pad[3];
float arm_head[3];
/** Head/tail in Armature Space (rest pose). */
float arm_tail[3];
/** Matrix: `(bonemat(b)+head(b))*arm_mat(b-1)`, rest pose. */
float arm_mat[4][4];
/** Roll in Armature Space (rest pose). */
float arm_roll;
/** dist, weight: for non-deformgroup deforms. */
float dist, weight;
* The width for block bones. The final X/Z bone widths are double these values.
* \note keep in this order for transform code which stores a pointer to `xwidth`,
* accessing length and `zwidth` as offsets.
float xwidth, length, zwidth;
* Radius for head/tail sphere, defining deform as well,
* `parent->rad_tip` overrides `rad_head`.
float rad_head, rad_tail;
/** Curved bones settings - these define the "rest-pose" for a curved bone. */
float roll1, roll2;
float curve_in_x, curve_in_z;
float curve_out_x, curve_out_z;
/** Length of bezier handles. */
float ease1, ease2;
float scale_in_x DNA_DEPRECATED, scale_in_z DNA_DEPRECATED;
float scale_out_x DNA_DEPRECATED, scale_out_z DNA_DEPRECATED;
float scale_in[3], scale_out[3];
/** Patch for upward compatibility, UNUSED! */
float size[3];
/** Layers that bone appears on. */
int layer;
/** For B-bones. */
short segments;
/** Vertex to segment mapping mode. */
char bbone_mapping_mode;
char _pad2[7];
/** Type of next/prev bone handles. */
char bbone_prev_type;
char bbone_next_type;
/** B-Bone flags. */
int bbone_flag;
short bbone_prev_flag;
short bbone_next_flag;
/** Next/prev bones to use as handle references when calculating bbones (optional). */
struct Bone *bbone_prev;
struct Bone *bbone_next;
/* Keep last. */
Bone_Runtime runtime;
} Bone;
typedef struct bArmature_Runtime {
* Index of the active collection, -1 if there is no collection active.
* For UIList support in the user interface. Assigning here does nothing, use
* `ANIM_armature_bonecoll_active_set` to set the active bone collection.
int active_collection_index;
uint8_t _pad0[4];
struct BoneCollection *active_collection;
} bArmature_Runtime;
typedef struct bArmature {
ID id;
struct AnimData *adt;
ListBase bonebase;
/** Use a hash-table for quicker lookups of bones by name. */
struct GHash *bonehash;
void *_pad1;
/** #EditBone list (use an allocated pointer so the state can be checked). */
ListBase *edbo;
/* active bones should work like active object where possible
* - active and selection are unrelated
* - active & hidden is not allowed
* - from the user perspective active == last selected
* - active should be ignored when not visible (hidden layer) */
/** Active bone. */
Bone *act_bone;
/** Active edit-bone (in edit-mode). */
struct EditBone *act_edbone;
/** ID data is older than edit-mode data (TODO: move to edit-mode struct). */
char needs_flush_to_id;
char _pad0[3];
int flag;
int drawtype;
short deformflag;
short pathflag;
/** This is used only for reading/writing BoneCollections in blend
* files, for forwards/backwards compatibility with Blender 4.0. It
* should always be empty at runtime. Use collection_array for
* everything other than file reading/writing.
* TODO: remove this in Blender 5.0, and instead write the contents of
* collection_array to blend files directly. */
ListBase collections_legacy; /* BoneCollection. */
struct BoneCollection **collection_array; /* Array of `collection_array_num` BoneCollections. */
int collection_array_num;
* Number of root bone collections.
* `collection_array[0:collection_root_count]` are the collections without a parent collection.
int collection_root_count;
/** Do not directly assign, use `ANIM_armature_bonecoll_active_set` instead.
* This is stored as a string to make it possible for the library overrides system to understand
* when it actually changed (compared to a BoneCollection*, which would change on every load).
char active_collection_name[64]; /* MAX_NAME. */
/** For UI, to show which layers are there. */
unsigned int layer_used DNA_DEPRECATED;
/** For buttons to work, both variables in this order together. */
unsigned int layer DNA_DEPRECATED, layer_protected DNA_DEPRECATED;
/** Relative position of the axes on the bone, from head (0.0f) to tail (1.0f). */
float axes_position;
/** Keep last, for consistency with the position of other DNA runtime structures. */
struct bArmature_Runtime runtime;
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Collection array access for convenient for-loop iteration. */
blender::Span<const BoneCollection *> collections_span() const;
blender::Span<BoneCollection *> collections_span();
/* Span of all root collections. */
blender::Span<const BoneCollection *> collections_roots() const;
blender::Span<BoneCollection *> collections_roots();
/* Return the span of children of the given bone collection. */
blender::Span<const BoneCollection *> collection_children(const BoneCollection *parent) const;
blender::Span<BoneCollection *> collection_children(BoneCollection *parent);
} bArmature;
* Collection of Bones within an Armature.
* BoneCollections are owned by their Armature, and cannot be shared between
* different armatures.
* Bones can be in more than one collection at a time.
* Selectability and visibility of bones are determined by OR-ing the collection
* flags.
typedef struct BoneCollection {
struct BoneCollection *next, *prev;
/** MAX_NAME. */
char name[64];
/** BoneCollectionMember. */
ListBase bones;
/** eBoneCollection_Flag. */
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t _pad0[7];
* Hierarchy information. The Armature has an array of BoneCollection pointers. These are ordered
* such that siblings are always stored in consecutive array elements.
/** Array index of the first child of this BoneCollection. */
int child_index;
/** Number of children of this BoneCollection. */
int child_count;
/** Custom properties. */
struct IDProperty *prop;
#ifdef __cplusplus
* Return whether this collection is marked as 'visible'.
* Note that its effective visibility depends on the visibility of its ancestors as well.
* \see is_visible_with_ancestors
* \see ANIM_bonecoll_show
* \see ANIM_bonecoll_hide
bool is_visible() const;
* Return whether this collection's ancestors are visible or not.
* \see is_visible_with_ancestors
bool is_visible_ancestors() const;
* Return whether this collection is visible, taking into account the
* visibility of its ancestors.
* \return true when this collection and all its ancestors are visible.
* \see is_visible
bool is_visible_with_ancestors() const;
* Return whether this collection is marked as 'solo'.
bool is_solo() const;
* Whether or not this bone collection is expanded in the tree view.
* This corresponds to the #BONE_COLLECTION_EXPANDED flag.
bool is_expanded() const;
} BoneCollection;
/** Membership relation of a bone with a bone collection. */
typedef struct BoneCollectionMember {
struct BoneCollectionMember *next, *prev;
struct Bone *bone;
} BoneCollectionMember;
* Membership relation of a bone with its collections.
* This is only bone-runtime data for easy lookups, the actual membership is
* stored on the #bArmature in #BoneCollectionMember structs.
typedef struct BoneCollectionReference {
struct BoneCollectionReference *next, *prev;
struct BoneCollection *bcoll;
} BoneCollectionReference;
/* armature->flag */
/* don't use bit 7, was saved in files to disable stuff */
typedef enum eArmature_Flag {
ARM_RESTPOS = (1 << 0),
/** XRAY is here only for backwards converting */
ARM_FLAG_UNUSED_1 = (1 << 1), /* cleared */
ARM_DRAWAXES = (1 << 2),
ARM_DRAWNAMES = (1 << 3),
/* ARM_POSEMODE = (1 << 4), Deprecated. */
/** Position of the parent-child relation lines on the bone (cleared = drawn
* from the tail, set = drawn from the head). Only controls the parent side of
* the line; the child side is always drawn to the head of the bone. */
ARM_DRAW_RELATION_FROM_HEAD = (1 << 5), /* Cleared in versioning of pre-2.80 files. */
* Whether any bone collection is marked with the 'solo' flag.
* When this is the case, bone collection visibility flags don't matter any more, and only ones
* that have their 'solo' flag set will be visible.
* \see eBoneCollection_Flag::BONE_COLLECTION_SOLO */
ARM_BCOLL_SOLO_ACTIVE = (1 << 6), /* Cleared in versioning of pre-2.80 files. */
ARM_FLAG_UNUSED_7 = (1 << 7), /* cleared */
ARM_MIRROR_EDIT = (1 << 8),
ARM_FLAG_UNUSED_9 = (1 << 9),
/** Made option negative, for backwards compatibility. */
ARM_NO_CUSTOM = (1 << 10),
/** Draw custom colors. */
ARM_COL_CUSTOM = (1 << 11),
/** When ghosting, only show selected bones (this should belong to ghostflag instead). */
ARM_FLAG_UNUSED_12 = (1 << 12), /* cleared */
/** Dope-sheet channel is expanded */
ARM_DS_EXPAND = (1 << 13),
/** Other objects are used for visualizing various states (hack for efficient updates). */
ARM_HAS_VIZ_DEPS = (1 << 14),
} eArmature_Flag;
/* armature->drawtype */
typedef enum eArmature_Drawtype {
} eArmature_Drawtype;
/* armature->deformflag */
typedef enum eArmature_DeformFlag {
ARM_DEF_VGROUP = (1 << 0),
ARM_DEF_ENVELOPE = (1 << 1),
ARM_DEF_B_BONE_REST = (1 << 3), /* deprecated */
} eArmature_DeformFlag;
#ifdef DNA_DEPRECATED_ALLOW /* Old animation system (armature only viz). */
/** #bArmature.pathflag */
typedef enum eArmature_PathFlag {
ARM_PATH_FNUMS = (1 << 0),
ARM_PATH_KFRAS = (1 << 1),
ARM_PATH_HEADS = (1 << 2),
ARM_PATH_ACFRA = (1 << 3),
ARM_PATH_KFNOS = (1 << 4),
} eArmature_PathFlag;
/* bone->flag */
typedef enum eBone_Flag {
BONE_SELECTED = (1 << 0),
BONE_ROOTSEL = (1 << 1),
BONE_TIPSEL = (1 << 2),
/** Used instead of BONE_SELECTED during transform (clear before use) */
BONE_TRANSFORM = (1 << 3),
/** When bone has a parent, connect head of bone to parent's tail. */
BONE_CONNECTED = (1 << 4),
/* 32 used to be quatrot, was always set in files, do not reuse unless you clear it always */
/** hidden Bones when drawing PoseChannels */
BONE_HIDDEN_P = (1 << 6),
/** For detecting cyclic dependencies */
BONE_DONE = (1 << 7),
/** active is on mouse clicks only - deprecated, ONLY USE FOR DRAWING */
BONE_DRAW_ACTIVE = (1 << 8),
/** No parent rotation or scale */
BONE_HINGE = (1 << 9),
/** hidden Bones when drawing Armature Editmode */
BONE_HIDDEN_A = (1 << 10),
/** multiplies vgroup with envelope */
BONE_MULT_VG_ENV = (1 << 11),
/** bone doesn't deform geometry */
BONE_NO_DEFORM = (1 << 12),
/** set to prevent destruction of its unkeyframed pose (after transform) */
BONE_UNKEYED = (1 << 13),
/** set to prevent hinge child bones from influencing the transform center */
/** No parent scale */
BONE_NO_SCALE = (1 << 15),
/** hidden bone when drawing PoseChannels (for ghost drawing) */
BONE_HIDDEN_PG = (1 << 16),
/** bone should be drawn as OB_WIRE, regardless of draw-types of view+armature */
BONE_DRAWWIRE = (1 << 17),
/** when no parent, bone will not get cyclic offset */
/** bone transforms are locked in EditMode */
/** Indicates that a parent is also being transformed */
/** bone cannot be selected */
/** bone location is in armature space */
/** object child will use relative transform (like deform) */
/** it will add the parent end roll to the inroll */
/** this bone was transformed by the mirror function */
/** this bone is associated with a locked vertex group, ONLY USE FOR DRAWING */
} eBone_Flag;
/* bone->inherit_scale_mode */
typedef enum eBone_InheritScaleMode {
/* Inherit all scale and shear. */
/* Inherit scale, but remove final shear. */
/* Inherit average scale. */
/* Inherit no scale or shear. */
/* Inherit effects of shear on parent (same as old disabled Inherit Scale). */
/* Inherit parent X scale as child X scale etc. */
} eBone_InheritScaleMode;
/* bone->bbone_prev_type, bbone_next_type */
typedef enum eBone_BBoneHandleType {
BBONE_HANDLE_AUTO = 0, /* Default mode based on parents & children. */
BBONE_HANDLE_ABSOLUTE = 1, /* Custom handle in absolute position mode. */
BBONE_HANDLE_RELATIVE = 2, /* Custom handle in relative position mode. */
BBONE_HANDLE_TANGENT = 3, /* Custom handle in tangent mode (use direction, not location). */
} eBone_BBoneHandleType;
/* bone->bbone_mapping_mode */
typedef enum eBone_BBoneMappingMode {
BBONE_MAPPING_STRAIGHT = 0, /* Default mode that ignores the rest pose curvature. */
BBONE_MAPPING_CURVED = 1, /* Mode that takes the rest pose curvature into account. */
} eBone_BBoneMappingMode;
/* bone->bbone_flag */
typedef enum eBone_BBoneFlag {
/** Add the parent Out roll to the In roll. */
/** Multiply B-Bone easing values with Scale Length. */
} eBone_BBoneFlag;
/* bone->bbone_prev/next_flag */
typedef enum eBone_BBoneHandleFlag {
/** Use handle bone scaling for scale X. */
/** Use handle bone scaling for scale Y (length). */
/** Use handle bone scaling for scale Z. */
/** Use handle bone scaling for easing. */
/** Is handle scale required? */
} eBone_BBoneHandleFlag;
#define MAXBONENAME 64
/** #BoneCollection.flag */
typedef enum eBoneCollection_Flag {
BONE_COLLECTION_VISIBLE = (1 << 0), /* Visibility flag of this particular collection. */
BONE_COLLECTION_SELECTABLE = (1 << 1), /* Intended to be implemented in the not-so-far future. */
BONE_COLLECTION_OVERRIDE_LIBRARY_LOCAL = (1 << 2), /* Added by a local library override. */
* Set when all ancestors are visible.
* This would actually be a runtime flag, but bone collections don't have a
* runtime struct yet, and the addition of one more flag doesn't seem worth
* the effort. */
* Whether this bone collection is marked as 'solo'.
* If no bone collections have this flag set, visibility is determined by
* If there is any bone collection with the BONE_COLLECTION_SOLO flag enabled, all bone
* collections are effectively hidden, except other collections with this flag enabled.
* \see eArmature_Flag::ARM_BCOLL_SOLO_ACTIVE
BONE_COLLECTION_EXPANDED = (1 << 5), /* Expanded in the tree view. */
} eBoneCollection_Flag;
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline blender::animrig::BoneColor &BoneColor::wrap()
return *reinterpret_cast<blender::animrig::BoneColor *>(this);
inline const blender::animrig::BoneColor &BoneColor::wrap() const
return *reinterpret_cast<const blender::animrig::BoneColor *>(this);