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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bke
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include "BLI_float4x4.hh"
#include "BLI_function_ref.hh"
#include "BLI_hash.hh"
#include "BLI_map.hh"
#include "BLI_math_vec_types.hh"
#include "BLI_set.hh"
#include "BLI_user_counter.hh"
#include "BLI_vector_set.hh"
#include "BKE_anonymous_attribute.hh"
#include "BKE_attribute.hh"
#include "BKE_geometry_set.h"
struct Curves;
struct Collection;
struct Curve;
struct CurveEval;
struct Mesh;
struct Object;
struct PointCloud;
struct Volume;
enum class GeometryOwnershipType {
/* The geometry is owned. This implies that it can be changed. */
Owned = 0,
/* The geometry can be changed, but someone else is responsible for freeing it. */
Editable = 1,
/* The geometry cannot be changed and someone else is responsible for freeing it. */
ReadOnly = 2,
namespace blender::bke {
class ComponentAttributeProviders;
class CurvesEditHints;
} // namespace blender::bke
class GeometryComponent;
* This is the base class for specialized geometry component types. A geometry component handles
* a user count to allow avoiding duplication when it is wrapped with #UserCounter. It also handles
* the attribute API, which generalizes storing and modifying generic information on a geometry.
class GeometryComponent {
/* The reference count has two purposes. When it becomes zero, the component is freed. When it is
* larger than one, the component becomes immutable. */
mutable std::atomic<int> users_ = 1;
GeometryComponentType type_;
GeometryComponent(GeometryComponentType type);
virtual ~GeometryComponent() = default;
static GeometryComponent *create(GeometryComponentType component_type);
int attribute_domain_size(eAttrDomain domain) const;
* Get access to the attributes in this geometry component. May return none if the geometry does
* not support the attribute system.
virtual std::optional<blender::bke::AttributeAccessor> attributes() const;
virtual std::optional<blender::bke::MutableAttributeAccessor> attributes_for_write();
/* The returned component should be of the same type as the type this is called on. */
virtual GeometryComponent *copy() const = 0;
/* Direct data is everything except for instances of objects/collections.
* If this returns true, the geometry set can be cached and is still valid after e.g. modifier
* evaluation ends. Instances can only be valid as long as the data they instance is valid. */
virtual bool owns_direct_data() const = 0;
virtual void ensure_owns_direct_data() = 0;
void user_add() const;
void user_remove() const;
bool is_mutable() const;
GeometryComponentType type() const;
virtual bool is_empty() const;
template<typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_geometry_component_v = std::is_base_of_v<GeometryComponent, T>;
* A geometry set is a container for multiple kinds of geometry. It does not own geometry directly
* itself, instead geometry is owned by multiple #GeometryComponents, and the geometry set
* increases the user count of each component, so they avoid losing the data. This means
* individual components might be shared between multiple geometries and other code. Shared
* components are copied automatically when write access is requested.
* The components usually do not store data directly, but keep a reference to a data
* structure defined elsewhere. There is at most one component of each type:
* - #MeshComponent
* - #CurveComponent
* - #PointCloudComponent
* - #InstancesComponent
* - #VolumeComponent
* Copying a geometry set is a relatively cheap operation, because it does not copy the referenced
* geometry components, so #GeometrySet can often be passed or moved by value.
struct GeometrySet {
using GeometryComponentPtr = blender::UserCounter<class GeometryComponent>;
/* Indexed by #GeometryComponentType. */
std::array<GeometryComponentPtr, GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_ENUM_SIZE> components_;
* The methods are defaulted here so that they are not instantiated in every translation unit.
GeometrySet(const GeometrySet &other);
GeometrySet(GeometrySet &&other);
GeometrySet &operator=(const GeometrySet &other);
GeometrySet &operator=(GeometrySet &&other);
* This method can only be used when the geometry set is mutable. It returns a mutable geometry
* component of the given type.
GeometryComponent &get_component_for_write(GeometryComponentType component_type);
template<typename Component> Component &get_component_for_write()
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(is_geometry_component_v<Component>, "");
return static_cast<Component &>(this->get_component_for_write(Component::static_type));
* Get the component of the given type. Might return null if the component does not exist yet.
const GeometryComponent *get_component_for_read(GeometryComponentType component_type) const;
template<typename Component> const Component *get_component_for_read() const
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(is_geometry_component_v<Component>, "");
return static_cast<const Component *>(get_component_for_read(Component::static_type));
bool has(const GeometryComponentType component_type) const;
template<typename Component> bool has() const
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(is_geometry_component_v<Component>, "");
return this->has(Component::static_type);
void remove(const GeometryComponentType component_type);
template<typename Component> void remove()
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(is_geometry_component_v<Component>, "");
return this->remove(Component::static_type);
* Remove all geometry components with types that are not in the provided list.
void keep_only(const blender::Span<GeometryComponentType> component_types);
* Keeps the provided geometry types, but also instances and edit data.
* Instances must not be removed while using #modify_geometry_sets.
void keep_only_during_modify(const blender::Span<GeometryComponentType> component_types);
void remove_geometry_during_modify();
void add(const GeometryComponent &component);
* Get all geometry components in this geometry set for read-only access.
blender::Vector<const GeometryComponent *> get_components_for_read() const;
bool compute_boundbox_without_instances(blender::float3 *r_min, blender::float3 *r_max) const;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const GeometrySet &geometry_set);
* Remove all geometry components from the geometry set.
void clear();
bool owns_direct_data() const;
* Make sure that the geometry can be cached. This does not ensure ownership of object/collection
* instances. This is necessary because sometimes components only have read-only or editing
* access to their data, which might be freed later if this geometry set outlasts the data.
void ensure_owns_direct_data();
using AttributeForeachCallback =
blender::FunctionRef<void(const blender::bke::AttributeIDRef &attribute_id,
const blender::bke::AttributeMetaData &meta_data,
const GeometryComponent &component)>;
void attribute_foreach(blender::Span<GeometryComponentType> component_types,
bool include_instances,
AttributeForeachCallback callback) const;
void gather_attributes_for_propagation(
blender::Span<GeometryComponentType> component_types,
GeometryComponentType dst_component_type,
bool include_instances,
blender::Map<blender::bke::AttributeIDRef, blender::bke::AttributeKind> &r_attributes) const;
blender::Vector<GeometryComponentType> gather_component_types(bool include_instances,
bool ignore_empty) const;
using ForeachSubGeometryCallback = blender::FunctionRef<void(GeometrySet &geometry_set)>;
* Modify every (recursive) instance separately. This is often more efficient than realizing all
* instances just to change the same thing on all of them.
void modify_geometry_sets(ForeachSubGeometryCallback callback);
/* Utility methods for creation. */
* Create a new geometry set that only contains the given mesh.
static GeometrySet create_with_mesh(
Mesh *mesh, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Create a new geometry set that only contains the given volume.
static GeometrySet create_with_volume(
Volume *volume, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Create a new geometry set that only contains the given point cloud.
static GeometrySet create_with_pointcloud(
PointCloud *pointcloud, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Create a new geometry set that only contains the given curves.
static GeometrySet create_with_curves(
Curves *curves, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
/* Utility methods for access. */
* Returns true when the geometry set has a mesh component that has a mesh.
bool has_mesh() const;
* Returns true when the geometry set has a point cloud component that has a point cloud.
bool has_pointcloud() const;
* Returns true when the geometry set has an instances component that has at least one instance.
bool has_instances() const;
* Returns true when the geometry set has a volume component that has a volume.
bool has_volume() const;
* Returns true when the geometry set has a curves component that has a curves data-block.
bool has_curves() const;
* Returns true when the geometry set has any data that is not an instance.
bool has_realized_data() const;
* Return true if the geometry set has any component that isn't empty.
bool is_empty() const;
* Returns a read-only mesh or null.
const Mesh *get_mesh_for_read() const;
* Returns a read-only point cloud of null.
const PointCloud *get_pointcloud_for_read() const;
* Returns a read-only volume or null.
const Volume *get_volume_for_read() const;
* Returns a read-only curves data-block or null.
const Curves *get_curves_for_read() const;
* Returns read-only curve edit hints or null.
const blender::bke::CurvesEditHints *get_curve_edit_hints_for_read() const;
* Returns a mutable mesh or null. No ownership is transferred.
Mesh *get_mesh_for_write();
* Returns a mutable point cloud or null. No ownership is transferred.
PointCloud *get_pointcloud_for_write();
* Returns a mutable volume or null. No ownership is transferred.
Volume *get_volume_for_write();
* Returns a mutable curves data-block or null. No ownership is transferred.
Curves *get_curves_for_write();
* Returns mutable curve edit hints or null.
blender::bke::CurvesEditHints *get_curve_edit_hints_for_write();
/* Utility methods for replacement. */
* Clear the existing mesh and replace it with the given one.
void replace_mesh(Mesh *mesh, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Clear the existing point cloud and replace with the given one.
void replace_pointcloud(PointCloud *pointcloud,
GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Clear the existing volume and replace with the given one.
void replace_volume(Volume *volume,
GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Clear the existing curves data-block and replace it with the given one.
void replace_curves(Curves *curves,
GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Retrieve the pointer to a component without creating it if it does not exist,
* unlike #get_component_for_write.
GeometryComponent *get_component_ptr(GeometryComponentType type);
template<typename Component> Component *get_component_ptr()
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(is_geometry_component_v<Component>, "");
return static_cast<Component *>(get_component_ptr(Component::static_type));
* A geometry component that can store a mesh, using the #Mesh data-block.
* Attributes are stored, on any of the four attribute domains. Generic attributes are stored in
* contiguous arrays, but often built-in attributes are stored in an array of structs fashion for
* historical reasons, requiring more complex attribute access.
class MeshComponent : public GeometryComponent {
Mesh *mesh_ = nullptr;
GeometryOwnershipType ownership_ = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned;
GeometryComponent *copy() const override;
void clear();
bool has_mesh() const;
* Clear the component and replace it with the new mesh.
void replace(Mesh *mesh, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Return the mesh and clear the component. The caller takes over responsibility for freeing the
* mesh (if the component was responsible before).
Mesh *release();
* Get the mesh from this component. This method can be used by multiple threads at the same
* time. Therefore, the returned mesh should not be modified. No ownership is transferred.
const Mesh *get_for_read() const;
* Get the mesh from this component. This method can only be used when the component is mutable,
* i.e. it is not shared. The returned mesh can be modified. No ownership is transferred.
Mesh *get_for_write();
bool is_empty() const final;
bool owns_direct_data() const override;
void ensure_owns_direct_data() override;
static constexpr inline GeometryComponentType static_type = GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_MESH;
std::optional<blender::bke::AttributeAccessor> attributes() const final;
std::optional<blender::bke::MutableAttributeAccessor> attributes_for_write() final;
* A geometry component that stores a point cloud, corresponding to the #PointCloud data structure.
* While a point cloud is technically a subset of a mesh in some respects, it is useful because of
* its simplicity, partly on a conceptual level for the user, but also in the code, though partly
* for historical reasons. Point clouds can also be rendered in special ways, based on the built-in
* `radius` attribute.
* Attributes on point clouds are all stored in contiguous arrays in its #CustomData,
* which makes them efficient to process, relative to some legacy built-in mesh attributes.
class PointCloudComponent : public GeometryComponent {
PointCloud *pointcloud_ = nullptr;
GeometryOwnershipType ownership_ = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned;
GeometryComponent *copy() const override;
void clear();
bool has_pointcloud() const;
* Clear the component and replace it with the new point cloud.
void replace(PointCloud *pointcloud,
GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Return the point cloud and clear the component. The caller takes over responsibility for
* freeing the point cloud (if the component was responsible before).
PointCloud *release();
* Get the point cloud from this component. This method can be used by multiple threads at the
* same time. Therefore, the returned point cloud should not be modified. No ownership is
* transferred.
const PointCloud *get_for_read() const;
* Get the point cloud from this component. This method can only be used when the component is
* mutable, i.e. it is not shared. The returned point cloud can be modified. No ownership is
* transferred.
PointCloud *get_for_write();
bool is_empty() const final;
bool owns_direct_data() const override;
void ensure_owns_direct_data() override;
std::optional<blender::bke::AttributeAccessor> attributes() const final;
std::optional<blender::bke::MutableAttributeAccessor> attributes_for_write() final;
static constexpr inline GeometryComponentType static_type = GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_POINT_CLOUD;
* Legacy runtime-only curves type.
* These curves are stored differently than other geometry components, because the data structure
* used here does not correspond exactly to the #Curve DNA data structure. A #CurveEval is stored
* here instead, though the component does give access to a #Curve for interfacing with render
* engines and other areas of Blender that expect to use a data-block with an #ID.
class CurveComponentLegacy : public GeometryComponent {
CurveEval *curve_ = nullptr;
GeometryOwnershipType ownership_ = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned;
GeometryComponent *copy() const override;
void clear();
bool has_curve() const;
* Clear the component and replace it with the new curve.
void replace(CurveEval *curve, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
CurveEval *release();
const CurveEval *get_for_read() const;
CurveEval *get_for_write();
bool is_empty() const final;
bool owns_direct_data() const override;
void ensure_owns_direct_data() override;
std::optional<blender::bke::AttributeAccessor> attributes() const final;
std::optional<blender::bke::MutableAttributeAccessor> attributes_for_write() final;
static constexpr inline GeometryComponentType static_type = GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_CURVE;
* A geometry component that stores a group of curves, corresponding the #Curves data-block type
* and the #CurvesGeometry type. Attributes are are stored on the control point domain and the
* curve domain.
class CurveComponent : public GeometryComponent {
Curves *curves_ = nullptr;
GeometryOwnershipType ownership_ = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned;
* Curve data necessary to hold the draw cache for rendering, consistent over multiple redraws.
* This is necessary because Blender assumes that objects evaluate to an object data type, and
* we use #CurveEval rather than #Curve here. It also allows us to mostly reuse the same
* batch cache implementation.
mutable Curve *curve_for_render_ = nullptr;
mutable std::mutex curve_for_render_mutex_;
GeometryComponent *copy() const override;
void clear();
bool has_curves() const;
* Clear the component and replace it with the new curve.
void replace(Curves *curve, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
Curves *release();
const Curves *get_for_read() const;
Curves *get_for_write();
bool is_empty() const final;
bool owns_direct_data() const override;
void ensure_owns_direct_data() override;
* Create empty curve data used for rendering the spline's wire edges.
* \note See comment on #curve_for_render_ for further explanation.
const Curve *get_curve_for_render() const;
std::optional<blender::bke::AttributeAccessor> attributes() const final;
std::optional<blender::bke::MutableAttributeAccessor> attributes_for_write() final;
static constexpr inline GeometryComponentType static_type = GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_CURVE;
* Holds a reference to conceptually unique geometry or a pointer to object/collection data
* that is instanced with a transform in #InstancesComponent.
class InstanceReference {
enum class Type {
* An empty instance. This allows an `InstanceReference` to be default constructed without
* being in an invalid state. There might also be other use cases that we haven't explored much
* yet (such as changing the instance later on, and "disabling" some instances).
Type type_ = Type::None;
/** Depending on the type this is either null, an Object or Collection pointer. */
void *data_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<GeometrySet> geometry_set_;
InstanceReference() = default;
InstanceReference(Object &object) : type_(Type::Object), data_(&object)
InstanceReference(Collection &collection) : type_(Type::Collection), data_(&collection)
InstanceReference(GeometrySet geometry_set)
: type_(Type::GeometrySet),
InstanceReference(const InstanceReference &other) : type_(other.type_), data_(other.data_)
if (other.geometry_set_) {
geometry_set_ = std::make_unique<GeometrySet>(*other.geometry_set_);
InstanceReference(InstanceReference &&other)
: type_(other.type_), data_(other.data_), geometry_set_(std::move(other.geometry_set_))
other.type_ = Type::None;
other.data_ = nullptr;
InstanceReference &operator=(const InstanceReference &other)
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
new (this) InstanceReference(other);
return *this;
InstanceReference &operator=(InstanceReference &&other)
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
new (this) InstanceReference(std::move(other));
return *this;
Type type() const
return type_;
Object &object() const
BLI_assert(type_ == Type::Object);
return *(Object *)data_;
Collection &collection() const
BLI_assert(type_ == Type::Collection);
return *(Collection *)data_;
const GeometrySet &geometry_set() const
BLI_assert(type_ == Type::GeometrySet);
return *geometry_set_;
bool owns_direct_data() const
if (type_ != Type::GeometrySet) {
/* The object and collection instances are not direct data. */
return true;
return geometry_set_->owns_direct_data();
void ensure_owns_direct_data()
if (type_ != Type::GeometrySet) {
uint64_t hash() const
return blender::get_default_hash_2(data_, geometry_set_.get());
friend bool operator==(const InstanceReference &a, const InstanceReference &b)
return a.data_ == b.data_ && a.geometry_set_.get() == b.geometry_set_.get();
* A geometry component that stores instances. The instance data can be any type described by
* #InstanceReference. Geometry instances can even contain instances themselves, for nested
* instancing. Each instance has an index into an array of unique instance data, and a transform.
* The component can also store generic attributes for each instance.
* The component works differently from other geometry components in that it stores
* data about instancing directly, rather than owning a pointer to a separate data structure.
* This component is not responsible for handling the interface to a render engine, or other
* areas that work with all visible geometry, that is handled by the dependency graph iterator
* (see `DEG_depsgraph_query.h`).
class InstancesComponent : public GeometryComponent {
* Indexed set containing information about the data that is instanced.
* Actual instances store an index ("handle") into this set.
blender::VectorSet<InstanceReference> references_;
/** Index into `references_`. Determines what data is instanced. */
blender::Vector<int> instance_reference_handles_;
/** Transformation of the instances. */
blender::Vector<blender::float4x4> instance_transforms_;
/* These almost unique ids are generated based on the `id` attribute, which might not contain
* unique ids at all. They are *almost* unique, because under certain very unlikely
* circumstances, they are not unique. Code using these ids should not crash when they are not
* unique but can generally expect them to be unique. */
mutable std::mutex almost_unique_ids_mutex_;
mutable blender::Array<int> almost_unique_ids_;
blender::bke::CustomDataAttributes attributes_;
~InstancesComponent() = default;
GeometryComponent *copy() const override;
void clear();
void reserve(int min_capacity);
* Resize the transform, handles, and attributes to the specified capacity.
* \note This function should be used carefully, only when it's guaranteed
* that the data will be filled.
void resize(int capacity);
* Returns a handle for the given reference.
* If the reference exists already, the handle of the existing reference is returned.
* Otherwise a new handle is added.
int add_reference(const InstanceReference &reference);
* Add a reference to the instance reference with an index specified by the #instance_handle
* argument. For adding many instances, using #resize and accessing the transform array directly
* is preferred.
void add_instance(int instance_handle, const blender::float4x4 &transform);
blender::Span<InstanceReference> references() const;
void remove_unused_references();
* If references have a collection or object type, convert them into geometry instances
* recursively. After that, the geometry sets can be edited. There may still be instances of
* other types of they can't be converted to geometry sets.
void ensure_geometry_instances();
* With write access to the instances component, the data in the instanced geometry sets can be
* changed. This is a function on the component rather than each reference to ensure `const`
* correctness for that reason.
GeometrySet &geometry_set_from_reference(int reference_index);
blender::Span<int> instance_reference_handles() const;
blender::MutableSpan<int> instance_reference_handles();
blender::MutableSpan<blender::float4x4> instance_transforms();
blender::Span<blender::float4x4> instance_transforms() const;
int instances_num() const;
int references_num() const;
* Remove the indices that are not contained in the mask input, and remove unused instance
* references afterwards.
void remove_instances(const blender::IndexMask mask);
blender::Span<int> almost_unique_ids() const;
blender::bke::CustomDataAttributes &instance_attributes();
const blender::bke::CustomDataAttributes &instance_attributes() const;
std::optional<blender::bke::AttributeAccessor> attributes() const final;
std::optional<blender::bke::MutableAttributeAccessor> attributes_for_write() final;
void foreach_referenced_geometry(
blender::FunctionRef<void(const GeometrySet &geometry_set)> callback) const;
bool is_empty() const final;
bool owns_direct_data() const override;
void ensure_owns_direct_data() override;
static constexpr inline GeometryComponentType static_type = GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_INSTANCES;
* A geometry component that stores volume grids, corresponding to the #Volume data structure.
* This component does not implement an attribute API, partly because storage of sparse volume
* information in grids is much more complicated than it is for other types
class VolumeComponent : public GeometryComponent {
Volume *volume_ = nullptr;
GeometryOwnershipType ownership_ = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned;
GeometryComponent *copy() const override;
void clear();
bool has_volume() const;
* Clear the component and replace it with the new volume.
void replace(Volume *volume, GeometryOwnershipType ownership = GeometryOwnershipType::Owned);
* Return the volume and clear the component. The caller takes over responsibility for freeing
* the volume (if the component was responsible before).
Volume *release();
* Get the volume from this component. This method can be used by multiple threads at the same
* time. Therefore, the returned volume should not be modified. No ownership is transferred.
const Volume *get_for_read() const;
* Get the volume from this component. This method can only be used when the component is
* mutable, i.e. it is not shared. The returned volume can be modified. No ownership is
* transferred.
Volume *get_for_write();
bool owns_direct_data() const override;
void ensure_owns_direct_data() override;
static constexpr inline GeometryComponentType static_type = GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_VOLUME;
* When the original data is in some edit mode, we want to propagate some additional information
* through object evaluation. This information can be used by edit modes to support working on
* evaluated data.
* This component is added at the beginning of modifier evaluation.
class GeometryComponentEditData final : public GeometryComponent {
* Information about how original curves are manipulated during evaluation. This data is used so
* that curve sculpt tools can work on evaluated data. It is not stored in #CurveComponent
* because the data remains valid even when there is no actual curves geometry anymore, for
* example, when the curves have been converted to a mesh.
std::unique_ptr<blender::bke::CurvesEditHints> curves_edit_hints_;
GeometryComponent *copy() const final;
bool owns_direct_data() const final;
void ensure_owns_direct_data() final;
* The first node that does topology changing operations on curves should store the curve point
* positions it retrieved as input. Without this, information about the deformed positions is
* lost, which would make curves sculpt mode fall back to using original curve positions instead
* of deformed ones.
static void remember_deformed_curve_positions_if_necessary(GeometrySet &geometry);
static constexpr inline GeometryComponentType static_type = GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_EDIT;