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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "BLI_math_color.h"
namespace blender {
* CPP based color structures.
* Strongly typed color storage structures with space and alpha association.
* Will increase readability and visibility of typical mistakes when
* working with colors.
* The storage structs can hold 4 channels (r, g, b and a).
* Usage:
* Convert a theme byte color to a linearrgb premultiplied.
* \code{.cc}
* ColorTheme4b theme_color;
* ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Premultiplied> linearrgb_color =
* BLI_color_convert_to_scene_linear(theme_color).premultiply_alpha();
* \endcode
* The API is structured to make most use of inlining. Most notable are space
* conversions done via `BLI_color_convert_to*` functions.
* - Conversions between spaces (theme <=> scene linear) should always be done by
* invoking the `BLI_color_convert_to*` methods.
* - Encoding colors (compressing to store colors inside a less precision storage)
* should be done by invoking the `encode` and `decode` methods.
* - Changing alpha association should be done by invoking `premultiply_alpha` or
* `unpremultiply_alpha` methods.
* # Encoding.
* Color encoding is used to store colors with less precision as in using `uint8_t` in
* stead of `float`. This encoding is supported for `eSpace::SceneLinear`.
* To make this clear to the developer the `eSpace::SceneLinearByteEncoded`
* space is added.
* # Precision
* Colors can be stored using `uint8_t` or `float` colors. The conversion
* between the two precisions are available as methods. (`to_4b` and
* `to_4f`).
* # Alpha conversion
* Alpha conversion is only supported in SceneLinear space.
* Extending this file:
* - This file can be extended with `ColorHex/Hsl/Hsv` for different representations
* of rgb based colors. `ColorHsl4f<eSpace::SceneLinear, eAlpha::Premultiplied>`
* - Add non RGB spaces/storages ColorXyz.
/** Enumeration containing the different alpha modes. */
enum class eAlpha {
/** Color and alpha are unassociated. */
/** Color and alpha are associated. */
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const eAlpha &space);
/** Enumeration containing internal spaces. */
enum class eSpace {
/** Blender theme color space (sRGB). */
/** Blender internal scene linear color space (maps to scene_linear role in OCIO). */
/** Blender internal scene linear color space compressed to be stored in 4 uint8_t. */
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const eSpace &space);
/** Template class to store RGBA values with different precision, space, and alpha association. */
template<typename ChannelStorageType, eSpace Space, eAlpha Alpha> class ColorRGBA {
ChannelStorageType r, g, b, a;
constexpr ColorRGBA() = default;
constexpr ColorRGBA(const ChannelStorageType rgba[4])
: r(rgba[0]), g(rgba[1]), b(rgba[2]), a(rgba[3])
constexpr ColorRGBA(const ChannelStorageType r,
const ChannelStorageType g,
const ChannelStorageType b,
const ChannelStorageType a)
: r(r), g(g), b(b), a(a)
operator ChannelStorageType *()
return &r;
operator const ChannelStorageType *() const
return &r;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream,
const ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, Space, Alpha> &c)
stream << Space << Alpha << "(" << c.r << ", " << c.g << ", " << c.b << ", " << c.a << ")";
return stream;
friend bool operator==(const ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, Space, Alpha> &a,
const ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, Space, Alpha> &b)
return a.r == b.r && a.g == b.g && a.b == b.b && a.a == b.a;
friend bool operator!=(const ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, Space, Alpha> &a,
const ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, Space, Alpha> &b)
return !(a == b);
uint64_t hash() const
uint64_t x1 = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(&r);
uint64_t x2 = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(&g);
uint64_t x3 = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(&b);
uint64_t x4 = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(&a);
return (x1 * 1283591) ^ (x2 * 850177) ^ (x3 * 735391) ^ (x4 * 442319);
/* Forward declarations of concrete color classes. */
template<eAlpha Alpha> class ColorSceneLinear4f;
template<eAlpha Alpha> class ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b;
template<typename ChannelStorageType> class ColorTheme4;
/* Forward declaration of precision conversion methods. */
BLI_INLINE ColorTheme4<float> BLI_color_convert_to_theme4f(const ColorTheme4<uint8_t> &srgb4b);
BLI_INLINE ColorTheme4<uint8_t> BLI_color_convert_to_theme4b(const ColorTheme4<float> &srgb4f);
template<eAlpha Alpha>
class ColorSceneLinear4f final : public ColorRGBA<float, eSpace::SceneLinear, Alpha> {
constexpr ColorSceneLinear4f<Alpha>() : ColorRGBA<float, eSpace::SceneLinear, Alpha>()
constexpr ColorSceneLinear4f<Alpha>(const float *rgba)
: ColorRGBA<float, eSpace::SceneLinear, Alpha>(rgba)
constexpr ColorSceneLinear4f<Alpha>(float r, float g, float b, float a)
: ColorRGBA<float, eSpace::SceneLinear, Alpha>(r, g, b, a)
* Convert to its byte encoded counterpart.
ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b<Alpha> encode() const
ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b<Alpha> encoded;
linearrgb_to_srgb_uchar4(encoded, *this);
return encoded;
* Convert color and alpha association to premultiplied alpha.
* Does nothing when color already has a premultiplied alpha.
ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Premultiplied> premultiply_alpha() const
if constexpr (Alpha == eAlpha::Straight) {
ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Premultiplied> premultiplied;
straight_to_premul_v4_v4(premultiplied, *this);
return premultiplied;
else {
return *this;
* Convert color and alpha association to straight alpha.
* Does nothing when color has straight alpha.
ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight> unpremultiply_alpha() const
if constexpr (Alpha == eAlpha::Premultiplied) {
ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight> straighten;
premul_to_straight_v4_v4(straighten, *this);
return straighten;
else {
return *this;
template<eAlpha Alpha>
class ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b final
: public ColorRGBA<uint8_t, eSpace::SceneLinearByteEncoded, Alpha> {
constexpr ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b() = default;
constexpr ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b(const uint8_t *rgba)
: ColorRGBA<uint8_t, eSpace::SceneLinearByteEncoded, Alpha>(rgba)
constexpr ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
: ColorRGBA<uint8_t, eSpace::SceneLinearByteEncoded, Alpha>(r, g, b, a)
* Convert to a float color.
ColorSceneLinear4f<Alpha> decode() const
ColorSceneLinear4f<Alpha> decoded;
srgb_to_linearrgb_uchar4(decoded, *this);
return decoded;
* Theme color template class.
* Don't use directly, but use `ColorTheme4b/ColorTheme4b`.
* This has been implemented as a template to improve inlining. When implemented as concrete
* classes (ColorTheme4b/f) the functions would be hidden in a compile unit what wouldn't be
* inlined.
template<typename ChannelStorageType>
class ColorTheme4 final : public ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, eSpace::Theme, eAlpha::Straight> {
constexpr ColorTheme4() : ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, eSpace::Theme, eAlpha::Straight>(){};
constexpr ColorTheme4(const ChannelStorageType *rgba)
: ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, eSpace::Theme, eAlpha::Straight>(rgba)
constexpr ColorTheme4(ChannelStorageType r,
ChannelStorageType g,
ChannelStorageType b,
ChannelStorageType a)
: ColorRGBA<ChannelStorageType, eSpace::Theme, eAlpha::Straight>(r, g, b, a)
* Change precision of color to float.
ColorTheme4<float> to_4f() const
if constexpr ((std::is_same_v<ChannelStorageType, uint8_t>)) {
return BLI_color_convert_to_theme4f(*this);
else {
return *this;
* Change precision of color to uint8_t.
ColorTheme4<uint8_t> to_4b() const
if constexpr ((std::is_same_v<ChannelStorageType, float>)) {
return BLI_color_convert_to_theme4b(*this);
else {
return *this;
using ColorTheme4b = ColorTheme4<uint8_t>;
using ColorTheme4f = ColorTheme4<float>;
BLI_INLINE ColorTheme4b BLI_color_convert_to_theme4b(const ColorTheme4f &theme4f)
ColorTheme4b theme4b;
rgba_float_to_uchar(theme4b, theme4f);
return theme4b;
BLI_INLINE ColorTheme4f BLI_color_convert_to_theme4f(const ColorTheme4b &theme4b)
ColorTheme4f theme4f;
rgba_uchar_to_float(theme4f, theme4b);
return theme4f;
BLI_INLINE ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight> BLI_color_convert_to_scene_linear(
const ColorTheme4f &theme4f)
ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight> scene_linear;
srgb_to_linearrgb_v4(scene_linear, theme4f);
return scene_linear;
BLI_INLINE ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight> BLI_color_convert_to_scene_linear(
const ColorTheme4b &theme4b)
ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight> scene_linear;
srgb_to_linearrgb_uchar4(scene_linear, theme4b);
return scene_linear;
BLI_INLINE ColorTheme4f
BLI_color_convert_to_theme4f(const ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight> &scene_linear)
ColorTheme4f theme4f;
linearrgb_to_srgb_v4(theme4f, scene_linear);
return theme4f;
BLI_INLINE ColorTheme4b
BLI_color_convert_to_theme4b(const ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight> &scene_linear)
ColorTheme4b theme4b;
linearrgb_to_srgb_uchar4(theme4b, scene_linear);
return theme4b;
/* Internal roles. For convenience to shorten the type names and hide complexity. */
using ColorGeometry4f = ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Premultiplied>;
using ColorGeometry4b = ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b<eAlpha::Premultiplied>;
using ColorPaint4f = ColorSceneLinear4f<eAlpha::Straight>;
using ColorPaint4b = ColorSceneLinearByteEncoded4b<eAlpha::Straight>;
} // namespace blender