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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* A `blender::Map<Key, Value>` is an unordered associative container that stores key-value pairs.
* The keys have to be unique. It is designed to be a more convenient and efficient replacement for
* `std::unordered_map`. All core operations (add, lookup, remove and contains) can be done in O(1)
* amortized expected time.
* Your default choice for a hash map in Blender should be `blender::Map`.
* blender::Map is implemented using open addressing in a slot array with a power-of-two size.
* Every slot is in one of three states: empty, occupied or removed. If a slot is occupied, it
* contains a Key and Value instance.
* Benchmarking and comparing hash tables is hard, because many factors influence the result. The
* performance of a hash table depends on the combination of the hash function, probing strategy,
* max load factor, data types, slot type and data distribution. This implementation is designed to
* be relatively fast by default in all cases. However, it also offers many customization points
* that allow it to be optimized for a specific use case.
* A rudimentary benchmark can be found in The results of that benchmark are there
* as well. The numbers show that in this specific case blender::Map outperforms std::unordered_map
* consistently by a good amount.
* Some noteworthy information:
* - Key and Value must be movable types.
* - Pointers to keys and values might be invalidated when the map is changed or moved.
* - The hash function can be customized. See BLI_hash.hh for details.
* - The probing strategy can be customized. See BLI_probing_strategies.hh for details.
* - The slot type can be customized. See BLI_map_slots.hh for details.
* - Small buffer optimization is enabled by default, if Key and Value are not too large.
* - The methods `add_new` and `remove_contained` should be used instead of `add` and `remove`
* whenever appropriate. Assumptions and intention are described better this way.
* - There are multiple methods to add and lookup keys for different use cases.
* - You cannot use a range-for loop on the map directly. Instead use the keys(), values() and
* items() iterators. If your map is non-const, you can also change the values through those
* iterators (but not the keys).
* - Lookups can be performed using types other than Key without conversion. For that use the
* methods ending with `_as`. The template parameters Hash and IsEqual have to support the other
* key type. This can greatly improve performance when the map uses strings as keys.
* - The default constructor is cheap, even when a large InlineBufferCapacity is used. A large
* slot array will only be initialized when the first element is added.
* - The `print_stats` method can be used to get information about the distribution of keys and
* memory usage of the map.
* - The method names don't follow the std::unordered_map names in many cases. Searching for such
* names in this file will usually let you discover the new name.
* - There is a StdUnorderedMapWrapper class, that wraps std::unordered_map and gives it the same
* interface as blender::Map. This is useful for benchmarking.
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "BLI_array.hh"
#include "BLI_hash.hh"
#include "BLI_hash_tables.hh"
#include "BLI_map_slots.hh"
#include "BLI_probing_strategies.hh"
namespace blender {
* Type of the keys stored in the map. Keys have to be movable. Furthermore, the hash and
* is-equal functions have to support it.
typename Key,
* Type of the value that is stored per key. It has to be movable as well.
typename Value,
* The minimum number of elements that can be stored in this Map without doing a heap
* allocation. This is useful when you expect to have many small maps. However, keep in mind
* that (unlike vector) initializing a map has a O(n) cost in the number of slots.
int64_t InlineBufferCapacity = default_inline_buffer_capacity(sizeof(Key) + sizeof(Value)),
* The strategy used to deal with collisions. They are defined in BLI_probing_strategies.hh.
typename ProbingStrategy = DefaultProbingStrategy,
* The hash function used to hash the keys. There is a default for many types. See BLI_hash.hh
* for examples on how to define a custom hash function.
typename Hash = DefaultHash<Key>,
* The equality operator used to compare keys. By default it will simply compare keys using the
* `==` operator.
typename IsEqual = DefaultEquality,
* This is what will actually be stored in the hash table array. At a minimum a slot has to be
* able to hold a key, a value and information about whether the slot is empty, occupied or
* removed. Using a non-standard slot type can improve performance or reduce the memory
* footprint for some types. Slot types are defined in BLI_map_slots.hh
typename Slot = typename DefaultMapSlot<Key, Value>::type,
* The allocator used by this map. Should rarely be changed, except when you don't want that
* MEM_* is used internally.
typename Allocator = GuardedAllocator>
class Map {
using size_type = int64_t;
* Slots are either empty, occupied or removed. The number of occupied slots can be computed by
* subtracting the removed slots from the occupied-and-removed slots.
int64_t removed_slots_;
int64_t occupied_and_removed_slots_;
* The maximum number of slots that can be used (either occupied or removed) until the set has to
* grow. This is the total number of slots times the max load factor.
int64_t usable_slots_;
* The number of slots minus one. This is a bit mask that can be used to turn any integer into a
* valid slot index efficiently.
uint64_t slot_mask_;
/** This is called to hash incoming keys. */
/** This is called to check equality of two keys. */
BLI_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS IsEqual is_equal_;
/** The max load factor is 1/2 = 50% by default. */
#define LOAD_FACTOR 1, 2
LoadFactor max_load_factor_ = LoadFactor(LOAD_FACTOR);
using SlotArray =
Array<Slot, LoadFactor::compute_total_slots(InlineBufferCapacity, LOAD_FACTOR), Allocator>;
* This is the array that contains the actual slots. There is always at least one empty slot and
* the size of the array is a power of two.
SlotArray slots_;
/** Iterate over a slot index sequence for a given hash. */
SLOT_PROBING_BEGIN (ProbingStrategy, HASH, slot_mask_, SLOT_INDEX) \
auto &R_SLOT = slots_[SLOT_INDEX];
* Initialize an empty map. This is a cheap operation no matter how large the inline buffer is.
* This is necessary to avoid a high cost when no elements are added at all. An optimized grow
* operation is performed on the first insertion.
Map(Allocator allocator = {}) noexcept
: removed_slots_(0),
slots_(1, allocator)
Map(NoExceptConstructor, Allocator allocator = {}) noexcept : Map(allocator)
~Map() = default;
Map(const Map &other) = default;
Map(Map &&other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<SlotArray>)
: Map(NoExceptConstructor(), other.slots_.allocator())
if constexpr (std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<SlotArray>) {
slots_ = std::move(other.slots_);
else {
try {
slots_ = std::move(other.slots_);
catch (...) {
removed_slots_ = other.removed_slots_;
occupied_and_removed_slots_ = other.occupied_and_removed_slots_;
usable_slots_ = other.usable_slots_;
slot_mask_ = other.slot_mask_;
hash_ = std::move(other.hash_);
is_equal_ = std::move(other.is_equal_);
Map &operator=(const Map &other)
return copy_assign_container(*this, other);
Map &operator=(Map &&other)
return move_assign_container(*this, std::move(other));
* Insert a new key-value-pair into the map. This invokes undefined behavior when the key is in
* the map already.
void add_new(const Key &key, const Value &value)
this->add_new_as(key, value);
void add_new(const Key &key, Value &&value)
this->add_new_as(key, std::move(value));
void add_new(Key &&key, const Value &value)
this->add_new_as(std::move(key), value);
void add_new(Key &&key, Value &&value)
this->add_new_as(std::move(key), std::move(value));
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
void add_new_as(ForwardKey &&key, ForwardValue &&...value)
std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash_(key), std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
* Add a key-value-pair to the map. If the map contains the key already, nothing is changed.
* If you want to replace the currently stored value, use `add_overwrite`.
* Returns true when the key has been newly added.
* This is similar to std::unordered_map::insert.
bool add(const Key &key, const Value &value)
return this->add_as(key, value);
bool add(const Key &key, Value &&value)
return this->add_as(key, std::move(value));
bool add(Key &&key, const Value &value)
return this->add_as(std::move(key), value);
bool add(Key &&key, Value &&value)
return this->add_as(std::move(key), std::move(value));
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
bool add_as(ForwardKey &&key, ForwardValue &&...value)
return this->add__impl(
std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash_(key), std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
* Adds a key-value-pair to the map. If the map contained the key already, the corresponding
* value will be replaced.
* Returns true when the key has been newly added.
* This is similar to std::unordered_map::insert_or_assign.
bool add_overwrite(const Key &key, const Value &value)
return this->add_overwrite_as(key, value);
bool add_overwrite(const Key &key, Value &&value)
return this->add_overwrite_as(key, std::move(value));
bool add_overwrite(Key &&key, const Value &value)
return this->add_overwrite_as(std::move(key), value);
bool add_overwrite(Key &&key, Value &&value)
return this->add_overwrite_as(std::move(key), std::move(value));
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
bool add_overwrite_as(ForwardKey &&key, ForwardValue &&...value)
return this->add_overwrite__impl(
std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash_(key), std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
* Returns true if there is a key in the map that compares equal to the given key.
* This is similar to std::unordered_map::contains.
bool contains(const Key &key) const
return this->contains_as(key);
template<typename ForwardKey> bool contains_as(const ForwardKey &key) const
return this->lookup_slot_ptr(key, hash_(key)) != nullptr;
* Deletes the key-value-pair with the given key. Returns true when the key was contained and is
* now removed, otherwise false.
* This is similar to std::unordered_map::erase.
bool remove(const Key &key)
return this->remove_as(key);
template<typename ForwardKey> bool remove_as(const ForwardKey &key)
Slot *slot = this->lookup_slot_ptr(key, hash_(key));
if (slot == nullptr) {
return false;
return true;
* Deletes the key-value-pair with the given key. This invokes undefined behavior when the key is
* not in the map.
void remove_contained(const Key &key)
template<typename ForwardKey> void remove_contained_as(const ForwardKey &key)
Slot &slot = this->lookup_slot(key, hash_(key));
* Get the value that is stored for the given key and remove it from the map. This invokes
* undefined behavior when the key is not in the map.
Value pop(const Key &key)
return this->pop_as(key);
template<typename ForwardKey> Value pop_as(const ForwardKey &key)
Slot &slot = this->lookup_slot(key, hash_(key));
Value value = std::move(*slot.value());
return value;
* Get the value that is stored for the given key and remove it from the map. If the key is not
* in the map, a value-less optional is returned.
std::optional<Value> pop_try(const Key &key)
return this->pop_try_as(key);
template<typename ForwardKey> std::optional<Value> pop_try_as(const ForwardKey &key)
Slot *slot = this->lookup_slot_ptr(key, hash_(key));
if (slot == nullptr) {
return {};
std::optional<Value> value = std::move(*slot->value());
return value;
* Get the value that corresponds to the given key and remove it from the map. If the key is not
* in the map, return the given default value instead.
Value pop_default(const Key &key, const Value &default_value)
return this->pop_default_as(key, default_value);
Value pop_default(const Key &key, Value &&default_value)
return this->pop_default_as(key, std::move(default_value));
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
Value pop_default_as(const ForwardKey &key, ForwardValue &&...default_value)
Slot *slot = this->lookup_slot_ptr(key, hash_(key));
if (slot == nullptr) {
return Value(std::forward<ForwardValue>(default_value)...);
Value value = std::move(*slot->value());
return value;
* This method can be used to implement more complex custom behavior without having to do
* multiple lookups
* When the key did not yet exist in the map, the create_value function is called. Otherwise the
* modify_value function is called.
* Both functions are expected to take a single parameter of type `Value *`. In create_value,
* this pointer will point to uninitialized memory that has to be initialized by the function. In
* modify_value, it will point to an already initialized value.
* The function returns whatever is returned from the create_value or modify_value callback.
* Therefore, both callbacks have to have the same return type.
* In this example an integer is stored for every key. The initial value is five and we want to
* increase it every time the same key is used.
* map.add_or_modify(key,
* [](int *value) { *value = 5; },
* [](int *value) { (*value)++; });
template<typename CreateValueF, typename ModifyValueF>
auto add_or_modify(const Key &key,
const CreateValueF &create_value,
const ModifyValueF &modify_value) -> decltype(create_value(nullptr))
return this->add_or_modify_as(key, create_value, modify_value);
template<typename CreateValueF, typename ModifyValueF>
auto add_or_modify(Key &&key, const CreateValueF &create_value, const ModifyValueF &modify_value)
-> decltype(create_value(nullptr))
return this->add_or_modify_as(std::move(key), create_value, modify_value);
template<typename ForwardKey, typename CreateValueF, typename ModifyValueF>
auto add_or_modify_as(ForwardKey &&key,
const CreateValueF &create_value,
const ModifyValueF &modify_value) -> decltype(create_value(nullptr))
return this->add_or_modify__impl(
std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), create_value, modify_value, hash_(key));
* Returns a pointer to the value that corresponds to the given key. If the key is not in the
* map, nullptr is returned.
* This is similar to std::unordered_map::find.
const Value *lookup_ptr(const Key &key) const
return this->lookup_ptr_as(key);
Value *lookup_ptr(const Key &key)
return this->lookup_ptr_as(key);
template<typename ForwardKey> const Value *lookup_ptr_as(const ForwardKey &key) const
const Slot *slot = this->lookup_slot_ptr(key, hash_(key));
return (slot != nullptr) ? slot->value() : nullptr;
template<typename ForwardKey> Value *lookup_ptr_as(const ForwardKey &key)
return const_cast<Value *>(const_cast<const Map *>(this)->lookup_ptr_as(key));
* Returns a reference to the value that corresponds to the given key. This invokes undefined
* behavior when the key is not in the map.
const Value &lookup(const Key &key) const
return this->lookup_as(key);
Value &lookup(const Key &key)
return this->lookup_as(key);
template<typename ForwardKey> const Value &lookup_as(const ForwardKey &key) const
const Value *ptr = this->lookup_ptr_as(key);
BLI_assert(ptr != nullptr);
return *ptr;
template<typename ForwardKey> Value &lookup_as(const ForwardKey &key)
Value *ptr = this->lookup_ptr_as(key);
BLI_assert(ptr != nullptr);
return *ptr;
* Returns a copy of the value that corresponds to the given key. If the key is not in the
* map, the provided default_value is returned.
Value lookup_default(const Key &key, const Value &default_value) const
return this->lookup_default_as(key, default_value);
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
Value lookup_default_as(const ForwardKey &key, ForwardValue &&...default_value) const
const Value *ptr = this->lookup_ptr_as(key);
if (ptr != nullptr) {
return *ptr;
else {
return Value(std::forward<ForwardValue>(default_value)...);
* Returns a reference to the value corresponding to the given key. If the key is not in the map,
* a new key-value-pair is added and a reference to the value in the map is returned.
Value &lookup_or_add(const Key &key, const Value &value)
return this->lookup_or_add_as(key, value);
Value &lookup_or_add(const Key &key, Value &&value)
return this->lookup_or_add_as(key, std::move(value));
Value &lookup_or_add(Key &&key, const Value &value)
return this->lookup_or_add_as(std::move(key), value);
Value &lookup_or_add(Key &&key, Value &&value)
return this->lookup_or_add_as(std::move(key), std::move(value));
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
Value &lookup_or_add_as(ForwardKey &&key, ForwardValue &&...value)
return this->lookup_or_add__impl(
std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash_(key), std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
* Returns a reference to the value that corresponds to the given key. If the key is not yet in
* the map, it will be newly added.
* The create_value callback is only called when the key did not exist yet. It is expected to
* take no parameters and return the value to be inserted.
template<typename CreateValueF>
Value &lookup_or_add_cb(const Key &key, const CreateValueF &create_value)
return this->lookup_or_add_cb_as(key, create_value);
template<typename CreateValueF>
Value &lookup_or_add_cb(Key &&key, const CreateValueF &create_value)
return this->lookup_or_add_cb_as(std::move(key), create_value);
template<typename ForwardKey, typename CreateValueF>
Value &lookup_or_add_cb_as(ForwardKey &&key, const CreateValueF &create_value)
return this->lookup_or_add_cb__impl(std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), create_value, hash_(key));
* Returns a reference to the value that corresponds to the given key. If the key is not yet in
* the map, it will be newly added. The newly added value will be default constructed.
Value &lookup_or_add_default(const Key &key)
return this->lookup_or_add_default_as(key);
Value &lookup_or_add_default(Key &&key)
return this->lookup_or_add_default_as(std::move(key));
template<typename ForwardKey> Value &lookup_or_add_default_as(ForwardKey &&key)
return this->lookup_or_add_cb_as(std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), []() { return Value(); });
* Returns the key that is stored in the set that compares equal to the given key. This invokes
* undefined behavior when the key is not in the map.
const Key &lookup_key(const Key &key) const
return this->lookup_key_as(key);
template<typename ForwardKey> const Key &lookup_key_as(const ForwardKey &key) const
const Slot &slot = this->lookup_slot(key, hash_(key));
return *slot.key();
* Returns a pointer to the key that is stored in the map that compares equal to the given key.
* If the key is not in the map, null is returned.
const Key *lookup_key_ptr(const Key &key) const
return this->lookup_key_ptr_as(key);
template<typename ForwardKey> const Key *lookup_key_ptr_as(const ForwardKey &key) const
const Slot *slot = this->lookup_slot_ptr(key, hash_(key));
if (slot == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return slot->key();
* Calls the provided callback for every key-value-pair in the map. The callback is expected
* to take a `const Key &` as first and a `const Value &` as second parameter.
template<typename FuncT> void foreach_item(const FuncT &func) const
int64_t size = slots_.size();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const Slot &slot = slots_[i];
if (slot.is_occupied()) {
const Key &key = *slot.key();
const Value &value = *slot.value();
func(key, value);
/* Common base class for all iterators below. */
struct BaseIterator {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
/* We could have separate base iterators for const and non-const iterators, but that would add
* more complexity than benefits right now. */
Slot *slots_;
int64_t total_slots_;
int64_t current_slot_;
friend Map;
BaseIterator(const Slot *slots, const int64_t total_slots, const int64_t current_slot)
: slots_(const_cast<Slot *>(slots)), total_slots_(total_slots), current_slot_(current_slot)
BaseIterator &operator++()
while (++current_slot_ < total_slots_) {
if (slots_[current_slot_].is_occupied()) {
return *this;
BaseIterator operator++(int)
BaseIterator copied_iterator = *this;
return copied_iterator;
friend bool operator!=(const BaseIterator &a, const BaseIterator &b)
BLI_assert(a.slots_ == b.slots_);
BLI_assert(a.total_slots_ == b.total_slots_);
return a.current_slot_ != b.current_slot_;
friend bool operator==(const BaseIterator &a, const BaseIterator &b)
return !(a != b);
Slot &current_slot() const
return slots_[current_slot_];
* A utility iterator that reduces the amount of code when implementing the actual iterators.
* This uses the "curiously recurring template pattern" (CRTP).
template<typename SubIterator> class BaseIteratorRange : public BaseIterator {
BaseIteratorRange(const Slot *slots, int64_t total_slots, int64_t current_slot)
: BaseIterator(slots, total_slots, current_slot)
SubIterator begin() const
for (int64_t i = 0; i < this->total_slots_; i++) {
if (this->slots_[i].is_occupied()) {
return SubIterator(this->slots_, this->total_slots_, i);
return this->end();
SubIterator end() const
return SubIterator(this->slots_, this->total_slots_, this->total_slots_);
class KeyIterator final : public BaseIteratorRange<KeyIterator> {
using value_type = Key;
using pointer = const Key *;
using reference = const Key &;
KeyIterator(const Slot *slots, int64_t total_slots, int64_t current_slot)
: BaseIteratorRange<KeyIterator>(slots, total_slots, current_slot)
const Key &operator*() const
return *this->current_slot().key();
class ValueIterator final : public BaseIteratorRange<ValueIterator> {
using value_type = Value;
using pointer = const Value *;
using reference = const Value &;
ValueIterator(const Slot *slots, int64_t total_slots, int64_t current_slot)
: BaseIteratorRange<ValueIterator>(slots, total_slots, current_slot)
const Value &operator*() const
return *this->current_slot().value();
class MutableValueIterator final : public BaseIteratorRange<MutableValueIterator> {
using value_type = Value;
using pointer = Value *;
using reference = Value &;
MutableValueIterator(Slot *slots, int64_t total_slots, int64_t current_slot)
: BaseIteratorRange<MutableValueIterator>(slots, total_slots, current_slot)
Value &operator*()
return *this->current_slot().value();
struct Item {
const Key &key;
const Value &value;
struct MutableItem {
const Key &key;
Value &value;
operator Item() const
return Item{key, value};
class ItemIterator final : public BaseIteratorRange<ItemIterator> {
using value_type = Item;
using pointer = Item *;
using reference = Item &;
ItemIterator(const Slot *slots, int64_t total_slots, int64_t current_slot)
: BaseIteratorRange<ItemIterator>(slots, total_slots, current_slot)
Item operator*() const
const Slot &slot = this->current_slot();
return {*slot.key(), *slot.value()};
class MutableItemIterator final : public BaseIteratorRange<MutableItemIterator> {
using value_type = MutableItem;
using pointer = MutableItem *;
using reference = MutableItem &;
MutableItemIterator(Slot *slots, int64_t total_slots, int64_t current_slot)
: BaseIteratorRange<MutableItemIterator>(slots, total_slots, current_slot)
MutableItem operator*() const
Slot &slot = this->current_slot();
return {*slot.key(), *slot.value()};
* Allows writing a range-for loop that iterates over all keys. The iterator is invalidated, when
* the map is changed.
KeyIterator keys() const
return KeyIterator(, slots_.size(), 0);
* Returns an iterator over all values in the map. The iterator is invalidated, when the map is
* changed.
ValueIterator values() const
return ValueIterator(, slots_.size(), 0);
* Returns an iterator over all values in the map and allows you to change the values. The
* iterator is invalidated, when the map is changed.
MutableValueIterator values()
return MutableValueIterator(, slots_.size(), 0);
* Returns an iterator over all key-value-pairs in the map. The key-value-pairs are stored in
* a temporary struct with a .key and a .value field.The iterator is invalidated, when the map is
* changed.
ItemIterator items() const
return ItemIterator(, slots_.size(), 0);
* Returns an iterator over all key-value-pairs in the map. The key-value-pairs are stored in
* a temporary struct with a .key and a .value field. The iterator is invalidated, when the map
* is changed.
* This iterator also allows you to modify the value (but not the key).
MutableItemIterator items()
return MutableItemIterator(, slots_.size(), 0);
* Remove the key-value-pair that the iterator is currently pointing at.
* It is valid to call this method while iterating over the map. However, after this method has
* been called, the removed element must not be accessed anymore.
void remove(const BaseIterator &iterator)
Slot &slot = iterator.current_slot();
* Print common statistics like size and collision count. This is useful for debugging purposes.
void print_stats(StringRef name = "") const
HashTableStats stats(*this, this->keys());
* Return the number of key-value-pairs that are stored in the map.
int64_t size() const
return occupied_and_removed_slots_ - removed_slots_;
* Returns true if there are no elements in the map.
* This is similar to std::unordered_map::empty.
bool is_empty() const
return occupied_and_removed_slots_ == removed_slots_;
* Returns the number of available slots. This is mostly for debugging purposes.
int64_t capacity() const
return slots_.size();
* Returns the amount of removed slots in the set. This is mostly for debugging purposes.
int64_t removed_amount() const
return removed_slots_;
* Returns the bytes required per element. This is mostly for debugging purposes.
int64_t size_per_element() const
return sizeof(Slot);
* Returns the approximate memory requirements of the map in bytes. This becomes more exact the
* larger the map becomes.
int64_t size_in_bytes() const
return static_cast<int64_t>(sizeof(Slot) * slots_.size());
* Potentially resize the map such that the specified number of elements can be added without
* another grow operation.
void reserve(int64_t n)
if (usable_slots_ < n) {
* Removes all key-value-pairs from the map.
void clear()
for (Slot &slot : slots_) {
new (&slot) Slot();
removed_slots_ = 0;
occupied_and_removed_slots_ = 0;
* Get the number of collisions that the probing strategy has to go through to find the key or
* determine that it is not in the map.
int64_t count_collisions(const Key &key) const
return this->count_collisions__impl(key, hash_(key));
BLI_NOINLINE void realloc_and_reinsert(int64_t min_usable_slots)
int64_t total_slots, usable_slots;
SlotArray::inline_buffer_capacity(), min_usable_slots, &total_slots, &usable_slots);
BLI_assert(total_slots >= 1);
const uint64_t new_slot_mask = static_cast<uint64_t>(total_slots) - 1;
* Optimize the case when the map was empty beforehand. We can avoid some copies here.
if (this->size() == 0) {
try {
catch (...) {
removed_slots_ = 0;
occupied_and_removed_slots_ = 0;
usable_slots_ = usable_slots;
slot_mask_ = new_slot_mask;
SlotArray new_slots(total_slots);
try {
for (Slot &slot : slots_) {
if (slot.is_occupied()) {
this->add_after_grow(slot, new_slots, new_slot_mask);
slots_ = std::move(new_slots);
catch (...) {
occupied_and_removed_slots_ -= removed_slots_;
usable_slots_ = usable_slots;
removed_slots_ = 0;
slot_mask_ = new_slot_mask;
void add_after_grow(Slot &old_slot, SlotArray &new_slots, uint64_t new_slot_mask)
uint64_t hash = old_slot.get_hash(Hash());
SLOT_PROBING_BEGIN (ProbingStrategy, hash, new_slot_mask, slot_index) {
Slot &slot = new_slots[slot_index];
if (slot.is_empty()) {
slot.occupy(std::move(*old_slot.key()), hash, std::move(*old_slot.value()));
void noexcept_reset() noexcept
Allocator allocator = slots_.allocator();
new (this) Map(NoExceptConstructor(), allocator);
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
void add_new__impl(ForwardKey &&key, uint64_t hash, ForwardValue &&...value)
if (slot.is_empty()) {
slot.occupy(std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash, std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
bool add__impl(ForwardKey &&key, uint64_t hash, ForwardValue &&...value)
if (slot.is_empty()) {
slot.occupy(std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash, std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
return true;
if (slot.contains(key, is_equal_, hash)) {
return false;
template<typename ForwardKey, typename CreateValueF, typename ModifyValueF>
auto add_or_modify__impl(ForwardKey &&key,
const CreateValueF &create_value,
const ModifyValueF &modify_value,
uint64_t hash) -> decltype(create_value(nullptr))
using CreateReturnT = decltype(create_value(nullptr));
using ModifyReturnT = decltype(modify_value(nullptr));
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT((std::is_same_v<CreateReturnT, ModifyReturnT>),
"Both callbacks should return the same type.");
if (slot.is_empty()) {
Value *value_ptr = slot.value();
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<CreateReturnT>) {
slot.occupy_no_value(std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash);
else {
auto &&return_value = create_value(value_ptr);
slot.occupy_no_value(std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash);
return return_value;
if (slot.contains(key, is_equal_, hash)) {
Value *value_ptr = slot.value();
return modify_value(value_ptr);
template<typename ForwardKey, typename CreateValueF>
Value &lookup_or_add_cb__impl(ForwardKey &&key, const CreateValueF &create_value, uint64_t hash)
if (slot.is_empty()) {
slot.occupy(std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash, create_value());
return *slot.value();
if (slot.contains(key, is_equal_, hash)) {
return *slot.value();
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
Value &lookup_or_add__impl(ForwardKey &&key, uint64_t hash, ForwardValue &&...value)
if (slot.is_empty()) {
slot.occupy(std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), hash, std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
return *slot.value();
if (slot.contains(key, is_equal_, hash)) {
return *slot.value();
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
bool add_overwrite__impl(ForwardKey &&key, uint64_t hash, ForwardValue &&...value)
auto create_func = [&](Value *ptr) {
new (static_cast<void *>(ptr)) Value(std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
return true;
auto modify_func = [&](Value *ptr) {
*ptr = Value(std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...);
return false;
return this->add_or_modify__impl(
std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), create_func, modify_func, hash);
template<typename ForwardKey>
const Slot &lookup_slot(const ForwardKey &key, const uint64_t hash) const
if (slot.contains(key, is_equal_, hash)) {
return slot;
template<typename ForwardKey> Slot &lookup_slot(const ForwardKey &key, const uint64_t hash)
return const_cast<Slot &>(const_cast<const Map *>(this)->lookup_slot(key, hash));
template<typename ForwardKey>
const Slot *lookup_slot_ptr(const ForwardKey &key, const uint64_t hash) const
if (slot.contains(key, is_equal_, hash)) {
return &slot;
if (slot.is_empty()) {
return nullptr;
template<typename ForwardKey> Slot *lookup_slot_ptr(const ForwardKey &key, const uint64_t hash)
return const_cast<Slot *>(const_cast<const Map *>(this)->lookup_slot_ptr(key, hash));
template<typename ForwardKey>
int64_t count_collisions__impl(const ForwardKey &key, uint64_t hash) const
int64_t collisions = 0;
if (slot.contains(key, is_equal_, hash)) {
return collisions;
if (slot.is_empty()) {
return collisions;
void ensure_can_add()
if (occupied_and_removed_slots_ >= usable_slots_) {
this->realloc_and_reinsert(this->size() + 1);
BLI_assert(occupied_and_removed_slots_ < usable_slots_);
* Same as a normal Map, but does not use Blender's guarded allocator. This is useful when
* allocating memory with static storage duration.
template<typename Key,
typename Value,
int64_t InlineBufferCapacity = default_inline_buffer_capacity(sizeof(Key) +
typename ProbingStrategy = DefaultProbingStrategy,
typename Hash = DefaultHash<Key>,
typename IsEqual = DefaultEquality,
typename Slot = typename DefaultMapSlot<Key, Value>::type>
using RawMap =
Map<Key, Value, InlineBufferCapacity, ProbingStrategy, Hash, IsEqual, Slot, RawAllocator>;
* A wrapper for std::unordered_map with the API of blender::Map. This can be used for
* benchmarking.
template<typename Key, typename Value> class StdUnorderedMapWrapper {
using MapType = std::unordered_map<Key, Value, blender::DefaultHash<Key>>;
MapType map_;
int64_t size() const
return static_cast<int64_t>(map_.size());
bool is_empty() const
return map_.empty();
void reserve(int64_t n)
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
void add_new(ForwardKey &&key, ForwardValue &&...value)
map_.insert({std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), Value(std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...)});
template<typename ForwardKey, typename... ForwardValue>
bool add(ForwardKey &&key, ForwardValue &&...value)
return map_
.insert({std::forward<ForwardKey>(key), Value(std::forward<ForwardValue>(value)...)})
bool contains(const Key &key) const
return map_.find(key) != map_.end();
bool remove(const Key &key)
return (bool)map_.erase(key);
Value &lookup(const Key &key)
return map_.find(key)->second;
const Value &lookup(const Key &key) const
return map_.find(key)->second;
void clear()
void print_stats(StringRef UNUSED(name) = "") const
} // namespace blender