
508 lines
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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup fn
* This file contains a graph data structure that allows composing multiple lazy-functions into a
* combined lazy-function.
* There are two types of nodes in the graph:
* - #FunctionNode: Corresponds to a #LazyFunction. The inputs and outputs of the function become
* input and output sockets of the node.
* - #DummyNode: Is used to indicate inputs and outputs of the entire graph. It can have an
* arbitrary number of sockets.
#include "BLI_linear_allocator.hh"
#include "FN_lazy_function.hh"
namespace blender::dot {
class DirectedEdge;
namespace blender::fn::lazy_function {
class Socket;
class InputSocket;
class OutputSocket;
class Node;
class Graph;
* A #Socket is the interface of a #Node. Every #Socket is either an #InputSocket or #OutputSocket.
* Links can be created from output sockets to input sockets.
class Socket : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
* The node the socket belongs to.
Node *node_;
* Data type of the socket. Only sockets with the same type can be linked.
const CPPType *type_;
* Indicates whether this is an #InputSocket or #OutputSocket.
bool is_input_;
* Index of the socket. E.g. 0 for the first input and the first output socket.
int index_in_node_;
* Index of the socket in the entire graph. Every socket has a different index.
int index_in_graph_;
friend Graph;
bool is_input() const;
bool is_output() const;
int index() const;
int index_in_graph() const;
InputSocket &as_input();
OutputSocket &as_output();
const InputSocket &as_input() const;
const OutputSocket &as_output() const;
const Node &node() const;
Node &node();
const CPPType &type() const;
std::string name() const;
std::string detailed_name() const;
class InputSocket : public Socket {
* An input can have at most one link connected to it. The linked socket is the "origin" because
* it's where the data is coming from. The type of the origin must be the same as the type of
* this socket.
OutputSocket *origin_;
* Can be null or a non-owning pointer to a value of the type of the socket. This value will be
* used when the input is used but not linked.
* This is technically not needed, because one could just create a separate node that just
* outputs the value, but that would have more overhead. Especially because it's commonly the
* case that most inputs are unlinked.
const void *default_value_ = nullptr;
friend Graph;
OutputSocket *origin();
const OutputSocket *origin() const;
const void *default_value() const;
void set_default_value(const void *value);
class OutputSocket : public Socket {
* An output can be linked to an arbitrary number of inputs of the same type.
Vector<InputSocket *> targets_;
friend Graph;
Span<InputSocket *> targets();
Span<const InputSocket *> targets() const;
* A #Node has input and output sockets. Every node is either a #FunctionNode or a #DummyNode.
class Node : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
* The function this node corresponds to. If this is null, the node is a #DummyNode.
* The function is not owned by this #Node nor by the #Graph.
const LazyFunction *fn_ = nullptr;
* Input sockets of the node.
Span<InputSocket *> inputs_;
* Output sockets of the node.
Span<OutputSocket *> outputs_;
* An index that is set when calling #Graph::update_node_indices. This can be used to create
* efficient mappings from nodes to other data using just an array instead of a hash map.
* This is technically not necessary but has better performance than always using hash maps.
int index_in_graph_ = -1;
friend Graph;
bool is_dummy() const;
bool is_function() const;
int index_in_graph() const;
Span<const InputSocket *> inputs() const;
Span<const OutputSocket *> outputs() const;
Span<InputSocket *> inputs();
Span<OutputSocket *> outputs();
const InputSocket &input(int index) const;
const OutputSocket &output(int index) const;
InputSocket &input(int index);
OutputSocket &output(int index);
std::string name() const;
* A #Node that corresponds to a specific #LazyFunction.
class FunctionNode : public Node {
const LazyFunction &function() const;
class DummyDebugInfo {
virtual ~DummyDebugInfo() = default;
virtual std::string node_name() const;
virtual std::string input_name(const int i) const;
virtual std::string output_name(const int i) const;
* Just stores a string per socket in a dummy node.
class SimpleDummyDebugInfo : public DummyDebugInfo {
std::string name;
Vector<std::string> input_names;
Vector<std::string> output_names;
std::string node_name() const override;
std::string input_name(const int i) const override;
std::string output_name(const int i) const override;
* A #Node that does *not* correspond to a #LazyFunction. Instead it can be used to indicate inputs
* and outputs of the entire graph. It can have an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs.
class DummyNode : public Node {
const DummyDebugInfo *debug_info_ = nullptr;
friend Node;
friend Socket;
friend Graph;
* A container for an arbitrary number of nodes and links between their sockets.
class Graph : NonCopyable, NonMovable {
* Used to allocate nodes and sockets in the graph.
LinearAllocator<> allocator_;
* Contains all nodes in the graph so that it is efficient to iterate over them.
Vector<Node *> nodes_;
* Number of sockets in the graph. Can be used as array size when indexing using
* `Socket::index_in_graph`.
int socket_num_ = 0;
* Get all nodes in the graph. The index in the span corresponds to #Node::index_in_graph.
Span<const Node *> nodes() const;
Span<Node *> nodes();
* Add a new function node with sockets that match the passed in #LazyFunction.
FunctionNode &add_function(const LazyFunction &fn);
* Add a new dummy node with the given socket types.
DummyNode &add_dummy(Span<const CPPType *> input_types,
Span<const CPPType *> output_types,
const DummyDebugInfo *debug_info = nullptr);
* Add a link between the two given sockets.
* This has undefined behavior when the input is linked to something else already.
void add_link(OutputSocket &from, InputSocket &to);
* If the socket is linked, remove the link.
void clear_origin(InputSocket &socket);
* Make sure that #Node::index_in_graph is up to date.
void update_node_indices();
* Make sure that #Socket::index_in_graph is up to date.
void update_socket_indices();
* Number of sockets in the graph.
int socket_num() const;
* Can be used to assert that #update_node_indices has been called.
bool node_indices_are_valid() const;
* Optional configuration options for the dot graph generation. This allows creating
* visualizations for specific purposes.
class ToDotOptions {
virtual std::string socket_name(const Socket &socket) const;
virtual std::optional<std::string> socket_font_color(const Socket &socket) const;
virtual void add_edge_attributes(const OutputSocket &from,
const InputSocket &to,
dot::DirectedEdge &dot_edge) const;
* Utility to generate a dot graph string for the graph. This can be used for debugging.
std::string to_dot(const ToDotOptions &options = {}) const;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #Socket Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline bool Socket::is_input() const
return is_input_;
inline bool Socket::is_output() const
return !is_input_;
inline int Socket::index() const
return index_in_node_;
inline int Socket::index_in_graph() const
return index_in_graph_;
inline InputSocket &Socket::as_input()
return *static_cast<InputSocket *>(this);
inline OutputSocket &Socket::as_output()
return *static_cast<OutputSocket *>(this);
inline const InputSocket &Socket::as_input() const
return *static_cast<const InputSocket *>(this);
inline const OutputSocket &Socket::as_output() const
return *static_cast<const OutputSocket *>(this);
inline const Node &Socket::node() const
return *node_;
inline Node &Socket::node()
return *node_;
inline const CPPType &Socket::type() const
return *type_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #InputSocket Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline const OutputSocket *InputSocket::origin() const
return origin_;
inline OutputSocket *InputSocket::origin()
return origin_;
inline const void *InputSocket::default_value() const
return default_value_;
inline void InputSocket::set_default_value(const void *value)
default_value_ = value;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #OutputSocket Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Span<const InputSocket *> OutputSocket::targets() const
return targets_;
inline Span<InputSocket *> OutputSocket::targets()
return targets_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #Node Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline bool Node::is_dummy() const
return fn_ == nullptr;
inline bool Node::is_function() const
return fn_ != nullptr;
inline int Node::index_in_graph() const
return index_in_graph_;
inline Span<const InputSocket *> Node::inputs() const
return inputs_;
inline Span<const OutputSocket *> Node::outputs() const
return outputs_;
inline Span<InputSocket *> Node::inputs()
return inputs_;
inline Span<OutputSocket *> Node::outputs()
return outputs_;
inline const InputSocket &Node::input(const int index) const
return *inputs_[index];
inline const OutputSocket &Node::output(const int index) const
return *outputs_[index];
inline InputSocket &Node::input(const int index)
return *inputs_[index];
inline OutputSocket &Node::output(const int index)
return *outputs_[index];
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #FunctionNode Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline const LazyFunction &FunctionNode::function() const
BLI_assert(fn_ != nullptr);
return *fn_;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name #Graph Inline Methods
* \{ */
inline Span<const Node *> Graph::nodes() const
return nodes_;
inline Span<Node *> Graph::nodes()
return nodes_;
inline int Graph::socket_num() const
return socket_num_;
/** \} */
} // namespace blender::fn::lazy_function