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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* Copyright 2008 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */
/** \file
* \ingroup blf
#pragma once
#include "GPU_texture.h"
#include "GPU_vertex_buffer.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Sub-Pixel Offset & Utilities
* Free-type uses fixed point precision for sub-pixel offsets.
* Utility functions here avoid exposing the details in the BLF API.
* \{ */
* This is an internal type that represents sub-pixel positioning,
* users of this type are to use `ft_pix_*` functions to keep scaling/rounding in one place.
typedef int32_t ft_pix;
/* Macros copied from `include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h`. */
/* FIXME(@campbellbarton): Follow rounding from Blender 3.1x and older.
* This is what users will expect and changing this creates wider spaced text.
* Use this macro to communicate that rounding should be used, using floor is to avoid
* user visible changes, which can be reviewed and handled separately. */
#define FT_PIX_FLOOR(x) ((x) & ~63)
#define FT_PIX_ROUND(x) FT_PIX_FLOOR((x) + 32)
#define FT_PIX_CEIL(x) ((x) + 63)
BLI_INLINE int ft_pix_to_int(ft_pix v)
return (int)(v >> 6);
return (int)(FT_PIX_DEFAULT_ROUNDING(v) >> 6);
BLI_INLINE int ft_pix_to_int_floor(ft_pix v)
return (int)(v >> 6); /* No need for explicit floor as the bits are removed when shifting. */
BLI_INLINE int ft_pix_to_int_ceil(ft_pix v)
return (int)(FT_PIX_CEIL(v) >> 6);
BLI_INLINE ft_pix ft_pix_from_int(int v)
return v * 64;
BLI_INLINE ft_pix ft_pix_from_float(float v)
return lroundf(v * 64.0f);
BLI_INLINE ft_pix ft_pix_round_advance(ft_pix v, ft_pix step)
/* See #USE_LEGACY_SPACING, rounding logic could change here. */
#undef FT_PIX_CEIL
/** \} */
#define BLF_BATCH_DRAW_LEN_MAX 2048 /* in glyph */
/* Number of characters in GlyphCacheBLF.glyph_ascii_table. */
/* Number of characters in KerningCacheBLF.table. */
/* A value in the kerning cache that indicates it is not yet set. */
typedef struct BatchBLF {
struct FontBLF *font; /* can only batch glyph from the same font */
struct GPUBatch *batch;
struct GPUVertBuf *verts;
struct GPUVertBufRaw pos_step, col_step, offset_step, glyph_size_step;
unsigned int pos_loc, col_loc, offset_loc, glyph_size_loc;
unsigned int glyph_len;
int ofs[2]; /* copy of font->pos */
float mat[4][4]; /* previous call modelmatrix. */
bool enabled, active, simple_shader;
struct GlyphCacheBLF *glyph_cache;
} BatchBLF;
extern BatchBLF g_batch;
typedef struct KerningCacheBLF {
* Cache a ascii glyph pairs. Only store the x offset we are interested in,
* instead of the full #FT_Vector since it's not used for drawing at the moment.
} KerningCacheBLF;
typedef struct GlyphCacheBLF {
struct GlyphCacheBLF *next;
struct GlyphCacheBLF *prev;
/* font size. */
float size;
/* and dpi. */
unsigned int dpi;
bool bold;
bool italic;
/* Column width when printing monospaced. */
int fixed_width;
/* and the glyphs. */
ListBase bucket[257];
/* fast ascii lookup */
struct GlyphBLF *glyph_ascii_table[GLYPH_ASCII_TABLE_SIZE];
/* texture array, to draw the glyphs. */
GPUTexture *texture;
char *bitmap_result;
int bitmap_len;
int bitmap_len_landed;
int bitmap_len_alloc;
} GlyphCacheBLF;
typedef struct GlyphBLF {
struct GlyphBLF *next;
struct GlyphBLF *prev;
/* and the character, as UTF-32 */
unsigned int c;
/* freetype2 index, to speed-up the search. */
FT_UInt idx;
/* glyph box. */
ft_pix box_xmin;
ft_pix box_xmax;
ft_pix box_ymin;
ft_pix box_ymax;
ft_pix advance_x;
/* The difference in bearings when hinting is active, zero otherwise. */
ft_pix lsb_delta;
ft_pix rsb_delta;
/* position inside the texture where this glyph is store. */
int offset;
/* Bitmap data, from freetype. Take care that this
* can be NULL.
unsigned char *bitmap;
/* Glyph width and height. */
int dims[2];
int pitch;
* X and Y bearing of the glyph.
* The X bearing is from the origin to the glyph left bbox edge.
* The Y bearing is from the baseline to the top of the glyph edge.
int pos[2];
struct GlyphCacheBLF *glyph_cache;
} GlyphBLF;
typedef struct FontBufInfoBLF {
/* for draw to buffer, always set this to NULL after finish! */
float *fbuf;
/* the same but unsigned char */
unsigned char *cbuf;
/** Buffer size, keep signed so comparisons with negative values work. */
int dims[2];
/* number of channels. */
int ch;
/* display device used for color management */
struct ColorManagedDisplay *display;
/* and the color, the alphas is get from the glyph!
* color is sRGB space */
float col_init[4];
/* cached conversion from 'col_init' */
unsigned char col_char[4];
float col_float[4];
} FontBufInfoBLF;
typedef struct FontBLF {
/* font name. */
char *name;
/* # of times this font was loaded */
unsigned int reference_count;
/** File-path or NULL. */
char *filepath;
/* aspect ratio or scale. */
float aspect[3];
/* initial position for draw the text. */
int pos[3];
/* angle in radians. */
float angle;
#if 0 /* BLF_BLUR_ENABLE */
/* blur: 3 or 5 large kernel */
int blur;
/* shadow level. */
int shadow;
/* and shadow offset. */
int shadow_x;
int shadow_y;
/* shadow color. */
unsigned char shadow_color[4];
/* main text color. */
unsigned char color[4];
/* Multiplied this matrix with the current one before
* draw the text! see blf_draw__start.
float m[16];
/* clipping rectangle. */
rcti clip_rec;
/* the width to wrap the text, see BLF_WORD_WRAP */
int wrap_width;
/* font dpi (default 72). */
unsigned int dpi;
/* font size. */
float size;
/* max texture size. */
int tex_size_max;
/* font options. */
int flags;
/* List of glyph caches (GlyphCacheBLF) for this font for size, dpi, bold, italic.
* Use blf_glyph_cache_acquire(font) and blf_glyph_cache_release(font) to access cache!
ListBase cache;
/* Cache of unscaled kerning values. Will be NULL if font does not have kerning. */
KerningCacheBLF *kerning_cache;
/* freetype2 lib handle. */
FT_Library ft_lib;
/* Mutex lock for library */
SpinLock *ft_lib_mutex;
/* freetype2 face. */
FT_Face face;
/* data for buffer usage (drawing into a texture buffer) */
FontBufInfoBLF buf_info;
/* Mutex lock for glyph cache. */
SpinLock *glyph_cache_mutex;
} FontBLF;
typedef struct DirBLF {
struct DirBLF *next;
struct DirBLF *prev;
/* full path where search fonts. */
char *path;
} DirBLF;