
343 lines
11 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __BKE_PBVH_H__
#define __BKE_PBVH_H__
/** \file BKE_pbvh.h
* \ingroup bke
* \brief A BVH for high poly meshes.
#include "BLI_bitmap.h"
#include "BLI_ghash.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
struct CCGElem;
struct CCGKey;
struct CustomData;
struct DMFlagMat;
struct DMGridAdjacency;
struct GHash;
struct MFace;
struct MVert;
struct PBVH;
struct PBVHNode;
struct BMesh;
struct BMLog;
typedef struct PBVH PBVH;
typedef struct PBVHNode PBVHNode;
typedef struct {
float (*co)[3];
} PBVHProxyNode;
/* Callbacks */
/* returns 1 if the search should continue from this node, 0 otherwise */
typedef bool (*BKE_pbvh_SearchCallback)(PBVHNode *node, void *data);
typedef void (*BKE_pbvh_HitCallback)(PBVHNode *node, void *data);
typedef void (*BKE_pbvh_HitOccludedCallback)(PBVHNode *node, void *data, float *tmin);
/* Building */
PBVH *BKE_pbvh_new(void);
void BKE_pbvh_build_mesh(PBVH *bvh, struct MFace *faces, struct MVert *verts,
int totface, int totvert, struct CustomData *vdata);
void BKE_pbvh_build_grids(PBVH *bvh, struct CCGElem **grid_elems,
struct DMGridAdjacency *gridadj, int totgrid,
struct CCGKey *key, void **gridfaces, struct DMFlagMat *flagmats,
unsigned int **grid_hidden);
void BKE_pbvh_build_bmesh(PBVH *bvh, struct BMesh *bm, bool smooth_shading, struct BMLog *log, const int cd_vert_node_offset, const int cd_face_node_offset);
void BKE_pbvh_free(PBVH *bvh);
void BKE_pbvh_free_layer_disp(PBVH *bvh);
/* Hierarchical Search in the BVH, two methods:
* - for each hit calling a callback
* - gather nodes in an array (easy to multithread) */
void BKE_pbvh_search_callback(PBVH *bvh,
BKE_pbvh_SearchCallback scb, void *search_data,
BKE_pbvh_HitCallback hcb, void *hit_data);
void BKE_pbvh_search_gather(PBVH *bvh,
BKE_pbvh_SearchCallback scb, void *search_data,
PBVHNode ***array, int *tot);
/* Raycast
* the hit callback is called for all leaf nodes intersecting the ray;
* it's up to the callback to find the primitive within the leaves that is
* hit first */
void BKE_pbvh_raycast(PBVH *bvh, BKE_pbvh_HitOccludedCallback cb, void *data,
const float ray_start[3], const float ray_normal[3],
int original);
bool BKE_pbvh_node_raycast(PBVH *bvh, PBVHNode *node, float (*origco)[3], int use_origco,
const float ray_start[3], const float ray_normal[3],
float *dist);
bool BKE_pbvh_bmesh_node_raycast_detail(
PBVHNode *node,
const float ray_start[3], const float ray_normal[3],
float *detail, float *dist);
/* for orthographic cameras, project the far away ray segment points to the root node so
* we can have better precision. */
void BKE_pbvh_raycast_project_ray_root(PBVH *bvh, bool original, float ray_start[3],
float ray_end[3], float ray_normal[3]);
/* Drawing */
void BKE_pbvh_node_draw(PBVHNode *node, void *data);
void BKE_pbvh_draw(PBVH *bvh, float (*planes)[4], float (*face_nors)[3],
int (*setMaterial)(int matnr, void *attribs), bool wireframe);
/* PBVH Access */
typedef enum {
} PBVHType;
PBVHType BKE_pbvh_type(const PBVH *bvh);
/* Get the PBVH root's bounding box */
void BKE_pbvh_bounding_box(const PBVH *bvh, float min[3], float max[3]);
/* multires hidden data, only valid for type == PBVH_GRIDS */
unsigned int **BKE_pbvh_grid_hidden(const PBVH *bvh);
int BKE_pbvh_count_grid_quads(BLI_bitmap **grid_hidden,
int *grid_indices, int totgrid,
int gridsize);
/* multires level, only valid for type == PBVH_GRIDS */
void BKE_pbvh_get_grid_key(const PBVH *pbvh, struct CCGKey *key);
/* Only valid for type == PBVH_BMESH */
struct BMesh *BKE_pbvh_get_bmesh(PBVH *pbvh);
void BKE_pbvh_bmesh_detail_size_set(PBVH *pbvh, float detail_size);
typedef enum {
PBVH_Subdivide = 1,
PBVH_Collapse = 2,
} PBVHTopologyUpdateMode;
bool BKE_pbvh_bmesh_update_topology(PBVH *bvh, PBVHTopologyUpdateMode mode,
const float center[3], float radius);
/* Node Access */
typedef enum {
PBVH_Leaf = 1,
PBVH_UpdateNormals = 2,
PBVH_UpdateBB = 4,
PBVH_UpdateOriginalBB = 8,
PBVH_UpdateDrawBuffers = 16,
PBVH_UpdateRedraw = 32,
PBVH_RebuildDrawBuffers = 64,
PBVH_FullyHidden = 128,
PBVH_UpdateTopology = 256,
} PBVHNodeFlags;
void BKE_pbvh_node_mark_update(PBVHNode *node);
void BKE_pbvh_node_mark_rebuild_draw(PBVHNode *node);
void BKE_pbvh_node_mark_redraw(PBVHNode *node);
void BKE_pbvh_node_mark_normals_update(PBVHNode *node);
void BKE_pbvh_node_mark_topology_update(PBVHNode *node);
void BKE_pbvh_node_fully_hidden_set(PBVHNode *node, int fully_hidden);
void BKE_pbvh_node_get_grids(PBVH *bvh, PBVHNode *node,
int **grid_indices, int *totgrid, int *maxgrid, int *gridsize,
struct CCGElem ***grid_elems, struct DMGridAdjacency **gridadj);
void BKE_pbvh_node_num_verts(PBVH *bvh, PBVHNode *node,
int *uniquevert, int *totvert);
void BKE_pbvh_node_get_verts(PBVH *bvh, PBVHNode *node,
int **vert_indices, struct MVert **verts);
void BKE_pbvh_node_get_BB(PBVHNode *node, float bb_min[3], float bb_max[3]);
void BKE_pbvh_node_get_original_BB(PBVHNode *node, float bb_min[3], float bb_max[3]);
float BKE_pbvh_node_get_tmin(PBVHNode *node);
/* test if AABB is at least partially inside the planes' volume */
bool BKE_pbvh_node_planes_contain_AABB(PBVHNode *node, void *data);
/* test if AABB is at least partially outside the planes' volume */
bool BKE_pbvh_node_planes_exclude_AABB(PBVHNode *node, void *data);
struct GSet *BKE_pbvh_bmesh_node_unique_verts(PBVHNode *node);
struct GSet *BKE_pbvh_bmesh_node_other_verts(PBVHNode *node);
struct GSet *BKE_pbvh_bmesh_node_faces(PBVHNode *node);
void BKE_pbvh_bmesh_node_save_orig(PBVHNode *node);
void BKE_pbvh_bmesh_after_stroke(PBVH *bvh);
/* Update Normals/Bounding Box/Draw Buffers/Redraw and clear flags */
void BKE_pbvh_update(PBVH *bvh, int flags, float (*face_nors)[3]);
void BKE_pbvh_redraw_BB(PBVH *bvh, float bb_min[3], float bb_max[3]);
void BKE_pbvh_get_grid_updates(PBVH *bvh, int clear, void ***r_gridfaces, int *r_totface);
void BKE_pbvh_grids_update(PBVH *bvh, struct CCGElem **grid_elems,
struct DMGridAdjacency *gridadj, void **gridfaces,
struct DMFlagMat *flagmats, unsigned int **grid_hidden);
/* Layer displacement */
/* Get the node's displacement layer, creating it if necessary */
float *BKE_pbvh_node_layer_disp_get(PBVH *pbvh, PBVHNode *node);
/* If the node has a displacement layer, free it and set to null */
void BKE_pbvh_node_layer_disp_free(PBVHNode *node);
/* vertex deformer */
float (*BKE_pbvh_get_vertCos(struct PBVH *pbvh))[3];
void BKE_pbvh_apply_vertCos(struct PBVH *pbvh, float (*vertCos)[3]);
bool BKE_pbvh_isDeformed(struct PBVH *pbvh);
/* Vertex Iterator */
/* this iterator has quite a lot of code, but it's designed to:
* - allow the compiler to eliminate dead code and variables
* - spend most of the time in the relatively simple inner loop */
/* note: PBVH_ITER_ALL does not skip hidden vertices,
#define PBVH_ITER_ALL 0
typedef struct PBVHVertexIter {
/* iteration */
int g;
int width;
int height;
int gx;
int gy;
int i;
/* grid */
struct CCGElem **grids;
struct CCGElem *grid;
struct CCGKey *key;
BLI_bitmap **grid_hidden, *gh;
int *grid_indices;
int totgrid;
int gridsize;
/* mesh */
struct MVert *mverts;
int totvert;
int *vert_indices;
float *vmask;
/* bmesh */
struct GSetIterator bm_unique_verts;
struct GSetIterator bm_other_verts;
struct CustomData *bm_vdata;
int cd_vert_mask_offset;
/* result: these are all computed in the macro, but we assume
* that compiler optimization's will skip the ones we don't use */
struct MVert *mvert;
struct BMVert *bm_vert;
float *co;
short *no;
float *fno;
float *mask;
} PBVHVertexIter;
void pbvh_vertex_iter_init(PBVH *bvh, PBVHNode *node,
PBVHVertexIter *vi, int mode);
#define BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(bvh, node, vi, mode) \
pbvh_vertex_iter_init(bvh, node, &vi, mode); \
for (vi.i = 0, vi.g = 0; vi.g < vi.totgrid; vi.g++) { \
if (vi.grids) { \
vi.width = vi.gridsize; \
vi.height = vi.gridsize; \
vi.grid = vi.grids[vi.grid_indices[vi.g]]; \
if (mode == PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) \ = vi.grid_hidden[vi.grid_indices[vi.g]]; \
} \
else { \
vi.width = vi.totvert; \
vi.height = 1; \
} \
for ( = 0; < vi.height; { \
for (vi.gx = 0; vi.gx < vi.width; vi.gx++, vi.i++) { \
if (vi.grid) { \ = CCG_elem_co(vi.key, vi.grid); \
vi.fno = CCG_elem_no(vi.key, vi.grid); \
vi.mask = vi.key->has_mask ? CCG_elem_mask(vi.key, vi.grid) : NULL; \
vi.grid = CCG_elem_next(vi.key, vi.grid); \
if ( { \
if (BLI_BITMAP_GET(, * vi.gridsize + vi.gx)) \
continue; \
} \
} \
else if (vi.mverts) { \
vi.mvert = &vi.mverts[vi.vert_indices[vi.gx]]; \
if (mode == PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE && vi.mvert->flag & ME_HIDE) \
continue; \ = vi.mvert->co; \ = vi.mvert->no; \
if (vi.vmask) \
vi.mask = &vi.vmask[vi.vert_indices[vi.gx]]; \
} \
else { \
if (!BLI_gsetIterator_done(&vi.bm_unique_verts)) {\
vi.bm_vert = BLI_gsetIterator_getKey(&vi.bm_unique_verts); \
BLI_gsetIterator_step(&vi.bm_unique_verts); \
} \
else { \
vi.bm_vert = BLI_gsetIterator_getKey(&vi.bm_other_verts); \
BLI_gsetIterator_step(&vi.bm_other_verts); \
} \
if (mode == PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE && \
BM_elem_flag_test(vi.bm_vert, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) \
continue; \ = vi.bm_vert->co; \
vi.fno = vi.bm_vert->no; \
vi.mask = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(vi.bm_vert, vi.cd_vert_mask_offset); \
#define BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end \
} \
} \
void BKE_pbvh_node_get_proxies(PBVHNode *node, PBVHProxyNode **proxies, int *proxy_count);
void BKE_pbvh_node_free_proxies(PBVHNode *node);
PBVHProxyNode *BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(PBVH *bvh, PBVHNode *node);
void BKE_pbvh_gather_proxies(PBVH *pbvh, PBVHNode ***nodes, int *totnode);
//void BKE_pbvh_node_BB_reset(PBVHNode *node);
//void BKE_pbvh_node_BB_expand(PBVHNode *node, float co[3]);
void pbvh_show_diffuse_color_set(PBVH *bvh, bool show_diffuse_color);
#endif /* __BKE_PBVH_H__ */