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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __BLI_STACK_HH__
#define __BLI_STACK_HH__
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* A `blender::Stack<T>` is a dynamically growing FILO (first-in, last-out) data structure. It is
* designed to be a more convenient and efficient replacement for `std::stack`.
* The improved efficiency is mainly achieved by supporting small buffer optimization. As long as
* the number of elements added to the stack stays below InlineBufferCapacity, no heap allocation
* is done. Consequently, values stored in the stack have to be movable and they might be moved,
* when the stack is moved.
* A Vector can be used to emulate a stack. However, this stack implementation is more efficient
* when all you have to do is to push and pop elements. That is because a vector guarantees that
* all elements are in a contiguous array. Therefore, it has to copy all elements to a new buffer
* when it grows. This stack implementation does not have to copy all previously pushed elements
* when it grows.
* blender::Stack is implemented using a double linked list of chunks. Each chunk contains an array
* of elements. The chunk size increases exponentially with every new chunk that is required. The
* lowest chunk, i.e. the one that is used for the first few pushed elements, is embedded into the
* stack.
#include "BLI_allocator.hh"
#include "BLI_memory_utils.hh"
#include "BLI_span.hh"
namespace blender {
* A StackChunk references a contiguous memory buffer. Multiple StackChunk instances are linked in
* a double linked list.
template<typename T> struct StackChunk {
/** The below chunk contains the elements that have been pushed on the stack before. */
StackChunk *below;
/** The above chunk contains the elements that have been pushed on the stack afterwards. */
StackChunk *above;
/** Pointer to the first element of the referenced buffer. */
T *begin;
/** Pointer to one element past the end of the referenced buffer. */
T *capacity_end;
uint capacity() const
return capacity_end - begin;
/** Type of the elements that are stored in the stack. */
typename T,
* The number of values that can be stored in this stack, without doing a heap allocation.
* Sometimes it can make sense to increase this value a lot. The memory in the inline buffer is
* not initialized when it is not needed.
* When T is large, the small buffer optimization is disabled by default to avoid large
* unexpected allocations on the stack. It can still be enabled explicitly though.
uint InlineBufferCapacity = (sizeof(T) < 100) ? 4 : 0,
* The allocator used by this stack. Should rarely be changed, except when you don't want that
* MEM_* is used internally.
typename Allocator = GuardedAllocator>
class Stack {
using Chunk = StackChunk<T>;
* Points to one element after top-most value in the stack.
* Invariant:
* If size_ == 0
* then: top_ == inline_chunk_.begin
* else: &peek() == top_ - 1;
T *top_;
/** Points to the chunk that references the memory pointed to by top_. */
Chunk *top_chunk_;
* Number of elements in the entire stack. The sum of initialized element counts in the chunks.
uint size_;
/** The buffer used to implement small object optimization. */
TypedBuffer<T, InlineBufferCapacity> inline_buffer_;
* A chunk referencing the inline buffer. This is always the bottom-most chunk.
* So inline_chunk_.below == nullptr.
Chunk inline_chunk_;
/** Used for allocations when the inline buffer is not large enough. */
Allocator allocator_;
* Initialize an empty stack. No heap allocation is done.
Stack(Allocator allocator = {}) : allocator_(allocator)
inline_chunk_.below = nullptr;
inline_chunk_.above = nullptr;
inline_chunk_.begin = inline_buffer_;
inline_chunk_.capacity_end = inline_buffer_ + InlineBufferCapacity;
top_ = inline_buffer_;
top_chunk_ = &inline_chunk_;
size_ = 0;
* Create a new stack that contains the given elements. The values are pushed to the stack in
* the order they are in the array.
Stack(Span<T> values) : Stack()
* Create a new stack that contains the given elements. The values are pushed to the stack in the
* order they are in the array.
* Example:
* Stack<int> stack = {4, 5, 6};
* assert(stack.pop() == 6);
* assert(stack.pop() == 5);
Stack(const std::initializer_list<T> &values) : Stack(Span<T>(values))
Stack(const Stack &other) : Stack(other.allocator_)
for (const Chunk *chunk = &other.inline_chunk_; chunk; chunk = chunk->above) {
const T *begin = chunk->begin;
const T *end = (chunk == other.top_chunk_) ? other.top_ : chunk->capacity_end;
this->push_multiple(Span<T>(begin, end - begin));
Stack(Stack &&other) noexcept : Stack(other.allocator_)
other.inline_buffer_, std::min(other.size_, InlineBufferCapacity), inline_buffer_);
inline_chunk_.above = other.inline_chunk_.above;
size_ = other.size_;
if (inline_chunk_.above != nullptr) {
inline_chunk_.above->below = &inline_chunk_;
if (size_ <= InlineBufferCapacity) {
top_chunk_ = &inline_chunk_;
top_ = inline_buffer_ + size_;
else {
top_chunk_ = other.top_chunk_;
top_ = other.top_;
other.size_ = 0;
other.inline_chunk_.above = nullptr;
other.top_chunk_ = &other.inline_chunk_;
other.top_ = other.top_chunk_->begin;
Chunk *above_chunk;
for (Chunk *chunk = inline_chunk_.above; chunk; chunk = above_chunk) {
above_chunk = chunk->above;
Stack &operator=(const Stack &stack)
if (this == &stack) {
return *this;
new (this) Stack(stack);
return *this;
Stack &operator=(Stack &&stack)
if (this == &stack) {
return *this;
new (this) Stack(std::move(stack));
return *this;
* Add a new element to the top of the stack.
void push(const T &value)
if (top_ == top_chunk_->capacity_end) {
new (top_) T(value);
void push(T &&value)
if (top_ == top_chunk_->capacity_end) {
new (top_) T(std::move(value));
* Remove and return the top-most element from the stack. This invokes undefined behavior when
* the stack is empty.
T pop()
BLI_assert(size_ > 0);
T value = std::move(*top_);
if (top_ == top_chunk_->begin) {
if (top_chunk_->below != nullptr) {
top_chunk_ = top_chunk_->below;
top_ = top_chunk_->capacity_end;
return value;
* Get a reference to the top-most element without removing it from the stack. This invokes
* undefined behavior when the stack is empty.
T &peek()
BLI_assert(size_ > 0);
BLI_assert(top_ > top_chunk_->begin);
return *(top_ - 1);
const T &peek() const
BLI_assert(size_ > 0);
BLI_assert(top_ > top_chunk_->begin);
return *(top_ - 1);
* Add multiple elements to the stack. The values are pushed in the order they are in the array.
* This method is more efficient than pushing multiple elements individually and might cause less
* heap allocations.
void push_multiple(Span<T> values)
Span<T> remaining_values = values;
while (!remaining_values.is_empty()) {
if (top_ == top_chunk_->capacity_end) {
const uint remaining_capacity = top_chunk_->capacity_end - top_;
const uint amount = std::min(remaining_values.size(), remaining_capacity);
uninitialized_copy_n(, amount, top_);
top_ += amount;
remaining_values = remaining_values.drop_front(amount);
size_ += values.size();
* Returns true when the size is zero.
bool is_empty() const
return size_ == 0;
* Returns the number of elements in the stack.
uint size() const
return size_;
* Removes all elements from the stack. The memory is not freed, so it is more efficient to reuse
* the stack than to create a new one.
void clear()
top_chunk_ = &inline_chunk_;
top_ = top_chunk_->begin;
* Changes top_chunk_ to point to a new chunk that is above the current one. The new chunk might
* be smaller than the given size_hint. This happens when a chunk that has been allocated before
* is reused. The size of the new chunk will be at least one.
* This invokes undefined behavior when the currently active chunk is not full.
void activate_next_chunk(const uint size_hint)
BLI_assert(top_ == top_chunk_->capacity_end);
if (top_chunk_->above == nullptr) {
const uint new_capacity = std::max(size_hint, top_chunk_->capacity() * 2 + 10);
/* Do a single memory allocation for the Chunk and the array it references. */
void *buffer = allocator_.allocate(
sizeof(Chunk) + sizeof(T) * new_capacity + alignof(T), alignof(Chunk), AT);
void *chunk_buffer = buffer;
void *data_buffer = (void *)(((uintptr_t)buffer + sizeof(Chunk) + alignof(T) - 1) &
~(alignof(T) - 1));
Chunk *new_chunk = new (chunk_buffer) Chunk();
new_chunk->begin = (T *)data_buffer;
new_chunk->capacity_end = new_chunk->begin + new_capacity;
new_chunk->above = nullptr;
new_chunk->below = top_chunk_;
top_chunk_->above = new_chunk;
top_chunk_ = top_chunk_->above;
top_ = top_chunk_->begin;
void destruct_all_elements()
for (T *value = top_chunk_->begin; value != top_; value++) {
for (Chunk *chunk = top_chunk_->below; chunk; chunk = chunk->below) {
for (T *value = chunk->begin; value != chunk->capacity_end; value++) {
} /* namespace blender */
#endif /* __BLI_STACK_HH__ */