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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup DNA
#pragma once
#include "BLI_sys_types.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Ordered Selection Storage
* \{ */
* Optionally store the order of selected elements.
* This won't always be set since only some selection operations have an order.
* Typically accessed from #Mesh.mselect
typedef struct MSelect {
/** Index in the vertex, edge or polygon array. */
int index;
/** #ME_VSEL, #ME_ESEL, #ME_FSEL. */
int type;
} MSelect;
/** #MSelect.type */
enum {
ME_VSEL = 0,
ME_ESEL = 1,
ME_FSEL = 2,
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Loop Tessellation Runtime Data
* \{ */
* #MLoopTri's are lightweight triangulation data,
* for functionality that doesn't support ngons.
* This is cache data created from (polygons, corner vert, and position arrays).
* There is no attempt to maintain this data's validity over time,
* any changes to the underlying mesh invalidate the #MLoopTri array,
* which will need to be re-calculated.
* Users normally access this via #Mesh::looptris().
* In rare cases its calculated directly, with #bke::mesh::looptris_calc.
* Typical usage includes:
* - Viewport drawing.
* - #BVHTree creation.
* - Physics/collision detection.
* Storing loop indices (instead of vertex indices) allows us to
* directly access UVs, vertex-colors as well as vertices.
* The index of the source polygon is stored as well,
* giving access to materials and polygon normals.
* \note This data is runtime only, never written to disk.
* Usage examples:
* \code{.c}
* // access vertex locations.
* float *vtri_co[3] = {
* positions[corner_verts[lt->tri[0]]],
* positions[corner_verts[lt->tri[1]]],
* positions[corner_verts[lt->tri[2]]],
* };
* // access UV coordinates (works for all loop data, vertex colors... etc).
* float *uvtri_co[3] = {
* mloopuv[lt->tri[0]],
* mloopuv[lt->tri[1]],
* mloopuv[lt->tri[2]],
* };
* \endcode
* #MLoopTri's are allocated in an array, where each polygon's #MLoopTri's are stored contiguously,
* the number of triangles for each polygon is guaranteed to be the corner count - 2,
* even for degenerate geometry. See #bke::mesh::face_triangles_num macro.
* It's also possible to perform a reverse lookup (find all #MLoopTri's for any given face).
* \code{.c}
* // loop over all looptri's for a given polygon: i
* const IndexRange face = faces[i];
* MLoopTri *lt = &looptri[poly_to_tri_count(i, face.start())];
* int j, lt_tot = bke::mesh::face_triangles_num(face.size());
* for (j = 0; j < lt_tot; j++, lt++) {
* int vtri[3] = {
* corner_verts[lt->tri[0]],
* corner_verts[lt->tri[1]],
* corner_verts[lt->tri[2]],
* };
* printf("tri %u %u %u\n", vtri[0], vtri[1], vtri[2]);
* };
* \endcode
* It may also be useful to check whether or not two vertices of a triangle
* form an edge in the underlying mesh.
* This can be done by checking the edge of the referenced corner,
* the winding of the #MLoopTri and the corners's will always match,
* however the order of vertices in the edge is undefined.
* \code{.c}
* // print real edges from an MLoopTri: lt
* int j, j_next;
* for (j = 2, j_next = 0; j_next < 3; j = j_next++) {
* const int2 &edge = &medge[corner_edges[lt->tri[j]]];
* unsigned int tri_edge[2] = {corner_verts[lt->tri[j]], corner_verts[lt->tri[j_next]]};
* if (((edge[0] == tri_edge[0]) && (edge[1] == tri_edge[1])) ||
* ((edge[0] == tri_edge[1]) && (edge[1] == tri_edge[0])))
* {
* printf("real edge found %u %u\n", tri_edge[0], tri_edge[1]);
* }
* }
* \endcode
* See #BKE_mesh_looptri_get_real_edges for a utility that does this.
* \note A #MLoopTri may be in the middle of an ngon and not reference **any** edges.
typedef struct MLoopTri {
unsigned int tri[3];
} MLoopTri;
typedef struct MVertTri {
unsigned int tri[3];
} MVertTri;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Custom Data (Generic)
* \{ */
/** Custom Data Properties */
typedef struct MFloatProperty {
float f;
} MFloatProperty;
typedef struct MIntProperty {
int i;
} MIntProperty;
typedef struct MStringProperty {
char s[255], s_len;
} MStringProperty;
typedef struct MBoolProperty {
uint8_t b;
} MBoolProperty;
typedef struct MInt8Property {
int8_t i;
} MInt8Property;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Custom Data (Vertex)
* \{ */
* Vertex group index and weight for #MDeformVert.dw
typedef struct MDeformWeight {
/** The index for the vertex group, must *always* be unique when in an array. */
unsigned int def_nr;
/** Weight between 0.0 and 1.0. */
float weight;
} MDeformWeight;
* Stores all of an element's vertex groups, and their weight values.
typedef struct MDeformVert {
* Array of weight indices and values.
* - There must not be any duplicate #def_nr indices.
* - Groups in the array are unordered.
* - Indices outside the usable range of groups are ignored.
struct MDeformWeight *dw;
* The length of the #dw array.
* \note This is not necessarily the same length as the total number of vertex groups.
* However, generally it isn't larger.
int totweight;
/** Flag is only in use as a run-time tag at the moment. */
int flag;
} MDeformVert;
typedef struct MVertSkin {
* Radii of the skin, define how big the generated frames are.
* Currently only the first two elements are used.
float radius[3];
/** #eMVertSkinFlag */
int flag;
} MVertSkin;
typedef enum eMVertSkinFlag {
* Marks a vertex as the edge-graph root, used for calculating rotations for all connected
* edges (recursively). Also used to choose a root when generating an armature.
* Marks a branch vertex (vertex with more than two connected edges), so that its neighbors
* are directly hulled together, rather than the default of generating intermediate frames.
} eMVertSkinFlag;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Custom Data (Loop)
* \{ */
* \note While alpha is not currently in the 3D Viewport,
* this may eventually be added back, keep this value set to 255.
typedef struct MLoopCol {
unsigned char r, g, b, a;
} MLoopCol;
typedef struct MPropCol {
float color[4];
} MPropCol;
/** Multi-Resolution loop data. */
typedef struct MDisps {
/* Strange bug in SDNA: if disps pointer comes first, it fails to see totdisp */
int totdisp;
int level;
float (*disps)[3];
* Used for hiding parts of a multires mesh.
* Essentially the multires equivalent of the mesh ".hide_vert" boolean attribute.
* \note This is a bitmap, keep in sync with type used in BLI_bitmap.h
unsigned int *hidden;
} MDisps;
/** Multi-Resolution grid loop data. */
typedef struct GridPaintMask {
* The data array contains `grid_size * grid_size` elements.
* Where `grid_size = (1 << (level - 1)) + 1`.
float *data;
/** The maximum multires level associated with this grid. */
unsigned int level;
char _pad[4];
} GridPaintMask;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Custom Data (Original Space for Poly, Face)
* \{ */
* Original space within a face (similar to UV coordinates),
* however they are used to determine the original position in a face.
* Unlike UVs these are not user editable and always start out using a fixed 0-1 range.
* Currently only used for particle placement.
typedef struct OrigSpaceFace {
float uv[4][2];
} OrigSpaceFace;
typedef struct OrigSpaceLoop {
float uv[2];
} OrigSpaceLoop;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Custom Data (FreeStyle for Edge, Face)
* \{ */
typedef struct FreestyleEdge {
char flag;
} FreestyleEdge;
/** #FreestyleEdge.flag */
enum {
typedef struct FreestyleFace {
char flag;
} FreestyleFace;
/** #FreestyleFace.flag */
enum {
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Deprecated Structs
* \{ */
* Mesh Edges.
* Typically accessed with #Mesh.edges()
typedef struct MEdge {
/** Un-ordered vertex indices (cannot match). */
unsigned int v1, v2;
/** Deprecated edge crease, now located in `edge_crease`, except for file read and write. */
char crease_legacy;
* Deprecated bevel weight storage, now located in #CD_BWEIGHT, except for file read and write.
char bweight_legacy;
short flag_legacy;
} MEdge;
/** #MEdge.flag */
enum {
/** Deprecated selection status. Now stored in ".select_edge" attribute. */
/* SELECT = (1 << 0), */
ME_SEAM = (1 << 2),
/** Deprecated hide status. Now stored in ".hide_edge" attribute. */
/* ME_HIDE = (1 << 4), */
/** Deprecated loose edge status. Now stored in #Mesh::loose_edges() runtime cache. */
ME_LOOSEEDGE = (1 << 7),
/** Deprecated sharp edge status. Now stored in "sharp_edge" attribute. */
ME_SHARP = (1 << 9),
* Mesh Faces.
* This only stores the polygon size & flags, the vertex & edge indices are stored in the "corner
* edges" array.
* Typically accessed with #Mesh.faces().
typedef struct MPoly {
/** Offset into loop array and number of loops in the face. */
int loopstart;
/** Keep signed since we need to subtract when getting the previous loop. */
int totloop;
/** Deprecated material index. Now stored in the "material_index" attribute, but kept for IO. */
short mat_nr_legacy;
char flag_legacy, _pad;
} MPoly;
/** #MPoly.flag */
enum {
/** Deprecated smooth shading status. Now stored reversed in "sharp_face" attribute. */
ME_SMOOTH = (1 << 0),
/** Deprecated selection status. Now stored in ".select_poly" attribute. */
ME_FACE_SEL = (1 << 1),
/** Deprecated hide status. Now stored in ".hide_poly" attribute. */
/* ME_HIDE = (1 << 4), */
* UV coordinate for a polygon face & flag for selection & other options.
* Deprecated, but kept to read old files. UV coordinates are now stored as #CD_PROP_FLOAT2 layers.
typedef struct MLoopUV {
float uv[2];
int flag;
} MLoopUV;
/** #MLoopUV.flag */
enum {
MLOOPUV_PINNED = (1 << 2),
* Deprecated mesh vertex data structure. Now stored with generic attributes.
typedef struct MVert {
float co_legacy[3];
* Deprecated flag for storing hide status and selection, which are now stored in separate
* generic attributes. Kept for file read and write.
char flag_legacy;
* Deprecated bevel weight storage, now located in #CD_BWEIGHT, except for file read and write.
char bweight_legacy;
char _pad[2];
} MVert;
/** #MVert.flag */
enum {
/** Deprecated selection status. Now stored in ".select_vert" attribute. */
/* SELECT = (1 << 0), */
/** Deprecated hide status. Now stored in ".hide_vert" attribute. */
ME_HIDE = (1 << 4),
* Mesh Face Corners.
* Deprecated storage for the vertex of a face corner and the following edge.
* Replaced by the "corner_verts" and "corner_edges" arrays.
typedef struct MLoop {
/** Vertex index. */
unsigned int v;
/** Edge index into an #MEdge array. */
unsigned int e;
} MLoop;
* Used in Blender pre 2.63, See #Mesh::corner_verts(), #Mesh::faces() for face data stored in the
* blend file. Use for reading old files and in a handful of cases which should be removed
* eventually.
typedef struct MFace {
unsigned int v1, v2, v3, v4;
short mat_nr;
/** We keep edcode, for conversion to edges draw flags in old files. */
char edcode, flag;
} MFace;
/** #MFace.edcode */
enum {
ME_V1V2 = (1 << 0),
ME_V2V3 = (1 << 1),
ME_V3V1 = (1 << 2),
ME_V3V4 = ME_V3V1,
ME_V4V1 = (1 << 3),
/** Tessellation uv face data. */
typedef struct MTFace {
float uv[4][2];
} MTFace;
* Tessellation vertex color data.
* \note The red and blue are swapped for historical reasons.
typedef struct MCol {
unsigned char a, r, g, b;
} MCol;
/** Old game engine recast navigation data, while unused 2.7x files may contain this. */
typedef struct MRecast {
int i;
} MRecast;
/** \} */