
678 lines
21 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "BLI_array.hh"
#include "BLI_span.hh"
#include "BLI_task.hh"
#include "BKE_spline.hh"
using blender::Array;
using blender::float3;
using blender::IndexRange;
using blender::MutableSpan;
using blender::Span;
using blender::VArray;
using blender::fn::GVArray;
void BezierSpline::copy_settings(Spline &dst) const
BezierSpline &bezier = static_cast<BezierSpline &>(dst);
bezier.resolution_ = resolution_;
void BezierSpline::copy_data(Spline &dst) const
BezierSpline &bezier = static_cast<BezierSpline &>(dst);
bezier.positions_ = positions_;
bezier.handle_types_left_ = handle_types_left_;
bezier.handle_positions_left_ = handle_positions_left_;
bezier.handle_types_right_ = handle_types_right_;
bezier.handle_positions_right_ = handle_positions_right_;
bezier.radii_ = radii_;
bezier.tilts_ = tilts_;
int BezierSpline::size() const
const int size = positions_.size();
BLI_assert(size == handle_types_left_.size());
BLI_assert(size == handle_positions_left_.size());
BLI_assert(size == handle_types_right_.size());
BLI_assert(size == handle_positions_right_.size());
BLI_assert(size == radii_.size());
BLI_assert(size == tilts_.size());
return size;
int BezierSpline::resolution() const
return resolution_;
void BezierSpline::set_resolution(const int value)
BLI_assert(value > 0);
resolution_ = value;
void BezierSpline::add_point(const float3 position,
const HandleType handle_type_left,
const float3 handle_position_left,
const HandleType handle_type_right,
const float3 handle_position_right,
const float radius,
const float tilt)
void BezierSpline::resize(const int size)
MutableSpan<float3> BezierSpline::positions()
return positions_;
Span<float3> BezierSpline::positions() const
return positions_;
MutableSpan<float> BezierSpline::radii()
return radii_;
Span<float> BezierSpline::radii() const
return radii_;
MutableSpan<float> BezierSpline::tilts()
return tilts_;
Span<float> BezierSpline::tilts() const
return tilts_;
Span<BezierSpline::HandleType> BezierSpline::handle_types_left() const
return handle_types_left_;
MutableSpan<BezierSpline::HandleType> BezierSpline::handle_types_left()
return handle_types_left_;
Span<float3> BezierSpline::handle_positions_left() const
return handle_positions_left_;
MutableSpan<float3> BezierSpline::handle_positions_left(const bool write_only)
if (!write_only) {
return handle_positions_left_;
Span<BezierSpline::HandleType> BezierSpline::handle_types_right() const
return handle_types_right_;
MutableSpan<BezierSpline::HandleType> BezierSpline::handle_types_right()
return handle_types_right_;
Span<float3> BezierSpline::handle_positions_right() const
return handle_positions_right_;
MutableSpan<float3> BezierSpline::handle_positions_right(const bool write_only)
if (!write_only) {
return handle_positions_right_;
void BezierSpline::reverse_impl()
std::swap(this->handle_positions_left_, this->handle_positions_right_);
std::swap(this->handle_types_left_, this->handle_types_right_);
static float3 previous_position(Span<float3> positions, const bool cyclic, const int i)
if (i == 0) {
if (cyclic) {
return positions[positions.size() - 1];
return 2.0f * positions[i] - positions[i + 1];
return positions[i - 1];
static float3 next_position(Span<float3> positions, const bool cyclic, const int i)
if (i == positions.size() - 1) {
if (cyclic) {
return positions[0];
return 2.0f * positions[i] - positions[i - 1];
return positions[i + 1];
void BezierSpline::ensure_auto_handles() const
if (!auto_handles_dirty_) {
std::lock_guard lock{auto_handle_mutex_};
if (!auto_handles_dirty_) {
if (this->size() == 1) {
auto_handles_dirty_ = false;
for (const int i : IndexRange(this->size())) {
if (ELEM(HandleType::Auto, handle_types_left_[i], handle_types_right_[i])) {
const float3 prev_diff = positions_[i] - previous_position(positions_, is_cyclic_, i);
const float3 next_diff = next_position(positions_, is_cyclic_, i) - positions_[i];
float prev_len = prev_diff.length();
float next_len = next_diff.length();
if (prev_len == 0.0f) {
prev_len = 1.0f;
if (next_len == 0.0f) {
next_len = 1.0f;
const float3 dir = next_diff / next_len + prev_diff / prev_len;
/* This magic number is unfortunate, but comes from elsewhere in Blender. */
const float len = dir.length() * 2.5614f;
if (len != 0.0f) {
if (handle_types_left_[i] == HandleType::Auto) {
const float prev_len_clamped = std::min(prev_len, next_len * 5.0f);
handle_positions_left_[i] = positions_[i] + dir * -(prev_len_clamped / len);
if (handle_types_right_[i] == HandleType::Auto) {
const float next_len_clamped = std::min(next_len, prev_len * 5.0f);
handle_positions_right_[i] = positions_[i] + dir * (next_len_clamped / len);
if (handle_types_left_[i] == HandleType::Vector) {
const float3 prev = previous_position(positions_, is_cyclic_, i);
handle_positions_left_[i] = float3::interpolate(positions_[i], prev, 1.0f / 3.0f);
if (handle_types_right_[i] == HandleType::Vector) {
const float3 next = next_position(positions_, is_cyclic_, i);
handle_positions_right_[i] = float3::interpolate(positions_[i], next, 1.0f / 3.0f);
auto_handles_dirty_ = false;
void BezierSpline::translate(const blender::float3 &translation)
for (float3 &position : this->positions()) {
position += translation;
for (float3 &handle_position : this->handle_positions_left()) {
handle_position += translation;
for (float3 &handle_position : this->handle_positions_right()) {
handle_position += translation;
void BezierSpline::transform(const blender::float4x4 &matrix)
for (float3 &position : this->positions()) {
position = matrix * position;
for (float3 &handle_position : this->handle_positions_left()) {
handle_position = matrix * handle_position;
for (float3 &handle_position : this->handle_positions_right()) {
handle_position = matrix * handle_position;
static void set_handle_position(const float3 &position,
const BezierSpline::HandleType type,
const BezierSpline::HandleType type_other,
const float3 &new_value,
float3 &handle,
float3 &handle_other)
/* Don't bother when the handle positions are calculated automatically anyway. */
if (ELEM(type, BezierSpline::HandleType::Auto, BezierSpline::HandleType::Vector)) {
handle = new_value;
if (type_other == BezierSpline::HandleType::Align) {
/* Keep track of the old length of the opposite handle. */
const float length = float3::distance(handle_other, position);
/* Set the other handle to directly opposite from the current handle. */
const float3 dir = (handle - position).normalized();
handle_other = position - dir * length;
void BezierSpline::set_handle_position_right(const int index, const blender::float3 &value)
void BezierSpline::set_handle_position_left(const int index, const blender::float3 &value)
bool BezierSpline::point_is_sharp(const int index) const
return ELEM(handle_types_left_[index], HandleType::Vector, HandleType::Free) ||
ELEM(handle_types_right_[index], HandleType::Vector, HandleType::Free);
bool BezierSpline::segment_is_vector(const int index) const
/* Two control points are necessary to form a segment, that should be checked by the caller. */
BLI_assert(this->size() > 1);
if (index == this->size() - 1) {
if (is_cyclic_) {
return handle_types_right_.last() == HandleType::Vector &&
handle_types_left_.first() == HandleType::Vector;
/* There is actually no segment in this case, but it's nice to avoid
* having a special case for the last segment in calling code. */
return true;
return handle_types_right_[index] == HandleType::Vector &&
handle_types_left_[index + 1] == HandleType::Vector;
void BezierSpline::mark_cache_invalid()
offset_cache_dirty_ = true;
position_cache_dirty_ = true;
mapping_cache_dirty_ = true;
tangent_cache_dirty_ = true;
normal_cache_dirty_ = true;
length_cache_dirty_ = true;
auto_handles_dirty_ = true;
int BezierSpline::evaluated_points_size() const
BLI_assert(this->size() > 0);
return this->control_point_offsets().last();
* If the spline is not cyclic, the direction for the first and last points is just the
* direction formed by the corresponding handles and control points. In the unlikely situation
* that the handles define a zero direction, fallback to using the direction defined by the
* first and last evaluated segments already calculated in #Spline::evaluated_tangents().
void BezierSpline::correct_end_tangents() const
if (is_cyclic_) {
MutableSpan<float3> tangents(evaluated_tangents_cache_);
if (handle_positions_right_.first() != positions_.first()) {
tangents.first() = (handle_positions_right_.first() - positions_.first()).normalized();
if (handle_positions_left_.last() != positions_.last()) {
tangents.last() = (positions_.last() - handle_positions_left_.last()).normalized();
BezierSpline::InsertResult BezierSpline::calculate_segment_insertion(const int index,
const int next_index,
const float parameter)
BLI_assert(parameter <= 1.0f && parameter >= 0.0f);
BLI_assert(next_index == 0 || next_index == index + 1);
const float3 &point_prev = positions_[index];
const float3 &handle_prev = handle_positions_right_[index];
const float3 &handle_next = handle_positions_left_[next_index];
const float3 &point_next = positions_[next_index];
const float3 center_point = float3::interpolate(handle_prev, handle_next, parameter);
BezierSpline::InsertResult result;
result.handle_prev = float3::interpolate(point_prev, handle_prev, parameter);
result.handle_next = float3::interpolate(handle_next, point_next, parameter);
result.left_handle = float3::interpolate(result.handle_prev, center_point, parameter);
result.right_handle = float3::interpolate(center_point, result.handle_next, parameter);
result.position = float3::interpolate(result.left_handle, result.right_handle, parameter);
return result;
static void bezier_forward_difference_3d(const float3 &point_0,
const float3 &point_1,
const float3 &point_2,
const float3 &point_3,
MutableSpan<float3> result)
BLI_assert(result.size() > 0);
const float inv_len = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(result.size());
const float inv_len_squared = inv_len * inv_len;
const float inv_len_cubed = inv_len_squared * inv_len;
const float3 rt1 = 3.0f * (point_1 - point_0) * inv_len;
const float3 rt2 = 3.0f * (point_0 - 2.0f * point_1 + point_2) * inv_len_squared;
const float3 rt3 = (point_3 - point_0 + 3.0f * (point_1 - point_2)) * inv_len_cubed;
float3 q0 = point_0;
float3 q1 = rt1 + rt2 + rt3;
float3 q2 = 2.0f * rt2 + 6.0f * rt3;
float3 q3 = 6.0f * rt3;
for (const int i : result.index_range()) {
result[i] = q0;
q0 += q1;
q1 += q2;
q2 += q3;
void BezierSpline::evaluate_segment(const int index,
const int next_index,
MutableSpan<float3> positions) const
if (this->segment_is_vector(index)) {
BLI_assert(positions.size() == 1);
positions.first() = positions_[index];
else {
Span<int> BezierSpline::control_point_offsets() const
if (!offset_cache_dirty_) {
return offset_cache_;
std::lock_guard lock{offset_cache_mutex_};
if (!offset_cache_dirty_) {
return offset_cache_;
const int size = this->size();
offset_cache_.resize(size + 1);
MutableSpan<int> offsets = offset_cache_;
if (size == 1) {
offsets.first() = 0;
offsets.last() = 1;
else {
int offset = 0;
for (const int i : IndexRange(size)) {
offsets[i] = offset;
offset += this->segment_is_vector(i) ? 1 : resolution_;
offsets.last() = offset;
offset_cache_dirty_ = false;
return offsets;
static void calculate_mappings_linear_resolution(Span<int> offsets,
const int size,
const int resolution,
const bool is_cyclic,
MutableSpan<float> r_mappings)
const float first_segment_len_inv = 1.0f / offsets[1];
for (const int i : IndexRange(0, offsets[1])) {
r_mappings[i] = i * first_segment_len_inv;
const int grain_size = std::max(2048 / resolution, 1);
blender::threading::parallel_for(IndexRange(1, size - 2), grain_size, [&](IndexRange range) {
for (const int i_control_point : range) {
const int segment_len = offsets[i_control_point + 1] - offsets[i_control_point];
const float segment_len_inv = 1.0f / segment_len;
for (const int i : IndexRange(segment_len)) {
r_mappings[offsets[i_control_point] + i] = i_control_point + i * segment_len_inv;
if (is_cyclic) {
const int last_segment_len = offsets[size] - offsets[size - 1];
const float last_segment_len_inv = 1.0f / last_segment_len;
for (const int i : IndexRange(last_segment_len)) {
r_mappings[offsets[size - 1] + i] = size - 1 + i * last_segment_len_inv;
else {
r_mappings.last() = size - 1;
Span<float> BezierSpline::evaluated_mappings() const
if (!mapping_cache_dirty_) {
return evaluated_mapping_cache_;
std::lock_guard lock{mapping_cache_mutex_};
if (!mapping_cache_dirty_) {
return evaluated_mapping_cache_;
const int size = this->size();
const int eval_size = this->evaluated_points_size();
MutableSpan<float> mappings = evaluated_mapping_cache_;
if (eval_size == 1) {
mappings.first() = 0.0f;
mapping_cache_dirty_ = false;
return mappings;
Span<int> offsets = this->control_point_offsets();
blender::threading::isolate_task([&]() {
/* Isolate the task, since this is function is multi-threaded and holds a lock. */
calculate_mappings_linear_resolution(offsets, size, resolution_, is_cyclic_, mappings);
mapping_cache_dirty_ = false;
return mappings;
Span<float3> BezierSpline::evaluated_positions() const
if (!position_cache_dirty_) {
return evaluated_position_cache_;
std::lock_guard lock{position_cache_mutex_};
if (!position_cache_dirty_) {
return evaluated_position_cache_;
const int size = this->size();
const int eval_size = this->evaluated_points_size();
MutableSpan<float3> positions = evaluated_position_cache_;
if (size == 1) {
/* Use a special case for single point splines to avoid checking in #evaluate_segment. */
BLI_assert(eval_size == 1);
positions.first() = positions_.first();
position_cache_dirty_ = false;
return positions;
Span<int> offsets = this->control_point_offsets();
const int grain_size = std::max(512 / resolution_, 1);
blender::threading::isolate_task([&]() {
/* Isolate the task, since this is function is multi-threaded and holds a lock. */
blender::threading::parallel_for(IndexRange(size - 1), grain_size, [&](IndexRange range) {
for (const int i : range) {
this->evaluate_segment(i, i + 1, positions.slice(offsets[i], offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i]));
if (is_cyclic_) {
size - 1, 0, positions.slice(offsets[size - 1], offsets[size] - offsets[size - 1]));
else {
/* Since evaluating the bezier segment doesn't add the final point,
* it must be added manually in the non-cyclic case. */
positions.last() = positions_.last();
position_cache_dirty_ = false;
return positions;
BezierSpline::InterpolationData BezierSpline::interpolation_data_from_index_factor(
const float index_factor) const
const int size = this->size();
if (is_cyclic_) {
if (index_factor < size) {
const int index = std::floor(index_factor);
const int next_index = (index < size - 1) ? index + 1 : 0;
return InterpolationData{index, next_index, index_factor - index};
return InterpolationData{size - 1, 0, 1.0f};
if (index_factor < size - 1) {
const int index = std::floor(index_factor);
const int next_index = index + 1;
return InterpolationData{index, next_index, index_factor - index};
return InterpolationData{size - 2, size - 1, 1.0f};
/* Use a spline argument to avoid adding this to the header. */
template<typename T>
static void interpolate_to_evaluated_impl(const BezierSpline &spline,
const blender::VArray<T> &src,
MutableSpan<T> dst)
BLI_assert(src.size() == spline.size());
BLI_assert(dst.size() == spline.evaluated_points_size());
Span<float> mappings = spline.evaluated_mappings();
for (const int i : dst.index_range()) {
BezierSpline::InterpolationData interp = spline.interpolation_data_from_index_factor(
const T &value = src[interp.control_point_index];
const T &next_value = src[interp.next_control_point_index];
dst[i] = blender::attribute_math::mix2(interp.factor, value, next_value);
GVArray BezierSpline::interpolate_to_evaluated(const GVArray &src) const
BLI_assert(src.size() == this->size());
if (src.is_single()) {
return src;
const int eval_size = this->evaluated_points_size();
if (eval_size == 1) {
return src;
GVArray new_varray;
blender::attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(src.type(), [&](auto dummy) {
using T = decltype(dummy);
if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<blender::attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T>>) {
Array<T> values(eval_size);
interpolate_to_evaluated_impl<T>(*this, src.typed<T>(), values);
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForContainer(std::move(values));
return new_varray;