
409 lines
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include "BLI_bit_ref.hh"
#include "BLI_index_range.hh"
#include "BLI_math_bits.h"
#include "BLI_memory_utils.hh"
namespace blender::bits {
/** Base class for a const and non-const bit-iterator. */
class BitIteratorBase {
const BitInt *data_;
int64_t bit_index_;
BitIteratorBase(const BitInt *data, const int64_t bit_index) : data_(data), bit_index_(bit_index)
BitIteratorBase &operator++()
return *this;
friend bool operator!=(const BitIteratorBase &a, const BitIteratorBase &b)
BLI_assert(a.data_ == b.data_);
return a.bit_index_ != b.bit_index_;
/** Allows iterating over the bits in a memory buffer. */
class BitIterator : public BitIteratorBase {
BitIterator(const BitInt *data, const int64_t bit_index) : BitIteratorBase(data, bit_index) {}
BitRef operator*() const
return BitRef(data_, bit_index_);
/** Allows iterating over the bits in a memory buffer. */
class MutableBitIterator : public BitIteratorBase {
MutableBitIterator(BitInt *data, const int64_t bit_index) : BitIteratorBase(data, bit_index) {}
MutableBitRef operator*() const
return MutableBitRef(const_cast<BitInt *>(data_), bit_index_);
* Similar to #Span, but references a range of bits instead of normal C++ types (which must be at
* least one byte large). Use #MutableBitSpan if the values are supposed to be modified.
* The beginning and end of a #BitSpan does *not* have to be at byte/int boundaries. It can start
* and end at any bit.
class BitSpan {
/** Base pointer to the integers containing the bits. The actual bit span might start at a much
* higher address when `bit_range_.start()` is large. */
const BitInt *data_ = nullptr;
/** The range of referenced bits. */
IndexRange bit_range_ = {0, 0};
/** Construct an empty span. */
BitSpan() = default;
BitSpan(const BitInt *data, const int64_t size_in_bits) : data_(data), bit_range_(size_in_bits)
BitSpan(const BitInt *data, const IndexRange bit_range) : data_(data), bit_range_(bit_range) {}
/** Number of bits referenced by the span. */
int64_t size() const
return bit_range_.size();
bool is_empty() const
return bit_range_.is_empty();
IndexRange index_range() const
return IndexRange(bit_range_.size());
BitRef operator[](const int64_t index) const
BLI_assert(index >= 0);
BLI_assert(index < bit_range_.size());
return {data_, bit_range_.start() + index};
BitSpan slice(const IndexRange range) const
return {data_, bit_range_.slice(range)};
BitSpan take_front(const int64_t n) const
return {data_, bit_range_.take_front(n)};
BitSpan take_back(const int64_t n) const
return {data_, bit_range_.take_back(n)};
const BitInt *data() const
return data_;
const IndexRange &bit_range() const
return bit_range_;
BitIterator begin() const
return {data_, bit_range_.start()};
BitIterator end() const
return {data_, bit_range_.one_after_last()};
* Checks if the span fulfills the requirements for a bounded span. Bounded spans can often be
* processed more efficiently, because fewer cases have to be considered when aligning multiple
* such spans.
* See comments in the function for the exact requirements.
inline bool is_bounded_span(const BitSpan span)
const int64_t offset = span.bit_range().start();
const int64_t size = span.size();
if (offset >= BitsPerInt) {
/* The data pointer must point at the first int already. If the offset is a multiple of
* #BitsPerInt, the bit span could theoretically become bounded as well if the data pointer is
* adjusted. But that is not handled here. */
return false;
if (size < BitsPerInt) {
/** Don't allow small sized spans to cross `BitInt` boundaries. */
return offset + size <= 64;
if (offset != 0) {
/* Start of larger spans must be aligned to `BitInt` boundaries. */
return false;
return true;
* Same as #BitSpan but fulfills the requirements mentioned on #is_bounded_span.
class BoundedBitSpan : public BitSpan {
BoundedBitSpan() = default;
BoundedBitSpan(const BitInt *data, const int64_t size_in_bits) : BitSpan(data, size_in_bits)
BoundedBitSpan(const BitInt *data, const IndexRange bit_range) : BitSpan(data, bit_range)
explicit BoundedBitSpan(const BitSpan other) : BitSpan(other)
int64_t offset() const
return bit_range_.start();
int64_t full_ints_num() const
return bit_range_.size() >> BitToIntIndexShift;
int64_t final_bits_num() const
return bit_range_.size() & BitIndexMask;
BoundedBitSpan take_front(const int64_t n) const
return {data_, bit_range_.take_front(n)};
/** Same as #BitSpan, but also allows modifying the referenced bits. */
class MutableBitSpan {
BitInt *data_ = nullptr;
IndexRange bit_range_ = {0, 0};
MutableBitSpan() = default;
MutableBitSpan(BitInt *data, const int64_t size) : data_(data), bit_range_(size) {}
MutableBitSpan(BitInt *data, const IndexRange bit_range) : data_(data), bit_range_(bit_range) {}
int64_t size() const
return bit_range_.size();
bool is_empty() const
return bit_range_.is_empty();
IndexRange index_range() const
return IndexRange(bit_range_.size());
MutableBitRef operator[](const int64_t index) const
BLI_assert(index >= 0);
BLI_assert(index < bit_range_.size());
return {data_, bit_range_.start() + index};
MutableBitSpan slice(const IndexRange range) const
return {data_, bit_range_.slice(range)};
MutableBitSpan take_front(const int64_t n) const
return {data_, bit_range_.take_front(n)};
MutableBitSpan take_back(const int64_t n) const
return {data_, bit_range_.take_back(n)};
BitInt *data() const
return data_;
const IndexRange &bit_range() const
return bit_range_;
MutableBitIterator begin() const
return {data_, bit_range_.start()};
MutableBitIterator end() const
return {data_, bit_range_.one_after_last()};
operator BitSpan() const
return {data_, bit_range_};
/** Sets all referenced bits to 1. */
void set_all();
/** Sets all referenced bits to 0. */
void reset_all();
void copy_from(const BitSpan other);
void copy_from(const BoundedBitSpan other);
/** Sets all referenced bits to either 0 or 1. */
void set_all(const bool value)
if (value) {
else {
/** Same as #set_all to mirror #MutableSpan. */
void fill(const bool value)
* Same as #MutableBitSpan but fulfills the requirements mentioned on #is_bounded_span.
class MutableBoundedBitSpan : public MutableBitSpan {
MutableBoundedBitSpan() = default;
MutableBoundedBitSpan(BitInt *data, const int64_t size) : MutableBitSpan(data, size)
MutableBoundedBitSpan(BitInt *data, const IndexRange bit_range) : MutableBitSpan(data, bit_range)
explicit MutableBoundedBitSpan(const MutableBitSpan other) : MutableBitSpan(other)
operator BoundedBitSpan() const
return BoundedBitSpan{BitSpan(*this)};
int64_t offset() const
return bit_range_.start();
int64_t full_ints_num() const
return bit_range_.size() >> BitToIntIndexShift;
int64_t final_bits_num() const
return bit_range_.size() & BitIndexMask;
MutableBoundedBitSpan take_front(const int64_t n) const
return {data_, bit_range_.take_front(n)};
void copy_from(const BitSpan other);
void copy_from(const BoundedBitSpan other);
inline std::optional<BoundedBitSpan> try_get_bounded_span(const BitSpan span)
if (is_bounded_span(span)) {
return BoundedBitSpan(span);
if (span.bit_range().start() % BitsPerInt == 0) {
return BoundedBitSpan( + (span.bit_range().start() >> BitToIntIndexShift),
return std::nullopt;
* Overloaded in BLI_bit_vector.hh. The purpose is to make passing #BitVector into bit span
* operations more efficient (interpreting it as `BoundedBitSpan` instead of just `BitSpan`).
template<typename T> inline T to_best_bit_span(const T &data)
return data;
template<typename... Args>
constexpr bool all_bounded_spans =
(is_same_any_v<std::decay_t<Args>, BoundedBitSpan, MutableBoundedBitSpan> && ...);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const BitSpan &span);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const MutableBitSpan &span);
} // namespace blender::bits
namespace blender {
using bits::BitSpan;
using bits::BoundedBitSpan;
using bits::MutableBitSpan;
using bits::MutableBoundedBitSpan;
} // namespace blender