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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup edobj
2011-02-27 21:29:51 +01:00
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <optional>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_anim_types.h"
#include "DNA_camera_types.h"
#include "DNA_collection_types.h"
#include "DNA_curve_types.h"
#include "DNA_gpencil_legacy_types.h"
#include "DNA_gpencil_modifier_types.h"
#include "DNA_key_types.h"
#include "DNA_light_types.h"
#include "DNA_lightprobe_types.h"
#include "DNA_material_types.h"
#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
#include "DNA_meta_types.h"
Curves: support deforming curves on surface Curves that are attached to a surface can now follow the surface when it is modified using shape keys or modifiers (but not when the original surface is deformed in edit or sculpt mode). The surface is allowed to be changed in any way that keeps uv maps intact. So deformation is allowed, but also some topology changes like subdivision. The following features are added: * A new `Deform Curves on Surface` node, which deforms curves with attachment information based on the surface object and uv map set in the properties panel. * A new `Add Rest Position` checkbox in the shape keys panel. When checked, a new `rest_position` vector attribute is added to the mesh before shape keys and modifiers are applied. This is necessary to support proper deformation of the curves, but can also be used for other purposes. * The `Add > Curve > Empty Hair` operator now sets up a simple geometry nodes setup that deforms the hair. It also makes sure that the rest position attribute is added to the surface. * A new `Object (Attach Curves to Surface)` operator in the `Set Parent To` (ctrl+P) menu, which attaches existing curves to the surface and sets the surface object as parent. Limitations: * Sculpting the procedurally deformed curves will be implemented separately. * The `Deform Curves on Surface` node is not generic and can only be used for one specific purpose currently. We plan to generalize this more in the future by adding support by exposing more inputs and/or by turning it into a node group. Differential Revision:
2022-07-08 14:45:48 +02:00
#include "DNA_modifier_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_fluidsim_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_force_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "DNA_pointcloud_types.h"
#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
#include "DNA_vfont_types.h"
#include "BLI_ghash.h"
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_math_matrix.h"
#include "BLI_math_rotation.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_string_utf8.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_vector.hh"
#include "BLT_translation.h"
#include "BKE_action.h"
#include "BKE_anim_data.h"
#include "BKE_armature.hh"
#include "BKE_camera.h"
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
#include "BKE_collection.h"
#include "BKE_constraint.h"
#include "BKE_context.hh"
#include "BKE_curve.hh"
#include "BKE_curve_to_mesh.hh"
#include "BKE_curves.h"
#include "BKE_displist.h"
#include "BKE_duplilist.h"
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
#include "BKE_effect.h"
#include "BKE_geometry_set.hh"
#include "BKE_geometry_set_instances.hh"
#include "BKE_gpencil_curve_legacy.h"
#include "BKE_gpencil_geom_legacy.h"
#include "BKE_gpencil_legacy.h"
#include "BKE_gpencil_modifier_legacy.h"
#include "BKE_grease_pencil.hh"
#include "BKE_key.h"
#include "BKE_lattice.hh"
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
#include "BKE_layer.h"
#include "BKE_lib_id.h"
#include "BKE_lib_override.hh"
#include "BKE_lib_query.h"
#include "BKE_lib_remap.h"
#include "BKE_light.h"
#include "BKE_lightprobe.h"
#include "BKE_main.h"
#include "BKE_material.h"
#include "BKE_mball.h"
#include "BKE_mesh.hh"
#include "BKE_mesh_runtime.hh"
#include "BKE_nla.h"
#include "BKE_node.hh"
#include "BKE_object.hh"
#include "BKE_object_types.hh"
#include "BKE_particle.h"
#include "BKE_pointcloud.h"
#include "BKE_report.h"
#include "BKE_scene.h"
#include "BKE_speaker.h"
#include "BKE_vfont.h"
#include "BKE_volume.hh"
2023-11-22 22:50:16 +01:00
#include "BKE_scene.h"
#include "DEG_depsgraph.hh"
#include "DEG_depsgraph_build.hh"
#include "DEG_depsgraph_query.hh"
#include "RNA_access.hh"
#include "RNA_define.hh"
#include "RNA_enum_types.hh"
#include "UI_interface.hh"
#include "WM_api.hh"
#include "WM_types.hh"
#include "ED_armature.hh"
#include "ED_curve.hh"
#include "ED_curves.hh"
#include "ED_gpencil_legacy.hh"
#include "ED_grease_pencil.hh"
#include "ED_mball.hh"
#include "ED_mesh.hh"
#include "ED_node.hh"
#include "ED_object.hh"
#include "ED_outliner.hh"
#include "ED_physics.hh"
#include "ED_render.hh"
#include "ED_screen.hh"
#include "ED_select_utils.hh"
#include "ED_transform.hh"
#include "ED_view3d.hh"
#include "ANIM_bone_collections.h"
#include "UI_resources.hh"
#include "object_intern.h"
2023-11-22 22:50:16 +01:00
#include "transform_orientations.hh"
Curves: support deforming curves on surface Curves that are attached to a surface can now follow the surface when it is modified using shape keys or modifiers (but not when the original surface is deformed in edit or sculpt mode). The surface is allowed to be changed in any way that keeps uv maps intact. So deformation is allowed, but also some topology changes like subdivision. The following features are added: * A new `Deform Curves on Surface` node, which deforms curves with attachment information based on the surface object and uv map set in the properties panel. * A new `Add Rest Position` checkbox in the shape keys panel. When checked, a new `rest_position` vector attribute is added to the mesh before shape keys and modifiers are applied. This is necessary to support proper deformation of the curves, but can also be used for other purposes. * The `Add > Curve > Empty Hair` operator now sets up a simple geometry nodes setup that deforms the hair. It also makes sure that the rest position attribute is added to the surface. * A new `Object (Attach Curves to Surface)` operator in the `Set Parent To` (ctrl+P) menu, which attaches existing curves to the surface and sets the surface object as parent. Limitations: * Sculpting the procedurally deformed curves will be implemented separately. * The `Deform Curves on Surface` node is not generic and can only be used for one specific purpose currently. We plan to generalize this more in the future by adding support by exposing more inputs and/or by turning it into a node group. Differential Revision:
2022-07-08 14:45:48 +02:00
using blender::float3;
using blender::float4x4;
using blender::Vector;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Local Enum Declarations
* \{ */
/* This is an exact copy of the define in ``
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
* kept here because of linking order.
* Icons are only defined here. */
const EnumPropertyItem rna_enum_light_type_items[] = {
{LA_LOCAL, "POINT", ICON_LIGHT_POINT, "Point", "Omnidirectional point light source"},
{LA_SUN, "SUN", ICON_LIGHT_SUN, "Sun", "Constant direction parallel ray light source"},
{LA_SPOT, "SPOT", ICON_LIGHT_SPOT, "Spot", "Directional cone light source"},
{LA_AREA, "AREA", ICON_LIGHT_AREA, "Area", "Directional area light source"},
{0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr},
/* copy from */
static const EnumPropertyItem field_type_items[] = {
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
{0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr},
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static EnumPropertyItem lightprobe_type_items[] = {
"Light probe that captures precise lighting from all directions at a single point in space"},
"Light probe that captures incoming light from a single direction on a plane"},
"Light probe that captures low frequency lighting inside a volume"},
{0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr},
2019-05-16 05:54:32 +02:00
enum {
2019-05-16 05:54:32 +02:00
static const EnumPropertyItem align_options[] = {
{ALIGN_WORLD, "WORLD", 0, "World", "Align the new object to the world"},
{ALIGN_VIEW, "VIEW", 0, "View", "Align the new object to the view"},
{ALIGN_CURSOR, "CURSOR", 0, "3D Cursor", "Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object"},
{0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr},
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Local Helpers
* \{ */
* Operator properties for creating an object under a screen space (2D) coordinate.
* Used for object dropping like behavior (drag object and drop into 3D View).
static void object_add_drop_xy_props(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
prop = RNA_def_int(ot->srna,
"Drop X",
"X-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under",
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
prop = RNA_def_int(ot->srna,
"Drop Y",
"Y-coordinate (screen space) to place the new object under",
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
static bool object_add_drop_xy_is_set(const wmOperator *op)
return RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "drop_x") &&
RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "drop_y");
* Query the currently set X- and Y-coordinate to position the new object under.
* \param r_mval: Returned pointer to the coordinate in region-space.
static bool object_add_drop_xy_get(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, int (*r_mval)[2])
if (!object_add_drop_xy_is_set(op)) {
(*r_mval)[0] = 0.0f;
(*r_mval)[1] = 0.0f;
return false;
const ARegion *region = CTX_wm_region(C);
(*r_mval)[0] = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "drop_x") - region->winrct.xmin;
(*r_mval)[1] = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "drop_y") - region->winrct.ymin;
return true;
* Set the drop coordinate to the mouse position (if not already set) and call the operator's
* `exec()` callback.
static int object_add_drop_xy_generic_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event)
if (!object_add_drop_xy_is_set(op)) {
RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "drop_x", event->xy[0]);
RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "drop_y", event->xy[1]);
return op->type->exec(C, op);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Public Add Object API
* \{ */
void ED_object_location_from_view(bContext *C, float loc[3])
const Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
copy_v3_v3(loc, scene->cursor.location);
void ED_object_rotation_from_quat(float rot[3], const float viewquat[4], const char align_axis)
BLI_assert(align_axis >= 'X' && align_axis <= 'Z');
switch (align_axis) {
case 'X': {
/* Same as 'rv3d->viewinv[1]' */
const float axis_y[4] = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};
float quat_y[4], quat[4];
axis_angle_to_quat(quat_y, axis_y, M_PI_2);
mul_qt_qtqt(quat, viewquat, quat_y);
quat_to_eul(rot, quat);
case 'Y': {
quat_to_eul(rot, viewquat);
rot[0] -= float(M_PI_2);
case 'Z': {
quat_to_eul(rot, viewquat);
void ED_object_rotation_from_view(bContext *C, float rot[3], const char align_axis)
RegionView3D *rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);
BLI_assert(align_axis >= 'X' && align_axis <= 'Z');
if (rv3d) {
float viewquat[4];
copy_qt_qt(viewquat, rv3d->viewquat);
viewquat[0] *= -1.0f;
ED_object_rotation_from_quat(rot, viewquat, align_axis);
else {
void ED_object_base_init_transform_on_add(Object *object, const float loc[3], const float rot[3])
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (loc) {
copy_v3_v3(object->loc, loc);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (rot) {
copy_v3_v3(object->rot, rot);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
BKE_object_to_mat4(object, object->object_to_world);
float ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(bContext *C,
Object *obedit,
const float loc[3],
const float rot[3],
const float scale[3],
float r_primmat[4][4])
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
float mat[3][3], rmat[3][3], cmat[3][3], imat[3][3];
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2023-11-22 22:50:16 +01:00
float ts_mat[3][3];
char ts_name[MAX_NAME];
//int orientation_index = v3d->twmode - V3D_MANIP_CUSTOM;
TransformOrientation *custom_orientation = nullptr;
if (scene->orientation_slots->type >= V3D_ORIENT_CUSTOM &&
scene->orientation_slots->index_custom != -1)
custom_orientation = BKE_scene_transform_orientation_find(
scene, scene->orientation_slots->index_custom);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
eul_to_mat3(rmat, rot);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2023-11-22 22:50:16 +01:00
if (custom_orientation) {
applyTransformOrientation(custom_orientation, ts_mat, ts_name);
mul_m3_m3m3(mat, rmat, ts_mat);
copy_m3_m3(rmat, mat);
/* inverse transform for initial rotation and object */
copy_m3_m4(mat, obedit->object_to_world);
mul_m3_m3m3(cmat, rmat, mat);
invert_m3_m3(imat, cmat);
2023-11-22 22:50:16 +01:00
copy_m4_m3(r_primmat, imat);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* center */
copy_v3_v3(r_primmat[3], loc);
sub_v3_v3v3(r_primmat[3], r_primmat[3], obedit->object_to_world[3]);
invert_m3_m3(imat, mat);
mul_m3_v3(imat, r_primmat[3]);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (scale != nullptr) {
rescale_m4(r_primmat, scale);
const float dia = v3d ? ED_view3d_grid_scale(scene, v3d, nullptr) :
ED_scene_grid_scale(scene, nullptr);
return dia;
// return 1.0f;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Object Operator
* \{ */
static void view_align_update(Main * /*main*/, Scene * /*scene*/, PointerRNA *ptr)
RNA_struct_idprops_unset(ptr, "rotation");
void ED_object_add_unit_props_size(wmOperatorType *ot)
ot->srna, "size", 2.0f, 0.0, OBJECT_ADD_SIZE_MAXF, "Size", "", 0.001, 100.00);
void ED_object_add_unit_props_radius_ex(wmOperatorType *ot, float default_value)
ot->srna, "radius", default_value, 0.0, OBJECT_ADD_SIZE_MAXF, "Radius", "", 0.001, 100.00);
void ED_object_add_unit_props_radius(wmOperatorType *ot)
ED_object_add_unit_props_radius_ex(ot, 1.0f);
void ED_object_add_generic_props(wmOperatorType *ot, bool do_editmode)
PropertyRNA *prop;
if (do_editmode) {
2021-01-04 02:00:00 +01:00
prop = RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna,
2021-01-04 02:00:00 +01:00
"Enter Edit Mode",
"Enter edit mode when adding this object");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
/* NOTE: this property gets hidden for add-camera operator. */
prop = RNA_def_enum(
ot->srna, "align", align_options, ALIGN_WORLD, "Align", "The alignment of the new object");
RNA_def_property_update_runtime(prop, view_align_update);
prop = RNA_def_float_vector_xyz(ot->srna,
"Location for the newly added object",
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
prop = RNA_def_float_rotation(ot->srna,
"Rotation for the newly added object",
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
prop = RNA_def_float_vector_xyz(ot->srna,
"Scale for the newly added object",
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
void ED_object_add_mesh_props(wmOperatorType *ot)
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "calc_uvs", true, "Generate UVs", "Generate a default UV map");
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
bool ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(bContext *C,
wmOperator *op,
const char view_align_axis,
float r_loc[3],
float r_rot[3],
float r_scale[3],
bool *r_enter_editmode,
ushort *r_local_view_bits,
bool *r_is_view_aligned)
/* Edit Mode! (optional) */
bool _enter_editmode;
if (!r_enter_editmode) {
r_enter_editmode = &_enter_editmode;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
/* Only to ensure the value is _always_ set.
* Typically the property will exist when the argument is non-nullptr. */
*r_enter_editmode = false;
PropertyRNA *prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "enter_editmode");
if (prop != nullptr) {
if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop) && r_enter_editmode) {
*r_enter_editmode = RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop);
else {
*r_enter_editmode = (U.flag & USER_ADD_EDITMODE) != 0;
RNA_property_boolean_set(op->ptr, prop, *r_enter_editmode);
if (r_local_view_bits) {
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
*r_local_view_bits = (v3d && v3d->localvd) ? v3d->local_view_uuid : 0;
/* Location! */
float _loc[3];
if (!r_loc) {
r_loc = _loc;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "location")) {
RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "location", r_loc);
else {
ED_object_location_from_view(C, r_loc);
RNA_float_set_array(op->ptr, "location", r_loc);
/* Rotation! */
bool _is_view_aligned;
float _rot[3];
if (!r_is_view_aligned) {
r_is_view_aligned = &_is_view_aligned;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (!r_rot) {
r_rot = _rot;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "rotation")) {
/* If rotation is set, always use it. Alignment (and corresponding user preference)
* can be ignored since this is in world space anyways.
2021-02-09 21:57:52 +01:00
* To not confuse (e.g. on redo), don't set it to #ALIGN_WORLD in the op UI though. */
*r_is_view_aligned = false;
RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "rotation", r_rot);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
else {
int alignment = ALIGN_WORLD;
PropertyRNA *prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "align");
if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop)) {
/* If alignment is set, always use it. */
*r_is_view_aligned = alignment == ALIGN_VIEW;
alignment = RNA_property_enum_get(op->ptr, prop);
else {
/* If alignment is not set, use User Preferences. */
*r_is_view_aligned = (U.flag & USER_ADD_VIEWALIGNED) != 0;
if (*r_is_view_aligned) {
RNA_property_enum_set(op->ptr, prop, ALIGN_VIEW);
alignment = ALIGN_VIEW;
else if ((U.flag & USER_ADD_CURSORALIGNED) != 0) {
RNA_property_enum_set(op->ptr, prop, ALIGN_CURSOR);
alignment = ALIGN_CURSOR;
else {
RNA_property_enum_set(op->ptr, prop, ALIGN_WORLD);
alignment = ALIGN_WORLD;
switch (alignment) {
RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "rotation", r_rot);
ED_object_rotation_from_view(C, r_rot, view_align_axis);
RNA_float_set_array(op->ptr, "rotation", r_rot);
const Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
float tmat[3][3];
BKE_scene_cursor_rot_to_mat3(&scene->cursor, tmat);
mat3_normalized_to_eul(r_rot, tmat);
RNA_float_set_array(op->ptr, "rotation", r_rot);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
/* Scale! */
float _scale[3];
if (!r_scale) {
r_scale = _scale;
/* For now this is optional, we can make it always use. */
copy_v3_fl(r_scale, 1.0f);
PropertyRNA *prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "scale");
if (prop != nullptr) {
if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop)) {
RNA_property_float_get_array(op->ptr, prop, r_scale);
else {
copy_v3_fl(r_scale, 1.0f);
RNA_property_float_set_array(op->ptr, prop, r_scale);
return true;
Object *ED_object_add_type_with_obdata(bContext *C,
const int type,
const char *name,
const float loc[3],
const float rot[3],
const bool enter_editmode,
const ushort local_view_bits,
ID *obdata)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Object *obedit = BKE_view_layer_edit_object_get(view_layer);
if (obedit != nullptr) {
ED_object_editmode_exit_ex(bmain, scene, obedit, EM_FREEDATA);
/* deselects all, sets active object */
Object *ob;
if (obdata != nullptr) {
BLI_assert(type == BKE_object_obdata_to_type(obdata));
ob = BKE_object_add_for_data(bmain, scene, view_layer, type, name, obdata, true);
const short *materials_len_p = BKE_id_material_len_p(obdata);
if (materials_len_p && *materials_len_p > 0) {
BKE_object_materials_test(bmain, ob, static_cast<ID *>(ob->data));
else {
ob = BKE_object_add(bmain, scene, view_layer, type, name);
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Base *ob_base_act = BKE_view_layer_active_base_get(view_layer);
/* While not getting a valid base is not a good thing, it can happen in convoluted corner cases,
* better not crash on it in releases. */
BLI_assert(ob_base_act != nullptr);
if (ob_base_act != nullptr) {
ob_base_act->local_view_bits = local_view_bits;
/* editor level activate, notifiers */
ED_object_base_activate(C, ob_base_act);
/* more editor stuff */
ED_object_base_init_transform_on_add(ob, loc, rot);
/* TODO(sergey): This is weird to manually tag objects for update, better to
* use DEG_id_tag_update here perhaps.
DEG_id_type_tag(bmain, ID_OB);
if (ob->data != nullptr) {
DEG_id_tag_update_ex(bmain, (ID *)ob->data, ID_RECALC_EDITORS);
2011-11-29 02:05:26 +01:00
if (enter_editmode) {
ED_object_editmode_enter_ex(bmain, scene, ob, 0);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_LAYER_CONTENT, scene);
DEG_id_tag_update(&scene->id, ID_RECALC_BASE_FLAGS);
return ob;
Object *ED_object_add_type(bContext *C,
const int type,
const char *name,
const float loc[3],
const float rot[3],
const bool enter_editmode,
const ushort local_view_bits)
return ED_object_add_type_with_obdata(
C, type, name, loc, rot, enter_editmode, local_view_bits, nullptr);
/* for object add operator */
static int object_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
bool enter_editmode;
float loc[3], rot[3], radius;
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, &enter_editmode, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
radius = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
Object *ob = ED_object_add_type(
C, RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"), nullptr, loc, rot, enter_editmode, local_view_bits);
if (ob->type == OB_LATTICE) {
/* lattice is a special case!
* we never want to scale the obdata since that is the rest-state */
copy_v3_fl(ob->scale, radius);
else {
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(ob, radius);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Object";
ot->description = "Add an object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* properties */
PropertyRNA *prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_object_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
RNA_def_property_translation_context(prop, BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_ID);
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Probe Operator
* \{ */
/* for object add operator */
static const char *get_lightprobe_defname(int type)
switch (type) {
return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_LIGHT, "LightProbe");
static int lightprobe_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
bool enter_editmode;
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, &enter_editmode, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
float radius = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
Object *ob = ED_object_add_type(
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
C, OB_LIGHTPROBE, get_lightprobe_defname(type), loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
copy_v3_fl(ob->scale, radius);
LightProbe *probe = (LightProbe *)ob->data;
BKE_lightprobe_type_set(probe, type);
void OBJECT_OT_lightprobe_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Light Probe";
ot->description = "Add a light probe object";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_lightprobe_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = lightprobe_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", lightprobe_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Effector Operator
* \{ */
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
/* for object add operator */
static const char *get_effector_defname(ePFieldType type)
switch (type) {
return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT, "CurveGuide");
return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT, "TextureField");
return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT, "Harmonic");
return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT, "Lennard-Jones");
return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT, "Turbulence");
2020-08-07 10:07:36 +02:00
return CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT, "FluidField");
static int effector_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
bool enter_editmode;
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, &enter_editmode, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
const ePFieldType type = static_cast<ePFieldType>(RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"));
float dia = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
Object *ob;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (type == PFIELD_GUIDE) {
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ob = ED_object_add_type(
C, OB_CURVES_LEGACY, get_effector_defname(type), loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
Curve *cu = static_cast<Curve *>(ob->data);
cu->flag |= CU_PATH | CU_3D;
ED_object_editmode_enter_ex(bmain, scene, ob, 0);
float mat[4][4];
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, ob, loc, rot, nullptr, mat);
mul_mat3_m4_fl(mat, dia);
ED_curve_add_nurbs_primitive(C, ob, mat, CU_NURBS | CU_PRIM_PATH, 1));
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (!enter_editmode) {
ED_object_editmode_exit_ex(bmain, scene, ob, EM_FREEDATA);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
else {
2020-08-07 10:07:36 +02:00
ob = ED_object_add_type(
C, OB_EMPTY, get_effector_defname(type), loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(ob, dia);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
ob->empty_drawtype = OB_SINGLE_ARROW;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
2018-12-02 04:14:51 +01:00
ob->pd = BKE_partdeflect_new(type);
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_effector_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Effector";
ot->description = "Add an empty object with a physics effector to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_effector_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = effector_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", field_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
Unified effector functionality for particles, cloth and softbody * Unified scene wide gravity (currently in scene buttons) instead of each simulation having it's own gravity. * Weight parameters for all effectors and an effector group setting. * Every effector can use noise. * Most effectors have "shapes" point, plane, surface, every point. - "Point" is most like the old effectors and uses the effector location as the effector point. - "Plane" uses the closest point on effectors local xy-plane as the effector point. - "Surface" uses the closest point on an effector object's surface as the effector point. - "Every Point" uses every point in a mesh effector object as an effector point. - The falloff is calculated from this point, so for example with "surface" shape and "use only negative z axis" it's possible to apply force only "inside" the effector object. * Spherical effector is now renamed as "force" as it's no longer just spherical. * New effector parameter "flow", which makes the effector act as surrounding air velocity, so the resulting force is proportional to the velocity difference of the point and "air velocity". For example a wind field with flow=1.0 results in proper non-accelerating wind. * New effector fields "turbulence", which creates nice random flow paths, and "drag", which slows the points down. * Much improved vortex field. * Effectors can now effect particle rotation as well as location. * Use full, or only positive/negative z-axis to apply force (note. the z-axis is the surface normal in the case of effector shape "surface") * New "force field" submenu in add menu, which adds an empty with the chosen effector (curve object for corve guides). * Other dynamics should be quite easy to add to the effector system too if wanted. * "Unified" doesn't mean that force fields give the exact same results for particles, softbody & cloth, since their final effect depends on many external factors, like for example the surface area of the effected faces. Code changes * Subversion bump for correct handling of global gravity. * Separate ui py file for common dynamics stuff. * Particle settings updating is flushed with it's id through DAG_id_flush_update(..). Known issues * Curve guides don't yet have all ui buttons in place, but they should work none the less. * Hair dynamics don't yet respect force fields. Other changes * Particle emission defaults now to frames 1-200 with life of 50 frames to fill the whole default timeline. * Many particles drawing related crashes fixed. * Sometimes particles didn't update on first frame properly. * Hair with object/group visualization didn't work properly. * Memory leaks with PointCacheID lists (Genscher, remember to free pidlists after use :).
2009-10-01 00:10:14 +02:00
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Camera Operator
* \{ */
static int object_camera_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* force view align for cameras */
RNA_enum_set(op->ptr, "align", ALIGN_VIEW);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ushort local_view_bits;
bool enter_editmode;
float loc[3], rot[3];
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, &enter_editmode, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
Object *ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_CAMERA, nullptr, loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (v3d) {
if (v3d->camera == nullptr) {
v3d->camera = ob;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (v3d->scenelock && scene->camera == nullptr) {
scene->camera = ob;
Camera *cam = static_cast<Camera *>(ob->data);
cam->drawsize = v3d ? ED_view3d_grid_scale(scene, v3d, nullptr) :
ED_scene_grid_scale(scene, nullptr);
void OBJECT_OT_camera_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Camera";
ot->description = "Add a camera object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_camera_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_camera_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* hide this for cameras, default */
prop = RNA_struct_type_find_property(ot->srna, "align");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Metaball Operator
* \{ */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static int object_metaball_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
bool enter_editmode;
float loc[3], rot[3];
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, &enter_editmode, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
bool newob = false;
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Object *obedit = BKE_view_layer_edit_object_get(view_layer);
if (obedit == nullptr || obedit->type != OB_MBALL) {
obedit = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_MBALL, nullptr, loc, rot, true, local_view_bits);
newob = true;
else {
DEG_id_tag_update(&obedit->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
float mat[4][4];
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, obedit, loc, rot, nullptr, mat);
/* Halving here is done to account for constant values from #BKE_mball_element_add.
* While the default radius of the resulting meta element is 2,
* we want to pass in 1 so other values such as resolution are scaled by 1.0. */
float dia = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius") / 2;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ED_mball_add_primitive(C, obedit, newob, mat, dia, RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"));
/* userdef */
if (newob && !enter_editmode) {
ED_object_editmode_exit_ex(bmain, scene, obedit, EM_FREEDATA);
else {
/* Only needed in edit-mode (#ED_object_add_type normally handles this). */
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, obedit);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_metaball_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Metaball";
ot->description = "Add an metaball object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_metaball_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = object_metaball_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_scene_editable;
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_metaelem_type_items, 0, "Primitive", "");
ED_object_add_unit_props_radius_ex(ot, 2.0f);
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Text Operator
* \{ */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static int object_add_text_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
bool enter_editmode;
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, &enter_editmode, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (obedit && obedit->type == OB_FONT) {
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
obedit = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_FONT, nullptr, loc, rot, enter_editmode, local_view_bits);
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(obedit, RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius"));
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_text_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Text";
ot->description = "Add a text object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_text_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_add_text_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/* properties */
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Armature Operator
* \{ */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static int object_armature_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Object *obedit = BKE_view_layer_edit_object_get(view_layer);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
RegionView3D *rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C);
bool newob = false;
bool enter_editmode;
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3], dia;
bool view_aligned = rv3d && (U.flag & USER_ADD_VIEWALIGNED);
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, &enter_editmode, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if ((obedit == nullptr) || (obedit->type != OB_ARMATURE)) {
obedit = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_ARMATURE, nullptr, loc, rot, true, local_view_bits);
ED_object_editmode_enter_ex(bmain, scene, obedit, 0);
newob = true;
else {
DEG_id_tag_update(&obedit->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY);
if (obedit == nullptr) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot create editmode armature");
/* Give the Armature its default bone collection. */
bArmature *armature = static_cast<bArmature *>(obedit->data);
BoneCollection *default_bonecoll = ANIM_armature_bonecoll_new(armature, "");
ANIM_armature_bonecoll_active_set(armature, default_bonecoll);
dia = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
ED_armature_ebone_add_primitive(obedit, dia, view_aligned);
/* userdef */
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (newob && !enter_editmode) {
ED_object_editmode_exit_ex(bmain, scene, obedit, EM_FREEDATA);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_armature_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Armature";
ot->description = "Add an armature object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_armature_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_armature_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/* properties */
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Empty Operator
* \{ */
static int object_empty_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Object *ob;
int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_EMPTY, nullptr, loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
BKE_object_empty_draw_type_set(ob, type);
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(ob, RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius"));
void OBJECT_OT_empty_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Empty";
ot->description = "Add an empty object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_empty_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = object_empty_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_object_empty_drawtype_items, 0, "Type", "");
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
static int empty_drop_named_image_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event)
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Image *ima = nullptr;
ima = (Image *)WM_operator_drop_load_path(C, op, ID_IM);
if (!ima) {
/* handled below */
Object *ob = nullptr;
Object *ob_cursor = ED_view3d_give_object_under_cursor(C, event->mval);
/* either change empty under cursor or create a new empty */
if (ob_cursor && ob_cursor->type == OB_EMPTY) {
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_ACTIVE, scene);
DEG_id_tag_update((ID *)ob_cursor, ID_RECALC_TRANSFORM);
ob = ob_cursor;
else {
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
/* add new empty */
ushort local_view_bits;
float rot[3];
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', nullptr, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_EMPTY, nullptr, nullptr, rot, false, local_view_bits);
ED_object_location_from_view(C, ob->loc);
ED_view3d_cursor3d_position(C, event->mval, false, ob->loc);
ED_object_rotation_from_view(C, ob->rot, 'Z');
ob->empty_drawsize = 5.0f;
BKE_object_empty_draw_type_set(ob, OB_EMPTY_IMAGE);
id_us_min(static_cast<ID *>(ob->data));
ob->data = ima;
id_us_plus(static_cast<ID *>(ob->data));
void OBJECT_OT_drop_named_image(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Empty Image/Drop Image to Empty";
ot->description = "Add an empty image type to scene with data";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_drop_named_image";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = empty_drop_named_image_invoke;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
prop = RNA_def_string(ot->srna, "filepath", nullptr, FILE_MAX, "Filepath", "Path to image file");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
"Relative Path",
"Select the file relative to the blend file");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
WM_operator_properties_id_lookup(ot, true);
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Gpencil (legacy) Operator
* \{ */
2019-01-21 18:30:15 +01:00
static bool object_gpencil_add_poll(bContext *C)
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Object *obact = CTX_data_active_object(C);
if ((scene == nullptr) || ID_IS_LINKED(scene) || ID_IS_OVERRIDE_LIBRARY(scene)) {
return false;
if (obact && obact->type == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
if (obact->mode != OB_MODE_OBJECT) {
return false;
return true;
static int object_gpencil_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C), *ob_orig = ob;
bGPdata *gpd = (ob && (ob->type == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY)) ? static_cast<bGPdata *>(ob->data) :
const int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
const bool use_in_front = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_in_front");
const bool use_lights = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_lights");
const int stroke_depth_order = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "stroke_depth_order");
const float stroke_depth_offset = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "stroke_depth_offset");
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
bool newob = false;
/* NOTE: We use 'Y' here (not 'Z'), as. */
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Y', loc, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
/* Add new object if not currently editing a GP object. */
if ((gpd == nullptr) || (GPENCIL_ANY_MODE(gpd) == false)) {
const char *ob_name = nullptr;
switch (type) {
case GP_EMPTY: {
case GP_MONKEY: {
ob_name = CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_GPENCIL, "Suzanne");
case GP_STROKE: {
ob_name = CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_GPENCIL, "Stroke");
default: {
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY, ob_name, loc, rot, true, local_view_bits);
gpd = static_cast<bGPdata *>(ob->data);
newob = true;
else {
DEG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GPENCIL | ND_DATA | NA_ADDED, nullptr);
/* create relevant geometry */
switch (type) {
case GP_EMPTY: {
float mat[4][4];
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, ob, loc, rot, nullptr, mat);
ED_gpencil_create_blank(C, ob, mat);
case GP_STROKE: {
float radius = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
float scale[3];
copy_v3_fl(scale, radius);
float mat[4][4];
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, ob, loc, rot, scale, mat);
ED_gpencil_create_stroke(C, ob, mat);
case GP_MONKEY: {
float radius = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
float scale[3];
copy_v3_fl(scale, radius);
float mat[4][4];
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, ob, loc, rot, scale, mat);
ED_gpencil_create_monkey(C, ob, mat);
float radius = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
float scale[3];
copy_v3_fl(scale, radius);
float mat[4][4];
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, ob, loc, rot, scale, mat);
ED_gpencil_create_lineart(C, ob);
gpd = static_cast<bGPdata *>(ob->data);
/* Add Line Art modifier */
LineartGpencilModifierData *md = (LineartGpencilModifierData *)BKE_gpencil_modifier_new(
BLI_addtail(&ob->greasepencil_modifiers, md);
BKE_gpencil_modifier_unique_name(&ob->greasepencil_modifiers, (GpencilModifierData *)md);
if (type == GP_LRT_COLLECTION) {
md->source_type = LRT_SOURCE_COLLECTION;
md->source_collection = CTX_data_collection(C);
else if (type == GP_LRT_OBJECT) {
md->source_type = LRT_SOURCE_OBJECT;
md->source_object = ob_orig;
else {
/* Whole scene. */
md->source_type = LRT_SOURCE_SCENE;
/* Only created one layer and one material. */
STRNCPY(md->target_layer, ((bGPDlayer *)gpd->layers.first)->info);
md->target_material = BKE_gpencil_material(ob, 1);
if (md->target_material) {
if (use_lights) {
else {
/* Stroke object is drawn in front of meshes by default. */
if (use_in_front) {
ob->dtx |= OB_DRAW_IN_FRONT;
else {
if (stroke_depth_order == GP_DRAWMODE_3D) {
gpd->draw_mode = GP_DRAWMODE_3D;
md->stroke_depth_offset = stroke_depth_offset;
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Not implemented");
2020-08-01 05:18:47 +02:00
/* If this is a new object, initialize default stuff (colors, etc.) */
if (newob) {
/* set default viewport color to black */
copy_v3_fl(ob->color, 0.0f);
ED_gpencil_add_defaults(C, ob);
static void object_add_ui(bContext * /*C*/, wmOperator *op)
uiLayout *layout = op->layout;
uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "radius", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "align", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "location", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "rotation", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "type", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
2021-10-20 01:45:59 +02:00
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "use_lights", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "use_in_front", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
bool in_front = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_in_front");
uiLayout *col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, false);
uiLayoutSetActive(col, !in_front);
uiItemR(col, op->ptr, "stroke_depth_offset", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(col, op->ptr, "stroke_depth_order", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
static EnumPropertyItem rna_enum_gpencil_add_stroke_depth_order_items[] = {
"2D Layers",
"Display strokes using grease pencil layers to define order"},
{GP_DRAWMODE_3D, "3D", 0, "3D Location", "Display strokes using real 3D position in 3D space"},
{0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr},
void OBJECT_OT_gpencil_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
2023-11-08 23:34:49 +01:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Grease Pencil";
ot->description = "Add a Grease Pencil object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_gpencil_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = object_gpencil_add_exec;
ot->poll = object_gpencil_add_poll;
/* flags */
/* ui */
ot->ui = object_add_ui;
/* properties */
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_object_gpencil_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
"Show In Front",
"Show line art grease pencil in front of everything");
"Stroke Offset",
"Stroke offset for the line art modifier",
ot->srna, "use_lights", false, "Use Lights", "Use lights for this grease pencil object");
"Stroke Depth Order",
"Defines how the strokes are ordered in 3D space (for objects not displayed 'In Front')");
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Grease Pencil Operator
* \{ */
static int object_grease_pencil_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
using namespace blender::ed;
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
/* TODO: For now, only support adding the 'Stroke' type. */
const int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
/* NOTE: We use 'Y' here (not 'Z'), as. */
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Y', loc, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
const char *ob_name = nullptr;
switch (type) {
case GP_EMPTY: {
case GP_STROKE: {
ob_name = CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_GPENCIL, "Stroke");
case GP_MONKEY: {
ob_name = CTX_DATA_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_GPENCIL, "Suzanne");
default: {
Object *object = ED_object_add_type(
C, OB_GREASE_PENCIL, ob_name, loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
GreasePencil &grease_pencil_id = *static_cast<GreasePencil *>(object->data);
switch (type) {
case GP_EMPTY: {
greasepencil::create_blank(*bmain, *object, scene->r.cfra);
case GP_STROKE: {
const float radius = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
const float3 scale(radius);
float4x4 mat;
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, object, loc, rot, scale, mat.ptr());
greasepencil::create_stroke(*bmain, *object, mat, scene->r.cfra);
case GP_MONKEY: {
const float radius = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
const float3 scale(radius);
float4x4 mat;
ED_object_new_primitive_matrix(C, object, loc, rot, scale, mat.ptr());
greasepencil::create_suzanne(*bmain, *object, mat, scene->r.cfra);
/* TODO. */
DEG_id_tag_update(&, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY);
WM_main_add_notifier(NC_GEOM | ND_DATA, &;
void OBJECT_OT_grease_pencil_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Grease Pencil";
ot->description = "Add a Grease Pencil object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_grease_pencil_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_grease_pencil_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_object_gpencil_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Light Operator
* \{ */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static const char *get_light_defname(int type)
switch (type) {
case LA_LOCAL:
case LA_SUN:
case LA_SPOT:
case LA_AREA:
static int object_light_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Object *ob;
Light *la;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type");
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
WM_operator_view3d_unit_defaults(C, op);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_LAMP, get_light_defname(type), loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
float size = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "radius");
/* Better defaults for light size. */
2018-06-25 12:02:57 +02:00
switch (type) {
case LA_LOCAL:
case LA_SPOT:
case LA_AREA:
size *= 4.0f;
size *= 0.5f;
BKE_object_obdata_size_init(ob, size);
la = (Light *)ob->data;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
la->type = type;
if (type == LA_SUN) {
la->energy = 1.0f;
void OBJECT_OT_light_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
2012-05-26 02:06:30 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Light";
ot->description = "Add a light object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_light_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = object_light_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_light_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
RNA_def_property_translation_context(ot->prop, BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_LIGHT);
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Collection Instance Operator
* \{ */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
struct CollectionAddInfo {
/* The collection that is supposed to be added, determined through operator properties. */
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
Collection *collection;
/* The local-view bits (if any) the object should have set to become visible in current context.
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
ushort local_view_bits;
/* The transform that should be applied to the collection, determined through operator properties
* if set (e.g. to place the collection under the cursor), otherwise through context (e.g. 3D
2022-04-20 01:16:24 +02:00
* cursor location). */
float loc[3], rot[3];
static std::optional<CollectionAddInfo> collection_add_info_get_from_op(bContext *C,
wmOperator *op)
CollectionAddInfo add_info{};
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
PropertyRNA *prop_location = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "location");
add_info.collection = reinterpret_cast<Collection *>(
WM_operator_properties_id_lookup_from_name_or_session_uuid(bmain, op->ptr, ID_GR));
bool update_location_if_necessary = false;
if (add_info.collection) {
update_location_if_necessary = true;
else {
add_info.collection = static_cast<Collection *>(
BLI_findlink(&bmain->collections, RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "collection")));
if (update_location_if_necessary && CTX_wm_region_view3d(C)) {
int mval[2];
if (!RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop_location) && object_add_drop_xy_get(C, op, &mval)) {
ED_object_location_from_view(C, add_info.loc);
ED_view3d_cursor3d_position(C, mval, false, add_info.loc);
RNA_property_float_set_array(op->ptr, prop_location, add_info.loc);
if (add_info.collection == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(C,
return std::nullopt;
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
/* Avoid dependency cycles. */
LayerCollection *active_lc = BKE_layer_collection_get_active(view_layer);
while (BKE_collection_cycle_find(active_lc->collection, add_info.collection)) {
active_lc = BKE_layer_collection_activate_parent(view_layer, active_lc);
return add_info;
static int collection_instance_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
std::optional<CollectionAddInfo> add_info = collection_add_info_get_from_op(C, op);
if (!add_info) {
Object *ob = ED_object_add_type(C,
add_info->collection-> + 2,
ob->instance_collection = add_info->collection;
ob->empty_drawsize = U.collection_instance_empty_size;
ob->transflag |= OB_DUPLICOLLECTION;
static int object_instance_add_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event)
if (!object_add_drop_xy_is_set(op)) {
RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "drop_x", event->xy[0]);
RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "drop_y", event->xy[1]);
if (!WM_operator_properties_id_lookup_is_set(op->ptr)) {
return WM_enum_search_invoke(C, op, event);
return op->type->exec(C, op);
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_collection_instance_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
PropertyRNA *prop;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* identifiers */
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
ot->name = "Add Collection Instance";
ot->description = "Add a collection instance";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_collection_instance_add";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = object_instance_add_invoke;
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
ot->exec = collection_instance_add_exec;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
ot->srna, "name", "Collection", MAX_ID_NAME - 2, "Name", "Collection name to add");
prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "collection", rna_enum_dummy_NULL_items, 0, "Collection", "");
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
RNA_def_enum_funcs(prop, RNA_collection_itemf);
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_ENUM_NO_TRANSLATE);
ot->prop = prop;
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
WM_operator_properties_id_lookup(ot, false);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Collection Drop Operator
* Internal operator for collection dropping.
* \warning This is tied closely together to the drop-box callbacks, so it shouldn't be used on its
* own.
* The drop-box callback imports the collection, links it into the view-layer, selects all imported
* objects (which may include peripheral objects like parents or boolean-objects of an object in
* the collection) and activates one. Only the callback has enough info to do this reliably. Based
* on the instancing operator option, this operator then does one of two things:
* - Instancing enabled: Unlink the collection again, and instead add a collection instance empty
* at the drop position.
* - Instancing disabled: Transform the objects to the drop position, keeping all relative
* transforms of the objects to each other as is.
* \{ */
static int collection_drop_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
LayerCollection *active_collection = CTX_data_layer_collection(C);
std::optional<CollectionAddInfo> add_info = collection_add_info_get_from_op(C, op);
if (!add_info) {
if (RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_instance")) {
BKE_collection_child_remove(bmain, active_collection->collection, add_info->collection);
DEG_id_tag_update(&active_collection->collection->id, ID_RECALC_COPY_ON_WRITE);
Object *ob = ED_object_add_type(C,
add_info->collection-> + 2,
ob->instance_collection = add_info->collection;
ob->empty_drawsize = U.collection_instance_empty_size;
ob->transflag |= OB_DUPLICOLLECTION;
else {
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
float delta_mat[4][4];
const float scale[3] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
loc_eul_size_to_mat4(delta_mat, add_info->loc, add_info->rot, scale);
float offset[3];
/* Reverse apply the instance offset, so toggling the Instance option doesn't cause the
* collection to jump. */
negate_v3_v3(offset, add_info->collection->instance_offset);
translate_m4(delta_mat, UNPACK3(offset));
ObjectsInViewLayerParams params = {0};
uint objects_len;
Object **objects = BKE_view_layer_array_selected_objects_params(
view_layer, nullptr, &objects_len, &params);
ED_object_xform_array_m4(objects, objects_len, delta_mat);
void OBJECT_OT_collection_external_asset_drop(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
/* identifiers */
/* Name should only be displayed in the drag tooltip. */
ot->name = "Add Collection";
ot->description = "Add the dragged collection to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_collection_external_asset_drop";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = object_instance_add_invoke;
ot->exec = collection_drop_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
WM_operator_properties_id_lookup(ot, false);
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
/* IMPORTANT: Instancing option. Intentionally remembered across executions (no #PROP_SKIP_SAVE).
"Add the dropped collection as collection instance");
prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "collection", rna_enum_dummy_NULL_items, 0, "Collection", "");
RNA_def_enum_funcs(prop, RNA_collection_itemf);
ot->prop = prop;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Data Instance Operator
* Use for dropping ID's from the outliner.
* \{ */
static int object_data_instance_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
ID *id = nullptr;
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
PropertyRNA *prop_type = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "type");
PropertyRNA *prop_location = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "location");
const short id_type = RNA_property_enum_get(op->ptr, prop_type);
id = WM_operator_properties_id_lookup_from_name_or_session_uuid(
bmain, op->ptr, (ID_Type)id_type);
if (id == nullptr) {
const int object_type = BKE_object_obdata_to_type(id);
if (object_type == -1) {
if (CTX_wm_region_view3d(C)) {
int mval[2];
if (!RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop_location) && object_add_drop_xy_get(C, op, &mval)) {
ED_object_location_from_view(C, loc);
ED_view3d_cursor3d_position(C, mval, false, loc);
RNA_property_float_set_array(op->ptr, prop_location, loc);
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
C, object_type, id->name + 2, loc, rot, false, local_view_bits, id);
void OBJECT_OT_data_instance_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Object Data Instance";
ot->description = "Add an object data instance";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_data_instance_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = object_add_drop_xy_generic_invoke;
ot->exec = object_data_instance_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
/* properties */
WM_operator_properties_id_lookup(ot, true);
PropertyRNA *prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", rna_enum_id_type_items, 0, "Type", "");
RNA_def_property_translation_context(prop, BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_ID);
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Speaker Operator
* \{ */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static int object_speaker_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
2018-12-07 02:59:04 +01:00
Object *ob = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_SPEAKER, nullptr, loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
const bool is_liboverride = ID_IS_OVERRIDE_LIBRARY(ob);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2021-02-05 06:23:34 +01:00
/* To make it easier to start using this immediately in NLA, a default sound clip is created
* ready to be moved around to re-time the sound and/or make new sound clips. */
/* create new data for NLA hierarchy */
AnimData *adt = BKE_animdata_ensure_id(&ob->id);
NlaTrack *nlt = BKE_nlatrack_new_tail(&adt->nla_tracks, is_liboverride);
BKE_nlatrack_set_active(&adt->nla_tracks, nlt);
NlaStrip *strip = BKE_nla_add_soundstrip(bmain, scene, static_cast<Speaker *>(ob->data));
strip->start = scene->r.cfra;
strip->end += strip->start;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* hook them up */
BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(nlt, strip, is_liboverride);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* Auto-name the strip, and give the track an interesting name. */
STRNCPY_UTF8(nlt->name, DATA_("SoundTrack"));
BKE_nlastrip_validate_name(adt, strip);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION | ND_NLA | NA_ADDED, nullptr);
void OBJECT_OT_speaker_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Speaker";
ot->description = "Add a speaker object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_speaker_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_speaker_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, true);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Curves Operator
* \{ */
static int object_curves_random_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
using namespace blender;
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
Object *object = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_CURVES, nullptr, loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
Curves *curves_id = static_cast<Curves *>(object->data);
curves_id->geometry.wrap() = ed::curves::primitive_random_sphere(500, 8);
void OBJECT_OT_curves_random_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Random Curves";
ot->description = "Add a curves object with random curves to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_curves_random_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_curves_random_add_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
/* flags */
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
static int object_curves_empty_hair_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Curves: support deforming curves on surface Curves that are attached to a surface can now follow the surface when it is modified using shape keys or modifiers (but not when the original surface is deformed in edit or sculpt mode). The surface is allowed to be changed in any way that keeps uv maps intact. So deformation is allowed, but also some topology changes like subdivision. The following features are added: * A new `Deform Curves on Surface` node, which deforms curves with attachment information based on the surface object and uv map set in the properties panel. * A new `Add Rest Position` checkbox in the shape keys panel. When checked, a new `rest_position` vector attribute is added to the mesh before shape keys and modifiers are applied. This is necessary to support proper deformation of the curves, but can also be used for other purposes. * The `Add > Curve > Empty Hair` operator now sets up a simple geometry nodes setup that deforms the hair. It also makes sure that the rest position attribute is added to the surface. * A new `Object (Attach Curves to Surface)` operator in the `Set Parent To` (ctrl+P) menu, which attaches existing curves to the surface and sets the surface object as parent. Limitations: * Sculpting the procedurally deformed curves will be implemented separately. * The `Deform Curves on Surface` node is not generic and can only be used for one specific purpose currently. We plan to generalize this more in the future by adding support by exposing more inputs and/or by turning it into a node group. Differential Revision:
2022-07-08 14:45:48 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ushort local_view_bits;
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
Object *surface_ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
Curves: support deforming curves on surface Curves that are attached to a surface can now follow the surface when it is modified using shape keys or modifiers (but not when the original surface is deformed in edit or sculpt mode). The surface is allowed to be changed in any way that keeps uv maps intact. So deformation is allowed, but also some topology changes like subdivision. The following features are added: * A new `Deform Curves on Surface` node, which deforms curves with attachment information based on the surface object and uv map set in the properties panel. * A new `Add Rest Position` checkbox in the shape keys panel. When checked, a new `rest_position` vector attribute is added to the mesh before shape keys and modifiers are applied. This is necessary to support proper deformation of the curves, but can also be used for other purposes. * The `Add > Curve > Empty Hair` operator now sets up a simple geometry nodes setup that deforms the hair. It also makes sure that the rest position attribute is added to the surface. * A new `Object (Attach Curves to Surface)` operator in the `Set Parent To` (ctrl+P) menu, which attaches existing curves to the surface and sets the surface object as parent. Limitations: * Sculpting the procedurally deformed curves will be implemented separately. * The `Deform Curves on Surface` node is not generic and can only be used for one specific purpose currently. We plan to generalize this more in the future by adding support by exposing more inputs and/or by turning it into a node group. Differential Revision:
2022-07-08 14:45:48 +02:00
BLI_assert(surface_ob != nullptr);
2022-07-21 09:45:36 +02:00
Object *curves_ob = ED_object_add_type(
C, OB_CURVES, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, false, local_view_bits);
BKE_object_apply_mat4(curves_ob, surface_ob->object_to_world, false, false);
Curves: support deforming curves on surface Curves that are attached to a surface can now follow the surface when it is modified using shape keys or modifiers (but not when the original surface is deformed in edit or sculpt mode). The surface is allowed to be changed in any way that keeps uv maps intact. So deformation is allowed, but also some topology changes like subdivision. The following features are added: * A new `Deform Curves on Surface` node, which deforms curves with attachment information based on the surface object and uv map set in the properties panel. * A new `Add Rest Position` checkbox in the shape keys panel. When checked, a new `rest_position` vector attribute is added to the mesh before shape keys and modifiers are applied. This is necessary to support proper deformation of the curves, but can also be used for other purposes. * The `Add > Curve > Empty Hair` operator now sets up a simple geometry nodes setup that deforms the hair. It also makes sure that the rest position attribute is added to the surface. * A new `Object (Attach Curves to Surface)` operator in the `Set Parent To` (ctrl+P) menu, which attaches existing curves to the surface and sets the surface object as parent. Limitations: * Sculpting the procedurally deformed curves will be implemented separately. * The `Deform Curves on Surface` node is not generic and can only be used for one specific purpose currently. We plan to generalize this more in the future by adding support by exposing more inputs and/or by turning it into a node group. Differential Revision:
2022-07-08 14:45:48 +02:00
/* Set surface object. */
Curves *curves_id = static_cast<Curves *>(curves_ob->data);
curves_id->surface = surface_ob;
Curves: support deforming curves on surface Curves that are attached to a surface can now follow the surface when it is modified using shape keys or modifiers (but not when the original surface is deformed in edit or sculpt mode). The surface is allowed to be changed in any way that keeps uv maps intact. So deformation is allowed, but also some topology changes like subdivision. The following features are added: * A new `Deform Curves on Surface` node, which deforms curves with attachment information based on the surface object and uv map set in the properties panel. * A new `Add Rest Position` checkbox in the shape keys panel. When checked, a new `rest_position` vector attribute is added to the mesh before shape keys and modifiers are applied. This is necessary to support proper deformation of the curves, but can also be used for other purposes. * The `Add > Curve > Empty Hair` operator now sets up a simple geometry nodes setup that deforms the hair. It also makes sure that the rest position attribute is added to the surface. * A new `Object (Attach Curves to Surface)` operator in the `Set Parent To` (ctrl+P) menu, which attaches existing curves to the surface and sets the surface object as parent. Limitations: * Sculpting the procedurally deformed curves will be implemented separately. * The `Deform Curves on Surface` node is not generic and can only be used for one specific purpose currently. We plan to generalize this more in the future by adding support by exposing more inputs and/or by turning it into a node group. Differential Revision:
2022-07-08 14:45:48 +02:00
/* Parent to surface object. */
op->reports, C, scene, curves_ob, surface_ob, PAR_OBJECT, false, true, nullptr);
/* Decide which UV map to use for attachment. */
Mesh *surface_mesh = static_cast<Mesh *>(surface_ob->data);
const char *uv_name = CustomData_get_active_layer_name(&surface_mesh->loop_data, CD_PROP_FLOAT2);
Curves: support deforming curves on surface Curves that are attached to a surface can now follow the surface when it is modified using shape keys or modifiers (but not when the original surface is deformed in edit or sculpt mode). The surface is allowed to be changed in any way that keeps uv maps intact. So deformation is allowed, but also some topology changes like subdivision. The following features are added: * A new `Deform Curves on Surface` node, which deforms curves with attachment information based on the surface object and uv map set in the properties panel. * A new `Add Rest Position` checkbox in the shape keys panel. When checked, a new `rest_position` vector attribute is added to the mesh before shape keys and modifiers are applied. This is necessary to support proper deformation of the curves, but can also be used for other purposes. * The `Add > Curve > Empty Hair` operator now sets up a simple geometry nodes setup that deforms the hair. It also makes sure that the rest position attribute is added to the surface. * A new `Object (Attach Curves to Surface)` operator in the `Set Parent To` (ctrl+P) menu, which attaches existing curves to the surface and sets the surface object as parent. Limitations: * Sculpting the procedurally deformed curves will be implemented separately. * The `Deform Curves on Surface` node is not generic and can only be used for one specific purpose currently. We plan to generalize this more in the future by adding support by exposing more inputs and/or by turning it into a node group. Differential Revision:
2022-07-08 14:45:48 +02:00
if (uv_name != nullptr) {
curves_id->surface_uv_map = BLI_strdup(uv_name);
Curves: support deforming curves on surface Curves that are attached to a surface can now follow the surface when it is modified using shape keys or modifiers (but not when the original surface is deformed in edit or sculpt mode). The surface is allowed to be changed in any way that keeps uv maps intact. So deformation is allowed, but also some topology changes like subdivision. The following features are added: * A new `Deform Curves on Surface` node, which deforms curves with attachment information based on the surface object and uv map set in the properties panel. * A new `Add Rest Position` checkbox in the shape keys panel. When checked, a new `rest_position` vector attribute is added to the mesh before shape keys and modifiers are applied. This is necessary to support proper deformation of the curves, but can also be used for other purposes. * The `Add > Curve > Empty Hair` operator now sets up a simple geometry nodes setup that deforms the hair. It also makes sure that the rest position attribute is added to the surface. * A new `Object (Attach Curves to Surface)` operator in the `Set Parent To` (ctrl+P) menu, which attaches existing curves to the surface and sets the surface object as parent. Limitations: * Sculpting the procedurally deformed curves will be implemented separately. * The `Deform Curves on Surface` node is not generic and can only be used for one specific purpose currently. We plan to generalize this more in the future by adding support by exposing more inputs and/or by turning it into a node group. Differential Revision:
2022-07-08 14:45:48 +02:00
/* Add deformation modifier. */
blender::ed::curves::ensure_surface_deformation_node_exists(*C, *curves_ob);
/* Make sure the surface object has a rest position attribute which is necessary for
* deformations. */
surface_ob->modifier_flag |= OB_MODIFIER_FLAG_ADD_REST_POSITION;
static bool object_curves_empty_hair_add_poll(bContext *C)
if (!ED_operator_objectmode(C)) {
return false;
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
if (ob == nullptr || ob->type != OB_MESH) {
CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_set(C, "No active mesh object");
return false;
return true;
void OBJECT_OT_curves_empty_hair_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
ot->name = "Add Empty Curves";
ot->description = "Add an empty curve object to the scene with the selected mesh as surface";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_curves_empty_hair_add";
ot->exec = object_curves_empty_hair_add_exec;
ot->poll = object_curves_empty_hair_add_poll;
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Point Cloud Operator
* \{ */
static bool object_pointcloud_add_poll(bContext *C)
if (!U.experimental.use_new_point_cloud_type) {
return false;
return ED_operator_objectmode(C);
static int object_pointcloud_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
ushort local_view_bits;
float loc[3], rot[3];
if (!ED_object_add_generic_get_opts(
C, op, 'Z', loc, rot, nullptr, nullptr, &local_view_bits, nullptr))
Object *object = ED_object_add_type(C, OB_POINTCLOUD, nullptr, loc, rot, false, local_view_bits);
object->dtx |= OB_DRAWBOUNDOX; /* TODO: remove once there is actual drawing. */
void OBJECT_OT_pointcloud_add(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Point Cloud";
ot->description = "Add a point cloud object to the scene";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_pointcloud_add";
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_pointcloud_add_exec;
ot->poll = object_pointcloud_add_poll;
/* flags */
ED_object_add_generic_props(ot, false);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Delete Object Operator
* \{ */
2017-11-09 16:11:20 +01:00
void ED_object_base_free_and_unlink(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Object *ob)
if (ID_REAL_USERS(ob) <= 1 && ID_EXTRA_USERS(ob) == 0 &&
BKE_library_ID_is_indirectly_used(bmain, ob))
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
/* We cannot delete indirectly used object... */
2021-02-14 10:58:04 +01:00
"WARNING, undeletable object '%s', should have been caught before reaching this "
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
ob-> + 2);
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
if (!BKE_lib_override_library_id_is_user_deletable(bmain, &ob->id)) {
/* Do not delete objects used by overrides of collections. */
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
DEG_id_tag_update_ex(bmain, &ob->id, ID_RECALC_BASE_FLAGS);
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
BKE_scene_collections_object_remove(bmain, scene, ob, true);
void ED_object_base_free_and_unlink_no_indirect_check(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, Object *ob)
BLI_assert(!BKE_library_ID_is_indirectly_used(bmain, ob));
DEG_id_tag_update_ex(bmain, &ob->id, ID_RECALC_BASE_FLAGS);
BKE_scene_collections_object_remove(bmain, scene, ob, true);
static int object_delete_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
wmWindowManager *wm = CTX_wm_manager(C);
const bool use_global = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_global");
const bool confirm = op->flag & OP_IS_INVOKE;
uint changed_count = 0;
uint tagged_count = 0;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (CTX_data_edit_object(C)) {
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
BKE_main_id_tag_all(bmain, LIB_TAG_DOIT, false);
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_objects) {
if (ob->id.tag & LIB_TAG_INDIRECT) {
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
/* Can this case ever happen? */
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
"Cannot delete indirectly linked object '%s'",
ob-> + 2);
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
if (!BKE_lib_override_library_id_is_user_deletable(bmain, &ob->id)) {
"Cannot delete object '%s' as it is used by override collections",
ob-> + 2);
if (ID_REAL_USERS(ob) <= 1 && ID_EXTRA_USERS(ob) == 0 &&
BKE_library_ID_is_indirectly_used(bmain, ob))
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
"Cannot delete object '%s' from scene '%s', indirectly used objects need at "
"least one user",
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
ob-> + 2,
scene-> + 2);
"Fix" crash when deleting linked object which has indirect usages. This is in fact very hairy situation here... Objects are only refcounted by scenes, any other usage is 'free', which means once all object instanciations are gone Blender considers it can delete it. There is a trap here though: indirect usages. Typically, we should never modify linked data (because it is essencially useless, changes would be ignored and ost on next reload or even undo/redo). This means indirect usages are not affected by default 'safe' remapping/unlinking. For unlinking preceeding deletion however, this is not acceptable - we are likely to end with a zero-user ID (aka deletable one) which is still actually used by other linked data. Solution choosen here is double: I) From 'user-space' (i.e. outliner, operators...), we check for cases where deleting datablocks should not be allowed (indirect data or indirectly used data), and abort (with report) if needed. II) From 'lower' level (BKE_library_remap and RNA), we also unlink from linked data, which makes actual deletion possible and safe. Note that with previous behavior (2.77 one), linked object would be deleted, including from linked data - but then, once file is saved and reloaded, indirect usage would link back the deleted object, without any instanciation in scene, which made it somehow virtual and unreachable... With new behavior, this is no more possible, but on the other hand it means that in situations of dependency cycles (two linked objects using each other), linked objects become impossible to delete (from user space). Not sure what's best here, behavior with those corner cases of library linking is very poorly defined... :(
2016-07-01 17:51:08 +02:00
/* if grease pencil object, set cache as dirty */
if (ob->type == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
bGPdata *gpd = (bGPdata *)ob->data;
/* Use multi tagged delete if `use_global=True`, or the object is used only in one scene. */
if (use_global || ID_REAL_USERS(ob) <= 1) {
ob->id.tag |= LIB_TAG_DOIT;
tagged_count += 1;
else {
/* Object is used in multiple scenes. Delete the object from the current scene only. */
ED_object_base_free_and_unlink_no_indirect_check(bmain, scene, ob);
changed_count += 1;
/* FIXME: this will also remove parent from grease pencil from other scenes. */
/* Remove from Grease Pencil parent */
LISTBASE_FOREACH (bGPdata *, gpd, &bmain->gpencils) {
LISTBASE_FOREACH (bGPDlayer *, gpl, &gpd->layers) {
if (gpl->parent != nullptr) {
if (gpl->parent == ob) {
gpl->parent = nullptr;
if ((changed_count + tagged_count) == 0) {
if (tagged_count > 0) {
if (confirm) {
BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_INFO, "Deleted %u object(s)", (changed_count + tagged_count));
/* delete has to handle all open scenes */
BKE_main_id_tag_listbase(&bmain->scenes, LIB_TAG_DOIT, true);
LISTBASE_FOREACH (wmWindow *, win, &wm->windows) {
Main Workspace Integration This commit does the main integration of workspaces, which is a design we agreed on during the 2.8 UI workshop (see Workspaces should generally be stable, I'm not aware of any remaining bugs (or I've forgotten them :) ). If you find any, let me know! (Exception: mode switching button might get out of sync with actual mode in some cases, would consider that a limitation/ToDo. Needs to be resolved at some point.) == Main Changes/Features * Introduces the new Workspaces as data-blocks. * Allow storing a number of custom workspaces as part of the user configuration. Needs further work to allow adding and deleting individual workspaces. * Bundle a default workspace configuration with Blender (current screen-layouts converted to workspaces). * Pressing button to add a workspace spawns a menu to select between "Duplicate Current" and the workspaces from the user configuration. If no workspaces are stored in the user configuration, the default workspaces are listed instead. * Store screen-layouts (`bScreen`) per workspace. * Store an active screen-layout per workspace. Changing the workspace will enable this layout. * Store active mode in workspace. Changing the workspace will also enter the mode of the new workspace. (Note that we still store the active mode in the object, moving this completely to workspaces is a separate project.) * Store an active render layer per workspace. * Moved mode switch from 3D View header to Info Editor header. * Store active scene in window (not directly workspace related, but overlaps quite a bit). * Removed 'Use Global Scene' User Preference option. * Compatibility with old files - a new workspace is created for every screen-layout of old files. Old Blender versions should be able to read files saved with workspace support as well. * Default .blend only contains one workspace ("General"). * Support appending workspaces. Opening files without UI and commandline rendering should work fine. Note that the UI is temporary! We plan to introduce a new global topbar that contains the workspace options and tabs for switching workspaces. == Technical Notes * Workspaces are data-blocks. * Adding and removing `bScreen`s should be done through `ED_workspace_layout` API now. * A workspace can be active in multiple windows at the same time. * The mode menu (which is now in the Info Editor header) doesn't display "Grease Pencil Edit" mode anymore since its availability depends on the active editor. Will be fixed by making Grease Pencil an own object type (as planned). * The button to change the active workspace object mode may get out of sync with the mode of the active object. Will either be resolved by moving mode out of object data, or we'll disable workspace modes again (there's a `#define USE_WORKSPACE_MODE` for that). * Screen-layouts (`bScreen`) are IDs and thus stored in a main list-base. Had to add a wrapper `WorkSpaceLayout` so we can store them in a list-base within workspaces, too. On the long run we could completely replace `bScreen` by workspace structs. * `WorkSpace` types use some special compiler trickery to allow marking structs and struct members as private. BKE_workspace API should be used for accessing those. * Added scene operators `SCENE_OT_`. Was previously done through screen operators. == BPY API Changes * Removed `Screen.scene`, added `Window.scene` * Removed `UserPreferencesView.use_global_scene` * Added `Context.workspace`, `Window.workspace` and `BlendData.workspaces` * Added `bpy.types.WorkSpace` containing `screens`, `object_mode` and `render_layer` * Added Screen.layout_name for the layout name that'll be displayed in the UI (may differ from internal name) == What's left? * There are a few open design questions (T50521). We should find the needed answers and implement them. * Allow adding and removing individual workspaces from workspace configuration (needs UI design). * Get the override system ready and support overrides per workspace. * Support custom UI setups as part of workspaces (hidden panels, hidden buttons, customizable toolbars, etc). * Allow enabling add-ons per workspace. * Support custom workspace keymaps. * Remove special exception for workspaces in linking code (so they're always appended, never linked). Depends on a few things, so best to solve later. * Get the topbar done. * Workspaces need a proper icon, current one is just a placeholder :) Reviewed By: campbellbarton, mont29 Tags: #user_interface, #bf_blender_2.8 Maniphest Tasks: T50521 Differential Revision:
2017-06-01 19:56:58 +02:00
scene = WM_window_get_active_scene(win);
if (scene->id.tag & LIB_TAG_DOIT) {
scene->id.tag &= ~LIB_TAG_DOIT;
DEG_id_tag_update(&scene->id, ID_RECALC_SELECT);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_ACTIVE, scene);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_LAYER_CONTENT, scene);
void OBJECT_OT_delete(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Delete";
ot->description = "Delete selected objects";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_delete";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_operator_confirm_or_exec;
ot->exec = object_delete_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
PropertyRNA *prop;
prop = RNA_def_boolean(
ot->srna, "use_global", false, "Delete Globally", "Remove object from all scenes");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Copy Object Utilities
* \{ */
/* after copying objects, copied data should get new pointers */
static void copy_object_set_idnew(bContext *C)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_editable_objects) {
BKE_libblock_relink_to_newid(bmain, &ob->id, 0);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
#ifndef NDEBUG
/* Call to `BKE_libblock_relink_to_newid` above is supposed to have cleared all those flags. */
ID *id_iter;
FOREACH_MAIN_ID_BEGIN (bmain, id_iter) {
if (GS(id_iter->name) == ID_OB) {
/* Not all duplicated objects would be used by other newly duplicated data, so their flag
* will not always be cleared. */
BLI_assert((id_iter->tag & LIB_TAG_NEW) == 0);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Make Instanced Objects Real Operator
* \{ */
/* XXX TODO: That whole hierarchy handling based on persistent_id tricks is
* very confusing and convoluted, and it will fail in many cases besides basic ones.
* Think this should be replaced by a proper tree-like representation of the instantiations,
* should help a lot in both readability, and precise consistent rebuilding of hierarchy.
* \note regarding hashing dupli-objects which come from OB_DUPLICOLLECTION,
* skip the first member of #DupliObject.persistent_id
* since its a unique index and we only want to know if the group objects are from the same
* dupli-group instance.
* \note regarding hashing dupli-objects which come from non-OB_DUPLICOLLECTION,
* include the first member of #DupliObject.persistent_id
* since its the index of the vertex/face the object is instantiated on and we want to identify
* objects on the same vertex/face.
* In other words, we consider each group of objects from a same item as being
* the 'local group' where to check for parents.
static uint dupliobject_hash(const void *ptr)
const DupliObject *dob = static_cast<const DupliObject *>(ptr);
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_ptrhash(dob->ob);
if (dob->type == OB_DUPLICOLLECTION) {
for (int i = 1; (i < MAX_DUPLI_RECUR) && dob->persistent_id[i] != INT_MAX; i++) {
hash ^= (dob->persistent_id[i] ^ i);
else {
hash ^= (dob->persistent_id[0] ^ 0);
return hash;
* \note regarding hashing dupli-objects when using OB_DUPLICOLLECTION,
* skip the first member of #DupliObject.persistent_id
* since its a unique index and we only want to know if the group objects are from the same
* dupli-group instance.
static uint dupliobject_instancer_hash(const void *ptr)
const DupliObject *dob = static_cast<const DupliObject *>(ptr);
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_inthash(dob->persistent_id[0]);
for (int i = 1; (i < MAX_DUPLI_RECUR) && dob->persistent_id[i] != INT_MAX; i++) {
hash ^= (dob->persistent_id[i] ^ i);
return hash;
2023-07-05 05:58:04 +02:00
* Compare function that matches #dupliobject_hash.
static bool dupliobject_cmp(const void *a_, const void *b_)
const DupliObject *a = static_cast<const DupliObject *>(a_);
const DupliObject *b = static_cast<const DupliObject *>(b_);
if (a->ob != b->ob) {
return true;
if (a->type != b->type) {
return true;
if (a->type == OB_DUPLICOLLECTION) {
for (int i = 1; (i < MAX_DUPLI_RECUR); i++) {
if (a->persistent_id[i] != b->persistent_id[i]) {
return true;
if (a->persistent_id[i] == INT_MAX) {
else {
if (a->persistent_id[0] != b->persistent_id[0]) {
return true;
/* matching */
return false;
/* Compare function that matches dupliobject_instancer_hash. */
static bool dupliobject_instancer_cmp(const void *a_, const void *b_)
const DupliObject *a = static_cast<const DupliObject *>(a_);
const DupliObject *b = static_cast<const DupliObject *>(b_);
for (int i = 0; (i < MAX_DUPLI_RECUR); i++) {
if (a->persistent_id[i] != b->persistent_id[i]) {
return true;
if (a->persistent_id[i] == INT_MAX) {
/* matching */
return false;
Refactor access to dependency graph This change ensures that operators which needs access to evaluated data first makes sure there is a dependency graph. Other accesses to the dependency graph made it more explicit about whether they just need a valid dependency graph pointer or whether they expect the graph to be already evaluated. This replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA which is now removed. Some general rules about usage of accessors: - Drawing is expected to happen from a fully evaluated dependency graph. There is now a function to access it, which will in the future control that dependency graph is actually evaluated. This check is not yet done because there are some things to be taken care about first: for example, post-update hooks might leave scene in a state where something is still tagged for update. - All operators which needs to access evaluated state must use CTX_data_ensure_evaluated_depsgraph(). This function replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA. The call is generally to be done in the very beginning of the operator, prior other logic (unless this is some comprehensive operator which might or might not need access to an evaluated state). This call is never to be used from a loop. If some utility function requires evaluated state of dependency graph the graph is to be passed as an explicit argument. This way it is clear that no evaluation happens in a loop or something like this. - All cases which needs to know dependency graph pointer, but which doesn't want to actually evaluate it can use old-style function CTX_data_depsgraph_pointer(), assuming that underlying code will ensure dependency graph is evaluated prior to accessing it. - The new functions are replacing OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA, so now it is explicit and local about where dependency graph is being ensured. This commit also contains some fixes of wrong usage of evaluation functions on original objects. Ideally should be split out, but in reality with all the APIs being renamed is quite tricky. Fixes T67454: Blender crash on rapid undo and select Speculation here is that sometimes undo and selection operators are sometimes handled in the same event loop iteration, which leaves non-evaluated dependency graph. Fixes T67973: Crash on Fix Deforms operator Fixes T67902: Crash when undo a loop cut Reviewers: brecht Reviewed By: brecht Subscribers: lichtwerk Maniphest Tasks: T67454 Differential Revision:
2019-07-25 16:36:22 +02:00
static void make_object_duplilist_real(bContext *C,
Depsgraph *depsgraph,
Scene *scene,
Base *base,
const bool use_base_parent,
const bool use_hierarchy)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
GHash *parent_gh = nullptr, *instancer_gh = nullptr;
Object *object_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, base->object);
if (!(base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLI) &&
Geometry Nodes: support for geometry instancing Previously, the Point Instance node in geometry nodes could only instance existing objects or collections. The reason was that large parts of Blender worked under the assumption that objects are the main unit of instancing. Now we also want to instance geometry within an object, so a slightly larger refactor was necessary. This should not affect files that do not use the new kind of instances. The main change is a redefinition of what "instanced data" is. Now, an instances is a cow-object + object-data (the geometry). This can be nicely seen in `struct DupliObject`. This allows the same object to generate multiple geometries of different types which can be instanced individually. A nice side effect of this refactor is that having multiple geometry components is not a special case in the depsgraph object iterator anymore, because those components are integrated with the `DupliObject` system. Unfortunately, different systems that work with instances in Blender (e.g. render engines and exporters) often work under the assumption that objects are the main unit of instancing. So those have to be updated as well to be able to handle the new instances. This patch updates Cycles, EEVEE and other viewport engines. Exporters have not been updated yet. Some minimal (not master-ready) changes to update the obj and alembic exporters can be found in P2336 and P2335. Different file formats may want to handle these new instances in different ways. For users, the only thing that changed is that the Point Instance node now has a geometry mode. This also fixes T88454. Differential Revision:
2021-09-06 18:22:24 +02:00
ListBase *lb_duplis = object_duplilist(depsgraph, scene, object_eval);
if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(lb_duplis)) {
GHash *dupli_gh = BLI_ghash_ptr_new(__func__);
if (use_hierarchy) {
parent_gh = BLI_ghash_new(dupliobject_hash, dupliobject_cmp, __func__);
if (use_base_parent) {
instancer_gh = BLI_ghash_new(
dupliobject_instancer_hash, dupliobject_instancer_cmp, __func__);
LISTBASE_FOREACH (DupliObject *, dob, lb_duplis) {
Object *ob_src = DEG_get_original_object(dob->ob);
Object *ob_dst = static_cast<Object *>(ID_NEW_SET(ob_src, BKE_id_copy(bmain, &ob_src->id)));
/* font duplis can have a totcol without material, we get them from parent
* should be implemented better...
if (ob_dst->mat == nullptr) {
ob_dst->totcol = 0;
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
BKE_collection_object_add_from(bmain, scene, base->object, ob_dst);
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Base *base_dst = BKE_view_layer_base_find(view_layer, ob_dst);
BLI_assert(base_dst != nullptr);
ED_object_base_select(base_dst, BA_SELECT);
DEG_id_tag_update(&ob_dst->id, ID_RECALC_SELECT);
/* make sure apply works */
BKE_animdata_free(&ob_dst->id, true);
ob_dst->adt = nullptr;
ob_dst->parent = nullptr;
ob_dst->runtime->curve_cache = nullptr;
const bool is_dupli_instancer = (ob_dst->transflag & OB_DUPLI) != 0;
ob_dst->transflag &= ~OB_DUPLI;
/* Remove instantiated collection, it's annoying to keep it here
* (and get potentially a lot of usages of it then...). */
id_us_min((ID *)ob_dst->instance_collection);
ob_dst->instance_collection = nullptr;
copy_m4_m4(ob_dst->object_to_world, dob->mat);
BKE_object_apply_mat4(ob_dst, ob_dst->object_to_world, false, false);
BLI_ghash_insert(dupli_gh, dob, ob_dst);
if (parent_gh) {
void **val;
/* Due to nature of hash/comparison of this ghash, a lot of duplis may be considered as
* 'the same', this avoids trying to insert same key several time and
* raise asserts in debug builds... */
if (!BLI_ghash_ensure_p(parent_gh, dob, &val)) {
*val = ob_dst;
if (is_dupli_instancer && instancer_gh) {
/* Same as above, we may have several 'hits'. */
if (!BLI_ghash_ensure_p(instancer_gh, dob, &val)) {
*val = ob_dst;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (DupliObject *, dob, lb_duplis) {
Object *ob_src = dob->ob;
Object *ob_dst = static_cast<Object *>(BLI_ghash_lookup(dupli_gh, dob));
/* Remap new object to itself, and clear again newid pointer of orig object. */
BKE_libblock_relink_to_newid(bmain, &ob_dst->id, 0);
DEG_id_tag_update(&ob_dst->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY);
if (use_hierarchy) {
/* original parents */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob_src_par = ob_src->parent;
Object *ob_dst_par = nullptr;
/* find parent that was also made real */
if (ob_src_par) {
/* OK to keep most of the members uninitialized,
* they won't be read, this is simply for a hash lookup. */
DupliObject dob_key;
dob_key.ob = ob_src_par;
dob_key.type = dob->type;
if (dob->type == OB_DUPLICOLLECTION) {
sizeof(dob->persistent_id[1]) * (MAX_DUPLI_RECUR - 1));
else {
dob_key.persistent_id[0] = dob->persistent_id[0];
ob_dst_par = static_cast<Object *>(BLI_ghash_lookup(parent_gh, &dob_key));
if (ob_dst_par) {
/* allow for all possible parent types */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->partype = ob_src->partype;
2023-05-09 04:50:37 +02:00
STRNCPY(ob_dst->parsubstr, ob_src->parsubstr);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->par1 = ob_src->par1;
ob_dst->par2 = ob_src->par2;
ob_dst->par3 = ob_src->par3;
copy_m4_m4(ob_dst->parentinv, ob_src->parentinv);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->parent = ob_dst_par;
if (use_base_parent && ob_dst->parent == nullptr) {
Object *ob_dst_par = nullptr;
if (instancer_gh != nullptr) {
/* OK to keep most of the members uninitialized,
* they won't be read, this is simply for a hash lookup. */
DupliObject dob_key;
2021-02-13 07:44:51 +01:00
/* We are looking one step upper in hierarchy, so we need to 'shift' the `persistent_id`,
* ignoring the first item.
* We only check on persistent_id here, since we have no idea what object it might be. */
sizeof(dob_key.persistent_id[0]) * (MAX_DUPLI_RECUR - 1));
ob_dst_par = static_cast<Object *>(BLI_ghash_lookup(instancer_gh, &dob_key));
if (ob_dst_par == nullptr) {
/* Default to parenting to root object...
* Always the case when use_hierarchy is false. */
ob_dst_par = base->object;
ob_dst->parent = ob_dst_par;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob_dst->partype = PAROBJECT;
if (ob_dst->parent) {
/* NOTE: this may be the parent of other objects, but it should
* still work out ok */
BKE_object_apply_mat4(ob_dst, dob->mat, false, true);
2018-09-27 15:49:59 +02:00
/* to set ob_dst->orig and in case there's any other discrepancies */
DEG_id_tag_update(&ob_dst->id, ID_RECALC_TRANSFORM);
if (base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLICOLLECTION && base->object->instance_collection) {
base->object->instance_collection = nullptr;
ED_object_base_select(base, BA_DESELECT);
DEG_id_tag_update(&base->object->id, ID_RECALC_SELECT);
BLI_ghash_free(dupli_gh, nullptr, nullptr);
if (parent_gh) {
BLI_ghash_free(parent_gh, nullptr, nullptr);
if (instancer_gh) {
BLI_ghash_free(instancer_gh, nullptr, nullptr);
base->object->transflag &= ~OB_DUPLI;
DEG_id_tag_update(&base->object->id, ID_RECALC_COPY_ON_WRITE);
static int object_duplicates_make_real_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Refactor access to dependency graph This change ensures that operators which needs access to evaluated data first makes sure there is a dependency graph. Other accesses to the dependency graph made it more explicit about whether they just need a valid dependency graph pointer or whether they expect the graph to be already evaluated. This replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA which is now removed. Some general rules about usage of accessors: - Drawing is expected to happen from a fully evaluated dependency graph. There is now a function to access it, which will in the future control that dependency graph is actually evaluated. This check is not yet done because there are some things to be taken care about first: for example, post-update hooks might leave scene in a state where something is still tagged for update. - All operators which needs to access evaluated state must use CTX_data_ensure_evaluated_depsgraph(). This function replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA. The call is generally to be done in the very beginning of the operator, prior other logic (unless this is some comprehensive operator which might or might not need access to an evaluated state). This call is never to be used from a loop. If some utility function requires evaluated state of dependency graph the graph is to be passed as an explicit argument. This way it is clear that no evaluation happens in a loop or something like this. - All cases which needs to know dependency graph pointer, but which doesn't want to actually evaluate it can use old-style function CTX_data_depsgraph_pointer(), assuming that underlying code will ensure dependency graph is evaluated prior to accessing it. - The new functions are replacing OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA, so now it is explicit and local about where dependency graph is being ensured. This commit also contains some fixes of wrong usage of evaluation functions on original objects. Ideally should be split out, but in reality with all the APIs being renamed is quite tricky. Fixes T67454: Blender crash on rapid undo and select Speculation here is that sometimes undo and selection operators are sometimes handled in the same event loop iteration, which leaves non-evaluated dependency graph. Fixes T67973: Crash on Fix Deforms operator Fixes T67902: Crash when undo a loop cut Reviewers: brecht Reviewed By: brecht Subscribers: lichtwerk Maniphest Tasks: T67454 Differential Revision:
2019-07-25 16:36:22 +02:00
Depsgraph *depsgraph = CTX_data_ensure_evaluated_depsgraph(C);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
2014-04-11 03:25:41 +02:00
const bool use_base_parent = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_base_parent");
const bool use_hierarchy = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_hierarchy");
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Base *, base, selected_editable_bases) {
Refactor access to dependency graph This change ensures that operators which needs access to evaluated data first makes sure there is a dependency graph. Other accesses to the dependency graph made it more explicit about whether they just need a valid dependency graph pointer or whether they expect the graph to be already evaluated. This replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA which is now removed. Some general rules about usage of accessors: - Drawing is expected to happen from a fully evaluated dependency graph. There is now a function to access it, which will in the future control that dependency graph is actually evaluated. This check is not yet done because there are some things to be taken care about first: for example, post-update hooks might leave scene in a state where something is still tagged for update. - All operators which needs to access evaluated state must use CTX_data_ensure_evaluated_depsgraph(). This function replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA. The call is generally to be done in the very beginning of the operator, prior other logic (unless this is some comprehensive operator which might or might not need access to an evaluated state). This call is never to be used from a loop. If some utility function requires evaluated state of dependency graph the graph is to be passed as an explicit argument. This way it is clear that no evaluation happens in a loop or something like this. - All cases which needs to know dependency graph pointer, but which doesn't want to actually evaluate it can use old-style function CTX_data_depsgraph_pointer(), assuming that underlying code will ensure dependency graph is evaluated prior to accessing it. - The new functions are replacing OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA, so now it is explicit and local about where dependency graph is being ensured. This commit also contains some fixes of wrong usage of evaluation functions on original objects. Ideally should be split out, but in reality with all the APIs being renamed is quite tricky. Fixes T67454: Blender crash on rapid undo and select Speculation here is that sometimes undo and selection operators are sometimes handled in the same event loop iteration, which leaves non-evaluated dependency graph. Fixes T67973: Crash on Fix Deforms operator Fixes T67902: Crash when undo a loop cut Reviewers: brecht Reviewed By: brecht Subscribers: lichtwerk Maniphest Tasks: T67454 Differential Revision:
2019-07-25 16:36:22 +02:00
make_object_duplilist_real(C, depsgraph, scene, base, use_base_parent, use_hierarchy);
/* dependencies were changed */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_PARENT, base->object);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE, scene);
WM_main_add_notifier(NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, nullptr);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_duplicates_make_real(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Make Instances Real";
ot->description = "Make instanced objects attached to this object real";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_duplicates_make_real";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_duplicates_make_real_exec;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
Refactor access to dependency graph This change ensures that operators which needs access to evaluated data first makes sure there is a dependency graph. Other accesses to the dependency graph made it more explicit about whether they just need a valid dependency graph pointer or whether they expect the graph to be already evaluated. This replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA which is now removed. Some general rules about usage of accessors: - Drawing is expected to happen from a fully evaluated dependency graph. There is now a function to access it, which will in the future control that dependency graph is actually evaluated. This check is not yet done because there are some things to be taken care about first: for example, post-update hooks might leave scene in a state where something is still tagged for update. - All operators which needs to access evaluated state must use CTX_data_ensure_evaluated_depsgraph(). This function replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA. The call is generally to be done in the very beginning of the operator, prior other logic (unless this is some comprehensive operator which might or might not need access to an evaluated state). This call is never to be used from a loop. If some utility function requires evaluated state of dependency graph the graph is to be passed as an explicit argument. This way it is clear that no evaluation happens in a loop or something like this. - All cases which needs to know dependency graph pointer, but which doesn't want to actually evaluate it can use old-style function CTX_data_depsgraph_pointer(), assuming that underlying code will ensure dependency graph is evaluated prior to accessing it. - The new functions are replacing OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA, so now it is explicit and local about where dependency graph is being ensured. This commit also contains some fixes of wrong usage of evaluation functions on original objects. Ideally should be split out, but in reality with all the APIs being renamed is quite tricky. Fixes T67454: Blender crash on rapid undo and select Speculation here is that sometimes undo and selection operators are sometimes handled in the same event loop iteration, which leaves non-evaluated dependency graph. Fixes T67973: Crash on Fix Deforms operator Fixes T67902: Crash when undo a loop cut Reviewers: brecht Reviewed By: brecht Subscribers: lichtwerk Maniphest Tasks: T67454 Differential Revision:
2019-07-25 16:36:22 +02:00
"Parent newly created objects to the original instancer");
ot->srna, "use_hierarchy", false, "Keep Hierarchy", "Maintain parent child relationships");
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Data Convert Operator
* \{ */
static const EnumPropertyItem convert_target_items[] = {
"Curve from Mesh or Text objects"},
"Mesh from Curve, Surface, Metaball, Text, or Point Cloud objects"},
"Mesh from Curve, Surface, Metaball, or Text objects"},
"Grease Pencil",
"Grease Pencil from Curve or Mesh objects"},
"Point Cloud",
"Point Cloud from Mesh objects"},
{OB_CURVES, "CURVES", ICON_OUTLINER_OB_CURVES, "Curves", "Curves from evaluated curve data"},
"Grease Pencil v3",
"Grease Pencil v3 from Grease Pencil"},
{0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr},
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
static void object_data_convert_curve_to_mesh(Main *bmain, Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *ob)
Object *object_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, ob);
Curve *curve = static_cast<Curve *>(ob->data);
Mesh *mesh = BKE_mesh_new_from_object_to_bmain(bmain, depsgraph, object_eval, true);
if (mesh == nullptr) {
/* Unable to convert the curve to a mesh. */
BKE_object_free_modifiers(ob, 0);
/* Replace curve used by the object itself. */
ob->data = mesh;
ob->type = OB_MESH;
/* Change objects which are using same curve.
* A bit annoying, but:
* - It's possible to have multiple curve objects selected which are sharing the same curve
* data-block. We don't want mesh to be created for every of those objects.
* - This is how conversion worked for a long time. */
LISTBASE_FOREACH (Object *, other_object, &bmain->objects) {
if (other_object->data == curve) {
other_object->type = OB_MESH;
id_us_min((ID *)other_object->data);
other_object->data = ob->data;
id_us_plus((ID *)other_object->data);
static bool object_convert_poll(bContext *C)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
Base *base_act = CTX_data_active_base(C);
Object *obact = base_act ? base_act->object : nullptr;
if (obact == nullptr || obact->data == nullptr || ID_IS_LINKED(obact) ||
return false;
return (!ID_IS_LINKED(scene) && (BKE_object_is_in_editmode(obact) == false) &&
(base_act->flag & BASE_SELECTED));
/* Helper for object_convert_exec */
static Base *duplibase_for_convert(
Main *bmain, Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, ViewLayer *view_layer, Base *base, Object *ob)
if (ob == nullptr) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob = base->object;
Object *obn = (Object *)BKE_id_copy(bmain, &ob->id);
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 15:57:22 +02:00
BKE_collection_object_add_from(bmain, scene, ob, obn);
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Base *basen = BKE_view_layer_base_find(view_layer, obn);
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
ED_object_base_select(basen, BA_SELECT);
ED_object_base_select(base, BA_DESELECT);
2021-06-22 06:04:08 +02:00
/* XXX: An ugly hack needed because if we re-run depsgraph with some new meta-ball objects
* having same 'family name' as orig ones, they will affect end result of meta-ball computation.
* For until we get rid of that name-based thingy in meta-balls, that should do the trick
* (this is weak, but other solution (to change name of `obn`) is even worse IMHO).
* See #65996. */
const bool is_meta_ball = (obn->type == OB_MBALL);
void *obdata = obn->data;
if (is_meta_ball) {
obn->type = OB_EMPTY;
obn->data = nullptr;
/* XXX Doing that here is stupid, it means we update and re-evaluate the whole depsgraph every
* time we need to duplicate an object to convert it. Even worse, this is not 100% correct, since
* we do not yet have duplicated obdata.
* However, that is a safe solution for now. Proper, longer-term solution is to refactor
* object_convert_exec to:
* - duplicate all data it needs to in a first loop.
* - do a single update.
* - convert data in a second loop. */
CustomData_MeshMasks customdata_mask_prev = scene->customdata_mask;
CustomData_MeshMasks_update(&scene->customdata_mask, &CD_MASK_MESH);
BKE_scene_graph_update_tagged(depsgraph, bmain);
scene->customdata_mask = customdata_mask_prev;
if (is_meta_ball) {
obn->type = OB_MBALL;
obn->data = obdata;
return basen;
static int object_convert_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
using namespace blender;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Refactor access to dependency graph This change ensures that operators which needs access to evaluated data first makes sure there is a dependency graph. Other accesses to the dependency graph made it more explicit about whether they just need a valid dependency graph pointer or whether they expect the graph to be already evaluated. This replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA which is now removed. Some general rules about usage of accessors: - Drawing is expected to happen from a fully evaluated dependency graph. There is now a function to access it, which will in the future control that dependency graph is actually evaluated. This check is not yet done because there are some things to be taken care about first: for example, post-update hooks might leave scene in a state where something is still tagged for update. - All operators which needs to access evaluated state must use CTX_data_ensure_evaluated_depsgraph(). This function replaces OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA. The call is generally to be done in the very beginning of the operator, prior other logic (unless this is some comprehensive operator which might or might not need access to an evaluated state). This call is never to be used from a loop. If some utility function requires evaluated state of dependency graph the graph is to be passed as an explicit argument. This way it is clear that no evaluation happens in a loop or something like this. - All cases which needs to know dependency graph pointer, but which doesn't want to actually evaluate it can use old-style function CTX_data_depsgraph_pointer(), assuming that underlying code will ensure dependency graph is evaluated prior to accessing it. - The new functions are replacing OPTYPE_USE_EVAL_DATA, so now it is explicit and local about where dependency graph is being ensured. This commit also contains some fixes of wrong usage of evaluation functions on original objects. Ideally should be split out, but in reality with all the APIs being renamed is quite tricky. Fixes T67454: Blender crash on rapid undo and select Speculation here is that sometimes undo and selection operators are sometimes handled in the same event loop iteration, which leaves non-evaluated dependency graph. Fixes T67973: Crash on Fix Deforms operator Fixes T67902: Crash when undo a loop cut Reviewers: brecht Reviewed By: brecht Subscribers: lichtwerk Maniphest Tasks: T67454 Differential Revision:
2019-07-25 16:36:22 +02:00
Depsgraph *depsgraph = CTX_data_ensure_evaluated_depsgraph(C);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
Base *basen = nullptr, *basact = nullptr;
2018-08-14 15:41:11 +02:00
Object *ob1, *obact = CTX_data_active_object(C);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
const short target = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "target");
bool keep_original = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "keep_original");
const bool do_merge_customdata = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "merge_customdata");
const float angle = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "angle");
const int thickness = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "thickness");
const bool use_seams = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "seams");
const bool use_faces = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "faces");
const float offset = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "offset");
int mballConverted = 0;
bool gpencilConverted = false;
bool gpencilCurveConverted = false;
/* don't forget multiple users! */
ob->flag &= ~OB_DONE;
2018-09-27 15:49:59 +02:00
/* flag data that's not been edited (only needed for !keep_original) */
if (ob->data) {
((ID *)ob->data)->tag |= LIB_TAG_DOIT;
/* possible metaball basis is not in this scene */
if (ob->type == OB_MBALL && target == OB_MESH) {
if (BKE_mball_is_basis(ob) == false) {
Object *ob_basis;
ob_basis = BKE_mball_basis_find(scene, ob);
if (ob_basis) {
ob_basis->flag &= ~OB_DONE;
ListBase selected_editable_bases;
CTX_data_selected_editable_bases(C, &selected_editable_bases);
/* Ensure we get all meshes calculated with a sufficient data-mask,
* needed since re-evaluating single modifiers causes bugs if they depend
* on other objects data masks too, see: #50950. */
LISTBASE_FOREACH (CollectionPointerLink *, link, &selected_editable_bases) {
Base *base = static_cast<Base *>(link->;
Object *ob = base->object;
/* The way object type conversion works currently (enforcing conversion of *all* objects
* using converted object-data, even some un-selected/hidden/another scene ones,
* sounds totally bad to me.
2018-12-19 00:16:08 +01:00
* However, changing this is more design than bug-fix, not to mention convoluted code below,
* so that will be for later.
* But at the very least, do not do that with linked IDs! */
if ((!BKE_id_is_editable(bmain, &ob->id) ||
(ob->data && !BKE_id_is_editable(bmain, static_cast<ID *>(ob->data)))) &&
keep_original = true;
"Converting some non-editable object/object data, enforcing 'Keep Original' "
"option to True");
DEG_id_tag_update(&base->object->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY);
CustomData_MeshMasks customdata_mask_prev = scene->customdata_mask;
CustomData_MeshMasks_update(&scene->customdata_mask, &CD_MASK_MESH);
BKE_scene_graph_update_tagged(depsgraph, bmain);
scene->customdata_mask = customdata_mask_prev;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (CollectionPointerLink *, link, &selected_editable_bases) {
Object *newob = nullptr;
Base *base = static_cast<Base *>(link->;
Object *ob = base->object;
if (ob->flag & OB_DONE || !IS_TAGGED(ob->data)) {
if (ob->type != target) {
base->flag &= ~SELECT;
ob->flag &= ~SELECT;
/* obdata already modified */
if (!IS_TAGGED(ob->data)) {
/* When 2 objects with linked data are selected, converting both
* would keep modifiers on all but the converted object #26003. */
if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
BKE_object_free_modifiers(ob, 0); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
if (ob->type == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
BKE_object_free_modifiers(ob, 0); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
BKE_object_free_shaderfx(ob, 0);
else if (ob->type == OB_MESH && target == OB_CURVES_LEGACY) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, nullptr);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
/* Decrement original mesh's usage count. */
Mesh *me = static_cast<Mesh *>(newob->data);
/* Make a new copy of the mesh. */
newob->data = BKE_id_copy(bmain, &me->id);
else {
newob = ob;
BKE_mesh_to_curve(bmain, depsgraph, scene, newob);
if (newob->type == OB_CURVES_LEGACY) {
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob, 0); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
if (newob->rigidbody_object != nullptr) {
ED_rigidbody_object_remove(bmain, scene, newob);
else if (ob->type == OB_MESH && target == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
/* Create a new grease pencil object and copy transformations. */
ushort local_view_bits = (v3d && v3d->localvd) ? v3d->local_view_uuid : 0;
float loc[3], size[3], rot[3][3], eul[3];
float matrix[4][4];
mat4_to_loc_rot_size(loc, rot, size, ob->object_to_world);
mat3_to_eul(eul, rot);
Object *ob_gpencil = ED_gpencil_add_object(C, loc, local_view_bits);
copy_v3_v3(ob_gpencil->loc, loc);
copy_v3_v3(ob_gpencil->rot, eul);
copy_v3_v3(ob_gpencil->scale, size);
/* Set object in 3D mode. */
bGPdata *gpd = (bGPdata *)ob_gpencil->data;
gpd->draw_mode = GP_DRAWMODE_3D;
gpencilConverted |= BKE_gpencil_convert_mesh(bmain,
/* Remove unused materials. */
int actcol = ob_gpencil->actcol;
for (int slot = 1; slot <= ob_gpencil->totcol; slot++) {
while (slot <= ob_gpencil->totcol && !BKE_object_material_slot_used(ob_gpencil, slot)) {
ob_gpencil->actcol = slot;
BKE_object_material_slot_remove(CTX_data_main(C), ob_gpencil);
if (actcol >= slot) {
ob_gpencil->actcol = actcol;
else if (U.experimental.use_grease_pencil_version3 && ob->type == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY &&
2023-05-30 11:18:35 +02:00
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
bGPdata *gpd = static_cast<bGPdata *>(ob->data);
if (keep_original) {
else {
newob = ob;
GreasePencil *new_grease_pencil = static_cast<GreasePencil *>(
BKE_id_new(bmain, ID_GP, newob-> + 2));
newob->data = new_grease_pencil;
newob->type = OB_GREASE_PENCIL;
*bmain, *new_grease_pencil, *gpd);
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob, 0);
else if (target == OB_CURVES) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
Object *ob_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, ob);
bke::GeometrySet geometry;
if (ob_eval->runtime->geometry_set_eval != nullptr) {
geometry = *ob_eval->runtime->geometry_set_eval;
if (geometry.has_curves()) {
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, nullptr);
newob = basen->object;
/* Decrement original curve's usage count. */
Curve *legacy_curve = static_cast<Curve *>(newob->data);
/* Make a copy of the curve. */
newob->data = BKE_id_copy(bmain, &legacy_curve->id);
else {
newob = ob;
const Curves *curves_eval = geometry.get_curves();
Curves *new_curves = static_cast<Curves *>(BKE_id_new(bmain, ID_CV, newob-> + 2));
newob->data = new_curves;
newob->type = OB_CURVES;
new_curves->geometry.wrap() = curves_eval->geometry.wrap();
BKE_object_material_from_eval_data(bmain, newob, &curves_eval->id);
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob, 0);
else {
op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Object '%s' has no evaluated curves data", ob-> + 2);
else if (ob->type == OB_MESH && target == OB_POINTCLOUD) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, nullptr);
newob = basen->object;
/* Decrement original mesh's usage count. */
Mesh *me = static_cast<Mesh *>(newob->data);
/* Make a new copy of the mesh. */
newob->data = BKE_id_copy(bmain, &me->id);
else {
newob = ob;
BKE_mesh_to_pointcloud(bmain, depsgraph, scene, newob);
if (newob->type == OB_POINTCLOUD) {
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob, 0); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
ED_rigidbody_object_remove(bmain, scene, newob);
else if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, nullptr);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
/* Decrement original mesh's usage count. */
Mesh *me = static_cast<Mesh *>(newob->data);
/* Make a new copy of the mesh. */
newob->data = BKE_id_copy(bmain, &me->id);
else {
newob = ob;
/* make new mesh data from the original copy */
/* NOTE: get the mesh from the original, not from the copy in some
2018-09-27 15:49:59 +02:00
* cases this doesn't give correct results (when MDEF is used for eg)
const Object *ob_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, ob);
const Mesh *mesh_eval = BKE_object_get_evaluated_mesh(ob_eval);
Mesh *new_mesh = mesh_eval ? BKE_mesh_copy_for_eval(mesh_eval) :
BKE_mesh_new_nomain(0, 0, 0, 0);
BKE_object_material_from_eval_data(bmain, newob, &new_mesh->id);
/* Anonymous attributes shouldn't be available on the applied geometry. */
if (do_merge_customdata) {
Mesh *ob_data_mesh = (Mesh *)newob->data;
BKE_mesh_nomain_to_mesh(new_mesh, ob_data_mesh, newob);
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob, 0); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
else if (ob->type == OB_FONT) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, nullptr);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
/* Decrement original curve's usage count. */
id_us_min(&((Curve *)newob->data)->id);
/* Make a new copy of the curve. */
newob->data = BKE_id_copy(bmain, static_cast<ID *>(ob->data));
else {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = ob;
Curve *cu = static_cast<Curve *>(newob->data);
Object *ob_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, ob);
static_cast<Curve *>(ob_eval->data),
newob->type = OB_CURVES_LEGACY;
cu->type = OB_CURVES_LEGACY;
if (cu->vfont) {
cu->vfont = nullptr;
if (cu->vfontb) {
cu->vfontb = nullptr;
if (cu->vfonti) {
cu->vfonti = nullptr;
if (cu->vfontbi) {
cu->vfontbi = nullptr;
if (!keep_original) {
/* other users */
2020-01-20 13:24:31 +01:00
if (ID_REAL_USERS(&cu->id) > 1) {
for (ob1 = static_cast<Object *>(bmain->objects.first); ob1;
ob1 = static_cast<Object *>(ob1->
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
if (ob1->data == ob->data) {
ob1->type = OB_CURVES_LEGACY;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (Nurb *, nu, &cu->nurb) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
nu->charidx = 0;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
cu->flag &= ~CU_3D;
if (target == OB_MESH) {
/* No assumption should be made that the resulting objects is a mesh, as conversion can
* fail. */
object_data_convert_curve_to_mesh(bmain, depsgraph, newob);
/* Meshes doesn't use the "curve cache". */
else if (target == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
ushort local_view_bits = (v3d && v3d->localvd) ? v3d->local_view_uuid : 0;
Object *ob_gpencil = ED_gpencil_add_object(C, newob->loc, local_view_bits);
copy_v3_v3(ob_gpencil->rot, newob->rot);
copy_v3_v3(ob_gpencil->scale, newob->scale);
BKE_gpencil_convert_curve(bmain, scene, ob_gpencil, newob, false, 1.0f, 0.0f);
gpencilConverted = true;
gpencilCurveConverted = true;
basen = nullptr;
else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVES_LEGACY, OB_SURF)) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (target == OB_MESH) {
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, nullptr);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
/* Decrement original curve's usage count. */
id_us_min(&((Curve *)newob->data)->id);
/* make a new copy of the curve */
newob->data = BKE_id_copy(bmain, static_cast<ID *>(ob->data));
else {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = ob;
/* No assumption should be made that the resulting objects is a mesh, as conversion can
* fail. */
object_data_convert_curve_to_mesh(bmain, depsgraph, newob);
/* Meshes don't use the "curve cache". */
else if (target == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
if (ob->type != OB_CURVES_LEGACY) {
ob->flag &= ~OB_DONE;
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Convert Surfaces to Grease Pencil is not supported");
else {
/* Create a new grease pencil object and copy transformations.
* Nurbs Surface are not supported.
ushort local_view_bits = (v3d && v3d->localvd) ? v3d->local_view_uuid : 0;
Object *ob_gpencil = ED_gpencil_add_object(C, ob->loc, local_view_bits);
copy_v3_v3(ob_gpencil->rot, ob->rot);
copy_v3_v3(ob_gpencil->scale, ob->scale);
BKE_gpencil_convert_curve(bmain, scene, ob_gpencil, ob, false, 1.0f, 0.0f);
gpencilConverted = true;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
else if (ob->type == OB_MBALL && target == OB_MESH) {
Object *baseob;
base->flag &= ~BASE_SELECTED;
ob->base_flag &= ~BASE_SELECTED;
baseob = BKE_mball_basis_find(scene, ob);
if (ob != baseob) {
/* If mother-ball is converting it would be marked as done later. */
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (!(baseob->flag & OB_DONE)) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, baseob);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
newob = basen->object;
MetaBall *mb = static_cast<MetaBall *>(newob->data);
/* Find the evaluated mesh of the basis metaball object. */
Object *object_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, baseob);
Mesh *mesh = BKE_mesh_new_from_object_to_bmain(bmain, depsgraph, object_eval, true);
newob->data = mesh;
newob->type = OB_MESH;
if (obact->type == OB_MBALL) {
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basact = basen;
baseob->flag |= OB_DONE;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
mballConverted = 1;
else if (ob->type == OB_POINTCLOUD && target == OB_MESH) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, nullptr);
newob = basen->object;
/* Decrement original point cloud's usage count. */
PointCloud *pointcloud = static_cast<PointCloud *>(newob->data);
/* Make a new copy of the point cloud. */
newob->data = BKE_id_copy(bmain, &pointcloud->id);
else {
newob = ob;
BKE_pointcloud_to_mesh(bmain, depsgraph, scene, newob);
if (newob->type == OB_MESH) {
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob, 0); /* after derivedmesh calls! */
ED_rigidbody_object_remove(bmain, scene, newob);
else if (ob->type == OB_CURVES && target == OB_MESH) {
ob->flag |= OB_DONE;
Object *ob_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, ob);
bke::GeometrySet geometry;
if (ob_eval->runtime->geometry_set_eval != nullptr) {
geometry = *ob_eval->runtime->geometry_set_eval;
if (keep_original) {
basen = duplibase_for_convert(bmain, depsgraph, scene, view_layer, base, nullptr);
newob = basen->object;
Curves *curves = static_cast<Curves *>(newob->data);
newob->data = BKE_id_copy(bmain, &curves->id);
else {
newob = ob;
Mesh *new_mesh = static_cast<Mesh *>(BKE_id_new(bmain, ID_ME, newob-> + 2));
newob->data = new_mesh;
newob->type = OB_MESH;
if (const Mesh *mesh_eval = geometry.get_mesh()) {
BKE_mesh_nomain_to_mesh(BKE_mesh_copy_for_eval(mesh_eval), new_mesh, newob);
BKE_object_material_from_eval_data(bmain, newob, &mesh_eval->id);
else if (const Curves *curves_eval = geometry.get_curves()) {
bke::AnonymousAttributePropagationInfo propagation_info;
propagation_info.propagate_all = false;
Mesh *mesh = bke::curve_to_wire_mesh(curves_eval->geometry.wrap(), propagation_info);
if (!mesh) {
mesh = BKE_mesh_new_nomain(0, 0, 0, 0);
BKE_mesh_nomain_to_mesh(mesh, new_mesh, newob);
BKE_object_material_from_eval_data(bmain, newob, &curves_eval->id);
else {
"Object '%s' has no evaluated mesh or curves data",
ob-> + 2);
BKE_object_free_modifiers(newob, 0);
else {
/* Ensure new object has consistent material data with its new obdata. */
if (newob) {
BKE_object_materials_test(bmain, newob, static_cast<ID *>(newob->data));
/* tag obdata if it was been changed */
/* If the original object is active then make this object active */
if (basen) {
if (ob == obact) {
/* Store new active base to update view layer. */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
basact = basen;
basen = nullptr;
if (!keep_original && (ob->flag & OB_DONE)) {
/* NOTE: Tag transform for update because object parenting to curve with path is handled
* differently from all other cases. Converting curve to mesh and mesh to curve will likely
* affect the way children are evaluated.
* It is not enough to tag only geometry and rely on the curve parenting relations because
* this relation is lost when curve is converted to mesh. */
((ID *)ob->data)->tag &= ~LIB_TAG_DOIT; /* flag not to convert this datablock again */
if (!keep_original) {
if (mballConverted) {
/* We need to remove non-basis MBalls first, otherwise we won't be able to detect them if
* their basis happens to be removed first. */
FOREACH_SCENE_OBJECT_BEGIN (scene, ob_mball) {
if (ob_mball->type == OB_MBALL) {
Object *ob_basis = nullptr;
if (!BKE_mball_is_basis(ob_mball) &&
((ob_basis = BKE_mball_basis_find(scene, ob_mball)) && (ob_basis->flag & OB_DONE)))
ED_object_base_free_and_unlink(bmain, scene, ob_mball);
FOREACH_SCENE_OBJECT_BEGIN (scene, ob_mball) {
if (ob_mball->type == OB_MBALL) {
if (ob_mball->flag & OB_DONE) {
if (BKE_mball_is_basis(ob_mball)) {
2017-11-09 16:11:20 +01:00
ED_object_base_free_and_unlink(bmain, scene, ob_mball);
/* Remove curves and meshes converted to Grease Pencil object. */
if (gpencilConverted) {
FOREACH_SCENE_OBJECT_BEGIN (scene, ob_delete) {
if (ELEM(ob_delete->type, OB_CURVES_LEGACY, OB_MESH)) {
if (ob_delete->flag & OB_DONE) {
ED_object_base_free_and_unlink(bmain, scene, ob_delete);
else {
/* Remove Text curves converted to Grease Pencil object to avoid duplicated curves. */
if (gpencilCurveConverted) {
FOREACH_SCENE_OBJECT_BEGIN (scene, ob_delete) {
if (ELEM(ob_delete->type, OB_CURVES_LEGACY) && (ob_delete->flag & OB_DONE)) {
ED_object_base_free_and_unlink(bmain, scene, ob_delete);
// XXX: ED_object_editmode_enter(C, 0);
// XXX: exit_editmode(C, EM_FREEDATA|); /* free data, but no undo. */
if (basact) {
/* active base was changed */
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
ED_object_base_activate(C, basact);
view_layer->basact = basact;
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
else {
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Object *object = BKE_view_layer_active_object_get(view_layer);
if (object->flag & OB_DONE) {
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_MODIFIER, object);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DATA, object);
DEG_id_tag_update(&scene->id, ID_RECALC_SELECT);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, scene);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_SELECT, scene);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_LAYER_CONTENT, scene);
static void object_convert_ui(bContext * /*C*/, wmOperator *op)
uiLayout *layout = op->layout;
uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "target", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "keep_original", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
const int target = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "target");
if (target == OB_MESH) {
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "merge_customdata", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
else if (target == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "thickness", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "angle", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "offset", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "seams", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, op->ptr, "faces", UI_ITEM_NONE, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
void OBJECT_OT_convert(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Convert To";
ot->description = "Convert selected objects to another type";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_convert";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = object_convert_exec;
ot->poll = object_convert_poll;
ot->ui = object_convert_ui;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(
ot->srna, "target", convert_target_items, OB_MESH, "Target", "Type of object to convert to");
prop = RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna,
"Keep Original",
"Keep original objects instead of replacing them");
RNA_def_property_translation_context(prop, BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_OBJECT);
"Merge UVs",
"Merge UV coordinates that share a vertex to account for imprecision in some modifiers");
prop = RNA_def_float_rotation(ot->srna,
"Threshold Angle",
"Threshold to determine ends of the strokes",
RNA_def_property_float_default(prop, DEG2RADF(70.0f));
RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "thickness", 5, 1, 100, "Thickness", "", 1, 100);
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "seams", false, "Only Seam Edges", "Convert only seam edges");
RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "faces", true, "Export Faces", "Export faces as filled strokes");
"Stroke Offset",
"Offset strokes from fill",
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Duplicate Object Operator
* \{ */
static void object_add_sync_base_collection(
Main *bmain, Scene *scene, ViewLayer *view_layer, Base *base_src, Object *object_new)
if ((base_src != nullptr) && (base_src->flag & BASE_ENABLED_AND_MAYBE_VISIBLE_IN_VIEWPORT)) {
BKE_collection_object_add_from(bmain, scene, base_src->object, object_new);
else {
LayerCollection *layer_collection = BKE_layer_collection_get_active(view_layer);
BKE_collection_object_add(bmain, layer_collection->collection, object_new);
static void object_add_sync_local_view(Base *base_src, Base *base_new)
base_new->local_view_bits = base_src->local_view_bits;
static void object_add_sync_rigid_body(Main *bmain, Object *object_src, Object *object_new)
/* 1) duplis should end up in same collection as the original
* 2) Rigid Body sim participants MUST always be part of a collection...
/* XXX: is 2) really a good measure here? */
if (object_src->rigidbody_object || object_src->rigidbody_constraint) {
LISTBASE_FOREACH (Collection *, collection, &bmain->collections) {
if (BKE_collection_has_object(collection, object_src)) {
BKE_collection_object_add(bmain, collection, object_new);
* - Assumes `` is correct.
* - Leaves selection of base/object unaltered.
* - Sets #ID.newid pointers.
static void object_add_duplicate_internal(Main *bmain,
Object *ob,
const eDupli_ID_Flags dupflag,
const eLibIDDuplicateFlags duplicate_options,
Object **r_ob_new)
if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_POSE) {
Object *obn = static_cast<Object *>(
ID_NEW_SET(ob, BKE_object_duplicate(bmain, ob, dupflag, duplicate_options)));
if (r_ob_new) {
*r_ob_new = obn;
static Base *object_add_duplicate_internal(Main *bmain,
Scene *scene,
ViewLayer *view_layer,
Object *ob,
const eDupli_ID_Flags dupflag,
const eLibIDDuplicateFlags duplicate_options,
Object **r_ob_new)
Object *object_new = nullptr;
object_add_duplicate_internal(bmain, ob, dupflag, duplicate_options, &object_new);
if (r_ob_new) {
*r_ob_new = object_new;
if (object_new == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Base *base_src = BKE_view_layer_base_find(view_layer, ob);
object_add_sync_base_collection(bmain, scene, view_layer, base_src, object_new);
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
Base *base_new = BKE_view_layer_base_find(view_layer, object_new);
if (base_src && base_new) {
object_add_sync_local_view(base_src, base_new);
object_add_sync_rigid_body(bmain, ob, object_new);
return base_new;
Base *ED_object_add_duplicate(
Main *bmain, Scene *scene, ViewLayer *view_layer, Base *base, const eDupli_ID_Flags dupflag)
Base *basen;
Object *ob;
basen = object_add_duplicate_internal(bmain,
if (basen == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
ob = basen->object;
/* Link own references to the newly duplicated data #26816.
* Note that this function can be called from edit-mode code, in which case we may have to
* enforce remapping obdata (by default this is forbidden in edit mode). */
const int remap_flag = BKE_object_is_in_editmode(ob) ? ID_REMAP_FORCE_OBDATA_IN_EDITMODE : 0;
BKE_libblock_relink_to_newid(bmain, &ob->id, remap_flag);
/* Correct but the caller must do this. */
// DAG_relations_tag_update(bmain);
if (ob->data != nullptr) {
DEG_id_tag_update_ex(bmain, (ID *)ob->data, ID_RECALC_EDITORS);
2011-11-29 02:05:26 +01:00
return basen;
/* contextual operator dupli */
static int duplicate_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
2014-02-03 08:55:59 +01:00
const bool linked = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "linked");
const eDupli_ID_Flags dupflag = (linked) ? (eDupli_ID_Flags)0 : (eDupli_ID_Flags)U.dupflag;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* We need to handle that here ourselves, because we may duplicate several objects, in which case
* we also want to remap pointers between those... */
/* Duplicate the selected objects, remember data needed to process
* after the sync. */
struct DuplicateObjectLink {
Base *base_src = nullptr;
Object *object_new = nullptr;
DuplicateObjectLink(Base *base_src) : base_src(base_src) {}
blender::Vector<DuplicateObjectLink> object_base_links;
CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Base *, base, selected_bases) {
bool new_objects_created = false;
for (DuplicateObjectLink &link : object_base_links) {
if (link.object_new) {
new_objects_created = true;
if (!new_objects_created) {
/* Sync that could tag the view_layer out of sync. */
for (DuplicateObjectLink &link : object_base_links) {
/* note that this is safe to do with this context iterator,
* the list is made in advance */
ED_object_base_select(link.base_src, BA_DESELECT);
if (link.object_new) {
object_add_sync_base_collection(bmain, scene, view_layer, link.base_src, link.object_new);
object_add_sync_rigid_body(bmain, link.base_src->object, link.object_new);
/* Sync the view layer. Everything else should not tag the view_layer out of sync. */
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
const Base *active_base = BKE_view_layer_active_base_get(view_layer);
for (DuplicateObjectLink &link : object_base_links) {
if (!link.object_new) {
Base *base_new = BKE_view_layer_base_find(view_layer, link.object_new);
ED_object_base_select(base_new, BA_SELECT);
if (active_base == link.base_src) {
ED_object_base_activate(C, base_new);
if (link.object_new->data) {
DEG_id_tag_update(static_cast<ID *>(link.object_new->data), 0);
object_add_sync_local_view(link.base_src, base_new);
/* Note that this will also clear newid pointers and tags. */
DEG_id_tag_update(&scene->id, ID_RECALC_COPY_ON_WRITE | ID_RECALC_SELECT);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_SELECT, scene);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_LAYER_CONTENT, scene);
void OBJECT_OT_duplicate(wmOperatorType *ot)
PropertyRNA *prop;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Duplicate Objects";
ot->description = "Duplicate selected objects";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_duplicate";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = duplicate_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* to give to transform */
prop = RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna,
"Duplicate object but not object data, linking to the original data");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_SKIP_SAVE);
prop = RNA_def_enum(
ot->srna, "mode", rna_enum_transform_mode_type_items, TFM_TRANSLATION, "Mode", "");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_HIDDEN);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Add Named Object Operator
2019-11-24 14:55:11 +01:00
* Use for drag & drop.
* \{ */
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
static int object_add_named_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
const bool linked = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "linked");
const eDupli_ID_Flags dupflag = (linked) ? (eDupli_ID_Flags)0 : (eDupli_ID_Flags)U.dupflag;
/* Find object, create fake base. */
Object *ob = reinterpret_cast<Object *>(
WM_operator_properties_id_lookup_from_name_or_session_uuid(bmain, op->ptr, ID_OB));
if (ob == nullptr) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Object not found");
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/* prepare dupli */
Base *basen = object_add_duplicate_internal(
/* Sub-process flag because the new-ID remapping (#BKE_libblock_relink_to_newid()) in this
* function will only work if the object is already linked in the view layer, which is not
* the case here. So we have to do the new-ID relinking ourselves
* (#copy_object_set_idnew()).
if (basen == nullptr) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Object could not be duplicated");
basen->object->visibility_flag &= ~OB_HIDE_VIEWPORT;
/* Do immediately, as #copy_object_set_idnew() below operates on visible objects. */
/* object_add_duplicate_internal() doesn't deselect other objects, unlike object_add_common() or
* BKE_view_layer_base_deselect_all(). */
ED_object_base_deselect_all(scene, view_layer, nullptr, SEL_DESELECT);
Render Layers and Collections (merge from render-layers) Design Documents ---------------- * * User Commit Log --------------- * New Layer and Collection system to replace render layers and viewport layers. * A layer is a set of collections of objects (and their drawing options) required for specific tasks. * A collection is a set of objects, equivalent of the old layers in Blender. A collection can be shared across multiple layers. * All Scenes have a master collection that all other collections are children of. * New collection "context" tab (in Properties Editor) * New temporary viewport "collections" panel to control per-collection visibility Missing User Features --------------------- * Collection "Filter" Option to add objects based on their names * Collection Manager operators The existing buttons are placeholders * Collection Manager drawing The editor main region is empty * Collection Override * Per-Collection engine settings This will come as a separate commit, as part of the clay-engine branch Dev Commit Log -------------- * New DNA file (DNA_layer_types.h) with the new structs We are replacing Base by a new extended Base while keeping it backward compatible with some legacy settings (i.e., lay, flag_legacy). Renamed all Base to BaseLegacy to make it clear the areas of code that still need to be converted Note: manual changes were required on - deg_builder_nodes.h, rna_object.c, KX_Light.cpp * Unittesting for main syncronization requirements - read, write, add/copy/remove objects, copy scene, collection link/unlinking, context) * New Editor: Collection Manager Based on patch by Julian Eisel This is extracted from the layer-manager branch. With the following changes: - Renamed references of layer manager to collections manager - I doesn't include the editors/space_collections/ draw and util files - The drawing code itself will be implemented separately by Julian * Base / Object: A little note about them. Original Blender code would try to keep them in sync through the code, juggling flags back and forth. This will now be handled by Depsgraph, keeping Object and Bases more separated throughout the non-rendering code. Scene.base is being cleared in doversion, and the old viewport drawing code was poorly converted to use the new bases while the new viewport code doesn't get merged and replace the old one. Python API Changes ------------------ ``` - scene.layers + # no longer exists - scene.objects + - + - + - bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None) + bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) - + = True + = False + bpy.context.object.select_get() + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='SELECT') + bpy.context.object.select_set(action='DESELECT') -AddObjectHelper.layers + # no longer exists ```
2017-02-07 10:18:38 +01:00
ED_object_base_select(basen, BA_SELECT);
ED_object_base_activate(C, basen);
/* TODO(sergey): Only update relations for the current scene. */
DEG_id_tag_update(&scene->id, ID_RECALC_SELECT);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_SELECT, scene);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_ACTIVE, scene);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_LAYER_CONTENT, scene);
PropertyRNA *prop_matrix = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "matrix");
if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop_matrix)) {
Object *ob_add = basen->object;
RNA_property_float_get_array(op->ptr, prop_matrix, &ob_add->object_to_world[0][0]);
BKE_object_apply_mat4(ob_add, ob_add->object_to_world, true, true);
DEG_id_tag_update(&ob_add->id, ID_RECALC_TRANSFORM);
else if (CTX_wm_region_view3d(C)) {
int mval[2];
if (object_add_drop_xy_get(C, op, &mval)) {
ED_object_location_from_view(C, basen->object->loc);
ED_view3d_cursor3d_position(C, mval, false, basen->object->loc);
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
void OBJECT_OT_add_named(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Add Object";
ot->description = "Add named object";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_add_named";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = object_add_drop_xy_generic_invoke;
ot->exec = object_add_named_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode_poll_msg;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
PropertyRNA *prop;
"Duplicate object but not object data, linking to the original data");
WM_operator_properties_id_lookup(ot, true);
prop = RNA_def_float_matrix(
ot->srna, "matrix", 4, 4, nullptr, 0.0f, 0.0f, "Matrix", "", 0.0f, 0.0f);
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
Drag and drop 2.5 integration! Finally, slashdot regulars can use Blender too now! :) ** Drag works as follows: - drag-able items are defined by the standard interface ui toolkit - each button can get this feature, via uiButSetDragXXX(but, ...). There are calls to define drag-able images, ID blocks, RNA paths, file paths, and so on. By default you drag an icon, exceptionally an ImBuf - Drag items are registered centrally in the WM, it allows more drag items simultaneous too, but not implemented ** Drop works as follows: - On mouse release, and if drag items exist in the WM, it converts the mouse event to an EVT_DROP type. This event then gets the full drag info as customdata - drop regions are defined with WM_dropbox_add(), similar to keymaps you can make a "drop map" this way, which become 'drop map handlers' in the queues. - next to that the UI kit handles some common button types (like accepting ID or names) to be catching a drop event too. - Every "drop box" has two callbacks: - poll() = check if the event drag data is relevant for this box - copy() = fill in custom properties in the dropbox to initialize an operator - The dropbox handler then calls its standard Operator with its dropbox properties. ** Currently implemented Drag items: - ID icons in browse buttons - ID icons in context menu of properties region - ID icons in outliner and rna viewer - FileBrowser icons - FileBrowser preview images Drag-able icons are subtly visualized by making them brighter a bit on mouse-over. In case the icon is a button or UI element too (most cases), the drag-able feature will make the item react to mouse-release instead of mouse-press. Drop options: - UI buttons: ID and text buttons (paste name) - View3d: Object ID drop copies object - View3d: Material ID drop assigns to object under cursor - View3d: Image ID drop assigns to object UV texture under cursor - Sequencer: Path drop will add either Image or Movie strip - Image window: Path drop will open image ** Drag and drop Notes: - Dropping into another Blender window (from same application) works too. I've added code that passes on mousemoves and clicks to other windows, without activating them though. This does make using multi-window Blender a bit friendler. - Dropping a file path to an image, is not the same as dropping an Image ID... keep this in mind. Sequencer for example wants paths to be dropped, textures in 3d window wants an Image ID. - Although drop boxes could be defined via Python, I suggest they're part of the UI and editor design (= how we want an editor to work), and not default offered configurable like keymaps. - At the moment only one item can be dragged at a time. This is for several reasons.... For one, Blender doesn't have a well defined uniform way to define "what is selected" (files, outliner items, etc). Secondly there's potential conflicts on what todo when you drop mixed drag sets on spots. All undefined stuff... nice for later. - Example to bypass the above: a collection of images that form a strip, should be represented in filewindow as a single sequence anyway. This then will fit well and gets handled neatly by design. - Another option to check is to allow multiple options per drop... it could show the operator as a sort of menu, allowing arrow or scrollwheel to choose. For time being I'd prefer to try to design a singular drop though, just offer only one drop action per data type on given spots. - What does work already, but a tad slow, is to use a function that detects an object (type) under cursor, so a drag item's option can be further refined (like drop object on object = parent). (disabled) ** More notes - Added saving for Region layouts (like split points for toolbar) - Label buttons now handle mouse over - File list: added full path entry for drop feature. - Filesel bugfix: wm_operator_exec() got called there and fully handled, while WM event code tried same. Added new OPERATOR_HANDLED flag for this. Maybe python needs it too? - Cocoa: added window move event, so multi-win setups work OK (didnt save). - Interface_handlers.c: removed win->active - Severe area copy bug: area handlers were not set to NULL - Filesel bugfix: next/prev folder list was not copied on area copies ** Leftover todos - Cocoa windows seem to hang on cases still... needs check - Cocoa 'draw overlap' swap doesn't work - Cocoa window loses focus permanently on using Spotlight (for these reasons, makefile building has Carbon as default atm) - ListView templates in UI cannot become dragged yet, needs review... it consists of two overlapping UI elements, preventing handling icon clicks. - There's already Ghost library code to handle dropping from OS into Blender window. I've noticed this code is unfinished for Macs, but seems to be complete for Windows. Needs test... currently, an external drop event will print in console when succesfully delivered to Blender's WM.
2010-01-26 19:18:21 +01:00
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Transform Object to Mouse Operator
* \{ */
* Alternate behavior for dropping an asset that positions the appended object(s).
static int object_transform_to_mouse_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
const Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
Object *ob = reinterpret_cast<Object *>(
WM_operator_properties_id_lookup_from_name_or_session_uuid(bmain, op->ptr, ID_OB));
if (!ob) {
ViewLayer: Lazy sync of scene data. When a change happens which invalidates view layers the syncing will be postponed until the first usage. This will improve importing or adding many objects in a single operation/script. `BKE_view_layer_need_resync_tag` is used to tag the view layer to be out of sync. Before accessing `BKE_view_layer_active_base_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_object_get`, `BKE_view_layer_active_collection` or `BKE_view_layer_object_bases` the caller should call `BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure`. Having two functions ensures that partial syncing could be added as smaller patches in the future. Tagging a view layer out of sync could be replaced with a partial sync. Eventually the number of full resyncs could be reduced. After all tagging has been replaced with partial syncs the ensure_sync could be phased out. This patch has been added to discuss the details and consequences of the current approach. For clarity the call to BKE_view_layer_ensure_sync is placed close to the getters. In the future this could be placed in more strategical places to reduce the number of calls or improve performance. Finding those strategical places isn't that clear. When multiple operations are grouped in a single script you might want to always check for resync. Some areas found that can be improved. This list isn't complete. These areas aren't addressed by this patch as these changes would be hard to detect to the reviewer. The idea is to add changes to these areas as a separate patch. It might be that the initial commit would reduce performance compared to master, but will be fixed by the additional patches. **Object duplication** During object duplication the syncing is temporarily disabled. With this patch this isn't useful as when disabled the view_layer is accessed to locate bases. This can be improved by first locating the source bases, then duplicate and sync and locate the new bases. Will be solved in a separate patch for clarity reasons ({D15886}). **Object add** `BKE_object_add` not only adds a new object, but also selects and activates the new base. This requires the view_layer to be resynced. Some callers reverse the selection and activation (See `get_new_constraint_target`). We should make the selection and activation optional. This would make it possible to add multiple objects without having to resync per object. **Postpone Activate Base** Setting the basact is done in many locations. They follow a rule as after an action find the base and set the basact. Finding the base could require a resync. The idea is to store in the view_layer the object which base will be set in the basact during the next sync, reducing the times resyncing needs to happen. Reviewed By: mont29 Maniphest Tasks: T73411 Differential Revision:
2022-09-14 21:33:51 +02:00
BKE_view_layer_synced_ensure(scene, view_layer);
ob = BKE_view_layer_active_object_get(view_layer);
if (ob == nullptr) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Object not found");
/* Don't transform a linked object. There's just nothing to do here in this case, so return
if (!BKE_id_is_editable(bmain, &ob->id)) {
/* Ensure the locations are updated so snap reads the evaluated active location. */
PropertyRNA *prop_matrix = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "matrix");
if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop_matrix)) {
ObjectsInViewLayerParams params = {0};
uint objects_len;
Object **objects = BKE_view_layer_array_selected_objects_params(
view_layer, nullptr, &objects_len, &params);
float matrix[4][4];
RNA_property_float_get_array(op->ptr, prop_matrix, &matrix[0][0]);
float mat_src_unit[4][4];
float mat_dst_unit[4][4];
float final_delta[4][4];
normalize_m4_m4(mat_src_unit, ob->object_to_world);
normalize_m4_m4(mat_dst_unit, matrix);
mul_m4_m4m4(final_delta, mat_dst_unit, mat_src_unit);
ED_object_xform_array_m4(objects, objects_len, final_delta);
else if (CTX_wm_region_view3d(C)) {
int mval[2];
if (object_add_drop_xy_get(C, op, &mval)) {
float cursor[3];
ED_object_location_from_view(C, cursor);
ED_view3d_cursor3d_position(C, mval, false, cursor);
/* Use the active objects location since this is the ID which the user selected to drop.
* This transforms all selected objects, so that dropping a single object which links in
* other objects will have their relative transformation preserved.
* For example a child/parent relationship or other objects used with a boolean modifier.
* The caller is responsible for ensuring the selection state gives useful results.
* Link/append does this using #FILE_AUTOSELECT. */
ED_view3d_snap_selected_to_location(C, cursor, V3D_AROUND_ACTIVE);
void OBJECT_OT_transform_to_mouse(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Place Object Under Mouse";
ot->description = "Snap selected item(s) to the mouse location";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_transform_to_mouse";
/* api callbacks */
ot->invoke = object_add_drop_xy_generic_invoke;
ot->exec = object_transform_to_mouse_exec;
ot->poll = ED_operator_objectmode_poll_msg;
/* flags */
PropertyRNA *prop;
prop = RNA_def_string(
"Object name to place (uses the active object when this and 'session_uuid' are unset)");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_SKIP_SAVE | PROP_HIDDEN));
prop = RNA_def_int(ot->srna,
"Session UUID",
"Session UUID of the object to place (uses the active object when this and "
"'name' are unset)",
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_SKIP_SAVE | PROP_HIDDEN));
prop = RNA_def_float_matrix(
ot->srna, "matrix", 4, 4, nullptr, 0.0f, 0.0f, "Matrix", "", 0.0f, 0.0f);
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, (PropertyFlag)(PROP_HIDDEN | PROP_SKIP_SAVE));
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Join Object Operator
* \{ */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static bool object_join_poll(bContext *C)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (ob == nullptr || ob->data == nullptr || ID_IS_LINKED(ob) || ID_IS_OVERRIDE_LIBRARY(ob) ||
return false;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
return true;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
return false;
static int object_join_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_EDIT) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "This data does not support joining in edit mode");
if (BKE_object_obdata_is_libdata(ob)) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot edit external library data");
if (!BKE_lib_override_library_id_is_user_deletable(bmain, &ob->id)) {
"Cannot edit object '%s' as it is used by override collections",
ob-> + 2);
if (ob->type == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
bGPdata *gpd = (bGPdata *)ob->data;
if ((!gpd) || GPENCIL_ANY_MODE(gpd)) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "This data does not support joining in this mode");
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
ret = ED_mesh_join_objects_exec(C, op);
else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVES_LEGACY, OB_SURF)) {
ret = ED_curve_join_objects_exec(C, op);
else if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) {
ret = ED_armature_join_objects_exec(C, op);
else if (ob->type == OB_GPENCIL_LEGACY) {
ret = ED_gpencil_join_objects_exec(C, op);
/* Even though internally failure to invert is accounted for with a fallback,
* show a warning since the result may not be what the user expects. See #80077.
* Failure to invert the matrix is typically caused by zero scaled axes
* (which can be caused by constraints, even if the input scale isn't zero).
* Internally the join functions use #invert_m4_m4_safe_ortho which creates
* an inevitable matrix from one that has one or more degenerate axes.
* In most cases we don't worry about special handling for non-inevitable matrices however for
* joining objects there may be flat 2D objects where it's not obvious the scale is zero.
* In this case, using #invert_m4_m4_safe_ortho works as well as we can expect,
* joining the contents, flattening on the axis that's zero scaled.
* If the zero scale is removed, the data on this axis remains un-scaled
* (something that wouldn't work for #invert_m4_m4_safe). */
float imat_test[4][4];
if (!invert_m4_m4(imat_test, ob->object_to_world)) {
"Active object final transform has one or more zero scaled axes");
return ret;
void OBJECT_OT_join(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Join";
ot->description = "Join selected objects into active object";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_join";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = object_join_exec;
ot->poll = object_join_poll;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Join as Shape Key Operator
* \{ */
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
static bool join_shapes_poll(bContext *C)
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (ob == nullptr || ob->data == nullptr || ID_IS_LINKED(ob) || ID_IS_OVERRIDE_LIBRARY(ob) ||
return false;
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* only meshes supported at the moment */
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
return ED_operator_screenactive(C);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
return false;
static int join_shapes_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_EDIT) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "This data does not support joining in edit mode");
if (BKE_object_obdata_is_libdata(ob)) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot edit external library data");
if (!BKE_lib_override_library_id_is_user_deletable(bmain, &ob->id)) {
"Cannot edit object '%s' as it is used by override collections",
ob-> + 2);
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
return ED_mesh_shapes_join_objects_exec(C, op);
2019-04-22 01:19:45 +02:00
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
void OBJECT_OT_join_shapes(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Join as Shapes";
ot->description = "Copy the current resulting shape of another selected object to this one";
ot->idname = "OBJECT_OT_join_shapes";
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec = join_shapes_exec;
ot->poll = join_shapes_poll;
2012-10-05 09:05:52 +02:00
/* flags */
2012-04-28 17:42:27 +02:00
/** \} */