
442 lines
12 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This is an extract from NanoVDB.h, with minimal code needed for kernel side access to grids. The
* original headers are not compatible with Metal due to missing address space qualifiers. */
#pragma once
namespace nanovdb {
/* Utilities */
template<typename DstT, typename SrcT>
ccl_device ccl_global const DstT *PtrAdd(ccl_global const SrcT *p, int64_t offset)
return reinterpret_cast<ccl_global const DstT *>(reinterpret_cast<ccl_global const char *>(p) +
/* Coord */
struct Coord {
int x, y, z;
ccl_device_inline_method explicit Coord(int32_t n) : x(n), y(n), z(n) {}
ccl_device_inline_method Coord(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {}
ccl_device_inline_method Coord operator&(int32_t n) const
return Coord(x & n, y & n, z & n);
/* Mask */
template<uint32_t LOG2DIM> struct Mask {
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t SIZE = 1U << (3 * LOG2DIM);
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t WORD_COUNT = SIZE >> 6;
uint64_t mWords[WORD_COUNT];
ccl_device_inline_method bool isOff(uint32_t n) const ccl_global
return 0 == (mWords[n >> 6] & (uint64_t(1) << (n & 63)));
/* Grid */
template<typename TreeT> struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) Grid {
ccl_static_constexpr int MaxNameSize = 256;
uint64_t mMagic;
uint64_t mChecksum;
uint32_t mVersion;
uint32_t mFlags;
uint32_t mGridIndex;
uint32_t mGridCount;
uint64_t mGridSize;
char mGridName[MaxNameSize];
uint8_t mMap[264];
uint8_t mWorldBBox[48]; // double[6], but no doubles in Metal
uint8_t mVoxelSize[24]; // double[3], but no doubles in Metal
uint32_t mGridClass;
uint32_t mGridType;
uint32_t mData0;
uint64_t mData1, mData2;
using BuildType = typename TreeT::BuildType;
ccl_device_inline_method ccl_global const TreeT &tree() const ccl_global
return *reinterpret_cast<ccl_global const TreeT *>(this + 1);
/* Tree */
template<typename RootT> struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) Tree {
int64_t mNodeOffset[4];
uint32_t mNodeCount[3];
uint32_t mTileCount[3];
uint64_t mVoxelCount;
using ValueType = typename RootT::ValueType;
using BuildType = typename RootT::BuildType;
ccl_device_inline_method ccl_global const RootT &root() const ccl_global
return *reinterpret_cast<ccl_global const RootT *>(
mNodeOffset[3] ? PtrAdd<uint8_t>(this, mNodeOffset[3]) : nullptr);
/* RootNode */
template<typename ChildT> struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) RootNode {
using ValueType = typename ChildT::ValueType;
using BuildType = typename ChildT::BuildType;
using KeyT = uint64_t;
ccl_device_inline_method static uint64_t CoordToKey(const Coord ijk)
return (uint64_t(uint32_t(ijk.z) >> ChildT::TOTAL)) |
(uint64_t(uint32_t(ijk.y) >> ChildT::TOTAL) << 21) |
(uint64_t(uint32_t(ijk.x) >> ChildT::TOTAL) << 42);
using KeyT = Coord;
ccl_device_inline_method static Coord CoordToKey(const CoordT ijk)
return ijk & ~ChildT::MASK;
Coord mBBox[2];
uint32_t mTableSize;
ValueType mBackground;
ValueType mMinimum;
ValueType mMaximum;
float mAverage;
float mStdDevi;
struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) Tile {
KeyT key;
int64_t child;
uint32_t state;
ValueType value;
ccl_device_inline_method ccl_global const Tile *probeTile(const Coord ijk) const ccl_global
const auto key = CoordToKey(ijk);
ccl_global const Tile *p = reinterpret_cast<ccl_global const Tile *>(this + 1);
ccl_global const Tile *q = p + mTableSize;
for (; p < q; ++p) {
if (p->key == key) {
return p;
return nullptr;
ccl_device_inline_method ccl_global const ChildT *getChild(ccl_global const Tile *tile) const
return PtrAdd<ChildT>(this, tile->child);
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t LEVEL = 1 + ChildT::LEVEL;
/* InternalNode */
template<typename ChildT, uint32_t Log2Dim = ChildT::LOG2DIM + 1>
struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) InternalNode {
using ValueType = typename ChildT::ValueType;
using BuildType = typename ChildT::BuildType;
union Tile {
ValueType value;
int64_t child;
Coord mBBox[2];
uint64_t mFlags;
Mask<Log2Dim> mValueMask;
Mask<Log2Dim> mChildMask;
ValueType mMinimum;
ValueType mMaximum;
float mAverage;
float mStdDevi;
alignas(32) Tile mTable[1u << (3 * Log2Dim)];
ccl_device_inline_method ccl_global const ChildT *getChild(uint32_t n) const ccl_global
return PtrAdd<ChildT>(this, mTable[n].child);
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t LOG2DIM = Log2Dim;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t TOTAL = LOG2DIM + ChildT::TOTAL;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t DIM = 1u << TOTAL;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t SIZE = 1u << (3 * LOG2DIM);
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t MASK = (1u << TOTAL) - 1u;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t LEVEL = 1 + ChildT::LEVEL;
ccl_device_inline_method static uint32_t CoordToOffset(const Coord ijk)
return (((ijk.x & MASK) >> ChildT::TOTAL) << (2 * LOG2DIM)) |
(((ijk.y & MASK) >> ChildT::TOTAL) << (LOG2DIM)) | ((ijk.z & MASK) >> ChildT::TOTAL);
/* LeafData */
template<typename ValueT, uint32_t LOG2DIM> struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) LeafData {
using ValueType = ValueT;
using BuildType = ValueT;
Coord mBBoxMin;
uint8_t mBBoxDif[3];
uint8_t mFlags;
Mask<LOG2DIM> mValueMask;
ValueType mMinimum;
ValueType mMaximum;
float mAverage;
float mStdDevi;
alignas(32) ValueType mValues[1u << 3 * LOG2DIM];
ccl_device_inline_method ValueType getValue(uint32_t i) const ccl_global
return mValues[i];
/* LeafFnBase */
template<uint32_t LOG2DIM> struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) LeafFnBase {
Coord mBBoxMin;
uint8_t mBBoxDif[3];
uint8_t mFlags;
Mask<LOG2DIM> mValueMask;
float mMinimum;
float mQuantum;
uint16_t mMin, mMax, mAvg, mDev;
/* LeafData<Fp16> */
class Fp16 {
template<uint32_t LOG2DIM> struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) LeafData<Fp16, LOG2DIM> {
using ValueType = float;
using BuildType = Fp16;
LeafFnBase<LOG2DIM> base;
alignas(32) uint16_t mCode[1u << 3 * LOG2DIM];
ccl_device_inline_method float getValue(uint32_t i) const ccl_global
return mCode[i] * base.mQuantum + base.mMinimum;
/* LeafData<FpN> */
class FpN {
template<uint32_t LOG2DIM> struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) LeafData<FpN, LOG2DIM> {
using ValueType = float;
using BuildType = FpN;
LeafFnBase<LOG2DIM> base;
ccl_device_inline_method float getValue(uint32_t i) const ccl_global
const int b = base.mFlags >> 5;
uint32_t code = reinterpret_cast<ccl_global const uint32_t *>(this + 1)[i >> (5 - b)];
code >>= (i & ((32 >> b) - 1)) << b;
code &= (1 << (1 << b)) - 1;
return float(code) * base.mQuantum + base.mMinimum;
/* LeafNode */
template<typename BuildT, uint32_t Log2Dim = 3> struct alignas(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) LeafNode {
using DataType = LeafData<BuildT, Log2Dim>;
using ValueType = typename DataType::ValueType;
using BuildType = typename DataType::BuildType;
DataType data;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t LOG2DIM = Log2Dim;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t TOTAL = LOG2DIM;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t DIM = 1u << TOTAL;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t SIZE = 1u << 3 * LOG2DIM;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t MASK = (1u << LOG2DIM) - 1u;
ccl_static_constexpr uint32_t LEVEL = 0;
ccl_device_inline_method static uint32_t CoordToOffset(const Coord ijk)
return ((ijk.x & MASK) << (2 * LOG2DIM)) | ((ijk.y & MASK) << LOG2DIM) | (ijk.z & MASK);
ccl_device_inline_method ValueType getValue(uint32_t offset) const ccl_global
return data.getValue(offset);
ccl_device_inline_method ValueType getValue(const Coord ijk) const ccl_global
return getValue(CoordToOffset(ijk));
/* Template Specializations */
template<typename BuildT> using NanoLeaf = LeafNode<BuildT, 3>;
template<typename BuildT> using NanoLower = InternalNode<NanoLeaf<BuildT>, 4>;
template<typename BuildT> using NanoUpper = InternalNode<NanoLower<BuildT>, 5>;
template<typename BuildT> using NanoRoot = RootNode<NanoUpper<BuildT>>;
template<typename BuildT> using NanoTree = Tree<NanoRoot<BuildT>>;
template<typename BuildT> using NanoGrid = Grid<NanoTree<BuildT>>;
/* ReadAccessor */
template<typename BuildT> class ReadAccessor {
using RootT = NanoRoot<BuildT>;
using LeafT = NanoLeaf<BuildT>;
mutable ccl_global const RootT *mRoot;
using ValueType = typename RootT::ValueType;
ccl_device_inline_method ReadAccessor(ccl_global const RootT &root) : mRoot(&root) {}
ccl_device_inline_method ValueType getValue(const Coord ijk) const
ccl_global const auto *tile = mRoot->probeTile(ijk);
if (tile == nullptr) {
return mRoot->mBackground;
if (tile->child == 0) {
return tile->value;
ccl_global const auto *upper = mRoot->getChild(tile);
const uint32_t upper_n = upper->CoordToOffset(ijk);
if (upper->mChildMask.isOff(upper_n)) {
return upper->mTable[upper_n].value;
ccl_global const auto *lower = upper->getChild(upper_n);
const uint32_t lower_n = lower->CoordToOffset(ijk);
if (lower->mChildMask.isOff(lower_n)) {
return lower->mTable[lower_n].value;
ccl_global const LeafT *leaf = lower->getChild(lower_n);
return leaf->getValue(ijk);
template<typename BuildT> class CachedReadAccessor {
using RootT = NanoRoot<BuildT>;
using UpperT = NanoUpper<BuildT>;
using LowerT = NanoLower<BuildT>;
using LeafT = NanoLeaf<BuildT>;
mutable Coord mKeys[3];
mutable ccl_global const RootT *mRoot;
mutable ccl_global const void *mNode[3];
using ValueType = typename RootT::ValueType;
ccl_device_inline_method CachedReadAccessor(ccl_global const RootT &root)
: mKeys{Coord(INT_MAX), Coord(INT_MAX), Coord(INT_MAX)},
mNode{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
template<typename NodeT> ccl_device_inline_method bool isCached(const Coord ijk) const
return (ijk.x & int32_t(~NodeT::MASK)) == mKeys[NodeT::LEVEL].x &&
(ijk.y & int32_t(~NodeT::MASK)) == mKeys[NodeT::LEVEL].y &&
(ijk.z & int32_t(~NodeT::MASK)) == mKeys[NodeT::LEVEL].z;
ccl_device_inline_method ValueType getValueAndCache(ccl_global const RootT &node,
const Coord ijk) const
if (ccl_global const auto *tile = node.probeTile(ijk)) {
if (tile->child != 0) {
ccl_global const auto *child = node.getChild(tile);
insert(ijk, child);
return getValueAndCache(*child, ijk);
return tile->value;
return node.mBackground;
ccl_device_inline_method ValueType getValueAndCache(ccl_global const LeafT &node,
const Coord ijk) const
return node.getValue(ijk);
template<typename NodeT>
ccl_device_inline_method ValueType getValueAndCache(ccl_global const NodeT &node,
const Coord ijk) const
const uint32_t n = node.CoordToOffset(ijk);
if (node.mChildMask.isOff(n)) {
return node.mTable[n].value;
ccl_global const auto *child = node.getChild(n);
insert(ijk, child);
return getValueAndCache(*child, ijk);
ccl_device_inline_method ValueType getValue(const Coord ijk) const
if (isCached<LeafT>(ijk)) {
return getValueAndCache(*((ccl_global const LeafT *)mNode[0]), ijk);
else if (isCached<LowerT>(ijk)) {
return getValueAndCache(*((ccl_global const LowerT *)mNode[1]), ijk);
else if (isCached<UpperT>(ijk)) {
return getValueAndCache(*((ccl_global const UpperT *)mNode[2]), ijk);
return getValueAndCache(*mRoot, ijk);
template<typename NodeT>
ccl_device_inline_method void insert(const Coord ijk, ccl_global const NodeT *node) const
mKeys[NodeT::LEVEL] = ijk & ~NodeT::MASK;
mNode[NodeT::LEVEL] = node;
} // namespace nanovdb