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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* A #blender::Any is a type-safe container for single values of any copy constructible type.
* It is similar to #std::any but provides the following two additional features:
* - Adjustable inline buffer capacity and alignment. #std::any has a small inline buffer in most
* implementations as well, but its size is not guaranteed.
* - Can store additional user-defined type information without increasing the stack size of #Any.
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "BLI_memory_utils.hh"
namespace blender {
namespace detail {
* Contains function pointers that manage the memory in an #Any.
* Additional type specific #ExtraInfo can be embedded here as well.
template<typename ExtraInfo> struct AnyTypeInfo {
/* The pointers are allowed to be null, which means that the implementation is trivial. */
void (*copy_construct)(void *dst, const void *src);
void (*move_construct)(void *dst, void *src);
void (*destruct)(void *src);
const void *(*get)(const void *src);
ExtraInfo extra_info;
* Used when #T is stored directly in the inline buffer of the #Any.
template<typename ExtraInfo, typename T>
inline constexpr AnyTypeInfo<ExtraInfo> info_for_inline = {
is_trivially_copy_constructible_extended_v<T> ?
nullptr :
+[](void *dst, const void *src) { new (dst) T(*static_cast<const T *>(src)); },
is_trivially_move_constructible_extended_v<T> ?
nullptr :
+[](void *dst, void *src) { new (dst) T(std::move(*static_cast<T *>(src))); },
is_trivially_destructible_extended_v<T> ?
nullptr :
+[](void *src) { std::destroy_at((static_cast<T *>(src))); },
ExtraInfo::template get<T>()};
* Used when #T can't be stored directly in the inline buffer and is stored in a #std::unique_ptr
* instead. In this scenario, the #std::unique_ptr is stored in the inline buffer.
template<typename T> using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<T>;
template<typename ExtraInfo, typename T>
inline constexpr AnyTypeInfo<ExtraInfo> info_for_unique_ptr = {
[](void *dst, const void *src) { new (dst) Ptr<T>(new T(**(const Ptr<T> *)src)); },
[](void *dst, void *src) { new (dst) Ptr<T>(new T(std::move(**(Ptr<T> *)src))); },
[](void *src) { std::destroy_at((Ptr<T> *)src); },
[](const void *src) -> const void * { return &**(const Ptr<T> *)src; },
ExtraInfo::template get<T>()};
* Dummy extra info that is used when no additional type information should be stored in the #Any.
struct NoExtraInfo {
template<typename T> static constexpr NoExtraInfo get()
return {};
} // namespace detail
* Either void or a struct that contains data members for additional type information.
* The struct has to have a static `ExtraInfo get<T>()` method that initializes the struct
* based on a type.
typename ExtraInfo = void,
* Size of the inline buffer. This allows types that are small enough to be stored directly
* inside the #Any without an additional allocation.
size_t InlineBufferCapacity = 8,
* Required minimum alignment of the inline buffer. If this is smaller than the alignment
* requirement of a used type, a separate allocation is necessary.
size_t Alignment = 8>
class Any {
/* Makes it possible to use void in the template parameters. */
using RealExtraInfo =
std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<ExtraInfo>, blender::detail::NoExtraInfo, ExtraInfo>;
using Info = blender::detail::AnyTypeInfo<RealExtraInfo>;
static constexpr size_t RealInlineBufferCapacity = std::max(InlineBufferCapacity,
* Inline buffer that either contains nothing, the stored value directly, or a #std::unique_ptr
* to the value.
AlignedBuffer<RealInlineBufferCapacity, Alignment> buffer_{};
* Information about the type that is currently stored.
* This is null when the #Any does not contain a value.
const Info *info_ = nullptr;
/** Only copy constructible types can be stored in #Any. */
template<typename T> static constexpr inline bool is_allowed_v = std::is_copy_constructible_v<T>;
* Checks if the type will be stored in the inline buffer or if it requires a separate
* allocation.
template<typename T>
static constexpr inline bool is_inline_v = std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T> &&
sizeof(T) <= InlineBufferCapacity &&
alignof(T) <= Alignment;
* Checks if #T is the same type as this #Any, because in this case the behavior of e.g. the
* assignment operator is different.
template<typename T>
static constexpr inline bool is_same_any_v = std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, Any>;
template<typename T> const Info &get_info() const
using DecayT = std::decay_t<T>;
if constexpr (is_inline_v<DecayT>) {
return detail::template info_for_inline<RealExtraInfo, DecayT>;
else {
return detail::template info_for_unique_ptr<RealExtraInfo, DecayT>;
Any() = default;
Any(const Any &other) : info_(other.info_)
if (info_ != nullptr) {
if (info_->copy_construct != nullptr) {
info_->copy_construct(&buffer_, &other.buffer_);
else {
std::copy_n(static_cast<const std::byte *>(other.buffer_.ptr()),
static_cast<std::byte *>(buffer_.ptr()));
* \note The #other #Any will not be empty afterwards if it was not before. Just its value is in
* a moved-from state.
Any(Any &&other) noexcept : info_(other.info_)
if (info_ != nullptr) {
if (info_->move_construct != nullptr) {
info_->move_construct(&buffer_, &other.buffer_);
else {
std::copy_n(static_cast<const std::byte *>(other.buffer_.ptr()),
static_cast<std::byte *>(buffer_.ptr()));
* Constructs a new #Any that contains the given type #T from #args. The #std::in_place_type_t is
* used to disambiguate this and the copy/move constructors.
template<typename T, typename... Args> explicit Any(std::in_place_type_t<T>, Args &&...args)
* Constructs a new #Any that contains the given value.
template<typename T, BLI_ENABLE_IF((!is_same_any_v<T>))>
Any(T &&value) : Any(std::in_place_type<T>, std::forward<T>(value))
if (info_ != nullptr) {
if (info_->destruct != nullptr) {
* \note Only needed because the template below does not count as copy assignment operator.
Any &operator=(const Any &other)
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
new (this) Any(other);
return *this;
/** Assign any value to the #Any. */
template<typename T> Any &operator=(T &&other)
if constexpr (is_same_any_v<T>) {
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
new (this) Any(std::forward<T>(other));
return *this;
/** Destruct any existing value to make it empty. */
void reset()
if (info_ != nullptr) {
if (info_->destruct != nullptr) {
info_ = nullptr;
operator bool() const
return this->has_value();
bool has_value() const
return info_ != nullptr;
template<typename T, typename... Args> std::decay_t<T> &emplace(Args &&...args)
new (this) Any(std::in_place_type<T>, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return this->get<T>();
template<typename T, typename... Args> std::decay_t<T> &emplace_on_empty(Args &&...args)
using DecayT = std::decay_t<T>;
info_ = &this->template get_info<DecayT>();
if constexpr (is_inline_v<DecayT>) {
/* Construct the value directly in the inline buffer. */
DecayT *stored_value = new (&buffer_) DecayT(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return *stored_value;
else {
/* Construct the value in a new allocation and store a #std::unique_ptr to it in the inline
* buffer. */
std::unique_ptr<DecayT> *stored_value = new (&buffer_)
std::unique_ptr<DecayT>(new DecayT(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
return **stored_value;
* Like #emplace but does *not* actually construct the value. The caller is responsible for
* calling the constructor before the value is used.
template<typename T> void *allocate()
return this->allocate_on_empty<T>();
* Like #emplace_on_empty but does *not* actually construct the value. The caller is responsible
* for calling the constructor before the value is used.
template<typename T> void *allocate_on_empty()
info_ = &this->template get_info<T>();
if constexpr (is_inline_v<T>) {
return buffer_.ptr();
else {
/* Using raw allocation here. The caller is responsible for constructing the value. */
T *value = static_cast<T *>(::operator new(sizeof(T)));
new (&buffer_) std::unique_ptr<T>(value);
return value;
/** Return true when the value that is currently stored is a #T. */
template<typename T> bool is() const
return info_ == &this->template get_info<T>();
/** Get a pointer to the stored value. */
void *get()
BLI_assert(info_ != nullptr);
if (info_->get != nullptr) {
return const_cast<void *>(info_->get(&buffer_));
return &buffer_;
/** Get a pointer to the stored value. */
const void *get() const
BLI_assert(info_ != nullptr);
if (info_->get != nullptr) {
return info_->get(&buffer_);
return &buffer_;
* Get a reference to the stored value. This invokes undefined behavior when #T does not have the
* correct type.
template<typename T> T &get()
/* Use const-cast to be able to reuse the const method above. */
return const_cast<T &>(const_cast<const Any *>(this)->get<T>());
* Get a reference to the stored value. This invokes undefined behavior when #T does not have the
* correct type.
template<typename T> const T &get() const
const void *buffer;
/* Can avoid the `info_->get == nullptr` check because the result is known statically. */
if constexpr (is_inline_v<T>) {
buffer = &buffer_;
else {
BLI_assert(info_->get != nullptr);
buffer = info_->get(&buffer_);
return *static_cast<const T *>(buffer);
* Get extra information that has been stored for the contained type.
const RealExtraInfo &extra_info() const
BLI_assert(info_ != nullptr);
return info_->extra_info;
} // namespace blender