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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <numeric>
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* This file implements different probing strategies. Those can be used by different hash table
* implementations like blender::Set and blender::Map. A probing strategy produces a sequence of
* values based on an initial hash value.
* A probing strategy has to implement the following methods:
* - Constructor(uint64_t hash): Start a new probing sequence based on the given hash.
* - get() const -> uint64_t: Get the current value in the sequence.
* - next() -> void: Update the internal state, so that the next value can be accessed with get().
* - linear_steps() -> int64_t: Returns number of linear probing steps that should be done.
* Using linear probing steps between larger jumps can result in better performance, due to
* improved cache usage. It's a way of getting the benefits or linear probing without the
* clustering issues. However, more linear steps can also make things slower when the initial hash
* produces many collisions.
* Every probing strategy has to guarantee that every possible uint64_t is returned eventually.
* This is necessary for correctness. If this is not the case, empty slots might not be found.
* The SLOT_PROBING_BEGIN and SLOT_PROBING_END macros can be used to implement a loop that iterates
* over a probing sequence.
* Probing strategies can be evaluated with many different criteria. Different use cases often
* have different optimal strategies. Examples:
* - If the hash function generates a well distributed initial hash value, the constructor should
* be as short as possible. This is because the hash value can be used as slot index almost
* immediately, without too many collisions. This is also a perfect use case for linear steps.
* - If the hash function is bad, it can help if the probing strategy remixes the hash value,
* before the first slot is accessed.
* - Different next() methods can remix the hash value in different ways. Depending on which bits
* of the hash value contain the most information, different rehashing strategies work best.
* - When the hash table is very small, having a trivial hash function and then doing linear
* probing might work best.
#include <limits>
#include "BLI_sys_types.h"
namespace blender {
* The simplest probing strategy. It's bad in most cases, because it produces clusters in the hash
* table, which result in many collisions. However, if the hash function is very good or the hash
* table is small, this strategy might even work best.
class LinearProbingStrategy {
uint64_t hash_;
LinearProbingStrategy(const uint64_t hash) : hash_(hash) {}
void next()
uint64_t get() const
return hash_;
int64_t linear_steps() const
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
* A slightly adapted quadratic probing strategy. The distance to the original slot increases
* quadratically. This method also leads to clustering. Another disadvantage is that not all bits
* of the original hash are used.
* The distance i * i is not used, because it does not guarantee, that every slot is hit.
* Instead (i * i + i) / 2 is used, which has this desired property.
* In the first few steps, this strategy can have good cache performance. It largely depends on how
* many keys fit into a cache line in the hash table.
class QuadraticProbingStrategy {
uint64_t original_hash_;
uint64_t current_hash_;
uint64_t iteration_;
QuadraticProbingStrategy(const uint64_t hash)
: original_hash_(hash), current_hash_(hash), iteration_(1)
void next()
current_hash_ = original_hash_ + ((iteration_ * iteration_ + iteration_) >> 1);
uint64_t get() const
return current_hash_;
int64_t linear_steps() const
return 1;
* This is the probing strategy used by CPython (in 2020).
* It is very fast when the original hash value is good. If there are collisions, more bits of the
* hash value are taken into account.
* LinearSteps: Can be set to something larger than 1 for improved cache performance in some cases.
* PreShuffle: When true, the initial call to next() will be done to the constructor. This can help
* when the hash function has put little information into the lower bits.
template<uint64_t LinearSteps = 1, bool PreShuffle = false> class PythonProbingStrategy {
uint64_t hash_;
uint64_t perturb_;
PythonProbingStrategy(const uint64_t hash) : hash_(hash), perturb_(hash)
if (PreShuffle) {
void next()
perturb_ >>= 5;
hash_ = 5 * hash_ + 1 + perturb_;
uint64_t get() const
return hash_;
int64_t linear_steps() const
return LinearSteps;
* Similar to the Python probing strategy. However, it does a bit more shuffling in the next()
* method. This way more bits are taken into account earlier. After a couple of collisions (that
* should happen rarely), it will fallback to a sequence that hits every slot.
template<uint64_t LinearSteps = 2, bool PreShuffle = false> class ShuffleProbingStrategy {
uint64_t hash_;
uint64_t perturb_;
ShuffleProbingStrategy(const uint64_t hash) : hash_(hash), perturb_(hash)
if (PreShuffle) {
void next()
if (perturb_ != 0) {
perturb_ >>= 10;
hash_ = ((hash_ >> 16) ^ hash_) * 0x45d9f3b + perturb_;
else {
hash_ = 5 * hash_ + 1;
uint64_t get() const
return hash_;
int64_t linear_steps() const
return LinearSteps;
* Having a specified default is convenient.
using DefaultProbingStrategy = PythonProbingStrategy<>;
/* Turning off clang format here, because otherwise it will mess up the alignment between the
* macros. */
// clang-format off
* Both macros together form a loop that iterates over slot indices in a hash table with a
* power-of-two size.
* You must not `break` out of this loop. Only `return` is permitted. If you don't return
* out of the loop, it will be an infinite loop. These loops should not be nested within the
* same function.
* PROBING_STRATEGY: Class describing the probing strategy.
* HASH: The initial hash as produced by a hash function.
* MASK: A bit mask such that (hash & MASK) is a valid slot index.
* R_SLOT_INDEX: Name of the variable that will contain the slot index.
PROBING_STRATEGY probing_strategy(HASH); \
do { \
int64_t linear_offset = 0; \
uint64_t current_hash = probing_strategy.get(); \
do { \
int64_t R_SLOT_INDEX = int64_t((current_hash + uint64_t(linear_offset)) & MASK);
#define SLOT_PROBING_END() \
} while (++linear_offset < probing_strategy.linear_steps()); \; \
} while (true)
// clang-format on
} // namespace blender